Two years ago

WNBL Round 1

Wed 6:30pm - Perth vs Melbourne (ESPN)

Fri 6:30pm - Canberra vs Bendigo (9Now)

Sat 7:00pm - Southside vs Adelaide (9Now)

Sun 2:00pm - Bendigo vs Perth (9Now)
Sun 3:00pm - Townsville vs Canberra (9Now)

All times are local.

Topic #50563 | Report this topic

Two years ago

Rule of thumb for TV coverage:
Every round starts with a Wednesday ESPN game, with the rest of the round being streamed on 9Now.

Round 8 (Dec 28th) is the only slight variation to the rule.

WNBL TV Schedule

Reply #903110 | Report this post

Two years ago

I assume that is international ESPN coverage ? Could friends in the states view ? Southside v Adelaide would have been a good game for them.

Reply #903111 | Report this post

Two years ago

Why would you assume that?

Reply #903112 | Report this post

Two years ago

Highly unlikely I would've thought. The ESPN we get here is for the Australian & NZ market so doubt NBL games or now WNBL games get shown any further than that.

Reply #903113 | Report this post

Two years ago

The NBL games definitely don't. Very much doubt the WNBL would.

Reply #903119 | Report this post

Two years ago

Basket Case podcast:

The WNBL Show podcast:

Reply #903122 | Report this post

Big Ads  
Two years ago

So the Lightning are playing at the same time as the Adelaide 36ers.

Reply #903157 | Report this post

Two years ago

Lightning are in Melbourne though

Reply #903172 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Feed quality, not good.

Reply #903195 | Report this post

Two years ago

Maybe start with a FTA game so you can iron out the bugs before the showcase match. This is garbage. Clock and scores just changing or blanking out at random. Whole thing has an awful color filter on it.

Reply #903196 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

The commentating hub changes volume constantly.
Very poor to start off like this, maybe make sure everything is ready and working properly first....

Reply #903197 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Wallace, Whitcomb, Mitchell, Atwell, Scherf all been good in the first 1/2.

Reply #903201 | Report this post

Two years ago

Do broadcasters still receive federal funding for airing women's sports?

Reply #903202 | Report this post

Two years ago

KR, Pretty sure that colour filter was just the uniforms. Who decided pink vs pink with Pink refs was a good idea.

Reply #903203 | Report this post

Two years ago

Nope, the Lynx were wearing red:

Reply #903204 | Report this post

Two years ago

Production values of the broadcast was hilarious. The WNBL is using a new TV game production company this season but it's the same company as the NBL's so it shouldn't be that bad.

Nice to have a high scoring game first up but Perth's defence was especially bad.

Reply #903229 | Report this post

Two years ago

Game was great, broadcast was not.

The Boomers are gonna rely heavily on Mitchell, Wallace and George this season, especially until Madgen comes back. They were great in this one, but will need some more help for games where any of those 3 are off.

I was really surprised with how good Wallace was offensively. I think this is going to be a really fun team to watch this season.

Reply #903231 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Madgen is out for 4 weeks, if the boomers don't lose many games over the next month, they’ll easily make final 4. Getting Scanlon back will help a lot too.

No Garbin, young or mabrey for Perth...
Ryan, Atwell and Bibby won’t get them into top 4. 6-8 finish.
Whitcomb won’t be able to keep scoring at the same rate all season either.

Reply #903232 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Two years ago

Hard to recognise the players with the pale broadcast.
Mitchell - faark. some kinda supa player.

Reply #903244 | Report this post

Two years ago

Nice to have a high scoring game first up but Perth's defence was especially bad.

It was *not* nice to have a high scoring game of basketball. We shouldn't have been picked apart that easily.

Tiff Mitchell was superb. You can usually count on her to brick a lot of the shots she was swishing last night. A hot & cold player who was very very hot.
Wallace was money as well, which is also uncharacteristic for her - post-ACLs at least. I'm hoping it's a taste of things to come from her. If she can get that jumpshot working reliably then she is a whole other level of threat as a player. So simultaneously loved and hated her last night as she helped to kill us.

The Lynx have obviously lost a huge stack of talent & experience from last season, but I still mostly liked what I saw last night. There's no shame in losing to a likely grand finalist.
Not sure Ryan is a starting guard in the WNBL though. Such a shame that the Jackie Young re-signing fell through.

Reply #903246 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Getting rid of Ryan and getting a wnba calibre pg should be the goal or else they have no hope this season.

Spend a little more money, scout a bit better outside wa and get a few people back, could have had...

Import - Gandini/Burrows
Whitcomb - Gould
Atwell - Sharp
Garbin - Bibby
Scherf - Allen

Pay garbin her worth
Get just 1 high level import
Scout better, Gould not picked up for wnbl, highest ppg in wbbl england.

Reply #903251 | Report this post

Two years ago

Yeah I'm hoping for a breakout season for Wallace. She has all the tools to be a top tier guard but has only started to put it all together in the last couple of years because of injuries. If she can score more consistently and efficiently, she'll be fantastic. She'll get the opportunities in Lucas' system.

I am a bit puzzled why Perth haven't spent that much this season on their roster compared to last season. Even if they couldn't get Young to re-sign, surely that money could have been spent on other equivalent players? Trading in two WNBA starter imports and an Opal for two Aussie college grads and an NBL1 level import is a massive downgrade. They can't or won't spend the money which is a real shame.

Reply #903254 | Report this post

Esky 39  
Two years ago

Weedly Slug
scout a bit better outside wa / Scout better, Gould not picked up for wnbl, highest ppg in wbbl england.
They're not allowed to, owned by basketball WA. Mandated they must take x number of WA based players as that's what's funding the program. Petrik's hands are tied

Reply #903259 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

That doesn't mean contracted have to be mostly wa, it means dp in which they have done.

All Wa

With Ciabs(baby) out, they needed a sg or combo that can handle and shoot, they didn’t bring one in, atwell imo is not a sg, she’s a sf. A 3 pt shooting/rebounder, too similar too sharp. Clarke was the same type also.

Reply #903260 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

From wnbl

We apologise to our fans, clubs and players for the technical difficulties experienced during the broadcast of our first WNBL game last night.

Our production partner JAM TV have acknowledged that what was provided by their technical supplier was not acceptable and have sought and received assurances that it will be rectified.

Reply #903266 | Report this post

Esky 39  
Two years ago

That doesn't mean contracted have to be mostly wa, it means dp in which they have done.

False. have to be contracted. 10 of their 12 this year are wa born or wa based, plus all their training players.

And Allen retired, scouting

Reply #903272 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago


Gandini - wa
Burrows - wa
Ryan - usa
Whitcomb - wa
Atwell - wa
Sharp - vic
Bibby - vic
Hoycard - wa
Edwards - wa
Scherf - vic

Playing once or twice before in nbl1 west doesn't mean squat.

Reply #903276 | Report this post

Esky 39  
Two years ago


wa born or wa based

Doesn't have to mean squat to you if you ain’t paying the bills. Their bills, their rules

Reply #903280 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

They should have signed German international Fiebich and Canadian international Hamblin earlier then if they are 'wa' players long before they were picked up by overseas clubs.

So desperate to keep wa talent they let go of Garbin and Clarke and Mckay because
1. they didn’t want to fork out the doe
2. they made decisions early on that they wouldn’t be any good long term

Couldn’t even afford 1 of the star imports from last year.

Now they are claiming players who have played just 1 season in nbl1 west as contracted western Australian players? BS.

Reply #903286 | Report this post

Two years ago

We apologise to our fans, clubs and players for the technical difficulties experienced during the broadcast of our first WNBL game last night.

Our production partner JAM TV have acknowledged that what was provided by their technical supplier was not acceptable and have sought and received assurances that it will be rectified.

It's why I asked earlier whether broadcasters were still receiving federal funding for airing women's sports.

Get that government money to produce a substandard telecast and bank the margin.

Reply #903290 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Wnbls fault for not seeking nbl/nbl1 help.

Reply #903296 | Report this post

Camel 90  
Two years ago

Tharp is a Lynx DP? Oh my.

Reply #903334 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Tp - training player

Reply #903341 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Eddie McGuires jam tv apologises meanwhile perth based production company who has done quite a few,sports with no problems overlooked

Reply #903342 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Paused feed every 20 seconds, unwatchable.

Reply #903418 | Report this post

Two years ago

If you have a VPN, you can watch it on FIBA's Youtube channel (which is what I'm doing)

Reply #903420 | Report this post

Two years ago

Yep had to give it away, stop start rubbish. Disappointing to say the least.

Reply #903423 | Report this post

Cosmo Spacely  
Two years ago

Buidling on the momentum from the world cup BA take over the WNBL and it turns to shit on the first week. The coverage is just pathetic. Disappointing but not surprising.

Reply #903425 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

AJC streams are better than this

Reply #903426 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Hopefully potter has not done her acl

Reply #903427 | Report this post

Two years ago

9Now broadcast problems aside, the production of the broadcast is hilariously second-rate. Strange lighting, funny camera angles, no foul count and shot clock in the in game screen display and the commentators reading out ads during timeouts?! Allegedly the WNBL uses the same media production company as the NBL so unsure why the broadcast experience is so different.

Reply #903428 | Report this post

Two years ago

Who are the 2 male commentators ?

Reply #903429 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Production company is Eddie macguires jam tv, worse than nbl1 quality.

Reply #903430 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Same company different teams.

Reply #903431 | Report this post

Two years ago

One of the male commentators is Tom Garlepp, ex-NBL player and current Sydney Flames assistant coach. I've heard the other male commentator before but no idea who it is.

Reply #903432 | Report this post

Two years ago

Thanks SP. The voices are boring to listen to whether or not what they say may be sensible. Why no high profile female commentators like Michele Timms?

Reply #903435 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Canberra D , woeful.

Reply #903436 | Report this post

Two years ago

I think they're saving the high profile commentators for the ESPN games of the week. These Channel 9 broadcasts are clearly done on the cheap. I agree the commentators could be better.

Yeah Canberra's D is bad, but Bendigo do look very sharp. There's a clear talent difference between Bendigo and Canberra. I like the Melbourne and Swain backcourt for Canberra though, fun to watch even with their inexperience and turnovers.

Reply #903438 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Melbourne and Swain are good young players who will be opals for sometime.
Tonks and Pizzey though, hard to see them lasting in the wnbl.

Reply #903439 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Kereama what r u doing, from 20 to 10 deficit and you throw on dunlop.

Reply #903440 | Report this post

Esky 39  
Two years ago

^ winning by 20 by the looks of it

Reply #903443 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

I meant Canberra was down by 20, got it back to 11 and then Kereama added dunlop only to come straight off for griffin to come back in.

Reply #903444 | Report this post

Two years ago

Solid start to the season by Bendigo. They're not a deep team but I like their mix, and that front court rotation should keep them in plenty of games just through their effort levels alone.

Catching up this morning with 9Now's stream ... pretty disappointing quality, and that's without the bugs that it sounds like most people copped watching it live. Major step down from what Kayo produced last season.
Fingers crossed that there's improvement to come.

Reply #903497 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Any word on potter?

Reply #903498 | Report this post

Two years ago

Eddie McGuires jam tv apologises meanwhile perth based production company who has done quite a few,sports with no problems overlooked

So we now not only have Hutchy owning our men's team and running it to the ground but Eddie filming women's games on a camcorder.

Great, two of the AFL's biggest turds trying to milk the sport of basketball. This won't end well but in the meantime innocent fans have to suffer through it.

Reply #903506 | Report this post

Two years ago

Not sounding good for Potter

Reply #903510 | Report this post

Two years ago

ACL rupture + MCL strain confirmed, unfortunately

Reply #903545 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Dam, just like Wallace, back 2 back. They say the second acl you should rehab longer. We may not see her until nbl1 2024.

Reply #903546 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

I wonder if veal can reinvigorate another young career if potter is out for sometime. A once highly rated junior who will be available at the end of aflw like Jasmine Simmons or Paige Price. Wouldn't want Canberra to just pickup a vet nbl1 player or local. Maybe a Coe forward is willing to come out early and skip college to be contracted but they have to be born 2004 or earlier which only 1 remains at Coe,

Reply #903547 | Report this post

Two years ago

How unfortunate for Potter especially with her injury history. Hope all goes well with her rehab.

I can't see Canberra picking up a good replacement for Potter. I don't think picking up Price or Simmons for half a season would be all that useful, especially if they're not intending on playing basketball at WNBL level in the long term.

Reply #903555 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Simmons keeps getting omitted by the crows and price was delisted by the saints.
Simmons I believe is already a training player for the lightning.
Brazel another good 2004 option, just a dp in Adelaide. Maybe can poach. Won't get many minutes this season, too many infront of her.
Burrows a dp at boomers and Ananiev a dp at spirit already signed to colleges.

Reply #903556 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Lol this is hilarious, no commentators to start and worse than yesterdays feed.

Reply #903560 | Report this post

Two years ago

My stream looks like it was optimised for a 56kbps modem

Reply #903561 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Seriously, how can it be this bad?. A parent at a vjbl div 4 game does a better job.

Reply #903562 | Report this post

Two years ago

The bitrate on 9Now is atrocious. I watched a bit of one of the NRL games when the deal was announced, to make sure I could get everything up and running, and it was atrocious.

Reply #903563 | Report this post

Two years ago

Audio 2 seconds out of sync. Even NBL1 broadcasts were better than this.

Reply #903564 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Collier could be fired after just 1 round.

Reply #903567 | Report this post

Two years ago

Southside would be red hot favourites for the title - so many talls

Reply #903571 | Report this post

Two years ago

coverage was pixelating badly early but has settled now - my problem or other ? now running HD fine and we have very good cable connection.

Reply #903573 | Report this post

Two years ago

I have the fixtures synced to my calendar and they say tipoff is still five minutes away.

Reply #903574 | Report this post

Two years ago

And 9Now doesn't have any way to rewind or start from the beginning.

And they're mispronouncing Borlase.

Reply #903578 | Report this post

Two years ago

I have it forced to 720p and still getting SD.


Reply #903580 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Borlase has been solid

Reply #903582 | Report this post

Two years ago

Are you getting SD, or HD with atrocious bitrate? They're not the same thing.

The highest bitrate 9Now is capable of sending will always look like trash. The awful camera settings aren't helping.

Reply #903583 | Report this post

Two years ago

Borlase very, very good and only going to get better

Reply #903584 | Report this post

Two years ago

Lightning is very impressive with their structure

Reply #903585 | Report this post

Two years ago

if these 2 teams play like this every week both will be top 4

Reply #903588 | Report this post

Two years ago

I actually had a good looking HD picture for a moment when first loading up the stream but it didn't last long.

Yes, it looks like a faded/bleached out HD picture due to low bitrate.

Reply #903589 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Only 1/2 the squad playing D. 57 vs 50 at the 1/2

Reply #903590 | Report this post

Two years ago

Does 9Now always suck *this* hard or have they made a special effort for the WNBL?

Reply #903591 | Report this post

Two years ago

Comments from when it first aired all courts of the Australian Open (January 2020):

So I'm going to go with always.

Reply #903594 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Nbl1 quality on kayo should be the minimum goal.
Jam tv should not be paid for this production.

Reply #903595 | Report this post

Two years ago

You know you have a big problem when there is more discussion around the poor standard of broadcast quality than the game itself.

6 players scored in double figures for the Flyers in LJ's return to the WNBL as they held off Adelaide to win by 8 points.

WNBL's broadcast partner is Jam TV - the same company that looks after the NBL. Jam TV have subcontracted the production to Cluch TV who are self described as being "a live and on-demand streaming network dedicated 
to community sport."

Reply #903642 | Report this post

Tired Weevil  
Two years ago

Was at the game tonight. Considered staying home and watching it on 9now but after how bad it was last night, decided to go as I live not too far from the SBC. Seems I definitely made the right decision.

Was a good game! Agree with a few others and said to my partner who was with me, Borlase is a very good player for 18.

Reply #903665 | Report this post

Two years ago

Ah good ole subcontracting, that explains it. The WNBL better demand more from their production partners.

The scoring onslaught has surprised me so far and I'm sure all the coaches are concerned about defence. Borlase was definitely the highlight - love her craftiness off the dribble and her finishing. Southside look in the same category as Bendigo - top tier title contenders.

Reply #903716 | Report this post

Two years ago

What time is the Townsville game? YouTube says 1200, my phone calendar says 1300.

Meanwhile the Lynx game isn't on YouTube, it's just a waiting screen.

Reply #903718 | Report this post

Two years ago

Townsville game is 1500 according to WNBL website (AEDT I assume)

Reply #903720 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sorry times are local so that's 3 pm Queensland time.

Reply #903722 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Should have moved Bendigo license to Tassie before the season before the renewal, 200-300 people vs potentially 2,000-3,000 a game.

Get allthese teams aligned with nbl locations.
Good to see they moved Southside to sbc and boomers to msac.

Reply #903732 | Report this post

Two years ago

I think 1000-1500 a game would be realistic for Tassie, and that would be excellent.

Reply #903734 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

A lot more imo, they have nothing else to go to if no cricket home game.

Reply #903736 | Report this post

Two years ago

Boomers are at Parkville

Reply #903738 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Yeah that's the one.

Reply #903740 | Report this post

Two years ago

"A lot more imo, they have nothing else to go to if no cricket home game."

I'm living down here ATM. There is more to do in Tassie than anywhere else I've lived if you like the outdoors, which most Tassie folks do. Sports in Tas generally get poor attendances, the JackJumpers being the exception at the moment because they are doing a hell of a job on and off the court.

Getting 1000-1500 to the WNBL games would be an awesome crowd here, trust me.

Reply #903741 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

I can disagree.

Reply #903742 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Demolition atm, 41-16 1/4 time

Harmon, Pizzey, tonks nbl1 level imo.

Reid > Rocci/Heal
Clearly front runner for new opals pg addition.

Reply #903757 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Good comeback by the caps.

Reply #903758 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Caps Thrashed after the half, and now a few players down

Reply #903772 | Report this post

Two years ago

Ouch. That was brutal. Great stuff from the Fire.
Hopefully Melbourne is back soon. Looked to me like a fairly standard land-on-another-foot ankle sprain.

Lynx need to get some more consistent effort & discipline into their game. Seemed to me like there was a lot of going through the motions rather than doing things with real intent. That stuff is the difference between buckets and stops at both ends.
Burrows looking healthier than last year, which is good because there are certainly PG minutes up for grabs this season.

Reply #903784 | Report this post

Two years ago

Borlase keeps that level up and she will be drafted to WNBA

Reply #903798 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Dont think wnba level but a future opal for sure if she can get a consistant 3 pt shot.
Not sure she has enough tools for the wnba.

Reply #903799 | Report this post

Pasadena 72  
Two years ago

I'd have said the same about Talbot at the same age Weedy & I think Borlase compares favourably to her at the same age.

If she likes basketball enough I think she is a WNBA talent.

Reply #903808 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Talbot has legit size as a sf at 188cm and a very good defender.

Borlase is 5'11 04 SG and is not comparable to Talbot imo. Different positions.
As a potential future international, she’s competing against other sgs of similar age.
Quite a few around born 2000-2006. Eg Shelley, Melbourne, Swain etc etc

Reply #903815 | Report this post

Two years ago

If Borlase can keep up this form, she will definitely be drafted to the WNBA. The question is whether she'll make a final roster. She has good size and decent athleticism so I don't think that's the issue. She can hit outside jumpers but clearly prefers to go inside. She'll need to demonstrate she can score from the outside consistently if she wants to make a final WNBA roster. I think it's possible - she's not eligible for the draft till 2024 and there's a lot of development to go.

Canberra must be disappointed with their weekend and the injuries on top of that - yipes. Not surprising given what they've lost, but it's definitely a rebuild season for them. The three Victorian teams plus Townsville look like an early solid bet for the top four.

Reply #903821 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Drafted sure, just like Melbourne but atwell was drafted, Tupaea was drafted, Mijovic was drafted.

Beyond pick 5 in the wnba, the chances of a long term wnba career are slim.

Reply #903823 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

2023 draft mocks

Highest I've seen

Shelley #12
Swain #28

If they enter...
I don’t think Shelley is going anywhere near #12, more second/third round and I think swain will be one of the last few picked but could boost stock if she has a good wnbl season.

Reply #903824 | Report this post

Two years ago

Borlase's athleticism is well on the way to elite level (like Talbot) she is taller than Erin (2 x wnba titles). So if her results are of this level regularly I'd expect her to drafted - whether anything eventuates time will tell. Is there a minimal draft age in the wnba ?

Reply #903827 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

She'll be an opal but not sure how anyone sees her having elite level athleticism, the COE records should show that.

Poise and basketball IQ, yes, very savy at her age.
Strength, endurance and desire, above average.
Vertical leap, lateral quickness, speed and explosiveness, no special attributes.

Reply #903828 | Report this post

Two years ago

International players can get drafted in the WNBA in the year they turn 20. Borlase was born in 2004 so she'll be eligible to be drafted in 2024. She will almost certainly be drafted - WNBA teams are keen to pick up foreign prospects in the second and three rounds and worse WNBL prospects have been drafted. I would also expect Nyadiew Puoch to get a good look from WNBA teams for the 2024 draft.

Reply #903829 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Borlase and Puoch yes, wnba drafted, long term pro players + opals.
Loughridge, undrafted, long term pro, potential opal.

Other current non contracted 2004 born WNBL Players

Long wnbl career? yes/no

Pg Rotunno no
Sg Tharpe no
Sf Brazel yes
Sf Burrows yes
Sf Ananiev yes
Sf Vlahov no
Pf Crawshaw yes
C Griffiths no

Reply #903830 | Report this post

Pasadena 72  
Two years ago

I would say her physical & athletic attributes are well ahead of her poise & IQ. Perhaps why we view her differently as a prospect.

Reply #903831 | Report this post

Two years ago

Yeah I am not sure the Talbot/Borlase comparison is that useful. Talbot is playing in the WNBA due to her defensive versatility. If Borlase is going to make the WNBA, it's due to her offensive skills.

Reply #903832 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

The results are clear though, they have been recorded both at Coe and by sa basketball.
Eye test vs actual records.

Reply #903833 | Report this post

Pasadena 72  
Last year

Weedy - read up in this thread where you mention Borlase is not and will not be WNBA level.

Reply #909310 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Didn't you say I said she wouldn’t be drafted?

Reply #909313 | Report this post

Pasadena 72  
Last year

1-0 Weedy.

I still think your assessment here under sells her potential.

Reply #909324 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

I said she would be a long term pro and an opal. wnba drafted, yes, wnba level player, no.
Might get a shot like Heal, Atwell or Maley but playing year in, year out in the wnba, imo I don't think so.

Reply #909328 | Report this post

Last year

Doesn't seem unfair. It's only a guess after all.
Tonnes of young players show potential. Not many achieve continuity on a WNBA roster. So many factors at play, especially for a non-American.
Doesn't mean we aren't all hoping for the best for her.

Reply #909330 | Report this post

Last year

If Borlase's ability to get to the rim and finish translates to the WNBA at all, I think she will find a regular spot there. She has great finishing touch for a guard and good court vision too. Her outside shooting and pick and roll play needs work but they will improve with more experience and games.

Reply #909331 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Magbegor the only one who is u23 that looks like she will have a 5-10 year wnba career.

Reply #909333 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Highest chance of getting wnba contract from wnbl youth imo.

Melbourne > Swain > Puoch > Borlase

Reply #909334 | Report this post

Pasadena 72  
Last year

I would say Puoch > Borlase > Melbourne > Swain.

As someone said above, none of us are rooting against any of them making it.

Reply #909336 | Report this post

Last year

I think Borlase and Puoch have more definable potential WNBA skills and roles than Swain and Melbourne do. One could argue that Melbourne has the biggest upside but I don't think anybody knows yet what's the best role for her in the pros.

Reply #909338 | Report this post

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An Australian basketball forum covering NBL, WNBL, ABL, Juniors plus NBA, WNBA, NZ, Europe, etc | Forum time is: 7:47 pm, Sat 27 Jul 2024 | Posts: 968,026 | Last 7 days: 754