Two years ago

36ers vs Wildcats, March 6th

Hodgson out with a calf injury. Majok into the starting 5.
White also out indefinitely as per the thread earlier in the week.

Norton back in, and will start. Zunic also back in.

Topic #49818 | Report this topic

Two years ago

What a double header we have this morning.

Coach K sendoff followed by this rivalry.

Reply #886519 | Report this post

Two years ago

Kai Sotto is going to make his first official NBL start. I expect him to get 20pts 10rebs 5blks.

Reply #886520 | Report this post

Two years ago

Kai with NBA moves.

Reply #886521 | Report this post

Two years ago

Less than 3 minutes into the game Sixers already down by double figures.

Reply #886522 | Report this post

Two years ago

Trust the Sixers to make the worst first quarter team in the league into beasts.

Reply #886523 | Report this post

Two years ago

Keep leaving Toddy B wide open pls.

Reply #886524 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sixers making ScoMo look like Coach K.

Reply #886525 | Report this post

Two years ago

Ok you can guard him now. It doesn't even matter.

Reply #886526 | Report this post

Two years ago

Toddy going for fiddy.

Reply #886527 | Report this post

Two years ago

Once Perth cut Frazier they're automatically title favorites.

Reply #886528 | Report this post

Two years ago

It was mentioned that the team are -48 with Frazier on court and +52 when on the bench. That's nasty.

Reply #886529 | Report this post

Two years ago

Man how terrible has Travers been.

Reply #886530 | Report this post

Two years ago

Yeah, Travers trying too hard to be impactful like at the start of the season.

Reply #886531 | Report this post

Two years ago

We're only down by 16 at the half better than being down 20!

Reply #886532 | Report this post

Two years ago

Imagine if Perth'had a third import.

Sixers hanging on due to great rebounding and Perth turnovers.

Reply #886533 | Report this post

Two years ago

Man how terrible has Travers been.

NBA scout in the building.

Reply #886534 | Report this post

Two years ago

Why do defenders still, after all these years, keep jumping at Cotton front-on when he is taking threes??? It's bizarre to me.

Reply #886536 | Report this post

Two years ago

Kai getting splinters and donuts

Reply #886537 | Report this post

Two years ago

How does this league let cotton get murdered off the dribble and off ball?

Reply #886538 | Report this post

Two years ago

Adelaide to request season of away game. Feel cooked by hometown ref appointments

Reply #886539 | Report this post

Uncle Dre  
Two years ago

Just hit another all time low 36ers!

Reply #886540 | Report this post

Two years ago

All hope for Adelaide was lost when Sotto got hurt

Reply #886541 | Report this post

Two years ago

All hope for Adelaide was lost when Soto started.

Reply #886542 | Report this post

Two years ago

All hope for Adelaide was lost when Kelly bought the team.

Reply #886543 | Report this post

Two years ago

Kev, might want to check their away record first!

Reply #886544 | Report this post

Two years ago

If Kelly hadn't bought the team would Adelaide still be in the NBL?

Reply #886545 | Report this post

Two years ago

That's always been the justification for excusing crap 36ers owners of the past. GK (still not allowed to post his name) brought this on himself with what he did to Creek and the club has been in a tailspin ever since.

Reply #886546 | Report this post

Two years ago

Crowd 4,157 all-time low?

Reply #886547 | Report this post

Two years ago

Yeah you can stop with that Creek BS now.

Its rather tiring to revisit old misunderstandings that has no relevance to today.

Reply #886548 | Report this post

Two years ago

Yeah you can stop with that Creek BS now.

No you can stop with your happy-clapping BS.

Its rather tiring to revisit old misunderstandings that has no relevance to today.

Supreme Court filing was a misunderstanding? lol

Reply #886549 | Report this post

Two years ago

Wow Kai Sotto was pathetic. 0 pts, 1 reb, 1 to, 2 fls and -12 +/- in 8 mins.

Reply #886550 | Report this post

Two years ago

Maybe an all time low for the Entertainment centre.
And who'd want to watch this team? They’re horrible to watch. I feel sorry for anyone paying for tickets to watch this crap. They might as well close the club down if we’re not serious about competing for a 5th title.

Reply #886551 | Report this post

Uncle Dre  
Two years ago

The creek thing was the start of the end and Kelly needs to own that. Interesting to see Phil Smyth sitting next to Kelly on the side lines on Friday night. Must make CJ feel pretty secure.

Reply #886552 | Report this post

Two years ago

I'm sure CJ is fine, but the owner should not be sitting right over the coaching staffs shoulder. But I do agree with the creek situation, while it might be a tiring for some it's a definite demarcation point. Spiritually the club changes if nothing else.

Reply #886555 | Report this post

Two years ago

He who must not be named will probably have a big say in how things will be run, he always gets brought in for reviews of any sort. By sheer coincidence the King's brought him in a few years back, no links there, wink wink.
Dufelmeir was good today, but imo taking all those 3s was taking the easy path, think the rot is really setting in. Dusty and Withers had moments, but just the next level of class versus Cotton and Law shows where teams are at. Cotton goes out towards end of third, Sixers make a run, he comes back on and they gain a plus 10 point advantage to snuff that little rally out.
Expecting crowds to dwindle unless they bring a name import in to try and gain respect. Just another wasted season.

Reply #886561 | Report this post

Two years ago

LoveBroker, unfortunately Zodiac can barely go a week without mentioning the Creek situation. He has some sort of issues that he should speak to someone about.

Reply #886565 | Report this post

Two years ago

Well I hope he seeks help sooner rather than later.

Its unhealthy to store something that no longer has any relevance for so long then bring it up on demand.

Its what women do.

Reply #886567 | Report this post

Two years ago

No club in the league should want Creek anyway.

Reply #886572 | Report this post

Two years ago

Others in this thread have pointed out the same thing if you're not able to understand that's on you, LB. Then again you are the same poster who for years has been calling the Taipans a 'trash' club over and over again with seemingly no ability to appreciate their situation yet they've still managed to have more success than the Sixers.

So let's take a loot at things that have happened in the 3 years since the 'misunderstanding' (GK taking Creek to the Supreme Court to try and void his NBA contract).

2017-18 Season: Grand Final followed by the 'misunderstanding'

In those three years up to the beginning of this season we've lost local talent like:

Mitch Creek
Nathan Sobey
Majok Deng
Jack McVeigh
Matt Hodgson
Anthony Drmic
Harry Froling

We've also had 3 different coaches Joey Wright, Connor Henry and CJ Bruton, supposedly numerous CEO's and front office people have arrived and left, we have to massively overpay to attract name players like Humphries and McCarron and fill up our rosters with cast-offs from other clubs and state league players.

Nothing to see here!

Reply #886574 | Report this post

Two years ago

Its what women do.

Reply #886575 | Report this post

Uncle Dre  
Two years ago

Turnover on and off the court has been insane since the creek debacle. And whatever happened to the 'Advisory Board' of a few years back? Are they still intact? Assuming not?

Reply #886576 | Report this post

Two years ago

GK running the Sixers ...selecting the players and paying players at his expense.
Frustrating to watch this season ,I go one more season if no good I give my seats to someone else .

GK thinks it's his job to find and pay players their wage ,he needs to stay away from recruiting players ,since Joey left Sixers are signing rejects plus getting players from Gleague in which wages are not very high.

Humpries gone back to Sydney and still getting paid ,now bairstow injured and possibly sotto,no big men left and GK not bothering to get someone from states ,look at other clubs import gone replaced quickly ,here we seem to all talk and no action in getting replacements for team ,if we got import as soon as IH injured we would have been sitting 5th with some wins over top 4 teams ,but soon we finish 9th .

GK is just putting profit before people ,Sixers have gone downhill since Creek left.
If there was another adelaide team I be supporting that team,come to watch Sixers these days is terrible to watch.

Reply #886577 | Report this post

Two years ago

You weren't the only one to notice that comment Isaac.

This is probably some of the worst basketball I've seen the Sixer's play. Not sure it's on CJ either.

Reply #886578 | Report this post

Two years ago

It's an uninspiring and very unbalanced group, even more with Isaac and Cam out.
I don’t see it with Withers and Hannahs, to me they’re second rate imports. Hannahs can score but little else and can’t hit a 3. Withers, plays some decent d and rebounds ok, but we need more.
Mitch is ok, but more the Mr Fixit type rather than the big dog, superstar.
I actually think we have an ok Aussie base but needed a gun import PG, a long athletic 3 man and a defensive 4/5.
Classic Sixers to stuff around for weeks with the third import. IH has been out a fair while and still no one.
I wouldn’t even bother now. This is a Train wreck and no one player is saving it.

Reply #886580 | Report this post

Two years ago

JVG walking so the end of season result doesn't stick like mud to his name?

Sixers have been a mess since Mike Daws. That's how long fans have suffered. One GF appearance since doesn't cut it.

They've never had it right from the top down. The team doesn't have a chance when off court the organisation has been a shambles that long.

Reply #886582 | Report this post

Two years ago

Again negative negative.....injury to Ice H Cammy B and now sotto...what don't you dudes get...given a fair suck of the sav this season the team be pushing for top 4...easily...but too many fade outs. Been hurt by fate...shots dropped this game and we win.. that's a fact.. that shows team is in ball Park. Cruel lost to kings. Real unavailable.. it's not like everything us roses...sixers just need a good solid run at it pre season and some fair belief and confidence not negative negative if think one man can solve issues or create issues you are crazy.. creek long gone wouldn't add much to group anyway...let's pump up our own

Reply #886586 | Report this post

Two years ago

Is Hermann the new Marcus Camby?

Reply #886589 | Report this post

Two years ago

"sixers just need a good solid run at it pre season"

yeah, like all they need is to win the pre-season competition or something, and then the real season will go great. Hang on...

Reply #886600 | Report this post

Ballin Fan  
Two years ago

Its hard to find positives from the game, but for me,
Starting Kai, an acknowledgement of his improvement all season;
Starting Tad, clear acknowledgement that McCarron's strength and role in the team is not as a pure point guard.
Really liked the fact that Tad broke the zone press twice with an early long cross court chest pass. Both times resulting in a score but also after both scores they called off the press until he was subbed out.

Hoping the third import gets sorted soon.

Reply #886607 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Two years ago

Tad started but then somehow ended up playing the 2/3 as MM ran the point. Tad as a PG is good enough to run the team and allows MM to sit in his more natural role. Sotto starting allows DJ to get to his comfort spots. The team doesnt know how to use its strengths

Also , Hermann suggesting the best Australian in the league wouldn't help the current roster. Dont know if thats a joke or not.

Reply #886608 | Report this post

Two years ago

With JVG out of Sydney they now look great. With 2 seasons of CJ at the helm and in the recruiting mix, we will do better than this.

Reply #886613 | Report this post

Two years ago

Starting Dufelmeir and Sotto is just more of a slap in the face to Hannah's and Withers. Nearly looks like they're trying to get them to quit. Give them credit, they're still cashing their cheques despite it damaging future gigs.
I think most fans are hoping this season is over as soon as possible and see what the post JVG era will be like.
Would try and resign Bairstow to a decent deal, bring in 3 very good imports and let Humphries and maybe DJ walk if he's going to sook about coming off bench. Also bring in an experienced assistant coach. And don't overpay any local FA.

Reply #886620 | Report this post

Two years ago

Nearly looks like they're trying to get them to quit. Give them credit, they're still cashing their cheques despite it damaging future gigs.

I think that's the whole point of moving both of them to the bench gives them a lot less opportunity to shine which hurts their stock for future gigs. Both of our imports are no good anyway and not like either would be in consideration to bring back next season.

Reply #886637 | Report this post

Two years ago

Others in this thread have pointed out the same thing if you're not able to understand that's on you, LB.

I understand just fine the situation, I have said many times the club should not have done it and the whole situation is regrettable. This is not an understanding issue, this is a when are we going to move on issue.

Then again you are the same poster who for years has been calling the Taipans a 'trash' club over and over again with seemingly no ability to appreciate their situation yet they've still managed to have more success than the Sixers.

We don't need to qualify every comment about Cairns with a disclaimer 'They poor'. They have been spooners 2 of the last 3 seasons worse still last season having TWO All NBL players. It would be 3 of 4 years had it not been for New Zealand this year.

In those three years up to the beginning of this season we've lost local talent like:

Mitch Creek
Nathan Sobey
Majok Deng
Jack McVeigh
Matt Hodgson
Anthony Drmic
Harry Froling

Come on we've covered this. You can't have Creek on the list as he is part of the error of judgement.

Sobey was the only loss of that list, all the others you wouldn't want to go into a bidding war for.

Can't believe Harry Froling is actually being listed.

We've also had 3 different coaches Joey Wright, Connor Henry and CJ Bruton, supposedly numerous CEO's and front office people have arrived and left,

But that is not because of the Creek situation. Are you saying we should never have let Wright go? Because I recall Wright getting 'stale' at the club and both parties were glad of the separation. Henry yes was a mistake. We'll have to see with CJ.

we have to massively overpay to attract name players like Humphries and McCarron and fill up our rosters with cast-offs from other clubs and state league players.

Will you also say we massively overpaid for Casper if it comes true?

Reply #886655 | Report this post

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