I think this would be the way to go for the NBA. The amount of ads wouldnt be drastically less gvien they would still have a similar amount of breaks minus a couple time outs potentially. It would be a good compromise for players, but still doesn't reduce the amount of travel.
I think with a couple extra teams in the near future a home and away season could also work. That would be a 62 game season with 32 teams. I would then expand the NBA cup to include top teams from around the world. Get it to a 64 team group stage and play the group stage before the regular season tips off.
16 groups of 4. Each group has 2 x NBA teams and 2 x international teams. Then round of 32 onwards is knock out. That gets most NBA teams 4 extra games unless they lose the group stage and gets the whole world involved in the NBA. You know some euroteam would go on fairytale run to the round of 16 or something.
Realistically, the NBA care too much about records anyway. There are always arguments anyway like Lebron vs Jordans numbers when Lebron is playing within the 3 point shooting era and Jordan didnt.
The NBA is getting stale real fast. Every game feels the same and is essentially unwatchable except for the last 5 minutes. Yes there are a few highlights, but the copy and paste product for every team at the moment is unbearable.