Years ago

Wild night at Hillcrest

Multiple ejections with the Mavs men's coach thown out just after half time than a Mavs player shown the front door 5 minutes later. Stoppages in play with calls being disputed, some really wild scenes.

Topic #43593 | Report this topic

Years ago

Assistant coach and team manager got techs, meaning the head coach is ejected.

Reply #695671 | Report this post

Years ago

Lots of kids at the game so it wasn't a good look. Mavs coaches and players argued every call and gave the referees not option.

Reply #695672 | Report this post

Years ago

heads-up play by the assistant to get a tech to get the head coach ejected.

Reply #695674 | Report this post

Years ago

the mavs are a rabble, and people want to have a go at souths women

Reply #695676 | Report this post

Years ago

I was there and it was really really ugly. Referees did a good job IMO.

Like a dog off the chain is one way to explain the behavior. BSA want to create a family atmosphere and this was far from that.

Reply #695679 | Report this post

Years ago

How are a 16-0 team (I know they haven't played yet but we all know they’re losing by 80) less of a rabble than the mavs. Least people care at eastern

Reply #695681 | Report this post

Years ago

0-16 obviously

Reply #695682 | Report this post

Years ago

Mavs carry on at the officials because the coach does it. Not a healthy environment.

They are only a rabble because this is a culture that has been created and condoned by the club itself.

Reply #695688 | Report this post

Years ago

They still have the best import combo in the league.

Reply #695692 | Report this post

Years ago

People shouldn't confuse abuse with caring.

Reply #695693 | Report this post

Years ago

Jake Rios is just "stat padding" for future contacts with anyone! Selfish player that can only get a gig with a bottom feeder team.

Reply #695694 | Report this post

Years ago

That team would be the South women without Rios. Pretty harsh assessment of the only guy who can compete at this level.

Reply #695699 | Report this post

Years ago

Jeez wish I could tip games that well all the time. Imagine losing by 80+ more than once in the top league the state has.

Reply #695700 | Report this post

Years ago

Best import duo? Wise looks unorthodox or something?? Rios hasn't seen a shot he doesn't like!

Reply #695717 | Report this post

Years ago

Well it's obvious that you guys make comments that are so false - and you believe them to be so true that you bleed from your eyeballs. For starters it was 2 bench techs only - 1 player and 1 assistant coach and when the coach was asked to leave he asked the question why nicely - cause if you all know your rules - you don't get tossed until the 3rd tech. Then threatened by report which just shows bias from refs - understand what is blantantly in front of your faces. Oh but so sorry you guys love to throw accusations around with false information. Shame on you for doing this. You obviously weren't watching the same game we were, and you are so bias cause you are Rocket fans. The dirty pushing in the back that only the best of the worse players know how to do. Seems like some of your players with their consistent below average state show each week. At least Mavs don't play dirty. Stick to writing what you know and this space will become very baron like your knowledge in basketball. We'll be waiting for BSA's formal public apology (but of course they don't have the balls to do that) to ejecting the coach in error which has already been established by BSA after the game. Oh so sorry I guess your knowledge is so limited that you didn't know this.

Reply #695731 | Report this post

Years ago

Wish you knew grammar.

Reply #695732 | Report this post

Years ago

Truth hurts and will come right back and bite you in the a## - is that all you can focus on or are your feelings hurt cause you've been called out on it. Crawl back under your hole you slippery sucker!

Reply #695738 | Report this post

Years ago

Refs messed up, should own it and apologise.
Leave the Rockets out of it, they play hard but no-one thinks they are dirty.
Fix your culture as you are so passionate about your Mavs.

Reply #695739 | Report this post

Years ago

Regardless of the error Easterns behaviour and constant bitching at the refs about every call was a disgrace. If this is your culture, as a club you should be ashamed that this is deemed acceptable.

Reply #695741 | Report this post

Years ago

Refs screwed up big time and need to own it. All 3 refs talked about it and there sas even a discussion about it during the break and not one of them did anything about it. BSA need to pull their finger out and fix everything that is wrong from Tuesday nights to Premier's a fact that every team can agree on.

Maybe you should watch the play back videos - North is as dirty as they come and the refs let them get away with it.

Reply #695742 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh so hang on a second now - now you know the knowledge - if North was done like that there would be a bloody outright war from the team, spectators, etc...but it's Mavs when we were fighting the wrong call of ejection it was wrong.

Every time North got a foul they complained about it...clear in the video...such double standards...

Why don't we talk about Southern's spectators disgusting behaviour while we're at it...I guess that's ok in their culture.

Reply #695743 | Report this post

Years ago

I am in the know, I know the refs.
Your continued attack on North seems misplaced, should be just the refs you are pissed at.
More fouls called on North than Mavs. One team plays competitive and is finals bound and the other doesn't and certainly isn't.
And now you are starting on Southern......

Reply #695745 | Report this post

Years ago

It's people on here making accusations on people that are false and they should retract those comments. Sitting and watching the same game and oblivious to what had actually transpired. I think people on here don't have a bloody clue on what goes on in a game and just throws crap on here cause they don't have a life...

Reply #695746 | Report this post

Years ago

If passions run this hot in this forum, I wonder what they're like in the crowd when they get this upset.
Hate the behaviour these days of fans in juniors and seniors. Playing for sheep stations most of the time. Any little call and people are screaming for blood. Pretty embarrassing.

Reply #695755 | Report this post

Years ago

I mean, Scumthern supporters are absolutely shocking. Really embarrass a great team.

Reply #695758 | Report this post

Years ago

Folks it was ugly and it certainly wasn't North. Mavs complained right from the start.

Reply #695768 | Report this post

Years ago

I was there and the way both teams acted was definitely Southerns fault

Reply #695790 | Report this post

Years ago

No I was there and it was Andy and Forestville that caused the ejections and carry on

Reply #695792 | Report this post

Years ago

I wasn't there, but such a vivid picture of the night has been painted here that I will one day tell my grandkids about it all the same.

Reply #695860 | Report this post

Years ago

Andy pulling his old tricks.

Reply #695863 | Report this post

Jimmy Carr  
Years ago

I was at the game with my kids and I certainly didn't consider it a wild night or ugly, it just could of been handled a lot better by the officials. I referee and coach - we need to be better at communicating with each other.

Reply #695933 | Report this post

Years ago

So was anyone reported?

Reply #695972 | Report this post

Years ago

It was retracted by BSA after the game of a report and admitting the refs made a mistake. Huge....Massive...

Reply #695979 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #695984 | Report this post

Years ago

So BSA are to blame?

Reply #695997 | Report this post

Years ago

"It was retracted by BSA after the game of a report and admitting the refs made a mistake. Huge....Massive..."

What on earth does this "sentence" mean exactly? No comprehend.

Reply #696006 | Report this post

Years ago

The Tech's were warranted. Should the coach have been tossed, probably not. Mavs disputed every call and basically pushed the envelope all night.
Discipline is the issue with the team and how they behave and that starts with the coach and the long standing culture within the club.

Don't look to blame the referees, BSA or anyone else, look in your own backyard and fix a problem that has been created by your own club! If you want respect then start to earn it, clean out the crap and start from scratch.

Reply #696007 | Report this post

Years ago

So were reports made?

Reply #696021 | Report this post

Years ago

Apparently BSA were investigating and they had a rep at the game. Mavericks have been getting screwed all season.

Reply #696042 | Report this post

Years ago

So a storm in a teacup then.

Reply #696049 | Report this post

Years ago

was a lot wilder night last year when the Reserves Coach..oops.. Premier League Coach had his 'personal space' encroached upon, only to find the extra space on the court.

Reply #696051 | Report this post

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