Refs are always going to protect the star players, obvious Bruce Lee kickouts will sometimes get called, but slight extensions will generally draw a foul in a split second decision. But a bit late in the season to make it a point of emphasis, if anything they need to bring it in preseason and even have the refs scout the prime suspects. Then the coaches will learn if it continually gets denied in challenges they'll stop. And challenges are strategic, a coach should keep them up their sleeves for late in games if game is close, or to try and get a foul back on star players if they get into trouble, the only ones they should challenge is definite out of bounds, not calls that are open to interpretation like blocking fouls, even during commentary how many times are they wrong so they're reluctant to make the call and they have the benefit of what the bunker is seeing as opposed to turning to an assistant and having to make a quick decision or relying on players that have never fouled in their lives. Otherwise it's a big gamble most of the time, it was really brought in to make up for absolute clangers, not maybes.
So just imo, move on most of the time early. There's always been bad calls, it's just we have the technology now to correct some of them. If a play is missed, it's just like the old days, don't need intense scrutiny for a non game changing foul or two points. If teams brought in a fine system for players constantly swirling their finger and they're wrong I bet it would reduce them.