Camel 31
Two years ago

36ers v Jack Jumpers.Thurs.13/10/2022

Only a few tickets left, not many. Most likely a sell out and that's been a long time.
If 36ers play a little bit like v Phoenix Suns, then it is a Sixers win.

Topic #50492 | Report this topic

Two years ago

Will 36ers be riding high on the euphoria of their successful trip, or will they be tired after returning home only a few days earlier

Could go either way.

I'm tipping the former, 36ers by 15

Reply #901045 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Two years ago

That was CJ, just then, on radio. He's got bad jet lag and the players a bitta jet lag.
DJ to do fitness test, on Thursday, to see if able to play.
The Club expects players that start the season must stay this full season.

Reply #901048 | Report this post

Two years ago

The Sixers should not be dropping this game if they're half-serious this season.

Reply #901049 | Report this post

Two years ago

Agrees with above. There is no excuse to drop this game to this tassie team, if you're serious about making some noise. The jack jumpers are terrible. And beating the suns counts for nothing. Winning the fan base over starts now.

Reply #901050 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Two years ago

Camel 31

In relation to NBA interest players are expected to stay? I would have thought an out clause is and out clause and the same principal of not getting in the way of NBA offers stands all the time.

Reply #901051 | Report this post

Two years ago

Talent wise this should be a non contest, yes jet lag could be a problem but should not stop a Sixers win. JJs can't be under estimated but will a big upset if they win.

Sixers by 10.

Reply #901052 | Report this post

Two years ago

Only a few tickets left, not many. Most likely a sell out

I hope you are right. There were 2000 odd tickets left yesterday

Reply #901053 | Report this post

Ski 61  
Two years ago

Jet lag? Didn't they get back Sunday morning? They'll be fine

Reply #901056 | Report this post

Two years ago

That shit can take a good week to get over tbh

Reply #901058 | Report this post

Two years ago

Jet lag is absolutely not an excuse. Especially coming in from the USA. Europe can be more brutal, but those USA flights are not an issue. Especially considering it was 5 days ago. So this is a term that shouldn't even be loosely used.

Reply #901059 | Report this post

Another Anon  
Two years ago

Definitely 36s by double figures.

Also can't see how they can keep a player if the NBA comes knocking. All of them would have out clauses.

Reply #901060 | Report this post

Two years ago

I have watched a couple of JJ games this season.

Their offence is god awful, they miss a closer like Adams. Their offence dies as soon as Kryslovic and Kenyon have the ball.

Their defence is good at times like the 4Q against Brisbane but their defensive efficiency is 116, league worst (small sample space granted).

Even if Adelaide play their usual indifferent defence, we would still blow them off the floor offensively.

Only Adelaide's game day fitness will defeat Adelaide.

Reply #901061 | Report this post

Two years ago

"Their offence is god awful, they miss a closer like Adams. "

Their offence was god awful this time last season with Adams. Doyle showed on Sunday what he is capable of, with a more all-around game than Adams.

Reply #901063 | Report this post

Two years ago

I respect Tasmania and what they are too much to be so bullish in game 1. The Jackie's are a few games in to the season proper - that’s an advantage.

The pessimist in me says a well drilled team and McVeigh going crazy could put a clumsy 36ers team to the sword.

Adelaide can be as good as anyone this year, it’s just about chemistry, groove, getting the style right with offence and defence and just getting into the season proper a little bit.

If there are teething problems, it’ll be disappointing but no worries.

Reply #901066 | Report this post

Uncle Dre  
Two years ago

Sales been terrible for the 6ers opener, but excuses already plentiful. Season already starting to show usual pattern

Reply #901067 | Report this post

Two years ago

"Sales been terrible"

Wtf are you talking about? They say there's less than 2k tix left and CJ has said it’ll be the biggest crowd the 36ers have had at the Ent Centre.

How is that in any way terrible? Are they giving away 4K tickets for free or something?

Reply #901070 | Report this post

Two years ago

36ers by 5 in a close game

Reply #901071 | Report this post

Two years ago

I cannot find anywhere on the 6ers Website where their single ticket prices are?

Does anyone know off the top of their head what a single adult ticket and single kid ticket sells for?

Was going to splash out and look at getting the front row seats maybe...

Go Sixers

Reply #901074 | Report this post

Two years ago

I don't know if your post is a pisstake or not.

But anyway, here’s the link:

Reply #901079 | Report this post

Two years ago

I have a massive bet on the Jack Jumpers with Ladbrokes. I notice that they wound them in to $4 from $6 after I got the bet on. As there is no way the 36ers can lose this game they definitely will.

Reply #901081 | Report this post

Two years ago

Jet lag is absolutely not an excuse. Especially coming in from the USA. Europe can be more brutal, but those USA flights are not an issue. Especially considering it was 5 days ago. So this is a term that shouldn't even be loosely used.

Correct - travelling back westwards will turn even your biggest night owl into an early riser temporarily.

Returning eastwards from Europe on the other hand is nasty.

Reply #901083 | Report this post

Two years ago

I have a massive bet on the Jack Jumpers with Ladbrokes

Hey big spender. Define massive.

Reply #901084 | Report this post

Two years ago

"East is least, West is best", they should be OK

I'd be more concerned about being mentally drained. Tiredness isn't just physical. But I reckon they'll be good

Reply #901085 | Report this post

Two years ago

Correct - travelling back westwards will turn even your biggest night owl into an early riser temporarily.
Given that NBL games are played at night, this seems like the worse of the two possible outcomes.

Reply #901086 | Report this post

Two years ago

@Perthworld in this case massive is more than thirteen dollars. My betting scale starts at big for a dollar so it is way above that.

Reply #901093 | Report this post

Two years ago


I cannot find anywhere on the 6ers Website where their single ticket prices are?

Does anyone know off the top of their head what a single adult ticket and single kid ticket sells for?

Was going to splash out and look at getting the front row seats maybe...

Kriss - I don't think there are any premium seats left available.

Just go to tiketek website and click on 36ers for single game tickets

Reply #901094 | Report this post

Two years ago

Given that NBL games are played at night, this seems like the worse of the two possible outcomes.

Pro athletes generally have a nap regime because unlike the rest of us they aren't working a 9-to-5.

I only got involved because it was relieving to see somebody else understand the east vs. west distinction.

I'd be more worried the Sixers have already played their Grand Final.

Reply #901096 | Report this post

Two years ago

@Perthworld in this case massive is more than thirteen dollars. My betting scale starts at big for a dollar so it is way above that.

Ha! I see Ladbrokes are still winding back odds when a punter ever so much as looks at an underdog.

Good luck and get dat money.

Reply #901098 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sixers biggest risk is turnovers. Aside from McCarron, the ball-handling is still average at best, so the JJs pressure defence could cause enough chaos to keep them in it. Based on their pre-season encounter though, if the Sixers stay focussed and play a bit of defence on Doyle, they should get the W.

Reply #901107 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Two years ago

At Adelaide it is 3 2 1
3 imports signed for 2 seasons with overseas outs after 1 season

Reply #901110 | Report this post

Two years ago

[Sixers biggest risk is turnovers. Aside from McCarron, the ball-handling is still average at best,]


Reliance on McCarron is the 36ers only potential weakness I can see.

He's their only quality point guard.

If he stays healthy and out of foul trouble each game, the 36ers will do well.

Reply #901116 | Report this post

101 annon  
Two years ago

So much expectation on Adelaide all around the league. If Adelaide doesn't get out & run & Jackjumpers keep this to around a 80 point full time score the Jackjumpers will win this. Defence win’s games & the Jackjumpers do it well. Adelaide will do well in time but a big difference between pre season games & league games & as for NBA there is no defence

Reply #901124 | Report this post

Two years ago

Defence win's games & the Jackjumpers do it well.

They've lost 3 of their 4 games and their only win was in OT at home.

Reply #901127 | Report this post

Two years ago

The JJ's have lost 2 close games and got smashed when Cairns got off their leash in the 2nd quarter with Deng and Hogg very hot

Thats how I see the JJ's season panning out- winning 10-12 games but being pretty competitive in most of their losses owing to their discipline on the defensive end

Reply #901131 | Report this post

Two years ago

Hope hopes for the 36ers this year! In front a big home crowd, should have way to much offensive firepower for the Jackjumpers who have not looked good to start the year.

Reply #901133 | Report this post

Two years ago

Hope CJ finally benches the washed up Daniel Johnson and starts the young phenom King Kai Sotto at the centre.

Reply #901134 | Report this post

Two years ago

Crowd looking excellent judging by how few tickets are available now.

Now need the 6ers to put on a show to bring them back again next game.
I love me some JackJumpers but I'm hoping they get beaten tonight in an entertaining one.

Reply #901135 | Report this post

Two years ago

Hope CJ finally benches the washed up Daniel Johnson and starts the young phenom King Kai Sotto at the centre

Sixers are going to keep Sotto on ice for a little bit longer to avoid the risk of a last minute NBA call-up.

Reply #901137 | Report this post

Two years ago

Go JJs not confident - 6ers stackec

Reply #901138 | Report this post

Two years ago

What's the weather like in Adelaide tonight?

If it’s similar to Melbourne, might affect crowd turn out?

Reply #901140 | Report this post

Two years ago

No cheerleaders, and a dude. That did not work the first time they tried it. Crowd slowly filling out.

Reply #901141 | Report this post

Two years ago

Lol the "hype squad" hey?

Reply #901142 | Report this post

Two years ago

"Thats how I see the JJ's season panning out- winning 10-12 games but being pretty competitive in most of their losses owing to their discipline on the defensive end"

They have the worst defensive rating in the league ATM, in NBL22 Breakers territory, so they need to fix that. You'd back them into improve both sides of the ball with Magnay, McDaniel and Steindl back. Until then, got to pinch some wins!

Reply #901143 | Report this post

Two years ago

0-9 Well done Sixers.

Reply #901144 | Report this post

Two years ago


Clumsy, called it

Reply #901145 | Report this post

Two years ago

Some pretty atrocious no calls already

Reply #901146 | Report this post

Two years ago

Too much one on one bs

Reply #901147 | Report this post

Two years ago

Phoenix Suns relieved that they didn't need to face the JJs

Reply #901148 | Report this post

Two years ago

Randall And Mccarron have been terrible

Reply #901149 | Report this post

Two years ago

Hooooooooooo Magette!

Reply #901150 | Report this post

Two years ago

JJs can't miss and Sixers can’t chuck it in the ocean.

Reply #901151 | Report this post

Two years ago

Now I know how Phoenix felt

Reply #901152 | Report this post

Two years ago

Adelaide brought back some of that NBA D

Reply #901154 | Report this post

Two years ago

Lacking height. Bring Sotto on, move the damn ball properly.

One of the most gross first Qs I've ever seen!

Reply #901155 | Report this post

Two years ago

Welcome back to a new season everyone. Woo.

Reply #901156 | Report this post

Two years ago

I have a lot respect for CJ and think he'll be a good coach, my problem at present is I’ve seen nothing to confirm this, defensively woeful, offensively even worse. Very disappointing.

Great start JJs and probably should not lose from here.

Reply #901157 | Report this post

Two years ago

I've heard "PLAYER doing PLAYER things" way too many times this season.

Reply #901158 | Report this post

Two years ago

That tech lmao geeeez

Reply #901160 | Report this post

Two years ago

Ref doing ref things

Reply #901161 | Report this post

Two years ago

Horrible tech foul call.

Reply #901162 | Report this post

Two years ago

Please have Randall, Dech, Cleveland, Drmic on at the same time and exercise some bloody defence

Reply #901163 | Report this post

Two years ago

DJ so bad defensively. How is Sotto not getting mins.

Reply #901164 | Report this post

Two years ago

LOL as i said before.
That is all the NBL has become.
Jack up 3 after 3 after 3.
If they go in, great, if they do not, move on to the next game.
Why even bother playing the game?
Just set up the racks like they do in the NBA 3 point contest on ALL star weekend?
Thats all the game is.
It will save on injuries, wear and tear at least.
What an absolute joke the sport has become

Reply #901165 | Report this post

Two years ago

Adelaide 100% have read every single supportive tweet and believed their own hype. They've been utterly terrible. And the tassie team
Is not good... at all. Adelaide fans deserved better than this. Jet lag is not an excuse.

Reply #901166 | Report this post

Two years ago

There's a difference between jacking up 3s like Adelaide and generating threes like Tassie.

Aylen and Co. particularly poor so far.

Reply #901167 | Report this post

Two years ago

LOL everyone was getting so excited when the 36ers beat the Suns.
Where are all those flukey and LUCKY 3s that they were hitting that night? Why didnt they fall against the Thunder?
Why are they not falling tonight?
Essentially the game really is turning into a game of luck on any given night.

Just jack up your 3s because the analytics says so and see what happens.
Most teams, NBA included have absolutely nothing else if there 3s are not falling.
Thats what the game has turned into

Reply #901168 | Report this post

Two years ago

"Now you look at a stat sheet after a game and the first thing you look at is the threes. If you made threes and the other team didn't, you win. You don’t even look at the rebounds or the turnovers or how much transition D was involved. You don’t even care."

Gregg Popovich.

Reply #901169 | Report this post

Two years ago

10 fouls to 3 that qtr magette hacked twice on the last play

Reply #901170 | Report this post

Two years ago

Just zero defence - play small and have Cleveland, Dech on together at a minimum.
Terrible game by Franks and DJ so far.

All Adelaide scores so far has been just too tough. Need to make JJs work harder.

14 down now, make it 7 down by 3Q time and start the 4th with a turnover and basket or 2 and see what happens. Otherwise Tassie will runaway with it (as they'd deserve to bring the consumate professionals they are).

Reply #901171 | Report this post

Two years ago

DJ should be backing up Sotto at this stage. Adelaide don't need what he brings on the offensive end enough to have to live with what we gives up on defense.

Reply #901172 | Report this post

Two years ago

Yeah not a lot of ball movement so not getting good shots at all. DJ doesn't fit this team. He still didn't Google defence over the break so doesn't really add anything in a faster paced game.

Reply #901173 | Report this post

Two years ago

Welp it's done

Reply #901174 | Report this post

Two years ago

Such a weird offense. The only time they ran it hard gave an easy basket ... and then they stop doing it and go back to the half-court rubbish where 2 or 3 guys stand around watching. Guaranteed to not put pressure on the defence.

Adelaide just lucky that JJs are missing so many.

Reply #901175 | Report this post

Two years ago

Randall will be incredibly frustrating obviously.

Americans need to stop arriving in the NBL being so lazy with their shot selections and passing. The NBL just doesn't cop it, and Randall is playing to the stereotype.

Reply #901176 | Report this post

Two years ago

More hustle from Sotto in 5 seconds than DJ has shown in his entire career

Reply #901177 | Report this post

Two years ago

If you're not going to give DJ the ball to shoot, why did they even bother to have him on the court? Might as well have had Sotto on.

Reply #901178 | Report this post

Two years ago

JJ's d has been awesome

But not much flow from the 36ers, Too much iso.

Who was telling me Vickerman is just like all the other NBL coaches? Where's the subbing from CJ tonight. Pretty nonexistent. Only used 8 players in 1st half and that included 5 minutes for Harris

Reply #901179 | Report this post

Two years ago

Honest question to 36ers fans, what made them think they are contenders this season?
Because they had one of the LUCKIEST and FLUJIEST shooting nights against the Suns a week ago?

They still dont play defense like last season.
CJ is a horrendous coach

Reply #901180 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sixers just woeful, they got find a David Boone type of centre, Randle been horrible, actually all there imports been crap, as well Mccaron and Johnson. Sotto is not the answer.

Reply #901181 | Report this post

Two years ago

LOL because the 36ers had one of the LUCKIEST and FLUKIEST shooting nights in sport history against the Suns, people concluded that the NBL is the 2nd best league in the world.

Reply #901182 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sixers gonna Sixers. This is so on brand for us.

Reply #901183 | Report this post

Two years ago

Adelaide v JJs is an example of a team playing a TEAM.

JJs already have a few games under their belt, so they have the advantage. Credit to them- they work well as a unit.

I expect a lot of improvement from Adelaide as they get back into the NBL way of playing.

Reply #901184 | Report this post

Two years ago

LOL up by 20 with 2 mins to go and the Tassie starters are still in
Such a classless league

Reply #901185 | Report this post

Two years ago

hoopie any respect to the JJs?

Damn happy with this game from the Jackjumpers

Reply #901186 | Report this post

Two years ago

LOL dont get excited if you are a Tassie fan, they wont shoot like that from 3 again this season.

Reply #901187 | Report this post

Two years ago

Those dirty tricksters sucked us in again. Nothings changed, they are still shit.

Reply #901188 | Report this post

Two years ago

I said "credit to them" and meant it - I just love the way they play as a TEAM so much better than most of the others in the league.

Reply #901189 | Report this post

Two years ago

The 36ers fans getting angry tonight prove that they know nothing about basketball.

Did you guys expect the 36ers to shoot like that every night?

You guys dont know what luck looks like.

Reply #901190 | Report this post

Two years ago

No question that the JJ's D pretty much put Adelaide's half court offense to bed about 3 possessions in. Pretty unimaginative stuff for Adelaide from there on in.

Reply #901191 | Report this post

Two years ago

Jacket - salty??

They may not shoot like that and yep they have lost a couple but damn they play great D

Reply #901192 | Report this post

Uncle Dre  
Two years ago

Different players, same owner, same result. A fish rots at the head

Reply #901193 | Report this post

Two years ago

Game was over at quarter time, Roth and his team just to smart.

Reply #901194 | Report this post

Uncle Dre  
Two years ago

Championship or bust = bust
Record crowd = not in the ball park
My God we love creating expectations. Shame we don't come close to delivering.

Reply #901195 | Report this post

Two years ago

Do not over think it.

One teams 3s fell while the other teams did not.

Its as simple as that.

Thats all basketball has become.

There are going to be so many teams when teams cannot miss from 3 while other nights they cannot hit anything.

Reply #901196 | Report this post

twenty four  
Two years ago

Too many crocodile player and crocodile coach. Kai scored 4 points in 5 minutes. If he had played 30 minutes he would've scored 25 and silly crocodile team would actually win.

Reply #901197 | Report this post

Two years ago

I'd be more worried the Sixers have already played their Grand Final.

Nailed it.

Reply #901198 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Two years ago

Definitely some crazy overreactions to this game. Between jet lag and readjusting back to the NBL I am not surprised that a plucky and intense team like the JJs got the better of them. In the grand scheme of things this loss means nothing. I'd be more concerned if I were a Melbourne United fan than an Adelaide one.

Reply #901201 | Report this post

Two years ago

Adelaide has really good players. I think the coach is the problem. Once the three's don’t go in, then what. Starters don’t get enough rest. Poor perimeter defense.

Reply #901202 | Report this post

Uncle Dre  
Two years ago

Sixers chose to go to USA for ego / gimmick games, not trotting it out as excuse why they lost!

Reply #901203 | Report this post

Mat B  
Two years ago

- Those who say "jetlag is no excuse, these are professionals" - they are humans with a circadian rhythm that has been significantly disrupted. You can't force your way through the time it takes to re-adjust.

- living by the 3 will win you big games, and also bring painfully frustrating losses.

- No team can afford to slacker defensively in this league.

- Low post play is seemingly nearing extinction in the NBL

- Bruton could actually use his bench more.

- Roth knows how to create a team culture that buys into and aderes to a consistent game plan. JJ's play hard for 40 minutes.

Reply #901204 | Report this post

Two years ago

was it just me or was it a physical game ?

Reply #901205 | Report this post

Two years ago

Should have made a gigantic bet on the JJs. (At least $20)

Reply #901206 | Report this post

Two years ago

First game blues....DJ clearly wasn't fit...coaching error to play... plenty to like and get right.. confident be there ar pointy end of season..

Reply #901207 | Report this post

Two years ago

Consideration for Jet lag should have made Bruton use his players more wisely.

Reply #901208 | Report this post

Two years ago

Jacket, you clearly don't like NBL basketball. Time to find another sport and disappear.

Reply #901209 | Report this post

Two years ago

Jacket, you clearly don't like NBL basketball. Time to find another sport and disappear.


I too find jacking up threes all game boring but I will put up with it because there is an art to the movement of the ball to create that open-ness and I love the NBL.

I miss the old days where we gave the ball to the post and let the guys operate NBL - Dorge, Borner, Rees, Dozier, Willie Simmons etc and NBA - McHale, Parish, Kareem, Ewing, Robinson, Karl Malone etc.

I will simply go put a few old games on youtube and enjoy the old way.

Bitching about it is just useless, turn off if it offends you.

Reply #901211 | Report this post

Two years ago

Definitely some crazy overreactions to this game. Between jet lag and readjusting back to the NBL I am not surprised that a plucky and intense team like the JJs got the better of them. In the grand scheme of things this loss means nothing. I'd be more concerned if I were a Melbourne United fan than an Adelaide one.

I am willing to give a little grace for the jetlag and DJ's injury and trying to find where he now fits given he potentially the 4th option on offence now.

The PHX win I purposely set aside as this is a new season and its for real this time, so my expectation of a win came from our significantly improved roster than beating an NBA team.

I am not losing my bundle at this loss but I expected better than a 25 point blow out.

We got rid of deadwood Humphries. We brought in 1 top tier import (Franks) and a second tier but still very good import Cleveland, then there is the streaky Randall.

CJ was talking about how tough it is on the team when not everyone is healthy, lets consider CJ than the JJ's were missing their captain, their marquee, and MacDaniel.

Its not the end of the world but its concerning for sure.

Reply #901212 | Report this post

Two years ago

^^ Really?
You're rating Cleveland a 'second tier’ import when he won the DPOY and was 1st team all NBL..

Think people need to calm down, it’s their first game of the season

Reply #901214 | Report this post

Two years ago

Ha! David Boone is right. They probably drank 46 beers on the flight home..

No panic stations required the sixers will be top 4 this season purely on talent even with a dud coach. Always gonna be tough adjusting from preseason to NBL when the opposition already have some games under their belt

Reply #901215 | Report this post

Two years ago

The body language of some of those imports coming out of time outs didn't look too good. Frank's was rolling his eyes and shaking his head, Randall seems to need constant one on ones with the coaching staff? What's that about? I look at this lot and see a team who don't know how to play together led by a coach who can't bring them together.

Reply #901216 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Two years ago

"Too many crocodile player and crocodile coach. Kai scored 4 points in 5 minutes. If he had played 30 minutes he would've scored 25 and silly crocodile team would actually win."

Have to love the simple maths being done here. If only basketball were a maths equation. But here are some other variables:

Rashard Tucker had 8 points on him in 45 seconds. Had Kai played 30 minutes Rashard would have had 90 points.

Kai got all those buckets in junk time when neither team is playing their best line ups. Had 30 minutes of the game been junk time the game would have been over by the first quarter and Adelaide would have lost by 50.

See everyone can play these dumb math games

And by the way, is "crocodiles" some sort of racial slur? You might want to watch yourself.

Reply #901217 | Report this post

twenty four  
Two years ago


Reply #901219 | Report this post

Two years ago

Game result not a big deal. Back to reality really. As long as Sixers adjust and improve for the coming game on Saturday. Jackjumpers have played games this season so are conditioned to the refs, the style, each other, etc, etc. First real outing for the Sixers and it showed but always going to be hard to win when a team shoots 7/10 from 3pt in 1st qtr. Looked like the larger open space in the NBA games affected them as Jackjumpers closed down all the lanes and did a good job giving them no room to move.
Sixers percentages from inside were good and they should have played to that more as a lot of the 3pt shots were bad shots. Needed to isolate Franks inside to score and force the double team and kick out for open shot. Sixers were horrible at finding player on the roll. Did some really good pnr but they held back the pass inside. Had many good looks at this but couldn't execute. Didn't llok like they had any real plan to throw off the full court defence of the Jackjumpers.
Big difference in 3pt shooting in the end (Jacket). 10 extra 3pt makes being the margin. Sixers only making 5 3pt shots in total is not acceptable at this level of basketball.

Reply #901220 | Report this post

Pablo Escobar  
Two years ago

Imports bitching at each other.....just what you want to see first game up.
Randall is a problem, a big problem.

Reply #901222 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Two years ago

Yes, Randall arguing with coaches, not a pretty sight in this most unappealing team to watch, last night.

Reply #901223 | Report this post

Uncle Dre  
Two years ago

JVG gone, but they're still on track to be first club to send an import home. Same sh1t, different year.

Reply #901230 | Report this post

Two years ago

Launching 3s from the start is ok but you gotta be honest with yourselves if you're not being successful. I wouldn't wait 1 full quarter to figure that out let alone 3. Same witb giving your starters a chance to do well. You have other talented players. The kid Sotto by the way seems to be mobile enough to play Bruton's game. Just needs more exposure to prove himself.

Reply #901233 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Two years ago

Yes, CJs subbing was strange last night.

Reply #901234 | Report this post

Two years ago

Unfortunately I could see potential problems with Randall during the pre-season which is why I said he should come off of the bench this season. That way he doesn't take too many shots away from the starters and can jack up as many as he likes. If Randall's going to be a problem then just cut him.

Reply #901238 | Report this post

Two years ago

If Randall had ego issues before going to the US then it must be a lot worse now. Maybe he wants to be released or the NBA is interested but Adelaide is playing hard-ball. (Now where have we heard that before???) Who knows?

At this early stage of the season, they're still trying to find their roles within CJ’s system, and to learn to respect each other. It will happen; I just hope that it’s soon.

Reply #901239 | Report this post

Two years ago

Some real attitude issues with Randall. He may ask for a trade to Port Adelaide.

Reply #901240 | Report this post

twenty four  
Two years ago

Looking at Randall's G League stats, he shot a lot, didn't get to the line, pretty high turnover numbers... not a particularly efficient offensive player really. Needs to shoot high volumes to make an impact, which has checked out so far from what we've seen of him. I don't think you can succeed with that type of player as your main scorer, which might be an issue going forward as he doesn't seem to have any other way of playing.

Reply #901249 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sotto is not the answer to Sixers five man problem, they need a banger that takes rebounds and cleans up scraps, protect the ring, play D, a team first guy, I don't see Johnson or Sotto doing this. Team chemistry is certainly lacking on last night performance. I’ve said it before, high scoring G league players don’t always make good nbl players. It’s early days and Adelaide are to talented to not make play offs.

Reply #901252 | Report this post

Two years ago

Where did Randalls G League team finish?
CJ could of gone many ways with his rotations. I think playing the main players good mins is good, gets them match conditioned, exposes the kinks, etc. You can play a million pre season games to prepare but they never come close to real games for match fitness, touch, etc.
I think the travel was an issue as they seemed very reactive slow and not proactive. Saturdays game will be a good indicator.

Reply #901253 | Report this post

Life is Basketball  
Two years ago

A few disappointing points from last night. The 36ers were on a hiding to nothing, win it was expected lose they are the worse team. Should they have won, yes for sure, but they didn't regroup and move on. The game was just ugly, credit to the Jackies, but it was nowhere near a spectacle. Looking at the marketing of the event, poor really, a supposed near sell out, and the entertainment was lacking, it was an opportunity to sell the "bling" of what Basketball can be, especially after the media hype, and I think they failed, maybe made worse because of the game not sure.

Also saw a post somewhere recently that the standard of officials needs to be lifted, ah yep. They are now confusing players, coaches and spectators even more so, or at least last night. No calls, weird calls, soft calls it was all on show last night. Maybe it is time they go pro themselves if the goal is to expand the NBL.

Reply #901255 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sotto is definitely not the answer. As soon as he got on the court, they isolated him up the top and shot 3pt straight over the top of him.

Reply #901256 | Report this post

Two years ago

Looking at the marketing of the event, poor really, a supposed near sell out, and the entertainment was lacking

The crowd was just a tick over 8k and during school holidays too so I doubt it came close to a sell out. That's a bit of an old marketing trick claim something is almost sold out to create fear of missing out to increase sales.

Reply #901257 | Report this post

Uncle Dre  
Two years ago

what about how they came out and said there are only 1000 tickets left, yet they only got 8000 there - clearly just lied!

Reply #901259 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Two years ago

Only a thousand tickets left doesnt mean only a thousand seats left. Its not uncommon for a lot of people not to turn up to a game even if they'd bought tickets.

Reply #901272 | Report this post

Two years ago

Not too bad a crowd going going off crowds from last couple years, but hearing talk of nearly sold out and then I also heard it was going to be the biggest crowd Sixers have had so far at Entertainment Centre, it was a bit of a letdown seeing so many empty seats with the yellow shirts on them.

Reply #901284 | Report this post

Two years ago

Especially if the weather was god awful.

Why go if you can watch in the comfort of your own home on Kayo?

So maybe there was a fair few members that also didn't rockup?

It’d be more weird to purchase a ticket for a specific game and not go

Reply #901324 | Report this post

Uncle Dre  
Two years ago

First year at Ent Centre crowds were huge. Been crap since then.

Reply #901351 | Report this post

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