Years ago

WNBL Round 5

First game of the round was meant to be Sydney Uni vs Bendigo tomorrow night.
That has now been postponed due to a Flames player testing positive.

This is supposed to be the round that Perth Lynx finally join the competition, with a game scheduled @ Adelaide on Sunday to kick off Perth's marathon 11 game road trip. I'm gonna go way out on a limb and suggest that it might not go too well.

Topic #49599 | Report this topic

James Harvey fan  
Years ago

I love the look of this Lynx team, hope they get to string some games together.

Reply #880900 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah, they should be very fun to watch if they actually get to play.

Reply #880907 | Report this post

Years ago

Oops, I forgot to post the actual game times for the round.

On Now - Adelaide Lightning v Melbourne Boomers [Kayo]

Fri 7:00 - Townsville Fire v UC Capitals [Kayo Freebies]

Sun 2:30 - Adelaide Lightning v Perth Lynx [Kayo Freebies]

All times local.

Reply #881083 | Report this post

Years ago

Nice to see smith put in the effort today.

Reply #881094 | Report this post

Years ago

Has avoided the dumb fouls today and helped her team stay right in this one

Reply #881095 | Report this post

Years ago

First time I've seen her dribble the ball more than 2 bounces before handing it off.

Reply #881096 | Report this post

Years ago

Should rotate in Brook more

Reply #881099 | Report this post

Years ago

Brook & Simons have both done some good things off the bench.
Not pretty basketball but a very good hard fought win.

Reply #881100 | Report this post

Years ago

Molloy is such a shit coach!

Reply #881101 | Report this post

Years ago

And they all want him to stay....ffs

I mean cmon he has the biggest budget by far and achieved nothing.

Nz association just dumb.

Reply #881102 | Report this post

Years ago

God bless them (NZ) though, means the Boomers have a chance to win a title this century (once he's gone)

Reply #881105 | Report this post

Years ago

The nz asia cup team were not good, Molloy ain't going to revolutionise them.
Very poor pick by nzba, plenty of better options available.

Reply #881107 | Report this post

Wang whipper  
Years ago

Melbourne's fourth quarter effort was feeble. Three points in ten minutes!?

It's criminal.

Reply #881108 | Report this post

Years ago

New beginnings for nz n.t and you give Molloy the reigns again?
Clearly nelson pulling some strings overthere.

Reply #881110 | Report this post

Years ago

Boomers shot 1/13 in the last quarter against Adelaide, had 16 turnovers for the game and went 2/27 on 3s (7%), and some of you want to blame the coach? Do the players hold any accountability these days? As the saying goes, easier to sack one person (the coach) than it is to remove a whole team.

As for NZ they will be more than happy to have Molloy, and Nelson who they snapped up a few years ago. They led the Boomers from near extinction to big crowds and finals. Some of you have short memories when the team cops a loss. The Boomers wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for those two and the other good people they brought to the club to help save it.

In my opinion, I think the big loss to the WNBL is Nelson. He's transformed the men's league in NZ, crowds are up, teams are no longer over-spending and going out of business and most are making money. The league is even expanding. I saw a new team announced last week (Stingrays?) and another one coming soon. All this during Covid.

Nelson just did a TV deal with all the money going to the teams. Do we even get money here from TV for the WNBL? If we do it's unlikley BA would give the teams anything anyway.

I read somewhere Sky just poached him, so good luck to him. You won't always get your own way with Nelson, he aims high and takes no prisoners, which is what basketball needs if you ask me. He takes a creative approach which can unsettle people who don't like change, but look at the results. Clearly it works.

In NZ he's also just rebuilt the women's league with equal player pay (compared with the men) starting in 2022. We should all appluad that.

I've already heard players here in Australia talking about the new NZ women's comp, so news travels fast. Someone told me team budgets are about $100k each, which is all paid for by the league and the season only goes for two months. If true, that's much better money than NBL1 and less demand on players outside of their WNBL and Europe seasons. Smart.

The guy is a bloody genius if you ask me. The WNBL needs to get him back for whatever it costs as quickly as possible and get him to rebuild this league. It sure needs it.

Back to Molloy, why would even want to stay in the WNBL with the direction the league is going in (about 200 people at last night's game)? With this being his last season he might be a lot smarter than some of you keyboard warriors think.

Reply #881123 | Report this post

Years ago

They did shoot poorly & turn the ball over & Molloy made no adjustments. They were down by 9 with 3 minutes to go, he called a timeout & drew up a play. No urgency, no full court pressure to try and change the momentum, the guy can't coach. NZ are welcome to him

Reply #881124 | Report this post

Years ago

It's been clear for about a decade this guy can’t coach.
Nelson gets stuff done, just sayin he is the main reason molloy is in nz.

Reply #881133 | Report this post

Years ago

Nz should be throwing money at Seebohm who should already be opals coach.

Reply #881134 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh my god I'm laughing so hard. I knew Nelson was in love with himself, but this is too much.

Reply #881136 | Report this post

Years ago

Just imagine how many flags the Boomers would have won without Molloy coaching? At least 2!!!!!!!
For what ever reason he has fooled the owner's.
Lets hope he NEVER coaches here again.
Had way to many chances, with big budget teams.

Reply #881137 | Report this post

Years ago

Perth will sweep through the lesgue I think.

Reply #881138 | Report this post

Years ago


Don't think he'll care too much what you think. Being liked or disliked comes with the territory for sports administrators, just like coaches. Half the people on this forum spend all their time calling for CEOs and coaches to be sacked.

I don't know him personally, but I know people who do and they rate what he has achieved for basketball. NZ has definitely benefitted. He gets shit done.

The WNBL has made a habit of losing good people. Goodbody (Townsville I think?) is another one the league lost and he is also now delivering big things elsewhere.

If you want to fix the league you have to start with the right people who can deliver the goods. The WNBL wouldn't be able to get those two back no matter how much money they threw at them.

Reply #881139 | Report this post

Years ago

Don't think anyone is suggesting wnbl is in a good place, they people running the show at ba certainly need to leave.

Reply #881140 | Report this post

Years ago

"Perth will sweep through the lesgue I think."

LOL let's see them win 1 game before talking sweeps

Reply #881152 | Report this post

Years ago

Fantastic. Great move. Well done Justin.

Reply #881157 | Report this post

Years ago

"For what ever reason he has fooled the owner's."

Okay, the suspense is killing me. Fooled the owner's what?

Reply #881159 | Report this post

Years ago




Gandini and satie, not sure why they are there...
Only weak spot on contracted roster is depth a couple of positions like pg, like a j.Williams or depth at c, like m.Allen

Reply #881161 | Report this post

Years ago

Less DPs for just 2 more low budget contracts would have been best.

Reply #881162 | Report this post

Years ago

I think we should get by ok without a "true" PG in the starting 5. Not sure I'd even want one if it meant any less time with the Sami + MM backcourt pairing, which should be fun as hell to watch.
The front court has some potential to be exploited I think.

Reply #881164 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

That was good to see a game. last night. It felt so long since one has been on.
Enjoyed to. Even A.Smith played very well.

Reply #881173 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Enjoyed IT, I meant to say.
Chris Lucas seemed to do a good job?

Reply #881174 | Report this post

Years ago

"For what ever reason he has fooled the owner's."

Okay, the suspense is killing me. Fooled the owner's what?

He should be charged with receiving money on false pretense.

He is there to win a championship!!!!
How many goes does he get????????
TOO MANY!!!!!!!

Reply #881180 | Report this post

Years ago

WNBL coaching has been stale

I'd like to see these coaches depart
Molloy, Goriss, chambers, lucas, York
Heal-should he have another chance? I didn’t think so.

Who else should come in?


Flames-Hibbert should still be there imo.

Reply #881182 | Report this post

Years ago

Molloy has an incredible record of no titles as a head coach in NBL/WNBL history but at the same time remaining employable. No one has been given such a long stint of opportunity. He must do well at job interviews?

Reply #881208 | Report this post

Years ago

Anyone watching the Townsville/Canberra game on Kayo? Dear God, who is commentating alongside Steph Blicavs? It's unbearable to listen to.

Reply #881211 | Report this post

Years ago

Julia Montesano was the other commentator. Yeh she was terrible. At the end, she said "This game's been so prolific!". FMD.

Reply #881239 | Report this post

Years ago

Just Googled her. Was her first time commentating WNBL but even allowing for that, she was absolutely shocking. Didn't draw breath the entire game! Poor Steph must have been exhausted listening to her because I ended up having to mute the sound and watch the game in silence.

Reply #881245 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

I've got an old rattler (wall air conditioner, banging away)
So, I didn't hear her tooo good.

Kelsey Griffin is some kinda supa player.

Reply #881249 | Report this post

Two years ago

^^ griffin was great last night. The commentating was pretty good, the new one was very enthusiastic, she kept calling jump shots floaters that's the biggest fault I can find

Reply #881253 | Report this post

Two years ago

Mediocre game with poor commentary. Not a good tv product.

Reply #881262 | Report this post

Two years ago

^^ could say the same about many of the NBL games, are you suggesting neither are a good TV product?

Reply #881266 | Report this post

Two years ago

The commentating was pretty good, the new one was very enthusiastic, she kept calling jump shots floaters that's the biggest fault I can find

LOL obviously you weren't watching the same game as the rest of us, the commentating was woeful.

Reply #881288 | Report this post

Two years ago

New podcast by Sami Whitcomb
Shootin' The Shot - Episode 1

Reply #881292 | Report this post

Two years ago

LOL obviously you weren't watching the same game as the rest of us, the commentating was woeful.

Just because I don't agree with the 4 or 5 posters (who could all be you), doesn’t mean I was watching a different game

Reply #881297 | Report this post

Two years ago

Welcome to the WNBL, Marina :D

Reply #881334 | Report this post

Two years ago

Lightning rolling along very nicely atm. I like their balance & basketball IQ.

Plenty of good moments from the Lynx today but it all went very individual and messy when things got tight. Hopefully that's just a case of working things out early in the season, and not a continuation of last season's tendency to lose composure down the stretch.

Reply #881338 | Report this post

Two years ago

Talbot 1 assist shy of a triple double today

Reply #881339 | Report this post

Two years ago

Every lightning player was good.

Perth - Scherf, young, Sami no conditioning,

Reply #881344 | Report this post

Two years ago

Team of the wnbl so far Imo...

Early days..

Mabrey PG/SG-Heal PG
Sykes SG-Cole SG
Talbot SF-Mitchell SG/SF
Maley PF-Griffin PF
Smith PF/C-Bishop C

Reply #881352 | Report this post

Two years ago

Smith haters have disappeared....

Reply #881354 | Report this post

Two years ago

Early days but sandy does not play her(smith) in opals or Phoenix for a reason. she hasn't invited bishop in 3 years either.

Reply #881355 | Report this post

Two years ago

No Ezi?

Reply #881356 | Report this post

Two years ago

Tight race at pf/c for opals.
Tolo only big overseas in euroleague.

Best to worst atm, roughly...

Anneli 20-14.5-2.8

Kelsey 16-10-4

Alanna 17.5-8-2.5

Abby 17.3-8-2.8

Ezi 14.8-8-2.8

Cayla 12.5-10.7-4.3

Keely 14-7.3-0.3

Sara 13-7.5-0.5

Lauren 10-10-0

Zitina 10.8-7.5-0.8

Darcee 15-2-0

Reply #881357 | Report this post

Two years ago

Proven many times before that playin well in wnbl means nothing internationally.

Nicholson/Madgen/Cole etc etc, stud Aussie guards in wnbl, sucked in fiba 5x5.
I'm not sure any of the players doing well this season, guard, forward or big will be a great determining factor for WC selection.

I think Picking an opals team based on effort/desire/hunger alone is the best go to build a solid Foundation for future teams. you’ll end up with a squad consisting of players such as Talbot, Maley, Whitcomb-Griffin, wallace, Melbourne. These are the types of players you build a culture around and continue to bring youth in that match the characteristics of these players, hopefully with even more skill.

Reply #881361 | Report this post

Two years ago

#361 hahaha still on the NYE jungle juice clearly

Reply #881366 | Report this post

Two years ago

Proven many times before that playin well in wnbl means nothing internationally.

Nicholson/Madgen/Cole etc etc, stud Aussie guards in wnbl, sucked in fiba 5x5.
I'm not sure any of the players doing well this season, guard, forward or big will be a great determining factor for WC selection.

I think Picking an opals team based on effort/desire/hunger alone is the best go to build a solid Foundation for future teams. you'll end up with a squad consisting of players such as Talbot, Maley, Whitcomb-Griffin, wallace, Melbourne. These are the types of players you build a culture around and continue to bring youth in that match the characteristics of these players, hopefully with even more skill.

Good old Melbournes parents popping up in every thread

Reply #881370 | Report this post

Two years ago

Melbourne is a future opal, not sure how anyone can't see it.

Reply #881373 | Report this post

Two years ago

Melbourne seems like a great kid with a work ethic and attitude, although I'm not sure I quite see all the hype. She's athletic, but very right handed for now.

Reply #881468 | Report this post

Two years ago

Smith was fantastic against Perth. I'll admit I wasn't sold on her before, but could definitely see what she can do against Perth.

Reply #881469 | Report this post

Two years ago

#468, her left is fine if you watched the u19 WC

Reply #881470 | Report this post

Two years ago

Smith against wnbl bigs vs smith against fiba comp, hard to tell if it can translate.

Hasn't been good as a 4 in fiba comps.

Reply #881471 | Report this post

Two years ago

Mr Melbourne is back!

Reply #881472 | Report this post

Two years ago

#468, her left is fine if you watched the u19 WC

Ummm she didn't exactly tear it up or have any great opposition.
She has a history of getting erratic at nationals when they clog the key because the left is just a chuck with the right hand. As happened against the Blues in the GF at 20's....keep going mr Melbourne

Reply #881494 | Report this post

Two years ago

Dude , you are just a Melbourne hater.
She made the all star 5 at WC and played against multiple future wnba players like Clark (usa) and day Wilson (Canada)

Reply #881495 | Report this post

Two years ago

#494, who's above Melbourne then? (Similar age)

Reply #881496 | Report this post

Two years ago

Juniors are finished. Now it's about competing against everyone

Reply #881498 | Report this post

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