Years ago

Facebook Message from Julius

Hi all, yesterday I recieved a personal message from Julius Hodge on Facebook after adding him as a friend (to see if that status was real). I replied and he gave me a pretty comprehensive account of how he thinks things went down. He said it would be alright if I shared it:

Julius Hodge November 9 at 6:44pm Report

i like the Jay-Z quote! i got sumthin for yall when i get up there.. fyi if it wasnt for Paul Bauer ill be a 36er still.. i luv the page tho keep it going.. God Bless baby its all in fun..and tell Cooper i said hi to Melanie

The group he is referring to is the one I started last week 'Julius Hodge, come back to the Dome with Melbourne... we dare ya.'

Sam, November 9 at 7:41pm

Jules, Jules, Jules, U gotta give me more than "it was Bauer" bro. Here is what 36ers fans know (or believe):

-You were a bad team man in 2008/9, missing trainings and acting like you were bigger than the team. As you saw, Coop used the word "cancer", he actually said you're not a bad guy, it's just the people around you that turned you into something else last year. (his wife's name's Melody btw).

-You wanted out of the team, whether you were paid on time or not. Wanted to play elsewhere.

-The 36ers made a habit of paying you EARLY, and this is why you thought it was late that month. When, according to your contract, it actually wasn't after the due date.

-You are up-yourself with an ego bigger than Kanye's. ie you think you're the best.

-When you didn't show up to the Wollongong game, you didn't even inform the club, or teammates of your decision, leaving them, and all us fans, wondering where the hell you were right up until tip-off. Not even a phone call?

-You thought you still had the right to use the club's facilities even after you walked-out on us.

-Now you're playing for the most hated team in the NBL, leaving everyone wondering how they fit you under the cap and meanwhile saying "Hi Adelaide I'm Back, fuckin wankers, lmao" on your facebook page.

I absolutely loved you when you were here Jules, you were adored by the whole town. So if you can explain how any of the above points are incorrect, please do. I would love to discover that you were not at fault whatsoever and you'd be just-about my favourite player again.

But you can understand why the whole of Adelaide hates you so much when this is what we've heard ^^^ This is all we know, it looks like you 'drank the poison' bro.

If you can tell me what on that list is wrong I'm sure everyone would be happy to change their opinion of you. You're a great player, no jumper, but the league needs more stars like you.

I know you probably don't even care what us people in Adelaide think anymore, but if you could take the time to explain to me what happened, why it is all Bauer's fault and whether I have said anything wrong up there, I'd appreciate it a lot... and maybe even boo you less on the 5th ;)



Julius Hodge November 10 at 6:49am Report

less boo's LOL.. and everyone will see the jumper improvements smart-ass..haha well you pretty much laid it out for me.. for starters i would very much enjoy the boo's and playing under that added dislike from the crowd( i actually feed off that energy and its suppose to be fun and to me thats fun! -honestly speaking) but i did indeed inform coach and my teammates of me not being paid in a timely manner and that sooner or later i will have to stop playing if Paul keeps lying about a payment being made(you know that to be true because before i sat out there was an article in the paper about me not being paid- so if the paper found out obviously it was from a teammate or someone in the office who did know of it.) thing was whether you have it or i have to wait..dont lie about it thats bad business(we now see that they indeed didnt have the $ from the way they had to pay the players this season).. ego?? maybe? actually yes..but on the basketball court only! if you dont feel inside like your the best player on the court then you shouldnt step foot on the court becaue you give your best and in oreder to the that you have to work the hardest!!! i always been taught that!! now skipping a few things for Cooper to say that is in bad taste to say the least.. my 1st year Cooper allowed me in his home for Christmas with his family and thats something i will never forget. so i will act as he didnt say those bad things about me.. and im sorry im a scorpio so everything i do is with passion and emotion and you cant tell me one time i didnt step on that court and give it my absolute all?? I missed one training because of a dentist appointment i let coach know before and was late to two practices(2-3mins late and thats the truth).. ask any of them how many times i was the 1st one in the gym and staying after and shooting and working on my game or taking creatine supplements and then lifting til i was sore or after games working out or on off days in the gym..and I WAS THE BEST PLAYER ON THE TEAM and dont get me wrong some guys work hard sometimes but me and eric burdon and Luke was easily the hardest workers! i pride myself on work ethic cuz without it im skillset alone cant outplay a duck i pride myself on working hard on court and being a good person off of it.. and yes Brett did hint me to the idea of sitting out because i wasnt the only player not getting full-pay and then afterwards he acted as if he was in total shock i finally didnt play.. no no one knew exactly when i would sit out but 2-3games in succession i was told my $ was on the way and i was being lied to and i told my teammates.. just be honest and yes I say Paul because he was the one telling me it was on the way when it really wasnt, no obviously he was being told this from someone else-to keep me in the loop- but i thought me and him were better then that but hey thats the business i guess.. i loved adelaide i didnt wanna leave! c'mon adelaide, aussie or Besancon,france(really is that even a decision longer then a second to decide????) no i didnt drink no poison lol (you a funny guy).. i loved the area and the fans most importantly. as for ninnis my mother always said if you dont have nothing good to say you shldnt say nothing at all! so with that said Coach Phil is "THE MAN"!! as for me being a Tiger..well the show must go on right?? and i was never paid early my payments were indeed late dont you drink the poison Sam..and i didnt ask to use the facilities i mentioned "im gonna miss working out in here" and Paul said "you wanna work out im going to find out and get back to you" so thats how that rumor got in the mill. but thats it..i hope thats everything..but it really is more important things going on so thats why i ignored the responses from adelaide fans early on..believe me having a good import leave the club early is nowhere near some of the horrible things that happen in the world make it simple the glass is half full.. ok im sounding like a inspirational speech right now later Sam and i miss you adelaide. check out my website coming soon..
p.s the haters gonna continue to hate anyway after this i know this but thats my take on it peace

So there are obviously still a lot of conflicting stories here, and I hope the kiddies no see the need for their English class at school. I gotta say this is the bit I have the most trouble believing:

"and yes Brett did hint me to the idea of sitting out because i wasnt the only player not getting full-pay and then afterwards he acted as if he was in total shock i finally didnt play"

But it was good of him to give me a decent response. I didn't see the need for a screenshot but if someone really needs it I can get it.


Topic #21560 | Report this topic

Years ago

Holy shizenhausen.

Reply #256713 | Report this post

Dr J  
Years ago

Ok then, so what happened to Harold Miner?

Reply #256717 | Report this post

Years ago

wow thats Brilliant Sam! Thanks for going to the lengths to get that insight for us! Also it was great to hear Julius respond!

Reply #256718 | Report this post

Years ago

WHo's Paul Bauer

Reply #256720 | Report this post

Years ago

What a complete and utter load of shit!

Reply #256721 | Report this post

Years ago

"obviously he was being told this from someone else"

groves and hemmerling? so why weren't they named instead of bauer copping it? bauer can only spend the money the boss makes available.

it's good that he made the time to talk about it though.

Reply #256722 | Report this post

Trust Me  
Years ago

Just shows how far from reality Julius is IMO
Maybe he should have not been listening to THE MAN when he was here last time and just got on with playing.
More to this story than even Julius is aware of, he ended up being the pawn in someone else's revenge.

Reply #256724 | Report this post

Years ago

Sam paragraphs are your friend. Please don't hate them by ignoring them.

Reply #256726 | Report this post

Years ago

I did use paragraphs. That was a direct quote (copy+paste) from Julius, I didn't want to edit that at all.

Thanks KJ.

Reply #256727 | Report this post

Years ago

Joe, I think the lack of paragraphs were Julius' doing.

Topics like this starting make me wish I got paid per post on this forum. Maybe I could sell a CliffsNotes summary of the post.

Reply #256728 | Report this post

Years ago

There are three sides to this story, the previous owners, Julius's, and somewhere in the middle and I guess we will never really know the full truth, but he was the only one that walked and left the team and fans high and dry and for that reason alone I'll be at the dome booing and chanting on the 5th.

Reply #256729 | Report this post

Years ago

He can still use them, it's not like he is paraphrasing.

We understand it’s a direct quote. With Julius lack of literacy skills and paragraphs, that was like reading someone year 8 assignment. how the hell did he get a college degree.

Reply #256730 | Report this post

Years ago

Joe M does it really matter how it is constructed? (It isn't a Harvard English assignment) or are you just trying to detract from what he is saying?

Reply #256732 | Report this post

Years ago

After reading that i'm not sure what i think. There's a lot of he said she said about the whole thing but at the end of the day for Brett Maher to publicly criticise Ulius he clearly wasn't the great guy he'd like to have us believe. Unfortunately i have plans the night of his return but if i was there i'd be booing as loudly as i did when Bradtke came back that first time.

Reply #256733 | Report this post

Years ago

at first i was thinking - dont go pasting someone's facebook posts.

Having read it all, my thoughts are that Hodge is a good player to have in the league he is going to add some interest and controversy - we need more of that.

Good on him for giving his side of the story.

Would be fair to say 36ers lied to him and perhaps Hodge could have done things differently. There are always people who encourage you to do things, but when the situation comes to the light of day they can back away from what they did. No doubt some of that occured.

Really though, it is all history, no real harm done, disagreements and miscommunication happen in everyone's lives on a regular basis, this one was just a litte more public.

Reply #256736 | Report this post

Years ago

Good work to garner a response Sam.

Reply #256739 | Report this post

Years ago

Always two sides to a story, I have no doubt that the previous "owner" had some fault in this mess.
Let's keep it simple, and remove all the "he said" and "you said"
Julius had to pay back money to the sixers before he was cleared.I would love to see his answer on how that come about, think about it!

Reply #256740 | Report this post

Years ago

What a crock - I know from first hand experience that he was over 20minutes late to more than one recovery session and multiple trainings.

Hodge is living in his own little reality.

Reply #256741 | Report this post

Years ago

Nothing to "Think about" Scoop it is an easy answer. Once he wasn't payed on time (according to him) they paid him the rest of the money for the whole season in advance. So all he was doing was paying back the money that he got as advance payments. Nothing sinister there which you are trying to imply

Reply #256743 | Report this post

Years ago

scoop, the club paid him in advance for the duration of the season to make up for the situation that had come up. That contributed to it, plus that it turned out the payments weren't actually late when the club realised they had been paying to the wrong schedule. Mistakes from both sides IMO - the club were lucky to get bailed out by the contract really.

Reply #256745 | Report this post

Years ago

The thing i got from this was Eze is the hardest working. That kid can definately ball and is just getting smarter on court. The sixers should have given him a go years ago and he would be someone now. It's not to late but can't see the sixers opening their eyes to this

Reply #256749 | Report this post

Years ago

lol if hes taking creatine during the season he is an IDIOT!!! talk about water bloating increasing the chance of muscle tears and increasing the amount of cramos you will have!!

Reply #256751 | Report this post

Years ago

Burdon has been given a fair go compared to most development players. Ninnis has said that he's very unlucky that the U23 rule exists or he would have a spot for him. As it is, he's up against Ng and Hill and both of those guys have made a pretty decent case for their inclusion. I'm a Burdon fan too, just not of the "fire everyone and give Eze a go. if you don't you're a hater" variety.

Reply #256753 | Report this post

Years ago

Jumper improvements... I'm calling his bluff there! If he couldn't shoot to save his life last year, after years of professional balling, why is he going to be able to shoot now?

Reply #256760 | Report this post

Years ago

Cheers Sam.

I'm still digesting the Maher portion of the text-block as well. Gotta say, I'd trust Brett's word ahead of pretty much anyone on the planet.

Eh. It's creating interest. Adelaide has some of the most passionate fans on the planet - I'd be more concerned if they didn't react at all.

Reply #256763 | Report this post

Years ago

Because Kiki taught him...

Reply #256764 | Report this post

Top call  
Years ago

Good work on getting his side of the story. Whatever the tit for tat over details, the fact is that poor management allowed Julius to leave.

Still a good/great pick up for Melbourne and with Groves playing below par, Adelaide are the only losers out of it all.

Doesnt matter who is right or wrong, the fact remains that the sixers are not a contender and Melbourne even after losing a stack of players in the off season are solid for post-season with Hodge on the team.

Reply #256766 | Report this post

Years ago

We still only won 50% of our games when Hodge played, so Im not to concerned that Melbourne have him. Individually he is talented, but for the team, does he make a massive difference, i doubt it.

Reply #256767 | Report this post

Years ago

Even if it sounds unlikely, let's give him the benefit of the doubt - if he comes over in December and is shooting three after three, we'll know he's added it to his game.

Top Call, good post. Personality, trainings and .500 W/L record aside, if the contract had been read and stuck to from the beginning, he'd probably have completed the season.

Reply #256770 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree with Top Call for those excellent points.

Skip Kevin Brooks win loss record was probably about 50% would you say his not a good player also? I think its funny people write Hodge off as not good because the "Team" won 50% of the time when he was here in LIMITED games. If you think the Tigers with Hodge will only win 50% of games from now on you will be in for a let down.

Reply #256772 | Report this post

Years ago

KJ - When did I say he wasnt a good player? I think I said the opposite.
What I'm saying is that both times he joined the team, our win/loss record practically remained the same.

Reply #256779 | Report this post

Years ago

The point being made is that while he brings a lot, he might also subtract a bit by altering team structure, defence, etc. Fair enough IMO.

The Tigers can only move up from bottom of the ladder. I just think he's a very strong personality to add to Worthington - might either be a triumph or fireworks. Great for the league either way!

Reply #256783 | Report this post

Years ago

Good to hear Julius's side, and its good he took the time to reply, what people believe is upto them, i personally beelieve somewhere in the middle of both sides and Hodge and the 36ers made mistakes,

anyway i think its time for everyone to move on and its great to have him back in the league i think SOS will be happy when he brings them a sell out when the tigers come to town, right or wrong on the saga Julius could flat out play and was the best player to watch! and if he does bring other issues SOS wont have to deal with them, so its win/win for them!

also i reckon KB's win/loss as a 36ers would have been well over .500 as he was only here 3 years won 2 titles and the third year lost the semi final to flopper lowery, not that it was all him he had some handy mates in Mee, Maher and Cat but he was a key player and yea that was probably close to the most successful era in 36ers hisory between 1998-2002, with most of the guys i mentioned playing in around 3 years in that time.

Reply #256784 | Report this post

Years ago

the reason we only won 50% of games is due to Ninnis coaching. Look at last years roster, what more do you want in order to win? I like Ninnis, great guy, just an average coach.

Reply #256786 | Report this post

Years ago

Every time I hear or read about the 'Lowery flopper' I really feel the need to go out and kick someone as hard as I can in the nuts.......

Reply #256790 | Report this post

Years ago

Jonno I was referring to Brooks's NBL career not just at Adelaide. I liked your other points this is great for the league and it will be great to watch that game against the Tigers!

Reply #256791 | Report this post

Years ago

Vanexel, the 50% record relates to both years Hodge was here or 12 out of his 21 games, just above 50% if you want to be pedantic. Ninnis wasn't here in year 1, who you going to blame for that?

Reply #256792 | Report this post

Years ago

Hey why don't you ask Brett if he was paid on time by Mal or if Mal messed with his money, he will tell you that himself??

Reply #256794 | Report this post

Years ago

this was not julius you bloody wankers IT WAS MELANIE GREEN! u guys are truely idiots!

Reply #256795 | Report this post

Years ago


please dont post rubbish. Thankyou.

Reply #256803 | Report this post

Years ago

texter, care to explain?

Reply #256806 | Report this post

Years ago

In Hodge's favour the Tigers can't do any worse by recruiting him. You can't go lower than bottom. Either Hodge will make no difference and they stay where they are, or they improve their position. Even if they improve their position, doesn't necessarily mean its the Hodge factor. If any movement on the ladder is made at all, it can only be up with or without Hodge. If Anstey returns, then there's a fair chance it will be Anstey that improves the team's position. Either way, the 36ers will have to bring their best game forward because they have already lost a home game to the Tigers while they were undermanned.

Reply #256810 | Report this post

Years ago

anon, my explanation is the 07-08 team was no where near as good as the roster we had last year. going 50% that season is a miracle, Shenscher was a big improvement on Mottram and Axel Dench. Going 50% in the time we had Hodge last season and for that fact the overall season was a joke. I could coach a team of Balls, Luke, Hodge, Maher, Bruce, Holmes, Davo, Hill and co. to better than a 50% record.

Reply #256813 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

That team looked like a championship team at home
lost 3 at home,won 3 away (hodge only 8 games)

Maher - DID say if you want to miss a game or training
because your not getting paid - that's fine.
Just let us know what you doing - whether you are coming or not.

Reply #256818 | Report this post

Years ago

WHAT A LOAD OF RUBBISH! JULIUS doesn't write like that! He doesn't have the mentality to even string together that form of a response. Who ever strung that together HAS WAAAAY TO MUCH TIME on their hands.

Brett doesn't have a malice bone in his body, there is no way Brett attempted to "bait" Julius, as the above moron is insinuating. Julius tied his own noose.

Julius was only in the weight rooms after games because he wanted to try to look "cut up" before going out and cheating on his fiancee every opportunity he got (A mutual friend of a friend of mine was with him...YUK!), and because some idiot was following him and documenting him with a camera, he was desperate to post his crap on his blog etc in hope to be seen and get another shot at the NBA.

I hope no one believes that came from Julius, please don't allow your intelligence to be insulted people. Julius is a waste of all this energy!

Reply #256819 | Report this post

Years ago

Its not Julius he said he didnt write it.

Reply #256821 | Report this post

Years ago

It's definitely not Julius. It more than likely came from Cecil Exum, or someone who looks a lot like him.

Reply #256822 | Report this post

Years ago

-'He doesn't have the mentality to even string together that form of a response.'

Give the guy a break, he majored in TV at NCSU.

Reply #256827 | Report this post

Years ago

"he ended up being the pawn in someone else's revenge".

Absolutely correct.

I think we all know who had a hand in Julius' situation when he was here...

Reply #256828 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

I think if Julius (or whoever) says white, people will say black. A no win situation

Reply #256830 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Jules spent most of the time with him in Adelaide.

(The Tigers wanted him there,also - )

Reply #256831 | Report this post

Years ago

Well all I can tell you guys is it was from Julius' facebook account.

Let me know if you want a screenshot.

Reply #256832 | Report this post

Years ago

"the sixers are not a contender".

I'd argue even the most jaded amongst us Sixer fans wouldn't be able to categorically agree with that.

And again, for the record, In Maher We Trust.

Reply #256833 | Report this post

Years ago

Sam he is not your friend on Facebook and he said he did not write it!!

Does anyone know why he is in trouble with the police??

Reply #256835 | Report this post

Years ago

Is it April 1 yet????

Reply #256836 | Report this post


Reply #256837 | Report this post

Years ago

"Does anyone know why he is in trouble with the police??"

My inside sources explained he was charged with the following -

1 charge of impersonating a shooter.
1 charge of corporate embezlement (sentence commuted when funds were eventually repaid).
1 charge of trespassing in a private gym facility.
3 charges of manslaughter (via poison).
Several charges of giving false witness statements (1 video, 1 via newspaper, numerous electronic).
Several charges of misleading authorities (allegedley promised a championship).
Apparently numerous charges of infedility if this thread counts as evidence (it's the internet - of course it counts).
And most grievous of all...

... taking Maher's name in vain. (Sixer commandments > law).

He was scheduled to appear in court recently, but failed to show. Or alert the judge. Or anyone.

Reply #256838 | Report this post

Years ago

Good stuff there Loco.

Reply #256841 | Report this post

Years ago

I please to aim.

Jokes (and blatant parochial bias) aside, it can only be good for the NBL - and that needs to be the bigger picture here, as much as I bleed Sixer Pura blue.

Or West End Red.

Wait, what year is it?

Reply #256842 | Report this post

Years ago

Classic Loco. But the first one wasn't as funny when I thought you were serious... then I went back and laughed my ass off haha.

Reply #256843 | Report this post

Years ago

I sent Isaac the photos, hope he doesn't mind putting them up, I'm still not sure how to post photos.

Not trying to make myself look like a bigshot or anything by posting this, but I'm not a liar. If you actually have been speaking to Julius, anon, then I'm not sure why he'd deny it unless it's someone on his account.

Reply #256844 | Report this post

Years ago

Sam, I'd say we all appreciate your efforts that were made in good faith.

No one is doubting you were being honest.

Reply #256845 | Report this post

Years ago

Hey Sam,

You could use something like and post the link here.

Reply #256856 | Report this post

Years ago

A said: "Give the guy a break, he majored in TV at NCSU."

That's a tough class. You don't just watch the tube ;)

Reply #256861 | Report this post

Years ago

Thanks hereschenes. Test:

Reply #256883 | Report this post

Years ago

Nope lol, I'm an idiot. Oh well.

Reply #256884 | Report this post

Years ago

Posted on Julius' account and certainly seemed real to me, but someone's just spoken to him and he's denying having written it. A strange turn of events. Who the hell would have access to his Facebook account and bother writing out all of that!?

Reply #256885 | Report this post

Years ago

Wait. Hodge is denying stuff?

Up is down.
Black is white.
Cats are living with dogs.
Mass hysteria.

Reply #256891 | Report this post

Years ago

Is it Hodge's face book account, are there a few imposter Hodge accounts?

Reply #256912 | Report this post

Years ago

Looked real to me.

Reply #256914 | Report this post

Years ago

Anyone can open a facebook account in any name they want all it takes is a hotmail address and most players will add anybody who requests a friendship because it is usually a fan. Some people I know have friend lists that look like a who's who of basketball but they have never met any of them.

Reply #256933 | Report this post

Years ago

WAS 100% Julius Hodge's page, that pic he has had up for as long as I can remember. id say his agent or/and the Tigers have said this is a no no, and for him to deny and distance himself from another idiotic situaion attached to his name.

Reply #256937 | Report this post

Years ago

Sounds about right anon, not that he said anything that controversial.

Looking at his friends list, it includes Mel Green, Luke Schenscher, Gilchrist, Bogut and it did include Burdon when I originally added him, along with the home-made picture of himself, so I'm pretty confident it was him.

Reply #256941 | Report this post

Years ago

So does this mean this thread will end up on "20 to 1": Biggest Dupes at #19 ?
#20 is Britney Spears in Perth, Lip Synching...
#1 is John Howards Children Overboard Farce
#2 is Alexander Downer or Anne Moran for Lord Mayor

Yeh YEh I know enough already.......

Reply #256974 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon '937, that'd be my guess. Too much knowledge of the situation from that perspective to have been falsified. Anyone inventing something would not have produced that. Occam's razor.

Reply #256983 | Report this post

Years ago

best post on Hoops SA since the original promotion/relegation thread.

Reply #257103 | Report this post

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