Years ago

Sixers roster/coach

So the dust has settled. Who are we thinking will get the coaching gig?
I'm interested in the roster. I think we need to use the third import on a defensive 4/5. Either that or an Aussie big, none spring to kind that would be available. I like the roster, big upgrade in 20/21 but if Isaac goes down, we are stuffed in the front court.

Topic #49167 | Report this topic

Years ago

Either that or an Aussie big, none spring to kind that would be available

I don't think Matt Hodgson has signed anywhere yet which is odd as only four teams have spots left on their rosters now (Adelaide, Perth, SEM, NZB).

Reply #869322 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't think Hodgson will fit with Humphries and would take minutes off Sotto.
Japan is my Hodgson tip or maybe Perth.

Reply #869323 | Report this post

Years ago

It's a hot seat who ever gets the coaches job. They certainly want for a good season. Defensive 4/5 is certainly required, none left in Australia.

Reply #869324 | Report this post

Years ago

The club is an absolute shambles. Will take a miracle for a coach to come in and have a successful season.

Reply #869326 | Report this post

Years ago

They have 2 roster spots left one import and a local apparently

Reply #869327 | Report this post

Years ago

Imports that haven't played in the nbl are so hard to tell what kind of player they can be in the nbl and their intended level because they’re just a name to most of us until we see them in the nbl.

Santamaria has Withers starting 3. As he points out - definitely need a big.

IMO if 36ers want to compete with Melbourne, Sydney, Hawks, NZ for top 4, all three imports need to be starting quality and firing.

C Humphries/Sotto
F Defensive Import/Johnson/Malou
F Withers/Dech
G Hannahs/King
G McCarron/Duffelmeier

That probably leaves them a backup scorer short - like your Isaac White type.

Humphries/Import/DJ share the 80 minutes - any loose change or foul trouble issues is where we see Malou/Sotto.

Because Humphries can do defence and offence, he can be paired with either DJ or Def Import. When Humphries is off, those two can compliment each other between DJs offence and imports defence.

SF wise - Withers will hopefully be either a three and D or a matisse Thybulle/Josh Childress lengthy defender type. I think the intention is for him to be able to cover multiple positions - if he is capable of 2/3/4 and can knockdown a shot, he can be a Swiss Army knife for if Hannahs needs a rest without losing shooting power or if the bigs get into foul trouble.

Dech can hopefully focus on keeping up his good lockdown defence and knocking down open threes - with the extra depth of Withers and McCarron helping with defensive duties hopefully Dech won’t be fatigued as last season.

Guards wise - Hannahs will need to be knocking down his shot, McCarron take a bit more of a proactive scoring approach whilst continuing to quarter back and replace Giddeys chemistry with Humphries. The Duffel hopefully be good value in 10mins or so court time per game.

Reply #869328 | Report this post

Years ago

Need a Athletic import 4/5.

Reply #869329 | Report this post

Years ago

An athletic 4/5 or is a great defender. He is in our backyard - Hulland!

Reply #869331 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't think Hulland ticks either of those boxes.

Reply #869335 | Report this post

Years ago

3rd import either Greg Mays or CJ Turnage.

Reply #869336 | Report this post

Years ago

#336 you're absolutely kidding yourself

Reply #869337 | Report this post

Years ago

Unless the last local is a starter/star, I hope the last import isn't Mays or Turnage.
Every year the 36ers miss out by one player from being consistently good.
If Withers isn’t up to it or inconsistent then the teams in trouble.

Reply #869338 | Report this post

Years ago

Perth don't want anything to do with Matt Hodgeson

Reply #869340 | Report this post

Years ago

How many to a standard roster not including DPs - 10 or 11 (not including next stars)?

With a final import, that would take them to 10 not including the next star.

Reply #869342 | Report this post

Years ago

The club is an absolute shambles. Will take a miracle for a coach to come in and have a successful season.

Can't agree with that.

We have one of the best rosters in the league. We're looking to have DJ come off the bench, he is going to be a handful for any bench lineup.

Our guard rotation has improved significantly.

If IH stays healthy we are contenders.

Reply #869343 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #869344 | Report this post

Years ago

Lovebroker, such the optimist

Reply #869345 | Report this post

Just a fan  
Years ago

Agree once again lovebroker, we may be optimistic but at lease we don't sh!t on the club like other "fans". I also think people forget we have Money makin mitch

Reply #869347 | Report this post

Years ago

Who isn't a true point guard lmao

Reply #869348 | Report this post

Just a fan  
Years ago

#348 seemed to do a good job being the pg for the current championship side but let's ignore that....

Reply #869350 | Report this post

Years ago

Did you see the talent around him who created their own opportunities? He was only ranked 5th in assists. Let's not think you have the next coming of Steve Nash. United had far more weapons than what this 36ers team have (currently)

Reply #869351 | Report this post

Just a fan  
Years ago

See I like when people use stats and evidence against statements... I get what you saying, but i still think having him as our pg is not a negative.
he will be a vocal leader unlike some of our past leaders lol
Considering Sunday played WAY more pg in his hawks days and I can't comment on dusty however I could assume they will rotate the pg spot between them.
Overall this roster (on paper) seems to be more balanced compared to last and hopefully whatever coach we have can do a better job then 13 wins.

Reply #869353 | Report this post

Years ago

He's as good a point guard in the nbl, at both ends, will make a heap of difference to Sixers. You actually have no idea.

Reply #869354 | Report this post

Years ago

Personally I'm still not that sold on McCarron's PG bona fides but regardless he's still a pretty good player overall and won't shirk the big plays which is good enough for me.

He and Dufelmeier mean for the first time in a long time PG won't be an issue for us especially with Dech there and likely a third PG local to be signed (Dillon or Teys type).

Still we need an import PF to be signed to one of these last two spots. I'd like to see DJ come off the bench next season but if a starting level import PF can't be found and we have to settle for a backup so be it.

Reply #869355 | Report this post

Years ago

Who isn't a true point guard lmao

Is that supposed to be some sort of negative retort?

His body of work at both United and the Taipans shows he can hold down that spot and also shift to the 2 when needed.

Duffelmeier is a huge improvement from a bench guard.

Reply #869358 | Report this post

Years ago

Hilarious as usual we get the stock standard "Sixers in shambles" "need this to compete"

The team is in terrific shape with a big 3 of Humphries, McCarron and DJ. Two good imports with a 3rd two way player to come. Energetic bench, terrfic defenders. But as usual, the experts on hoops will come out and slander it. Just disregard how good they were healthy last season, they have dramatically improved on last years roster.

Wait, you think Melbourne will compete?! With the roster they have currently they'll be lucky to scrape 5th.

Top four


Too many nuff nuffs with on this site. Please can someone hack and destroy it...

Reply #869359 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon 359 is that a player on or was on a two way contract? Or a two way player? Offence and defence?

Reply #869360 | Report this post

Years ago

"Top four" Hahahaha

Reply #869361 | Report this post

Years ago

Sydney at 4 shows how stupid you are

Reply #869363 | Report this post

Years ago

Adelaide in top 4.
Nah don't think so.

Reply #869365 | Report this post

Years ago

NZ are pretty stacked this season but will still be playing pretty much the whole season on the road.
It will be a big ask.

Reply #869366 | Report this post

Years ago

Sydney or Melbourne

Reply #869367 | Report this post

Years ago

That post from the "Top Four anon" looks awfully suspicious. I don't think anyone could genuinely put this Sixers team as Top Four certainly not yet before a ball is bounced. Both of those imports could turn out to be duds look at last year's imports.

At no point last season were we really that good we played out first 7-8 games at home and I think only won around half of those games which meant playing virtually half of our whole season's home games first we were then going to struggle to make the playoffs even without any injuries. The injury to Humphries at the NBL Cup just sealed our fate.

Reply #869368 | Report this post

Years ago

I believe we have the team to make the top 4. Dependent on the next import signing. Get that right and it's definitely a contender for the top 4.
A few clubs tried to get Hannah’s. Assuming by the Twitter chat Sydney were one. Withers is going to be better than Crocker. Everyone else has been an upgrade so far.

Reply #869369 | Report this post

Years ago

NZ , certainly if it's home and away, could slip if on the road full season.

Reply #869370 | Report this post

Years ago

Barring absolute duds of imports and coaches, this team has the horses to be in the playoffs (not even sure that the format is).

I have been very impressed by JVG's ability to bring i 4K McCarron and Duffelmeier and showing Pinder the door.

Reply #869371 | Report this post

Years ago

Pinder a huge loss & we'll take him!
we've got the same squad up here in cairns that finished one loss behind the eventual winners in Perth in 2019 & added Pinder.
We've added a coach that knows him from juniors.
be afraid everyone - be afraid!!

Reply #869375 | Report this post

Years ago

Group 1
Sydney - Huge off-season!

Perth - Perth Rule - Perth make playoffs, until they fail to, they get a spot. They also have the MVP, Law to add to Norton, Travers and another import.

Melbourne - Delly, Goulding and Co - Melbourne don't teams on the floor lacking talent.

Hawks - Goorjian Rule - Goorj teams make playoffs, until they fail to, they get a spot. They also have had a massive offseason keeping Harvey, picking up Reath and Trice.

Group 2
NZ - so easily could be group 1 and even top the league. Why are they here? In the NBL it’s so stacked that you can’t afford a misstep or bad luck. Have an bad injur luck? You’ll struggle to make the 4. Stuff up an import? Good luck making it. Winning away is super tough. If NZ play a season away again - it’s super hard to make the top 4. They are only on the basis of Covid. Their team is stacked. If they play 14 home games, they make the top 4 IMO.

Adelaide - They have IH that was in MVP form, one of the best big scorers in DJ, and top defender in Dech, scored McCarron and have three import spots. And yet, they’re 6th on the list. But who above is their roster better than? Such a close league.

SEM - Third last year. Why so low? Lost Sykes and Yani.

Brisbane - They have Sobey and what if Lamar hits fitness and form? Don’t count them out.

Group 3
Cairns - Machado and co will need to pull out something special.

Tasmania - Scored Magnay, and if their imports fire, they can surprise. With so much unknown import wise and little to rely on Aussie talent wise, it’s so hard to predict this team. Every opportunity to prove the doubters. They’ll get wins, make no mistake. However, they’re the spoon favs.

Reply #869381 | Report this post

Years ago

Where can you get the JJ's to finish last bet?

Reply #869383 | Report this post

Years ago

JackJumpers won't finish last...

Reply #869384 | Report this post

Just a fan  
Years ago

Who will finish last as then #384.... 1 injury to magney or/and a under performing import and they are screwed.

Reply #869387 | Report this post

Years ago

It's a little hard to evaluate this early with so many imports I haven't seen before, but I feel pretty confident about the Sixers starting bigs. Which team has a better combo of shooting, defence, rebounding and experience at the 4 and 5?

Provided the new coach knows what he is doing, it should be a strong defensive team too I think.

The question marks for me are offensive:

- Can Hannahs get buckets to close out tight games? Not too many create your own shot types on the roster.

- Will McCarron be able to setup Humphries and DJ for consistent easy buckets?

- Will the Sixers wings hit enough threes to keep defences honest?

Could be top 4, but need to see how the imports look.

Illawarra's starting backcourt looks to me the best in the league, but how will their bigs go? I like Shane Froling and Reath, but both are inexperienced NBL players. Likely top 4, especially with Goorj showing the way.

NZ - I know nothing about Siva, but Delany, Webster and Abercrombie are all high quality and Wetzell impressed me last season. Between Wetzell and Loe, they should be in better shape at centre this season. Solid to great, depending on how good Siva is. If stuck on the road, might struggle to make top 4.

Do Melb United have a starting SF yet? Can Hukporti play alongside Lual-Acuil? Loads of experience on this team, but only Goulding is still an elite player. Lual-Acuil is impressive, but is he ready to be relied upon as a starter and key player? Maybe Delly can turn it up in this league, but he's been an awful shooter in the last couple of years. Is a steady hand from him going to be enough? I feel like there are a lot of question marks for last years champs at this stage.

Cairns - unless Oliver comes back and McCall turns out to be a star, I think they'll struggle.

Perth - Law was good for Brisbane in a two man game with Sobey last season. But will the Perth offence get him the same looks? Nevertheless, Norton, Cotton, Blanchfield is a strong trio to build around and if they get a star centre and Travers breaks out off the bench, they'll be a big threat once again.

Sydney look pretty solid. Jarrell Martin was good last season and Cooks and Hunter are solid Aussies. I feel like this team will be as good as Adams and RJ Hunter can make them.

Phoenix - Wetzell a big loss and they need to find another really good import point. Is Hankins going to be a stud two way player? If he is, they might still be a top 4 team. If not, could drop a couple of spots.

Jack Jumpers - I'm not excited by them. Though if they could get Magnay back to his 2019 form and keep him around a few years, that would be something to build around.

Brisbane - Sobey is elite and Harrison has some potential for improvement. Need Patterson to have a huge season. Outside of that, lots of ho-hum retreads. Would hate to be a Bullets fan atm.

So I guess I'm loosely thinking Sydney, Perth, Illawarra top 3 in no particular order. But Adelaide, Melbourne, Phoenix and NZ all have a shot at playoffs too.

Reply #869388 | Report this post

Years ago

JJ's talking finals. Sydney, Perth favourites.

Reply #869389 | Report this post

Years ago

Where can you get the JJ's to finish last bet?

Nowhere yet but I'm waiting.

Reply #869392 | Report this post

Years ago

JJ's finals. That simply fantasy.

Reply #869395 | Report this post

Years ago

I feel like the top 4/5 are locked up talent wise.

I think it will be hard even for Adelaide to breach it, and I have more hope this year than last year.

We know what Goorj does every year - and yet he has a better team this year. We know what Perth does every year and they still have the MVP. That's two spots almost locked up.

Then you have Sydney that are stacked, NZ that are stacked (we said this last year - but they look even better this year), for them it’s dependent on how many home games they get if any, then Melbourne isn’t bad either and the reigning champs.

So how do Adelaide, SEM, Brissy breach that wall of 5?

Then you’re Cairns or JJs, how do they get there? We would be talking awesome chemistry plus three imports just smashing it. They’d have to do better than the Cairns Machado/Oliver/DJ trio to make it this time IMO.

Reply #869396 | Report this post

Years ago

It's starting to get to crunch time to have a coach and that final import player signed and on the way.
You’d want a good month of training with the whole squad.
2 weeks quarantine at least, doesn’t leave much time.

Reply #869397 | Report this post

Years ago

Coach wise yes - they should be training together already...

I'd suspect that November start gets pushed back

Reply #869398 | Report this post

Years ago

So anyone heard yet why Henry was abruptly let go? So bizarre.

Reply #869400 | Report this post

Years ago

Management: Mojave King has to start. We promised him that to get him to sign and he was pissed coming off the bench in Cairns.
CH: You mean he HAS to start like Giddey did last year?
Management: Yes
CH: Nope, not doing that.
Management: Thankyou for your services. Here's the amount we are willing to pay you out for the last year of your contract.....

Reply #869401 | Report this post

Years ago

Possibly after working him out, Henry mentioned that Sotto wasn't up to getting minutes in the NBL. Not wanting another PR nightmare, 36ers swiftly parted ways with coach.

Reply #869405 | Report this post

Years ago

Brett Maher on the 36ers roster:

"Probably the best looking team I've seen for 15 years I think, So from my perspective it looks exciting".

Have the Sixers put Maher back on the payroll? ;)

Reply #869425 | Report this post

Years ago

Now if they only had a coach to coach it........

Reply #869429 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Maher is on the payroll - marketing.

Reply #869436 | Report this post

Hearing reports that the Coach that the 36ers had in mind has rejected their offer. Ouch. Probably should have got ink on that contract before giving Conner the arse.

Reply #869742 | Report this post

Years ago

Rabble, lmao. ^^^^

Reply #869745 | Report this post

Years ago

JvG you've done it again!

Reply #869746 | Report this post

Years ago

You'd have to think this is true. Otherwise you’d have expected a pretty swift announcement once Henry got the arse. Only the Sixers, or possibly Carlton, could shoot themselves in the foot like this.

Reply #869782 | Report this post

Years ago

The Moldovan factor...………..

Reply #870102 | Report this post

Years ago

Be good to have a coach .... any news about when let alone who .... DR seems to gathering traction in the rumonger mill ....

Reply #870128 | Report this post

Years ago

Boti thinks the latest target is CJ Bruton.

Reply #870214 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Years ago

I think that sums it up for me.

I'm sure CJ Bruton will make a fine head coach, but Adelaide have really stuffed this process up if they've supposedly missed out on the target/targets that made them decide to release Henry (Although no one seems to know the full story behind that yet).

Now it just seems like they're replacing a coach for the sake of it.

Reply #870257 | Report this post

Years ago

Considering CJ missed out on the Perth and Brisbane jobs, I'm guessing this is BS.

Reply #870260 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

I think CJ Bruton as coach would feel a bit deflating, and it's not that he couldn't be a good coach, it's just after all this mess around we come up with a guy who has always been available and that no one else was really checking for?

I am not sure if we have a championship level team (we do have another import spot and Aussie spot which could put us in the conversation), but I'd rather if this roster was taken up by someone with proven head coaching experience.

Either way, I wouldn't hate Bruton as coach. It could work. But it's not exactly a move I am overawed with

Reply #870262 | Report this post

Years ago

Paying for three head coaches this year?

Reply #870304 | Report this post

Years ago

Boti joked that the Sixers could be paying for CH, Wright, and Pearlman plus whoever is next.

Reply #870307 | Report this post

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