Yeah, sacking Conner Henry was one of the most callous and stupid decisions I've ever seen. I would argue that decision, more than any other, is responsible for the Sixers being a basket case over the past 5 years!
Would argue the mess started well before Connor Henry. Even in Joey's last season, he had to put up with the Owner - all of sudden - sitting right behind him during road games, being in the locker room at half/after games, bringing in Phil Smyth as a 'consultant’ to ‘work with Joey’ at practice etc. And that’s just the stuff we saw!
I said it at the time, and my position hasn’t changed - the way Ninnis was released was more than a coaching change. It sent a stark message to the core players that the club doesn’t give a flying f**k about culture, chemistry and building on the back half of last season.
Sure, this season every game was a sellout. That had more to do with riding the waves from last season, and bringing in an NBA veteran who is an attention seeking poser, wanting to be the leader but only playing hard some of the time.
Close your eyes and imagine what this Adelaide team may have been with an import 4 man like Doolittle or Matt Hurt instead of our NBA 6th man of the year. Probably up there challenging for a top 2 finish.