Years ago

Mitch Creek signs with SE Melbourne Phoenix

NBL expansion side South East Melbourne Phoenix have secured the prized signature of Australian forward Mitch Creek as their marquee first signing.

Phoenix secure prized signature of Mitch Creek

Topic #44407 | Report this topic

Years ago

Adelaide takes the L... again

Reply #720349 | Report this post

Years ago

"Adelaide takes the L... again"

The reality is Adelaide would never have been able to match the offer. It is no loss to us as we can get players of Creeks quality for half the price (Wiley, Conger).

Reply #720353 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Good luck to him.

He served Adelaide well while he was here, but he is now an ex-girlfriend.

Reply #720354 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm sure the incels in Adelaide will treat him accordingly.

Reply #720355 | Report this post

Years ago

Explains why the league's social media platforms have been hyping his G-League stuff so much. Good first signing though, assuming he doesn't earn an NBA gig.

Reply #720357 | Report this post

Years ago

May be reuniting with Sobey from some whispers in the SE region. Cool if true.

Reply #720358 | Report this post

Bill Scibilia  
Years ago

anyone seen the interview with Creek on Instagram regarding the 36ers?

Reply #720360 | Report this post

Years ago

Great for Creek and the NBL.

Reply #720362 | Report this post

Years ago

"No big loss" “half the price” two crazy comments.
1. Mitch is a local (can't replace)
2. You have no idea what salary he is on
3. You have no idea what Wiley and Conger are on.
4. The Sixers messed it up, nothing else.

Reply #720364 | Report this post

Years ago

Crazy how this thread is more about the Sixers than about either Mitch or the Phoenix.

Reply #720366 | Report this post

Years ago

Marty Clarke's legacy lives on

Reply #720368 | Report this post

Years ago

Great signing for the Phoenix, even if he uses his NBA out clause and never plays a game for them. To have a guy as the face of your team who is close to the NBA is a great tool over the next 8-12 months.

Reply #720369 | Report this post

twenty four  
Years ago

Might be a wise idea to do some proofreading before posting and linking to your article, LC.

Reply #720370 | Report this post

Years ago

"Crazy how this thread is more about the Sixers than about either Mitch or the Phoenix."

Its not really.

Reply #720374 | Report this post

Captain Jack  
Years ago

Great signing

Creek plus 3 star imports is a great starting point,

Especially if they can add a Landale type aswell.

Looks like its going to be a great 1st season for the Pheonix

BTW a little off topic, Anyone know who the rest of their coaching staff will be??

Reply #720376 | Report this post

Years ago

I suspect it's fair from guaranteed that he actually ends up playing for them (at least initially). He'll get an NBA chance at some point.

Reply #720385 | Report this post

Years ago

The reality is Adelaide would never have been able to match the offer.
That's why you try to make sure your better players aren't out of contract where you're put in that position of matching an offer they've heard.

Reply #720391 | Report this post

Years ago

Adelaide fans need to move on from Mitch Creek. Its pretty well known its predominantly the club's fault for how things were done. Like a lost loved one, focus on the good times and not the sad ending.

Reply #720402 | Report this post

Years ago

What good times?

Reply #720404 | Report this post

Years ago

Tommy and Mitch, 2 ex SEABL Nunawading representatives team up again in the eastern suburbs.

Reply #720408 | Report this post

Years ago

As a Adelaide fan, for better or worse, I really hope Creek destroys the 36ers. What they did to him was tacky and pathetic. True fans have long memories, that behaviour has dented my love for the team.

Happy for Creek, he deserves this sort of financial stabilty but hopefully we never see him in the NBL again as his dreams become reality.

Reply #720409 | Report this post

Years ago

What good times?

2 GF appearances neither of which we were expected to achieve much in those seasons.

Reply #720414 | Report this post

Years ago

It is no loss to us as we can get players of Creeks quality for half the price (Wiley, Conger).

This has to take the cake for the dumbest statement for 2018.

Reply #720415 | Report this post

Brunson no idea mate. What do you know about salaries?

As far as I know this forum is SA based and predominantly SA users so your going to get a lot of salty sixers fans like myself whinging hard about this for weeks/months/years to come. Not gonna make any apologies for it beacause the club have royally stuffed this up. All trying to chase a measly 100k? when Creek was probably playing for under that by being at the club anyway.

How this club keeps shooting itself in the foot is beyond me. Why cant we get some decent management around here.

This club has 1 goal in mind at the start of the season, and sadly it wasn't to win a championship, it was to save as much cash / make as much money as they possibly could.

Reply #720417 | Report this post

Years ago

Angus Brandt will be targeted by the next season

Reply #720418 | Report this post

Years ago

This club has 1 goal in mind at the start of the season, and sadly it wasn't to win a championship, it was to save as much cash / make as much money as they possibly could.

To the club's credit, it has remedied that to a large extent with De Leon out and Conger In.

We are in a good window at the moment.

DJ at his prime (or maybe a very small decline).
Sobey prime.
Wiley and Moore - good imports
Drmic and Deng emerging talents.
Froling a top rookie.
Adding Conger really boosts this team.

If anything we should be spending now within this window.

Reply #720421 | Report this post

Years ago

Hope they manage to get Sobey as well next year

Reply #720422 | Report this post

Years ago

To me this had 0 to do with Mitch. All the hate is at the club and rightfully so. Still can't believe how bad they treated him/the situation. Actually makes me mad.

Reply #720423 | Report this post

LoveBroker, I have it on good authority offers to Shorter and Childress were borderline insulting to players of their talents.

Joey was given barely above the league minimum to work on the final import spot.

I just want to know why all us arm chair experts can see the disaster waiting to happen except management only to make the correct decision 1/3rd into the year when the season is on life support.

One could argue the cheaper DeLeon option then 2/3rds of a season to Conger still saves the club money but if that's how they are planning on operating from the get go then we really are in strife!

Reply #720424 | Report this post

Years ago

"2 GF appearances neither of which we were expected to achieve much in those seasons."


Reply #720425 | Report this post

His the reigning club MVP, is that an achievement?

Reply #720427 | Report this post

Years ago

Unfortunately lovebroker Deng is not an emerging talent this year. He is in free fall.

Reply #720428 | Report this post

Years ago


Fantastic...would you prefer 1 GF appearence or 0 or 2?

Reply #720430 | Report this post

Years ago

I just wouldn't celebrate mediocrity.

Reply #720446 | Report this post

Years ago

I will walk into that stadium and I will thank the crowd, I'll thank my teammates that I played with from there, I'll thank the coaches, but there's certain people at that Club that I will never thank, and I'll never have any time for again" Creek said.

It's a real shame the relationship at the Front Office level has degraded to this.

Reply #720447 | Report this post

Just some bloke  
Years ago

How cringeworthy was the whole i wanna beat united in a game 5 and hit the game winner! Ok cinderella!

Reply #720471 | Report this post

Years ago

"Its pretty well known its predominantly the club's fault for how things were done"

Yeah Nah.
Its actually well known that the exact opposite is true.
Creek can ball buts he's a dickhead, we all know that.
He asked for more money whilst still under contract, team unsurprisingly said no.
Club offered him an extension, more years more money. Creek again tried to get more money for his existing year, team again said no.
Creek walked out.
At that point he was never coming back, so the rest is irrelevant.

As for making him their star signing, clearly nobody at Phoenix has a clue, and they're just going to let Greer hire his mates.
He's a good player, but his attitude and mentality are fucked.

Reply #720476 | Report this post

Years ago

Creek's a good signing.

Building your local core is the hard part, so you take any good local players you can find.

Yes its easier to get better imports, sometimes even at less money, but that's true of any local position. Problem is you can only have 3 imports, and the good ones don't stick around, so its hard to build a team around them. No reason Creek couldn't play out the remainder of his Career with the Phoenix, and that's what you need.

Reply #720479 | Report this post

Years ago

He asked for more money whilst still under contract, team unsurprisingly said no.
Club offered him an extension, more years more money. Creek again tried to get more money for his existing year, team again said no.

I have never heard this version.

Reply #720482 | Report this post

Years ago

I have, but it always comes from the same anon. Probably from Sixers HQ.

Reply #720495 | Report this post

Years ago

Good signing for them if the money is right. If as suggested in the last thread it's for $500K+ a year then a bad signing you don't give guys like him Bryce Cotton money. At the same time they will need to pay overs to attract big names and get a foundation going to build on.

Reply #720508 | Report this post

Years ago

"the same anon"


Reply #720517 | Report this post

Years ago

Somebody got to ask, if Mich is the franchise player who gets the highest salary, how will players like Sobey feel about joining the team on a much lesser salary and also without the status and leadership role he has got use to in Adelaide?

Do Melbourne people really care so about Mitch that he will attract the fans? In Adelaide he was a big fish in a small pond but only because he worked hard and grew with the team over several years. He is a very hard working player but no Bryce Cotton so hope Phoenix GM has not mixed up great mate with recruiting a true superstar.

Reply #720520 | Report this post

Years ago

SMH at this false piece of info

"He asked for more money whilst still under contract, team unsurprisingly said no.
Club offered him an extension, more years more money. Creek again tried to get more money for his existing year, team again said no."

Wow, if this person that made this up actually had a clue.

Reply #720521 | Report this post

Years ago

If I were ADELAIDE, I'd put forward the best possible offer to keep Sobey from going to free agency. If he does go to free agency, it might be all over for the fan base losing two young stars in consecutive years.

Reply #720522 | Report this post

Years ago

Sobey Star yes . Young , relative next season 29
Mitch will be 27 next season

Agree Adelaide needs to keep Sobey but team bigger than individuals and neither Mitch or Sobey is the new Brett Maher

Reply #720523 | Report this post

Years ago

Ok anon, so who currently is "the next Brett Maher"? Go get him then mate. Stop dwelling on the past. Brett Maher is a rare talent, and comparing players the way you are is a waste of time. You don't let Sobey walk because he’s not Brett Maher, he’s different, with totally different intangibles.

If he went, who would you replace him with?

Btw, in basketball 29 is young, in footy not so much.

Reply #720526 | Report this post

Years ago

Great signing for SE Melb. Now I doubly hope Mitch makes it in the NBA - best of luck to him.

This is half the reason I barely use my season tickets this year and will sell / scrap them.

Reply #720543 | Report this post

I've been a season ticket holder since the Dusty Rychart days. Sat through the Marty Clarke era and have now lost my 36ers mojo.
You don’t treat a favourite son the way we treated Mitch. Yes there is rumours about Mitch asking for more money etc but the way we tried to get coin from Brooklyn was a disgrace.
Good luck Mitch, hope you make the big league and never play NBL again

Reply #720551 | Report this post

Years ago

^ yep. Been there since the doors opened as a member. Think this is year 26 for me? Mojo lost too.

Reply #720559 | Report this post

Years ago

"but the way we tried to get coin from Brooklyn was a disgrace. "

That, along with Cole's comments that the NBA should be paying everyone because they don't teach fundamentals or some shit.

Reply #720560 | Report this post

Years ago

In an interview with The Pick and Roll, Creek confirmed that obtaining an NBA contract remains his sole focus. His pact with the NBL's newest club doesn’t change his approach. Rather, the Phoenix provides a perfect back up plan, should dreams of an NBA call-up go unanswered.

Mitch Creek: NBL is secondary path to NBA dream; I love Adelaide

Reply #720582 | Report this post

Years ago

@California Dreaming and @Pete.

I hope you don't stop supporting the Sixers.

Yes they made a mess of things, but we can only hope they learn from that mistake and improve.

The club is still the most important part of the equation despite our best wishes for Creek.

Reply #720603 | Report this post

Years ago

Some some people posting here need to accept that while the club stuffed up, Creek can not walk on water. Like most other people he wants to get the most out of what he has to offer. Lots of people have had a spat with their employer about career or conditions and many have left pissed off. Sometimes close customers have expressed their dissatisfaction after such events but most times they do not know both sides to the story. In the end life goes the way if you are still suffering from this stuff up - just remember that while it's fine to vent occasionally, endless rumination on the negative is a surefire way to kill your mojo.

Reply #720631 | Report this post

Years ago

Pray for mojo

Reply #720635 | Report this post

Years ago

"You don't treat a favourite son the way we treated Mitch. Yes there is rumours about Mitch asking for more money etc but the way we tried to get coin from Brooklyn was a disgrace. "

Were you actually smoking crack as you wrote this?

Creek is an ass who made his own bed.
Or are you claiming his attempt at Criminal Conspiracy was also the club's fault?
It's not a rumour that he asked for more money, its a fact.
Otherwise how the fuck else do you think the club "mistreated" him? Refused to validate his parking?
Please, enlighten us, why do you believe Creek walked out?

The Brooklyn demand, although pathetic, is irrelevent since by then he was long gone

Reply #720654 | Report this post

Years ago

"Wow, if this person that made this up actually had a clue. "

Not sure if you're the same crackhead, but here goes, these are the absolute incontrovertible verifiable facts:

i> Creek had a year to run on his contract. Fact.

ii> Creek wanted to renegotiate. Fact.
(Now if you want, you can choose to believe that Creek wanted to play for less money, or free cheeseburgers, but I think that anyone with half a brain knows what "renegotiate" means.)

iii> The Club agreed to offer him an extension. Fact

iv> Creek was not happy with the extension offered. Fact
(Now once again, you can choose to believe whatever you want about why Creek wasn't happy with the offer. Perhaps he was as delusional as you and thought he was worth a 6yr deal!!!)

v> Creek Left. Fact
Spin that any way you like.

As for this being his "backup plan" he couldn't spew forth any more shit if he actually talked with his ass.
He's hot more chance of growing a 2nd cock than getting an NBA contract.
Or do you really think Phoenix went out for their first major signing and got somebody who wouldn't actually be coming.

Reply #720655 | Report this post

Years ago

PicknRoll website suggested there going after Jock Landale,I would like to see Jordan Vandenberg at backup centre.
Who do you guys think they should go after at PF.

Reply #720658 | Report this post

Years ago

Jordan Vandenberg?? , sorry but they are not building a BigV team. Need somebody better.

Reply #720659 | Report this post

Years ago

Your "facts" are filled with misrepresentations of what actually occurred, but with all the negativity coming from you, it doesn't surprise me.

If the real information was released, it would have hurt the club even further, so that is why you are able to spin your “facts” FACT.

Reply #720660 | Report this post

Years ago

Per the NBLPA standard contracts, Phoenix will be entitled to compensation or could block the FIBA release, should Creek get a call up to NBA once his 36ers time is up.
Crafty move by Greer.

Reply #720736 | Report this post

Years ago

FM , so Greer smart but is he not just doing what Adelaide wanted to do but handled poorly ?

Reply #720738 | Report this post

Years ago

Realistically I think they need 3 Good Aussies.
Who's out of contract at the end of this season? Someone mentioned Sobey, he'd also be a good pickup if true.
I think they need to have the coin to bring somebody home form Europe. Preferably a Melbourne boy. Any ideas?

Reply #720910 | Report this post

Years ago

"Per the NBLPA standard contracts, Phoenix will be entitled to compensation or could block the FIBA release, should Creek get a call up to NBA once his 36ers time is up.
Crafty move by Greer."

Has he signed a standard contract? I'm not sure. Even if he has it can't be lodged yet as he is contracted in a different country. Good for the club if it does work that way, but still some water to go under the bridge I'd imagine.

Reply #720913 | Report this post

Years ago

Standard contracts are just that, standard. Can be modified.

Reply #720969 | Report this post

Years ago

What I mean is has he actually signed an official deal that can be lodged with the NBL or FIBA, or just reached an agreement with the Phoenix? If he has signed an official contract then it can't be registered yet as he is contracted elsewhere.

Reply #720974 | Report this post

Years ago

I recall Sydney had to play that stupid game with the Bogut signing when it leaked before becoming official, because they legally weren't allowed to announce it until all the paperwork was done. So the fact it's been announced should indicate it's official, surely?

Reply #720993 | Report this post

Years ago

John Roberson to play for Bosnian national team.

Reply #806453 | Report this post

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