Manu Fieldel
Years ago

Just how loud will you boo Ogilvy in Game 3?

Will these boos be at all-time levels or?

I know Julius Hodge pissed you guys off but do we think Ogilvy's will top that on Thursday.

And generally speaking, are you a super loud crowd? I was at the Snakes Game 1 and I can't imagine anything more rowdy than that (before Perth shut us down in quick time).

Topic #40911 | Report this topic

Years ago

AJ will be lucky to hear them.
Lucky to crack 3,000 fans at finals time in the city of churches. LOL

Reply #626769 | Report this post

Years ago

Boo all you want. He cannot play any worse than the previous two semis. He cant even convert when he catches the ball deep if one of the Adelaide bigs is in the vicinity.

Reply #626770 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #626772 | Report this post

Years ago

no need to Adelaide will control game 3 anyway.

Reply #626774 | Report this post

new yoga pants  
Years ago

don't think that will worry a guy that has played away at Rupp Arena

Reply #626782 | Report this post

Years ago

Well hopefully the fans actually make some noise this game. The crowd doesn't seem to be as loud as it did in the powerhouse days.

Reply #626783 | Report this post

Years ago

The atmosphere in Illawarra seemed pretty damn good, having a villain certainly helps, so why not AJ?

I'm just not sure he has it in him to be a real villain like Heal, Kerle, Hodge etc.

Reply #626785 | Report this post

Years ago

It will be rough tomorrow night for Mccarron at the jungle ;)

Reply #626819 | Report this post

Years ago

I think they are referring to the leg grab incident that was "over-seen" by the ref's... that's why they are going to boo AJ.

Reply #626859 | Report this post

Years ago

AJ has 1 little brain fade so he deserves to be booed? Sobey on the other hand is nothing but a blatant flopper, a total embarrassment to the league, he is the one people should be booing and maybe he might start to play fair.

Reply #626871 | Report this post

Years ago

Since when is grabbing a player deliberately with 2 hands and dragging him to the ground a brain fart, never. he should have been ejected as should be the ref who made no call. One of the worst unsportsmanlike I haven for a long time.
Sobey is the new Flopage of the NBL. That ref needs to be dropped as well.

Reply #626878 | Report this post

Years ago

protecting himself from the deliberate kick to the nuts

Reply #626880 | Report this post

Years ago

Brain fart because it was a super ridiculous thing to do and he was lashing out in frustration... Last in the game this is a common thing for AJ, has been ever since he came back to the NBL... Gets a bit sooky, gets pushed around (and some no calls, to be fair) and then lashes out...

Not justifying it, should have been punished a lot more for it at the time and I think if it wasn't the semi's it would be getting reviewed and he'd cop a game suspension at least, (wouldn't be surprised if they actually still do it, or not, actually doing nothing sounds like the NBL standard operating procedure as well), but fans don't need much more to get behind constant booing of an opposition player, especially when they're the most knowledgeable in the league...

Reply #626893 | Report this post

Years ago

"this is a common thing for AJ," So its a common thing and not a brain fart at all. Deliberate it seems. He's always been a sook.

Reply #626896 | Report this post

Years ago

"AJ has 1 little brain fade so he deserves to be booed? "

No one usually "deserves" to be booed but that isn't the point. A parochial home crowd can find any reason to create a villain - it doesn't have to be logical or consistent, just boo someone and hope to put them off their game.

The Cats fans have done this with great success over the years. Ty McKee, Homicide, Julius Hodge, Gary Ervin (just to name a few) all did something to cop some booing and they played shockers. I don't know why you wouldn't boo them.

Reply #626897 | Report this post

Thunder Jam  
Years ago

I'm sure they'll boo AJ.
They booed Norton and he didn't even foul the guy.

Reply #626900 | Report this post

Years ago

Why do Adelaide think there the nice guys?.If you are known as the thirty snitches as there good on dobbing on players(Kickett)to get cited they are far from being well liked.There's a saying in rugby league that what happens on the field stays on the field and the same should apply to the basketball except for a Brian Conklin elbow but in Adelaide case this doesn't apply and also Randle and Creek are the dirty dogs for spinning shit about Hawks being a dirty team.I was at the Hawks game to witness Randle walk to the bench after the episode with White and shoved Creek in the chest and gave Creek a mouthful.Nice guy is that Ant man Randle.

Reply #626901 | Report this post

Years ago

You're clutching at straws if your defense is 'prevention of being kicked in the nuts'. C'mon, his sole intention was to prevent Jacobsen getting down the court, if you watch the tape you can even see Jacobsen hesitating as to not step on Ogilvy.

And Thunder Jam, Norton did foul Drmic when he didn't even have the ball. The ref was right on top of that one and it was the correct call.

Hawks fans are just trying to divert the attention from them getting some home cooking after having a major sook about game 1.

Face it, the Hawks are dirty...the facts are there, sometimes the truth just hurts.

Reply #626902 | Report this post

Years ago

At least the Hawks leave it on the court, unlike Joey who runs straight to Boti to have his ref-bashing done in the media. The Sixers are a bunch of sooks.

Reply #626905 | Report this post

Years ago

When AJ does AJ things, this is the sweetest type of response, trust me!

Reply #626911 | Report this post

Years ago

Nice try Anon 626905 but no one here is buying your BS!

Reply #626913 | Report this post

Years ago

So Boti isn't Joey's mouthpiece on any referring issues??

Reply #626914 | Report this post

Years ago

Ant man Randle is the dirty dog and so are the whole thirty snitchers organisation.I bet they where straight onto the phone to try getting Aj Ogilvy suspended but bad luck guys a small fine is what mite happen.

Reply #626915 | Report this post

Years ago

thirty snitchers lololol that is pure gold since they snitch all the time and there are 30 of them

Reply #626916 | Report this post

Years ago

Lets go thirty sixers lets go.Nah that's sounds shit.Lets go thirty snitchers lets go.Now that's sounds better.I can hear the Adelaide fans already chanting lets go thirty snitchers lets go.

Reply #626917 | Report this post

Years ago

Funny when the Hawks have snitched themselves.

Boti is a 36ers fan and forms his own opinions, I don't think in incidents like Ogilvy's on Jacobsen he needs pushing from Joey to report on it, he is writing as would any fan had that of happened to their team.

Majority of Hawks fans appear to have small minds and where are all the home cooking comments from you lot - smh!

Reply #626934 | Report this post

Years ago

That's how you deal with Ogilvy Luuuc, need to set T ferg up to put AJ on a poster!

Reply #626943 | Report this post

Years ago

"Boti is a 36ers fan and forms his own opinions, I don't think in incidents like Ogilvy's on Jacobsen he needs pushing from Joey to report on it, he is writing as would any fan had that of happened to their team."

What about his other specifics he gave of other bad calls? If he didn't have a whinge on Joey's behalf, then he is just a really bad journo.

Reply #626945 | Report this post

Years ago

Don't slit your wrists Johnson when your lame dirty Hawks get pumped Thursday

Reply #626953 | Report this post

Years ago

"don't think that will worry a guy that has played away at Rupp Arena"

Awful analogy. He wasn't the star player going into Rupp. Going into ADL Arena he is...

Reply #626961 | Report this post

Years ago

Johnson's idiotic comments of late re: Sixers, Taipans & Cats now makes total sense.

Reply #626962 | Report this post

Years ago

Compare and contrast the AJ leg grab with college basketball leg grab involving Duke's Grayson Allen. Instant USF called by refs.

Then Allen was ridiculed by the press. Followed by self-suspension by his coach (Coach K).

But in the amateur NBL it's not even a USF. No suspension either, and no way his coach suspends him because there are no morals in NBL and why bother trying to re-train a player if he got away with it, right?

Reply #626968 | Report this post

Years ago

hahaha why would his coach suspended him?

Reply #626972 | Report this post

Years ago

Coach K, one of the best coaches in the world, self-suspended his own player for doing a leg grab last month.

Why? To teach his player a lesson, and to re-train his thought process.

No morals in NBL though.

Reply #626973 | Report this post

Years ago

Actually it was a trip more than a leg grab before anyone corrects me but same blatant nature to it.

Reply #626974 | Report this post

Years ago

He cant even convert when he catches the ball deep if one of the Adelaide bigs is in the vicinity.
They've definitely looked to have his measure in close. That said, he did get the better of them when being defended too closely further out. I think it was Jacobsen who made that mistake a couple of times?

Reply #626987 | Report this post

Years ago

AJ has a history of petulant behaviour and has picked up stupid techs or given away stupid fouls in the past at crucial times on too many occasions.

He needs to grow up and the mental aspects are a big weakness in his game.

I am a Hawks supporter and I am still pissed that his lack of discipline could have cost us a well earned win.

I also read a post on here from an Adelaide supporter complaining that the Wollongong newspaper made no mention of the incident.

Welcome to sports journalism lesson 1. Ever local paper talks up their team and criticises the rest(or the refs). You should be aware of this because Boti is the best homie of them all. That's life.

Never heard much whingeing about home cooking from Hawks supporters in the game one thread. None from me apart from a few questions on one or two phantom calls early in the game. I think the game two thread has far more complaints about the refs. Wonder why?

Also Bevo showed some class talking up the quality of the 6ers rather than Randle (at least he was original) and Creek who prattled on about how superior the 6ers are man for man.

Of course if they are so superior individually then If they drop game three there will be some serious questions about coaching and attitude (along with the usual player abuse that the 6ers get on here when they lose.

Bring it on.

Reply #626989 | Report this post

Years ago

"Coach K, one of the best coaches in the world, self-suspended his own player for doing a leg grab last month.

Why? To teach his player a lesson, and to re-train his thought process.

No morals in NBL though."

So why does this mean Ogilvy should be suspended? Should all USF's now be worthy of a "self-suspension"?

Coach K firstly said there was nothing in what Grayson did, then finally relented and suspended him "indefinitely"...which turned out to be one game. All of that was for his third offence.

Please don't pretend that Coach K and Duke handled it so well that Bevo needs to follow suit.

Reply #626990 | Report this post

Years ago

Of course Coach K at first thought nothing of it when they stick microphones at you before being able to see a replay. He did the right thing afterwards. Don't pretend otherwise.

Reply #627025 | Report this post

Years ago

Why didn't he suspend him on either of the first two occasions then?

Reply #627031 | Report this post

Years ago

AJ is a repeat offender as well. See great post by Hawks supporter FSTOS. So don't pretend AJ hasn't been involved in previous incidents. Which thus invalidates your point.

Also NBL should be suspending him regardless but they are useless.

Reply #627032 | Report this post

Years ago

"AJ is a repeat offender as well. See great post by Hawks supporter FSTOS. So don't pretend AJ hasn't been involved in previous incidents. Which thus invalidates your point."

hahahhahaha no it doesn't. Thus you're an idiot.

Him being involved in previous incidents does not make this incident any more worthy of suspension.

Reply #627033 | Report this post

Years ago

The incident by itself warrants suspension.

The incident as a continuation of his past behaviour mimics what Coach K had to do to Grayson to get him to wake up to himself.

Reply #627038 | Report this post

Years ago

Great tackle Aj but next time try the spear tackle on Ant man Randle. Now that will be great viewing.

Reply #627070 | Report this post

Years ago

The incidents he has previously been involved with were not of a similar nature to the leg grab though. They were just various lack of discipline stuff usually associated with things not going his way and were more damaging to his teams chances in the game than being dangerous to opponents.

Don't think they are precedents for suspensions, penalties etc.

The Grayson incident (and I only go on a few snippets I read) was a repeat of dangerous flagrant act against opponents.

Not really the same thing.

I am not so pissed at what he does as such but how what he does hurts my teams chances.

Reply #627074 | Report this post

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