Two years ago

Adelaide v Breakers

Breakers to steal this one by shutting down Randall.

Topic #50550 | Report this topic

Two years ago

They will need to contain Sotto though.

Reply #902675 | Report this post

Two years ago

Absolutely. Sotto is a triple double threat tonight. But unicorns like Sotto will always get their numbers. Therefore the Breakers have to limit the damage the other 36ers might do.

Reply #902676 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sixers showed enough against kings for me and should get this in a very close tussle, got lot respect for how breakers are going though. Sixers by3.

Reply #902677 | Report this post

Two years ago

The offensive powerhouse of the 36ers VS The defensive prowess of the Breakers. Makes for an interesting match up but at home the 36ers should be good enough to get the W.

Reply #902678 | Report this post

Two years ago

Adelaide just will have to much talent. Will pull away in the fourth after a relatively tight game with a plucky and well coached breakers team giving them a fight. Just to much offense for the breakers to defend

Reply #902685 | Report this post

Two years ago

If that clown Coach CJ finally unleashes the behemoth Kai Sotto it is all over for the lowly Breakers.

But seriously I hope Daniel Johnson has a season ending injury, so King Kai gets the rightful minutes he deserves.

Reply #902688 | Report this post

Two years ago

Please don't wish injuries on anyone, even in jest it’s not nice.

Reply #902689 | Report this post

Two years ago

Tell that to the Army of Filipino Kai Sotto simps on NBL and Adelaide 36ers social media pages.

Reply #902694 | Report this post

Two years ago

Pardon is a game time decision. If he doesn't play 36ers should win easily.

Reply #902697 | Report this post

Two years ago

Pardon is a game time decision. If he doesn't play 36ers should win easily.

Reply #902698 | Report this post

Two years ago

As much as I want the breakers to win the travel and lack of shooting proficiency will result in a loss by 10-15.

They're punching way above their weight and it will show in time. Im still picking finishing mid table.

But it doesn't matter cos I'll get to see them win on Sunday vs JJs at home again!

Reply #902699 | Report this post

Two years ago

How does Drmic get game time over Dech and even Nick Marshall.

Reply #902700 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Two years ago

Feels too much like last season for me so far...

Adelaide really seem to play without any enthusiasm at home also?

Reply #902701 | Report this post

Two years ago

Mitch match with sotto time and time again and not rewarded. Sixers will blow breakers away second half. Tidy up t vers and get ball into shooters hands. Randall will go off. He virtually unguardable. Looking to create.

Reply #902702 | Report this post

Two years ago

Expected a tight game with an really well coached Breakers team doing well. It will be a very good tight second half

Reply #902703 | Report this post

Two years ago

^^^ exactly, Drimic should not even play ahead of Harris.

Hate the delay of game warning on shot after whistle, I don't think I’ve seen this in any competition in the world.

Mody has done an excellent job with this team, they play team. Sixers probably still get this but got move the ball more. Randal is very temperamental and Leafa done a very good job on him.

Reply #902704 | Report this post

Two years ago

Brutally bad stuff by Bruton during the timeout. He sounds uninspiring and downright clueless. The players don't look interested

Reply #902707 | Report this post

Two years ago

Breakers my goodness they are very impressive

Reply #902708 | Report this post

Two years ago

No excuses for a team with this much talent to be losing this much

Reply #902710 | Report this post

Two years ago

It's either gold or gravel with Randal.

Bruton not showing me he’s the right fit here.

Reply #902711 | Report this post

Two years ago

Breakers are making there 3s, the 36ers are not.
I wonder who is winning lol
But but but the 36ers beat the Suns....where are all those 3s that they made that night against the Suns? You know, the ones near the logo???
LOL i thought it is all skill.
Thats all the basketball has become.
Make your 3s win, dont make them lose.
No ifs or buts.
I reckon in 5 years time the game will look completely different.
I reckon either 3 point line will be put way back and the 3 point line will join the side line to get rid of the short corner 3 to stop all this nonsense.

Reply #902712 | Report this post

Two years ago

Another year brings the same bout of dashed hopes for Sixers fans after big pre-season dreaming.

Reply #902715 | Report this post

Two years ago

No one saw this coming man

Reply #902716 | Report this post

Two years ago

Don't feel quite so bad about losing to them by 4 points last weekend

Reply #902717 | Report this post

Two years ago

Breakers shot the ball very well, but when they don't they can rely on there very good D. Sixers can shoot the ball but when they don’t they don’t play D to keep them in it.

Sotto was ok today on offence, his poor on defence. Johnson was horrible, so was Drimic. There imports seem lost, possibly the coaching.

Breakers are a well coached machine. They play even an well balanced offence. Brown off the bench is probably how Sixers should use Randal.

Reply #902718 | Report this post

Two years ago

Great interview with Mody Maor, man's got nice sense humour with very solid answers, no cliche bull shit.

Reply #902719 | Report this post

Two years ago

Gutted. Game should have won. Home court reign not to be given up. Can have downer but unless structure better offense. Gone away from DJ / sotto is huge.. more patience please. Starts with defensive principles.sunday dech must start to bring that inten. Long season and enough talent to contend.

Reply #902720 | Report this post

Two years ago

Adelaide is extremely talented but low IQ team, particularly Randall, lots of dumb mistakes

Reply #902722 | Report this post

Two years ago

Feeling lije era changing.DJ DRimic really struggling with up tempo game... both too good to not contribute more than few points.. slow and running sets will help...

Reply #902723 | Report this post

Two years ago

Soooooo, Adelaide are shit, again.

Reply #902724 | Report this post

Two years ago

Great game for NZ.
Playing a lot of games on the road and and picking up W's.
Love the unselfishness on offence and the commitment to defend.
Adelaide are much better than the shoreline suggests much like the L NZ took to SE Melbourne last round.

After Shamir’s tenure with guard heavy rosters it’s awesome to see Maor’s much better balanced team collect some wins against quality opponents.

Reply #902725 | Report this post

Two years ago

So, like I said, Breakers win by shutting down Randall.

Reply #902728 | Report this post

Two years ago

Good defense and shooting by NZ. Sixers offense need more balance.

Reply #902731 | Report this post

Two years ago

The greatest import to ever play here

Reply #902734 | Report this post

Two years ago

The greatest import to ever play here Randle lol

Reply #902735 | Report this post

Two years ago

Craig Randall is not a point guard

They should've gone for a point guard or combo guard as one of their 3 imports

Reply #902741 | Report this post

Two years ago

Breakers still have Abercrombie's leadership, defence and shooting to come. If they topple the JJs on Sunday, I think they’ve established themselves as a serious contender.

Reply #902742 | Report this post

Two years ago

Randall just isn't that good. There’s a reason he isn’t in the NBA. Le’afa slowed him down and Brown broke him. In years gone past, elite defenders like Martin and Jackson would have him sent home early.

Reply #902745 | Report this post

Two years ago

Randall can shoot the lights out

But that's what he is- a shooter and a scorer. Not a playmaker or a creator for others

He got a bunch of turnovers trying to over dribble

Its because McCarron is the only PG in the rotation.

An unbalanced lineup is when guys are playing out of position. NBL teams regularly have this issue

Reply #902747 | Report this post

Two years ago

Randall's game has already become very predictable. He can shoot, but a lot of guys can. I imagine a guy who shoots so much, and only shoots would be really annoying to play alongside. Adelaide are in trouble here, they haven’t played a great game all season.

Reply #902775 | Report this post

Two years ago

Disappointing to see his half time reaction interconnection with CJ.. needs to be inchangeroom not on court..

Reply #902776 | Report this post

bretts the man  
Two years ago

Unbelievable peformance from a team so rich in talent that promised all Sixer supporters a return to maybe the glory days to that effort .
Posters here dumping on Randall but what about the elite expensive duo of Franks and Cleveland .
No team unity, organised offence structure and absolutely no defence strategy or effort.
Obviously a reason CJ couldn't get a coaching gig with any other club as totally out of his depth .

Reply #902778 | Report this post

Two years ago

Yeah, Adelaide had a horrible performance, so CJ can't coach. Same for Rillie, Jackomas, Vickerman, Mitchell, Forde, Duncan, Buford, Roth and Maor. I can see now why Illawarra got rid of Goorj after NZ beat them by 23 last season. We're going to need a bigger boat of coaches.

Reply #902779 | Report this post

Two years ago

Was nice to see Gliddon play some minutes and hit a couple of threes. Wasn't sure about his signing but cameos like that could be invaluable

Reply #902782 | Report this post

Two years ago

Gliddon was a great signing for this team.
3 and D along with some veteran experience for the young guys and imports who aren't used to the league.
Can’t wait to get Abercrombie back on court.

Reply #902783 | Report this post

Two years ago

Feels like Gliddon always shot the lights out at Spark. Guess it's better to have him doing that for you, than for others.

The Breakers will be able to bring serious intensity at both ends of the floor when they rotate Rupert, Gliddon and Abercrombie.

Rupert’s game is much more mature than Hampton and Dieng. It helps he can consistently knock down spot up 3s in addition to his suffocating defence.

Given the Breakers tough start schedule, having a new group, a key cog missing and a Next Star, if they can maintain momentum they will be tough in the second half of the season. I’m looking forward to see how their defence fares against Sydney, Walton Jr is elite and won’t be clamped as easily.

Reply #902784 | Report this post

Two years ago

Rupert looks the best next star that's been here, other than Ball. As team player he’s even better than Ball and plays solid D.

Reply #902786 | Report this post

Two years ago

His defence can be a game changer. Took McCarron's ability to organise the team away last night.

Reply #902787 | Report this post

Two years ago

Feeling even more flat today. Highlights getting me cheeseburger and the exiting of some crew in 4th quarter or maybe just had enough. Want to know why we going away from DJ offensive threat. Points matter. And Sunday not seeming to be involved enough either.

Reply #902788 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Two years ago

It is still early and teams will have bad games, but there a pattern developing about this dysfunction, lack of intent or spark and also these capitulations Adelaide get themselves into. It reminds me lots of last season. I really like CJ and want him to do well, but I think there's definitely issues here.

Adelaide have lost two home games by 20 plus points and have been woefully bad in both those games to the point it almost looked amateurish. They made it look hard against Illawarra also. The Sydney game was played with lots more freedom so I just wonder if CJ needs to focus on just letting go of what he's trying to do and just let Adelaide play with a bit more simplicity and instinct. I have that feeling they will play better away tomorrow.

On that point. I don't know what it is, but Adelaide just seem to play with no spark or atmosphere at home anymore. Maybe teams feel less pressure playing away as it allows for more flow because they're not trying too hard in front of a home crowd. The AEC just doesn't feel right still..

Reply #902793 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Two years ago

I think people are a bit harsh on Randall so far. Has his faults, but I am not convinced Adelaide would have won a game without him so far. Just seems like the type of player you need to take the good with the bad. And I do think he can be a playmaker too. Everyone turned the ball over last night..

Reply #902794 | Report this post

Two years ago

Interesting point about at home..maybe CJ feels more pressure having people look I ng over his shoulder.. maybe too much hype on court as well.. mitch DJ drmic dech Cleveland and .... seem like introverted go about business no nonsense down and dirty types not affected by or wanting hype to function. Distractions by having smoke bl I wing up arse

Reply #902797 | Report this post

Two years ago

New Zealand and Tassie physically beat you up on defence. Refs are calling close to the fewest amount of fouls in league history. It's a perfect storm, and Adelaide have cracked the sulks in both games against those two teams.

They have a lot of guys who like it free-flowing, but if the season keeps getting called the way it is, they need to adjust and be able to win ugly.

Reply #902798 | Report this post

Two years ago

Yeah, it's premature to be putting a fork in Adelaide’s season. Being too harsh on them doesn’t give enough credit to how physical and disruptive the Breakers are defensively.

Reply #902800 | Report this post

Two years ago

Feeling even more flat today. Highlights getting me cheeseburger

Oh no Hermann, hopefully you feel better soon as surely your team aren't that bad to cause you these blues, perhaps a teen spat in your freebie. Get well soon bud.

Reply #902802 | Report this post

Two years ago

Thanks perthworld.. we both are losers.. feel your p ain too they say the sun rises each day... pushing.onwards

Reply #902812 | Report this post

Two years ago

Adelaide needs to play more as a team. Commentators were saying it repeatedly - too much dribbling and one on one.

Reply #902813 | Report this post

Two years ago

Adelaide look like they're going to be streaky all season. Very reliant on their imports and their defence isn’t good. NZ, definitely title contenders.

Reply #902820 | Report this post

Two years ago

Losing 2 games at home by 25+ is inexcusable. It's very hard to put the rose colour glasses on and act like everything is good, for another season. Adelaide aren’t good, Bruton is tactic-less coach and here we are.

Reply #902821 | Report this post

Two years ago

Adelaide passing and ball handling was so sloppy. Getting stripped of the ball multiple times is inexcusable. Looks like blueprint for playing Sixers is physical defence and clogging up the space.
Their defence was sloppy too. When running press up the floor NZ just got through it so easy everytime. At the other end Sixers would bring the ball up so slow with no intent and just let NZ set their defence. Bad basketball. The over dribbling and not going anywhere just played into their hands.

Reply #902853 | Report this post

Two years ago

I think DJ's offensive talents are wasted when in the court with the three imports. And I think even Randall and Cleveland are too similar in style. Maybe play with different combinations instead of the present starting five. One or two of the imports may come off the bench.

Reply #902894 | Report this post

Two years ago

I think DJ's offensive talents are wasted when in the court with the three imports. And I think even Randall and Cleveland are too similar in style. Maybe play with different combinations instead of the present starting five. One or two of the imports may come off the bench.

Reply #902907 | Report this post

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