Years ago

Sydney Kings sign Xavier Cooks on multi-year deal

Serious prospect, so good to have him in AU, just wish it was with another team!

Topic #46417 | Report this topic

Years ago

Yeah, if it was not over before it definitely is now. Doesn't he have family ties to the Illawarra Hawks?

Reply #776984 | Report this post

Years ago

How the hell are the Kings still signing players?!?

Reply #776985 | Report this post

Bill Scibilia  
Years ago

Salary Cap anyone?

Reply #776986 | Report this post

Years ago

Is Will Weaver still the Boomers assistant?

Reply #776987 | Report this post

Years ago

Who cares about the salary cap. They signed him. Great for Australia, but not great for competition. There still is only 5 players on the court at one time and one basketball, but that essentially is where the positives end for the rest of the teams.

Reply #776988 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah the most expensive roster in the history of the league adding another fat contract seems great for the stability of the league.

Reply #776989 | Report this post

Years ago

Patiently waits for the posts saying that Joey Wright was instrumental in getting Cooks back to Australia and all praise should be with him and Adelaide.

Reply #776990 | Report this post

Years ago

Can't blame him for skipping the Hawks though.

Reply #776991 | Report this post

Years ago

Cram, according to Bogut how much their team costs is dramatically incorrect and they are not anywhere remotely close to projections, so you never know. Maybe Cooks signed for $45k?

Reply #776992 | Report this post

Years ago

"Cram, according to Bogut how much their team costs is dramatically incorrect and they are not anywhere remotely close to projections, so you never know. Maybe Cooks signed for $45k?"

And maybe he signed for free because he's getting great exposure right?

Reply #776993 | Report this post

Years ago

"Great for Australia, but not great for competition."

Exactly. How long do you think the NBL will survive when two teams are allowed to take the piss and spend three or four times the amount of other teams?

Reply #776994 | Report this post

Years ago

Looks like Kuany has been let go to make way for Cooks.

Reply #776995 | Report this post

Titan 82  
Years ago

Absolute gun

Don't think he will be in Aus forever though - likely just a pickup till the end of the season, as he plays his way back into shape

Reply #776996 | Report this post

Years ago

Is he replacing someone on current roster?

Didi (NS)
L Walker

Reply #776997 | Report this post

Years ago

shit they interview Cooks saying he would be playing in France

Reply #776998 | Report this post

Years ago

Hilarious, so many salty cats fans jumping on this already. "the Nbl just wants a Sydney Melbourne grand final, its BS that they're allowed to spend so much money".

Reply #776999 | Report this post

Years ago

Melbourne still spending the most.

Reply #777001 | Report this post

Years ago

Every team in Australia had the chance to sign him up not just Sydney, if your team didn't sign him, have a go at them for not picking him up first.

Reply #777002 | Report this post

Years ago

I did hear Didi could be going back to the NBA this year, I am guessing next year newley will retire

Reply #777003 | Report this post

Years ago

(Exactly. How long do you think the NBL will survive when two teams are allowed to take the piss and spend three or four times the amount of other teams?)

Sounds like your teams needs more money.

Reply #777004 | Report this post

Years ago

Wow, what a move!

Reply #777005 | Report this post

Years ago

"Every team in Australia had the chance to sign him"

Did they? Only one team has got a current Boomers coach as their head coach...not sure that puts all teams on a level playing field for recruiting talent.

Reply #777006 | Report this post

Years ago

"Sounds like your teams needs more money."

I'm guessing you're not old enough to know what happened to the league the last time there was an arms race.

Reply #777007 | Report this post

Years ago

Does someone have a roster spot open for Kuany now that he has been sadly cut?

Good kid!

Reply #777008 | Report this post

Years ago

And every team had the opportunity to sign Will Weaver. Everyone here is so salty haha. Don't be mad because your team's management can't get deals done!

Reply #777009 | Report this post

Years ago

The pelicans can access Didi any time after the 31 of December.

Reply #777010 | Report this post

Years ago

When the top team in the league, that is top with a star sidelined, a dubious next star (import), and arguably the most expensive or one off the most expensive rosters assembled signs what would have been a World Cup (not qualifiers) Aussie boomer, yeah I think fans can question the direction of the competition. Starting to stink of overseas soccer.

Does it mean they win it all, no, are they the overwhelming favourites yes. Do I hope it all falls apart spectacularly, no doubt. Do I think it will, not a chance.

Reply #777011 | Report this post

Years ago

(Did they? Only one team has got a current Boomers coach as their head coach...not sure that puts all teams on a level playing field for recruiting talent.)

Why? all the NBL teams can sign whoever they want are you suggesting Will Weaver (who was an assistant coach for the boomers and hasn't been named in the new role as yet) had some sort of inside knowledge and used it to his advantage?
All NBL teams had a chance to sign him, it sounds like your team needs a better head coach and more money.

Reply #777012 | Report this post

Years ago

If you think this is anything but bullshit, you're probably a Sydney fan

Reply #777013 | Report this post

Years ago

No one complaining when Perth were next to rooted and Cotton was signed which meant Perth went on to win the championship, or Prather to Melbourne and they won the championship.

Reply #777014 | Report this post

Years ago

(I'm guessing you're not old enough to know what happened to the league the last time there was an arms race.)

Maybe, I've only been following the NBL since 1988 it’s had its ups and downs in that time but this year is the best it’s ever been.
But it definitely sounds like your team needs more money or a better coach.

Reply #777015 | Report this post

Years ago

A would say it is a decent signing. Hopefully he can produce more than kuany. He looks like a promising prospect and could play some spot minutes. Give the rings to the kings.

Reply #777016 | Report this post

Years ago

Every team in the league had the chance to sign Cotton or Prather

Reply #777017 | Report this post

Years ago

Did the kings sign him as a development player?

Reply #777018 | Report this post

Years ago

He would of been a good fit on the Hawks though.

Reply #777019 | Report this post

Years ago

Pfft. A lot of bitter folks here. Even with Cooks I doubt Sydney are outspending Melbourne, but I also don't give a shit either way. If we can afford him, great. Like has been said already, anyone could have signed him, and the multi-year deal is probably what made this work. I'm sure Weaver didn't hurt, especially if he's still an assistant with the Boomers. Helps that he seems a pretty likable and knowledgeable coach with good US/NBA connections. Good stuff (for a Kings fan), but I don't see it as "unfair".

I also don't think this moves the needle significantly one way or the other this season, but a great future signing and a guy who should slot in to Lisch/Newleys starting spot when they retire.

Reply #777021 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't barrack for any team as such, just a big follower of the league in general. I’m very happy Xavier is now on board in the comp!

I understand the frustration of other team supporters, but putting together a legendary team doesn’t guarantee a title. Will still has to 'weave’ his magic and manage PT, cohesion and all that.

Reply #777022 | Report this post

Years ago

Prather only ended up in Melbourne because Perth low balled him and expected him to crawl back and accept less money.

Reply #777023 | Report this post

Years ago

How are Melbourne outspending Sydney? Sydney have MUCH more depth, already had Bogut on $1m plus per season, and then landed Ware after Melbourne could not afford to match the money that Sydney put to him. Sydney are spending significantly more than Melbourne, no doubts, who are spending significantly more than Cairns. But since it is allowed, it is not like Sydney are cheating by doing so (Didi as next star issue aside), and it should not be used as a slur against them or any potential successes that come their way.

Reply #777025 | Report this post

Years ago

Xavier Cook has to be a starter

Reply #777026 | Report this post

Years ago

"But it definitely sounds like your team needs more money"

Why do you keep saying this? If one team is allowed to spend $4mill, and most of the other teams can only afford to spend $1mill, then all teams need more money.

Where is this money coming from?

Reply #777027 | Report this post

Years ago

If they can afford to pay more money than other teams, then more credit to them.

Reply #777028 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah, credit to them for buying a title while other teams go broke.

but that still doesnt answer my question. where do the poorer clubs get money from? why should they have to make money magically appear just to keep up with a team that is spending four times as much?

Reply #777029 | Report this post

Years ago

(Every team in the league had the chance to sign Cotton or Prather)

Every team has the chance to sign anyone they want.

Reply #777030 | Report this post

Years ago

If you cannot afford a house on Hollywood Boulevard, then don't complain about the people who can.

If you cannot afford an NBL team, or the cost of competing in the NBL is no longer sustainable for you, then either sell your team or change something. Cairns have the ability to find very solid imports on the cheap. Their talent identification in that respect is above average. There are other ways to improve and be competitive besides just "keeping up with the Jones"

Reply #777031 | Report this post

Years ago

Cooks is barely nbl1 level. Will be a bench warmer for the kings just like kuany was.

Reply #777033 | Report this post

Years ago

He made the Aussie Boomers team legit. Better than Mitch Creek, who didn't make the team. Great signing. Well done Kings, huge get.

Reply #777034 | Report this post

Years ago

(Why do you keep saying this? If one team is allowed to spend $4mill, and most of the other teams can only afford to spend $1mill, then all teams need more money. )

Wow 1mil no wonder your team is doing so badly. Are you saying the kings spend 4 million and all the other teams in the league are spending 1 million, pleeeeese

Reply #777035 | Report this post

Years ago

"If you cannot afford a house on Hollywood Boulevard, then don't complain about the people who can."

That is completely understating the point. When your livelihood depends on attracting people to the games, which becomes increasingly difficult as your team becomes less and less competitive, then its not about being envious, its about a lack of parity in the competition.

Your solution for the poorer clubs seems to be "have you tried being less poor?" Well done, ScoMo.

Reply #777036 | Report this post

Years ago

Literally every championship winning team bought a title, unless guys were playing for free. Perth have long been one of the top spenders in the league, so it's a bit rich (pardon the pun) for Perth fans to get salty now. Perth will be in the fight come finals time, no doubt, and Cotton would be one of the top 3-5 paid guys in the league at absolute worst.

Reply #777037 | Report this post

Years ago

Lets be honest, if you cant see how wrong this is, then your are either a troll or a retard, and either way should be banned for life.
Sydney were already spending millions more than any other team. That is an indisputable fact. So please stop pretending all these great players are playing for peanuts just for the privilege of playing for Sydney.
Just because Blogut says they should make salaries public, knowing full well that they never will, doesn't make his claims true.
Clearly Sydney are nolonger bothering to comply with the 5-man cap, so yeah, blatant cheating.
As people rightly point out, it was challenging for teams to keep up with Perth, Melbourne, and NZ. How are they supposed to manage when Sydney is now spending 3 time that amount.
This is extremely bad for the league. Anyone that refuses to see that is fucked in the head.

Reply #777038 | Report this post

Years ago

"Perth have long been one of the top spenders in the league"

Perth also spend within their means and make a profit most years. Can you say the same about Sydney? Is their current model sustainable? If not, what happens when the owners call it a day?

Reply #777039 | Report this post

Years ago

haha what happens when jack calls it a day

Reply #777041 | Report this post

Years ago

Haha can you not read?

Reply #777044 | Report this post

Years ago

People talking salaries like they're 'in the know', yet no shred of proof - just all pure speculation. And you know what they say about assuming. Any grommet can through around 'according to my multiple sauces!'

Reply #777045 | Report this post

Years ago

"Your racecar is too fast. Either slow your car down, or give me more money so I can throw it at my car, blindly, in the hope of at least keeping pace with you."

Not the way the real competitive world works my friend. As I said, if you cannot keep up, or cannot afford to be competitive, then you shouldn't be owning a team in the NBL. Sell up and go buy one in the Philippines.

Reply #777046 | Report this post

Years ago

Hang on, so Sydney suddenly decides to spend massive amounts, and it's all the other clubs faults for not keeping up? Are you really that ignorant?

Reply #777047 | Report this post

Years ago

Sydney probably are paying him less this year and more next year when others come off contract

Reply #777048 | Report this post

Years ago

It's brilliant Cooks has signed to the NBL but absolutely bullshit it's with such a star studded roster.

Bogut, Ware, Tate, Lisch, Newley, Louzada, Cooks

Oh man.

Reply #777049 | Report this post

Years ago

By the way, swapping a shit analogy about a mansion for a shit analogy about racing cars doesn't support your point. It makes you look stupider.

Reply #777050 | Report this post

Years ago

Man your so angry you should try and relax a little bit. This doesn't mean Sydney is going to win the title and there is no proof Sydney are spending more money than any other team. Until we have the figures don’t make shit up.
What gives you the authority to decide who’s f¥cked in the head everyone has the right to their own opinions. Is that you scomo?

Reply #777052 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac, can you please ban the next troll who claims "theres no evidence Sydney is spending more money than anyone else".

Reply #777053 | Report this post

Years ago

So refute the point. Just because you say it is stupider does not make it so, and it does not prove that it is accurate.

Cairns have a terrific scouting and talent identification team and get bargain imports like Scott Machado and Melo Trimble for peanuts compared to other import guards in the league such as Bryce Cotton and Casper Ware.

Head to head, some games the Cairns guards may outplay their higher fancied opponents. Should Perth or Melbourne then cry because they are paying more for these players and should be reimbursed by the league because there are cheaper options out there which can still put up solid performances, but they are spending more than these other teams? If it works one way, can it also work on the flipside?

Sydney did not break any rules. They decided they could afford to pay Cooks, and they were comfortable doing so. Cooks agreed to the contract, so he knows where he will fit, how many options are around him, and that his numbers and opportunities will not be as high as they would have been elsewhere. There was nothing illegal about it, from Sydney or from Cooks. Stop sooking.

Reply #777054 | Report this post

Years ago

If you spend a lot of money on a racing car, and you are much faster than your opponent but so fast that you crash it into a wall, is that how you sustained your head injury?

Reply #777055 | Report this post

Years ago

It means that despite my investment, and despite my car being so much faster than yours, I still was not guaranteed success and someone else - maybe even your car - will ultimately achieve the victory. See, the system works. No need for reforms or parity or handouts. Nothing is guaranteed until it is won.

Reply #777056 | Report this post

Years ago

A lot of wankers have been getting stuck in to Joey this year. but the fact is that he has always done a good job building a team within his budget. Should have had another championship 4 years ago, and would have had another 2 years ago except for LK and bent refs,
But we have no hope now.
I wish I was a "Salty Perf Fan" at least I would have all those championships to console me.
We might as well give up and go play in the Premier League cos we have no chance in this new league Larry has created.

Reply #777057 | Report this post

Years ago

lol @ Sixers should have won except for "bent refs". Game 2 and game 4, absolutely ridiculous free throw disparity to even make it a series. Get off the terps mate. If Adelaide were good enough they would have won, and they spend more than most, just on the wrong pieces. They are far from a budget team.

Reply #777058 | Report this post

Years ago

April fools!

Reply #777059 | Report this post

Years ago

Boti has just reported 372k a year

Reply #777060 | Report this post

Years ago

(Hang on, so Sydney suddenly decides to spend massive amounts, and it's all the other clubs faults for not keeping up? Are you really that ignorant?)

Show us the evidence that Sydney has spent massive amounts. or do you just like making sh:t up?

Reply #777063 | Report this post

Years ago


You do realise the F1 and most other motor racing organisations actually have spending/design/capacity regulations to try and keep some semblance of parity in the competition.

Your race car analogy makes you look even more stupid.

Reply #777064 | Report this post

Years ago

"Show us the evidence that Sydney has spent massive amounts. or do you just like making sh:t up?"

Are you the same person arguing that other clubs should just spend more?

Reply #777065 | Report this post

Years ago

I've been all for teams spending big over the soft cap to attract the best talent to the league, even defending the Didi signing to a degree, but this kings team now is just a complete joke. The amount of money pumped into it is ridiculous.

Will be hilarious if they don't win the championship.

Reply #777067 | Report this post

Years ago

Melbourne, sports and basketball capital of Australia= GF win to MU recently, MU still strong, second team good first season so far.

Perth, most successful NBL franchise= consistently good crowds over time, healthiest finances of any team.

Sydney, Australia's biggest city, always struggled for support of NBL teams= better crowds, PR coach for 3 seasons, serious coach and stacked roster now, widely tipped to win GF.

Auckland/NZ, successful club, new ownership, problematic season.

Adelaide= Adelaide, strong history, good crowds, but not at pointy end now.

Cairns and Illawarra= small market clubs, currently both receiving NBL assistance.

The NBL needed success for Melbourne, and got enough success to expand there. The NBL also needs success in Sydney, to gain market and corporate traction.

As long as Sydney don’t end up winning too many, I don’t mind it as it’s for the greater good. The NBL will have success in the 2 most important markets. Better than all the ships going to Australia’s westernmost bogan outpost. Success in the west hasn’t translated to success Australia wide. How involved were the national media in Perth’s successful years, compared to Sydney and Ballawarra now?

Reply #777069 | Report this post

Years ago

And there is no hard cap in the NBL, which makes you look even more stupid. If Sydney want to spend $10m on their roster, they can, as long as they comply by the $400k bench rule.

Reply #777071 | Report this post

Years ago

Anyone asking for evidence or saying others need to spend more, or saying Kings are spending big clearly has nfi lol.

Even if some estimates of what teams are spending are off, it doesn't take a genius to realise the kings and Melbourne are spending massive money this year, quite possibly the most expensive 2 rosters in NBL history.

Reply #777073 | Report this post

Years ago

All this talk about Sydney and the jealousy surrounding the team reminds me of this --

So many Nursultan Tulyakbay's around here.

Reply #777074 | Report this post

Years ago

Who mentioned F1, or any other governed motor racing organization? All that was said was race car. Could be down at my local, could be street, could be whatever. You cannot call someone stupid by implying something that was not even said as though they said it.

Reply #777075 | Report this post

Years ago

(Are you the same person arguing that other clubs should just spend more?)

Spend more wisely like Cairns or if it's to much money for your club to keep up your club should join the nbl1 series.
Inflation goes up every year every day every minute, would you like inflation to stop so your team can afford players at the same price as 10 years ago?
How do you change things and keep it the same at the same time?

Reply #777076 | Report this post

Years ago

There is meant to be a bench cap though, that i thought was a hard cap of sorts. Perth arguably need more depth, but you would think the bench cap prevents them splashing the cash, united too. People are outraged because sydney is legitimately say 8 deep when most teams "big spending teams" are 6 deep

Reply #777077 | Report this post

Years ago

Cairns won't go anywhere near the playoffs so I'm not sure how that argument helps anything.

Reply #777079 | Report this post

Years ago

Anyone else get a bit of a KD to GSW vibe with this signing?

Obviously not as huge, but it has a bit of that feel to me.

Reply #777080 | Report this post

Years ago

"if it's to much money for your club to keep up your club should join the nbl1 series."

So you want a three team competition then...

Reply #777081 | Report this post

Years ago

(Cairns won't go anywhere near the playoffs so I'm not sure how that argument helps anything.)

I didn't say they would but they do spend their money wisely.

Reply #777082 | Report this post

Years ago

"Spend more wisely like Cairns or if it's to much money for your club to keep up your club should join the nbl1 series.
Inflation goes up every year every day every minute, would you like inflation to stop so your team can afford players at the same price as 10 years ago?
How do you change things and keep it the same at the same time?"

This theory sounds great. Enjoy your 3-4 team NBL comp.

I'm all for the big spending, but i think there should be some sort of cap on the soft cap, or at least massive taxes (which are released publicly).

Reply #777083 | Report this post

Years ago

"How do you change things and keep it the same at the same time?"

Sustainable growth is how you do it.

Why are fans of a team that has been good for half a season suddenly telling everyone else how its done?

Reply #777084 | Report this post

Years ago

You do realize that a cap on the soft cap eliminates it being a soft cap, right? NBA teams are allowed to spend as much as they want, but there is a soft cap and a hard cap. If a team chooses to go over the hard cap, the other 29 teams and their fans don't cry foul, they just pay their luxury tax bill at the end of the year. There are no tears shed about parity or expenses or league handouts from anyone. They are limited in HOW they can acquire additional talent, but technically they don't have to worry about any ceiling except what they impose internally. If the NBL rules don't have a hard cap, then Sydney did nothing wrong.

Reply #777085 | Report this post

Years ago

With Sydney being this strong and the aim is to try and win the championship, whats to stop the lower to middle end club members just cancelling their memberships because they've got no chance at a title? That's terrible for the NBL and those clubs. Yes you still have the passionate fans who go the the game night atmosphere and because they lover their team, but there would be plenty that will double think if they renew their memberships.

Yeah Sydney haven't won the title yet, but they'd need a whole lot to go wrong to bet against them.

Reply #777086 | Report this post

Years ago

"whats to stop the lower to middle end club members just cancelling their memberships because they've got no chance at a title?"

Its already happening.

Reply #777087 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh no, the NBL is just like nearly every other sporting league in the world with haves and have nots. Hell, even small market teams in the NBA struggle to attract stars outside of draft lottery luck. Not that long ago the Hawks, Taipans, and Breakers were some of the strongest teams in the league. Could well happen again - the success of the league SHOULD have a trickle down effect, especially in terms of sponsorship. The profile of the league has never been higher.

Reply #777090 | Report this post

Years ago

The NBL needed success for Melbourne, and got enough success to expand there. The NBL also needs success in Sydney, to gain market and corporate traction.
This was the narrative back in the mid-00s, too. How well did that work out?

Reply #777091 | Report this post

Years ago

You can just tell Angus is caught between wanting to see his team succeed no matter the cost, while naively hoping it all turns out for the best.

Reply #777092 | Report this post

Years ago

"NBA teams are allowed to spend as much as they want"

This actually isn't true. Once they're over the soft cap they are restricted to paying guys minimum contract deals aside from some exceptions.

Reply #777095 | Report this post

Years ago

I would love to see an article from Santa with aggregate data from the NBL around team salary and comparison to performance. Unlikley the NBL would provide such data, even to their resident Woj :(

Reply #777097 | Report this post

Years ago

(Sustainable growth is how you do it. )

So your saying every team in the league should be as good as the worst team in the league? How is that growth? How is that sustainable if everyone one gets board and turns of the tv?
Every team in the league is making more money than ever before, using that money to build a better team and league is a good way to make sustainable growth.

Reply #777098 | Report this post

Years ago

"(Sustainable growth is how you do it. )

So your saying every team in the league should be as good as the worst team in the league? How is that growth?"

Well no because what you described is not sustainable growth. Good try though.

"Every team in the league is making more money than ever before"

They are? Even those with dwindling crowd numbers? Prove it.

Reply #777100 | Report this post

Years ago

(So you want a three team competition then...)

It shouldn't bother you the NBL1 has heaps of teams.

Do all the nba teams spend the same amount ? Or are there rich teams and poor teams? Are all the afl or NRL teams spending the same amount? What about the bbl?

Reply #777101 | Report this post

Years ago

Can you please try and put some thought into your posts? You're not making any sense now.

Reply #777103 | Report this post

Years ago

Cooks was the best performed Aussie player abroad last season. Yet now somehow he has been added to an already stacked Kings side in 1st place? I know he wants a title for Sydney but LK has jumped the shark now.

Reply #777105 | Report this post

Years ago

"You can just tell Angus is caught between wanting to see his team succeed no matter the cost, while naively hoping it all turns out for the best."

Not true at all. I don't have any reason to think the Kings are hanging on by a thread financially though. I would prefer to finish last than not exist at all, something which has happened to the Kings already.

Reply #777106 | Report this post

Years ago

So your saying Sydney is spending more than all the other teams. Well prove it

Reply #777111 | Report this post

Years ago

Where did it say that?

Reply #777112 | Report this post

Years ago

You made the claim that clubs are making more money than ever before. That is something you completely plucked out of your ass.

Reply #777113 | Report this post

Years ago

(They are? Even those with dwindling crowd numbers? Prove it.)

I don't need too the NBL has all the figures on this record breaking year, all the numbers are up on previous years.
If your team isn’t making money this year they should give it away.

Reply #777116 | Report this post

Years ago

^no plucking needed

Reply #777119 | Report this post

Years ago

Illawara going to boo him.

Reply #777121 | Report this post

Years ago

"I don't need too the NBL has all the figures on this record breaking year, all the numbers are up on previous years.
If your team isn't making money this year they should give it away."

Oh sorry, I was giving you the benefit of the doubt of you being able to understand basic maths. My mistake.

My team does make money. It does every year. Its the other teams I am worried about cos there is no point being a profitable NBL team if you dont have any competition to play against.

Reply #777122 | Report this post

Years ago

NBL media releases say everything is going well, so teams MUST be making money. Solid logic.

Reply #777124 | Report this post

Years ago

^ What a good samaritan you are

Reply #777125 | Report this post

Years ago

Kuany to cairns?

Reply #777126 | Report this post

Years ago

(Well no because what you described is not sustainable growth. Good try though.)

You must have all the answers, so what does sustainable growth in the NBL look like to you?

Reply #777127 | Report this post

Years ago

(My team does make money. It does every year. Its the other teams I am worried about cos there is no point being a profitable NBL team if you dont have any competition to play against.)

So it's going to fold now because of Sydney?

Reply #777128 | Report this post

Years ago

Sydney was probably already spending more than United but I'm pretty sure this puts an end to the argument

Reply #777129 | Report this post

Years ago

[Illawara going to boo him.]

Oh no. I hope Cooks doesn't read that because he may reconsider if he has not already officially signed.

Reply #777130 | Report this post

Years ago

Anyone know where I can get a Cooks jersey? I want to wear it on Sunday against United. Prefer the yellow. Thanks.

Reply #777131 | Report this post

Years ago

(Sydney was probably already spending more than United but I'm pretty sure this puts an end to the argument)

That's a big probably holding that sentence together.

Reply #777136 | Report this post

Years ago

"So it's going to fold now because of Sydney?"

Is what going to fold?

Reply #777138 | Report this post

Years ago

(My team does make money. It does every year. Its the other teams I am worried about cos there is no point being a profitable NBL team if you dont have any competition to play against.)

A lot of teams have come and gone from the NBL over the last 40 years but now Sydney have signed cooks it's going to fold the league?

Reply #777140 | Report this post

Years ago

It might just be an Australian thing, but I like my competition to resemble competition.

AFL for instance, yes there are teams that have prolonged success: Geelong, Sydney, Hawthorn; but every club in the last 20 years have enjoyed their fair share of premiership-contending years. With exception to Essendon/Carlton who got done in cheating scandles that scarred them for extended periods (although did enjoy highly successful years prior).

It's not an issue for teams to not be in real contention - that's inevitable, some teams do well some teams won't each season.

But a system which is designed to resign you to the bottom few teams every year with no visible way out? (unlike AFL which has draft and spending isn't an issue)

People are obviously likely to bail. With that, voila, 4 team league. That's absolutely a useless result for everyone.

That's what makes this offseason so critical - we've had 1) very competitive years recently and 2) lots of talent come in which is a wonderful situation for the NBL. However, despite Cairns/Illawarra being relatively competitive over the recent years, they are starting to slide last year, this year. I don't think we can just assume that's an ups and down situation, the haves/have nots situation may just kill them off in 2-3 years.

Reply #777141 | Report this post

Years ago

Cooks signs to syd and the people of the hoops forum lose their minds!!

Cooks=everyone who has signed to win a championship

Reply #777142 | Report this post

Years ago

That's a big probably holding that sentence together.]

It's moved from probably to definitely

Probably no longer required

Reply #777143 | Report this post

Years ago

"You must have all the answers, so what does sustainable growth in the NBL look like to you?"

Growth that is achievable for all teams, at a steady pace. If the league makes some money in year one, increase the salary cap, attract some more talent, make the league more exciting and competitive, and have fans wanting to come back for. And they did that for the first couple of years.

Then suddenly one or two teams went full steam ahead with their spending, rules were changed to gift one team a fourth import, these team are up the top of the tables, yet it remains to be seen whether that spending can last for them, or if it has resulted with ongoing fan engagement.

Meanwhile, the teams that aren't spending the same money are not competitive, crowds are not great, and that is only going to make it harder for them next year if their operating budget drops.

So the rich teams pull away from the pack for a season or two, their owners may not get a good return on investment so they pull the pin, and the poor teams need a leg up from the league, however there is zero transparency as to whether that is working as intended.

Reply #777144 | Report this post

Years ago

"A lot of teams have come and gone from the NBL over the last 40 years"

Now you're getting it!

Reply #777146 | Report this post

Years ago

Why would Cooks want to go to a cellar dwellar like Illawarra even tough his father is the Asst Coach and you have Ball there so is who the one and only you hear about

Reply #777147 | Report this post

Years ago

(So it's going to fold now because of Sydney?"

Is what going to fold?)

NBL teams or maybe the NBL

Reply #777148 | Report this post

Years ago

(It's moved from probably to definitely

Probably no longer required)

Can you do that ? Looks set in stone to me or are you a flip floper?

Reply #777149 | Report this post

Years ago

Are you not familiar with the history of the NBL?

Reply #777150 | Report this post

Years ago

United top six players are on big coin, McCarron was playing in Europe and United out bid them. Casper went to Sydney re lies he was told re salary, yes he got a pay rise but Melbourne have spent more now on Trimble and Long is even more.

Club budget should be where supporters can see, not individual but team budgets.

Reply #777151 | Report this post

Years ago

("A lot of teams have come and gone from the NBL over the last 40 years"

Now you're getting it!)

Yes I am but I don't think you are.

Reply #777152 | Report this post

Years ago

(Can you please try and put some thought into your posts? You're not making any sense now.)

Just try and keep up mate.

Reply #777154 | Report this post

Years ago

Na seriously, you've been talking complete shit in this thread. There is no keeping up, it's dumbing down. I cant match you at your level.

Reply #777155 | Report this post

Years ago

Melbourne sack Trist last season and brought in Jois when they were travelling on top, that worked out well.

Reply #777156 | Report this post

Years ago

Obviously I'm sorry to see our assistant coach's son sign with another team, but this has reignited a conversation Hawks fans have been trying to push for a while. How can the NBL say it wants a balanced competition with regional teams, but on the other hand allow such a widening gap between the rich and poor?

I can see the soft salary cap working for what it was set out to do - allow wealthy owners to bring genuine stars to the league and pay them accordingly. But the equalisation tax payments are nowhere near commensurate to the overspending on rosters.

The NBL only distributes the luxury tax to help clubs spend to the salary floor, not even the cap. So no matter how much more the Kings spend and pay their taxes, the benefit payments to equalise the competition stay the same. The NBL just pockets the difference.

The Kings owner has been typically bullish in his response to the Cooks signing, which is the way he's choosing to do business. And he's rightly claiming they're not doing anything illegal. But can he look at his roster and the Hawks and think it's a fair fight?

There's a lot of Hawks and Taipans bashing online, but these clubs provide a great sporting contribution to the cities. It would be nice if the NBL did a little more to share the wealth.

Reply #777157 | Report this post

Years ago

Trimble makes more than Casper Ware now? Lmao

Reply #777160 | Report this post

Years ago

Ware, Louzada, Tate, Cooks, Bogut
Bruce, Lisch, Newley, Moller, Kickert
Madden, Walker, Hunter, Talbot


Ball, Dech, Blanchfield, Anderson, Ogilvy
Naar, Grida, Coenraad, Froling, Boone
Glover, Harris

Reply #777161 | Report this post

Years ago

(There's a lot of Hawks and Taipans bashing online, but these clubs provide a great sporting contribution to the cities. It would be nice if the NBL did a little more to share the wealth.)

Not enough fans in Illawarra or Cairns to compete with the city teams it's all about the money, that’s why LK is looking to Asia to expand the NBL and that’s why nbl1 was formed. Don’t get me wrong I like both of those teams but the writing has been on the wall for them for a long time now just not enough fans. And the fans they do have are just to stubborn to find a better ways to get new fans.

Reply #777162 | Report this post

Years ago

The hawks need a better team

Reply #777163 | Report this post

Years ago

(Na seriously, you've been talking complete shit in this thread. There is no keeping up, it's dumbing down. I cant match you at your level.)

So you give up then? Good idea

Reply #777164 | Report this post

Years ago

The Hawks need a better Coach if they are to achieve.

Reply #777165 | Report this post

Years ago

How do the Hawks get a better team when they don't have the money?

Reply #777168 | Report this post

Years ago

They don't :)

Reply #777169 | Report this post

Years ago

Exactly. And if they don't get a better team, they lose money because they can't be competitive with the big spenders.

I can't believe this needs to be spelled out to the anon troll in this thread.

Reply #777175 | Report this post

Years ago

OK so we get (sort of) the soft cap. No rules broken there because there are few to break.

What about the 400K max for the bench guys. A hard cap I believe.

Kuany was one of those making up that cap you would certainly say. Now Cooks has replaced him. You could also almost certainly say that Cooks is not on Kuany coin.

So how do they still fit the bench 400K hard cap?

Reply #777179 | Report this post

Years ago

They pay Cooks little this year and heaps next year is how you get around it.

As others have said it had better work out better than Jois to United.

Reply #777181 | Report this post

Years ago

Why would he walk out on his Euro contract to come here for a pittance, regardless of what he's offered for next year? Especially when one of his stated goals was to play in a few different countries just for the travel and to experience different environments.

Reply #777184 | Report this post

Years ago

Yet people dismissed Bogut's idea to publicise salaries.

I can see why Cooks would prefer to join Sydney. Boomers exposure via Weaver. NBA scout exposure alongside Didi. There is a chance that Didi could be snapped up by the Pelicans soon. The report is a multi-year deal, so there is also a chance that Cooks signed for not much this season, but earning much more next season as players like Newley/Lisch might be not returning. There was also a report in the off-season about Longley giving Bogut advice about not retiring too late to risk body issues, which Bogut might be heeding. Sydney might have eyed Cooks as a marquee replacement for Bogut, to be paid more in the 2020-21 season.

Reply #777185 | Report this post

Years ago

Says as much about the other clubs lack of recruiting, than anything.

Reply #777188 | Report this post

Years ago

No it doesn't.

Reply #777189 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #777190 | Report this post

Years ago

(How do the Hawks get a better team when they don't have the money?)

Get a bigger fan base , get better investors, get more sponsors like the big teams. The hawks keep saying they want to be a development team so maybe nbl1 is more suited to them.

Reply #777192 | Report this post

Years ago

Sure it dies Kobe. Got to win that recruit over. Kings obviously did.

Reply #777194 | Report this post

Years ago

Something is wrong when a young player can be dumped mid contract, just to satisfy the greed and ambition of the owner!

Reply #777195 | Report this post

Years ago

Newley and Lisch are contracted for next season, Newley has had his best season since returning to nbl, Lisch still injury woes. Kings have so many wing type players, they play a one and five and rest run lanes and all switchable on D. This is a good signing for the future of the kings, certainly if Bogut retires and they need import money for a good five man. Bogut is near irreplaceable no matter what homicide says. The new owners management seem to be trying to build a dynasty, and spreading the age difference out so it doesn't all go to shit at once, exactly what Bevo set up in Perth and Gleeson has continued on. Kings looking at another massive crowd on Sunday against United so with healthy crowds you would think their money stream is doing very well.

Good management delivers, I’m a neutral but I like what kings are up to.

Reply #777196 | Report this post

Years ago

Sure it dies Kobe. Got to win that recruit over. Kings obviously did.
Offering someone a giant bag of money doesn't really count as "recruiting".

Reply #777197 | Report this post

Years ago

Other teams have money. Don't be dense. Kings willing to spend. End of story.

Reply #777199 | Report this post

Years ago

"Get a bigger fan base , get better investors, get more sponsors like the big teams."

Wow, why didn't they think of that!!!

Reply #777200 | Report this post

Years ago

Adelaide has the whole state as a fan base and are a better team than there win loss would suggest. With a bit more cash they would be contenders, they almost beat Sydney a few weeks ago.
Perth has a whole state fan base also.
Illawarra and Cairns are so limited on how big they can grow, if they could expand their boundaries they might achieve sustainable growth. If not it don't its not looking good for them.

Reply #777201 | Report this post

Years ago

"Other teams have money."

Oh dear.

Reply #777202 | Report this post

Years ago


So basically you're saying bye to Hawks, Taipans and 36ers then. That makes a 6 team league.

Great plan, will work hugely.

I’m sure that will make it all the more compelling to attract investors - a group of people notorious for short lived ownership.

Long term plan? Perth champions AND wooden spooners every year

Reply #777203 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe Bogut is retiring next year

Reply #777204 | Report this post

Years ago

Adelaide are not better than their record suggests. They're excelling if anything.

Reply #777205 | Report this post

Years ago

(Something is wrong when a young player can be dumped mid contract, just to satisfy the greed and ambition of the owner!)

Are you talking about Adelaide and Taylor?

Reply #777207 | Report this post

Years ago

(So basically you're saying bye to Hawks, Taipans and 36ers then. That makes a 6 team league. )

Adelaide is fine they have a whole state behind them. And they have unlucky this year.
Taipans could change to north qld taipans to get more fans better investors and sponsors qld government included.
Wollongong/Illawarra is basically connected to Sydney, they need to use that to their advantage before LK brings in a new Sydney team, if and when that happens the hawks are fawked.

The NBL are going to expand over the next few years with tas a new Melbourne , Sydney and possibly Canberra then LK is looking at Asia for a few more teams.
Are Illawarra and Cairns prepared for that?

Reply #777213 | Report this post

Years ago

(Other teams have money. Don't be dense. Kings willing to spend. End of story.)

Is that you Corey Williams

Reply #777216 | Report this post

Years ago

It's Carey to you.

Reply #777217 | Report this post

Years ago

(Adelaide are not better than their record suggests. They're excelling if anything.)

Yes they are. They're been unlucky in a few close games.
Some more cash and their contenders.

Reply #777220 | Report this post

Years ago

No, specifically, Aussies.

Just seems to be getting harder for young Aussies.

Treatment of Kuany just wrong. Treated like a commodity, not a young person.

Reply #777226 | Report this post

Years ago

^All young Australians are treated like that at any job they do.
Maybe he could get a job with the hawks.

Reply #777229 | Report this post

Years ago

Kuany (apparently) also paid out in full.

Reply #777240 | Report this post

Years ago

So surely that counts towards the cap then?

Reply #777241 | Report this post

Years ago

Not sure, I'll just check the official, publicly shared cap rules that don't exist.

Reply #777243 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #777245 | Report this post

Years ago

A 24y.o nba prospect with nba out clause and it only cost them 375k a year. Great deal for Sydney considering some of the best players are on 400k after years and years of proving themselves.

Reply #777248 | Report this post

Years ago

"Are all the afl or NRL teams spending the same amount?"

Technically, NRL teams are. The NRL has a $9.6m salary cap in place (each club has a 30 man squad which must fit under the cap) and clubs aren't allowed to spend over that. Some do, but there are penalties and if its bad enough then things like what happened with the Melbourne Storm being stripped of premiership wins can happen.

Rugby league introduced the salary cap back in the early 90s and its main purpose was to try and stop clubs, especially the less financially sound ones, sending themselves broke trying to buy a premiership. The whole thing was originally designed to level the playing field as no one club could spend millions more for big name players than another, although inevitably despite limits on overall spending its still the bigger, richer and more successful clubs who would attract the better players.

The cap still exists, but its a lot more complicated and harder to police due to things like Third Party Agreements (TPA's - basically players personal sponsors which are included in player contracts, but not the cap itself). And of course, there are always rumours about clubs spending well over the cap and the ways some get around it.

Reply #777250 | Report this post

Years ago

Sydney could probably still sign James Harden as a Next Star....

Reply #777266 | Report this post

Years ago

Good luck to Xavier, great guy and very talented, wish him all the best in the NBL and whatever the future holds for him...

Reply #777287 | Report this post

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