colonel clink
Years ago

Erin, Lindsay leathal combo 2007 !

looks like Coach T will play Lindsay Whalen and Erin together in 2007 !

what a combo - Whalen , one of the best and Erin !

Aussie pride - go you good thing !

ex Connecticut web site

Question: Hi Coach, I have been following most of your team since they were the Miracle in Orlando. What's the chances of the fans seeing Lindsay and Erin on the floor at the same time next season? P.S. Tell KT I still have an original Katie Douglas Miracle Bobblehead. - Robin, Palm Bay, FL

Answer: We did play them together a lot during the second half of our season last year. They started together during most of our 12 game win streak when Nykesha was hurt. I am sure we will do that often next season.

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