Manu Fieldel
Years ago

Hoops forum update

What do we think about the Hoops update?

A positive for me is the cleaner look, but a couple of things with the new mobile look: the 'Recent posts' section is way below the page fold -- and that's where I most often click -- and I can't see the blue boxes on mobile any more.

Topic #43234 | Report this topic

Years ago

This is just a very quick update. Where else do you expect the recent posts to fit on mobile? Not much room to accommodate them. What blue boxes?

Edit: Oh, the reply counts - yes, I will be adding them back later.

Reply #686986 | Report this post

Years ago

I like it. Looks ton better on the mobile. Losing the recent posts on the side isn't ideal, but clicking back is not problem either - site loads quickly enough that it doesn't bother me much.

Reply #686987 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't like it. Waste of 400k!

(just testing to see if Hoops memes work on the new site)

Reply #686990 | Report this post

Years ago

I can put a link near the top that jumps you down to the recent posts, if that helps.

I used to have a version of the front page which aggregated the day's posts. I could do versions of that for the last 3, 6, 12 and 24 hours so people could get a feel for what's been posted since they last visited? Not sure how many people use the Latest Action link. Most Replies could probably go in the footer as it's more of a leaderboard than practical thing.

Just remembered that this Leaderboard exists too.

Reply #686992 | Report this post

Years ago

SVD in the HOF - can I get a what what!

Reply #686994 | Report this post

Double Clutch  
Years ago

Love the update Isaac. Love the mix of old school names in the Hall of Fame.

Reply #686995 | Report this post

Years ago

I'd like to see the recent posts in blue on mobile like Manu suggests, or at least a link to them so you can see whats been posted and click into that post. thats how i use the forum

Reply #686998 | Report this post

Years ago

It looks the same to me. just orange isntead of blue now

Reply #686999 | Report this post

Years ago

ahhhh the days of Kent Brockman , Bo Hamburger and the doctor

Reply #687000 | Report this post

Years ago

Reply counts are back on the mobile front page.

For those of you charitable enough not to block ads, I've also accounted for the visibility of manual ads (e.g., non-Google ads) on mobile with a bottom panel that can be closed. Ideally I'd like to get enough local businesses advertising on Hoops that I can ditch the Google ads completely - they're ugly and come with tracking code.

I will try to adjust the category list tier so it uses less space on mobile so the ads are less dominant. Keep in mind that ads are a bit of a necessary evil to make the site viable.

At the moment, the panel is loading each time after it's closed, but I might try to make it stay away for the session or something.

Reply #687010 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Years ago

Loving the orange. We'll make this into a Taipans forum yet

Reply #687013 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Years ago

Re: the recent posts, I don't mind going a tiny bit sideways for them. Would rather that than go all the way down to get to them.

Obviously the site looks better now on mobile and it's speedy, I just personally like the convenience of easily accessible recent posts

Reply #687018 | Report this post

Melbourne Boy  
Years ago

I agree, all looks good, I had no issue previously sliding the page across to see recent posts, that's the only inconvenience now as that's what you tend to check most, but in time it should just become normal to go down.

Reply #687019 | Report this post

Years ago

I like the new look.

DC - I agree that Hall of Fame brings back memories - I miss the DC What's Hot/Not lists and Bo Hamburger's regular hilarious one liners.

Reply #687020 | Report this post

Years ago

The big issues for me:

Closing ads sends you back to the top of the page, and counts as a new page in your history so you have to hit 'back' twice to return to the index page.

No "skip to last post" button on mobile.

The "Recent replies" section being at the bottom works okay for the index page, but on thread pages it makes navigation a bit of a pain. Especially when combined with the lack of 'skip to last post' button.

Other thoughts:

Are avatars hidden on mobile? I'm also getting the "image not found" image for anyone on desktop who doesn't have one.

Reply #687035 | Report this post

Years ago

No "skip to last post" button on mobile.

That's my main one. It's an especially useful feature on mobile since scrolling is a pain on a phone, especially with longer threads.

Looks nice and clean though.

Reply #687038 | Report this post

Years ago

Avatars are hidden on mobile, but I might put them in at some point.

The jump to last post link is back on mobile.

There are now three footer ads on mobile so the vertical height is shorter and so (at least on a larger phone), you can probably get by without closing the ads. I'll try to condense the header a bit to help, and maybe move the forum header (Recent, Latest, etc).

Reply #687046 | Report this post

Years ago

It looks cleaner, but I still don't like the ability to post anonymously.

Reply #687051 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Years ago

I hate privileges but I'll abuse them until they're taken away

I get it tho anon, that was the joke. Good joke

Reply #687055 | Report this post

Years ago

Bring back the feature where you had to click on an anonymous post to read it.

Reply #687057 | Report this post

Years ago

Just remove anonymous posting. It breeds a culture of made-up gossip and sniping.

Reply #687062 | Report this post

Years ago

So instead of anonymous people will just make up names. If real names were used I think this forum will get drastically smaller.
And a bit ironic that person saying get rid of anonymous posting posted under anonymous.

Reply #687087 | Report this post

Years ago

That was the joke.

The ads are getting on my nerves. Can't close them or it kicks me back to the top of the page, but they take up so much screen space.

Reply #687092 | Report this post

Years ago

Some of the ads lately I have been getting are of a super hot girl in active wear. Can't complain.

Reply #687096 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

You continue to do amazing work Isaac

Reply #687101 | Report this post

Joga Bonito  
Years ago

Can we have a dark theme toggle please Issac.

Reply #687103 | Report this post

Years ago

Good Work!! Thanks for all your effort.

Reply #687104 | Report this post

Years ago

Keep up the good work Isaac

Reply #687110 | Report this post

Years ago

Looks good on my PC Isaac

Reply #687116 | Report this post

Years ago

Mine looks terrible. Its PC gone mad! Someone tell ME!!!

Reply #687118 | Report this post

Years ago

koberulz, unless you think people will subscribe to remove ads and get other functionality, it's hard to make a forum viable without them. And very hard to accommodate them on mobile in a legible way. I'd be keen to get the mix right, but it's a serious challenge.

After the Liam ad re-position finishes its run, I will be able to reevaluate where/how they show.

And as I've said elsewhere, I'd ideally ditch the Google ones for a format that is easier to accommodate.

You can screenshot your device and email it to me so I can see what you are, but after switching from two footer ads to three on mobile, I found that once I scrolled, I generally wasn't fussed that they were there. However I use an iPhone 6+ so have a bit of reading space outside of that panel.

Reply #687129 | Report this post

Years ago

Me likey.

Reply #687130 | Report this post

Years ago

I've adjusted the top right login/join bit of the header to save space on mobile. I've also increased the density of the forum/category indexes on mobile so you see more topics per screenful. Still pretty ugly but I'll try to improve that next time I get a chance.

Reply #687155 | Report this post

Years ago

Looks great to me Isaac.

Is there some way to get the times of posts back (not just "yesterday" or “hours ago”. This is on an iPad view.

I don't mind the ads though n this site. I hate mainstream ads that rely on google ads, but understand that you need google ads to defray some costs.

Keep up the great work Isaac.

Reply #687196 | Report this post

Years ago

I love your work and your passion for what you do, Isaac. No complaints from me.

Reply #687201 | Report this post

Perth Wilburs  
Years ago

Will there be an app?

Reply #687212 | Report this post

Years ago

If I could close the ads without being kicked back to the top of the page, it'd be fine.

Reply #687215 | Report this post

Years ago

Koberulz, now you know how we feel with something/someone being annoying and taking up screen space. At least you didn't cut and paste another comment here like you usually do.

Reply #687232 | Report this post

Years ago

Everyone is thanking Isaac except kr. No surprises there. Ungrateful spoilt brat.

Reply #687234 | Report this post

Years ago

I like the changes.
The ads don't bother me at all.

Reply #687235 | Report this post

Years ago

Much prefer some ads instead of having to pay to keep the site going!
Thanks Isaac.

Reply #687244 | Report this post

Years ago

Koberulz, now you know how we feel with something/someone being annoying and taking up screen space. At least you didn't cut and paste another comment here like you usually do.

Reply #687246 | Report this post

Years ago

Samsung S6, I see 2 topics only.
A wide orange title band at the top taking up almost 1/4 of the screen horizontally, an ad across the screen horiz obviously, the recent/ last most replies etc bar which in all takes up more than 1/2 the screen, 2 topics with the 2nd topic faded out a bit, the fading bit is annoying as you scroll up, and then 3 fixed ads at the bottom of the page.(initially.)

Reply #687263 | Report this post

Years ago

> Everyone is thanking Isaac except kr. No surprises there. Ungrateful spoilt brat.

And where did you thank Isaac?

Reply #687266 | Report this post

Years ago

Stay focused, people...

koberulz, if you're going to close the ads, why not do that straight away while you're already at the top? Or are you doing it after you've jumped to a particular post in a topic? I'll try to sort it out when I'm next working on the site.

Samsung user - I'll optimise vertical space a bit that should help this soon.

Wilburs, a native app is very unlikely (well outside my skillset), but I might explore a progressive web app that functions in a reasonably similar way.

I have a two week old daughter on top of two existing kids to deal with, and a lot of projects on the go, so your patience is appreciated!

Reply #687293 | Report this post

Years ago

If I go in via the thread title I do, but if I go in via the last post link, which is what I do most of the time, getting kicked back to the top is an issue.

However, I just realised that if I hit the back button on my browser, it takes me back to the last post without reintroducing the ads. So that works.

Reply #687328 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac just states how super busy he is and kr replies with his little problem. kr must be autistic.

Reply #687338 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac go and enjoy fatherhood. We can wait. Thanks for running this site at cost (I believe in the past you've mentioned the ads don't fully subsidise the costs) for the benefit of us. While most similar sites have opened and closed over the years the longevity of this one is appreciated. Thank you.

Reply #687339 | Report this post

Years ago

Seems ok on my S8. Used it to read and post this. Would be nice if the ads footer would drop away though. Rather have them inline on the thread. Like some others. Not a deal breaker though. Just a screen realestate hog.
Typed on S8.

Hah just found close adds. Works great. Good UI.

Reply #687384 | Report this post

Years ago

Sorry for this post but I am hoping admin may be able to help me with your site [on laptop, don't use on mobile]. I read it several times daily. Obviously I like what you do, and thank you. BUT [always a "but", eh!?], it would be so much easier to keep up with topics of interest if the latest posts could be moved to the top of the page with the date or time posted in the left hand column [bold/large print, as is now] and the start date of the thread in the right hand column [smaller not-bolded print, as is now],

Any one agree, or not?

Reply #687431 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

click on latest action i think...

Reply #687436 | Report this post

Years ago

TBH, I'd rather hear koberulz offering feedback than people pulling him up all the time for petty things. It's not as though I have to act on the to-do list right away, but I'd rather know what is on it for when I have time.

robt, as Camel has mentioned, you might want to try the Latest Action link in the sub-header which might be very roughly along the lines of what you want. It's hard to get a perfect "since you last visited" feature without tracking every user and their specific reading of each thread, so I've avoided that.

Reply #687451 | Report this post

Years ago

This is what I do:

If behind only slightly use the right-hand side summary to read unread posts.

If behind by more than the amount of posts in the right-hand side I click "latest action" and figure out the last message I read.

Not perfect but it works.

Reply #687465 | Report this post

Years ago

I bookmarked the latest action page, and it's essentially the only one I ever use. I only very rarely check the home page for 0-reply threads, which don't show up under "latest action".

Reply #687496 | Report this post

Years ago

Thank you, all. I will try these suggests.

Reply #687499 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

I have a two week old daughter

I must admit in March I was having a sherbet with a cousin at the "Lady Burra" in the CBD when I spotted your (pregnant) wife walk past. Quite by co-incidence Skip walked past about 5 minutes earlier! See, you can't do anything in Adelaide....

Congratulations Isaac to you and your wife on your new arrival.

Reply #687512 | Report this post

Years ago

Wow, Adelaide really is a small town.

Reply #687518 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

no smaller than others Anon in terms of social circles.

You always tend to notice people with similar interests and they tend to move in similar circles to you.

Reply #687535 | Report this post

Years ago

To Centrelink and back?

Reply #687540 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago really do have issues don't you

Reply #687543 | Report this post

Years ago

Latest action button is definitely great

Reply #687544 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac, why doesn't Latest Action include threads with no replies? Is it a conscious choice, or would including them somehow break it and require too much extra code to clean up?

Reply #687546 | Report this post

Years ago

Koberulz , Isaac has clearly stated he is busy with a young family and other projects.
He will make further changes when he has time.

Reply #687548 | Report this post

Years ago

> TBH, I'd rather hear koberulz offering feedback than people pulling him up all the time for petty things.

Kr is offering feedback, not demanding Isaac drop everything and change the settings.

Reply #687554 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac, why doesn't Latest Action include threads with no replies? Is it a conscious choice, or would including them somehow break it and require too much extra code to clean up?
Just overlooked it at the time and built it the way it is many years ago. I've adjusted the code to account for them now.

Reply #687580 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Years ago

Something I have just noticed on the Samsung Galaxy S8 is when I hit the close ads button I am automatically taken back to the top of the page

Reply #687758 | Report this post

Years ago

If you hit the back button it should take you back to where you were with the ads still removed.

Reply #687794 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Years ago

Aye aye aye aye

Reply #687857 | Report this post

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