Vic Wildcat
Two years ago

Scott Morrison leaving Perth Wildcats

A members e mail has gone out announcing Scott Morrison won't be coming back to the Wildcats, citing family reasons.

Topic #50194 | Report this topic

Big Fudge  
Two years ago

Please dont stuff this up by making Mike Kelly the head coach!

Reply #894262 | Report this post

Two years ago

Western Australians managed to turf out 2 scomos this year, impressive effort

Reply #894263 | Report this post

Another Anon  
Two years ago

The dismantling of a dynasty continues.
Financial Controller ( I assume is the CFO) walked out earlier this week to

Reply #894264 | Report this post

Two years ago

Nothing but smooth sailing at the Wildcats atm.

Reply #894265 | Report this post

Two years ago

Bevo please. Just like to see him back coaching.

I tell you WA is the place to be after throwing out two scomo's.

Reply #894266 | Report this post

Two years ago

He came, he saw, he conquered.

Not a good time in the Wildcats history at the moment.

Reply #894268 | Report this post

Two years ago

Excellent news. Was divisive and the fans hated him.

Other leavings recently definitely more concerning however.

Reply #894269 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Was just a terrible bloke, not professional at all.
Family reasons... I call BS.
Probable mutual agreement to part ways with some $$$ added.
Perth don't have to pay 2ndyear contract and Morrison probably has something lined up.

Reply #894270 | Report this post

Herbert Cadbury  
Two years ago

I heard Bevo wasn't going to re-sign with Southland next year through the local gossip mill... Don't want to be seen to be fuelling rumours but would love to see him back in the league, even if it is with Perth...

Reply #894271 | Report this post

Two years ago

Whenever I think of Scott Morrison, I remember the time Sydney were mounting a comeback against Perth by implementing a hard full court press. How does the genius that is ScoMO react? He calls a timeout and takes both Cotton & Norton out to let Kevin White deal with the full court press...

Reply #894272 | Report this post

Two years ago

In a vacuum, OK. Understandable. Along with everything else going on at the club, feels like overcorrecting is going on that could end up swinging things backwards even more so.

Reply #894273 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Two years ago

Perth Wildcats are turning into the modern Adelaide 36ers before our very eyes.

Reply #894275 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sco No Mo

Reply #894276 | Report this post

Two years ago

Few peeps on here should put their hat in the ring

Reply #894277 | Report this post

Big Fudge  
Two years ago

Drexler... you know what, I think I will!

Reply #894278 | Report this post

Two years ago

Kobe and Perthworld haven't posted OMG

Reply #894280 | Report this post

Two years ago

Looks like that Corey Webster signing might've been the straw that broke the camel's back for ScoMo.

Reply #894282 | Report this post

Monday Dech  
Two years ago

"former players privately expressing concerns about the erosion of the Wildcats' culture and direction under new owners Sports Entertainment Group." From Perthnow. Gee didn't see that one coming.
Also in the farewell statement scomo thanks Hutchi and the SEN team "for their extreme support, understanding and efforts." So he had something nice to say about hutchi, unless it was a clause in the financial payout to add this to the statement. So why didn't this all happen back in April. Two months later and all the free agency signings occur and now scomo/Chowdhury/Radich/Georgiu out. Great way to prep for next year. Most of squad is already signed. Better have an ace up the sleeve with the import slot or I smell a stink up for this coming season

Reply #894283 | Report this post

Two years ago

Anyone got Twiggy Forrest's number to by the Wildcats from SEG

Reply #894286 | Report this post

Just a fan  
Two years ago

I think Perth need the old 36ers gm to help them rebuild!

Reply #894287 | Report this post

Two years ago

Next coach needs to be Marty Clarke!

Reply #894289 | Report this post

Two years ago

Perth are following New Zealand's playbook on how to royally mess up an ownership transition of a successful club to trash.

Reply #894290 | Report this post

Two years ago

Bevo is not coaching at present, got hurt I heard and broke a few ribs.

Reply #894292 | Report this post

Big Fudge  
Two years ago

Monday Dech, for some reason when I click the Perthnow link to the article it doesnt come up. Would you be able to provide a copy and paste in here of the article?

Reply #894293 | Report this post

Big Fudge  
Two years ago

Nevermind got it working

Reply #894294 | Report this post

Boba Fett  
Two years ago

"Bevo is not coaching at present, got hurt I heard and broke a few ribs."
A bit more to it than that but I think he will be out for a fair while. In fact he's lucky to be alive by all accounts.

Reply #894298 | Report this post

Two years ago


I'm guessing the old rescheme would have gone after a guy like Shaun Dennis...

New rescheme... Mike Kelly? Matt Flynn?

Reply #894299 | Report this post

Two years ago

Probably a long shot but do you think Goorj would be interested?

Thats probably the only name I would trust to 'right the ship'.

For those saying Bevo, do you recall the days when they would average about high Fifties in point per game?

The game plan was pass the ball around and give it to (Prime) Lisch with 5 seconds left whilst he was being held by Corletto and other defenders.

Reply #894300 | Report this post

Two years ago

Ten News Perth reporting Gleeson "Might" be interested in returning

Reply #894302 | Report this post

Two years ago

Any chance the bendat kids buy it back

Reply #894303 | Report this post

Two years ago

Then they throw Goorj's name in there lol

Reply #894306 | Report this post

Two years ago

Two months later and all the free agency signings occur and now scomo/Chowdhury/Radich/Georgiu out. Great way to prep for next year. Most of squad is already signed. Better have an ace up the sleeve with the import slot or I smell a stink up for this coming season

Exactly, two months completely wasted. Even though it is the correct decision their execution of it was amazingly poor. SEG burned their $8.5mil already after one season playing sports group empire wannabes.

Kiwis how are Otago doing under these clowns?

Reply #894307 | Report this post

Two years ago

Hmm Judd Flavell leaves SEM tonight to persue a HC role

Reply #894308 | Report this post

Two years ago

Trevor is coming back.

Reply #894309 | Report this post

Two years ago

Fact or rumour?

Reply #894311 | Report this post

Two years ago

"For those saying Bevo, do you recall the days when they would average about high Fifties in point per game?"

Over his years at Perth they were the highest scoring team in the league, what are you talking about?

Reply #894315 | Report this post

Two years ago

Goorjian is not in the mix or been mentioned. The Gleeson comeback whispers started a few weeks ago and as of right now nothing is set in stone.

Reply #894317 | Report this post

Two years ago

Dropping like flies. Why would Trev come back to this shit show!

Reply #894319 | Report this post

Two years ago

Its not such a bad thing Morrison is gone now but worrying signs other front office staff have also quit in the same week.

Obviously people are not happy how SEN are "integrating" this great club into their company. More like dismantling and destroying i say.

Reply #894320 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Imagine if they bring in guy molloy lol.

Reply #894322 | Report this post

Two years ago

if travers gets drafted in the nba ? stashed back to the cats who pays his salary the nba team that drafts him or the cats

Reply #894325 | Report this post

Two years ago

12 News Perth reporting "Craig Hutchison has declared the club will move quickly in returning Challenge Stadium (HBF Stadium) to play all home games.

"We will move quickly. The process starts tomorrow. It will be a thorough but quick process, there will be some considered minds of people making the collective decision, engaging all parts of the club," We want to play in the best stadium in the country” Hutchison said.

“It is important we move forward quickly and with clarity. We will play in the best stadium we possibly can to arm us and the red army for the years ahead.”

“We are in a period of evolution and a period of moving into the next era and play in one of the best stadiums in the world(Challenge Stadium),” he said.

Reply #894326 | Report this post

Two years ago

Next coach will be found thoroughly & quickly.

Gotta be Mike Kelly!!

Reply #894327 | Report this post

Two years ago

Kelly was always brought in as insurance if ScoMo didn't work out I think. He did OK the first season in Cairns when their imports were firing.

Reply #894332 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Very much doubt it's mike Kelly after watching press conference.

Reply #894333 | Report this post

Big Fudge  
Two years ago

The press conference had Scomo mention that he has been weighing up this decision for a couple of months... if thats so a big thank you for waiting until we have signed the majority of the team before you decide to pull the pin, ass hat.

Reply #894336 | Report this post

Two years ago

Yeah, don't let the door hit you in the arse on the way out.

The underlying problem remains is that Hutchy is a grade-A wanker.
And like all wankers he either doesn't realise or doesn't care.

I don't understand how the Wildcats were ever sold to him. I can only think that perhaps Dr Jack wasn't in good shape, and the decision was taken by his executives.

Such an arrangement only works if the wanker has really deep pockets, and Hutchy doesn't. He need the Wildcats to turn a profit.

There's a couple that we have sat behind, ever since moving to the Arena. They stuck it out through Covid, but have now cancelled their memberships, and they're not the only ones.

Sad thing is that it wouldn't be too hard to fix, but it would require that they double-down, and burn some cash to get the team back on track.
Good coach, a marquee local, couple of good imports, and off we go.
But sadly I don't see it happening.

Not a great time to be a sports fan in WA.

Reply #894393 | Report this post

Two years ago

Organisations always give you the option of resigning first before getting sacked so it's probably fair to say ScoMo really got sacked, this late in the off-season is curious timing I would be willing to believe Gleeson perhaps all of a sudden became available.

Reply #894400 | Report this post

Two years ago

There's a couple that we have sat behind, ever since moving to the Arena. They stuck it out through Covid, but have now cancelled their memberships

That seems like overkill on their part.
If I was in their situation I would have just contacted the club and requested to be moved to a different block.

Reply #894401 | Report this post

Two years ago

That would also allow the Wildcats to confidently predict it will be a quick coaching search too.

Reply #894402 | Report this post

Another Anon  
Two years ago

Not a great time to be a sports fan in WA?? Only if you support Cats and Eagles (which I do).
Dockers will finish top 4. Men's cricket won everything, women won WBBL. Fever to host netball final. Even Glory are looking like they've got a rebuild on track for the new season. Force improving every year as well.

Plenty to like about WA sport.

Reply #894424 | Report this post

Two years ago

Hutchy on Twitter claiming that Morrison did well "with the toughest hand ever dealt to an NBL coach". I would pay actual money to put him in a room with Dan Shamir and show Shamir that tweet.

Reply #894434 | Report this post

Two years ago

Hutchy's just defending the coach he signed that presided over the Wildcats 35 year playoff streak ending.

Reply #894442 | Report this post

Two years ago

"Dockers will finish top 4"

Yeah, and the place down the road has a 2 for one sale on bags of manure. What's your point.

"women won WBBL. Fever to host netball final. Even Glory are looking like they've got a rebuild on track for the new season. Force improving every year as well."

and for all I know, we won the national Baton-Twirling championship also. Who gives a fuck?

Don't get me wrong, the resurgence in our Cricket is very welcome. I used to love watching the Sheffield Shield as a kid, and it's great to see us finally winning again. But it's not much of a spectator sport for me.

I'm finally on a roster where I can watch all the footy games, and most of the NBL ones. Royals and Eagles are in a massive slump, and the Cats are imploding.

Think I'll go buy a Powerball ticket.

Reply #894444 | Report this post

Two years ago

Who cares he's going? I don't rate the bloke.

Reply #894446 | Report this post

Two years ago

I don't understand how the Wildcats were ever sold to him. I can only think that perhaps Dr Jack wasn't in good shape, and the decision was taken by his executives.

The other potential ownership groups were even bigger duds, it's why the sale was delayed for so long in the hope that something better would eventuate. Ultimately SEG were the best of a pathetic bunch - you can't sell to a good buyer if there aren't any interested.

Reply #894493 | Report this post

Boba Fett  
Two years ago

Then don't sell.

Reply #894498 | Report this post

Two years ago

"Sad thing is that it wouldn't be too hard to fix"

Correct. Missing the playoffs by one game after a bad year with injury is not too hard to fix.

Reply #894499 | Report this post

Two years ago

Its a tough crowd here Luuuc


Reply #894500 | Report this post

Two years ago

Then don't sell.
Would that have ended any better?

Reply #894515 | Report this post

Pat Bev  
Two years ago

Not sure if this means anything but. Trev's son, Taj is playing WABL in WA again. Not sure if his family followed him to CA, but could mean something??

Reply #894523 | Report this post

Two years ago

I feel for Scomo as a person off the court and from an emigration perspective. Taking the risk to commit to an international move, coaching over skype to begin with, bringing along a very young family, couple of weeks in having to leave young family for months, the predictable and embarassingly oz-tarded constant media and social media Scomo/Scomo PM gags, having to entertain that utter dickcheez Craig at the West (and friends) on the daily, etc. Then on the court having 2 stars on the roster surrounded by a hot and cold supporting cast who were consistently inconsistent at the business end of the season. Tough gig. His head on the block as coach at the end of the day but you can't deny the above wouldn't be a strain on a young family in unfamiliar territory.

Reply #894531 | Report this post

Two years ago

You forgot the main problem which was that he isn't a very good coach.

Reply #894535 | Report this post

Billy Bob  
Two years ago

If Law doesn't get hurt I’m a random ankle, they make playoffs....despite all of the hurdles and headaches mentioned.

Reply #894542 | Report this post

Two years ago

It should not have got down to missing finals from Laws ankle, should have wrapped up the finals berth much earlier.

Reply #894553 | Report this post

Boba Fett  
Two years ago

"Would that have ended any better?" It couldn't be any worse surely.

Reply #894554 | Report this post

Billy Bob  
Two years ago

2 months on the road? Tough ask.

Reply #894561 | Report this post

Two years ago

Wildcats currently interviewing:

Will Weaver.
John Rillie.
Jacob Chance.
Judd Flavell.

Reply #894749 | Report this post

Two years ago

Wouldn't Weaver just be the same as Morrison... an assistant coach not ready for the head position.
Chance is the "bring back to culture" and knows the Gleeson game plan option but then is he ready for head responsibilities
Don't know the coaching credentials of Rillie and Flavell

Reply #894754 | Report this post

Two years ago

Weaver is a gun, but why would he comeback when he left after one season at kings chasing an nba gig.
Chance is good enough already.

Reply #894757 | Report this post

Boba Fett  
Two years ago

Chance hasn't got a clue IMO. He's Roth's boy and why would Perth even consider having them back in their fold after he left to follow Roth. As for experience on the scale of being a head Coach he's probably a 3.

Reply #894816 | Report this post

Two years ago

Chance would be great, worked under Gleeson and Roth. Roth didn't chase him for the JJs if he wasn’t any good.

Reply #894818 | Report this post

Two years ago

Aussie Hoopla reporting that John Rillie has got the nod.

Reply #895530 | Report this post

Two years ago

Last month

Trevor is coming back.

If you say so.

Reply #895532 | Report this post

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