Two years ago

Phoenix @ Wildcats

6:30pm WA
9:30pm AEDT

Last 5 games Cats WWWLL, Phoenix LLLWW

Topic #50551 | Report this topic

Two years ago

Surly Perth can't sink any lower then last Saturdays debacle. They should bounce back.

Reply #902687 | Report this post

Two years ago

Two teams of maybes. Both with talent but have shown inconsistencies. SEM seem to be over there injury issues but still don't fill me with confidence. Cats just rely on Cotton to much. Hopefully he can get a few players to back him up.

I haven’t got a clue, I’ll go Perth with the home support getting them over the line in a close one by two.

Reply #902690 | Report this post

Two years ago

Agree a big unknown about this game. Watching Perth this season, last week seemed an anomaly, you'd expect their defence to have a lot more zip in it tonight.

Reply #902693 | Report this post

Wild Willy  
Two years ago

If Manec doesn't have a big impact Danny should be ringing Flight Centre. Manec played 5 or 6 years at college so has sufficient experience and should have the nous to be a significant contributor.

Reply #902695 | Report this post

Two years ago

Cats will get up if plays are run for others besides Bryce. TaShawn showed promise in Tassie game in the post couple of easy hook shots but need to feed him more. If Majok, Manek and Thomas are at the top of the key for rebounds like last week we are doomed. Majok needs a firecracker lit up his butt he moves like he's already played 2 games at tip off.

Reply #902696 | Report this post

Two years ago

You gotta feel sorry for Bryce playing with these bunch of scrubs

Reply #902726 | Report this post

Two years ago

Wildcats in massive trouble. Can't hit a shot. Manek not looking good. Really slow.

Reply #902727 | Report this post

Two years ago

Blanchfield and Webster also not looking good. Majok looked ok.

Reply #902729 | Report this post

Two years ago

Blanchfield needs to retire at halftime

Reply #902730 | Report this post

Two years ago

Air cotton my goodness

Reply #902732 | Report this post

Two years ago

Cotton on absolutely fire

Reply #902733 | Report this post

Two years ago

Cotton putting the team on his back. Gonna need some help.

Reply #902736 | Report this post

Another Anon  
Two years ago

Voting will favour other (very impressive) players for MVP but Cotton is still clearly the best.

Reply #902737 | Report this post

Two years ago

Lets face it without BC we are wooden spooners

Reply #902738 | Report this post

Two years ago

Cotton is the goat import. I reckon only gaze has been a better player to play in the nbl. He is something else

Reply #902739 | Report this post

Two years ago

Lets face it without BC we are wooden spooners


Reply #902740 | Report this post

Two years ago

Cotton, yes magnificent. Travers also playing very well.

Reply #902743 | Report this post

Another Anon  
Two years ago

I'd say the loss of Gleeson is just as big as losing Cotton. He had that team competing and nearly stealing the 'ship without Cotton.

Reply #902744 | Report this post

Two years ago

Nice one from Hire.

Reply #902746 | Report this post

Another Anon  
Two years ago

Yeah, Hire nailing Gaze and Copes for coaching was hilarious

Reply #902748 | Report this post

Two years ago

Thomas also looking like a nice piece.

Reply #902749 | Report this post

Two years ago

Travers gotta play closer to his man on D.

Reply #902750 | Report this post

Two years ago

Thomas' passing has been elite for a big

Doing a bit of everything

Reply #902751 | Report this post

Two years ago

Said it previously, Pineau is a better option than Qi. Good game, could be a cracking finish. Cotton is also very tough, get belted a fair bit, complete player.

Reply #902752 | Report this post

Another Anon  
Two years ago

Bench Norton and Blanchfield NOW!!

Reply #902753 | Report this post

Diop Kick  
Two years ago

Phoenix lifted the physicality and wildcats got sucked in retaliating

Reply #902754 | Report this post

Two years ago

Zunic should play over Norton I tell you that much

Reply #902755 | Report this post

Two years ago

Blanchfield is absolutely atrocious

Reply #902756 | Report this post

Another Anon  
Two years ago

That loss is purely on Rillie. Blanchfield played every minute in the last qtr. Norton too slow now. Overplayed Cotton.
All on the coach.

Reply #902757 | Report this post

Two years ago

Long 3 when only down 1

Reply #902758 | Report this post

Two years ago

Long 3 when only down 1

Reply #902759 | Report this post

Diop Kick  
Two years ago

Blanchfield did ok on the o boards but I didn't want him taking the last shot

Reply #902760 | Report this post

Another Anon  
Two years ago

And they had a timeout available but didn't take it.

Reply #902761 | Report this post

Two years ago

Wagstaff would have been a better option than Blanchfield down the stretch. Thomas was very good. Pineau did fantastic when required and is third string at SEM. Broekhoff was good.

Reply #902762 | Report this post

Two years ago

Looking for a 0-2 weekend I think. Manek sadly too slow, not aggressive enough and cats needs an athletic four man in his place.

Coach overplayed cotton, Norton not good for much of it and should of got Zunic or some fresh legs in. Some poor coaching decisions.

Last shot should of been a 2 and not from Blanchfield who has not made one game winner I can remember since joining the cats.

Reply #902763 | Report this post

Two years ago

Cracking game, best team on the night probably won it.

Reply #902764 | Report this post

Two years ago

Very even game but Rillie will kill BC playing him the whole game.

Reply #902765 | Report this post

Two years ago

Also Manek isn't for this team. Wildcats need to make a change now.

Reply #902766 | Report this post

Two years ago

Lets face it without BC we are wooden spooners


The positive is that at least we suck early on under SEG ownership so hopefully they'll bail in the not too distant future.

Reply #902768 | Report this post

Two years ago

You assume the next owners would be better.

Reply #902769 | Report this post

Two years ago

Wagstaff and Blanchfield need to make way for Shervo and OHB!

Reply #902770 | Report this post

Two years ago

I think we have a strong supporting cast of players, but again we struggle at 4 with Manek. last year was at the 5 but Thomas is actually looking really solid and hopefully can play longer minutes.

When you compare Mooney vs Manek, Mooney almost had an instant impact , hard work ethic and was probably a bit faster and more athletic.

I think Maneks body type he has to be hitting 4 of 5 threes a night to be effective to make up for his lack of penetration and court speed. He plays more like a slow old school centre than a 4 man.

As much as I would love the Manek to turn things around in his first professional gig, his spot is the easiest to change over finding some good uncontracted Aussies.

It has many similarities to Dusty Hannahs from last year who towards the end of the season won them a few games off the bench but the loss count was too high. We are not a development league , you either sink or swim when you come out to NBL from College.

Reply #902771 | Report this post

Two years ago

You assume the next owners would be better

Hoping, yes.

Reply #902773 | Report this post

Two years ago

Thomas and Travers were both very good tonight

Cotton had a better than average game, which is saying something

But, they need Blanchfield to find form and Manek must produce more. Those 2 simply need to do much more than they did tonight for Perth to be successful this season

Reply #902774 | Report this post

Two years ago

Perth are awful outside of Thomas, Travers and cotton . Manek is just way out of his depth. I would send home before it's to late and get someone more ready in before the season is lost.

Blanchfield is awful. Norton is clearly injured . As it stands Perth are little chance of wining it

Reply #902777 | Report this post

Two years ago

"The positive is that at least we suck early on under SEG ownership so hopefully they'll bail in the not too distant future."

Be careful what you wish for. Don't take your club for granted like the Townsville fans who promoted boycotts of their team did.

The reality is any ownership/management that had to deal with losing both Gleeson and Martin would find it very hard to replicate the success.

The Wildcats are not any different from any other team now that Damo and Nick Kay aren't there.

Reply #902780 | Report this post

Two years ago

Travers was very good, has to tighten up his defence a bit, Creek got by him a few times to easy.
Manek looks shell shocked, his father in the interview talked about how this is a tough comp against men, not boys, lol.
As said previously, Blanchfield has do something, he's been ordinary. Only ever been any good under Gleeson.
Cotton won’t last the season having to play that long each game and getting whacked like he does.
Thomas is going to be very good.
Gleeson as well as being a fine coach also had a fine eye for talent and put the pieces together very nicely.
Perth should still make play offs, it’s a very tough competition. They have lost a few excellent players in last few seasons, not easy to replace.

Reply #902785 | Report this post

Two years ago

There was a fast break off a steal in the first qtr to SEM. Manek took off with his man (think it was Creek) and he just blew right by him. Manek looked about 50 years old.

Reply #902791 | Report this post

Two years ago

Be careful what you wish for. Don't take your club for granted like the Townsville fans who promoted boycotts of their team did.

The reality is any ownership/management that had to deal with losing both Gleeson and Martin would find it very hard to replicate the success.

The Wildcats are not any different from any other team now that Damo and Nick Kay aren't there.

Look, I admit Wildcats supporters have historically been spoilt with competent ownership and management which isn't the norm in the NBL.

The problem is the new hierarchy are showing no real plan moving forward and Mills continues to assume they can rely on an aging Aussie contingent plus Cotton, either that or SEG don't want to spend the money. Probably both.

They aren't even close to finding slightly above average local replacements which is a red flag. It does take time but two years in and they haven't even started on the process.

Reply #902803 | Report this post

Two years ago

PW, I have friend who knows a players agent, I get told stuff in confidence, Perth have been trying very hard to get there Australian core up to strength. It is not as easy as when bevo went over there and brought Martin and company with him. The back of Perth success is on that core that is now retired. Other clubs are now also paying to get quality Australian players. The player whose name was mentioned to me is the exact player Perth needs, very team and plays quality D, can score but prefers to win over his stats. These players are there, they are just harder to get now days.

Reply #902818 | Report this post

Two years ago

Dunkman that's some interesting inside information which is appreciated so thank you but what matters is not their intention but coming through with the execution of it.

Reply #902888 | Report this post

Two years ago

I think we read about a few moves in the office season the cats did try to make. They offered a position to Delany who ended up wanting Europe and also Sam Waardenburg who wanted a starting role at Cairns. So on balance what Dunkman is saying seems to ring true.

Still then comes back to the only real viable option - change 1 underperforming Import for one who hopefully comes in has some swagger about them to do something on court. Manek seems so placid, needs to find his inner beast.

What I dont know is Mills and co watched Manek in summer league and never connected the dots that he might be a bit slow and not agile enough for the smaller players we have in this league.

When his three point is airballing like this game, what else can he do ? Cats could really use a more creative 4 man like Franks.

Reply #902994 | Report this post

Two years ago

It's probably a money issue when Delany and Waardenburg decline plus a rookie import in the form of Manek is recruited.

Reply #902995 | Report this post

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