Years ago

Wildcats off-season thread

The Wildcats have seven players contracted for next season and just 12 points left to play with under the 70-point cap.
Bevo has said that he wants to upgrade their perimeter firepower which suggests Williamson could be heading out.

You'd expect Trueman to be gone and Hire (four points) kept. Nevill is an 8.
Nevill admitted last month his agent already fielded calls from clubs at home and abroad.
If Hire stays, that leaves 8 points to split between two. Maybe Nevill is a chance should Matt Knight's scans come back and push him to retire?

Topic #28201 | Report this topic

Years ago

Could some of their players still be on lower points from pre-existing contracts?

Reply #360432 | Report this post

Years ago

This is where the points system sucks a bit. Based on that stuff, they will find it really difficult to resign Nevill. I dont even like Nevill, but as a general rule, even if he wanted to take a pay cut, the best they could do is sign a 7pt player and a 1? Pidgeon holes teams and players.

Reply #360438 | Report this post

Years ago

Wildcats have 7 players on existing contrats, all on the same or lower point score than their 2012/13 ranking.

Replace Williamson with a young shooter returning from college.

Keep Hire if possible.

Use Truemans money and points to keep Nevill.

Reply #360439 | Report this post

Years ago

The caps are there to create an even league. In this case, it's putting pressure on the two grand final teams to make tough decisions, which is the whole idea.

If they want to keep Nevill, they can go with two scrubs in the other spots. If they desperately want to keep Hire, then they're forced to rethink the centre position. Or they can use multi-year deals to work around it for a while.

Ultimately, it should be better for the league.

Reply #360440 | Report this post

Years ago

I dont think Knight is retiring Isaac, in fact I am told he has some big fish to fry in the next 6 weeks.

If my maths is correct Perth are on 57 points, so they could fit Nevill, Hire and a rookie (Purser?).

Reply #360441 | Report this post

Years ago

except the list that the NBL released today isn't correct.
it lists the players rating if they where off contract not their actual value.
eg Damien Martin is 5 points not 9. Abercrombie is a 1 not a 10.

Reply #360450 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

Martin is a 9. He was only a 5 fr the season just gone.

Reply #360452 | Report this post

Years ago

Abercrombie is a 1 as he has one year left on his original contract, but I think Martin moves up to a 9 - pretty sure this season past was his last year on the previous contract and now he moves onto his new, extended contract.

At least that's what I remember from the whole points circus from last off-season!!

Reply #360453 | Report this post

Years ago

I like the points cap. I think it helps keep the competition even despite some of the more financial clubs offering under the table hand outs.

Reply #360454 | Report this post

Years ago

The Wildcats are actually 58, you were spot on Isaac, because Wagstaff is moving onto a new contract as well as Martin, so moves from a 7 to an 8. My bad.

Reply #360462 | Report this post

Years ago

So can the Cats fit the whole team minus Trueman and The Sniper?

Reply #360464 | Report this post

Years ago

No, I think they have 12 points left and three roster spots to fill, meaning they could do for eg Nevill, Trueman and Purser or Hire, Bartlett and Trueman.

Reply #360468 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes, they can't fit add Nevill and Hire which could be what they wanted.

Good to hear re Knight - glad that info was incorrect.

Reply #360501 | Report this post

Years ago

How can the points change when they signed last yr, don't they keep there same player ranking? Martin n wags? Still don't get how the breakers fit under the points cap?? tom Abercrombie is a 1? That's like Lisch being a 1??? No wonder they can go back to back!! Bit pathetic on how they rate the players!!! Martin a 9??? How? Like the salary cap, hate the points system!!!

Reply #360516 | Report this post

Years ago

Wildcats are at 58, though I have read that they could possibly cut-and-sign Robbins to get a point back (contracted at 6, rated a 5 for 12/13).

I've also read that Development players don't count against your TTP (total team points). That being the case Nevill + Hire + Development Player should work to fill out the roster.

I can't imagine they can offer Nevill enough money to stay to be honest. He fell to the Wildcats last season, but should have had enough time to find a better offer OS by now.

Reply #360650 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

Knight may not even need surgery now, according to the article in today's West.

Reply #360963 | Report this post

Years ago

tom Abercrombie is a 1? That's like Lisch being a 1???

not really, was Lisch born in Perth and was he a development player for the Wildcats? no, he's an Import.

Reply #360974 | Report this post

Years ago

Talking about skill wise not back round!! Should'nt matter if ure on a contract, the points should count after every season if a player goes up or down, redhage is a 10? He wasn't like wilkinson he killed it! Cj is a 8 he was prob 80% reason that the breakers won!! Just crap the points n how they keep the same value if u have signed a contract on the 1st number there rated!!

Reply #361048 | Report this post

Years ago

so on your thinking all the Breakers are 10 point players lol

Reply #361070 | Report this post

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