Years ago

NBL top four uncertainty

With Perth & Adelaide looking all over the shop one might think if Kings or Tigers (i'm assuming that's the top 4) can get it together, a smokey can win the flag this year!!
I'm sticking with Perth but some guys need to get out of slumps quickly...

Topic #33670 | Report this topic

Years ago

Problem is, neither of those are setting the world alight either.

Reply #456436 | Report this post

Years ago

I still think Perth or Adelaide will win the title but this weekend has blown the race for ladder positions wide open

Reply #456438 | Report this post

Marcus Camby  
Years ago

Perth is no certainty at all.

Coach Gleeson doesn't seem to make adjustments other than odd Starting fives.

His defence is leaking like a sieve since the season break.

Ennis looks to be quite demotivated these days unless he has the ball.

That said....Perth would only be favourites because they look like having home court and Matt Knight could be back.

Matty seems to be Coach Gleeson's last hope.

Reply #456443 | Report this post

Ganymede 86  
Years ago

Perth will likely win it if Knight is healthy and performing only question is will he?

Reply #456445 | Report this post

Years ago

Kings have won 5 of last 6 and Melbourne 8 of last 11. Perth 4 of last 9 and Adelaide 5 of last 10.

But it wont be about who's playing well now, it will be who is playing well at the end of the season and probably who gets homecourt.

Reply #456448 | Report this post

Years ago

Thats what im saying Paul.
Imagine if NZ could slip in - unlikely but i wouldnt wanna play em in a 3 game series!

Reply #456452 | Report this post

Stevie Wonder  
Years ago

come on nz breakers lift!

Reply #456461 | Report this post

Years ago

Almost any of the series could be absolute thrillers. I'm really looking forward to seeing Sydney v Perth in a few weeks now that the Kings have an athletic line-up.

This is the ladder since Christmas, shame it hasn't been like that all season but I'll take it now!

Melbourne 6-3
Sydney 5-3
Adelaide 4-3
New Zealand 4-3
Cairns 5-5
Perth 4-5
Wollongong 3-6
Townsville 3-6

Reply #456477 | Report this post

Nathan of Perth  
Years ago

It's starting to look like no one actually wants the title! Every team's copy book has some big, big blots on them.

Reply #456489 | Report this post

Years ago

Looks more like everyone still thinks they have a shot at the title!

Reply #456508 | Report this post

Years ago

That ladder since Xmas sums it up really no dominate or terrible teams bottom can beat top as this past weekend showed. Hope Matt Knight makes full recovery I don't think Perth can win title without him

Reply #456511 | Report this post

Years ago

I really dont see anyone other than the capital city aussie teams making the playoffs.

Everyone else is a basket case.

Wollongong and Townsville are working with 3/4 of the roster salary of every other team and punch above their weight in flashes only. NZ has serious chemistry problems without Andrej and Boucher amidst a stagnant plateau year for Abercrombie, and Cairns are underachieving wildy, just like last year.

Reply #456513 | Report this post

Years ago

Glass half full or glass half empty?

Heard recently from the AFL's ex-Essendon CEO I think it was, his philosophy on what makes a championship or premiership team.

From memory it was based on two key elements:

1. List Management.
2. Club culture.

I have thought these two things were keys to success for quite a while myself.

My opinion is that these two things will determine the NBL champion team in the end, so I guess it is interesting and will be so, to see how these two factors influence results now and going into the finals.

It isn't a coincidence, I believe, that teams on the up this season have also been the teams that have changed their culture, either overtly or as the result of astute decision making (players and coaching staff and organisation).

Managing the team list goes beyond just making sure players are fit and healthy in order to play more minutes. IMHO this factor is crucial and is impacted by psychological as well as physical elements, such as some of the following:

Self Esteem

We have seen players lift and others drop away, based not only on injury but team dynamics, confidence from the coach, and the players or a lack of it etc...

Find the team which has these factors coming through in spades and you will likely find your NBL champs!

Reply #456514 | Report this post

Wilson Sting  
Years ago

I think it's ironic that the only 2 teams who look like they want the title are sitting last and second last at the moment...

Reply #456515 | Report this post

Years ago

^ :]

Reply #456516 | Report this post

Wilson Sting  
Years ago

Interesting Bear you mentioned Club culture. I couldn't help but feeling on the way out of the Cairns game this week that the Taipans organisation appears to be happy with a culture of mediocrity. As long as we're not last and we put up a bit of a fight, that's good enough for us. I came to the conclusion that I wouldn't renew my season tickets next year unless they make a coaching change, who I think is part of that culture. Fearne does not exhibit any sort of emotion before/during/after games and that reflects on the team. For all of Anstey and Heal's faults, at least they show some passion on and off the court. Fearne acts like he's Wayne Bennet.

Reply #456518 | Report this post

Years ago

Clearly you have never seen Lindsay Gaze coach.

Reply #456540 | Report this post

Years ago

"a stagnant plateau year for Abercrombie"

I suggest you do a bit more research on that comment. Even putting aside his significantly improved offensive repertoire or defensive game, just these stats tell the story:

2013: 11p 41% FG 33% 3p
2014: 15p 49% FG 50% 3p

Reply #456584 | Report this post

Years ago

Stand corrected. I hadn't seen him play in over a month, but the early goings this year weren't good. Good to see he's lifted.

Reply #456757 | Report this post

Wilson Sting  
Years ago

Anon, not wanting to bad-mouth a Gaze on this forum but 2 premierships from 22 years of coaching for Lindsay Gaze with some of the lineups he had is a fairly mediocre effort too.

Reply #456764 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

I think this weekend has thrown it W I D E open and there are a couple of crucial games in the next rounds.

The run home:

Perth (16/6)
v Tigers (W)
@ Kings (W)
v Crocs (W)
@ Sixers (45:55 L)
v Hawks (70:30 W)

Finish 21/7 & will be top

Sixers (14/8)
v Breakers (W)
@Hawks (40:60 :L)
v Crocs (W)
v Perth (55:45 W)
@ Kings (W)
v Tigers (W)

Finish 19/9 and 2nd place is their's to lose

Melbourne (12/10)
@Perth (L)
v Crocs (W)
@Breakers (L)
v Kings (50:50 W)
@Cairns (50:50 L)
@Sixers (L)

Finish 14/14

Kings (10/10)
@Cairns (50:50 W?)
@Crocs (L) - double
v Perth (L)
@ Tigers (50:50 L)
@ Breakers (L)
v Sixers (L)
@ Hawks (L)
v Crocs (W)

Finish 12/16 - no finals for you

Hawks (9/13)
v Breakers (50:50 W)
v Sixers (60:40 W)
v Cairns (W)
@ Crocs (W)
v Kings (W)
@ Perth (L)

Finish 14/14

Breakers (9/12)
@Hawks (50:50 L)
@Sixers (L)
v Crocs (W)
@Cairns (W)
v Tigers (W)
v Kings (W)
v Cairns (W)

Finish 14/14

I think there will be a potential logjam of Melbourne/Breakers/Hawks. The final round games of Sixers v Melbourne, Perth v Hawks, Breakers v Cairns will be exciting games. I think there is likely to be a 3 way split with one team rueing they didn't win by a goal more.

Reply #457659 | Report this post

Years ago

Perth will finish top after that who knows hopefully Sydney miss finals. Adelaide look good for 2nd.

Reply #457693 | Report this post

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