Two years ago

Cats vs JJ's - 3/11/22

Cats are being hammered by NBL commentators and fans on social media, after having some of the worst effortless performances in years. At stake tonight will be hitting a 5 game losing street not seen since 2005. Crowds are down, anger is up and the cats need to start winning consistently to let the action on court extinguish the negativity.

JJ's have had the cats number in recent outings and should come in favourites to put the first nail in the coffin for cats final aspirations after a poor outing against the breakers. Coach Roth excels in getting the most out of his squad and should relish the opportunity to get their team back on track with a win against one the leagues current easy beats.

Can Manek get the touches and make them to bring missing scoring punch, can the wildcats stay in front of their man and play defence. Can they get more out of Thomas who is playing well but not seeing enough plays run for him. Does Blanchfield , Travers and Webster turn up. Can the squad discover their passion on court.

Lets discuss here

Topic #50566 | Report this topic

Two years ago

It hurts me to say I've never been this on the fence about the cats, literally no idea wtf will happen

Reply #903226 | Report this post

Big Fudge  
Two years ago

Cats will get the win here and the Cats fans will think they are back... only to commence losing again once they hit the road.

Its gonna be a season of Cats fighting for 6th, but should get the win tonight.

Reply #903227 | Report this post

Two years ago

Interesting article from Boti Nagi, who says Rillie wouldnt have liked to have played under Rillie the coach and that he is running the roster like a college team where theres more share of the minutes.

Interesting read that may point some of the issues to a rookie coach with no Euro/Fiba/NBL coaching experience.

Reply #903234 | Report this post

Two years ago

Manek needs to book a return seat to his visiting old man if he has another shocker. At some point enough is enough

Reply #903236 | Report this post

Two years ago

I'd be interested to see the numbers behind Boti's claim about the constant subs. I haven't got the impression that the Cats are outside the norm in that department but then again it's not something I focus too much on so maybe I've just missed it.
Personally I would have liked to see Zunic given more opportunities, not fewer. Ditto with Harris. Ditto Shervill.

As for all the sooking ... yeah, I guess that is the downside to having a fanbase that has been spoiled for a long time. They get very precious when everything isn't perfect.

Reply #903237 | Report this post

Two years ago

Who knows, Blanchfield, Travers, Norton, Webster have got show something early or might as well play there young guys. Perth got nothing to lose but I see Roth dealing them a defeat. JJs got a very consistent team and three solid imports. How things have changed so quickly, JJs by ten.

Reply #903242 | Report this post

Two years ago

Perth have got nothing to lose ... except games of basketball and fans and a lot of money.

Reply #903245 | Report this post

Two years ago

Owner/GM/coach are all incompetent.

It seems like people are searching for hope where there is not realising the hurt will last for years. It is what it is.

Reply #903247 | Report this post

Big Fudge  
Two years ago

I cant remember the last time Perth lost so many home games. From memory its now 8 of the last 12 home games they have lost (dating back to the home stretch of last season)

Reply #903248 | Report this post

Two years ago

Purely going off memory but the last time that happened was probably in the 80s.

Even during the lean years under Vlahov ownership our home record was excellent.

Reply #903249 | Report this post

Two years ago

Bit early to call the coach incompetent I'd say.
He's not that far into his NBL career and he's working with a pretty limited list of options.

Reply #903250 | Report this post

Two years ago

I think it's unfair on the owners, GM, coach. It was shit storm going to happen, dynasties only last so long. Bevo set this side up and Gleeson took the batten and coached them to outstanding success. There was always going to be a point where a rebuild was needed. I’m certain the ownership are not happy losing or the GM or coaches. It’ll show us how strong Perth fans are or they only follow winners.

Reply #903252 | Report this post

Two years ago

Game day changes being reported as so traumatic for some 'fans' they are considering cancelling memberships is comical, some people really need to get a grip. Can understand families finding it difficult to get to mid week games but other than that the changes are so minor only a proper Karen or Kevin would get their drawers in a knot. I am happy to keep paying for my membership even if we hit rock bottom, dafuq else is there to do around town most nights?

Reply #903253 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sam Froling is a much better player than he's showing at hawks, Perth should chase him, look for good Australian core.

Reply #903265 | Report this post

Two years ago

Game day changes being reported as so traumatic for some 'fans' they are considering cancelling memberships is comical, some people really need to get a grip. Can understand families finding it difficult to get to mid week games but other than that the changes are so minor only a proper Karen or Kevin would get their drawers in a knot. I am happy to keep paying for my membership even if we hit rock bottom, dafuq else is there to do around town most nights?

It does sounds absurd when you consider what is being served up on the court presently but it makes sense since the move to Perth Arena resulted in many new members of a casual entertainment nature rather than basketball people. It's all about the bells and whistles for them. Good riddance.

Reply #903277 | Report this post

Two years ago

What is more likely to occur.
2 teams can get through a quarter of an NBL game without being in the bonus or man lands on Mars?

Reply #903278 | Report this post

Two years ago

Imo if Manek played under Gleeson he'd a lot more effective.

Nice first quarter by both sides.

Reply #903279 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Two years ago

Zunic really should be taking a lot of Webster's minutes. A LOT of Webster's minutes

Reply #903281 | Report this post

Diop Kick  
Two years ago

Manek looked miserable going to the change rooms, might be injured

Reply #903282 | Report this post

Diop Kick  
Two years ago

Funny thing with Manek is I know a lot of Charlotte fans who hoped he stayed with the team after summer league. His shooting and smarts really stood out and looked like a solid role player.

He runs around a bit like Mankind though, always looks like he's about to fall over.

Reply #903284 | Report this post

Diop Kick  
Two years ago

Manek just a fitness test and appeared to pass it

Reply #903285 | Report this post

Two years ago

In fairness since Jan last year more away teams have won than home teams....

Reply #903287 | Report this post

Two years ago

Webster can't chuck in the ocean, Blanchfield only influence in the game was after the siren.
Perth have looked better but only lead by two is worrying

Reply #903288 | Report this post

Diop Kick  
Two years ago

How am I doing as a sideline reporter?

Apart from the missing words?

Reply #903289 | Report this post

Two years ago

Never gets old, Bryce is ridiculous. We're so lucky to have him in the NBL.

Reply #903291 | Report this post

Two years ago

The best import and second best ever player to ever player to play in the nbl

Reply #903292 | Report this post

Diop Kick  
Two years ago

Been some really terrible defensive effort at times this game by wildcats

Reply #903293 | Report this post

Two years ago

Webster single handedly giving this back to Tassie

Reply #903294 | Report this post

Two years ago

Very hard to blame management on the way Norton and Blanchfield are playing. They are obviously trying but it's just not happening.

Reply #903295 | Report this post

Two years ago

The only thing Blanchfield does than throw up bricks is not box out at all and give up offensive rebounds

Reply #903297 | Report this post

Another Anon  
Two years ago

Rillie out of his depth but this all started from the top for the Cats.

Reply #903298 | Report this post

Diop Kick  
Two years ago

Cotton fantastic, wagstaff pretty good, majok doing his job. Everyone else has disappointed me

Reply #903299 | Report this post

Two years ago

How bad was Travers D there, he's struggling as well.

Reply #903300 | Report this post

Two years ago

Exactly Diop K

Reply #903301 | Report this post

Two years ago

Perth's best local is literally geriatric Wagstaff

Reply #903302 | Report this post

Two years ago

Rillie out of his depth but this all started from the top for the Cats.

Agreed, but it's SEG not SEN.

Reply #903303 | Report this post

Diop Kick  
Two years ago

Magette on fire!!!

Reply #903304 | Report this post

Diop Kick  
Two years ago

I think Majok, Manek a bit and Norton were the only ones blocking out all game

Reply #903305 | Report this post

Two years ago

Perth are awful at the moment. Bad defensive execution and one man offensive game plan

Reply #903306 | Report this post

Two years ago

Blanchfield is without a doubt the worst player in the league that plays significant minutes. Rillie you have to stop playing him full stop.

Reply #903307 | Report this post

Jack Knife  
Two years ago

While people will look at Manek, Blanchfield, Webster etc, my view is that the biggest issue for Perth is Norton. I think the quality of the league and PG's generally has moved past him. He doesn’t really create anything or run plays for the other scorers and bring them into the game, his defence is adequate but not elite, and he continually drives into impossible situations and turns the ball over. I just can’t see Perth figuring prominently in the league with Norton as starting PG

Reply #903308 | Report this post

Two years ago

Blanchfield has always had a reputation much better than he has played, Webster as well, they have one or two good games a season and live off it. Travers is young and yes I know he got drafted but joining them as very over hyped, though his defence would be nba standard, slack. Norton been horrible.

JJs just keep marching on. There a team and McVeigh who was not much at Sixers is now a gun, hits a three gets back on D instead of all the chest pumping.

Reply #903309 | Report this post

Two years ago

Damon Lowery put it perfectly , the wildcats need a complete overhaul to what they are doing now otherwise nothing will really change.

The offence was so static, people standing around watching someone do a one on one drive while on the JJ's side they grabbing offensive boards and making 2-3 extra shots. Teams don't have to play defence except against bryce, everyone else is standing around.

I feel like at this stage along with Manek out the door, Rillie probably has to go with him.

Club is paying for not clearing out some of the poor performers from last year and bringing in a bit of athleticism and passion into team.

Likely 0-7 by the end of next week and wooden spoon favourites.

Reply #903310 | Report this post

Two years ago

Said it previously, get an import point guard, the team would improve immediately.

Reply #903311 | Report this post

Two years ago

DUNKMAN - You're such a hater of Norton, but not very basketball knowledgeable. Norton is doing his job. He is running the game plan as per what the Coach’s instructions, that’s the problem. Norton continually pointing to Blanchfield as in to say he is open but Bryce is not seeing it. Norton has got points, drawn fouls - got rebounds got as many as anyone. At least he is having a good crack. I think plays need to be run and drawn up for everyone not just Bryce. Blanchfield is off for sure, Webster is giving nothing, Manek actually should have played more. Everyone needs to go back to their strengths and players need to giving up the ball for each other - it shows confidence. Rebounds are causing a big problem. But your continual bagging of Norton is a joke. No disrespect but do you know what a game summary is or stats. Give it a look mate - educate yourself. But don’t player bag just because you have a personal dislike for the bloke or just say you have a personal dislike for the bloke and move one. I guess we are about to see if it is really true are the Red Arm y the best fans in the league or only when they are winning.

Reply #903312 | Report this post

Two years ago


What about the Jackjumpers?

Love em

Winning in WA is not easy.

Love the Jackjumpers

Reply #903313 | Report this post

Two years ago

Norton had 1 assist. I dont think norton would have a starting spot on any other team in the league. He is looking like a 15 minute bench player who can come in and play hard for short stretches.

The cats are lacking in so many areas , where do you start. Their small, lack rim protectors, have few if any athletic players, dont have a distribution focused Point Guard who can hold his own on the 3 pointer.

Add in a rookie coach who hasn't adjusted his game plan or cant get his message across to the players.

Reply #903314 | Report this post

Diop Kick  
Two years ago

I have a soft spot for Manek but he's a role player, I’m sure Gleeson would find a way to get him an open shot, but he’s not going to produce a ton by himself. I agree he should have played more tonight but he definitely hurt his shoulder or something.

I was really disappointed with Thomas tonight, was soft on the boards, missed some defensive assignments. I don’t think you can go with 2 meh imports, one has to be good/excellent unless you have great aussies.

Reply #903315 | Report this post

Diop Kick  
Two years ago

Gotta love the Jackjumpers, I wish we had your coach!

Great game by all their players

Reply #903316 | Report this post

Two years ago

Anyone bagging Kenyon, Magette, Krslovic, Weeks, McVeigh??

I remember............................

Reply #903317 | Report this post

Two years ago

Anyone ready for Morrison back? At least his roster had massive gaping holes. Just watched Rillie get completely out coached, Roth went small, Rillie stayed big, Jackie's got 30 open threes as Perth kept trying to recover.ffs.

Also there is no offence at all? Run a play for a catch and shoot shot

Reply #903318 | Report this post

Two years ago

Winning in WA is not easy.

That used to be true

Reply #903319 | Report this post

Two years ago

Anyone ready for Morrison back? At least his roster had massive gaping holes.

You don't reckon we'd be a better team with Vic Law instead of Brady Manek?

Reply #903320 | Report this post

Two years ago

@ Cooked
I don't hate Norton at all, he’s just been terrible, again imo. If Rillie is happy with him so be it, but cats going nowhere with him at the point.

Reply #903321 | Report this post

Two years ago

Perth fans missing Scomo yet?

Reply #903322 | Report this post

Two years ago

Matt kenyon...anyone want to comment?

Reply #903323 | Report this post

Two years ago

Some of the second chance points the JJ's generated from offensive rebounds was crucial. The cats lacking a solid interior defender and rebounder but also lacking that collective effort on the boards that the JJ's possess.

Same issues as last season not enough rebounds and its the softest defense ive ever seen from a wildcats team. Its difficult to unlearn Morrisons iso ball chucking up 3 pointers system but im yet to see a clear system that Ryllie is implementing. If the players clearly knew their role and moved the ball as a team im sure Manek and co would be shooting with more confidence. But they have to contribute in other ways and defend with intensity and crash the boards hard. I could accept the loss a bit easier if the desire is shown.

Reply #903324 | Report this post

Diop Kick  
Two years ago

Some of the second chance points were from lack of blocking out. Majok was the only one I trusted on the boards

Reply #903325 | Report this post

Diop Kick  
Two years ago

I don't miss ScoMo at all, the difference for him was he had 2 plays. 1 give it to Cotton, 2 give it to Law.

Reply #903326 | Report this post

Two years ago

Seen enough live on on the couch to see a very unfortunate truth here.
I had very high hopes for Rillie. His demeanour and attitude seem perfect for the new Wildcats.

The truth: JR does not run any offensive sets. This is brutal viewing. What's the plan? in a 40min game - who is getting the shots? Nothing decisive or deliberate.
I hate to harp back to Gleeson, but remember when Jarred Bairstow would turn up under the bucket by himself for an easy 2?

This would be mitigated by relentless team D and crashing the boards...but that ain't happening either.
There is no system on offence whatsoever.

As for the roster, Norton looks to have lost a step. Blanchfield is most inconsistent player in league. agree with previous comment about inconsistent compared to expectation.
lack of quality local bigs means a lack of quality import shot makers.

Mentioned earlier, Norton 1 dime tonight. how is he not hitting up a cutting Bryce for at least 2 assist per game, every game? This could be gameplan not Norton, but he sure ain't CP3.

Manek has no snappy movements and is obviously now devoid of confidence to show some conviction. Move Thomas to PF, cut Manek for a true C.

I like Manek for some reason, but what's his go to move?

Previous years have had an epic pick pop roll threat at PF - Mooney, Kay, Knight. Went away from that with Law last year, and now completely with this setup.

Feels like a long road ahead.
Rillie 3y deal from memory.
Only 1y left on Norton contract from same memory.
Blanch another two. Hope Danny didn't pay up too much for him.

Reply #903327 | Report this post

Two years ago

Live and on the couch *

Reply #903328 | Report this post

Two years ago

What does Todd Blanchfield give that Corey Shervill doesn't?

Reply #903329 | Report this post

Two years ago

^ Yeah, I'm wondering the same thing. When Blanchfield & Webster are in a funk, I don't see the harm in giving Shervill & Zunic a crack to see if they can make anything happen.

Reply #903332 | Report this post

Two years ago

If the 4th qtr fadeouts keep repeating till xmas and beyond and there are no personnel changes something is deeply farked behond closed doors at cats headquarters

Reply #903333 | Report this post

Two years ago

It seems like the Perth wildcats cheque book culture is over.

Reply #903335 | Report this post

Two years ago

Perth's success was built around a stable ownership group and management, great coaching and culture and continuity of their core roster, not their cheque book.

Perth are now going through what the Breakers went through when the Blackwells relinquished their ownership.

At least Perth still have Bryce Cotton.

Reply #903336 | Report this post

Diop Kick  
Two years ago

Losing a Marto then a Gleeson changed things a fair bit

Reply #903337 | Report this post

Two years ago

I really like John Rillie and I was happy to have him at our club but is he too nice, is he too calm for the NBL?

I mean it, when has he completely lost his shit at a bad call and got himself T'd up and shown the team that he is really fighting for his boys, in the way we have seen from Forde, Vickerman and Buford in recent years and something Wright did amazingly well and it seemed to galvanise their respective groups.

I think Perth led by 11 points in the second quarter and it slowly was whittled away and I was saying to the girl beside me, this is where JR needs to blow up and change momentum back in our favour instead it was tied at half time and the 4th quarter run by the Jackjumpers the same thing.

I'm not sure if JR coaching college kids has meant he has his approach to communication as more like a new age teacher than someone that strip the paint off the walls with his half time addresses... but I'd love to see more mongrel from him and maybe more will come from the players and they won't neglect to box out next time, they won't stand still on offence and start moving without the ball and we can recreate some good habits we seen in preseason and up in Cairns (remember when we slaughtered them up there - maybe time to pull that tape out and re-establish the things we did well then that we've let slip thereafter).

Well done to the Jackjumpers and Magette in particular, he showed wonderful poise tonight and his shooting was a great spectacle... can't wait to see this team with Magnay and Steindl

Reply #903338 | Report this post

Two years ago

Jr calm? Lol

Reply #903343 | Report this post

Two years ago

Perth 100% need an import change, need a new import who will shake things up a little.

Saw that Jaylen Adams has left his Euro club, Jacob Wiley has left his club in Japan, a guy of this level is required.

Given Perth need help with everything except at SG, I would go the best talent available regardless of position, the ideal to me would be throw everything you can at Adams. This would take a significant extra expense over what they are paying Manek, but I think something like this is what they need to do to keep the red army engaged and turn the season around.

Im no Perth fan, but them being a strong club with a packed house every game is important to the league, we cant afford the lose the strong clubs.

Adams would come in, take the pressure of Bryce and make it impossible for teams to gang up on him.

Id tell Travers he needs to play the 4 spot and watch and learn from Creek and Cooks types if he wants to go the next level we need around 15ppgg 6r from him, and give up on the letting him run the point stuff. At the very least needs to bring hunger, energy and hustle like you see from a Creek type every play, which he has been lacking. Gleeson in his first year had Travers filling in at PF and had some success imo, so this is how I would use him.

It would give you a rotation of


I think in hindsight they may regret over paying to keep Norton, who whilst is solid is said to be on good import level money and not delivering that type of production, similar in a way to Adelaide over paying McCarron.

Reply #903345 | Report this post

Two years ago

Jaylan Adams been released by his euro league club. Perth I'm starting there, he changed the kings season around, now is your chance.

Reply #903346 | Report this post

Two years ago

Jacob Wiley only plays offence, he's not your answer, gets cut from clubs every season. As you posted and I missed, Adams is.

Reply #903347 | Report this post

Two years ago

Love Roths defence of John Rillie in the press conference:

Reply #903348 | Report this post

Two years ago

Nah Scott Roth is way off base. The keyboard warriors know what's really up. Throw Rillie in the bin.

Reply #903349 | Report this post

Two years ago

It leaves their roster unbalanced, but if you can get Jaylen Adams you get Jaylen Adams! He started slow last season, but once he got going and the Kings put Clark around him to open up the floor he had some games that were just out of this world.

Reply #903351 | Report this post

Two years ago

It's impossible to dislike Scott Roth (and the Jack Jumpers by extension).

Reply #903352 | Report this post

Two years ago

Exactly ^^^^. As I've said before I wasn’t a fan off his selection but he shoved it down my throat. He’s been a great get.

Reply #903354 | Report this post

Two years ago

I feel like JR will bury his head in the sand and hope that a few more great practices they turn it around. Hoping SEM are going to pull the trigger on something whether it be import, overseas aussie, next star, new coach - something.

Otherwise if we write off the season , which is looking increasingly like it then hopefully they play the young guys with some serious minutes to try and find the next generation.

Too many 30+ year olds on the current roster.

Reply #903360 | Report this post

Big Fudge  
Two years ago

Wagstaff being the second best player on the Cats is signs that this team just doesnt cut it.

Rillie - out of his depth
Norton - Great point guard, in a reserve role
Manek - Not import quality
Thomas - barely import quality
Travers - still too passive, love the comment about playing him at the 4
Webster - MIA
Blanchfield - MIA
Majok - tries but hasnt been the same since his Achilles tear.

If management dont do anything soon then it just shows that they aren't like previous owners who demand a championship from the club.

Reply #903367 | Report this post

Angry Ant  
Two years ago

wildcats are in trouble at them moment. Some moves surely have to come.

Reply #903369 | Report this post

Two years ago

Yeah i was pleased when Rillie got the HC role but he's been poor so far in so many areas. I agree with above he seems too relaxed at times but it wouldn't be an issue if the players actually showed some grit and intensity on defense when things get tough. The players need to take the heat on that as well but the JJ's tactically dismantled the cats far too easily in the last quarter and that just wouldn't happen with Gleeson coached teams.

Reply #903370 | Report this post

Two years ago

Put Damian Martin in this year's team and it wouldn't be happening either. He was the defensive coach on the floor as well as a great defender.

Reply #903374 | Report this post

Two years ago

I actually think the biggest issue with Perth is Cotton.
For the past 2 years, Perth have been expecting Cotton to get citizenship and it just hasn't happened. They are spending import dollars on cotton so cheap out on the 4/5 expecting to get a budget PG import when he gets it.
Yes Cotton deserves the money he gets but you cannot keep spending money.
I also think because of the offensive structure, he actually takes a lot of bad, contested shots, off the dribble. Yes, it’s because of the rest of the team not being able to hit water in an ocean, but see point 1.
Opponents, no 1 on the board vs Perth is limit Cotton, force others to make shots. No 2 crash boards.
I think if you are going to rebuild properly, it needs to be without Cotton.
*waits for the haters

Reply #903377 | Report this post

Two years ago

Yeah I have been thinking myself how would the cats look with more balanced spending accross three imports rather than massive on one.

Sydney last year had 3 quality imports along side a marquee Australian. That would seem to be the template.

Reply #903378 | Report this post

Two years ago

Right, so hypothetically we cut Cotton, replace him with player 'x' who statistically will be worse and somehow the consistent inconsistencies of the supporting cast magically dissipate. I don't agree.

Reply #903379 | Report this post

Two years ago

No you replace all 3 imports with a better all-round blend, bit like New Zealand this year. That way you dont have overreliance on one player and no cheap College rookies who dont even have traction in the G-League.

At 30 Cottons age does look to be impacting his ability to play out a full game so if they focus on a true rebuild which they should have done end of last year then the question comes down to how much is he worth - when its an opportunity cost on getting a more balanced roundup of supporting imports.

Dont get me wrong a club with Cotton is better than without but if you cannot vastly improve your australian contingent the only way is via the import market - and talent costs money.

Reply #903380 | Report this post

Two years ago

Cotton be thy name, I won't speak ill of him!

Reply #903381 | Report this post

Two years ago

Its a valid point re Cotton

He is a baller and everyone would want him, but is hid price tag too high and preventing them from rounding out the roster sufficiently.

For example you could probably sign Walton and Cleveland for less than Cotton and Manek, who im assuming is a somewhat cheaper import.

Which is the path the Kings took in not retaining Adams as he was asking Cotton money or more and they decided they could sign Walton who is close enough to as good for half the money and have a better overall roster.

Not saying let Cotton go or anything, but its a reasonable question.

The ideal is to add atleast 1 high level import to Cotton and let some of the Aussies like Blanchfield or Norton go or stay on reduced deals in the future to help allow for this within the budget.

I personally dont blame the budget or the owners as Perth were apparently the biggest spending team last season, and realistically if Law hadnt missed the last 5 games, they likely win 1 and make the playoffs and then who knows they may have made the Grand Final and not broken the streak.

I think the biggest issue is underperforming locals like Norton, Blanchfield, Travers, Webster and then needing to upgrade Manek which hopefully they can spend more to do so.

Reply #903384 | Report this post

Two years ago

I'll take Gleeson words on this, you build teams around Cotton, anyone suggesting otherwise imo don’t no his true value. He won you a premiership when he arrived halfway through season. To many over priced Aussies that are not performing. Adams changes all this with him and Cotton.

Reply #903386 | Report this post

Diop Kick  
Two years ago

Mike Kelly is meant to be a defensive stalwart isn't he?
He’s associate head coach, there were some pretty crappy defensive efforts at times, I’d hope he get up them.

Reply #903387 | Report this post

Diop Kick  
Two years ago

And yes, I'm sure Gleeson would find a way to get it to work.

Reply #903388 | Report this post

Two years ago

Perth were apparently the biggest spending team last season
According to whom?

Reply #903393 | Report this post

Two years ago

The figures released in the recent News Ltd articles have Perth as the biggest spending team, and even if actual spend of some of the teams like the Kings is more than the salary cap figure released Perth would be unlikely to drop too far down the list and would be in the top couple of spending teams.

Reply #903394 | Report this post

Two years ago

That, again, comes down to Cotton not being naturalised and therefore being unable to be a marquee. So his full $700k counts against the cap, whereas Delly's $900k only counts for $125k.

That paperwork comes through, Perth's spend drops overnight by a million dollars.

Reply #903399 | Report this post

Two years ago

Yes in terms of the salary cap,

Im more talking actual spend which im willing to bet Perth would be top or top 2 or 3 in the league, so its hard to say ownership are not giving the club the resources to atleast be a playoff team.

They just havent got all the imports right and many of their expensive aussies are not performing to the level that would be expected, which i think is the biggest issue, cant really blame anyone except the players themselves imo.

Reply #903404 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sydney, Perth, United would all be big spending, all have had good success over the last few seasons.

Reply #903407 | Report this post

Two years ago

"its hard to say ownership are not giving the club the resources to atleast be a playoff team."

Agreed. And they were a playoff-level team last year, but copped a bad run of injury (and self-inflicted wounds with the injury replacement) and just missed out.

Reply #903413 | Report this post

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