Last month

NBL 25/26 free agency thread

Obviously still a few rounds remaining this season, but for some of the teams attention will be turning to the free agency period.

Some big names out of contract this year, none bigger than one Bryce Cotton.


The above video is the first episode of marketplace for the year, worth a watch if you have the time

Topic #52602 | Report this topic

Last month

Olgun sounded pretty confident Cotton won't be back. Mentioned the money on offer in Japan would be "life changing". I wonder what the gap vs wildcats offer would be?

Reply #958968 | Report this post

Last month

Also, I think Pete Hooley was suggesting Josh Bannon to the JJs. Anyone else pick that up? Not heard that one before.

Reply #958969 | Report this post

Last month

Haven't watched the Marketplace video but I would imagine Flynn Cameron will be highly sought after with Dash Daniel's likely to be getting significant bench minutes. Only getting 10-15 minutes per game and has shown with opportunity he will flourish with a genuine two/way game style.

Reply #958970 | Report this post

Damo 75  
Last month

Do we see much interest in any of the Cairns players off contract?

Imports are maybes but I wouldn't have thought any standouts.

Armstrong will definitely get interest if he stays in Australia, Waardenburg the same with Gak also a decent likelihood.

I'd assume the others will get options taken up (not 100% sure about Stith) if they're not already contracted.

Forde obviously the biggest piece of the puzzle.

Reply #958982 | Report this post

Last month

Pretty short list of players playing over seas on their list, fair few missing and some real good ones, it seems if you got the right agent you get more attention in nbl. Motum is leading scorer in Japan in side that has hardly won a game, his defence is not nbl level though. Brandt and a few others get you shaking your head.

Reply #958984 | Report this post

Last month

Cotton joining Trev in Japan seems like a given

Reply #958987 | Report this post

Last month

Damo, not sure if you watched the Martketplace episode but on Cairns, Olgun mentioned there's a strong chance Tanner Groves returns

Reply #958989 | Report this post

Another Anon  
Last month

Quick google search suggests in 2021 that top level B League get US$1m+.
I can only imagine it's closer to US$1.5m now.

Reply #958995 | Report this post

Last month

Bit hard to take it seriously when Rucker says on the one hand that JJs need wholesale changes then on the other he would bring back all the locals and Doyle (so no clearing of any local roster spots to bring better balance to the roster). Then Hooley points out roster construction if MacDonald gets injured again and Rucker hasn't thought that through. Then he suggests Delly go to the JJs on his huge money which just isn’t going to happen. Then thinking McVeigh is only contracted to the JJs til 2026 if he returns when it is 2027. Olgun seems the only one with any useful intel like both sides working on Doyle’s return. And that’s just their discussion on one club.

Reply #958996 | Report this post

Last month

Never gets factored into discussion that a B League regular season is 60 games long. Players deserve to be getting double NBL money for that.

2/3rds of the cash for 1/2 the games in the NBL isn't a bad gig.

Reply #959002 | Report this post

Basket 91  
Last month

They were saying Prather is best value for money import wise as lowest paid import this year. Brisbane will need to pay up if keep.

United can realistically only keep 1 of Delly or Cameron with Daniels coming in.

Reply #959004 | Report this post

Last month

Yeah okay so even if Perth offered Bryce AU$1.2m(~US750k), US$1.5m in Japan probably covers the downsides of leaving. Shame for the NBL, but understandable.

Reply #959006 | Report this post

Last month

New marketplace episode


Reply #959017 | Report this post

Last month

Wonder who the high level import was that elected to stay in pursuit of a 2 way that Olgun was talking about. At least we now know the JJs were trying to bring in someone of that calibre. Roth did mention at the Hummer presser that they had been trying for some time to bring someone else in.

Reply #959022 | Report this post

Last month

With the money in Asia becoming a issue, does the league look into perhaps adding another two teams (Gold Coast and Canberra) and extending the league by another few rounds to make the league close to 40 games? Most games are sell outs so clearly the demand is there and while the iron is hot it's best to strike

Reply #959023 | Report this post

Last month

While I watch both episodes, I'm not certain I’m any wiser, just a lot guess work, I suppose that’s part of it. When I talk to a few people I know with their ear to the ground and I mention some of the stuff they laugh at me. Like a most sports now days it’s all part of the hype machine.

Reply #959027 | Report this post

Last month

It's rumoured Delly is chasing big coin.

If so, let him go and use the cash for keeping Ili and Cameron, and upgrading Ian Clark to someone like a Rayjon Tucker, Casey Prather

Reply #959038 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last month

Does anyone actually want to focus on this yet? 3 games to go for some teams and the top 6 far from settled.

Reply #959056 | Report this post

The Phantom  
Last month

For someone who's career earnings is over $45 million (minus tax, agents etc), Delly must have had some pretty bad investment advice if he's chasing an extra hundred grand or so. Granted, that's a lot of money, but in the scheme of things surely he'd want a competitive team and playing time.

Reply #959068 | Report this post

Last month

Agreed, if Delly won't accept a pay cut I’d be moving him on. The team balance hasn’t been great at United imo, too old and unauthentic (excluding White). Replacing Delly with a genuine scoring point guard and Lee with a legit import center (Alan Williams type) would be a much more dangerous lineup.

PG: Davis / Ili
SG: Goulding / Daniels
SF: Cameron / Krebs
PF: White / Bowen
C: A Williams / Loe

Reply #959082 | Report this post

Last month

Williams doesn't play D anywhere near good enough for Vickerman.

Reply #959084 | Report this post

Damo 75  
Last month

Seems to be the general consensus that Forde won't be back for Cairns. If true, that will be a big loss.

Reply #959104 | Report this post

Last month

Maybe. If they picked up someone like coach Kop then I think they would do all right.

Reply #959110 | Report this post

Damo 75  
Last month

Maybe, though I'd have thought we need a talent ID/recruitment coach.

Kerry Williams might be a fantastic coach and has plenty of assistant experience, but I just can't envisage him communicating and selling the plan/idea to players when recruiting like Forde has done. But I don't know him so maybe I'm wrong.

Reply #959122 | Report this post

Last week

Relieved to hear on Marketplace about a Tacko Fall departure for the Breakers. While the situation is more complicated that 'Tacko = losing streak', his playing style certainly doesn't fit the mid-2020s NBL. Just don't know what the impact of this season will be for a number of the playing group - agree that PJC is gone (Perth would value PJC as a Cotton replacement).

Looks like free agency is going to be based on the following chess pieces:
Flynn Cameron
Josh Bannan
Taran Armstrong

Reply #959224 | Report this post

Last week

would have Bannon, Flyn and Armstrong at the JJs

Maybe 2 of that 3!!

Reply #959238 | Report this post

Last week

Mccaron is still on court, I'm not certain if playing is the correct terminology.

Reply #959239 | Report this post

Last week

Assuming the following-relative clean bill of health, mcveigh not coming back, doyle coming back(even though he has dropped off considerably-terrible fg%, bad +-, more turnovers than first two seasons and what seems like an apathy most games to shoot before the fourth quarter) and jc being let go i think the jjs can just retool a couple pieces to be right back in the hunt next season. Use the mcveigh and jc money to put a stupid offer($$$ and years) towards matt hurt from SEM, the dude can flat out score inside and out, rebounds decently and can play 4 or 5, if he doesnt want to come then throw a slightly lower offer at tanner groves. Another 4-5 who can shoot from outside or bang down low, rebounds well and seems like a no nonsense work horse(perfect jackie). Seanny mac will be starting PG so find a solid aussie backup like kyle adnam(good vet who can hit from outside ala weeksy) or maybe throw some extra dollars at flynn cameron with the promise of solid backup pg and sg minutes. Use the other import spot on a solid backup 4-5(like what marcus lee was for us?) or a three and D shooting guard/small forward ala craig sword(was criminally under rated and not given enough court time) who has said he would come back for sure as he loved the club. All we would need from him would be what he was meant to be here for this season. 15mins of disruptive d on oppositions best backcourt player, corner 3s and slashing through the lane when it opens up. Let go of walter brown(full contract player this coming season and doesnt appear to have earned any trust from coaches in last three seasons so let him go explore his options(breakers?), keep fab, drmic, steindl and stoddart as 3rd string pg. Let gak go also as wouldnt be needed with mags, hurt/groves and fab plus possible backup import 4-5. Terangi has been solid sometimes and average at other times so not fussed there. Make a strong push for a young aussie in college like reyne smith or a next star that actually wants to commit to basketball and that is a damn solid team of no BS players who know how to get it done and will work their behinds off to make it happen

Reply #959244 | Report this post

Last week

Armstrong, Smith, Bannon or Waadenbyrg and an import 4 would just about do it I reckon Scout assuming McVeighs is not back.

If Armstrong came in for JC then you would have JCs money, McVeighs money and Marcus Lees money (if thinking in 23/24 terms) and incremental spend growth. You would think that would be plenty to get all of those over the line.

Having said that I would not like to see Armstrong on huge overs compared to MacDonald. That just wouldn't be fair to MacDonald.

Reply #959246 | Report this post

Last week

Hurts has got a lot better on D, not certain he's up to Roth standards though. Gak at this stage is a far better option than Krislovic.

Reply #959248 | Report this post

Last week

FWIW, Bannan and Cameron still have a year to go on both of their contracts. If they're being talked about by NBL comms they might know they're opting out or something.

Josh Bannan, signed a 3 year deal in 2023:


Flynn Cameron, also signed a 3 year deal in 2023, mutual option on next season:


Reply #959249 | Report this post

Last week

Viewbank - brilliant post - great reading



Please put some paragraphs space in your next post, love your post but damn it is hard to read but you have really useful stuff in there


Reply #959256 | Report this post

Last week

Love your post Viewbank116

Reply #959257 | Report this post

The Phantom  
Last week

So no chance Hummer returns for JJs, some experts on here still thinks he does ok.
And would Houston still keep McVeigh next season, done ok in gleague but with Houston being a surprise he's not had much chance with rocket's. They've said they're staying pat at trade deadline, but they've suddenly got a chance at a title, do they make a move and McVeigh somehow gets packaged in for salary? If they get playoff Jimmy for cheap they'd need to get some salary matching together. Pity for Tassie it couldn't have happened sooner if he'd gotten waived immediately.
Cameron is probably in that inbetween spot of being a great backup but not quite being a great starter. Could bet on himself and go to Cairns and prove himself there and cash in later after a good year or two.

Reply #959258 | Report this post

Last week

this for the JJ's:

"Armstrong, Smith, Bannon or Wardenburg and an import 4 would just about do it I reckon "

(rights with KL ☺️)

Reply #959259 | Report this post

Last week

"Please put some paragraphs space in your next post, love your post but damn it is hard to read but you have really useful stuff in there“

My bad, not great in english class-lol.
Will do better next time, thankyou for the great constructive feedback and kind words

Reply #959262 | Report this post

Earlier this week

AussieHoopla has been updated for 2026 free agency for all clubs.

Last year was on the money with a lot of the moves.

For JJs:

Says Reyne Smith expected to sign.

Crawford unlikely to return.

WMW, Delly and Cotton linked as the replacement PG. Says only the JJs, United and the Kings are capable of signing Cotton if he stays in the NBL and departs the Cats. Olgun Uluc also mentioned the JJs and United on marketplace.

Surely WMW staying in Europe. Just can't believe either of Cotton or Delly either.

Reply #959461 | Report this post

Earlier this week

JJ's wouldn't be reckless enough to pay Cotton the money he wants. I know they only have Magnay, Deng, Macdonald and maybe Gak under contract for next season so plenty of room just don't see Roth considering it.

I can believe Delly big time. He was the guy the JJ's tried to get to be the face of their franchise when they were first coming into the NBL. They were talking to him hard the season before when he was in Cleveland. Then Delly turned around and signed that massive deal with United instead so JJ's pivoted tried to land Nick Kay he signed in Japan instead so then settled for Magnay.

Given Delly's prior relationship with the JJ's and being so close to Melb I thought they would be the favs to get Delly even though I've said I would love the Sixers to get him to replace KD.

Reply #959464 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Zodiac, IMO, Cotton is close to exactly what Roth would like in his team. "Seems" absolutely loyal, and, obviously,can shoot the lights. Cotton's advantage, his scoring, every night.

Delly too, on all counts. Where I believe Delly has the advantage is his team-first attitude and (probably his price).

Reply #959485 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Was going to finish with agreement that Delly is the better choice for JJ's.

Reply #959486 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Anyone feel like the NBL may have a shot at Patty Mills next season? He will be 37 in august so i think hard pressed to find an offer in the NBA you would think, especially with his ever lowering fg % and struggles on the defensive end.
That said he would be a massive coup for our league and would probably fit in seamlessly for any team. You would think the usual suspects would get first crack, kings, united(if delly leaves as some rumours suggest) and wildcats.
I feel like united or sydney would be the best bet and slightly favour sydney due to the goorj and bogut connection plus their supposed need for another guard.
The league would surely throw some sort of ambassador money at Patty to make this happen and you would think the club he went to gives him 3 years plus possibly an ownership stake ala bogut.
Would be a nice way to finish his career i think, playing 20-25 mins per game instead of languishing at the end of a bench and helping push the game in this country.

Reply #959551 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Agreed with all the above Viewbank, would love to see the great man end his career down under

Reply #959554 | Report this post

Earlier this week

I could see Mills in the NBL for sure. Doesn't seem to have much interest in the NBA at this point and doesn't get much playing time. Would come down here and be the biggest thing in the league if he played. Definitely would put Sydney and Melb United at the front of the queue for him.

Reply #959560 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Given that he would have made a bit of money by now, he might not go for the highest bidder. Might he go to Cairns to be nearer the Tiwi Islands and to help a struggling program?

Reply #959562 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Even though Patty spent some of youth growing up in Adelaide (fav team the Crows, fav player Andrew McLeod) after the Mitch Creek thing happened he was in Adelaide a few years back to launch some shoe or something and said he'll never play for the Sixers, so probably rules him out with Adelaide lol

Reply #959563 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Any chance the league rushes through the gold coast expansion franchise and sets Patty up there?
I know the new stadium isnt ready for another 3 years or so but could they justify pushing through the license and playing somewhere in the interim by having Patty as the face of the franchise?
I think more likely Sydney still though, big market and connections would be hard to say no to.
Hoopie, that would be an absolutely amazing move by Patty and a brilliant story for the league and the taipans plus a great situation for the cairns community. It would surely only serve to drive more fans to the game, more kids playing the game there and hopefully sponsors lining up to hand dollars over

Reply #959564 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Zodiac, Ingles has said similar, so that doesn't surprise me at all. I think he'd want to be in a bigger market/better city anyway.

Reply #959566 | Report this post

Earlier this week

The Breakers long-time clown GM Matt Walsh is saying PJC might not be back next season because he doesn't "trust" the NBL!


Can you believe the cajones on this guy? Hey champ him not wanting to come back might have a bit more to do with you destroying a 7-3 team with you're Tacko Fall obsession. 3-15 since well done.

If I were PJC I would be getting away from this clown too. Olgun says he thinks PJC will probably at another NBL team next season, so not a league issue then lol

Reply #959594 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Earlier this week

NZ need to go back to hiring a kiwi coach and getting as many kiwi players on the team as possible. That's when they're at their best.

Reply #959596 | Report this post

Earlier this week

I remember when Walsh, Marion & Co. took over the Breakers there was a mass exodus of Kiwi's behind the scenes too guys like Vukona and Boucher left and Henare quit as coach.

Last season Finn Delany, Izayah Le'afa, Tom Abercrombie, Dan Fotu and Dom Kelman-Poto all left. Now on the roster they just have Mennenga and Darling and Max was born in the Carribean, one true Kiwi. Once again Walsh, well done.

Reply #959597 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Max Darling isn't a true Kiwi because he was born in the Carribean??

Reply #959598 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Breakers should try and buy Walter Brown out of his Tassie contract, could be a win-win for both clubs: NZ get a young promising local, JJs free up a guard spot to resign Nick Stoddart

Reply #959599 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Amazing the impact that PJC will make, whatever his choice. He'll be announcing how he feels about NZ Breakers' management.

If he chooses to stay with NZ Breakers, he approves of (or at least, is ok with) the Tacko (and any other) issue(s).

If he chooses elsewhere (in the NBL) it's a GF (no, not a "Grand Final") to NZ management.

Reply #959601 | Report this post

Earlier this week

PJC linked to the Cats and Bullets according to Aussie Hoopla.

Reply #959602 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Earlier this week

KL, I am not really sure what to make of that FA tracker just yet. Lots of the names are just continous from last season. Basically everyone is interested in everyone. I wouldn't read too much into FA echo just yet, but could be wrong.

Reply #959603 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Wouldn't surprise me if Cotton goes to Japan to play under Gleeson for a big payday and the Wildcats get PJC as his replacement.

Reply #959604 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Agreed MC, not reading too much into it either. Last free agency though a lot of moves were posted on there as definite a few days ahead of anything from Olgun Uluc, the NBL and the clubs. Has access to legit info from somewhere.

Reply #959605 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Can't help but feel PJC will either be at the Wildcats, or not in the league.

Reply #959606 | Report this post

Earlier this week

I can't see pjc staying in the league but if he does I'd guess it's in sydney which would be most suited to continuing his music career/hobby

Reply #959610 | Report this post

The Phantom  
Earlier this week

Would love Mills to go to Cairns similar to Jawais ambassador program. And might be advantageous for his wife's business as well. If he gets subsidised then the snakes could afford to put a more financially competitive team out there, which the NBL would want.
And the conflict with LK and the league if Delly somehow goes to Tassie is interesting, especially if offered some ownership package. He'd go from a team owned by Larry, to another team essentially owned by Larry. United might not want to pay Delly, but to save a bit of face with the fans can move him onto JJ'S with the league getting back money from Delly if he buys in. So much smoke and mirrors with Larry talking up the NBL yet having a finger in so many teams pies.

Reply #959611 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Earlier this week

KL, sorry, didn't mean to sound patronising or anything like that.

Reply #959626 | Report this post

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