Two years ago

McCarron out for Friday

Big blow, out to Covid protocol. I can see the JJ's winning this now. Would surely force a change with imports. Interesting Anstey had Dusty as a third tier import and Withers as lucky to have a job still.
Surely the brains trust would have a replacement or two lined up?

Topic #49679 | Report this topic

Two years ago

Very highly unlikely Sixers get a new import this season .Not with this management.

Reply #883160 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Two years ago

Pick the dumbest decision you can think of and that will be the one the sixers will make. Bunch of absolute jackasses

Reply #883161 | Report this post

Two years ago

Good Dusty can get 30+ minutes court time. Expect dusty to drop at least 20pts.

Reply #883163 | Report this post

Two years ago

How they thought withers would translate is beyond me. Middle of pack stats at a D2 college. Looks the part but clearly not at nbl1 level

Reply #883164 | Report this post

Two years ago

Withers looks like he can play, and as a 3 and d player in a third import (Ramone Moore) type role, could go ok. But he clearly can't create his own shot and in a team that is struggling offensively, we need more.
I have no idea on Hannahs. He looks ok offensively but not defensively but he came with big wraps so I guess they give him more time.

Reply #883165 | Report this post

Two years ago

I doubt it's for that reason the "big raps" were created by the NBL hype machine of which the Sixers are a part of. The Sixers perhaps even led that charge to try and sell more season tickets.

The hype of Hannahs was laughable I suspected he was going to be a dud because he was playing in the G-League not a real league and some guy sitting there hitting tons of three's in an empty gym means absolutely nothing. Lets see how you can go in an actual basketball game with all the pressure that comes with that and of course with a defender in your face trying to block your shot. As Chong Li from Bloodsport said "Brick not hit back".

Withers was signed to be our secondary import and has shown more than Ramone Moore ever did who was a true third import. Unfortunately Hannahs was signed to be out star import and clearly he's really a second string import.

Reply #883166 | Report this post

Two years ago

But he will play their next game.

Reply #883167 | Report this post

Breaking BBC  
Two years ago

According to some popular Philippines based news providers, word of McCarron's absence has resulted in strong expectations Kai "the real unicorn" Sotto will be elevated to the starting point guard position this Friday night against the Jackjumpers.

When sharing their thoughts on the most famous Filipino big man since former national treasure Andray Blatche, Sotto's fans appeared to be keeping their excitement in check while remaining quietly optimistic.

When asked whether he was excited by the possibility of Sotto getting the opportunity to display is under-appreciated talents, a Sotto fan going by the name Roger Kikitsasofbitcha Pogoy said "most people didn't realise at the time that Jesus walked amongst them, the same can be said of Australian basketball fans"

Roger added further he was going to "remaining realistic" and acknowledged that although the Australian National Basketball competition was not as strong as the PBA, it was still "no Cupp Keyk league"

Reply #883171 | Report this post

Two years ago

This is Kai Sotto's chance to play the point centre role he is capable of. Kai has a basketball IQ and passing game on the level of Jokic. Surely with McCarron out CJ will put the reigns of the offense on the young Filipino phenom.

Reply #883173 | Report this post

Two years ago

And if it had happened LAST week, Hannah's would have finally had his chance to get lots of minutes and to show what he was capable of. Sixers management would still have had the chance to ditch his contract if he truly wasn’t up to it. Now, it would be too expensive to ditch him, as I understand it.
Anyway, now Sixers fans get the chance to see how critical Mitch is - or not - to the team.

What a difference a week makes.

Reply #883174 | Report this post

Two years ago

if only JVG could be a (permanent) out with Covid

Reply #883176 | Report this post

Two years ago

This is a big out for the team.

We really need to win this because the next one is Melbourne United.

If we lose both that really drops us down the ladder at the moment it looks like there is only one realistic spot in the Top Four for the finals aspirants.

As for Hannahs, do we want to push him to the starting line up as the PG?

We (now) know he is not a creator, we need to create for him.

What about finally giving Duffelmeier a good run?

At Cairns he was playing well when getting minutes.

Boti has listed Adelaide and Tasmania as the teams with the 2 worse imports in the league.

I think that is unfair .

Reply #883177 | Report this post

Two years ago

Who is worse than Hannahs, Withers or McIntosh and Adams. Margette might lift the JJ's imports above Adelaide but there is a reasonable gap then to probably the Breakers trio.

Reply #883181 | Report this post

Two years ago

The JJ's imports are the worst in the league but clearly in Year 1 they're doing things on the cheap and will probably try and make a splash big name FA signing next season.

Although Hannahs hasn't been much Withers has been decent and I would have the Taipans imports worse than the Breakers. For NZB Martin has been their best player, Siva has been okay and Besson has shown flashes he's more a second Next Star really than a third import.

The problems for NZB are roster construction (Walsh), the ordinary coaching and under-performing local players. Abercrombie has been out injured all season, Rob Loe seemingly put the cue in the rack when Walsh gave him that 3 year deal, WMW is pure unadulterated hype, Delany has dropped off and Galloway and Davidson don't deserve roster spots.

Reply #883182 | Report this post

Two years ago

I knew I forgot someone Ousmane Dieng has been abysmal.

Reply #883183 | Report this post

Two years ago

I keep watching Withers closely but apart from him being a reasonable defender I fail to see what else he actually does well. Very poor rebounding stats, mediocre perimeter game and does very little off the dribble either.

He sort of looks like there is something to offer but never produces much.

Does not look like a high IQ type either.

Reply #883184 | Report this post

Two years ago

Agree Dieng looks lost. Deer in headlights stuff but he is still very young.

Reply #883186 | Report this post

Two years ago

This is when we realise Sunday can play the best D and run the point all game. The money on Money making Mitch could have been better spent in the import domain

Reply #883187 | Report this post

Two years ago

I think that's a bit unfair on Withers he's hardly a world beater but his numbers are quite decent.

Withers - 10.6 ppg @ 46.9% (38.2% 3p), 5.1 rpg

Reply #883188 | Report this post

Two years ago

Perhaps due to the Sixers track record of signing dud imports they thought the money would be better spent on a known quantity like McCarron. That's no defence of it just assuming the rationale. JVG does have a particularly bad track record with imports especially in recent years.

Reply #883189 | Report this post

Two years ago

out of interest, who was the last decent import JVG bought into the league? certainly nothing remotely acceptable since he's been at Adelaide

Reply #883191 | Report this post

Two years ago

I think that is a fair reasoning Zodiac.

Strong local contingency with good / decent complimentary imports.

That plan has merit, who wouldn't want McCarron, DJ and Humphries (fully fit) as the core of their team.

Reply #883192 | Report this post

Two years ago

McCarron really cashed in on United's success. He was good for them, not great, but now he is making great money. Would have liked to have seen the money go to a scoring PG import and Sunday be the 3 and D starter.
DJ may have some good scoring nights, but his body language really reflects badly on someone who should be a leader. CH was right, bench him, if he walks let it happen. I was on the fence about Humphries productivity when he signed vs his salary, but he has certainly exceeded it. But the guy can't stay on the court.
As for the imports, they simply are second rate in this league. Dusty might get hot on a given night, but we need a consistent scorer that can create his own shot.
Bairstow was low risk and high reward, depending how his body lasts the rest of the season he should pick up a decent contract, but knowing Adelaide they'll probably overpay.
CJ will improve, but ATM is out of his depth. Maybe ok with a club like Cairns with low budget and expectations, but I'd rather have Cal on the sidelines.
One question I have is does Kelly have any clue or is just being fed bullshit. Not sure if it's allowed, but spectators should flood home games with Sack JFG signs and show the displeasure.

Reply #883194 | Report this post

Two years ago

Zodiac. Those figures surprised me. I was just going by my impression from watching every game and they certainly show he has done reasonably well.

Reply #883198 | Report this post

Two years ago

Great call on the sack JVG signs! That's one thing that would get me back to a game!

Reply #883204 | Report this post

Two years ago

CJ inherited this side. How long will it take for him to have control of player selections rather then JVG is the question.

Reply #883217 | Report this post

Two years ago

JVG is an owner.

There's no sacking those

Reply #883218 | Report this post

Two years ago

I reckon Ramone Moore first season with us was a superior player to Withers. Comfortably.

Reply #883221 | Report this post

Two years ago

Why does everyone bag the 6ers. They are the reigning preseason com winners. Surely that's what it all about!

Reply #883291 | Report this post

Two years ago

Larry helping the JJ's trying to get them more wins.

Reply #883296 | Report this post

Two years ago

Who is the back up point guard for Adelaide? Will CJ run the offense through Kai Sotto?

Reply #883297 | Report this post

Two years ago

McCarron sorely missed

Reply #883353 | Report this post

Two years ago


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