Years ago

Vaccination mandate to hit school venues?

Just saw this on a local clubs site and know it will rattle a lot of cages.

As most club's make use of schools as training venues, it looks like those entering school grounds as a coach or volunteer must have been vaccinated as below.

Has BSA or anyone come out with any news on this?

Schools have received a directive from the Chief Executive regarding Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations.

Under this direction:
Anyone who visits a Department for Education DfE site for work purposes, will need to receive at least 1 dose of a Therapeutic Goods Association (TGA) approved COVID-19 vaccination and a booking to receive a second dose by 10 December 2021 to continue working through a school site.


This is a requirement from the department of education. For us to comply with these regulations, all our coaches and volunteers who work in the schools we train in must provide proof of vaccination.

If you have been made exempt from receiving the vaccination.

To make this process as quick and painless as possible..... please provide one of the following ASAP to

1.) please provide proof of you vaccination status.

2.) please provide evidence of your vaccination exemption status.

3.) please provide us with proof of your booking to receive a vaccination.

4.) please notify us if you do not fit into either category 1,2 or 3.

Topic #49445 | Report this topic

Years ago

We began training a few weeks ago and games last weekend.
Our association has mandated double vaccination across the league due to schools requiring it.
We have only had one family pull out and most other clubs have been the same.

Reply #876826 | Report this post

A Aron  
Years ago

Hi SA, welcome to the party, much love from VIC. It's madness what you'll have to go through from now.

Reply #876832 | Report this post

Years ago

"Anyone who visits a Department for Education DfE site for work purposes"

Someone who is coaching a junior basketball team isn't there for work purposes, so that clause doesn't impact coaches and other volunteers. That said, there could be other regulations that will end up requiring it, time will tell.

Reply #876833 | Report this post

Years ago

Not certain why it's madness, the vaccinated should not be put in a position of getting sick by non vacs.
Like all things it can take time to get used to it but far better than lock down.

Reply #876835 | Report this post

Years ago

Research already coming out that shows no difference in viral loads of vaxxed and non vaxxed. The vax is not some magic shield that see the virus bounce off you, it just helps your body deal with the virus after being exposed. I visited the booking site twice daily until I got my booking but believe strenuously in the ideals of democracy and freedom of choice. If the vax was capable of preventing someone from passing it along it would be a different story but it already appears that it does not do that so the protecting others argument goes by the wayside and just leaves the burden on the health system argument. By that argument we should be banning alcohol and tobacco way before worrying about the small percentage of people who would not get vaxxed if it was optional. As Coatsworth et al have pointed out vaccine mandates will just be counter productive. No benefit gained and just give fuel to the fire of those who think the government is putting GPS trackers in the vaccine or whatever other nonsense they "believe" in. Just leave them alone and if the virus takes a few out then that is just the law of natural selection at play. The same way those who abuse alcohol/tobacco/etc drop off this mortal coil earlier than they should. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.

Reply #876836 | Report this post

Years ago

blah blah. Get the medically tested and proven vaccine to keep you alive and the community safe or stick to your freedom guns and be prepared for others to exclude you.

That's reality. Hospital cases and deaths around the world prove the benefit of the vaccine. If you would rather your freedom to choose to be unsafe go for it. But as a community we have to protect the majority. That isn't you. Enjoy the game on your TV at home, or from your hospital bed.

Reply #876837 | Report this post

Years ago

The vaccine doesn't keep other people safe because it is non-sterilizing, meaning you can be infected and transmit it even if vaccinated. There is no scientific case for segregating people on the basis of vaccination to protect others in the community.

However, the reality is governments are choosing to force people to get the COVID 19 vaccine, despite there being little reason for healthy people under 50 to do so, and they are trying to take away as much of their normal life to coerce them into getting it.

In terms of basketball in SA, it may force players and coaches to go to clubs that don't operate on school grounds.

Reply #876838 | Report this post

Years ago

I am protected (probably didn't bother to read that bit) but where is the evidence that it protects others? Until now it was just an assumption but as I said there is already research showing no difference in viral loads so how exactly does that mean I am less dangerous? Why are we not mandating the flu vaccine? 900 deaths from flu in 2019 so surely we should all be getting the flu vaccince or risk being "excluded". Absolutely no consistency whatsoever from our politicians throughout this situation and now ordinary people are doing the same. When it comes to Victoria the unvaxxed can go to "essential" outlets which happen to include bottle shops. Just how in the world do they count as essential and a clothing store isn't it? Ill-informed hysteria from one side just piles onto ill-informed hysteria from the other side and we end up with US style protests where idiots want politicians executed. I am not the slightest bit worried about being around unvaxxed people, just sick people in general. After teaching for 30 od years I came to expect that catching colds and flus were just part of the job but after going nearly two years without so much as a sniffle I just want people who are sick from anything to stay home and get well before they go anywhere. That includes me because I was as bad as anyone at "soldiering on" and thinking "well I am OK flus and colds don't bother me much" and not thinking that others (vaxxed or not) may not cope as well. Vaxxed people are still going to die from covid, vaxxed people are still going to die from the flu so we should be spending far more time and energy on figuring out ways to make sure people stay away from others when ill with any virus. Testing regimes/devices to let us know and then support mechanisms (sick leave, delivery of essential goods etc) are what we need not more hatred and division of our fellow humans.

Reply #876839 | Report this post

Years ago

Singapore has just passed laws that make you get vaccinated or you pay for your own medical expenses. The Singapore medical system is far better and all free by the way. You don't want to get vaccinated, it’s your risk, don’t take a critical emergency bed from some one that needs it.
Laws are made to keep communities safe, I exceed the speed limit I pay the fine, yes smoking does kill that’s why laws around smoking have changed dramatically of the years. There is so many community laws and expectations and getting vaccinated to protect all is just another one.
Get vaccinated.

Reply #876840 | Report this post

A Aron  
Years ago

Anon #836, shut up with all that logic you speak, you're clearly way to informed to be of value to the lazy peoples narrative they're accepting, save your time and effort.

Reply #876841 | Report this post

Years ago

The Department for Education has put out advice today that after hours groups hiring venues are not subject to the vaccination mandate.

Reply #876842 | Report this post

Years ago

AAron, not if you're vaxxed sweetie

Reply #876843 | Report this post

Years ago

A Aron
I think I'll take advice from scientists and doctors before an unknown on a hoops forum.

Reply #876845 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes, I was thinking about that old saying that you never argue with an idiot because they bring you down to their level and beat you with experience. Just cannot abide by extremists of any persuasion because inevitably they are taking the position that their life/lifestyle is far more important than any other person and that is exactly what incompetent politicians prey on. The vax is not 100% effective and is not 100% safe either so people have every right to have doubts and should be allowed to make their own choice. The quote about Singapore health system is just another example of inconsistency. Are they going to make smokers pay for their medical costs? They chose to smoke and therefor cause their medical problems so even worse than someone catching a disease they don't want. How far do we take it? Alcohol related disease? Sorry you chose to drink booze so you pay for health costs. Obesity? Sorry you chose to munch down on fast food. Bone disease? Well you didn't drink the required amount of milk to get enough calcium so out of luck buddy, cough up for your treatment. Need treatment for an STI? You can only get them by choosing to have sex so open that wallet. I swear some of these people would be quite fine with roving bands of vigilantes pinning down people and jabbing them and it is just depressing. So much for a civilized society, most animals behave far better.

Reply #876847 | Report this post

Years ago

I think you are right, you are an idiot.

Reply #876851 | Report this post

Years ago

Reckon you still think taking a swill of bleach is way to go.. explain why thousands and thousands have died if it's not an issue. And explain how a vaccine which in itself can't never be 100 % all things is of no benefit.. so you think just no vaccine and take no precautions to maintain freedoms is actually freedom. Wanker..

Reply #876857 | Report this post

Years ago

By all means listen to doctors, but who do you think did the research on viral loads? Plumbers?

Reply #876859 | Report this post

Years ago

There is no issue with people choosing to not get vaccinated. Survival of the fittest and all that.

The issue is that there is a limited supply of hospital beds available and an increase in their usage will create a situation where more people will die unnecessarily.

Our health system, whether right or wrong, has been built with the acceptance of certain behaviours, smoking, drinking, eating etc built-in. Adding a disease such as Covid-19 will add to the services required at any given point of time, up to a point where doctors will be required to triage patients.

Look at the UK right now. Deaths are up significantly more across society by a far greater rate than just 'covid related deaths'. This is due to, for example, cancer patients not getting treatment because they are not able to go into area's of a hospital or be seen by doctors working on Covid patients, hence they are just dying. This will be the case in Australia in 6 months time as we have essentially run down the number of hospital beds, so the government can win elections by decreasing taxes.

Simply put vaccinations for Coronavirus are not 100% effective. But they have been shown in the UK to;

1/ decrease the rate of people catching the disease
2/ decrease the rate of someone catching the disease needing hospitalisation
3/ decrease the rate of someone hospitalised dying.
4/ therefore, decreases the number of people who catch the disease in Australia, and the number of all people who have some (any other) disease which requires hospitalisation from dying.

If everyone chose to be vaccinated (who actually can) then Australia won't have wasted 18 months of lockdowns and overseas ex-pats from being banned from being home and will be able to live with it going forwards.

Isn't that the whole point???

Reply #876860 | Report this post

Years ago

Very well presented, thank you. As noted previously, Singapore are only treating vaccinated, freeing up there beds for normal service.

Reply #876862 | Report this post

anon #860  
Years ago

Singapore is continuing to treat covid patients, just that they are making it paid rather than free for residents as a nudge to encourage vaccinations and boosters (note that non-residents have always needed to pay for hospital services)

In the UK they haven't and won't ask for payments, rather they have been forced to cancel surgeries and patient consultations for non-covid patients due to rationing of those services bought upon by increased volumes. This has created an increase in deaths bought about by a lack of care for people with curable illnesses.

Australia has gone from 8 beds per 1000 people in 2000 down to below 4 beds per 1000 people as we speak. And as these beds are taken up more and more by covid, be that vaccinated or unvaccinated people, those beds are occupied at a higher volume than previously. Hence, once covid further increases occupancies we will simply run out of beds as other countries have. (And before you say we just add more beds, you need to add more equipment and doctors and nurses as well which are not easy to do in the short term.) At this point, doctors will start putting of surgeries (of which currently 25% of Australian's cant get without 90 days already) This then leads quite simply to these people experiencing as a group a higher death rate.

If as a society we chose to not vaccinate but want our freedoms to exist, the overall result will be a complete collapse of the health system in our country. A triage system where doctors will be forced to decide who lives and who dies. Or we will need to consistently move back into lockdowns as we are seeing across Europe in, for example, Austria, Germany, and the Netherlands.

If we chose to vaccinate, we will be able to go on with life and be able to accept some deaths from Covid but maintain health services that don't become so stretched that people who otherwise might be able to live, just die. Plus you will be able to actually travel OS.

We are hearing a lot about our freedoms, but as a society, we never discuss our responsibilities with each other. Now might be a good time. Before those claiming their own freedoms, cost the rest of us ours.

Reply #876867 | Report this post

Years ago

there is already research showing no difference in viral loads so how exactly does that mean I am less dangerous?
What's your viral load if you don't have COVID, because the vaccine prevented you catching it?

Reply #876868 | Report this post

Years ago

Going slightly back to my original question, will any coaches or volunteers that attend during school hours for clinics or coaching school teams need the double vaccination? And as with most things released in this roadmap, the ambiguity about coaches/JDOs/volunteers being around kids which could be a incubator seems to be double standards. Yes, there will be lesser contact with fewer children, but there's still a high possibility.
Knew it would rattle cages, but has really opened up the covid case again, should probably have flagged it NH.

Reply #876873 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon #860.... Well said

Reply #876876 | Report this post

Years ago

Adelaide Entertainment Centre is fully vaxxed only (save for medical exemptions probably)

That's one way to smarten up the place!

Reply #876877 | Report this post

Years ago

I think if you chose not to have a vaccine for COVID , hospitals shouldn't have to treat you. Take your freedom to the grave like so many anti-vaxxers have. You can either take a vaccine or die like someone in the 17th century who didn't have modern medicine.

We only have first generation vaccines built for the original COVID strain and not Delta - I would hope the next generation built against Delta and newer strains might be even better and stopping any symptoms for Vaccinated people. Will some have reactions to a Vaccine , yes , but is much smaller and rarer than serious COVID. Almost any drug you get can have side effects.

When COVID becomes rampant like the flu in Australia it will kill people regularly with the heavy bias on unvaccinated freedom lovers.

Go visit my favourite reddit thread , the HermanCainAward where we see daily posts of freedom loving anti-vaxxers dying the most horrible of deaths. New posts daily with the same brainwashed people who confuse medical safety with freedom.

I've lost track how many young mothers and fathers (not just old people) have left orphans because they chose not to vaccinate. Its a tragedy as they have been brainwashed by Facebook and dont listen to the overwhelming number of experts supporting vaccination.

Reply #876890 | Report this post

Years ago

^^^ yes spot on, thanks.

Reply #876899 | Report this post

no name  
Years ago


slippery slope

you'd expect unvaxxed to keep paying medicare levy, otherwise hospitals may not have the funding required to keep all services up to current levels

if you are going to refuse treating unvaxxed, then dont expect unvaxxed to keep paying.

It should be a personal choice based on risk. It makes sense for high risk groups to be vaccinated as risk of covid is greater than the vaccine, for younger and less compromised people, there could be argued more risk in taking the vaccine than not based on all the injuries being reported.

OF course some anti-vaxxers are just that. But most people I know that dont want to take the vax are fully vaccinated for all proven vaccines, but dont have the annual flu shot as they back their immune system.

common sense should prevail

taking away basic humanb right shoud not

what if an unvaxxed goes in with a heart attack, but also tests positive to covid but is asymptomatic. Do you refuse medical care to them??

Reply #876907 | Report this post

Years ago

I stand on the vaccinated side firmly, but also believe in every person's right as to what they put in their body. Losing jobs is extreme, but their choice. Why not redeploy them to the emergency rooms to assist there in whatever position is needed, whether it is changing sheets to wheeling out the dead. Contract the virus, get isolated then back to it.
It's a very slippery slope saying not to provide treatment to unvaccinated people though. Smokers, alcoholics etc are probably the biggest burden on health system. Be like the idiot teenager the other day that was seriously injured car surfing. Does she get refused treatment for being a moron?
What I won't like about it is the vast majority of the anti vaccers gloating how they survived with a bit of the flu. The dead ones won't be able to say, whoops, I was wrong.

Reply #876909 | Report this post

Years ago

anything to do with vaccines on hoops just ends up being a big debate.

Reply #876911 | Report this post

Years ago

anything to do with vaccines on hoops just ends up being a big debate.

Reply #876912 | Report this post

Years ago

^^you can say that again :)

Reply #876914 | Report this post

no name  
Years ago


with reference to surviving the flu, it actually killed 2.5 times more people in Australia than covid last year. Covid didnt make the top 20 (#38)

Reply #876915 | Report this post

Years ago

Most of Australia didnt have COVID last year. So flu vs covid is nonsensical comparison. The UK gets 1000 deaths from COVID a day

The same stats quoted above show the median age of flu victims was 88 years old. At that age falling down and slipping can be enough to end your life. The problem with comparing flu to COVID is COVID kills large numbers across other age brackets - many in perfect health and not frail and elderly.

I saw a great stat from a US hospital (Mary Washington Healthcare) - 4th oct
- Of 66 COVID inpatients , 58 were not vaccinated
- OF 12 patients in ICU , 11 were not vaccinated
- Of 8 people on ventilators , 8 were not vaccinated
- Of 36 people under 65 in hospital, 35 were not vaccinated
That maths is scary.

People literally die or are life long COVID sufferers for "freedom" over common sense.

Reply #876918 | Report this post

Years ago

Some additional researchable facts:

Trump started Project Warp Speed
• Trump had access to the top scientists
• Trump had access to the top Intelligence
• Trump approved the vaccine
• Trump got sick
• Trump had natural immunity
• Trump GOT VACCINATED despite natural immunity
• Trump's family got vaccinated
• The Executive Branch got vaccinated
• The Joint Chiefs got vaccinated
• 99% of Republican congress got vaccinated
• 99% of Republican senate got vaccinated
• Practically everyone in the Trump administration and working for the government under Trump got vaccinated

A yet trump supporters and similar right wing folks think COVID is a left wing conspiracy or government control conspiracy.

It actually science.

Reply #876919 | Report this post

Years ago

Problem is that we got are own trump leading the country. I'm very close to seventy and never seen anything like it.

Reply #876924 | Report this post

anon #860  
Years ago

No name,

You couldn't be more wrong if you tried!

By that logic, no one should pay their medicare levy. In the UK at the moment, and when Australia opens up its borders, the wait time for Ambulances is at an all-time high. This is because A&E is full with not only the normal level of emergencies, so ambulances sit parked with people in the back unable to head out for the next person. People who are having a stroke or heart attack are unable to get to a hospital and are dying. By your reasoning, those people shouldn't be paying their medicare levy. Anyone in a car accident, or sporting neck injury won't be able to access emergency ambulances. Should those people not pay their medicare levy?

The issue is that the entire system built around a consistent supply of patients, when overstretched is in peril of breaking and more and more people who otherwise would live, young and old, will die.

In fact, your argument should be thus. If the government doesn't mandate the vaccine for all, then everyone is in a situation where their medical support is at a point where we all shouldn't pay our medicare levy and we as a society should head towards the survival of the fittest, and the inevitable breakdown of said society.

Reply #876942 | Report this post

Years ago

Every reference to vaccinated & unvaccinated viral loads being equivalent fails to mention that duration of high viral load in unvaccinated is significantly longer. Vax hesitant & anti Vaxers seem to conveniently exclude that info.

Reply #877050 | Report this post

Years ago

People who bring up the longer viral load for unvaccinated vs vaccinated fail to also highlight the reason there's a longer period, it's because they are symptomatic for longer, they get more sick. Asymptomatic, vaccinated or not, the viral load is insignificant, and if anyone is symptomatic they're not at the venue regardless of Vax status.

Reply #877066 | Report this post

Years ago

Considering 90% of population over 16 is vaccinated I'd say the majority should be able to go about their work, shopping, restaurants etc knowing that all around them are vaccinated.

Reply #877099 | Report this post

Years ago

its actually easier for SA Ed Dept to mandate outside providers be vaccinated than their own staff. Their own staff will have unions, and employment contracts (the NSW DoE has mandated vaccinations from a week or so ago, and teachers are theoretically sacked if unvaccinated).

But outside providers are just instructed to be vaccinated. If there are any issues with individuals not being vaccinated whilst participating in any capacity, it's up to the providers (clubs, BSA etc) to be liable.

Reply #877118 | Report this post

Years ago

This statement is incorrect, false, wrong.

"there is already research showing no difference in viral loads"

Reply #877173 | Report this post

Years ago

no name

If you read the link you posted you will see that there were only 55 deaths from influenza and 898 from Covid.

Reply #877175 | Report this post

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