Two years ago

Sixers @ Jackjumpers - Fri 28th Jan

Bit of a nothing game so far. Filos will be happy as Sotto has been showing a little more.

Do the Jacks have four assistants on the bench?

Topic #49687 | Report this topic

Two years ago

Kai Sotto dominant 7pt first half.

Reply #883311 | Report this post

Two years ago

Does Hannah know what a pass is

Reply #883312 | Report this post

Two years ago


Reply #883313 | Report this post

Two years ago

Bairstow, Hannahs and Magnay have looked okay, but otherwise ... meh.

The number of missed foul shots, turnovers and over-thinking by JJs has made it a pretty disappointing game for me.

Reply #883314 | Report this post

Two years ago

The biggest mysteries of the first half.

For the 6ers. Who wasn't paying attention?

For the JJ's. HTF can Magnay only get one rebound while Bair gets 8.

Reply #883315 | Report this post

Two years ago

Mcveigh and Krislovic are terrible.

Reply #883316 | Report this post

Two years ago

The ball certainly doesn't move when Hannahs has it.

Reply #883318 | Report this post

Two years ago

McIntosh is terrible

Reply #883319 | Report this post

Two years ago

How come Hannah's wasn’t sent home when they went through Sydney airport during the week

Reply #883320 | Report this post

Two years ago

CJ can't coach, JVG can’t recruit

Reply #883321 | Report this post

Two years ago

This 2nd unit for Tassie is just horrible. Too many scrubs on at the same time.

Reply #883322 | Report this post

Two years ago

Such a low quality game. These are easily the 2 worst teams in the league.

Reply #883323 | Report this post

Two years ago

King you can't play, he reminds me of a more erratic Exum. Duffman looks our best pg for mine, simple but secure plays for the most part.

Reply #883324 | Report this post

Two years ago

Surely we cannot lose to this Tassie team.

Reply #883327 | Report this post

Two years ago

Does either team deserve to win?

Reply #883328 | Report this post

Two years ago

DJ $%&#

Reply #883329 | Report this post

Two years ago

How did Dusty lose Matt Kenyon?

Reply #883330 | Report this post

Two years ago

Why is Hynum Harris getting crunch time mins above King?

Reply #883331 | Report this post

Two years ago

Not fouling? What the??

Reply #883332 | Report this post

Two years ago

Horrible and chaotic last couple of minutes from Adelaide, yowzers.

Reply #883333 | Report this post

Two years ago

We are such a bad team. No heart, no iq, no team boards, stagnant O. Why do we continue to watch.

Reply #883334 | Report this post

Two years ago

This is amazing.

Reply #883335 | Report this post

Two years ago

What was Hannahs doing there. Wow.

Reply #883336 | Report this post

Two years ago

Comfortably dispensing with the Wildcats, then going down to the JJ's

Reply #883337 | Report this post

Two years ago

What a shithouse final play from Sixers. OMG

Reply #883338 | Report this post

Two years ago

Bairstow doesn't deserve to have to play every week with this rabble.

Reply #883339 | Report this post

Two years ago

Love Scott Roth.

Reply #883340 | Report this post

Two years ago

Yeah, good stuff from Roth. Fire up.

Reply #883341 | Report this post

Two years ago

Say whatever you want about the talent but there's no disputing how hard Tassie play. They really wanted that win today, on ya Roth.

Reply #883342 | Report this post

Two years ago

Absolute disgrace.

Reply #883343 | Report this post

Two years ago

Is Hannahs daring them to send him home?

Reply #883344 | Report this post

Two years ago

Do we credit JjJs for taking the inside game away from 6s or a 6s just dumb

Reply #883345 | Report this post

Two years ago

Did we bet against ourselves in this game? Tassie is just horrible, how do you lose against that.

Reply #883346 | Report this post

Two years ago

Johnson horrible, Dech, worse and there your senior players. I think CJ will be ok, he needs time and pick his team. Get rid of their imports.
JJs going no where, bench absolute no good, starters other than Magnay average.
Terrible spectacle, rosters should go back to ten players, get imports better than what was on show tonight on both sides.

Reply #883347 | Report this post

Two years ago

"how do you lose against that."

Giving the opponents 20 more shots by turning the ball over 24 times to 10 will do that, I guess.

Reply #883348 | Report this post

Two years ago

What a turd of a finish if you were barracking for Adelaide. Dusty must've taken a knock to the head because it appears he thought he was Steph Curry pulling up for a three against OKC in 2016.

DJ leading the negative for the Sixers again on +/-.

At least the Jacks earned a win in front of their home crowd.

Reply #883349 | Report this post

Two years ago

Adelaide are now 0-4 since Kai Sotto came into the rotation. I think they should really consider putting him on the next boat to the Philippines.

Reply #883350 | Report this post

Two years ago

Even when Hannahs makes the shot it's not good when he forces it. Messes up team play.

Reply #883351 | Report this post

Two years ago

Maybe better to put DJ than Kai on he next boat to the Philippines. Has the man lost his interest in the game or the team? DJ had a shocker tonight again and is making worse decisions than Kai lately with hardly any efforts on neither D or offence.

Reply #883352 | Report this post

Two years ago

Hannahs destroyed team play.

Reply #883355 | Report this post

Two years ago

Kai would probably require a high cube sea container, so purely from a shipping costs perspective you'd save money by sending DJ

Reply #883356 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sixers fans weee crowing and woofing about the finals after a few meaningless preseason games

Reply #883357 | Report this post

Two years ago

DJ clearly has the sooks. Welcome to the big mans shoes CJ, good luck meshing all these egos.

His Dad reckons he's all in but he has to last this season first...

Reply #883363 | Report this post

Two years ago

Fire Bruton,

Tassie need to cut multiple contracts, maybe up to 7 for next year.

Reply #883364 | Report this post

Titan 94  
Two years ago

I can see it now;

JVG is stroking Kelly's ego, telling him how angry he is with everything happening with them team. He just needs a better import - a few more dollars after we have spent this much already, what’s the risk in spending a few more.

Kelly, if you are reading, do it. You might as well. And who knows, you might actually make everyone love you by doing it. JVG isn’t taking you for a ride at all - you aren’t helping him pay for his Maserati. It really is lucky you hired him when you did - imagine where we would be with out him!

I bet he has a great plan to bring in a third import - was probably his plan all along!

Reply #883365 | Report this post

Two years ago

LK ensures that the JJ's get the W. How is it that McCarron can be out with COVID and none of his team mates etc are deemed close contacts. What a joke.

Reply #883367 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Two years ago

I got the impression of Withers being the one not paying attention.
Anyways, he played terribly..

Reply #883368 | Report this post

Two years ago

McCarron was out because he was deemed a close contact, not because he has COVID. It could have been a family member and not someone associated with the 6ers. And further LK doesn't make the COVID rules the government does so go speak to Marshall

Reply #883369 | Report this post

Two years ago

Roth was acting like he just won back to back premierships, he does realise he only beat Sixers with out Mccaron.

Reply #883370 | Report this post

Two years ago

Surely when they get the next import jvg will need to foot part of the bill as the part owner he always spruiks he is.

Reply #883374 | Report this post

Two years ago

As a minority owner, surely he can be removed from his job by the majority owner. He can still own part of the team, just won't be an employee. That would seem the logical way to get rid of him.
But people need to vote with feet. Even if you already have tickets, a boycott should happen at a game coming up to show displeasure. In fact, who would even want to watch this crap anyway.

Reply #883375 | Report this post

Two years ago

Ahh, JVG you have done it again. Lmao.::::)))))(

Reply #883376 | Report this post

Two years ago

Having slept on the loss I think CJ deserves a bit of Grace. He was after all missing his 2 most important locals, any team would struggle with that scenario.

What is disheartening is the way we lost.

There wass no urgency on defence and especially the defensive boards in that 4th quarter.

We really needed Withers and DJ to step up.

Other grating aspects are the low IQ plays at the end like Dusty's long shot and not fouling straight away once the shot clock turned off.

Reply #883380 | Report this post

Two years ago

Also can we just drill passing and entry post passes for the whole week. We don't respect the ball at all, and when we have a clear advantage in the post no one is capable of throwing the ball down low.

Reply #883383 | Report this post

Two years ago

"Roth was acting like he just won back to back premierships, he does realise he only beat Sixers with out Mccaron."

As Tassie has almost no NBL quality players Roth should be excited. Win was because of defensive endeavour and non offensive players scoring the basket when it mattered. (McDaniel and Kenyon etc).

Suggested comeback chant from the Adelaide supporters to Roth would be: "You're nothing special we lose every week!"

Reply #883386 | Report this post

Two years ago

It is a minor miracle if Roth can get any wins In this league with the quality of some of the local players. There is easily 5 to 7 that should not really be on NBL rosters.

Reply #883390 | Report this post

Two years ago

Didn't watch the game but was Hannahs rushed going for the two-for-one? Shot was at 0:29, down three. They did get a board and another attempt at 0:25, but JJ control wasn't until 0:21.

Magnay rebound at 0:21 and no foul until 0:09.

Reply #883391 | Report this post

Bertie Bixer  
Two years ago


Reply #883393 | Report this post

Two years ago

Last couple of comments show how valuable McCarron really is. DJ only had 7 FGAs and 5 FTAs, Dech had zero ASTs and the Duf had 2. And both PGs fouled out.

How long is IH expected to be out? With their current ladder position at 9th, do they kiss this season goodbye and keep IH out till he is fully healthy or play him early, with enough time to make the finals and risk his health for the sake of it (making the finals)?

Adelaide has 7 very good players. Sotto, Humphries, Johnson, Bairstow, Dech, McCarron and Hannahs (roughly big to little). Sotto will more than likely be gone to bigger and better and Hannahs and Withers need to be replaced. The support is barely ok. Dufelmeier and Harris worth keeping, the rest hardly matter.

So, (a healthy) Humphries, Johnson, Bairstow, Dech, McCarron, Dufelmeier and Harris with 2 (or 3) new imports, and another SRP, a HC with his debut year out of the way, and they could be good, next year.

6er's in 2022/23 season?

Reply #883394 | Report this post

Two years ago

Humphries is always injured, Johnson is Johnson, not seen when really needed, Dech s so hot and cold, defensively yesterday he was beaten easily, Bairstow has been great, give Dufelmeir and Harris more time and get them ready, play Mccaron at 1-2 to get Dufelmeir more time. Get a few decent imports.

Reply #883395 | Report this post

Two years ago

Dufelmeir is an NBL1 player. Even last season on a losing taipans side he still shot terribly and turned it over. Another poor signing. No wonder cairns passed on him

Reply #883397 | Report this post

Two years ago

Despair for the Adelaide faithful. Look forward to 2023 being the same as history repeats repeats repeats.

Reply #883398 | Report this post

Two years ago

"And further LK doesn't make the COVID rules the government does so go speak to Marshall"
LK makes his own rules and somehow McCarron is playing tomorrow. How is that even possible.

Reply #883399 | Report this post

Two years ago

Plenty of people have been released from isolation early after only being a close contact prior to their 7 days.

Reply #883401 | Report this post

Two years ago

Good win JJ's, kudos to the intensity of players and coaching of Roth and staff.

Reply #883403 | Report this post

Two years ago

Last couple of comments show how valuable McCarron really is.

McCarron gets dismissed as the expensive guy that gets stats but nothing else.

He is more than that, he does facilitate the offence amongst many other things.

He is not Phil Smyth but he is a capable PG.

How long is IH expected to be out? With their current ladder position at 9th, do they kiss this season goodbye and keep IH out till he is fully healthy or play him early, with enough time to make the finals and risk his health for the sake of it (making the finals)?

Last week he was going to be out 3 weeks, so if we are lucky we get him back the round after next, otherwise the round after that.

I don't mind riding Humphries hard to the edge of breaking, I don't want him back next year, use him for as much as possible, if he breaks he is another team's problem next year.

This season isn't lost by a long shot.

The Wildcats actually did us a favour by beating ILL twice at Illawarra.

ILL are just one game about .500 so they are within reach, but we cannot afford to fall much further behind. We will probably lose against United but need to pull our heads in after that.

Adelaide has 7 very good players. Sotto,

I would normally laugh but Sotto has been decent when given minutes.

Reply #883404 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sotto is easily one of the worst defensive players in the league.

Reply #883406 | Report this post

Two years ago

Pinder doing very well for Cairns, Sixers fans must weep. His rebounding and defence has been great.

Reply #883407 | Report this post

Two years ago

Pinder was horrible in his season with the sixers. Looks like a different player now.

Reply #883409 | Report this post

Two years ago

He's playing better than Zimmerman, some of the imports in nbl are horrible.

Reply #883412 | Report this post

Two years ago

FFS, players aren't racehorses that you can push to the brink of serious and potential career threatening injury. His own medical team would be all over that. And if Sixers management try to push it, that'll be another black eye in the way they treat players.

Reply #883413 | Report this post

Two years ago

Let's hope Sixers got clauses in his contract then, you can’t pay 450k a season for no out put.

Reply #883415 | Report this post

Two years ago

NBL teams can't pay big money for the best quality imports. That's why scrubs like Hannahs, Withers, McIntosh and Zimmerman play in this league.

Reply #883417 | Report this post

Two years ago

Kelly has backed the wrong horse in JVG. Clearly didn't reference check him.

Reply #883436 | Report this post

Two years ago

"Good win JJ's, kudos to the intensity of players and coaching of Roth and staff."
I pissed myself laughing today when I looked at the stats. Surely it's not that difficult to spell the coach's name correctly? On the web site it said Coach Ruth. He celebrated like they had won the GF. Commendable indeed, but in reality it was equal 2nd bottom Vs equal 2nd bottom. Tomorrow will be an interesting game. Breakers $1.56 favourites.

Reply #883441 | Report this post

Two years ago

Me heart is bleeding. Just watched replay not knowing the my beloved sixers use sanitiser on hands at every opportunity because I got no ideal how such many turnovers can occur..seeming like all confidence in spotting up openly guys just been pissed on the wall... slick ball handlers area almost non-existent in the team.. own worst can this be so wide spread across the group.often nil pressure just brain faarts.. really stinky..

Reply #883445 | Report this post

Two years ago

Clearly under the affluence of inkahol

Reply #883446 | Report this post

Two years ago

One ball hog may mess up the entire team. He doesn't pass when he should, and in turn his teammates don’t want to pass to him when they should. No team chemistry except in spots. Dusty Hannahs not good enough to be as selfish as he is.

Reply #883447 | Report this post

Two years ago

Dech a good 3 shooter. Not given set ups

Reply #883448 | Report this post

Two years ago

Inkkahol lol... think you need to spell check dude.... was about to add the perviso that one player seems to sticky sanitiser on hands because just sticks...very disfinctional group.. one massive error was getting rid of teys white even dillion because there no natural leader on's very iso into.. but if 2 best 2 players out MM and IH really do create mismatch of rotations...affecting DJ massively..what this group be like if Josg Giddey was still the no semblance of last fact no balance

Reply #883450 | Report this post

Two years ago

You need to get the joke dude.... wasted on you.

Reply #883453 | Report this post

Two years ago

Watch the replay of the jack jumpers game from Friday Night yes its scrappy but that's how they grind out wins they place so
Much pressure on opposing teams they turnover the ball so many times,

Pleasing to see with the jack jumpers win was capt sendl was quite,

Adams needs to keep driving to the net looks really good when he does ,

Kenyon played done a great job starting Friday night

Like to see Macintosh. Start to day against breakers

And see how McVeigh goes coming off the bench

Reply #883463 | Report this post

Two years ago

Roth picked this team and said would make finals, to now say he is allowed to go nuts in celebration because of a win against Adelaide defies logic. It is his side and I'm expecting what he told everyone he’d achieve, finals.

Reply #883464 | Report this post

Two years ago

"I'm expecting what he told everyone he'd achieve, finals." You sir are deluded.

Reply #883469 | Report this post

Two years ago

Anon 469, anon 464 is fishing ie having a crack at Roth.

No doubt JJ's in their first-year lack offensive talent however they play damn hard. Yep Roth owns the team selection it is on his shoulders, that is obvious.

Reply #883471 | Report this post

Two years ago

keep thinking 36ers have reached their low, then they go lower - wooden spoon definitely a real chance - have we ever finished last?

Reply #883473 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Two years ago

From memory, Coach Ninnis got our first wooden spoon.
Then, Coach Marty Clarke got a couple, I think.

Reply #883476 | Report this post

Two years ago

I so want to punch you Hermann because you are a pathetic little troll.

Reply #883477 | Report this post

Two years ago

It doesn't matter to some how many games Roth wins because Stewie didn't get a gig with the club. Those type of people are punchable.

Reply #883478 | Report this post

Two years ago

Perthworld....yup no doubt there are few out there that know better.

Reply #883479 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sixers looking good when Hannahs not playing

Reply #883501 | Report this post

Two years ago

Bad call the 2nd Bairstow moving pick

Reply #883516 | Report this post

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