Assuming the following-relative clean bill of health, mcveigh not coming back, doyle coming back(even though he has dropped off considerably-terrible fg%, bad +-, more turnovers than first two seasons and what seems like an apathy most games to shoot before the fourth quarter) and jc being let go i think the jjs can just retool a couple pieces to be right back in the hunt next season. Use the mcveigh and jc money to put a stupid offer($$$ and years) towards matt hurt from SEM, the dude can flat out score inside and out, rebounds decently and can play 4 or 5, if he doesnt want to come then throw a slightly lower offer at tanner groves. Another 4-5 who can shoot from outside or bang down low, rebounds well and seems like a no nonsense work horse(perfect jackie). Seanny mac will be starting PG so find a solid aussie backup like kyle adnam(good vet who can hit from outside ala weeksy) or maybe throw some extra dollars at flynn cameron with the promise of solid backup pg and sg minutes. Use the other import spot on a solid backup 4-5(like what marcus lee was for us?) or a three and D shooting guard/small forward ala craig sword(was criminally under rated and not given enough court time) who has said he would come back for sure as he loved the club. All we would need from him would be what he was meant to be here for this season. 15mins of disruptive d on oppositions best backcourt player, corner 3s and slashing through the lane when it opens up. Let go of walter brown(full contract player this coming season and doesnt appear to have earned any trust from coaches in last three seasons so let him go explore his options(breakers?), keep fab, drmic, steindl and stoddart as 3rd string pg. Let gak go also as wouldnt be needed with mags, hurt/groves and fab plus possible backup import 4-5. Terangi has been solid sometimes and average at other times so not fussed there. Make a strong push for a young aussie in college like reyne smith or a next star that actually wants to commit to basketball and that is a damn solid team of no BS players who know how to get it done and will work their behinds off to make it happen