Two years ago

Wildcats @ Phoenix, Feb 26

Go Cats Go!

Topic #49785 | Report this topic

Two years ago

All eyes on ScoMo.

Reply #885986 | Report this post

Two years ago

I think john casey needs new glasses

Reply #885987 | Report this post

Two years ago

Nothing but the bottom of the net

....after bobbling around and touching every part of the rim

Reply #885988 | Report this post

Two years ago

"And1" ..when the shot didn't even hit the rim

Reply #885989 | Report this post

Two years ago

It's a close battle but Frazier has edged slightly ahead of the shot clock in who is going better tonight

Reply #885990 | Report this post

Two years ago

He's been talking crap for years. The most common one is "the crowd’s on their feet", when most of the time people in the background are sitting quite happily.

Reply #885991 | Report this post

Another Anon  
Two years ago

Jack will be rolling in his new grave. How can an offensive juggernaut add Law and struggle to score?

Reply #885992 | Report this post

Two years ago

This is excruciating to watch. Playing small ball and yet no ball movement stagnant half court offense watching Law hog the ball as usual. I hope its due to fatigue and they'll get their shit together when back in perth. SEM playing well but it looks way too easy!

Reply #885995 | Report this post

Two years ago

Smelly cats
Smelllly cats
they feeding you?

Reply #885996 | Report this post

Two years ago

Now I've always been a Gleeson fan, though at times his moaning really pissed me off, but his coaching was elite. I can’t remember Perth being this unorganised.

Reply #885997 | Report this post

Two years ago

Simon Mitchell is the worse out-of-timeout coach. That was what they wanted to run?

Reply #885998 | Report this post

Two years ago

Is Travers injured?

Reply #885999 | Report this post

Two years ago

Again cats settling for low percentage contested threes when the game is on the line. Put some heat on the god damn rim!

Reply #886000 | Report this post

Two years ago

These slow starts are baffling.

Reply #886001 | Report this post

Two years ago

This time its Blanchfield going for the hero ball. They are not playing very smart down the stretch

Reply #886002 | Report this post

Two years ago

Ninth game in a row to be down early by at least ten points.

Reply #886003 | Report this post

Two years ago

Morrison needs to go.

Reply #886004 | Report this post

Two years ago

Think they just want to get home and same as the breakers.

That's 3 on the trot and playing tassie on Monday

Bevo be handy at this point, got enough talent just a average coach thinking it’s nba

Reply #886005 | Report this post

Two years ago

They've been like this all season. Did they want to go home during their five game home stand?

Reply #886007 | Report this post

Two years ago

Perth starting to lose their aura, sides now think they can win, even though phoenix nearly choked.

Reply #886008 | Report this post

Two years ago

Where is the "wildcats basketball" they've been known for? In half a season their DNA their aura is gone. Great job Scomo!

Reply #886009 | Report this post

Two years ago

Cats look terrible. Easy beats to score on. poor offensive structure , one on one ball. Games are horrible to watch. poor decision making in close matches.

Just dont like the old cats we know.

Playing like this not sure home court will save them. Definately could slip out of the top 4.

Coach struggling , Frazier should already be on a plane.

Reply #886010 | Report this post

Two years ago

ScoMos got no idea what he's doing, deer in headlights.

Reply #886011 | Report this post

Two years ago

Everyone's got an opinion on the exact source of the Cats' woes, and it's probably a mix of them all. I agree that ScoMo's game plan is way too iso-based. Works well for stretches and we do have the highest-scoring offense, but it definitely comes back to bite us in the ass at the pointy end of games when Cotton/Law are gassed and end up settling for contested threes in tied or close-deficit situations because they've run out of juice to shake their man or create decent separation. He tried moving Law to the 4 but that didn't really work. Frazier has the unenviable third import slot in which the public always seem to expect a stud and are inevitably disappointed when they turn out to be a role player. Yes, he's underperforming, but I'm not even sure that replacing him with a big-bodied, defensive-minded 4 to crash the boards is going to completely turn things around. It would probably help. Also, who knows exactly how much impact being away from home is having. We may turn it around when we get back home.

Reply #886012 | Report this post

Two years ago

Unfortunately for Michael frasier he's having trouble actually handling the ball and even dribbling as he has lost the handle many times with no pressure .
As for Scott Morrison well he was an assistant for an nba club well so what there are plenty of good coaches in Australia.
Also there is a lot of dead wood in the wildcats squad and no consistency from the bench .
And let's look at the combination of cotton and law , I'm not sure there's the love I saw with cotton and terrico white and cotton and mooney .
Heck terrico copped a bit of flack at the end and I tell you what I'd have him back tomorrow.

Reply #886014 | Report this post

Two years ago

Maybe bring back jp tokoto and Derek Cooke at least we will get dunks rebounds

Reply #886015 | Report this post

Two years ago

8-6 with a stack of home games coming is hardly worthy of some of the angst being displayed here.
I'm sure Perth, sadly, will be there at the business end.

Reply #886018 | Report this post

Two years ago

Play Travers instead of Frasier, such a waste of talent and he's bench sitting. He should start, looks like his down on confidence due the coach. It’s the non stats stuff he so good at and cats need that urgently.

Reply #886020 | Report this post

Two years ago

Shano wildcats supporters are always thinking what's needed to win the championship. Being thereabouts in the top four isn't good enough.

I really feel like their strategy coming into this season was expecting cottons citizenship to be sorted by now in which case Frazier would still be a handy player coming off the bench.

Reply #886027 | Report this post

A narrow loss away to one of the top teams. Cotton having a poor night. Travers obviously somewhat injured or ill.

Not really cause for the alarm shown by many on here.

Reply #886029 | Report this post

Two years ago

Play Travers instead of Frasier

Travers was a late inclusion yesterday, had two very brief appearances, and then wasn't seen after half time, so I think that one is out of ScoMo's hands atm unfortunately.

Reply #886031 | Report this post

Two years ago

I'd like to see Travers get a bit of Mitch Creek Mongrel aggression.

Reply #886036 | Report this post

Two years ago

Yeah because nine games in a row being down by double digits isn't a concerning trend.

Reply #886045 | Report this post

Big Fudge  
Two years ago

Shano - to put it in comparison United have played the same amount of home games as Perth, they are 7 and 2 on the road whilst Perth are 4-5... sure Melbourne get to go home between the away games so there's that, but Perth dont look good (with exception to the hot patches where Cotton / Law cant miss).

The constant double digit deficits they are experiencing has been happening too long with no signs of it being fixed. The ISO style of basketball also is hurting them down the stretch when the legs are tired.

I also dont think Law/Cotton are the Batman and Robin they thought they were at the start of the season, Law seems to want to be the guy too much. Terrico as an example never had a problem being the second fiddle.

Reply #886139 | Report this post

Big Fudge  
Two years ago

** sorry United have played same amount of away games ** in regards to my above post.

Reply #886141 | Report this post

Two years ago

Second fiddle exactly, that's why I want to see travers get more time, the little things you don’t get stats for but are so important, Gleeson always had players do this.

Reply #886142 | Report this post

Big Fudge  
Two years ago

Dunkman - only problem however is Gleeson also had the defensive schemes in place so guys who arent so offensively gifted could play that court time.

Reply #886144 | Report this post

Two years ago

Word is from Liam Santamaria on 91.3 sports breakfast that cats have been looking at both import and australian options to beef up the front court. I wonder if they are struggling to find the right candidate at the right price.

Suspect time is running out to make a change, with this line up its probably more a case to be happy with making the finals and really look to next year for a more serious tilt at a championship.

I am genuinely concerned finals wont be a sure thing, JJ game awaits...

Reply #886146 | Report this post

Big Fudge  
Two years ago

Only positive is Kings and Hawks have yet to play many away games, but I am kind of in agreement that this season it would be good to just finish in the 4 and look to next season. I wonder if Scomo will be a 1 and done situation also?

Reply #886147 | Report this post

Two years ago

He'll damn sure be a one-and-done if he can't get the Cats into the playoffs this season.

Plenty of time to turn the slide around if he is good enough though.
Cats might not have the ideal balance of talent with positions but we're still a solid collection of players that should be winning plenty of home games if we're healthy.

Reply #886161 | Report this post

Big Fudge  
Two years ago

Oh without doubt, to be the coach that fails to get us in the 4 you would be chased out the country.

Law as good of a individual player he is I dont think will be at the club next season... If he can learn to be the 2nd option though then he would be a great fit alongside Cotton.

Reply #886162 | Report this post

Two years ago

He who dare right off the wily wildcat is likely to be right off.... bring back the sixer wildcat days of intensity...both not in the top four be diabolically out of realm of reality..

Reply #886164 | Report this post

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