Years ago
Just how popular is basketball in Australia?
Ok we all know that the NBL is pretty much struggling (as much as I love the NBL) as is evident by average crowds (apart from Perth) and poor television ratings.
But how popular is the game of basketball in Australia?
I read somewhere that it is the 4th most participated sport in the country (behind AFL, Soccer, swimming) but is that number continuing to grow? Or has it stabilised? Or falling?
We all assume that when someone like Dante Exum gets drafted into the NBA or Patty Mills shines for a Championship team, it does miracles for basketball in Australia but is there any proof/ figures to back this up?
I know a lot of people have league pass but why can't we get a couple of games on a FTA station each week?
Are more kids picking up a basketball these days, then say, a decade ago?
I am curious to get feedback and perhaps even statistics on the above mentioned.