Master Chief
Last month

Wells and Davis relationship

Just found this article by ESPN online:

Clearly issues there...

Topic #52565 | Report this topic

Last month

Is this much news?

Virtually every team would have players and coaches conflicting at some point.

Reply #957803 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last month

LoveBroker, crossed my mind too, but this is a basketball forum with a large focus on Adelaide, so just thought it was worth posting. You're right that we probably are naive to how confrontational professionals sports probaby are, but this has also been brewing all season. If there is an issue, it's not as if it would be related to any lack of opportunity for Davis who is putting up insane numbers, so it just makes you wonder why they don't see eye to eye and how that might impact Davis extending.

Reply #957807 | Report this post

Last month

Nah this is fair in the context of Adelaide's inability to have a season where they don’t implode

Reply #957808 | Report this post

Last month

There's clearly been problems in the group all season culminating in the alleged physical altercation at training between Wells and Davis during the FIBA break.

Davis is likely gone anyway IMO he will be in line for a very big pay rise which will probably price him out of the NBL. I'm fine with that it's not like his MVP-level production has translated to wins, you could argue it might be at the expense of winning. Plenty of KD / Jerome Randle diminiutive combo guards out there. I'd actually prefer a big PG like a Trey Kell type again to pair alongside DJV.

The real issue is Wells. Clearly not up to it as a HC he's Weston's handpicked coach with 2 years still remaining on his contract. Will he be fired if we miss the Top 6? We didn't fire CJ after the disastrous 22-23 season when we had a loaded roster and only finished 8th on the ladder at 11-17. Will Weston be prepared to admit he made a mistake with Wells?

Weston doesn't strike me as the type to admit fault and responsibility ultimately lies with him for firing Ninnis during training camp and handing the reigns to a guy who has never been a HC before.

Reply #957809 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Last month

It is very much news and an especially poor look for Wells. You dont call out a player in front of the playing group and not think that there will be a reaction.

Particularly interesting as to who played peace keeper in the locker.

Not a good look for Wells to have this happen in front of his family either, who should never be allowed in the locker in any event. Definite perceptions of him trying to show off in front of people by berating a player.

The love in didnt work which is a shock to nobody.

Reply #957810 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last month

I am undecided on Wells and he's hard to workout as a person.

They have put some seriously good teams to the sword at times, but their defence, away form, and inability to tread water when down players has been the concern. I think they have lead Sydney, Melbourne, Tasmania and Illawarra by over 20 in each of the last four games? So it'snot like he can't get them firing. I have no doubt this is a major learning year for him.

Reply #957811 | Report this post

Last month

I wonder who was getting chewed out

Reply #957812 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last month

QAnon, yeah, his wife and son sit right behind him too. Not my buisness if that's his choice, but I wouldn't want my family that close to me while I am trying to work. Weston managed to move a few meters though...

Reply #957813 | Report this post

Last month

Wells appears to be a very emotional, intense person. Has anyone ever seen him genuinely smile, crack a joke, loosen up at any press conference or interview? It's always just spin that explains nothing. He also seems to have quite a disconnect from the players. He could never answer any questions about how players were recovering from injury or returning to play from overseas. Always handballed those questions Strange.

Reply #957815 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Last month

KD is Jerome 2.0 with a better jump shot. Clock management is diabolical and it's all iso plays or PnR when he is PG. That is on Wells to get him better at running the team and running plays when needed. Did John Casey highlight DJV had one shot and Isaac 0 shots in the second half? Isaac had 5 FGA as a premier big in the league. Thats on the PG to get him involved but more accurately Wells to ensure his starting big gets the ball and stays engaged.

Looking at the shot chart on the NBL website it seems Isaac didnt get a shot off after 1/4 time. THAT is Ridiculous.

Reply #957816 | Report this post

Last month

At least Wells didn't punch him in the face

Reply #957817 | Report this post

Last month

Add in the comment that Maher made about stuff happening that didn't get out to the public realm, which perhaps QAnon has eluded to in the past, the club needs to do everything it can to work towards stability and culture.

This just isn’t a helpful additional storyline to a long track record of drama from the 36ers camp.

I also agree, that second half was a shit show. The way the 36ers use iso to murder offence, or overly complicated offence which ends up killing everything is what creates this problem where Humphries and DJV can’t be utilised properly.

Reply #957819 | Report this post

Last month

The club considering a sanction against Wells indicates they feel he was in the wrong.

Multiple players having an issue with the Coach doesn't necessarily mean anything, but on the balance of probability...maybe Wells is the issue?

I don't know how this will play out, but I'd be surprised if KD wanted to come back with Wells as HC, and I bet Isaac is sending his agent a daily SOS.

Weston would never admit he's made an error, but I find it hard to imagine we'd be in a worse position under Ninnis. (Both on the ladder, and as far as negative news stories, rumours and obvious discontent)

Reply #957822 | Report this post

Ballin Fan  
Last month

I think there is an issue with both Wells and Kendric. Both seem to be very very volatile.

I absolutely love first half Kendric who is relaxed fast super super skillful and involves teammates. I hate second half Kendric particularly last quarter Kendric who plays slow and without regard for time and score, often holding the ball until it's too late to do anything.

Previously Wells has called this out at a presser without naming any players. So he was just saying publicly that that was not a coaching direction.

Interesting Joey Wright predicted all this as much in his podcast with Boti a couple weeks ago. Is Joey still an NBA scout ? Annoyingly smart dude anyways.

Reply #957824 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last month

Boti recently tweeted that he thinks Wells be sacked

Reply #957826 | Report this post

Last month

If Davis goes or even stay at a fair wage, Delly is Sixers answer, he'd run this team perfectly, certainly with Humphries, DJV. He’d be a marquee so only one import. Mayern has improved out site, Dech has been good, bring in one import, a good one in the Hurt mould. Not to many more changes but players like Ben Ayre, Matt Kenyon, Lauchlan Olbrich back home, they guys play hard. Delly could then in two seasons time take coaching reins. Now there a plan for a future, probably on a reasonable budget as well.

Reply #957827 | Report this post

Last month

For what it is worth Humphries left the arena extremely quickly compared to the rest of the team

Reply #957828 | Report this post

Last month

I've been told by someone in the Sixers mix that the assistant coach they brought in was "Kestelman's guy".

Wells has been a strange guy to observe. In interviews, he talks about players "doing things for him". Weird way to phrase it when every other coach uses terminology like "we" or "us" in a team sense.

When they asked him about pressure pre-season his response was "You're talking to a guy that's been through a divorce". Always felt like a strange response to a basketball question. Probably trying to be funny I guess?

He's not HC material.

Reply #957830 | Report this post

Last month

Not a comedian, either.

Reply #957831 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last month

But how do we know what was said and what it was about? Got to remember there are likely generational clashes going on too, where players need to feel content with everything, their mental health at ease vs someone in their 50s who believes in tough love? Don't forget that Joey had issues throughout his last season. I don't know what's going on, but I wouldn't rule out a clash of generations again..

Reply #957832 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Last month

In short - allegedly - Wells called Isaac out for throwing him under the bus with the "we dont know what we are doing" comment that triggered the crisis meeting pre Sydney. This wasn't done privately, and certainly blows up any goodwill that came of the open and honest discussion that so many said occurred.

IMO its very odd to do that 3 games later to someone who has been very open with his mental health on a night the team honoured Darryl Pearce.

KD took umbrage to the comments and the approach, allegedly

Piss weak from Wells and unprofessional. Shows he is not up to being the HC IMO.

Reply #957836 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last month

Q anon, I was not referring to any individual cases of mental health, It was more just a point about the modern player vs the older generation. Not saying anyone is right or wrong, was just a loose example of possible conflict between hard ass coaching and more sensitive modern players. Was not talking specifically about an individual player, please understand.

Sounds like Wells couldn't let it go and had to get square with Isaac. Was this after they beat the best team also?? Odd.

Reply #957838 | Report this post

Basket 91  
Last month

Wells benches Humphries rightly or wrongly for Martin/Harrell in the game then sprays him in the changing room after a close win (time and place). Davis who has it in for Wells then hits the fan.

Reply #957839 | Report this post

Basket 91  
Last month

However look who reported this.

Reply #957842 | Report this post

Ski 61  
Last month

You're saying he brought up those post game comments from Isaac weeks later after the team has been in fairly good form? That boggles the mind.

Reply #957843 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Last month

@MC understood and wasn't interpreting your comments like that either.

Isaac seems to be a guy that does need confidence to be his best ( see performances for MU v how he played for Ninnis) If Wells is thinking this is motivational then it demonstrates that he cant manage people or has completely misunderstood what drives Isaac. If he has done that with one player then it stands to reason that flows on to the others as well and how they are treated

For any adult to bring up something that was dead and buried weeks ago speaks very loudly about them and no one else.

Wells hasnt played the game at any decent level that I am aware of so has no lived experience of what a player might be feeling or perceiving at any given moment. That makes him unrelatable which some may see as cultural differences or old school v new school.

IF Wells has been in the NBA then he should be well across dealing with egos and players of all backgrounds and talent levels. For me not being able to manage people is a major red flag hence the jungle drums beating about him and his tenure in Adelaide.

Reply #957844 | Report this post

Last month

If legit it really speaks to the emotional maturity and general fitness for the job if Wells unloaded on Humphries after a win against the top of the ladder team. As someone else, time and place, those comments Humphries made to media whilst not good were weeks ago and Wells has been hanging on to it all this time to square up. It's beyond pathetic especially when we're meant to be making a run to the playoffs.

The reality is all this BS is nothing new for the club it goes on every bloody year no matter who the coach is or the players are. The culture at the club is rotten and has been since the Mitch Creek thing in 2018, we still haven't made the playoffs since, and the only common denominator is the owner.

Reply #957845 | Report this post

The Phantom  
Last month

Well I wondered out loud what the next crisis was going to be because they looked like they were running out of shitshow situations, but Wells goes ahead and says hold my beer.
The main question mark with Wells to begin with was that he hadn't been a head coach. It's rare for a coach to call out a player the way it's been described, would think a lot of the time the HC has a quick chat with assistants and then addresses the team. To pick on an individual is pretty poor, and if it had been raised in chat with ACs, an experienced one would have said it was a bad idea.
I agree with the comments of Davis having different stages of the season. Early on he got called out by Rucker or someone and proceeded to become aggressive (on court and now off court), and in the second half has probably started seeing dollar signs and starting to pad his numbers. Obviously has a bad relationship with Wells despite the usual ""We're competitive, want to win, like to be pushed, blah blah, it's all good", but clearly it's not. The little meeting a few weeks back was a band-aid, and they normally come off fairly easily with a bit of pressure revealing the open wound, in this case a bit of infection set in as well.
Davis may be gone, but Humphries and a few others will remain, and seeing how Wells seems to hold a grudge I reckon there'll be a few phone calls from managers. So can see a sacking on the cards. Tbh, this would be a perfect time, get the troops to rally around the beloved senior assistant coach, wait, whoops, they haven't got one. How about we get a club legend to step in, whoops, we screwed one at the start of the season. Isn't Conner Henry still in town, maybe he could step in, whoops, we totally screwed that relationship.
It's totally unacceptable, could the players lead a revolt, I doubt there'd be any in Wells corner. Maybe the team can just coach themselves, call their own subs? Or would Weston have to step in?
But I'll call the offseason headline "Adelaide are proud and excited to announce Jamie Petty as their new head coach on a fully guaranteed 5 year deal". As ridiculous as it sounds, I wouldn't be totally surprised.

Reply #957846 | Report this post

Last month

Delly would sooner retire than play for Adelaide surely.

I wonder how Smyth would go in today's NBL? More relaxed, a players coach but not much going on defensively.

I’m not here to defend Wells as I’m just a mere outsider, but is it possible Wells and players friction is a reflection that the current generation of players just don’t like the older honest coaching style? The Popovich style.

It feels like the dynamic and power shift has changed where players get ideas from NBA stars.

You mix that with the way the team has been formed and it’s a problem.

I think the more successful teams have more gritty defensive and role player types that know what they’re there to do so the coach doesn’t have to try and indoctrinate them to go against the grain. Tasmania and Melbourne feel like that.

Sure there’s an element of today’s people management style which Wells must adapt to.

However, putting aside the *way* Wells may be handling the issues, does anyone disagree with the issues there seems to be friction over?

If we are being frank, all these issues we are hearing now aren’t new and novel to the 36ers. They pre-date Wells.

Adelaide had this kind of problem even under CJ, so it’s not like the nice guy method gets traction where the Joeys and Wells’ don’t.

The friction between Wells and players sound similar to a lot of genuine issues people have been banging on about on this forum.

Wells constantly critiques Adelaide’s D and effort, well it is shit. It has been terrible for years and it remains terrible today. It should be focussed on rabidly.

Humphries’ body language often is not great and everyone sees it. That should be addressed, that shouldn’t just be left unsaid.

Davis’ over dribbling and selective effort on defense can be particularly frustrating when we have seen the highs with Davis. He should be pushed to maximise potential and learn accountability.

Davis’ behaviour is reported to be wearing thin on others and can be difficult. I can understand it’s Wells’ job to player manage but if a player decides to be too difficult, I’m not sure the coach matters.

I honestly don’t think a player like that is meant for a professional championship level side. I am hopeful that experience and maturity can mend that though, but if it can’t, the player simply should not be re-signed regardless of the coaching situation.

Is anything there actually disagreeable?

Reply #957847 | Report this post

Last month

Instead of constantly swapping coaches how about this shit show of a club start actually acting professionally, stop pandering to the Prima Donna players and start acting like a real club.

This doesn't happen at Melbourne United

First problem they signed Humphries and DJV to 3 year deals, Humphries then doesn’t have a clue what his role is, he is 7 foot tall , has played basketball all his life and doesn’t know what his role is, give me a break, get rebounds, set screens, get offensive rebounds score close to the basket, he is never getting asked to run the point and shoot threes!

DJ absolute bum of a player, defensive liability of the highest order, and everything I hear a commentator say he is a good shooter I cringe, the bloke might hit a few shots in a row but a blind squirrel will also find a nut every once in a while, his shooting percentage and shot selection is atrocious, and when the umpires wake up an start pinging him for offensive fouls when he drives to the basket and pushes off with his elbow he will be nothing but a bench player. The game against Tasmania in the last quarter it was very obviously players weren’t passing to him as no one would touch it again if they did.

As someone said before about Davis he is no better than randle, all show but when the chips are down he nearly trips over his bottom lip and the fact he needed his mummy over Christmas tells me all I need to know about his mental toughness.

Montrezl is a gangster that’s passed it, likes to bully people, perhaps if he focused on playing basketball rather than waving to the crowd and staring down umpires he might actually dominate this league, but has a brain the size of a pea

The rest of the squad is average, and many missed opportunities to recruit quality SA players but no they go back to the Sturt factory of average players that can’t really shoot and don’t play defence and are mentally weak when they opposition teams get on top of them.

The best thing that could happen to basketball in this state is another team come in, this mob have had it too good for too long, people still go every week for absolute years of garbage, a new team puts pressure on for sponsors and supporters and might make them wake the fuck up

Reply #957849 | Report this post

Last month

All seems rotten in the land of churches. How do constantly come up with these issues. Wasn't it all smelling roses with couple great team wins. Seems like sixers just need to live in a world of look at us it's all about us. The personally are there to make a run for championshit why don't reaslise and get on with business. Why because not wildcats that's why.

Reply #957866 | Report this post

Last month

I reckon @MRI nailed it.

Reply #957872 | Report this post

Last month

From the outside looking in you go back to the clip board throwing expletive laden rant that was directed at Davis back at the start of the season and the look on the young man's face at the time. You don’t have to cop workplace behaviour that oversteps the mark. This just looks like a young man that is sticking up for himself and his mates. If so, that pretty much says it all and what an indictment on the club if they have had and lost a talent like him. Yes, talented young combo guards are a dime a dozen but a lot have come out here and not been anywhere near as good as him. That Humphries had the courage to speak up to the media the way he did and that Davis felt he needed to stand up for him OMG. What the hell is going on.

Reply #957873 | Report this post

Last month

So many gullible people in this forum that read a click bait headline with basically no real information and then their creative minds go crazy with it.

Here is actually what KD said in a now deleted post in regard to Olguns post

"Why are you reporting false information on me? Since the day I got here you've tried to bash my image... you haven't said one good thing since I arrived. You are click bait media you tried to bash my game that didn't work now you trying to bash my image with false information"

However I guess go with what Olgun said because KD, the guy that was actually there, his side of the story doesn't suit your agenda. What makes it worse is some people would of saw what KD said and still went with Olgun. I guess that is the way the world works these days, you see something factual just ignore it and go with what suits your argument.

Reply #957878 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Last month

KD is covering his butt

Absolutely happened

Reply #957880 | Report this post

Last month

The report in the paper today made it sound like the issues that Wells had were more broadly about the 2nd half of the Hawks game and he threw in Humphries comments and that's what prompted Davis to tell Wells to knock it off. They did also mention Wells father was in hospital in the US undergoing open heart surgery at the time of the Hawks game, so he may not have been in the best mindset either.

I can certainly understand Wells being PO'd about the 2nd half considering they were outscored by 17, all it takes is 5 minutes of basketball in the first half to be slightly poorer and they've got another loss. Now you can argue whether the best time to deliver that message is straight after the game, sure.

This could just be a minor argument, the problem is the perception of Adelaide as a team is so rotten that even just a minor disagreement is going to get blown up into a massive thing every time.

Reply #957881 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Last month

It wasn't minor. It was a prolonged argument that was heard throughout the AEC post game.
Wells lack of time and place is the issue. Professionals act professionally. Im all for emotions and interactions done right. Golden rule is praise in public criticise in private.

For Wells to want to have this level of discussion in a group setting right after a game and not cool off and think about his message is a window into his lack of capacity.

I am not defending KD and his over reaction and inappropriate comments.

Reply #957882 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last month

But, it's not like the ESPN article was attacking Davis anyway, just neutrally reporting the context. If anything, Olgun ensured he made it known that KD was sticking up for a team mate, and absolutely went on to say that Davis is having an incredible season.

I wonder if Wells has had enough too?

Reply #957883 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last month

LaPark, that's what makes me cautious about forming a view without knowing how coachable some of these guys are. I mean, you don't have to be best friends with a coach. I am sure there is an element of an older school Wells just trying to hold people accountable and install some discipline, then becoming frustrated when players only perform when 100% contented and comfortable. I don't know. In saying that though, it is still the job of Wells to manage all this shit.

How can Adelaide actually recover now if Wells was to leave either now or at the end of the season? That is another coach gone within less than 12 months. Time to sell the team I think...

Reply #957884 | Report this post

Last month

Aside from the issues at hand with Adelaide, I think the NBL media perpetuates and adds to the drama, they come off just as toxic as it seems to be inside that club, it's getting ridiculous, I really miss era where sport was an escape from the drama of daily life, now it's no different.

Reply #957888 | Report this post

Last month

Agree Dorito it's unfortunate and unedifying that the NBL engages in this click bait shit in a desperate attempt to try and get some mainstream attention. I remember how obsessed they were with Craig Randall virtually an article every day about the drama with him and were doing similar with Trez after the Melbourne fight.

Reply #957893 | Report this post

Last month

Didn't we sack Ninnis and appoint Wells to avoid being in this position?

Reply #957897 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last month

Tornado, Yes, lol.

Reply #957898 | Report this post

Last month

Ninnis must be at lightning training giggling

Reply #957899 | Report this post

Last month

Giggling about the 4 game losing streak he is on?

Reply #957901 | Report this post

Last month

I doubt he really cares to be fair

Reply #957902 | Report this post

Last month

The notion that Kendric Davis is somehow a problem is patently ridiculous. If not for a historic season by Bryce Cotton, Davis would be leading the MVP race at the moment. The evidence is pretty overwhelming, looking at the his stats and watching him play (I've seen every game). Not only is he an elite scorer but he's leading the league in assists and plays very good defence. He's turned games in the past by clamping down on the opposition's best players.

Does he make mistakes, sure? But without him the Sixers would be in a far greater mess than they are already. Here's an idea. How about the Sixers retain an elite import for more than 1 season and build some continuity and identity! If it takes Wells being sacked for Kendric Davis to stay it's a very very obvious choice.

Reply #957903 | Report this post

Last month

Agree on Davis but he could learn a bit from Cotton, never over dribble the ball, let it go and get it back.

Reply #957904 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last month

Davis is something Weston got right

Reply #957905 | Report this post

Last month

The only hope I hold out on Weston is maybe he's decent at talent ID given he got us Davis.

Reply #957906 | Report this post

Last month

Dunkman, 100%

Reply #957907 | Report this post

The Big Duke  
Last month

Davis can play that's for sure but how many times has he been in the game when we are down 20 for the whole of junk time? (Answer.... Every Time)
Some of his stats are definitely inflated for stat chasing against the other teams rookies to close out blowouts. Not saying that other imports don't also do this but being his first year pro can tell when he is trying to get his.

Reply #957916 | Report this post

Last month

Is he one of the very best in the league this season? Absolutely. Periodt


Reply #957917 | Report this post

Cruella Deville  
Last month

I've read all the posts & everyone's opinions & you know what it shouldn't be about who's right or wrong it's about what's best for the team.

Both parties involved in the actual incident should be sanctioned. Both parties should apologise to the group.

Whilst coach shouldn't hold onto old emotions you have to remember we're all human. Ask yourself how would you manage being bagged publicly in your workplace. This is a sign of lack of processes in place to manage these situations & what's really poor is that the 36ers have been here before & still haven't put things in place or have no one who has the balls to enforce it.

What he should've done was speak to the player man to man & work through it.

It's fine for another player to step up and back up their team mate but again there's a better way to do it. Also those that were in the room & did or said nothing are just as bad. I think the 36ers need the Sydney Swans philosophy of no dickheads allowed, from the front office to the coaches & playing group.

This is of course my opinion only

I recently heard of great team communication skills for difficult situations
Tone / Tact / Timing / Truth

Reply #957930 | Report this post

The Phantom  
Last month

If the Adelaide 36ers brought in a no dickheads policy, it would be a very empty organisation!
The current situation is like trying to put toothpaste back in the tune. If this had been an isolated incident there could be hope it may be salvaged. But it happening weeks after a meeting where things were apparently brought to the open and supposedly put behind them, for the coach to make an arrogant and stupid rant it just shows he's not up to it on a player relationship level. And it's not like he's come with a glittering head coach resume.

Reply #957934 | Report this post

Last month

@cruella Deville

The Millennials and gen z babies in the team and todays society don't care about the tone they will hear it as a personal attack, tact, won’t matter how you say it, they will hear it as a personal attack, timing, straight after the game is the best time to say it otherwise if you bring it up at training two days later they hear it as a personal attack and you have been sitting in it for two days, truth, they can’t handle the truth because the truth is, these Prima Donna’s are babies

Reply #957943 | Report this post

Last month

I didn't know Wells dad was getting open heart surgery around the time of the game LaPark. I can understand why he might be stressed out and say the wrong thing in the heat of the moment. Shit happens really. Who here hasn't said something stupid during an argument? Joey Wright certainly lost his cool on many occasions and it didn't stop him from being a long serving and successful coach.

One of the biggest problems we have in Adelaide is that for as long as I can remember, every little thing that goes wrong seems to leak to the public realm and there are always people with a score to settle sniping from the sidelines.

Are we really rooting for the team to sack ANOTHER coach? If you're a fan of the team, that is the last thing you'd want, because we'll be back to square one AGAIN.

I didn't think we should have sacked Ninnis at the start of the season, but here we are. Sacking another coach isn't going to undo that. I've watched quite a few press conferences by Wells this season and he has been articulate and done a good job in most of them.

No doubt he has made mistakes, but so do all coaches. The Sixers still have a chance to make the playoffs, despite the season being completely derailed by the debacle in Melbourne, plus DJV and Dech being out for a significant amount of games.

As a fan of the team, I am going to get onboard and support them instead of laying the boot in. Its especially unfair of the media to put this pressure on the coach when his dad is unwell on the other side of the globe. Did a locker room disagreement really need to be reported on this week? It could easily have waited until the end of the season, but nah the media love to keep the controversy going.

Reply #957945 | Report this post

Last month

I agree Beantown the timing of this leak is pretty ordinary especially given Wells' 91 year old father was going through open-heart surgery at the same time as the game. It's pretty deceitful to leak that stuff knowing the context.

Olgun should feel ashamed of himself. Boti too for implying Wells' firing was imminent knowing they were about to get on the plane to Perth. He was never being fired before this road double because if he was it would've already happened on Tuesday. Boti stooping to that tweet just to stick up for Ninnis, especially given the stress they knew Wells was under after the game is ordinary. Boti banging on so much at the time about Maher quitting his glad-handing role at the club in solidarity for Ninnis, who gives a shit.

Honestly sometimes I think the old boys club of the Adelaide basketball scene is so incestuous it drives a lot of these problems over the years. The looking after mates, settling scores for mates etc it gets really tiresome.

Reply #957948 | Report this post

Last month

Boti has always been fake news, he just had free reign in this town to do it

The bloke is full of shit

Reply #957950 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Last month

Wells offered to resign

Players have said they want out if he is here next year

Wells was made to apologise to Isaac in front the group

KD was given a pass by the management when he should have been disciplined significantly

all allegedly , of course :P

Reply #957953 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last month

Q Anon, so Wells won't be there next year? Doesn’t give much hope for rest of the season.

Sounds like a kindergarten, not a professional basketball club

Reply #957955 | Report this post

Last month

"Players have said they want out if he is here next year"

I guess the problem with this is you keep giving the players this power and they'll keep wanting coaches dumped as soon as they don't get their way.

It's a tough, messy situation, not sure I have the confidence for them to even fix it with current ownership/management either.

Reply #957957 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last month

La Park, yeah that's right. It was called player power in the AFL and cricket for a while. Part of me suspects this could partly be the case.

Reply #957958 | Report this post

Last month

These are all the machinations of a club with a poor culture. Wells has both benefitted from it and is now on the receiving end of it, yet another coach being chewed up and spat out when their usefulness is diminishing.

When you've got clowns, genuine muppets, running the club this is what happens. Now the coach who never should've been hired in the first place is being made to grovel and bend the knee to a couple of players who frankly need a kick up the backside.

KD's attitude problems can leave for all I care, he won't last long in Europe unless he pulls his head right in and no player should hold the power he does.

Humphries I do like but he's suck a sook and cracks the sads if he goes five minutes without getting a shot. How about getting a rebound? Humphries used to be a great rebounder a few years ago now he's mediocre. Rebounds are about effort. He's not the shot blocker he used to be either, again effort. It's like Daniel Johnson all over again. Don't ask him to pull his finger out, you might upset him.

No doubt the club refused to accept Wells' resignation can you imagine the fall out if he quit now with 7 games still left in the season? Weston would have had to quit himself or be fired on principle. No doubt he'll shove Wells onto the plank the second the season is over though.

Reply #957959 | Report this post

Last month

"I guess the problem with this is you keep giving the players this power and they'll keep wanting coaches dumped as soon as they don't get their way."

If the players are saying this and giving valid reasons why, then a club would be silly not to act.

Players are your best insight into what a coach is like, you've just got to be able to dig and see the feedback is genuine and team related, not just the case of a couple of players who aren't happy with their own personal role/situation etc.

Reply #957967 | Report this post

Last month

Interesting Joey Wright predicted all this as much in his podcast with Boti a couple weeks ago. Is Joey still an NBA scout ? Annoyingly smart dude anyways.

It's too bad he has been blacklisted from the NBL by LK.

Reply #957970 | Report this post

Last month

Do you think KD would be a good replacement for Cotton

Reply #957971 | Report this post

Last month

Joey thug Wright is no loss to Australian basketball

Reply #957974 | Report this post

Last month

The culture at the club is rotten and has been since the Mitch Creek thing in 2018, we still haven't made the playoffs since, and the only common denominator is the owner.

It began well before 2018 and has carried over to the current owner, although to be fair I can excuse SOS since they were in a constant battle to keep the club afloat.

I won a competition run by the 36ers and they didn't send the prize, ignoring all e-mail communication (pre-GK). They have been a badly run organisation for a very long time. Sadly money hasn't solved this.

Reply #957975 | Report this post

Last month

So much he said he said he said. Time to do what paid to do. Play basketball. Season is on the line. Winning solves all. This game huge danger game for cats. Ants are gone and if sixers roll cats think league on notice. Very worried about the outcome.

Reply #957976 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last month

I actually do feel for Wells a bit. You could see the look on his face at the airport when the media attempted to get some information. First time I have seen him wear a hat, but the media still recongised him, lol.

Reply #957984 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last month

Zodiac, but what stops Wells from just quitting? I wouldn't blame him. Save some face while you still can.

Reply #957985 | Report this post

Last month

When's the last coach that quit in-season? Wouldn't be good for his reputation for future gigs. If he really wanted to quit he could but he allegedly offered his resignation to Weston so he would have to wear the fallout if he agreed.

Reply #957987 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last month

Zodiac, I am not as cluey about these things. I guess I just meant that if Wells is truly miserable now, he could easily just tell the club to shove it.

Reply #957990 | Report this post

Last month

Connor Henry tried to turn the joint around, had to fit in around next star Giddey who's D was average. He had the right idea but JVG got rid of him and the rest is history. Bring in nice guys CJ, Ninnis and the rest is history. Imo Sixers got no choice but to stick with Wells, yes you might lose a few big names but get more players who are not Prima Donna’s like Roth built JJs and move forward. Humphries, DJV, Mayern , Dech are good pieces, I keep talking about bringing in Delly, old head, professional to his boot straps, offer him a small share like kings and Bogut. Delly will attract quality players as well. Sixers fans will watch a team that competes and builds towards success.

Reply #957994 | Report this post

Last month

I was just thinking about Henry as Humphries far and away played he best basketball under him, that was the brief period pre-injury when Ice looked a serious MVP contender. We were 5-7 too at the time he went down and who knows how things may have played out, perhaps that Henry team makes the playoffs despite being a Giddey showcase season.

It still shits me JVG firing Henry on the eve of training camp starting as soon as he got out of quarantine after returning from his off-season break. Supposedly it was because Henry wasn't willing to give Mojave King and Kai Sotto the big minutes JVG had promised them but I suspect it had a bit more to do with Henry not being that happy with DJ and his attitude towards defence.

Who knows what could've been? The Henry did show some sort of potential but another jumped up GM thought he knew better and gave his mate CJ a 3 year deal. CJ was clearly not up to it and history is now repeating itself with Ninnis/Weston/Wells.

I said to my brother about a month ago with Delly on the way out in Melb I would really like to see the Sixers sign him. His leadership, defence and attitude would be invaluable and would go a long way to strengthening the core of DJV and Humphries. I would love to see Dech come back too but given how much the owner screwed him around last season I bet he can't wait to finally turn his back on the place. I'm not sure Delly would want much to with this mess.

Reply #957995 | Report this post

Last month

I tend to agree Dunkman, but I guess that's also what can make picking imports so difficult too. You need them to fit into the culture and gameplan you have, but then there's also the element of them wanting to look good, get their stats because they want to move up to a bigger/better league and make more $. I certainly can't fault them for that, I won't criticise a player trying to maximize their earnings in what can be a short career.

Davis is a tremendous player and I don't think he's a bad guy or sabotaging the team or anything and it may even be a bit of a "F it, I'll do it myself" attitude, but there are times where he looks like he goes into "I'm scoring this possession" and he ignores everyone else to try and do that. I'm sure getting an MVP award would be a big boost to his career, so when you get a coach who is constantly on you, I can see the friction being created there from both sides.

Reply #957996 | Report this post

Last month

"Humphries I do like but he's suck a sook and cracks the sads if he goes five minutes without getting a shot. How about getting a rebound? Humphries used to be a great rebounder a few years ago now he's mediocre. Rebounds are about effort. He's not the shot blocker he used to be either, again effort. It's like Daniel Johnson all over again. Don't ask him to pull his finger out, you might upset him."

I have to admit that I too have noticed that about Humphries. His shot blocking has really dropped off since returning to the 36ers from Melbourne, and his effort levels on the boards have dropped too. And the comparison with DJ is apt because while No.21 was arguably the best offensive centre the 36ers have ever had, his defence really did suck. He could rebound, but he was as close to being a 7 footer without actually being one yet he had almost zero shot blocking skills. And it was his poor defence that stopped him getting more than just handful of Boomers games through his career despite having a decade long reputation as the "Dirk Nowitzki of the NBL".

Reply #958242 | Report this post

Last month

Yeah it was all fools gold with DJ. Only played here and mickey mouse leagues, the one time he tried Europe he lasted about 10 games got cut by his team in Poland and then moped back to the Sixers mid-season.

Unfortunately Humphries is starting to look like he's going the same way. He'd get eaten alive in Europe too. It looks like it's coming down to Wells or Humphries so we'll probably have another new coach next season.

Reply #958254 | Report this post

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