Years ago
NBL/Fox joint announcement tomorrow
Major NBL announcement tomorrow with Fox Sports #NBL16
Years ago
Major NBL announcement tomorrow with Fox Sports #NBL16
As I've been trying to tell you all, but no the trolls who know nothing would rather snipe.
Assuming meaning FOX will telecast NBL games?
If so, I wonder how many per week?
Good question. All games I've heard but not sure on "live"
Years ago
As I've been trying to tell you all, but no the trolls who know nothing would rather snipe.Many people have been saying the same thing. This is the first firmer sign of an actual announcement.
ATF are saying EVERY game and LIVE!!
Years ago
always thought fox would try to and get it back,
they need something else other soccer in the summer since they lost the cricket, and have five channels to program. it is easier for people to cancel the pay tv contract with no lock in contract, people can just have pay tv for the afl/nrl and cancel it for the summer. so need to give more options to keep people interested in the summer
Years ago
If we got all games live, that would be incredible.
Great for the sport.
Hope the WNBL can follow suit but can't see it this year.
Maybe if LK could acquire a team somehow....
Years ago
Is there any chance we might return to 48 minute games as a result of this?
Years ago
If it's every game live I'll be stoked !!! Being able to watch every away game of my team would be awesome.
Harry Hopeless
Years ago
Why would Fox mean 48 minute games? Want a two hour package
#564 is not me, the real anonymous. I've been saying it for weeks, not him.
Seems odd. Don't they only play 2-3 games of nba live a week on espn?
Combined Nbl/wnbl streaming service would have been better imo and much cheaper and easier to access.
Years ago
The rights to 1 NBA game probably cost about as much as a week of Nbl games could be a good reason. As far as streaming, I would think it's unlikely as fox would want coverage to be exclusive
We'll find out tomorrow but you can nearly bet your bottom dollar Foxtel won't allow any of the games to be streamed on any platform other than a Foxtel one.
IF so and I do mean if a shit time to be an NBL fan. 2 games a week on Ten + nbl.tv was much better than all (assuming all) games on Pay TV.
The clubs have no one to blame other than themselves, when LK took over the league the top priority should've been him using some of his money to buy the NBL back onto FTA TV not hidden away on an outdated platform only 30% of the population has.
And if Fox Sports screw the NBL over again like last time only starting to show games 6-7 weeks into the season or making AFL guys the lead commentators everyone loses.
Years ago
Okay, lets list the free to air channels that would want the NBL:
What in the world were you guys expecting?
Given the circumstances, this will be a good deal. 25 bucks a month for foxtel, I think about another 20 for sports package. If you were ever a fan that put money in and went to games, this shouldn't trouble you much. If you just want all the games for free, then you never contributed anyway and have no right to sit on your soapbox and complain.
40 dollars a month - or less than a coffee a day.
Or a good reason to go to the pub and watch some ball!
Nix 36
Years ago
From $80 for the season to $250-300. I will probably buy it anyway cause I need my basketball but I am disappointed. Just seems like the same mistakes as last time.
Years ago
I don't understand the complaints. It was this or nothing. You all wanted a TV deal, you all complained about the channel ten deal. I think most posters here are unrealistic. We still might find out that Fox Sports could run a streaming service for these games, so just wait on tomorrows announcement. We don't know the details. Something Boti said on Twitter lead me to believe there is more than one party involved in this decision.
Of course it's live,fox doesn't do delayed sport in fact no one does except the mugs that negotiated that channel one hd deal. Good work lk for bringing us back to the 21st century
"From $80 for the season to $250-300. I will probably buy it anyway cause I need my basketball but I am disappointed. Just seems like the same mistakes as last time."
Same mistakes as time? When last time?
Also these cheap mofos complaining about fox stop whinging and see where you can get streams. There are legal ways. Or for something really novel get down to your local stadium and watch it in the flesh
Nix 36
Years ago
Last time the NBL went exclusively with Fox interest dried up and the league almost folded. I agree that we don't know the details. But Fox had a history of holding all the rights (including digital) when they buy sporting properties, which makes me worried. I hope my concerns will be unfounded.
Okay, lets list the free to air channels that would want the NBL:
What in the world were you guys expecting?
Given the circumstances, this will be a good deal. 25 bucks a month for foxtel, I think about another 20 for sports package.
Last time the NBL went exclusively with Fox interest dried up and the league almost folded
Yes, because there were *so* many people watching the coverage last year on OneHD and nbl.tv
"Last time the NBL went exclusively with Fox interest dried up and the league almost folded. I agree that we don't know the details. But Fox had a history of holding all the rights (including digital) when they buy sporting properties, which makes me worried. I hope my concerns will be unfounded."
Was every game live doe?
$250-300 for Fox to watch the NBL
Half that for NBA league pass to watch an actual professional league
Years ago
Massive fingers crossed Sky Sport NZ buy the rights.
I'm not holding my breath thought.
Sky Sport NZ have really skimped out on just about anything and everything lately - don't broadcast PGA Golf, EPL Football, Blackcaps SA series.
Presume the rights wouldn't be too expensive so they should be able to make it work.
I always wondered why Australians complain when stuff gets shown on Pay TV - but then i realised that Pay TV isn't subscribed to the level it is in NZ.
Despite Foxtel being much better (Sky is rubbish) - about 30% of Australian homes have pay TV. About 55% of NZ households have Sky. Interesting.
I love the professional league that let's you take 5 steps before the shot.
Years ago
Well if this is Fox and exclusively fox (eg: No other coverage at all) then that is a huge disappointment. 2 games on FTA and every game on NBL.TV again would be much better.
How much does Fox actually cost per month, including sports pack?
Years ago
FYI : Foxtel Play, which is their streaming service, is $50 a month for one package + sports, doesnt require an iq box just a smart tv, ps4, ipad etc with the Foxtel Play app on it. It has first 2 weeks free and no lock in contract cancel anytime. So $250 should get you the NBL season on a good quality stream.
I swore to never return to Foxtel's overpriced rubbish but I think that isn't to hard a pill to swallow.
Supernintendo Chalmers
Years ago
Is Foxtel Play an on-demand streaming service, or does it stream whatever is on the regular channels at the same time?
Years ago
I haven't used it (yet) but it looks like it is both live whatever is on the channels at that time and also on demand. Not sure if they have the sport games on demand or just the sports shows?
Years ago
If you people think that all games live on fox isn't good enough, what the hell is? Anyone comparing the prices of the shitty streaming services of the last couple seasons to HD live TV obviously don't get it. Yes, the regular FOX channels are absolute junk, but the sports channels are done professionally and are basically the flagship package for them. Gone are the days of every sport being on free to air.
Even with Netflix etc. I think Fox will continue to dominate the sports coverage. People think that Foxtel will die with the introduction of streaming, but the one thing that wont die is live sport on TV.
Years ago
I don't really want Fox in my house and would prefer a streaming option, but the league has to do what's best for it and getting some sort of deal likely trumps streaming-only for them and sponsors.
So, that's fine by me.
Agree Baller#3, the same people that complain the NBL is a bush league and amateurish are the same ones that whinge because their games are now being shown on the premium sports broadcasting platform for the nation. But no, they would rather get a crap quality, regular buffering (if it works at all) stream from NBL.tv
Supernintendo Chalmers
Years ago
Thats completely missing the point.
Years ago
Anyone know when the announcement is supposed to be today?
Years ago
It's not perfect, but it's every game so that's pretty decent, especially with the quality of the league this year.
I just canned my Foxtel subscription a little while ago, so looks like I'll be signing up to Foxtel Play... Just wish it were possible to record games I can't catch live.
Years ago
I wouldn't say Fox is "the premium sports platform" in the country or anything like that.
All the best sports in Australia are broadcast on free to air TV. For example...
- The best 2 AFL matches every week- including Friday night footy. Plus 2 other matches a week.
- All AFL Finals.
- State of Origin league
- Melbourne Cup
- Australian Open Tennis
All the biggest and best sporting events are shown on FTA, and the best matches of the country’s premier sporting code are also shown. So why anyone would call Fox the premier platform is a bit of a head scratcher for me. (Note: The AFL also has AFL Live pass for $15 a month which allows you to watch any AFL game on your iPad without needing to subscribe to Foxtel).
We had a situation where we had 2 NBL games on FTA plus a reasonable streaming service (Not perfect, just decent) for $90- or $50 for any NBL club member which is what I paid last season- where we could watch ANY game at any time. Now we have a situation where we have to pay $300 odd for a season to watch games on Fox.
For people who have no interest in Fox for any other reason, this is a very bitter pill to swallow.
And I'll be convinced it's a better thing for the league if and when the ratings show that Fox is getting more people watching NBL than were watching on FTA.
Foxtel play seems like a waste when you can get a in home install with iq2 and Foxtel go for tablet, phone etc for the same amount.
wish you could just get the sport channels as would be happy at $25 a month.
Years ago
^ Its a mathematical impossibility for the ratings to be better for the NBL on Fox than on FTA. The FTA system has a huge amount of assumptions built into it and are known to be estimates only. Fox is capped and because of the platform is exact.
OzTam is owned by 7, 9 and 10. They aren't interested in their competitor showing them up as that means lost revenues for them.
if all the measuring devices were taken out of Melbourne the AFL ratings would plummet despite the same number of people still watching the sport.
If a show doesn't perform it doesn't get sponsorship support. The move to Foxtel, unless it is a big big number for the rights, is a poisoned chalice.
Years ago
Lv, All the best sports are on FTA because they are the best. NBL doesn't compete with those boys at that level... Yet.
How do we get there? The NBL.TV and OneHD deal wasn't doing the league any favours.
Getting most, or all the games on Foxtel will be a huge win for for fans and the league, not because it's comparable to what the FTA broadcasters offer the top codes. But because that's where the league is at right now AND it could be worse. A lot worse.
Sometimes you need to take a step sideways in order to take a step forward.
I will add, if you don't have Foxtel and don't want to get it, find a friend or family member who does have it and ask them nicely for one of their Foxtel Go Logins (every account has three). As long as they have the sports package you'll be able to stream the games.
Supernintendo Chalmers
Years ago
Based on past experience, is the new NBL and/or Foxtel going to be subsidising teams who lose money at the gate due to unfriendly game times?
Years ago
Ive got Netflix for movies etc but as much as Foxtel sucks had it years ago... ill be budgeting in cost to see all the NBL games, just a shame wont watch anything else on there.... literally nothing haha
If the games will be broadcast through Fox, the deal MUST be accompanied by some kind of online streaming service. Unless you already have fox, majority won't be buying/installing just so they can watch 6 months of NBL games.
If this isn't a case it is a huge step back for the league, losing the FTA games AND the online streaming option in one season.
A League has never been able to get traction on FTA.
Despite being bank rolled by one of the richest men in Australia, having a huge amount of media and government support they get zero FTA game time.
A lot of people posting on here need to understand the business, where sport and basketball is at with the people that matter and have a bit of a reality check.
"all NBL games on FOX are free at most pubs..."
Yeah spend 4-5 nights a week at the pub, excellent idea.
Years ago
$12.50 a week to watch every game live is pretty good value. Its a lot cheaper than it used to be.
If you have xbox/PS4 you can use the foxtel go/play and there is no contracts or set up cost.
Big Sexy
Years ago
People are assuming there is a FTA station out there willing to broadcast games
"Yeah spend 4-5 nights a week at the pub, excellent idea. "
Just 1 night a week for your own team- if you want to watch all of the games- get Fox...easy
Big Sexy
Years ago
To get all the anti Foxtel people fired up, Boti is hearing the new deal is for 5 years
"$12.50 a week to watch every game live is pretty good value. Its a lot cheaper than it used to be."
Not if you want to watch sport it isn't it's only $5 a month cheaper than it used to be. Basic + sport ($25 + $25) used to be ($40 + $15). So a 'saving' of a whole $1.25 a week.
Keep in mind it isn't 'just' $50 a month, there are usually installation/set up fees (can be up to $150), $10 a month for the box, an extra $10 or $15 a month to get the channels in HD and an extra $25 a month if you want the 'good' channels and another $25 a month if you want access to the movie channels.
I know you didn't say this but anyone who uses "it's only $50 a month" is either being deliberately deceitful or is a Foxtel stooge.
Supernintendo Chalmers
Years ago
No, its been explained that Foxtel Play is an online service that has no extra costs.
Years ago
Where are you people getting the $10 a month to rent the IQ from? I have foxtel and definitely not paying that fee. $60 a month for Sports with HD
"To get all the anti Foxtel people fired up, Boti is hearing the new deal is for 5 years"
Assuming the NBL lasts that long of course. This will really hurt the league.
Out of sight out of mind.
Years ago
It is if you have a PS4/Xbox one or a tablet. No contract, setup or installation.
Big Sexy
Years ago
Just had a look, right now you can sign up for $50 a month sports package combo and $100 installation (including box) the only other price would be if you wanted HD for another $10 per month, but if you are that concerned of cost don't get the HD.
"No, its been explained that Foxtel Play is an online service that has no extra costs."
I'm talking about Foxtel not it's online streaming service which you can't watch on a TV and of course you're paying for the internet bandwith.
Years ago
Which years did Fox last have the NBL and what was it like on Fox in regards to production, and what will it likely be like on the new deal?
Big Sexy,
Yes so averages out to be $68 a month not $50.
"Which years did Fox last have the NBL and what was it like on Fox in regards to production, and what will it likely be like on the new deal?"
It was last on Fox for the 2009/10 season and we got AFL commentators as hosts and I think that was the season Fox decided to only start showing games 6-7 weeks into the season.
They also knew the NBL were desperate so only paid them $200k for that year not the $1 million a year they were paying before that.
Big Sexy
Years ago
Wasn't the NBL trying to get it on FTA that year and couldn't so when they went back to Foxtel they played #hardball (pun intended)
For those saying nbl.tv was cheap for members you are missing the point
No one outside of existing nbl fans would even have known it existed. Similar for the one hd coverage. Several non nbl fans have asked me why isn't it on TV whilst we had the fta coverage. The nbl is at a stage where it needs to generate general awareness first and fox sports is a great platform for that
Years ago
Hearing the new @NBL TV deal with Fox may be for 5 years and in HD.
Years ago
And the people who knew about it, knew how crappy a product it was anyway, so wouldn't pay for it.
Dunkin' Dan
Years ago
I didn't even bother with it last season. I only started using it again when the Wildcats offered it to me for free.
Not that all streaming services should be judged by NBL.tv!
I don't know how the WNBA manages to do it but their LiveAccess service is US$14.99 per season (34 regular season games per team, plus 3 rounds of playoffs) and is a brilliant product.
Years ago
Living 400km from my home team venue I loved NBL TV. I could watch it anywhere, at home, in the car, anywhere with internet. I could see all games!
Sure only NBL fans even knew about it, but it was supposed to also mean that since every game was being video recorded in TV quality then footage could easily be made avaialble for FTA TV new services etc.
2 games "live per week" on 10 was a pretty good deal - or could have been if 10 had promoted it. That was the NBL's chance to be discovered by casual channel surfer.
I'm keen to know exactly what its going to cost me now to see NBL on TV. I signed up for 6 months back when they last had it on Foxtel. I think they had some special 6 month deals available, but it showed me that I definitely don't need the rest of the stuf they show.
Years ago
I like the argument that people with foxtel are more sport inclined than those browsing FTA.
So if the marketing and advertising and game production is on point then viewership should increase right?
Even if it's $100 per month, it's $3 per day so go without takeaway once a week and your fine.
Years ago
Fox trumps streaming only? That depends on how well the streaming is publicised.
I will look into it, but I doubt I'll be getting Foxtel.
Time and money pressures are increasing. I didn't renew my NBL club membership this year, after being a member since 2001. I was looking forward to still attending games and keeping tabs on the league via NBL.TV (or subsequent replacement service).
As a result of NBL being on Fox only, my connection with the NBL will no doubt decrease even more. I've got a nephew and a niece as well (who knows, might have kids myself one day)- too bad I won’t be able to show them the NBL any more.
This is a huge disappointment.
Years ago
Its out
cats 4 life
Years ago
get second job, so you can afford the extra things in life.
Years ago
"Kestelman also added that the NBL has made provision for a weekly live game to be simulcast on a free to air network and the NBL is in high-level discussions with the commercial networks."
Dunkin' Dan
Years ago
Well for me personally, as someone who has Foxtel anyway, this is awesome :D
Years ago
I've had Foxtel for years and don't understand all of the criticism. I pay $60 a month for basics and sport, which gives me every AFL game, 3-4 NBA games a week (plus all the espn analysts like sportcentre and PTI), 3-4 NFL games a week, sports docos, the Olympics, all NRL games (if I ever feel the need to rip my eyes out), all the Tennis Grand slams, EPL, F1s...The list goes on. So why is it such a bad thing? 7,9,10,1,7mate etc are only good if you want to see people cook, build or find a wife.
I moved to NSW 2 years ago and only get to see the Wildcats play Live 4 times a year against the Hawks and Kings, though I still go to other games whenever I can. Its been frustrating as hell to only be able to watch cats home games either on a 2-3 hour delay or the worst streaming site in history NBLTV. I'm cheering about Fox taking over.
Nix 36
Years ago
Congraduations to the NBL for locking out 75% of television views for the next 5 years. Congraduations to FOXTEL just take all my money. Congraduations to the failed 2000s buisiness model, welcome back.
Years ago
"Afford" is subjective.
I could afford to pay $400 (or whatever) for 6 months of Foxtel subscription instead of the $80 or so I'd pay for NBL.TV. But am I willing to? Probably not.
And that's the point- most people aren't willing to. Most people don't have Fox. Which is why I think this is a bad move.
Obviously this is a good thing for those who already have a Fox subscription....it's just bad for everybody else! (ie: The majority!).
Years ago
So why isn't this announcement on the NBL website?
I thought that is where I could go for all things NBL!
Giant waste of time. If you have fox, lucky you, nobody is going to sign up just for the NBL.
No mention of an online service.
NBL 36
Years ago
Congraduations NBL on this great tv deal.
This league has gratulated into the big league.
Years ago
I know its highly unlikely but can't Ten get a game from FOX Sports in a way to promote Foxtel's NBL coverage. Similar to the AFL deal that is not finalised for 1 game per week. Which expects to see Ten cover the Saturday Afternoon AFL and at the same time promote Foxtel's coverage of AFL. Just like Ten have done with the Rugby Union coverage. Since Ten and Fox are together now and that Ten took a 25% stake in Foxtel's sales arm MCN which would probably also cover the NBL
Fantastic stuff... Finally get to see every game live and in HD, No more waiting 3-6 hours for delayed coverage on ONE here in the West.
This is a great result!!
Dunkin' Dan
Years ago
For those who can't afford Foxtel, find a friend who has it and ask for their "Foxtel Go" (live streaming service) password ;)
Vic Wildcat
Years ago
To those complaining, if not on Foxtel, provide the alternative .
Big Sexy
Years ago
I am signing up just for the NBL, and so is another friend so there is 2
Wildcats Fan
Years ago
What a joke. They should of had NBL.tv back in full HD. It was great although not perfect last season.
I can't get foxtel, can't afford it and I know many many fans and others who like to watch all games but can't get foxtrl either due to signal issues, costs, or because they live in apartments.
Well NBL will die in 5 years now. Everyone is turning off foxtrl because they rather get streaming movie services like Netflix or watch FTA.
Years ago
If subscription costs $400 for 6months to watch over 120 games live in the comfort of my home with beer and remote in hand. Thats $3.33 a game. No brainer. Im in.
Wildcats Fan
Years ago
What a joke. They should of had NBL.tv back in full HD. It was great although not perfect last season.
I can't get foxtel, can't afford it and I know many many fans and others who like to watch all games but can't get foxtrl either due to signal issues, costs, or because they live in apartments.
Well NBL will die in 5 years now. Everyone is turning off foxtrl because they rather get streaming movie services like Netflix or watch FTA.
Think about that though more than $3 per game, every game whether you want to watch it or not.
Years ago
Agree. Looking forward to watching games of Foxtel when I can.
The crystal ball worked wonders :) got fox installed Monday whilst they had their sale on. $50 a month, no contract and no set up fees :) winning
I'm sure if anyone else rung up and demanded that exact same deal they would do it in a heartbeat, they're losing customers hand over fist even resorting to including those who signed up to free Presto trials as 'Foxtel subscribers' lol
Years ago
"Giant waste of time. If you have fox, lucky you, nobody is going to sign up just for the NBL. "
I don't have Foxtel and I'm certainly going to be signing up to Foxtel for this. I'm pretty sure you might be with the minority.
Years ago
Yeah, I'll be signing up to fox but not happily. I would say not signing up for people on this site would be a minority, but we spend our free time writing about basketball with a relatively small group of people. I'm sure not many casual fans will be signing up just because the NBL is over there.
Years ago
I might sign up, because $100 set up + $50 per month is a good deal.
But, only hardcore fans like myself would even consider signing up just for NBL.
This deal does nothing for casual fans though. That's a big, big problem. One game a week on FTA would at least be something for them- if the NBL can swing that.
Years ago
^Can confirm... i'm a hardcore fan. Will sign up just for NBL.
Nathan of Perth
Years ago
Fine for me, was already signed up anyway.
Supernintendo Chalmers
Years ago
Its not always about you Nathan!!!
What a load of rubbish lv that it does nothing to attract the casual fan. This does more than our previous deal to attract casual fans and probably the sport inclined
Wildcats Fan
Years ago
Any update on having the NBL on internet streaming? NBL.tv was fantastic. Just needed more bandwidth.
Wildcats Fan
Years ago
Any update on having the NBL on internet streaming? NBL.tv was fantastic. Just needed more bandwidth.
bretts the man
Years ago
Yes great news , live games on Fox.
Yes I know not evryone has Fox but how many watch a game on fee to air late at night well after game finished.
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