Years ago

Casey Prather to sign with Melbourne United

To be announced very soon

Topic #45506 | Report this topic

Years ago

to night

Reply #750839 | Report this post

Years ago

Who plays 4? Long?. Strange signing considering they wanted a Wesley type player.

Reply #750840 | Report this post

Years ago

Highest team salary in league BY FAR.



Crevelli special!

Cash, what cash, me, cash, no cash here, here , no cash.

Reply #750842 | Report this post

Air Delay  
Years ago

Barlow & Bairstow to tag team in the 4?

Reply #750845 | Report this post

Years ago

Wow...Melo, Prather and Long.

Is there a better import trio in the history of the NBL? The next best was probably Ware, Prather and Boone (younger version).

With these 3 they can forget about the post play requirement, it's lob city.

Reply #750846 | Report this post

Years ago

Wow... you're a dickhead.

Reply #750848 | Report this post

Years ago

Reply #750849 | Report this post

Years ago

They'll be battling to get 5 players under the bottom end bench cap.

Reply #750850 | Report this post

Years ago

A bit jealous, but nice to see him back in the league.

Kinda weird that all their imports have come from other NBL teams. Definitely a very strong trio.

But yes, massive whole at the 4 spot. Although still got roster spots to fill, so wait and see.

Reply #750851 | Report this post

Years ago

That lineup is insanely stacked. Way better on paper imo than what the Kings had preseason last year.

Cats really need a gun inport and probably a next star to compete with some of the rosters put together this offseason.

Reply #750854 | Report this post

Years ago

I suspect Prather closes games at the 4 in a spread-out offense, how many teams would have a closing 4 that Prather couldn't handle in stretches?

Reply #750856 | Report this post

Years ago

Nick Kay will eat him for breakfast if he has to close games at the 4 bruv

Reply #750857 | Report this post

Years ago

Prather year at Melbourne started poorly, they couldn't get enough ball for all their offensive players, they were at around 50/50 win loss when he went down injured, from then Melbourne went on a winning run hardly losing a game.He came back in the GF and was great. My point is Melbourne have even more ball dominant players, it will bee interesting.

Reply #750858 | Report this post

Years ago

Prather year at Melbourne started poorly, they couldn't get enough ball for all their offensive players, they were at around 50/50 win loss when he went down injured, from then Melbourne went on a winning run hardly losing a game.He came back in the GF and was great. My point is Melbourne have even more ball dominant players, it will bee interesting.

Reply #750859 | Report this post

Years ago

Reply #750860 | Report this post

Years ago

He hasn't played since June 9, 2018. He could be rusty

Reply #750862 | Report this post

Years ago

Will be cherry ripe by the playoffs. That roster is insanely good.

Reply #750863 | Report this post

Years ago

They may score enough points that it doesn't matter, but Melo was attrocious defensively and Long not much better. Barlow a year older and probably a step or two slower, going to be a heavy reliance on Prather and Mitch on D.

Reply #750867 | Report this post

Years ago

Can we now solidify Larry Kesselman as that GOAT Owner/GM? United cannot be beaten w that squad.

Reply #750868 | Report this post

Years ago

While Prather and McCarron do play D they have there flaws. Mitch got owned by White in GF series.

Reply #750869 | Report this post

Years ago

Wow Shea Ili must be playing for peanuts because no way are they under the bench cap.

I think United will play Long at the 4 for stretches which will help him play his natural NBA position because there is no doubt that United get scouts watching them this season.

Serious question, could they win an NBA game? I say that not to be cheeky but because our teams have far outdone our expectations of what will happen vs NBA competition and they look every bit as stacked as any team we have sent over.

Reply #750880 | Report this post

Years ago

It's like an offseason in 2k, just go and get all the players from other trans you like. They will no doubt be favorites, however i do wonder how that team will go in a series, especially on defence. My concern is it won't matter...

Reply #750882 | Report this post

Years ago

People do realise there is no salary cap anymore.
Hope Prather gets over his injury woes, otherwise he might be Conger2.0 in terms of impact and yes I know Conger wasn't injured just a poor fit in Adelaide.

Reply #750883 | Report this post

Years ago

The smaller clubs might as well shut up shop. Melb, Perth, Syd & Bris are the top 4.

Reply #750885 | Report this post

Years ago

@ Anon; true re: Mitch and White, but that's a big mismatch for Mitch anyway - White has height, length, and athleticism over Mitch. I don't think Mitch is an elite defender, but he's a top-tier hustle guy who plays a lot bigger than he is. He's probably not the guy to guard elite speedy guards though, which is why it might get interesting when United go up against the Ware/Cotton/Brooks types and Melo is matched up on those guys. Or they could just score 120 points and win by 6.

Reply #750891 | Report this post

Years ago


A bit of an unusual signing. They were talking about recruiting someone who could play low post. Long can play post, but I was expecting a versatile 3 man as well, instead of Prather who's a ball dominant 3.

With the current roster, I reckon DJ Kennedy would be a better fit than Prather.

However, you might find they got Prather on the cheap- or relatively cheap. If he hasn’t played in over 12 months and has decided he likes Australia more than cold, foreign Europe, then it’s possible he’s playing for less than we think.

Reply #750892 | Report this post

Years ago

DJ Kennedy was on really big coin last season so Prather would be coming much cheaper especially after missing the last 12 months due to injury.

Reply #750905 | Report this post

Years ago

Officially signed. Interesting to see that it's a two year deal.

Reply #750919 | Report this post

Years ago

no way that is a cheap contract

Reply #750922 | Report this post

Years ago

Who's the highest paid my guess this year

LONG 350,000 TO 400,000
PRATHER 300,000 350,OOO 1 yr 2 yr 400,000
TRIMBLE 250,000 300,000

Reply #750927 | Report this post

Years ago

Here's the squad at the moment as I see it.

I think Long will definitely see some time at the 4 especially if Barlow gets injured.

*Trimble/ Illi / Sam McDaniel
Goulding / McCarron
*Prather / Local
Barlow / Smith-Milner
*Long / Pledger

Reply #750931 | Report this post

Years ago

McDaniel is a 2/3, lol point guard. That squad is a highly expensive roster. The bottom five must be on peanuts though Pledger didn't sign early as he wanted more dollars. No way McCarron starts on the bench either, not convinced Goulding will put up with it this season either.

Trimble / Illi
Goulding/ local
McCarron/ McDaniel
Prather/ Barlow
Long/ Pledger
Perth get a decent 5 man they will beat this roster.

Reply #750936 | Report this post

Years ago

There is holes defensively in that lot as well.

Reply #750938 | Report this post

Years ago

no way that is a cheap contract

It's all relative supposedly Kennedy was on $700K+ last season so I'm sure Prather is cheap compared to that.

Reply #750942 | Report this post

Years ago

Kenyon Martin Jr would be a nice backup

Reply #750946 | Report this post

Years ago

Was Kennedy actually on $700k last season, or is this one of those "$400Kay" bits of speculation? If so, that's insane.

Reply #750947 | Report this post

Years ago

Kennedy was on more than Casper Ware, let that sink in.

Reply #750948 | Report this post

Years ago

Was Kennedy actually on $700k last season, or is this one of those "$400Kay" bits of speculation? If so, that's insane.
Liam Santamaria said in his salary cap explainer that Kay was Perth's marquee player last year, so he must have been earning a decent amount.

Reply #750949 | Report this post

Years ago

I'd love to know where people on this forum get their salary numbers from

Reply #750953 | Report this post

Years ago

Remember the bottom five only need to be under $450K (ish). That's an average of $90K. Could easily have a bottom five of $130K, $110K, $90K, $60K, $60K.

Teams in the past have had imports in their bottom five.

Tweak the numbers a little and this could easily be Barlow/Ili/Pledger/McDaniel/Smith-Milner.

Reply #750965 | Report this post

Years ago

Exactly, Kay was there marquee player, that in itself tells you the 400g was on the money. Kennedy was on the big coin, most people who have a contact new this.

Reply #750973 | Report this post

Years ago

No, people just really need to stop with the "oh you can easily get 5 players for under $500k" and then sprouting a bunch of random numbers that add up to less than $500k. What exactly does that prove? That you know how to count to 5?

Obviously it's achievable, be a bit stupid if it wasn't!?
But it is designed to be an imposition, and clearly some thought went into the number. Thought by those that actually KNOW what players get.
Contrary to what some seem to think, not every bench player is prepared to play for the league minimum. Especially not when other clubs will offer more.

And clearly it works, as evidenced by some of the scrubbers who get signed, including imports, and by some of the restrictions it has clearly imposed.
Last season the Cats went with 2 imports, because any 3rd import would have had to be a bargain-basement guy.

Also keep in mind that McDaniel was rumoured to have been offered a generous 2nd year, to get him as a DP last year.
Ili was getting over 20 minutes a game last season, so he hasn't given that up for peanuts.

Point is that MU would struggle to Get Barlow, Pledge, McD, Ili, (and TSM) under the Cap.
Not saying its impossible (because I don't know what they get paid either) but looking at the historical impact on clubs, it would seem unlikely.
And hence it would at least suggest that their last local will be of the cheaper variety. Wait and see I guess.

Reply #750976 | Report this post

Years ago

But struggling to do it doesn't mean they can't do it. If they can, then they get a pricey Aussie for the last spot. If not, they get a cheapie. But if they are paying rookies that don't play much more than the minimum then it will always be a massive struggle. Their problem though, not ours.

Reply #750989 | Report this post

Years ago

Barlow $120
Pledger $110
Smith-Milner $65
McDaniel $60
Still leaves them plenty left out of the $500g bottom five for one more Aussie. I think there should be a cap on the top six, Melbourne look like the have unlimited funds.

Reply #750991 | Report this post

Years ago

Spoke to a few mates yesterday who are supposedly in the no, said Prather had interest from a few clubs but two year deal was on good dollars. Second year deal probably the big part of the money to avoid the tax.

Reply #751033 | Report this post

Years ago

What might the starting 5 be?

If we look at last year, CG as 6th man worked wonders. McCarron was 2nd in the league for +/- and, like last year, will be a better fit alongside the starting PG and SF- presumably Melo and Prather, replacing Casper and Kennedy.


One local signing remaining. Venky Jois? Or someone cheaper?

Not much depth at the 4. I see Smith-Milner and Long as predominantly 5's, but perhaps they'll see time at the 4.

I'll be interested seeing if they ever play stretches with all the stars- Long/Prather/McCarron/Goulding/Trimble.

Reply #751046 | Report this post

Years ago

Jois doesn't come cheap, probably go back to Europe though his reputation isn’t what it was.

Reply #751050 | Report this post

Years ago

As Mike D'Antoni once said in game of zones 'Half the defence, double the offense'

Reply #751120 | Report this post

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