Years ago

Hindsight:Gaze or Henry?

Never thought I would have said it 12 months ago, but I'd prefer Gaze over Henry 100%

Topic #48320 | Report this topic

Years ago

Killed by gun or knife.

Reply #840919 | Report this post

Years ago

F/M/K: Gaze, Henry, Wright

Reply #840920 | Report this post

Years ago

Real hindsight would be neither.

Reply #840921 | Report this post

Perth fan.  
Years ago

Please present a third and better option.

Reply #840922 | Report this post

Years ago

Henry hasn't had a chance yet to know if he’ll be successful, injuries and carry over players that some are shit from last regime plus a lot more games this season, so less training time, doesn’t give you the full perspective.
Gaze is very clever but that doesn’t always transfer to being a good coach. JVG and him did not work last time.

Reply #840925 | Report this post

Years ago

Hasn't had a chance? Bahahahaha

Reply #840928 | Report this post

Years ago

Pass on both. THanks.

Reply #840931 | Report this post

Years ago

Hasn't had a chance? Bahahahaha

It's as if the 2008-09 season never happened.

Reply #840932 | Report this post

Perth fan.  
Years ago

Should they consider Anthony Stewart.
Many Tasmanians think he is the bees knees.

Reply #840933 | Report this post

Years ago

Gaze then daylight.

AG knows basketball, that is VERY clear. However, and this is strange to say about someone who is extremely well spoken, his issue is communication. He cannot effectively communicate to his players what he wants in a way which they can relate and execute.

Henry is just plain bad. People above make excuses about injuries (ha) and carry over and such, but he has had the luxury of actually having his team together MORE, first with a long home stand, then in the bubble. His wounds are self-inflicted, refusing to make subs (NZ debacle in the NBL Cup) and refusing to play, start or run anything for Brandon Paul. His love affair with Crocker is nauseating. He is arrogant and oblivious, and is not up to standard whatever way you want to cut it.

Reply #840940 | Report this post

Years ago

Henry is 8 and 13 with out Humphries for over a month and Giddey a few weeks and all the experts say he can't coach. If Cotton or Mooney we’re out of the cats how would they fair. Henry deserves time to get his side and message across. Gaze is the goat, had much more money spent on his time in Sydney and it took his third season to make finals with the addition of Bogut.

Reply #840941 | Report this post

Years ago

Henry chooses to start Pinder / of thread and conversation

Reply #840947 | Report this post

Years ago

Gazes issue is running the shuffle at all costs.

Reply #840949 | Report this post

Years ago

Henry is terrible!!

Reply #840950 | Report this post

Hindsight says you get Lindsay out of retirement as a coach and Drewy out of retirement as a player.

Reply #840952 | Report this post

Years ago

Name a worse coach in the NBL than Henry? It's not even close.

Reply #840955 | Report this post

Years ago

I am just as perplexed regarding some of the rotations Henry has chosen as the next guy. But his pregame comments got me wondering if there is more than meets the eye. He made it sound like there was some type of fitness issue with BP.

Reply #840956 | Report this post

Years ago

"Name a worse coach in the NBL than Henry? It's not even close."
Marty Clarke. Jeff Green.

Reply #840957 | Report this post

Years ago

Gaze couldn't coach his way out of a paper bag with the Kings! He was still persevering with the shuffle ffs!

Reply #840958 | Report this post

Years ago

How long does Vickerman get a pass?

Deepest team every year.

Most exp roster every year.

Has one just one chip (thanks to Lk help)

Reply #840962 | Report this post

Years ago

So LK isn't helping all his other teams and now the Jack Jumpers!

Reply #840963 | Report this post

Years ago

I would choose Henry but only because we don't have the benefit of hindsight with Henry.

Gaze was simply horrible.

He had the financial strength of the Kings and had 2 very good rosters (16/17 and 17/18), and an incredibly stacked roster in 18/19, and only just made the playoffs in that year only to be bundled out by Melbourne.

The 18/19 team had 1 old but serviceable MVP (Lisch), a recent MVP (Randle) and the to-be MVP in Bogut, to barely get into the playoffs is a failure, they should have won the championship.

Henry's tenure has just started and beset with injuries to key players. However I am seeing nothing insipring from Henry so far.

Even before Humphries went down the team was 6-7, and they way he handled the meltdowns against Perth at the NBL cup and then SEM the next week is deeply concerning. The Perth game with Paul giving us a high efficiency 26 in limited minutes and then SEM with multiple injuries including Sykes.

I don't know for sure Henry is bad, but that is the trajectory I am seeing at the moment.

Reply #840964 | Report this post

Years ago

How long does Vickerman get a pass?

Deepest team every year.

Most exp roster every year.

Has one just one chip (thanks to Lk help)
Vickerman has two championships, not one.

He's made the grand final four out of his six seasons.

He has missed the playoffs only once, in his rookie year.

Reply #840970 | Report this post

Years ago

With Melb united KR

Reply #840971 | Report this post

Years ago

Obviously they both know the game. They are both just shit coaches. Potato head is a very good commentator and should just stick to that

Reply #840977 | Report this post

Years ago

Someone should ask this question to Josh Giddey. He has been coached by both, and yet somehow still remains an NBA prospect.

Reply #840979 | Report this post

Years ago

"Marty Clarke. Jeff Green."

I'd take both over Henry

Reply #840980 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm one of the biggest Andrew Gaze fans going around, but I must admit his coaching stint wasn't great. Absolute legend of a person, GOAT player, but didn't make it as a coach.

Henry's just passed the halfway mark of his first season. Give him time. Can't run this comparison yet.

Reply #840981 | Report this post

Years ago

It's not his first rodeo LV

Reply #840983 | Report this post

Years ago

One season from 12 years ago shouldn't be forefront in our judgments of him I wouldn't have thought

Reply #840984 | Report this post

Years ago

The thing that's hard to get over is that you don't get a second chance to make a first impression. Once that is set, it's a huge battle to change that impression.

Gaze suffered from that as a coach (unfortunately, he still lives with that first impression syndrome) and so is Henry currently (unfortunately, he also still lives with that first impression syndrome).

In Connor's defence, he has not enjoyed the benefits of a well-funded and very talented roster to start with as Gaze had. And Henry was (virtually) unknown to his roster.

Time may change "our" opinion of Connor but we have already had 13 chances to do that.

Anyone changed their 1st impression yet?

Reply #840991 | Report this post

Years ago

If Gaze had an experienced assistant that ran an up to date offence and he was more a figure head like a Kerr or Nash, they would have had a more successful time IMO. Coaches going back to the past in this day and age with the offensive pace are doomed for failure. Hell, even if Bogut put in the offence with his knowledge.
Henry on the other hand did inherit a roster but would think that he would have put schemes for it, and even with injuries, been able to adjust them. The game against Perth was embarrassing, and his reluctance to play Paul is baffling. What is Kennedy doing as his assistant?

Reply #840993 | Report this post

Years ago

It was always going to take a season at least to see if Henry can coach, I'm not a Sixers fan, I watch there games though and the improvement in McVeigh is remarkable, Johnson having his best season in years, being able to play Humphries and Johnson together I never thought could work but has till injury. His imports were crap though, him or JVG, maybe both agreed to them. Pinder has not been great but has improved also, if he’s a budget cheep player he’s done ok. Humphries was consistently good. Henry himself will acknowledge he made mistakes, who doesn’t in this world. I’ll wait till season end and see how it finishes before I condemn him.

Reply #840994 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #840995 | Report this post

Years ago

both duds

Reply #840998 | Report this post

Years ago

Did someone just put Vickerman in the same paragraph as Henry and Gaze? We may not like Vickerman but in terms of coaching he is light years ahead of those two.

Reply #841018 | Report this post

Years ago

Vickerman has runs on the board. These 2 do not.

Reply #841037 | Report this post

Years ago

"I'll wait till season end and see how it finishes before I condemn him."

That's what they said about Gaze in his first season. Equally Henry Conner's had his chance and from what I currently seeing nothing has improved. Bring back Marty Clarke then...

Reply #841071 | Report this post

Years ago

What's Voldemort been doing lately. Will give good odds he'll be called in to do same shit he did at Kings, some sort of review as to why it all went to shit.

Reply #841074 | Report this post

Years ago

Keeping the Sydney connection Billy Tomlinson and 'Moose' Robilliard (Henry was his lead assistant) was a particularly disappointing coaching era for the Kings

Reply #841075 | Report this post

Years ago

As a Kings fan Gaze has been the worst period ever in the Kings history. The Board wouldn't sack him because he was Gaze and he flat out refused to resign. So terribly disappointing.

Reply #841076 | Report this post

Nix 57  
Years ago

Are they the only two options because that's all JVG allowed Kelly to pick from? The only two 'coaches’ that would allow JVG to pick their roster on there behalf!

Reply #841083 | Report this post

Years ago

Who was the last decent coach to work with JVG?

Reply #841084 | Report this post

Years ago

" As a Kings fan Gaze has been the worst period ever in the Kings history."

Why? Your team was worse before him lingering towards the bottom, and your team pre-Goorj era was so bad they were called the Violet Crumbles.

That doesn't make Gaze a good coach, but definitely not the worst.

Reply #841091 | Report this post

Years ago

Who was the last decent coach to work with JVG?

Bullets Joey.

Reply #841092 | Report this post

Years ago

Voldemort was asked to do a Shamir and pulled out once he found out Joey had no idea he was being spoken to

Reply #841110 | Report this post

Years ago

"Who was the last decent coach to work with JVG?

Bullets Joey."

Simply incorrect. Joey worked with a star studded line up based on the fact that the then owner was spending someone else's money to recruit that side. Nothing what so ever to do with Wright's coaching ability.

Reply #841111 | Report this post

Years ago

Wright coached 36ers to a grand final - he was a good coach regardless of people hating him.

Reply #841113 | Report this post

Years ago

Motum broke his leg and Chill broke his shoulder - 2 teams that didn't see their potential through injury at the business end

Plus Joey identified and developed how many players?

Reply #841114 | Report this post

Years ago

That was the second grand final series, his first was vs Perth, after taking over from Marty Clarke.

You're blaming Wright for not being a good coach because they didn’t win it all after injuries to top players? What?

Wright was a good coach, people stating otherwise is mostly a reflection of his rivalry with rabid Perth fans. I also wonder what it makes all the other coaches who coached at the same time and didn’t do nearly as well?

People need to get over themselves. Gleeson is a good coach as well despite I’m sure being just as annoying to opposition fans. Definitely isn’t a Boomers HC quality though ;)

Reply #841117 | Report this post

Years ago

You're blaming Joey's well-deserved reputation as being someone difficult to deal with on Perth fans? What?

Reply #841134 | Report this post

Years ago

Voldemort was asked to do a Shamir and pulled out once he found out Joey had no idea he was being spoken to

Wow, yet another Sixers organisational fail, brought to you by JvG. Imagine how much we don't know about.

Reply #841141 | Report this post

Years ago

Although come to think of it wasn't that part of the overall ploy to get rid of Joey.

Reply #841142 | Report this post

Years ago

A lot!

Reply #841143 | Report this post

Years ago

Michael Jordan was difficult to deal with yet he seemed to find a job

Reply #841145 | Report this post

Years ago

" You're blaming Joey's well-deserved reputation as being someone difficult to deal with on Perth fans? What?"

No, where exactly did you learn to read?

Reply #841146 | Report this post

Years ago

Joey was an awesome coach but he just needed a change. It was obvious last year he'd reached his use by date but that happens to nearly everyone.
Definitely up there as one of the great nbl coaches. Could’ve easily had a title or two during his 6ers reign.
Should not even be mentioned with Henry or Gaze or Marty Clarke.
As for behaviour, I don’t see on the whole Joey was any worse than Gleeson.

Reply #841148 | Report this post

Years ago

Joey Wright was a very good coach, I wish he was back.

He took a last placed Sixer team coached by the Great Marty Clarke, got rid of Christophersen, added Gary Ervin came within 1 game of winning it all in 2013/14.

Then again a few years later when he took United to Game 5 of the GF without Childress.

How many other coaches can say they went to a GF twice in a 7 year span?

In recent memory its only Bevo, Lemanis, Vickerman, and Gleeson.

I was OK/happy to see Wright move on because he seemed to become stale with the Sixers and a change was required for the Sixers to move upwards, plus there seemed rumblings of issues with management.

I can put up with Wright punching players, punching other coaches and suggesting players not on board to end their lives in a private chat, as long as the results are there.

So far I don't see any positive results from Henry.

Reply #841175 | Report this post

Years ago

I can put up with Wright punching players, punching other coaches and suggesting players not on board to end their lives in a private chat, as long as the results are there.
Unless this is sarcasm, those are some pretty terrible priorities.

Reply #841229 | Report this post

Years ago

Wright was a good coach had some success then it became stale and a culture issue and change was needed.

I don't put much weight into someone going theatrical on a private conversation.

People are super keen to attack others on private conversations without facing the music themselves for their own shit that they say in private. Until we have every private message ever made published for mutually assured destruction, people will attack others pretending they’ve never said anything that if publicised wouldn’t garner a similar reaction.

Reply #841234 | Report this post

Years ago

Hmmm....nope. Can't remember the last time I said I hoped someone would go hang themselves.

Reply #841238 | Report this post

Years ago

JVG out
Joey, bring him back

Reply #841244 | Report this post

Years ago

Joey had his faults, but there is no other coach that can develop a culture for success, even with limited budget

Reply #841245 | Report this post

Years ago

And ofcourse you've never said anything in private that if made public would be considered just as bad!

I have no qualms with saying I’ve been just as theatrical and crude in private as it is not the same as being literal, should not and cannot be considered the same as condoning.

If all of a sudden English language conventions and context cease to be a thing then what value is this language? Because it’s clearly not people attempting to understand the use of language which is the entire point of how communication works.

We are all very lucky our private messages haven’t been published. There would be a lot of "oh shit" and a lot of explaining to do!

Reply #841246 | Report this post

Years ago

JVG shown the door apparently, so hopefully we never see a Gaze or. Conner Henry coaching in this league again!

Reply #841252 | Report this post

Years ago

JVG ain't going anywhere. Wrong part of the Sixers.

Reply #841262 | Report this post

Years ago

Just confirmed. CEO Kavenagh has left the building. Disappointing for Club. Talk of him taking a role at Adelaide Crows?

Reply #841366 | Report this post

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