Manu Fieldel
Years ago

Perth Wildcats won't make playoffs

Probably doesn't need a thread it's so obvious, but Perth is in trouble. Deep doo-doo.

Their playoff streak ends this year, book it.

Topic #45936 | Report this topic

Years ago

You say it doesn't need a thread but you make one anyway.

You are here purely to troll.

Can't have Perthworld and Dave hogging the forum.

Reply #764004 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Years ago

Haha need and want are different things. You think I'm passing up an opportunity to discuss the Wildcats demise? To be a smart ass, you actually need to be smart

Reply #764005 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Years ago

Rather than seeing this as a troll thread, how about we start a discussion.

I don't think Perth have enough shooting to get it done. Rebounding will get worse as well, with Brandt, Jervis, Hire gone and replaced by Vague, Hunt (not as good a rebounder as Brandt), and Majok. Majok can board but he isn't an amazing player so won't get a tonne of minutes. If he does, Perth is in trouble.

Terrico isn't an efficient 3pt shooter.

Looking at it logically, I think they're in trouble

Reply #764007 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Years ago

Martin is getting older, Wagstaff is getting slower each year, Brandt was a defensive force. I don't like them as much defensively either. Norton won't change the team and lead them defensively like Damo used to. Wasn't so much Damo's individual work making the team that much better, it was how he inspired his teammates. He can't do that any more, and Norton won't do that

Reply #764008 | Report this post

Years ago

"Martin is getting older"

Tell us which players aren't getting older.

Reply #764012 | Report this post

Years ago

"The poster known as Manu has suffered a brain-haemorrhage caused by excessive constipation"


Reply #764013 | Report this post

Years ago

Norton / Martin
Cotton / Pozoglou / Travers
White / Steindl
Kay / Vague / Wagstaff
Hunt / Majok

Perth need a next stars SG

Reply #764015 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm getting older as I type this.
You're not the brightest are you Fieldel.

Reply #764016 | Report this post

Years ago

Death, taxes, Perth making playoffs, Perth fans being insufferable about making playoffs

Reply #764021 | Report this post

Years ago

Deja vu all over again

Reply #764022 | Report this post

Years ago

Perth are safe.

Reply #764025 | Report this post

Years ago

I am really angry at the high-rise apartment building being built next door...

During the pre-season they have built a single-story dwelling
Therefore I extrapolate that by the end of the season it will be 20 stories high.

Reply #764028 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah KET, I hate when Perth fans start threads just to brag about how they're going to make the playoffs again...

Reply #764031 | Report this post

Years ago

Pozoglou like Adnam should not be playing NBL.

Reply #764048 | Report this post

Years ago

Running with this old chestnut again....

Reply #764053 | Report this post

Years ago

Just the OP being a wanker.
An insignificant person.

Reply #764057 | Report this post

Years ago

We all know that if the Wildcats are struggling they will sack players and buy whatever players they need. They are a lock.

Reply #764067 | Report this post

Years ago

Totally. The last two seasons they have sacked heaps of players during their struggles and just bought some good ones instead.

Reply #764068 | Report this post

Years ago

Manu shit stirring again what's new clearly got nothing better to do.

Reply #764070 | Report this post

Flop Warning  
Years ago

I dont have an issue with this thread. Happens every year, someone is bound to be right at some point... and therefore try to take credit for it.

But defensively we are not as strong. Its possible we see a slightly different style of play, but unlikely. The system we have run for such a long time has kept us in the hunt. And if that doesn't work... it is highly likely someone gets let go to bring in someone to fix the issues.

Its very unlikely imo that the streak ends this year. Not while bendat is still alive. But it is possible.

Reply #764073 | Report this post

Years ago

I was very suprised that the Cats lost to the Hawks on Friday night.
Trevors subs were crap and I know they are only experimenting but with a 15 point lead at quarter time they should have won.
Ball is a factor but I bet the Hawks won't be in the Finals.

Reply #764075 | Report this post

Years ago

The Blitz performances mean nothing - we always struggle or can't be bothered during pre-season.

Reply #764089 | Report this post

Years ago

I have been a little surprised by Hunt to date, not what I was expecting, but we'll wait and see what happens in the real games.

As a matter of course I just never pay much attention to the pre-season, because its often hard to figure out what's going on. Are they playing at their best, are they trialling plays, different strategies?
And just when I think I have it sorted, the season starts and it turns out I was wrong

Reply #764091 | Report this post

Years ago

"we always struggle"

What's this "we" business?

Reply #764097 | Report this post

Years ago

Cat Chat is leaking!

Reply #764102 | Report this post

Years ago

"The Blitz performances mean nothing - we always struggle or can't be bothered during pre-season."

Perthworld that didn't stop you & dazz from banging on all last season about white not being up to standard and the cats failing without a 3rd import so I don't see why now should be too soon.

Reply #764108 | Report this post

Years ago

I started complaining during the season. Can't speak for Dazz though.

Reply #764110 | Report this post

Years ago

Perthworld, Dazz and Manu in one thread.


Reply #764116 | Report this post

Years ago

^ don't stir them up they are like garden weeds who just won't go away.

Reply #764121 | Report this post

Years ago

I think with Perth having so many home games early, they will either be in trouble much like Manu is suggesting or this will be forgotten about... if Wildcats start at 3-3 then I would expect to hear Manu remind us of his post.

To me preseason is about seeing shooters like Steindl and if they improved on their skill set and if their shot is dropping then they take that confidence into the season.

Reply #764138 | Report this post

Years ago

People wrote us off at the start of last season and even midway through...yeh that worked out REAL well. The Cats have the best culture, all SMART basketball peeps know jt

Reply #764247 | Report this post

Years ago

I think it was around January when people were writing off Perth, when we were losing so many games. Pre Season means nothing, though I do look at who we lost and who we gained and whilst I dont think Perth will win the championship they will still finish top 4.

Reply #764293 | Report this post

Years ago

^ don't stir them up they are like garden weeds who just won't go away.
Says one of the only people in the thread not actually contributing to the discussion.

Reply #764303 | Report this post

Years ago

I won't put it in the inflammatory way that Manu does, but from what I have seen the Wildcats have not improved while their major competitors have.

Martin, Wagstaff are a little older, nonetheless still valuable to the team.
While Kay, Cotton and White remain top tier players.
Hunt, Vague and Majok just don't move the needle.

Of course this is on paper....but Melbourne (Long, Prather and Trimble + Illi) have made big jumps in talent and Sydney also.

Reply #764305 | Report this post

Years ago

Haha same thing has been said for a decade hasn't it.

Reply #764308 | Report this post

Years ago

Ground hog day again.

Reply #764323 | Report this post

Years ago

As I said in the off-season, Perth's improvement in their squad is not substantial, and is difficult to judge. Have to wait and see how Hunt and Majok turn out.
I am disappointed in the injury to Wani, as I felt he could add some excitement off the bench.
And yes, Melbourne and Sydney both made some big moves, and teams like the Hawks and Breakers are going to be much more competitive this season, so I expect competition for the 4 to be intense.

White is just not my favourite type of player in that role. I would prefer somebody like Prather, or even JP, but that's just me. White gives us much needed additional firepower from outside, which IS something we're been looking for.
He can be frustrating but stepped up when it mattered in the finals.

Reply #764330 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm interested in seeing if the influence of the former assistant coaches will make a lot difference. Kay’s improvement from reasonable player to gun can be put straight down to Matt Nielsen. Forde been running Sydney till weekend and there looking better already.

Reply #764338 | Report this post

Years ago

What was interesting was the amount of times Nick Kay has mentioned Matt Nielsen. From the day he signed he spoke about working with him, right up until his boomers selection. Doesn't mention Trev as often as Nielsen.

And yes up until the blitz Forde had been running Sydney’s preseason. And Forde will be better for it working with Weaver, more exposure for him.

Reply #764339 | Report this post

Years ago

There is no chance JP was a better fit or player than White. JP was a highlight player on both ends, not willing to put in the work, and he could not shoot, like the defence waited for him in the key! Terrico can be frustrating at times, however he spreads the floor and that space is invaluable, especially with a new 5 man that has a distinct advantage taking the bigger and slower centres in the league of the dribble. Prather is still my favourite three man, his balance on offence and defence was and is elite, although terrico can probably hit the long ball with more consistency (stats may not back it up, but it feels he is treated as more of a threat).

Of course Kay mentions Nielsen more than Trev, the best leaders trust the guys around them, Nielsen would have been the big man coach, as if Trev would step on his toes and teach them big man craft with Nielsen around.

Let's not forget Jervis was having a horrible season before coming up big in a few finals games, Majok will be an adequate replacement.

Hunt is a different look for Perth, it will take some adjustment and minor tweaks to their offence, he looks to attack of the dribble more than post up, but he will be our fastest and most athletic centre for a while, he also seems a smart player, imagine Cooke jr with Hunts iq.

Perth gave up a lot of threes, but their opponents also sunk a heap of threes at a ridiculous clip, Didi was literally on fire (questions about his eligibility as a next star will be interesting if he takes this form through the season, although sure the league is better for having him).

Trev didn’t coach, rotations were clearly looking at who can or can not play together, wouldn’t surprise me if they were running a few different sets too.

Then injuries, with a shortened rotation in the game vs Sydney, mins and effort seemed to be lacking, there was one play in particular where Bryce didn’t even contest or raise his arm, not something you will ever see in the real thing, if we do though, that will be time to panic.

Reply #764373 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #777785 | Report this post

Years ago

Get a life Perthworld bumping threads is childish.

Reply #777792 | Report this post

Years ago

It's interesting. Whilst the inclusion of Cotton undoubtedly propelled us to the championship, it was possibly only the threat of ending the streak that caused us to sack Johnson, twice. (Maybe that AND the weed.)

Sydney I think we can safely say are a lock.
Melbourne are getting it together and making a run. Either Prather comes good or they replace him.

You'd think Perth would be safe, but not if they keep dropping games like that.

Could be a lot of competition for those last 2 spots.

Reply #778115 | Report this post

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