Manu Fieldel
Years ago

Is Bryce Cotton all he's cracked up to be?

I've had my doubts as to Bryce's ability from early in the season. To me he's always seemed quite the specialised player, rather than the out-and-out superstar, MVP-without-question type that people may have thought. I feel like he's a confidence guy. Different to 'streaky'. He ain't exactly a streaky shooter because he'll knock it down any time.

His skill set imo consists of jumpshooting, drawing fouls on jumpshots, handles, making the odd decent pass and finishing a bit above average at the rim. He is by far the best iso perimeter player in the league, it's not even funny, but that's seemingly all he does. When that J isn't falling, what is he really doing for you apart from drawing attention?

I probably rate him as a top five player in the league, but he isn't exactly a steady commodity game-to-game. When hot, by far the best in the NBL, but Prather and Tokoto are probably better if you average out their performances over a decent period of time.

Apart from crowding him every time he gets to the paint, how do you actually stop this guy from getting off his shot? I don't think you really can. You can put length on him but whether he makes the shots or not seems to be contingent on himself, not the D. Aka, he can get his jumper off anywhere at any time. Great skill, but seemingly the only real string to his bow.

What are our thoughts?

Topic #42500 | Report this topic

Years ago

ATTN: Wildcats HQ

Cats need a stud import 1/2.

Reply #665884 | Report this post

Years ago

Correct. He peaked at the perfect time in the GF to get max money. He isn't a superstar.

Reply #665886 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Years ago

Ain't a killer 24/7. Killer mentality not there

Reply #665887 | Report this post

Years ago

This is another reason why Cooke isn't enough as the third import.

Reply #665889 | Report this post

Tickle me Cosby  
Years ago

Cotton was amazing against Adelaide last week, just doesn't seem to be doing it consistently.

Reply #665890 | Report this post

Years ago

Cotton was being pushed and pulled all game. Hard to play well when opposition cheats and refs too busy being shit to notice. Decent refs call those fouls early then they stop cheating and Cotton able to play his game.

Reply #665898 | Report this post

Years ago

Cotton's doing fine, but he's not leagues ahead of the rest of the competition or anything like some of you guys are implying. He just needs more help.

Reply #665900 | Report this post

Years ago

Pierre Tokoto needs to find his own nickname. "Air" is already taken and it makes me cringe to hear it.

Reply #665901 | Report this post

Big Ads  
Years ago

Did your hear air and not hair?

Reply #665903 | Report this post

Years ago

Hair. Perfect. Now that was easy

Reply #665904 | Report this post

Years ago

lol Thumper.. I feel sorry for your parents.

Reply #665909 | Report this post

Cotton isn't Perth’s problem it’s the bench. Wagstaff plays to his old self 1/5 games, Hire is a 10th man at best and Steindl has been a massive disappointment upon his NBL return. Brandt is the only reliable option off the bench

Cotton is flashy and inconsistent and Tokoto can’t shoot, Martin is slowing down and isn’t the defensive stopper he once was.

Can’t see Perth going to the GF this season

Reply #665912 | Report this post

Years ago

People need ro understand he is not droppong 45 eveey game. He is also small and a good scout will look to punish him defensively, as they are this season. Think Isaiah thomas nba, if cotton was playing for brad stevens he would probs hit everything otherwise you do what you can create your own shot no matter what when youre the shortest guy out there

Reply #665917 | Report this post

Years ago

Brand reliable. Nope.

Reply #665925 | Report this post

Years ago

Cotton is a gun but it's very easy for the opposition to defend him when he constantly needs to create his own shot and he has no support with outside shooting. Steindl would be more effective too but the team isn't finding him in the right spots. They are victims of gleesons lack of coaching

Reply #665937 | Report this post

Years ago

I thought Brandt should have got more touches last night. Every time he was one out he hit the baby hook or got fouled.

Perth didnt run quality offence last night.

Not usre why as they had a full team, maybe United D stepped up?

Reply #665950 | Report this post

Years ago

Cotton is doing just fine. I think the only issue is some people getting carried away with "all he's cracked up to be". Most people are aware that he wasn't putting up 45ppg all of last season, and accordingly have not set their expectations unrealistically high.
The Cats have got their issues (as most other teams do) but Cotton isn't one of them IMO. He's been good this season, but needs more help. We need to get some other threats working so that opponents can't key in so hard on him.

Reply #665955 | Report this post

Years ago

Between bagging out Cotton and Glesson makes me think some people got no idea, Cotton is a gun and Gleeson is back to back championship coach and while I'm at it the referees were very good last night.

Reply #665962 | Report this post

Years ago

@Chaz Michael Michaels... you do know Greg Hire wasn't playing last night so I don't think he factors into the bench equation.

Reply #665983 | Report this post

Years ago

I will take Cotton over Smith from Cairns anytime.

Reply #666000 | Report this post

Years ago

Second in scoring in the league, so must be doing OK. Verdict is probably as was said: "Cotton's doing fine, but he's not leagues ahead of the rest of the competition or anything..."

Reply #666010 | Report this post

Years ago

Ah, I get it now, "Cracked Up" cos that's what you were smoking when you wrote the OP.
Cotton is the best combo in the league, or maybe 2nd best now that Randle is back.

Reply #666252 | Report this post

Years ago

What Isaac said. Super scorer, ok defender, unselfish player - any team would want him.

What happened in the off-season though was some people forgot that he had quite a few games where his shot wasn't dropping and Perth were 5-4 in his first nine games.

That got replaced with Cotton dominated the league and Perth went from terrible to not losing a game once he came in. The Cats had actually spent 9 of 12 weeks in the top four before Cotton arrived.

Reply #666274 | Report this post

Years ago

Don't forget Cotton took us from last to first! ;-)

Reply #666275 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh yeah I forgot, take back everything I said!

Reply #666281 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes yes he is

Reply #666387 | Report this post

Years ago

Clutch player in big games. Don't know about anybody else but wouldnt mind Cotton playing for my team.

Reply #666435 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Years ago

Just thought I'd bring this back to the surface

Reply #672014 | Report this post

Years ago

Jerome Beal v2.0

Reply #672026 | Report this post

Years ago

Their offensive is ineffective , Im thinking Gleeson message not getting through or very stale ideas.

- Steindl shows flashes of brilliance but not used and not open enough.
- Ineffective screens from big guys
- Very few pick and rolls
- Almost no drive and dish scenarios that actually create a good result

Call in a mentor coach to come in a provide some different point of view - its not happening at the moment.

Reply #672033 | Report this post

Years ago


Can't bring all the Wildcats’ issues to the surface. What’s visible is only the tip of the iceberg.

Who’s the captain of the Titanic though?

Reply #672046 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Years ago

My great grandfather's second cousin's uncle's friend's neighbour was actually the Titanic captain so thanks for reminding me mate. Traumatic time for me actually. Even more traumatic for me than this 'Cats season

Reply #672055 | Report this post

Years ago

This Cats' season traumatic?

I think you mis-spelt euphoric.

Reply #672075 | Report this post

Years ago

"Call in a mentor coach to come in a provide some different point of view - its not happening at the moment."

Lesser imports and a cooked Martin show Gleeson was only good with the finest of talent. Tone down the spending and a bit of aging has shown his true coaching capabilities.

Reply #672116 | Report this post

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