Earlier this week

Sixers at Phoenix 2/2/25

Both last start losers, both sides can crack on D imo, Harrell on Hurt could be critical. Sobbing Davis also very important. Should be the second cracker today. Slightly more travel for SEM, who wins, you tell me as I'm thinking Sixers.

Topic #52618 | Report this topic

Earlier this week

Kings zero in offence & D non existent

Reply #959306 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Sorry for post above. Wrong game. Oops!

Reply #959308 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Should've said Sobey on Davis above.

Reply #959311 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Think we all knew who you meant! LOL

Reply #959315 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Even though we don't need to win either of our last two games I really hope the Sixers are able to win today or at Perth on Friday. Would be terrible going into the play-ins on a three game losing streak.

Reply #959318 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Earlier this week

If Adelaide bothered to show up on Friday, they could well be fighting for a home final.

Reply #959347 | Report this post

Earlier this week

It's sickening and sewn up a spot in the play-ins too. Looks like we're letting this one go through to the keeper, smh.

Reply #959348 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Nick Marshall sighting, yep we're phoning it in.

Reply #959353 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Maybe the fans need to pull their heads in....

Gaze - "friendly banter" my arse.

Yep Harrell is touchy but some responsibility needs to be with the fans of both Melbourne teams.

If that was a fan in another city they would be called out I have no doubt

Reply #959357 | Report this post

Earlier this week

I would love to have Hunter. A bit undersized for a centre but plays with a lot of heart, Kings were crazy to let him leave. I'm just about over Humphries.

Reply #959362 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Can Trez ever get a hand up to a shooter after a switch?!

Reply #959363 | Report this post

Earlier this week

36ers getting absolutely wrecked on the boards.

Reply #959364 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Earlier this week

Zodiac, I am actually a bit over this season. The Bullets or Jacks deserve it more.

Whatever Wells has done to to discontent the players again, it better be good!

Davis already thinking about his exit without knowing Adelaide could advance to a home final scenario. Pack ya bags mate, lol.

Reply #959365 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Tassie do deserve it more they at least put in effort.

Sixers suck, we're such a shit club.

Reply #959368 | Report this post

Earlier this week

You get a real sense watching Tassie last night and the 36ers on Friday and now today, who plays with their ego and who plays with their heart.

Reply #959369 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Mate how the kings could use Hunter, Davis is a hell of a player, learned a lot this season, don't think he’ll return. Ayre is also to good to get so few minutes most of the season.

Reply #959370 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Ben Ayre, yet another ex-Sixer putting us to the sword. Happens nearly every game and every year.

Reply #959371 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Not sure what happened during the week but the Sixers are throwing all of it away for whatever reason.

Reply #959375 | Report this post

Earlier this week

The body language from this team has been awful from tip-off.

Reply #959376 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Earlier this week

AlexK, this is why I have been saying this is on the players, regardless of what Wells has done again.

Reply #959377 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Feels like they've said "We've made it, lets go into cruise control for these last games".

This ain't a league you can do that in though. Felt like Brisbane they walked in it was in the bag and they got embarrassed and they haven't shown up today either.

Reply #959378 | Report this post

Earlier this week

30 to 13 rebounds. Sixers should be chasing Forde, get a couple of blue collar guys who play D and rebound, team first players and balance the roster. I'd keep Davis if possible but lt Harrell and Martin go.

Reply #959380 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Definitely need to get some gritty role players in the team, especially up front.

Reply #959382 | Report this post

Earlier this week

That catch and shoot is the difference between Dech and Mayen there. Mayen would have hesitated and lost his chance to shoot.

Reply #959385 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Down 23 awesome.

Remember we need to lose both games by a combined 54 points and Tassie to beat Cairns by 26 to miss the play-ins, are we up for the challenge?

Reply #959388 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Earlier this week

LaPark, but this sudden departure from what was working was evident during the Brisbane loss where their spot was not guaranteed. Even now, it's not mathematically impossible. If they have decided to coast on the basis they can't move from 6th, then why not just rest say Davis and Harrell, and have a few on restrictive minutes?

I honestly think that Adelaide are not playing for Wells anymore, and that is the big issue. That's honestly what I think.

Reply #959389 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Cadee being a true vet here. Brought the heads in and steadied the ship a bit.

Reply #959392 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Hunter with a brain explosion. Sixers only toying with us in game start. Phoenix do collapse in second half.

Reply #959393 | Report this post

Earlier this week

I tuned out at H/T how on Earth did we cut the deficit to just 2 points in one quarter?

Reply #959395 | Report this post

Earlier this week

I see but I don't believe it. SEM players look exhausted, they have battled back from a zero, five start, do choke in second halves though.

Reply #959397 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Harrell started grabbing offensive boards (had about 4 that quarter) and scoring, Cadee and Dech hit a few shots too and got to the line too.

Reply #959398 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Popping my JC5 streetwear!

Reply #959399 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Most effort I've seen Harrell put in in a long time.

Reply #959400 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Sunday looking like a baller again, loving it.

Reply #959401 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Cadee got the 5 together when they were down by 17 and it's been a complete 180 since.

Reply #959402 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Cadee deserves a new contract on this game alone best I've seem him play in years.

Reply #959403 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Earlier this week

Master Chief will go and hide for a while, lol.

Reply #959404 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Small ball lineup working well. Haven't seen Humphries at all during this.

Reply #959406 | Report this post

Earlier this week

SEM starters all in big plus, bench all in big minus.

Reply #959407 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Massive charge by Weiskamp.

Reply #959409 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Fantastic pass by Cadee. Bailed out Harrell wasting half the clock and letting himself get doubled.

Reply #959411 | Report this post

Earlier this week

If I didn't know any better I would say SEM been trying to lose this since H/T, played their bench way too long until the Sixers got the 20+ deficit down to 2 points. It's bit suspicious.

Maybe they're trying to lose so they draw the Sixers in the play-in game?

Reply #959412 | Report this post

Earlier this week

It's never a dull day with these Sixers.

Reply #959413 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Foot was on the line, explain that to me. Hunter some dumb plays, he's to important to get fouled out.

Reply #959414 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Sobey still unguardable

Reply #959415 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Foxwell puts up some garbage shots.

Reply #959416 | Report this post

Earlier this week

What a stupid pass by Trez, Cadee under the basket against bigs what could go wrong?

Reply #959417 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Had Mayen sitting there for the 3.

Reply #959418 | Report this post

twenty four  
Earlier this week

That should have been overturned.

Reply #959419 | Report this post

Earlier this week

We need to get rid of Mayen what a clown.

Reply #959420 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Mayen needs to get some guts.

Reply #959421 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Well that was stupid.

Reply #959422 | Report this post

Earlier this week

OK, I'll forgive Harrell not passing to Mayen because he probably wouldn't have shot it.

Reply #959423 | Report this post

Earlier this week

It's over.

Reply #959424 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Foxwell jumped forward and kicked his leg out.

Reply #959425 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Like that scene from Apocalypto, "I'm going to call you Almost".

Sums up the Sixers season, almost.

Reply #959426 | Report this post

Uncle Phil  
Earlier this week

That foul on Davis was ridiculous, was clearly pushed into Foxwell by Weiskamp. If the replay center can't see that there is no use in them existing, that was essentially what gave SEM the win.

Reply #959427 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Okay so as long as we don't lose to Perth by 48 we're in yeah?

Reply #959428 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Mayen had a good shot, if he misses he misses, but he did the worst thing possible and traded a good shot for a bad one because he didn't have the courage to take it.

Reply #959429 | Report this post

Earlier this week

So we got Mayen s***ting his pants with the turnover against Tassie and now this. He cannot be trusted to be in a pressure situation at this point.

Reply #959430 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Mayen's got nothing going on between his ears. Physically got the tools but too dumb a player.

Reply #959431 | Report this post

Earlier this week

TAS need to win by 37 and hope ADL lose by 37.

Reply #959432 | Report this post

Earlier this week

It felt like Mayen thought he could dunk it in traffic? LOL, what a bonehead.

Reply #959433 | Report this post

Earlier this week

I'm guessing he was hoping for the foul? He ain't Vince Carter out there being able to dunk over two dudes bigger than him.

Reply #959435 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Foxwell was huge, sixer got look at themselves, can't let sides get that start on you. SEM got look at there second halves, they play at so much pace, at times you got slow it down. Certainly an entertaining back end game.
I’m not certain sides would like playing in an elimination game against Sixers.

Reply #959436 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Earlier this week

It seems a bit harsh to call somebody dumb. Mayen definetely lacks a bit of confidence in his decision making though.

I don' know. Adelaide are a team that can win it from 6th, or be thrown out in 1 game by 20 plus. It will depend on them deciding they can put up with Wells for the season, and do what's best for the team/fans.

Reply #959437 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Cracking game - SEM played great D towards the end. The talk is on their offence but it is the D that won it for them.

Personally, hoping for a Hawks - Phoenix final series

Reply #959438 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Have the 36ers pulled out many close games this year? Had that one early against the Hawks, but lost close one to the Jumpers, lost a close one to the Bullets on Friday, now this, in the pressure of the playoffs I just can't see them getting through very far.

Reply #959439 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Earlier this week

Adelaide probably are the most talented team in the league but also the worst coached. Harrel makes big plays but spends a lot of the game either seeming disinterested or letting his ego get the best of him. Jason Cadee almost saved us, and I would like to see DJ take some more time on the pine. I was starting to let myself believe this team could do something a few weeks ago but now it just looks like theyve got too much in their own head, too many egos, and no structures from the coach. Just goes to show that an NBA assistant coach doesnt necessarily have to know what he's doing.

Reply #959440 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Our only hope is to draw the Kings in 5th. It would be in Sydney but we won both games there this season. If it's Perth in Perth or SEM in Melb we'll get knocked straight out.

On Mayen it was interesting to me Forde let him leave without much of a fight. He recruited him heavily in college and gave him a 2 year deal too. As soon as that expires lets him walk and Sixers only needed to give him a 1 year to come back home, very telling.

Reply #959441 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Agree ME it's also say something that Wells spent 25 years in the NBA as an AC but could never get a HC gig there. Even when he spent a couple of years out of the league in the NCAA it was as an AC too. With all that NBA AC experience he couldn't even get a HC gig in the NCAA? Again very telling. That's on Weston.

Reply #959442 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Earlier this week

All Wells experience tells me is he is good at relaying messages and has enough understanding to cosign what a coach wants and do so intelligently. He can also be a soundboard for a coach. But there's a big difference between that and running the show. I also gather he's not ingratiated himself on the players of a team, and as an assistant coach, you dont necessarily have to I guess? Whereas for a head coach, the players need to like or at least respect you. I don;t think he's won either of those from the players here

Adelaide needs to learn to stop picking up assistant coaches and hoping they'll get it together. If someone has been a long term career assistant coach there's usually a reason.

Reply #959443 | Report this post

Jack Knife  
Earlier this week

Presumably after the comments post the Perth game, SEM will turn themselves into the NBL for getting such an unfair advantage with the free throw disparity in this game. You know, just to be consistent.

Reply #959446 | Report this post

Big Ads  
Earlier this week

I'm told the Sixers spent a grand total of 7 minutes on team practice prior to this round of games.

Not what I would expect from a professional sports team.

Reply #959447 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Earlier this week

ME, I don't fly any flag for Wells. I don't really care if he does leave at the end of the season, but has he been given a fair go? And is it right to judge him yet?

You just said that Harrell is difficult because of ego, and is prone to fluctuate in and out interest. Supposedly Davis has some similar problems. DJ can be a bit of knob at times thinking he's this NBA style "man" of the team. So, we know he has a bit to deal with already.

Wells had the team relatively well placed before the derailment of injuries/suspension, and they've proven in recent times they can play some seriously good basketball against some of the best teams, often blowing them out to 20 plus leads. So, it's not like he can't get them firing. And I feel like lots of this has likley been related to Wells just trying to get them to play defence, or play a bit harder. But this isn't CJ Brtuon level incompetence, there is something there.

I have no doubt that he has some mistakes in his first season, but can we safely say we've given Wells a fair go? Especially when he is likely dealing with a sulky group of players, who only perfrom when 100% contented.

Zodiac, but spending that long in the NBA and not getting a head coaching job is nothing to be ashamed about. On the contrary, if you've been in the NBA that long, it could say more about you in a positive aspect. Being an NBA assistant is still a higher level than any NBL coach. Yes, that doesn't mean he's best suited for an NBL position, but we shouldn't say he's "only" been an NBA assistant as if it were lesser than being an NBL level coach.

Again, I don't fly a flag for Wells, but I don't think he's been given a fair go yet. In saying that, I accept and understand that his job IS to make players contented too.

Reply #959448 | Report this post

Earlier this week

PW, so my maths is shit - are we saying Tasmania need to make up 74 points to get to 6th if they win and 36ers lose?

Ie if they win by 40 and 36ers lose by 34, Tassie are in?

If it's 73 points, what happens? Is it decided on whomever won the series?

Reply #959451 | Report this post

The Phantom  
Earlier this week

It's blatantly obvious the players don't play for Wells and therefore don't respect him. It's similar to when Miami sacked Stan Van Gundy who was disliked by players wherever he went and they went on to win the title.
If they'd gotten rid of him a month ago I could see the team gelling and even favourite for the title. But in typical Adelaide fashion they had no-one to replace him. This team obviously needs work defensively, but are talented enough to just have a coach they respect or has good people skills. Harrell was terrible in the first half, but in the second showed his talent, but it was mainly because he started to feel good about himself and thus got motivated, not from anything the coach did.
On the flip side Sem desperately needed a backup for Hunter. Even on 4 fouls he still had to matchup on Harrell who was cooking. Wieskamp has gotten better but is still very ordinary, a shooter that can't shoot ATM. Would have been better cutting him and bringing in a rebounding big. In the end they got lucky with some Sobey hero ball shots and Foxwell making open shots.
At least the Sixers didn't do the most Sixers thing ever and gotten blown out by 40 leaving the door open for Tassie next week.
They still are dangerous when rolling, just depends on how much they drown out the coach.

Reply #959452 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Earlier this week

Phantom, but when they do decide to play well they win..

Reply #959453 | Report this post

Earlier this week

36ers need a players coach, geewhiz, where would they find one of them? Weston with his bonehead move to sack Ninnis because he didn't want to be in the exact situation we ended up in.

Reply #959454 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Be saying SEM short a big all season, I actually heard a rumour that they approached one but he went elsewhere.
Weaver and that back to back kings champions coach, forgot name, were ex assistant nba guys and could never get a head coaches gig. They could coach, do agree it does seem as something isn't right at Sixers, is it coach or prema Dona’s though.

Reply #959455 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Weaver and Buford had both been successful head coaches in the G-League immediately before signing with the Kings.

Reply #959456 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Master Chief, NBA assistant coaching gigs are often about connections, Wells is obviously well connected no doubt. But like ME said there is a big difference to being one of 4 or up to 8 AC's on an NBA team and being the HC.

A HC is more about player management these days and as we've seen here Wells seems quite deficient in that area, KD, Humphries (4 & 1 today) etc.

Wells spent about 25 years as an AC in the NBA not one of those teams were willing to promote him and no other team was willing to hire him as a HC either. In the middle of that he spends 3 years in the NCAA again as an AC at two different schools neither one willing to make him HC. He had to leave the US behind and come here to finally get a HC gig.

You might rate an NBA AC as better than an NBL HC I would take a Joey Wright or Dean Vickerman over a Wells or Mahmoud Abdelfattah or Scott Morrison any day of the week.

Reply #959457 | Report this post

Earlier this week

"It's blatantly obvious the players don't play for Wells and therefore don't respect him."

Agree totally Phantom. They got back in the game in the 3rd by a lot of standing around iso ball by Harrell overpowering in the low post almost in defiance of any sort of structure from the coach.

Reply #959458 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Ninnes made the mistake to give DJV too much influence on team structure and player selection and he can not deliver consistently to match . Harrell is exciting but demands the ball too much and the result is 1 on 1 ball with the rest just watching. Unless they both move on the team will continue to struggle.

Reply #959459 | Report this post

The Phantom  
Earlier this week

Yes, when they decide to play well they would thump anyone. Problem is getting them to make that decision which is the main responsibility of coach.
And remember that Wells originally came here to be an assistant coach again. But obviously he would have been promised the head role as soon as they knifed Scotty. So lacking in integrity as well.
I don't think Scotty is a great coach, but surely would have had a better relationship with players.

Reply #959460 | Report this post

Earlier this week

To be fair I think Wells would've been promised the HC job when he signed on as AC. Weston then just had to find a piss weak excuse to fire Ninnis, which he did.

Wells was an AC at Charlotte last season he's not leaving behind NBA money to take a massive pay cut and move halfway across the globe to be an AC in Australia. He had the HC job from the start and it was just a question of how long it would take Weston to fire Ninnis.

Reply #959462 | Report this post

Earlier this week

I don't think there was any question Wells was brought over to get the HC gig. I was hoping Ninnis would keep his job to give Wells at a minimum a year to get acclimatised to the NBL before he took over, rather than learning the league and how to be a HC on the fly like they made him do. His main assistant Marko Marinovic is also a newbie to the league too.

Wells and the 36ers have an easy out with how his contract is structured, so it'll be "family reasons" for why he ends up leaving, but I just can't see why any coach who is already in the league would want the job at this point.

Reply #959463 | Report this post

Earlier this week

It is a poisoned chalice especially with the muppets above but there are always young coaches looking to break through so no doubt there will be suitors. I hope Adam Forde is the next coach though.

Reply #959465 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Earlier this week

Zodiac, again, I am not saying that Wells is the best choice because of NBA based resume, I am simply saying being in the NBA for 30 years as ONLY an assistant is not anything to be ashamed of. There would be many assistant coaches who never get an NBA gig. We don't know the reasons why he hasn't either pursued or been selected for one. Spot on that this is all on Weston though.

Phantom, but doesn't that also tell you something about either modern players or the playing group he has? "We have proven we will play for you only when we get out way" kind of thing. That is why Wells seemed so confused as to why his team put in such an abysmal effort to lose to a depleted and foul prone Brisbane team who didn't play all that well themselves.

Absolutely Wells knew he was getting a job, but I don't think that is on him, you can't blame him for taking an opportunity.

I just feel for Wells a bit in his first season. But, I would absolutely love Adam Forde too.

Reply #959466 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Every 36ers game I've been to the last 4 years, we have lost by 20+/imploded as a club.

It was nice that it didn’t happen today, although it looked like it was going to.

The players appeared to be getting pissy and arguing with each other especially on the bench and generally their body language was shocking. IMO they look like they don’t give a flying f about the club and fans, they look like they don’t want to be there.

Wells can’t tell them to pull their finger out, if he does he gets blamed for going too hard.

Great atmosphere today, the heartland fans are fantastic as was the MCs and announcer - very different to the tacky United stuff that we have been too used to and just accept these days.

Reply #959467 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Earlier this week

KET that's a really good point. Is Wells now gun-shy? This is the danger of player power...

Reply #959468 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Agree re being gun shy, so do you hang onto him and clean the few trouble makers and get a few players with grit and hunger. Martin not a trouble, get him fit and keep him. I really enjoy watching Davis and Harrell but if they don't conform it’s probably better to say bye. PJC, Delly are available.

Reply #959469 | Report this post

Earlier this week

PW, so my maths is shit - are we saying Tasmania need to make up 74 points to get to 6th if they win and 36ers lose?

Ie if they win by 40 and 36ers lose by 34, Tassie are in?

If it's 73 points, what happens? Is it decided on whomever won the series?

Correct, as 74 is the magic number for the JJs at this moment in time. However Sixers play their final game before them so it is subject to change.

If win-loss records are tied Sixers go through on superior points percentage, so really at this stage 73 is their magic number.

Reply #959470 | Report this post

The Phantom  
Earlier this week

The main problem in Adelaide has been the culture, and it's been around a long time. There's no Damian Martin, Jesse Wagstaffe etc to set standards amongst the playing group. And often as imports they've gone out to get talent without necessarily looking at character. You take a look at Tassie, nowhere near the talent of Adelaide yet will just miss out. Speaking to KB years ago it to Childress to bring some accountability to the group.
So yes, it is hard for old school guys like Wells to do it there way. That's why a lot of lifer college coaches are leaving, the transfer portal and Nil agreements have put too much power in players hands. There does need to be adjustment though, and having a good assistant coach is key, a conduit between the players and head coach. Someone to tell the HC to back off a bit while also telling the players to harden up. It just seems Wells came in guns blazing and failed to build any relationships. And the different cultures wouldn't have helped, plus Humphries being so delicate and DJ thinking he was assistant GM. But this problem seems to have plagued this group all year, Harrell being so strong headed definitely hasn't helped, and everyone treating Davis like god hasn't either. The organisation is rotten to the core and the only way to fix it is to rip it all out.

Reply #959471 | Report this post

Pablo Escobar  
Earlier this week

Wells and his family won't be able to get out of Adelaide quick enough. Head coaching is massively different to a cushy AC seat.
Finishing the regular season 6th is hardly awe inspiring and this is with a massive helping hand by Kestelman paying for Harrell.
A 10 team league where it is harder to miss out on the finals than it is to make it, is frankly embarassing.

Reply #959472 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Earlier this week

Phantom, good post. Balanced and nuanced.

Reply #959473 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Sixers play away in Perth on Saturday and let's say they lose. (Wildcats need to win for any chance of overtaking United to the top two so there is something at stake for them.)

JJs then have the benefit of knowing how many points to win by before facing Cairns at home on Sunday. A Taipans team who will already be 'on the beach' playing two games in two days with the wooden spoon guaranteed and Edwards leaving early. Could the plot still thicken?

Reply #959475 | Report this post

Earlier this week

I could honestly see the 36ers implode and Tassie smash Cairns to the extent that JJs make it

Reply #959476 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Earlier this week

@phantom I think along the same lines with a slight variation. Anyone who has shown the need for accountability and performance has been bounced out of Adelaide.

If you go against the owner you are bounced out. The owner is more interfering and a negative than anything else.

Going through players +/- at half time and telling them if they are playing badly isnt the place for an owner. Sitting on the bench or courtside isnt the place for an owner.

Culture guys are typically non hero guys. If you are a hero guy in the NBL there is a reason you arent in the NBA and that is attitude , ill accept that there are some exceptions but largely dominant imports in Australia come with a bag of attitude. For some reason the owner is drawn to these types of characters and has no idea about the impacts that they have on team and culture.

My understanding is that Ninnis didnt want to meet with Davis because he had a reputation for being difficult. What do you know , we get a very talented on court player who has been very difficult of court. You then mix that with 2 other guys who think they are the big dogs and you get the chemical mess that exists today.

Until the owner realises his role stops and starts at writing cheques, this club will only be mediocre.

Reply #959481 | Report this post

Earlier this week

The owner was involved with Harrell and by the looks of things a spectator on the bench early yesterday. I didn't hear what the kerfuffle was about but really shits me that clown always trying to act like he's part of the team even on road trips. Must be horrible for the coaches having their boss hanging around over their shoulders all the time no doubt butting in when he sees fit too.

Reply #959492 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Earlier this week

If Wells is knifed after one season, then it better mean a Weston resignation, and some accountability from the owner.

Reply #959493 | Report this post

Earlier this week

It will no doubt be passed off as Wells wanting to return home for family reasons so no Weston resignation warranted lol He's from Adelaide and in with the Sturt crowd too which makes it even more unlikely. He became GM of Sturt a few months before he became Sixers GM too.

Reply #959494 | Report this post

Earlier this week

The thing about life long Assistant Coaches in the NBA - they stick around the league as Assistant when they are never a threat to take over from the Head Coach. A Head Coach (especially the less secure ones) will carefully select their assistants that know their stuff but will never have the ability, personality or player management skills to give NBA team ownership an option to replace them when times are tough.

For instance, we would never see "After a slow start to the season, the Utah Jazz at 3-11 have released head coach Quinn Snyder and replaced him with Assistant Coach Mike Wells..."

None of this is to say Mike Wells cannot be a successful NBL Head Coach, but for anyone to think he was a heartbeat away from an NBA Head Coaching role is pretty optimistic.

Well summed up by Pablo:

Head coaching is massively different to a cushy AC seat.

Reply #959495 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Master Chief

If Wells is knifed after one season, then it better mean a Weston resignation, and some accountability from the owner.

You get the feeling that if Weston can get Kendrick Davis to re-sign for NBL26, then his job will be safe - irrespective of what happens to Mike Wells.

With Cotton predicted to leave the NBL, KD would be an early favourite for MVP.

Reply #959496 | Report this post

Earlier this week

I'm surprised by comments saying sixers most talented team or having the roster to win... let alone suggesting wells is to blame.

There's a lot more to basketball and a roster than just shooting hoops. Bball IQ and defence for a start.

If you asked supporters from other teams if they would want any sixers players in their roster there'd prob only be mention of KD and some for harrell. Possibly dech and Rasmussen as bench players.

A rebuild of playing staff is needed before anyone looks at the coach IMO

Reply #959497 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Until the owner realises his role stops and starts at writing cheques, this club will only be mediocre.

We have seen more of the Owner on TV - perched up court side like Royalty at home games, behind the bench on road games, at the airport (why travel with team 2 days before game?) than we have Nick Marshall in 2025!

Reply #959498 | Report this post

Earlier this week

I'm so disappointed that there is no footage from the 1st half of the Brisbane game of where GK was up on his feet celebrating a 3 shot from in front of him and lost his footing and stacked it into the review centre. We sit in that section behind and it was a beautiful thing to see

Reply #959506 | Report this post

Earlier this week

What a loser.

Reply #959507 | Report this post

Earlier this week

It will no doubt be passed off as Wells wanting to return home for family reasons so no Weston resignation warranted lol He's from Adelaide and in with the Sturt crowd too which makes it even more unlikely. He became GM of Sturt a few months before he became Sixers GM too.

Are you suggesting that a lot of the bench is there because of the Sturt connection? 4 points from the bench on Friday night, with 4 of them not seeing game time?

Reply #959511 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Well Griscti and Rigoni both have no business being on the roster so...

It's been said for deacdes now that if a young guy wants to play for the 36ers you switch clubs to Sturt. There have been a long list of Sixers plays that have come from Sturt even back to Brett Maher's youth.

Two of the three DP's Rasmussen and D'Arcy are from Sturt too and the Sixers even had Harvey White as a DP last season and people said he struggled to get a game in Sturt's league team.

Reply #959512 | Report this post

Earlier this week

I get everyone is annoyed at losing the last two games, but hoping the coach is sacked and the GM follows him out the door is just asking for more of the same! If we do that, we are back at ground zero AGAIN after 7 years!

I don't have the connections to know how Wells works behind the scenes, but on the court he has done a reasonable job with an unbalanced team with big personalities, realistically 2.5 imports and not much depth.

Everyone acts like we should've beaten Brisbane and SEM but I always saw them as difficult games for us. This team's success or failure has been all about the matchups all season. We struggle with Brisbane's big and fast wings because we have too many bigs and only Lat to throw at them. Likewise, we can't deal with SEM or Perth because they play small and are too quick for us. On the flip side, we consistently beat Sydney and Illawarra because they don't cause us the same issues and we are able to hammer them in the paint.

Unless Wells wants out, or Davis, Isaac and DJ want him gone, I would lean towards keeping the coach one more season. Lets actually see what some stability looks like when we have a coach who has a clue and we keep some talented players together for more than a season! If there is no growth in team cohesiveness or evidence that the coach is instilling better defensive habits or improved offensive structure, then make the change then.

Reply #959515 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Agree Beantown, they got rid of the other guy a few seasons back when he was talking up D and JVG punted him.

Reply #959520 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Conner Henry. We never should've fired him on the eve of training camp to hire CJ. We showed promise that season under Henry and for the record he's the only coach that had Humphries playing like a superstar in the NBL, not even Vickerman could get that back out of him. Unfortunately Humphries has never been the same player since those injuries in his first stint with the Sixers.

Reply #959522 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Yeah, sacking Conner Henry was one of the most callous and stupid decisions I've ever seen. I would argue that decision, more than any other, is responsible for the Sixers being a basket case over the past 5 years!

Reply #959526 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Yeah, sacking Conner Henry was one of the most callous and stupid decisions I've ever seen. I would argue that decision, more than any other, is responsible for the Sixers being a basket case over the past 5 years!

Would argue the mess started well before Connor Henry. Even in Joey's last season, he had to put up with the Owner - all of sudden - sitting right behind him during road games, being in the locker room at half/after games, bringing in Phil Smyth as a 'consultant’ to ‘work with Joey’ at practice etc. And that’s just the stuff we saw!

I said it at the time, and my position hasn’t changed - the way Ninnis was released was more than a coaching change. It sent a stark message to the core players that the club doesn’t give a flying f**k about culture, chemistry and building on the back half of last season.

Sure, this season every game was a sellout. That had more to do with riding the waves from last season, and bringing in an NBA veteran who is an attention seeking poser, wanting to be the leader but only playing hard some of the time.

Close your eyes and imagine what this Adelaide team may have been with an import 4 man like Doolittle or Matt Hurt instead of our NBA 6th man of the year. Probably up there challenging for a top 2 finish.

Reply #959530 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Henry was an absolute shit coach. You all have amnesia. He is the reason why McVeigh left but I guess leave that part out as it doesn't suit your arguments. Where is he coaching now?

"Sure, this season every game was a sellout. That had more to do with riding the waves from last season"

Not true at all. Team had near capacity from the start of that season.

"Close your eyes and imagine what this Adelaide team may have been with an import 4 man like Doolittle or Matt Hurt instead of our NBA 6th man of the year. Probably up there challenging for a top 2 finish."

Not even close to true. Hate him as much as you like but Harrell has had a better season than both those players you mentioned. To be second would have required a Cleveland type for Martin, another back up defensive big and some more bench depth

Reply #959537 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Yes Henry is the one, McVeigh left yes but there's more reason than just the coach, let’s be honest he wasn’t very good before he left, yes at the end of his third year he was amazing, he probably took more money and Roth vision. Henry also had to put up with the Giddey got get to nba and must be playing even though his D was mostly non existent. His time out re the over dribbling was spot on and he softened it by even I’m over dribbling. Where is JVG working after his nbl stint at kings and Sixers, had absolutely no idea.

Reply #959543 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Earlier this week

The problem with JVG was that he thought of himslef as this NBA style visionary GM, instead of being someone who assists the coach in recruiting within a budget. Not every NBL club seems to have GMs that make decisions in the same way NBA GMs do? I hope it doesn't creep in to the NBL. Weston is a bit like that? JVG basically was just good at spending money during the dark ages of massive cap cheating, although he did manage to negotiate some players we might not have seen in Adelaide otherwise.

I don't think Henry and Adelaide were ever right for each other, but that certainly didn't justify replacing him with CJ who was much worse.

Reply #959547 | Report this post

The Phantom  
Earlier this week

And from memory they were only going with 2 imports, one recovering from injury. Got handed a gift with Harrell and when he became the nbls golden child, apparently the NBL paid for him. So unless they went into the season with the intention of cutting Starling there'd be more reliance on Martin.
And the return of the sturtysixers, I'm in two minds. Rigoni has that old man's game, looks like a div 3 player but has always had results with basics and results. Had a good college career and good nbl1 career. So don't mind him at end of the bench, would be interested in him actually getting a go for extended minutes just to see how he does. Rasmussen has potential, but really just there because he's an Adelaide boy just like Marshall has been. And Gristci is really the only true big kid out there. Thought Holland might fill that role but he's fallen off that he'll struggle to get any minutes with Starling signing with the Cheatgles. Would be better off trying to find an interstate big kid and try and develop since we've got those other kids.
Just dodgy basketball management that's plagued this franchise for years.

Reply #959568 | Report this post

Uncle Dre  
Earlier this week


I'm so disappointed that there is no footage from the 1st half of the Brisbane game of where GK was up on his feet celebrating a 3 shot from in front of him and lost his footing and stacked it into the review centre. We sit in that section behind and it was a beautiful thing to see

Would pay top dollar to see that! What a tool

Reply #959614 | Report this post

Earlier this week

So disrespectful. Sixers are great chance of achieving something very special this season. Only Perth in there way in all reality and still want to bag the club for doing whsy meant to do. Strong management equals success. There is turn around happening. Love to see sixer cats GF series. Bring back old school rivalliary.. promotion dream.

Reply #959615 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Earlier this week

Turnaround? Would suggest heading in a different direction. Players want out. Coach wants out. Strong Management doesn't mean running the place like you would have to change your name to hide away from fraud and deception allegations...oh wait.

Reply #959618 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Earlier this week

Q Anon, you have been saying this every year for a while now, and it has never lead to a coach resignation or mass player exodus.

Reply #959620 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Earlier this week

Huh? So we have kept the same coach for years? Players that could have stayed have and definitely didn't opt out? Are you serious with that post? The longest servant of the club is Dech in year 3.

Reply #959627 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Earlier this week

Q Anon, I probably was a bit flippant in my reply, and I was not questioning your knowledge of the situation, so apologies for coming across that way.

Despite the constant year by year talks that everyone is ready to walk away, Adelaide have still managed to secure players DJ and Humphries to long term deals, Dech has hung round like you say, there is usually a turnover of imports anyway, and it's not unlike NBL teams to look relativelty different over the course of only a few seasons.

The coaching situation has been more about management lead early departures of the selected coaches, not coaches jumping off a sinking ship by quitting? Although I accept this doesn't mean coaches and players are not unhappy at the same time.

Forgive me If I'm wrong, but I think I remember you raising this pretty much each year ever since CJ started, and just wondered what you think it might mean in practical ways this time round? Do you think the coach will walk this time? Maybe some players will leave?

Again, it wasn't to question your insight or opinion, it just seems to be this same cycle of content to discontent, doesn't want to be there, but stays anyway, kind of thing.

Will Adealdie only ever break free of this when the owner goes?

Reply #959628 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Earlier this week

I am of the opinion the owner is the source of all issues, this compounds with a CEO who is empowered to operate in the same manner and a GM who is just happy to have a job. Wright was the only one to run the ship his way and even that eventually fell over after the 2018 GF series.

I dont see Wells staying,he is on an option deal. Less headaches and more money back where he came from. Remember his wife gave up a decent media career to be here too.

If Wells stays then players will go as soon as they can. It's easier to replace the coach than the roster.

KD isn't wanted back but as the owner loves him he may return and do more damage - see Jerome 2.0 which ultimately led to the fallout with Joey Wright and the owner.

There is a group here that want to be well coached but the outside noise impacts the coaches and the payers in different ways. Owner, CEO and GM being in the locker room and traveling with the team has a detrimental mental impact.

The owner has shown to play favourites which empowers and allows some players to behave in a way that they would normally be called out on. This impacts the good guys who see a double standard and guys that have come from a winning culture know that that tolerance is a cancer awaiting to spread.

People will stay in good environments where they are treated well and respected. If that isnt happening, and the financial benefit doesnt offset the downside, they will look elsewhere.

Reply #959632 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Earlier this week

Q Anon, cheers for the reply.

Again, my defence of Wells on this forum and downplaying of culture struggles, has been more based on the expectation that Adelaide should have been moving on from rock bottom by now, and not on any naivity or lack of trust in anything you inform us about. Hope that is made clear. I thought Adelaide were coming together before the Brisbane loss, and thought maybe some mediation and hard truths had started some change. For anyone who is interested in Rugby, the best thing to happen to Australian Rugby was their world cup disaster, because it finally made them take action. Maybe rock bottom hasn't come for Adelaide yet?

The reason I want to see Wells given more time is because I don't think Adelaide can replace another coach just yet. But, to the best of your knowledge, are you saying the majority of players don't like playing under Wells for justifiable rasons? Would Wells he happier if the onwership stayed out of coaching? Sometimes I forget many of these guys signed on for Ninnis, so can then imagine having to deal with someone different.

Maybe Wells is staying on and that is what has lead to Davis implying he's leaving and the team appearing flat again?

I just would have hoped that Adelaide could have moved on by now, but maybe it won't happen until Kelly sells the team, changes, or some serious reviews come about.

Reply #959634 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Earlier this week

When you think they have hit the bottom they just keep digging

I too would love stability in the coaching. Is Wells that guy? Maybe? Maybe he is just battling in his first HC role to work it out. Goorj had no qualms in benching Cam Oliver until whatever message needed to be delivered got received. Wells isnt at that level or doesnt have the backing to do what should be done. A seasoned coach would have handled this group very differently. Every other team is scared of Adelaide but no one plays like they are.

When you have a group that was happy with Ninnis then the new guy needs to be exceptional to justify the unrest and circumstances. The way Ninnis was dealt with like Wright and Creek before him rattles guys. If it can happen to them then it sure can happen to me mentality and the guys play like that.

The team plays scared except for KD and Trez who are oblivious to their own behaviour. People jump on Isaac for his emotional play, was he like that under Scott or Connor? Why is that happening, who is putting that pressure on him where he plays like he cant make a mistake? And when he does it compounds quickly and wildly.

Cadee has gone from being on the outside to back in, Marshall has been treated worse than Musk at a Biden convention. These dramatic swings impact the roster because they ( bar 2) are looking over their shoulder constantly. they all have to walk past the owner and the GM to get to the bench. Again this is a negative culture thing.

Reply #959636 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Earlier this week

I would add to that by suggesting Wells also doesn't have the depth or trust to call on certain players who can replace the players you refer to. Another symptom of flawed roster construction on Weston.

It's interesting you say that. Is wells more of a dictator than he appears to be? Humphries has always struck me as someone who can be his own worst enemy. Nothing new for me. He has always seemed stuck inside his head a bit. If he plays defence like he did against Sydney, he could be the best two-way local big in the league.

It sounds like there are many forces at play being felt by everyone. I just thought they displayed they could overcome it at least to get something out of this season.

Reply #959637 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Earlier this week

Wells doesn't know the league and doesnt know the players and doest know who to recruit. Nor does Weston. Therefore chaos occurs.

I am not a believer in the GM picks the team and the coach coaches ideology. Coach needs to pick guys that he believes in and can see how they fit together. Goorj , Westover, Roth etc arent being told who they are getting , they are involved and engaged in the process. KD would never be recruited by Roth.

Not Wells but the other influences courtside at games. isaac is under a massive perception of pressure. Sometimes players grow in that environment , often they shrink.

Reply #959638 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Earlier this week

The issue of Wells not knowing the league is a good point, as most successful foreign coaches have had at least some time to learn the league as an assitant.

Q Anon, 100% agree. I have been saying for a while that I don't like this concept of NBA style GMs becoming normal in the NBL. It's pretentious too. They are not dealing with big budgets, trades, global stars etc etc, the job should just be to assist and offer a balanced perspective on recruting. We don't need to become like America on everything.

So who is putting unecessary pressure on Humphries and why is it their business to do so?

If Wells leaves because he has only signed a year by year arrangement, then Weston needs to face some serious heat for replacing a contented coaching arrangement with someone who can't even guarantee he wants to stay beyond one season. That is woefully incompetent management, and completelty contrary to his ideas of culture and stability. Even if Weston wanted to make his own coaching statement, Wells was never the best choice.

The issue for me is, what stops this cycle from repeating under a new coach who faces the same problems.

Reply #959639 | Report this post

Earlier this week

"I too would love stability in the coaching. Is Wells that guy? Maybe? Maybe he is just battling in his first HC role to work it out."

"Wells doesn't know the league and doesnt know the players"

These are two of the reasons why I would like Wells to get another year, assuming he wants to be here. I've seen enough on court to believe Wells is clearly better than CJ and he surely has learned something about coaching in 30 years in the NBA, especially spending so long under a great coach like Quinn Snyder.

Although people have been critical above about Marshall not playing, I actually think that's an example of Wells making a good decision. Marshall was given plenty of opportunity in the first half of the season. Then when we had the suspensions and the injuries, he had his chance to step up and show something, but he played scared, passing up scoring opportunities and not showing enough defensively to keep him out there.

Contrast his play with Rasmussen, who came out and played really good defence and aggressively attacked even star players. I like Marshall and still hope he succeeds, but he's got to get that killer instinct and he deserved to be benched for Rasmussen at the time.

Another thing people have brought up is that some players do as they like and that undermines the accountability and sense of fairness on the team. Well the only way that is going to get fixed is if players see a coach sticking around and management backing him when he has to hold players accountable. If that happens consistently over a couple of seasons, I think you will start to see players fall into line and put the team first. Or alternatively, if they don't buy into the team culture, show them the door.

I think we should give Wells a chance to adjust to the head coaching role. Give him a big say in the roster he wants for next season. Let him build on what was successful this season and see if he can tweak the things that aren't.

Reply #959641 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Earlier this week

5/2/25 the day in history where a consensus was reached on hoops.com.au

Reply #959642 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Hiring another GM partly felt like a reactionary move to CJ using not having one as an excuse for why he was failing. "I'm here to coach, I'm spread too thin having to recruit too'.

Reply #959643 | Report this post

Earlier this week

The problem with ownership sticking their noses in is bad, I would not put up with it but in the end they pay the bills so it's hard to argue against to what he does as it his money, as you say could be a reason for players coming and going.
At seasons start I think most Sixers supporters would look at making play inns as successful, if they get to semi finals I would think most would be happy.

Reply #959644 | Report this post

Earlier this week

"5/2/25 the day in history where a consensus was reached on hoops.com.au"

Oh, well I guess that's it then. Time to turn off the lights Isaac. No need for Hoops anymore! Lol :D

Reply #959645 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Earlier this week

LaPark, someone else might be able to verify this, but I believe Weston was appointed to help with basketball decision making. That's fine, but by the sounds of it, and a bit like JVG, he made decisions over the coach as if were an NBA style GM. I assume he probably does have some qualities and skills in negotiation, but he should be there to assist, not rule over. I think it Q Anon who said Ninnid didn't even want to go near Davis. And then, does a team like Cairns even have a GM?

Reply #959648 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Earlier this week

Beantown, I agree with much of what you have said there, but I will be open to changing my mind if the facts about Wells behind the scenes are more clear. I dare say if he does exit though, it will be stage managed for "family reasons", and Weston won't be responsible for his decisions. As Q Anon has said, Wells might not want to stay anyway, but you can tell this opportunity means a lot to him.

Reply #959651 | Report this post


I dont want stability for stability sake if we dont have the right people

I would start by getting the right people and stabalise around them

My first 2 moves would be

Replace Wells with Adam Forde on a 3 year deal

Replace KD with Delly on a 2 or 3 year deal, apparently he wants an over pay and Melbourne may not want to do it, i say jump in and grab him even at an over pay as he will immediately fix the culture and bring in leadership and defensive effort.

Reply #959664 | Report this post


Has Adam Forde shown that he actually WOULD like to join the Sixers, given the current environment?

Reply #959665 | Report this post


My next moves would be something like

Replace harrell and cadee with waadenburg and jordon crawford

Replace jerrell martin with justin simon

If dech choses to leave replace him with matt kenyon, hes not getting much run at SEM

Replace rigoni with the best pf/c you can get for the money available, an import spot is available for a cheap import if need be

That woumd gjve us

Coach Forde


Humphries/cheap import pf/c / gristi

my guess is you could do something like that for a similar spend to this year and that group would have no culture issues like the past 5 to 10 years and i think would win more despite being less star studded.

Reply #959666 | Report this post

Master Chief  

Jonno, but that was supposed to be the plan this year, so would be trusting the same people to orchestrate this, and thus the cycle continues under a new coach. Adam Forde isn't a guarantee to just sort all this out automatically if the owner and Weston are the true source of many issues.

Hoopie, there is only so many jobs available at any one time, so you'd imagine someone like Forde would back himself to handle it.

Reply #959669 | Report this post


Agreed, the owner and management the biggest issue, but unlikely we can change that, also doesnt mean we should continue with Wells, who in my opinion isnt a good nbl head coach, especially if he may want to leave anyway. Let him go for family reasons and move on.

Whilst Forde is not guatanteed, i think he is a good nbl coach, has coached in the playoffs, is likely the best aussie available, i dont want another nba assistant, and i would back Forde in to be an upgrade on Wells.

Reply #959670 | Report this post


Jono, please, please do not go the Delly route, old, tired, slow and plays for fouls way too much with his shoulder charges.

Reply #959671 | Report this post

Q Anon  


Forde is approached to come to Adelaide

Forde reaches out to players like Galloway and Dech who he has coached. What do you think they would say about being in Adelaide?

Reply #959678 | Report this post

Master Chief  

But is Forde in a position to be overly fussy about a coaching job? Not saying he should just accept it a poison chalice for that reason though.

Reply #959684 | Report this post


Yeah if the talk is true the Cairns want to move on from Forde if he wants to continue being a HC in the league he might have to take it. Plus a guy like him would bet on himself to change the culture of the club.

Reply #959685 | Report this post

Q Anon  

I think coaches are fussy. As for as much upside rewards forever downside kills your career

CJ was the 5th coach or so from memory that got offered the job, Ninnis took it reluctantly, Wells also lucked into the role so to speak.

Reply #959686 | Report this post

Master Chief  

Is it true that Gleeson was close to a 5 year deal?

My issue with overpaying Delly to spearhead a culture shift is for the similiar reasons of it being futile if ownership don't change their ways. It might be McCarron 2.0 where you have someone who is just putting up with it for the money. You'd be mad not to sign Delly as a veteran leader/locker room guy though at the right price.

Reply #959687 | Report this post


Adam Caporn had the job at one point, hadn't been announced yet, Covid happened so GK asked him to take a paycut, he refused and walked away.

Reply #959688 | Report this post

Master Chief  

Q Anon, it's a good point. Although I think CJs coaching was incompatible to professional basketball anyway, he might have cost himself a shot at a more tenable coaching position like with Brisbane eventually for example. We forget that Adelaide have likely been scraping the barrel for coaches because of reputation.

Reply #959689 | Report this post


CJ had already been passed over for the Bullets HC job. He was a longtime AC there under Lemanis and when Lemanis left CJ applied for it but they hired James Duncan instead.

That's why CJ was available and his mate JVG used a BS excuse to fire Henry, supposedly because he refused to give Mojave King and Kai Sotto big minutes but there were also rumours Henry wasn't happy with Daniel Johnson and wanted him to start playing defence, so JVG fired him the moment he got out of quarantine on the eve of training camp starting and put CJ in.

Reply #959690 | Report this post

Q Anon  

Caporn was never going to Adelaide. FFS they even offered the job to Smyth and he said no.

Players and agents talk. Everyone knows how toxic Adelaide is and the blow ups this year have done nothing to repair that image. Only the desperate or foolish would take the role on

The less said about JVG the better

Reply #959691 | Report this post

Master Chief  

Zodiac, that's also a way to look at it. All I mean is, CJ is basically no chance of ever being hired again after coaching Adelaide, which is why Q Anon says coaches need to consider opportunites.

Henry should never have been fired by another clown GM without any replacement, but it still doesn't change the fact he was the last resort for a reason.

I remember at the time being concerned about Caporn being a bit of Marty Clarke again; everyone rating him for reasons they can't explain, but also having no HC experience, and especially back then, very little coaching experience at all.

CJ basically lasted his contract because the 3rd season was too late to salvage anyway, and I believe they had swings at people like Gleeson and Goorg before realising they couldn't do much better than Ninnis. I believe Wells has a relationship with Weston from somewhere, so it's not like his appointment was due to any due dilligence from a range of candidates.

So, I think that we can reach a conclusion that Adelaide have constantly made the wrong choices from a pool limted by their poor reputation in the first place.

Reply #959692 | Report this post


If Goorjian had taken the job, back then, would it have made a difference?

Reply #959695 | Report this post


Maybe I think Weston spent a season as an AC under Goorj at the Kings but he like Ninnis still would've been hired before Weston became GM so still might've wanted to put his own guy in anyway. I think Goorj would've clashed with GK and Goorj would've lost that battle.

Reply #959697 | Report this post


Link between Weston and Wells is they were both working for San Antonio in 2008 and 2009. Quin Snyder was also coaching the Spurs G-Leauge team at that time too, which is where the Snyder/Wells connection kicks in for his time at the Jazz.

Reply #959700 | Report this post

Master Chief  

Goorj to Adelaide never felt right, and I feel like he is coming towards the end of his coaching influence, but that was at a time where there was a bit more optimism for Adelaide, so who knows how it would have gone. I really don't think Goorj would take any BS from Kelly. He has been coaching for nearly 40 years or so? Has won multiple championships, Boomers coach. He would not just put up with a toxic culture. He has nothing to gain or lose from it.

Reply #959702 | Report this post

Q Anon  

Goorj walked away on two fronts one when he found out Ninnis had been promised the job which led to his " I'm not a dog" line. Two when the owner promised Goorj that he would be able to make all the decisions and the owner wouldn't interfere. He knew he was being BS'd right then and there and took the Kings job.

On two fronts this shows the lack of understanding that the owner has. A HC of the calibre of Goorj would never take food off the table of one of the people he has coached and mentored for over 30 years.

Second, the owner might have been able to BS through commercial life but sports have a way of people revealing their true character. Goorj has seen it all in his career and knows horseshit when he hears it.

Reply #959703 | Report this post


"Beantown, I agree with much of what you have said there, but I will be open to changing my mind if the facts about Wells behind the scenes are more clear."

Agreed Master Chief!

Jonno, the problem with what you are suggesting is, how do you get the right people if you have no stability? If its a shit show every year with the coach getting fired or some other controversy, you will never get the right players and coach, it will continue to be a mad merry-go-round!

That's why I hope that Wells wants to be here and has the ability to build on this year with a better culture and more offensive and defensive looks to throw at opponents.

If not, then I guess we have to wear it, but I'm not getting too excited about Forde. He had one good year in three at Cairns and if they are looking to move on, perhaps there is a reason for that?

Reply #959715 | Report this post


Also, keeping Davis should be strategy #1. For once the Sixers have a guy who is an MVP candidate. Childress is literally the only other guy we've had that has been in that conversation since Willie Farley was winning us a title!

If that isn't possible, then I'd be nervous about over-paying a 35 year old Delly to come here. I can't see his heart being in it. Would rather target a big guard like Kell to return or possibly Taj McCall. That would be handy to offset DJ being undersized.

What's wrong with running Rasmussen as the backup point guard if he's only going to get 6-8 minutes a game? If the starter is good, then we don't need to waste an import spot on a backup point guard.

Reply #959717 | Report this post


The issue the Taipans have with Forde is he is supposedly the one that implemented their current "development team/feeder team" policy. The Taipans don't have money but if they lucked out on imports they could occassionally have a good season here or there like they did under Fearne, Mike Kelly and even one season with Forde.

Unfortunately with no money and accepting a "development team" mindset it's a lot harder to ever have a good year and supposedly that is what the Taipans board is sick of.

Reply #959719 | Report this post


I agree with the Overtime guys it was pretty poor KD 'signing off' on his time in Adelaide after the Bullets game when there is a possibility of still more games to come in Adelaide if we make the SF. Not good at all.

I hope none of KD, Trez or Wells is back next season. Get Forde and Delly in and maybe even bring back Martin on the cheap to replace Trez. That's likely a better team right there.

Reply #959722 | Report this post


Zodiak, getting an aging and slow Delly, the Goulding flopper mark 2 and bringing back Martin...only thing that would do is a: turn off spectators and b: give some salary cap room, because no one will be paying those two overs!

Reply #959725 | Report this post


Delly would be a much better fit than KD. We need a veteran PG and leader out there that can run the team, not get into physical confrontations with the coach and would still come cheaper than KD would next season.

Jarell Martin granted would be a risk but with a proper off-season and training camp there still may be hope for him yet. He will be motivated to play well given his career is in the balance, won't rock the boat and likely comes back much cheaper.

Vasiljevic and Humphries both have space to improve, that's been stifled by KD and Trez. Forde's a better coach than Wells too.

Reply #959727 | Report this post


Just simply stating what I would try and do to re tool next season and help fix the locker room culture.

Delly Im bringing in as a culture leader guy, yes over paying, not expecting huge numbers, fine with what he is doing this season on top 3 Melbourne, also backing him up with Crawford would mean they could basically play 20-25mins each, Crawford would help pick up scoring slack at times, and also seems like a good import culture wise. The presence of Delly may also help attract a coach and team mates.

Remember defence wins in NBL so trying to get guys like Delly and Justin Simon to help with that, Delly may not be the best defender as he gets older, but still better than most we have now.

My priority is locker room culture, and I think that would lead to better win loss record than this season anyway.

Whether we could get Forde to coach or any of my suggested players, who know, I also dont think its a complete given they wont sign at the same time, I would atleast be making the offer.

Reply #959728 | Report this post


If we did get Delly, one thing I would hope he could do would be to get DJV to be more of a passer the way Ninnis seemed to get out of him in the 2nd half of last year. I reckon he got his assist numbers up to 4-5 a game once Ninnis took over, but he's back to 2 or less a game and chucking up maybe even worse shots than last year at times considering the extra talent this year's team has.

Reply #959731 | Report this post


Good call LaPark I remembered DJV being less selfish last season, turned out he averaged 3.5 apg after Ninnis took over mid-season.

Interesting looking at his stats from last season to this season:

2023/24 - 19.7p @ 39.8% (32.2% 3p), 89.9% FT, 4.3r, 3.2a

2024/25 - 18.2p @ 37.9% (36.5% 3p), 86.0% FT, 4.3r, 2.0a

Took a look at Humphries stats too:

2023/24 - 15.3p @ 56.8%, 80.6% FT, 6.7r, 1.3b, 0.8s

2024/25 - 12.4p @ 61.4%, 75.5% FT, 5.8r, 1.3b, 1.1s

Reply #959733 | Report this post

Master Chief  

The interest in Forde does seem a bit paradoxical considering he failed to over achieve this year (For fair reasons), and his best year was when Cairns actually did have a fair bit of talent to work with. It is still possible to have a quality team despite a lower budget. Adelaide are paradoxical too because no one supposedly wants to play for them, they are a constant circus, and yet they supposedly have the most talented team in the league and sell out each home game. Forde hasn't done anything spectacular, but you do feel like you know what you're getting and it might be what Adelaide need. People like the 'battler' type.

I am leaving my judgement on Davis until the end of season. If Adelaide win it from 6th, then we will all obviously beg him to re-sign.

I tried to point out at the time how poor that was from Davis, and then the team attitude after that post.. That is why I wanted people to be harsher on the players after that Brisbane loss, not because of any kind of blind bias for Wells.

Reply #959734 | Report this post


Thats sorta my point Re Forde,

The year he managed to get Hogg, McCall, Waadenberg, Pinder, Kuol, etc he got alot out of them and made the playoffs, his problem in Cairns is its next to impossible to keep all those guys and get that level of talent year after year.

At Adelaide who seem to be among the bigger spenders, I think he will be able to recruit and retain that level of talent and make the playoffs more consistently.

Reply #959742 | Report this post

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