Years ago

is brett brown safe?

I know he has a 4 year deal & is rebuilding but after their worst losing streak will the Philly faithful show patience? I thought he was doing a great job with what he had but now they are easy beats every game. I bet he chases Kyrie or Patty in the off season. If he goes for Dante Exum it will put a lot of pressure on the kid as he's gonna need wins straight up. Will be interesting...

Topic #33930 | Report this topic

Years ago

Yes gave him 4 year deal and front office gave him the crap roster

Reply #462186 | Report this post

Years ago

Would love to see Brett Brown sign Patty or Delly

Reply #462187 | Report this post

Years ago

His job would have been more in question when they were winning, orbit...

Reply #462188 | Report this post

Years ago

Mike Dunlap was safe.

It's all well and good to say "we believe in the process" but when you lose a heap of games and fans stop turning up...dead man walking.

It takes a strong organisation to hold steady and follow what they set out to achieve.

Reply #462189 | Report this post

Tiger Watcher  
Years ago

He was getting good results with the roster prior to the trade deadline....then they gutted his squad of pretty much 2 of his best 3 players (Hawes & Turner) for pretty much picks & spare parts.

not his fault GM/Owner knew this would be the result after the trades were made...he ain't a miracle worker!

Reply #462191 | Report this post

Years ago

He didn't have much to work with at start of the year now with Hawes and Turner trades they're even worse.
Not Brown's fault

Reply #462203 | Report this post

Years ago

they are tanking, they are not supposed to be winning - he is doing exactly what he can do with the players he has.

Reply #462204 | Report this post

Years ago

Hopefully they've got the right strategy. MCW in the mix for ROY and Noels coming back from injury - add a couple of good draft picks and they might have something to build on.

Reply #462229 | Report this post

Tiger Watcher  
Years ago

MCW & Exum back court ould cause headaches for alot of teams!!!

That said prefer Dante heads to a major market....Lakers/Boston etc

Reply #462230 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

He's in beast mode!!

Reply #462235 | Report this post

Years ago

This suggests he isn't safe at all:


Reply #462237 | Report this post

Wildcat Fan  
Years ago

'That said prefer Dante heads to a major market....Lakers/Boston etc'

Philadelphia is a major market. When they're winning they're one of the major TV markets. Plus the city is one of the largest in the US. Though Philadelphia is one of the rare markets in the US where the NHL team is actually bigger than the NBA team, so it will be beneficial for the NBA to have Philadelphia be successful.

Reply #462242 | Report this post

Years ago

lol! Beast mode!!! Love it!

Reply #462252 | Report this post

Years ago

You guys do realise this front office is actively losing as many games as possible this season...?

Reply #462258 | Report this post

Statsheet Stuffer  
Years ago

I wonder how intrusive Adam Silver will be with league-wide parity decisions like the Chris Paul/Lakers deal. I can see the same kind of issues developing in the coming years.

Reply #462269 | Report this post

Years ago

That lakers veto was a peculiar case in that it was driven by the fact that there was a league-owned team. I doubt we will see such a situation recur.

Reply #462272 | Report this post

Years ago

Correct, Mick.

If the league could veto trades under normal circumstances, I doubt we would have seen the infamous Lakers-Memphis 'Kwame Brown + expiring contracts, draft picks and cash for Pau Gasol' deal go down all those years ago.

76ers are tanking, no doubt about it. Brett Brown should be safe for the time being.

Reply #462276 | Report this post

Statsheet Stuffer  
Years ago

Of course New Orleans is league-owned. What I'm getting at is the talent disparity, which is the reason the league said no to the trade.

Look at the talent disparity in the league atm. I don't know much about the full history of the NBA, but I assume the kind of gap going on right now is one of the more extreme cases in league history (barring the era of transition from ABA to NBA).

I do think the league will step in in coming years. How intrusive they will be, I don't know.

Reply #462284 | Report this post

Years ago

New Orleans was league-owned. They now have a private ownership group.

The NBA intervented with the Hornets-Lakers trade because they felt it was a bad deal for the franchise, not because of a talent disparity in the NBA.

Given they would have traded Chris Paul to remain a middle-of-the-pack team headlined by Gasol, Scola and Ariza, I think it was a smart decision despite the scrutiny from fans.

Reply #462298 | Report this post

Pauly B  
Years ago

No NBA coach is truly ever safe. It's the nature of professional sport. That said, I'd be shocked if they fired him. What was he supposed to do with this abomination of a roster and having one of his best players traded away mid season? The club can't go down the path they've decided to go down and then hang the coach out to dry. But I guess you never know.....

Reply #462332 | Report this post

Statsheet Stuffer  
Years ago

Oh I didn't realise they'd changed owners.

Anyway 'keeping Paul was best for the New Orleans team' was the official word yes, but from where I stand, Stern always tried to push parity in the league. He did say that Miami's big three was fine, but he has put in some measures to stop that.

My actual point was that I think the NBA will have some tough decisions to make in the coming years with numerous teams participating in a race to the bottom as there are some pretty good draft classes coming up from all reports.

Reply #462349 | Report this post

Years ago

Brown can return to the Kings after his mate Heal is gone. The same mate who received funds from him for an investment but took the cream off the top.

Reply #462485 | Report this post

King Podge  
Years ago

Brett Brown is as safe as it gets. everyone knew they were going to tank and the front office has been steadily removing talent all season (e.g. Spencer 'patty mills beast mode GOAT' Hawes)...

Sacking Brown would be like going for a sex tour of Thailand and complaining afterwards that your genitals spontaneously combusted. This is exactly what they expected would happen, it's not a surprise. Philly sucking is part of the plan.

In fact he was probably in more danger when they were winning! The games they did win with the better (although still meager) roster is proof enough that Brown's systems are on the right track.

Reply #462493 | Report this post

Years ago

Not necessarily. Mike Dunlap got canned after only one season by the Bobcats and had no chance to really prove himself.

Reply #462499 | Report this post

Years ago

I was more concerned when they were winning. Philly has gone to extraordinary efforts to tank. This year and next year are two great years to tank.

Reply #462515 | Report this post

Years ago

Dunlap is different because the Bobcats ownership had no idea what they are doing.

Philadelphia have a specific plan.

Reply #462665 | Report this post

Years ago

And that Pau Gasol trade worked out pretty well for Memphis, wouldn't you say?

Those sorts of deals happen all the time now that people value first round draft picks more. No one would batt an eyelid in 2014 if a star player got trade for Kwame Brown, Javaris Crittenton, Aaron Mckie, the draft rights to Marc Gasol and 2 future first round draft picks.

It was never lopsided, the NBA has just grown smarter. GMs, fans, journalists, etc. were a lot less enlightened back then. They now understand how valuable picks are.

Reply #462668 | Report this post

Years ago

Brett Brown needs to beast activate! An no I don't mean go and get Patty.

Reply #462673 | Report this post

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