Dusan Vavic
Years ago

Official announcement Of All Star Weekend

Here is the official announcement of the All Star Weekend.

Spectrum Labels Festival of Basketball SA

The Basketball Association of South Australia, the Central Conference of the Australian Basketball league and the Hudson Maher Foundation are pleased to present the Spectrum Labels Festival of Basketball SA.

On the weekend of August 21st and 22nd 2004, Pasadena Sports Centre will showcase the best basketball talent in this State. Games held on Saturday 21st August will feature the winners of the ABL Central Conference Men's Competition and the Pura Milk Adelaide Sixers, as well as an ABL Women's All Star North versus South curtain raiser. Games times as scheduled for 6.30pm and 8.30pm.

Games held on Sunday 22nd August will feature the winners of the ABL Central Conference Women's Competition v Adelaide Quit Lightning, as well as ABL Men's All Star North versus South curtain-raiser. Games times as scheduled for 2.00pm and 4.00pm.

An Internet Poll hosted by adelaide36ers.com will select the starting 5 for the North and South All Star Teams. (This poll will be active from Monday 12th July 2004).

Tickets will be available through BASA, priced at $10.00 each for 16 years and over. 15 years and under will be a gold coin donation to the Hudson Maher Foundation.

Free car parking, Bar and Canteen facilities will be available with a percentage of the takings going towards supporting the winners of the Central Conference Grand Final to attend the National ABL Finals in Geelong the following weekend.

Come along and support a celebration of South Australian Basketball.

See you all on the weekend.


Topic #135 | Report this topic

Years ago

Dusan, a couple of questions I hope you might be able to answer..

Is it $10/day or $10 for both days?

Is there a limit to the number of tickets available?

Is it reserved or general admission (get there early enough to get a good seat)?

Reply #1019 | Report this post

Dusan Vavic  
Years ago

Tickets will be $10 per game, the door takings are going to a good cause.

Yes there will be a limited number of tickets. We are looking at a 1,000 people.

It will be general admission. First come, best dressed, first served.

Please keep your questions coming, I'm sure we might have missed out on something and any advice is happily taken


Reply #1024 | Report this post

Years ago

What's the go with volunteers for the matches? I'm sure there would be a few people who would like to help out on game days just to be involved. Do they contact Sturt or BASA?

Any thoughts on having the Sixer dancers at the games?

Reply #1028 | Report this post

Dusan Vavic  
Years ago

If there are people out there that want to volunteer, please email me, [email protected] and the committee will look at giving you a job.

As far as the sixer girls are concerned, we are working on the half time entertainment and when we have come up with something we'll notify everybody.


Reply #1035 | Report this post

Years ago

I play in the social competition at Pasadena on Sunday nights. I have a 5:30 game on the 22nd of August and have not been told that my game will not be played.

Has the stadium been hired or has this event just been organised without managements involvement?

Reply #1078 | Report this post

Dusan Vavic  
Years ago

Management are fully aware and in due time you will be,as well as others, notified that your game will be either cancelled or moved.
Stay tuned

Reply #1085 | Report this post

Years ago

Why couldn't the game have been scheduled an hour earlier to accomidate the stadium regulars? Why wasn't this considered or was it?

Reply #1101 | Report this post

Dusan Vavic  
Years ago

Yes it was considered, but since there will be stands on court 2 and even if we did start an hour earlier the stadium most probably wouldn't be in a fit state for social games to take place or the stands moved.
My apologise that you have been put out and I'm sure you look forward to your weekly game of basketball, but could you see your way clear to sacrifice it for this week, as I have stated before it is for a well deserving charity.
When it happens next year you will have much longer warning.

Reply #1103 | Report this post

Years ago

Don't get me wrong I'm all for the idea and is quite appealing to attend.

Even games that are scheduled later on in the night will have to be played around these stands (I'm presumming they would be put on court two)or a games going to be cancelled for the whole night? Surely that would be costly for BASA? I just dont understand why the first game couldnt have been scheduled for 1:15 or 1:30 like most ABA games have been this season and therefore accomodate everyone??

Reply #1104 | Report this post

mike man  
Years ago

dear player,
please get a grip with reality..no one gave one rats toss bag of a consideration for your crap social game when planning this event. no one cares that you miss one game. that may sound harsh, but it is the truth i am sure. this event will pull a considerable amount of money for a worthy cause.

Reply #1105 | Report this post

Years ago

Mike man - notice how I have not said anyhing about how the event isnt for a good cause or isnt a good idea...

The issue is when I spoke to management at Pasadena this week they had no idea that this event was infact happening in their stadium. Perhaps they should have been notified when the event was actually publicised?

Reply #1107 | Report this post

Years ago

Mike man -- please be reasonable with your tone. I don't think you'd talk like that to someone's face.

Everyone's here for one common purpose.

Reply #1108 | Report this post

Dusan Vavic  
Years ago

the reason know one knew about the event last week (or until I finally announced it) was because there were negotiations going on in trying to gain a naming sponsor for the weekend, therefore we couldn't announce because part of the sponsorship deal was to announce it with the sponsors name. No matter how hard you try to get negotiations done in a certain time span, it just don't work that way.

When the idea was first mooted on having this on that particular weekend, I specifically asked management if the social games (and not just yours) could be cancelled for that weekend. I was told they could. But management couldn't say anything to anyone as the weekend had to be passed by the Senior Committee and that didn't happen until the middle of June.

Yes, you are right, there is a long time span between ratification and you just finding out, but to make certain that the weekend would be viable and successful, many things had to be drawn together and people approached and gotten consent from. Please also remember that all this is being done by volunteers, all the organisers have day jobs, and it takes a lot of juggling to get things moving. Even Boti didn't know what was going on until he was told last Wednesday. We weren't try to keep it secret (look at previous posts) but to make it official, takes time.
All your suggestions were considered. Just a note, we are hoping to have four times the number of people there on Sunday than we have at a normal ABL game, therefor you would have had problems finding a parking place even if we would have started at the time you suggested....believe me I know, I was at the Sturt Arizona game.
Again my apologise

Reply #1114 | Report this post

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