Two years ago

Wildcats @ 36ers

7:30pm local
5:00pm WA

Randall II has been cleared to play.
I doubt it has much effect on the outcome though. Cats to cruise home.

Topic #50576 | Report this topic

Two years ago

Perth has missed a lot of shot's, spoke too The coach at the members function after the game. It’s a matter of time the shot’s will fall. Lost to games by 4, had leads in the 3 out of 4 games by 8 or more.

Not to far off, when the gel and hopefully they come home with a wet sail to finish the season.

Still not the wildcats that we are used seeing but sometimes it’s good for us supporters to see how lucky we were having success.

Reply #903527 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sorry a few grammar mistakes on my post

Reply #903528 | Report this post

Two years ago

It would take a miraculous turn of form for Perth to win. Right now they have way to many passengers . It's all cotton or nothing and Adelaide is way to deep for a one man show to beat them.

Will need blanchfield, Manek and Webster to finally show something and sadly all indications suggests it won’t happen .

Adelaide 95 Perth 87

Reply #903541 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Two years ago

Could go either way for me. Both are capable of great and poor basketball.

Reply #903542 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sixers to win and maybe even smash the Cats if they get their groove on despite having CJ as coach.

Reply #903543 | Report this post

Two years ago

This game wont even be klose

Bookmark it.. Another blow out on our hands

The commentators.. Specifically Lowry said exactly what ive been saying for two weeks on this board.

Starters are trash defensively.. Because three of thel are OLD '

Dont start wagstaff start majok.. Lobe thomas to the 4

If thats what rillie said we are in lore troublz then i thought

Reply #903544 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Two years ago

Randall coming back from injury, I'd try him as a spark off the bench.
I would like to see what happens.
Expecting a close game

Reply #903548 | Report this post

Two years ago

Scott Ninnis said it beatifully "the cats have got old quick". They needed some new blood this year to start rebuilding the franchise, I suspect fade outs do have something to do with the average age of the roster.

If it was a practice session, maybe Perth would win as they "practice hard"
But for a real match Adelaide have no excuse but to wipe Perth of the floor.

Reply #903550 | Report this post

Two years ago

DJ playing drop D on Cotton 3 feet from the basket, lol.

Reply #903598 | Report this post

Two years ago

Great start cats

Reply #903600 | Report this post

Two years ago

Haha, Manek is on fire and the Cats are on track for 100 points.

Only in Adelaide.

Reply #903601 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Two years ago

What's with Adelaide at home? Turnovers, dysfunction. Getting torched from 3. Just seems like the same old story again.

Reply #903602 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sixers playing shorts look like football shorts.

Reply #903604 | Report this post

Two years ago

The 36ers need David Cooper to anchor the defense in the paint

Reply #903605 | Report this post

Two years ago

Cats haven't needed to do anything special to compile this lead. Adelaide have pretty much handed it to us. And I don't mean to sounds ungrateful about that btw. Though I don't expect it to last.

Reply #903606 | Report this post

Two years ago

Perth have come out playing hard and playing for pride. Can they play with this intensity for four quarters.

Reply #903607 | Report this post

Two years ago

We're still pretending teams don't have people watching replays on the sideline before signalling for a challenge eh.

Reply #903608 | Report this post

Two years ago

Can we show the coach's challenge in the stadium?

Reply #903609 | Report this post

Two years ago

Coaches should never challenge based only on the opinion of the alleged fouler. Especially not in the 1st quarter.

Reply #903610 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sixers playing crap but only trail by 9.

Reply #903613 | Report this post

Two years ago

Cats doing their best to reduce this margin

Reply #903614 | Report this post

Two years ago

2nd half Cotton making a first half appearance so far

Reply #903615 | Report this post

Two years ago

Perths biggest problem might be Travers atm. He looks to be playing scared of contact.

Reply #903618 | Report this post

Two years ago

Momentum, blatant foul from Randall ii, three for him, then a buzzer beater.... like it's not hard, it was an obv foul

Reply #903619 | Report this post

Two years ago

Curious to know why both Goat Casey and Hooley are commentating both games this evening, yet Homicide only the latter.

Reply #903620 | Report this post

Two years ago

Took a quarter for the Cats' defence to show up, but there it is.
31 leaked in a quarter.

Reply #903621 | Report this post

Two years ago

Does anyone have access to NBL stats?
I would dare say that the Wildcats defensive efficiency would be the biggest difference from last season.
I bet they were near the top last season to now near last.
Looks like Rillie has also been caught up in the analytics hype

Reply #903622 | Report this post

Two years ago

Not only travers, there locals used to be their strong point, now it's their weakness. Perth imports doing fine.
Sixers got this, just to much talent and cats letting them run.

Reply #903623 | Report this post

Two years ago

They're grooming Lowery? Ewww, I'm shuddering now from thinking that.

Reply #903624 | Report this post

Two years ago

Does anyone have access to NBL stats?
I would dare say that the Wildcats defensive efficiency would be the biggest difference from last season.
I bet they were near the top last season to now near last.
Looks like Rillie has also been caught up in the analytics hype
Defensive efficiency is analytics.

Reply #903626 | Report this post

Two years ago

Kober.....yeah and????????

Reply #903627 | Report this post

Two years ago

So you're using analytics to argue that it's bad to use analytics?

Reply #903630 | Report this post

Two years ago

Cats playing with heart love it. Plz continue

Reply #903631 | Report this post

Two years ago

Kober, my gripe was with analytics was 3 point shooting.

Reply #903634 | Report this post

Two years ago

Cats playing with 36ers love it. Plz continue

Fixed your post.

Reply #903635 | Report this post

Two years ago

Awesome two-on-one break there. Groan.

Reply #903636 | Report this post

Two years ago

Kober, my gripe was with analytics was 3 point shooting
Three point shooting is not analytics.

Reply #903638 | Report this post

Two years ago

I would dare say that the Wildcats defensive efficiency would be the biggest difference from last season.
I bet they were near the top last season to now near last.
Their defensive efficiency has improved by 4 points per 100 possessions since last season. They're middle of the pack in both years.

Reply #903640 | Report this post

Two years ago

How about from the year before Kober?

Reply #903643 | Report this post

Two years ago

Adelaide getting walked to the free throw line in the 4th....

Reply #903644 | Report this post

Two years ago

Keep digging, Jac

Reply #903645 | Report this post

Two years ago

Bonehead play from Franks.

Reply #903646 | Report this post

Two years ago

...makes up for it.

Reply #903647 | Report this post

Two years ago

Franks is a horrible defender.

Reply #903648 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Two years ago

Let's talk about crandall

Reply #903649 | Report this post

Two years ago

Crandall schmandall

Reply #903650 | Report this post

Uncle Phil  
Two years ago

CJ subbing Cleveland off early in the 4th after he had got to the line multiple times and was playing great D on cotton has to be one of the dumber coaching moves I have seen.

Reply #903651 | Report this post

Two years ago

Should've stuck with Sotto in the 4th - yes im being serious

Reply #903652 | Report this post

Two years ago

Not quite a cruise, but good enough.

Reply #903653 | Report this post

Two years ago

Adelaide are such an almost team. Cats are just as likely to cut Madek, bring in a stud and make a run...

Reply #903654 | Report this post

Two years ago

Randall started his game looking to pass and it worked. Just wasn't the real him and had to go back to his old self.

Reply #903655 | Report this post

Jack Knife  
Two years ago

Good win

Really pleased for Manek to perform after being under so much pressure

Looks like Randall's half time celebration was a little premature

Interesting that Norton didn’t get on the court in the last quarter

Reply #903656 | Report this post

Two years ago

Apologies, Schmandall

Reply #903657 | Report this post

Two years ago

Manek redemption arc, let it be the story of NBL22-23

Reply #903658 | Report this post

Two years ago

Manek was very good, don't see him getting cut, cats looking much better today, can they go on with it after the two week break.
Sixer I’m not certain what to say, Franks while good offensively don’t play D. Randal got heaps of talent but it doesn’t translate to wins, to much Drimic and not enough Dech. Plenty of season left but Sixers got start winning.

Reply #903659 | Report this post

Two years ago

Cotton showed Randle what it takes to be the best. Clutch in the fourth quarter. Cotton is still the king.

Manek if he can play close to this regularly, Webster finally showing up and Blanchfield gives the Cats anything they can be really good. Now this has to be a regular occurrence now.

Reply #903660 | Report this post

Two years ago

They're not going to be facing Adelaide, who play no D, in every other game this season so the win tonight is fool's gold.

Reply #903661 | Report this post

Two years ago

I tend to agree. If Maneks three ball isn't dropping can they score in other ways? They still haven't won a rebounding stat this year.

Reply #903662 | Report this post

Two years ago

Manek hit the same shots he was missing all season, but it remains to be seen if he was just having a hot game or if he can play at even 50% of that on a regular basis. They still didn't run a lot for him outside of threes, despite the fact that he has looked good around the basket the few opportunities he's had.

Reply #903664 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sixers are offensively talented but don't play as a team and don’t play defence. Big job for CJ and we don’t even know if he can coach.
Talented but not balanced roster. Needed a true PG and a defensive rebounding beast. Can’t see us beating the better teams who work hard and play together on a consistent basis.

Reply #903667 | Report this post

Two years ago

Wondering why DJ not utilised properly this game as pet other game. Victory denied through not using massive weapon.history shows DJ steps up v wildcats. Now seems he in back seat of rotations.. Dech also not being respected

Reply #903668 | Report this post

Two years ago

When Randle plays DJ doesn't see the ball. The conflict within is real. This team will not succeed

Reply #903670 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Two years ago

Please let's not blame crandall. He is the best, it's not his fault

Reply #903673 | Report this post

Two years ago

It did feel very weird having DJ out there wearing the opposition jersey but not killing us.

Reply #903676 | Report this post

Two years ago

Adelaide broke their attendance record with over 9,000 in the building. Well done!

Reply #903677 | Report this post

Uncle Dre  
Two years ago

9,000 my ass. At least 1/5th or 2,000 seats3mpty. This organization is just lies after lies.

Reply #903682 | Report this post

Two years ago

That first half was so sloppy, so many careless turnovers. Second half was a better standard at least, Perth would be happy to win with Bryce getting going late, not carrying the load all game.

As others have said, hard to read too much into this game because neither team was particularly good, but fair to say the road teams keep on winning!

Also hard to read into DJ not getting shots, a bit simplistic to say it's just Randall. Did he get so many looks just because Illawarra's defence was so bad the other night? Was he getting shots against Perth with Randall on the bench but not when he came on?

Reply #903684 | Report this post

Two years ago

capacity of stadium minus your empty 2000 seats is approx 9000. You are funny.

Reply #903687 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Two years ago

Adelaide were talked up defensively before the season. When you consider they have Dech, Cleveland and McCarron, they should be better than the worst defensive team, routinely giving up 90 plus points. Lots of work for CJ to do. Let's hope he even knows what the issues are or if Adelaide will just keep trying the same thing over and over. There was improvement though. And have to give credit to Perth for knowing how to close that one out.

Reply #903688 | Report this post

Two years ago

The crowd noise seemed extremely quiet on TV.

Reply #903694 | Report this post

Two years ago

Any team with a guard-big combo of Randall-Johnson will struggle to be a quality defensive team as it stands. You can tell Randall doesn't yet understand how much more you can get away with in the NBL.

Whether that will click and he'll get more physical or whether he's just a passive defender we'll find out over time I suppose. But if he can be more active, there is potential to be a disruptive team, which they need to be to create open-court scores.

Reply #903695 | Report this post

Two years ago

Captain zero Mitch McCarron delivers nothing again. I loved his under the legs to no one to start the game. What a true leader. I guess we can't be too mad on him as he will need to celebrate for a few games his match up victory over Lachlan Dent before he starts contributing again. He needs to be benched and Dech starting however we know CJ is too weak to do that.

Talking about zero, zero defense Franks was absolutely pantsed by 36 year old Wagstaff. I imagine it is difficult reading the scout of put up a hand to a 3 point shooter. My favourite was when he tried to help out Cleveland (reigning defensive player of the year) who had contained the drive of Norton whom then kicked it out to Wagstaff for another 3. My second favourite moment was when he decided to jog back to defense (a special trait of his) instead of sprinting to get in front of Thomas, whom throws down the easy dunk as a result. Also lets not forget that every time the other team throws it inside to a player Franks is guarding it is an instant 2. We are seeing signs of why Brisbane was so poor last season. -17 for the game, next worse was -8 and Randle was on 0 but yeah it's RaNdLe's fault guys....

Reply #903697 | Report this post

Two years ago

JoelMVP "The crowd noise seemed extremely quiet on TV."

It is the Entertainment Centre which has no atmosphere. The home crowd will have no impact whilst they continue to play there. It is what it is.

Reply #903698 | Report this post

Two years ago

It didn't help that the Cats jumped out of the gate, led for most of the match, and there weren't many 36er highlight moments to get them up & going.

9k+ is nice though. Hopefully not too many of them are put off by the sub-par effort their team displayed last night.

Reply #903702 | Report this post

Uncle Dre  
Two years ago

Well we won the logins bruton cup, so that's the main thing.

Championship or bust

Reply #903704 | Report this post

Two years ago

Entertainment centre has too much noise cancelling insulation, which deadens the atmosphere. Can't beat old titanium stadium for atmosphere with the wooden steps.

Reply #903706 | Report this post

Two years ago

" JoelMVP "The crowd noise seemed extremely quiet on TV."

It is the Entertainment Centre which has no atmosphere. The home crowd will have no impact whilst they continue to play there. It is what it is."

I was at the game, when the 36ers were rolling lastnight to even it up, the atmosphere sounded fantastic.

I've been to Kings games, United games, SEM games and that atmosphere lastnight for the most part was better than what they all deliver with the exception being the Kings GF that I went to last year.

Reply #903707 | Report this post

Two years ago

How loud it sounds on TV usually depends on what volume of the stadium audio they pipe in alongside the studio audio.

Reply #903708 | Report this post

Two years ago

I've been to a few games, and it’s woeful for atmosphere. I hate that stadium they’re in. Findon will never be beaten for atmosphere and advantage. It’s sterile now.

Reply #903710 | Report this post

Two years ago

" 9k+ is nice though. Hopefully not too many of them are put off by the sub-par effort their team displayed last night."

As 36ers fans we pay the cost of atleast a few years taken off of our lives and heightened blood pressure.

There's something about this team that’s going to be incredibly frustrating because they’re not going to be nearly as good as they should be (on paper). It really is a 14/15 United.

“ Captain zero Mitch McCarron delivers nothing again.”

That’s really not fair and not reading the game. I get that last year we wanted MM to be more aggressive offensively scoring wise but Adelaide’s problem isn’t scoring options. When we have DJ not getting enough shots, Franks desperate for shots, Cleveland and Randall taking a lot of shots, we don’t need MM to take shots.

His defence was really really good lastnight, he pushed the ball up well. He did what we need him to do.

The problem has always been and still is clear as day, they can’t defend the perimeter properly whilst they have an interior D hole.

They were actually a lot better with Sotto on lastnight purely from the basis of having a big guy to deter next to the basket and being able to contest the three better for a period.

They needed to have him on the 4Q and they didn’t even though it was the obvious only option.

It’s not fantastic but I don’t think the 36ers will be competitive enough for what we hope or expect unless they solve that problem.

The solutions are limited to 1) more Sotto (weird when he’s a young bench guy that’s more offense and little defence); 2) Coax Bairstow out of retirement (weird when he’s older, an injury risk and more offence than defence); 3) Go real small and hope for the best with Cleveland or Drmic at 4 (which probably won’t deter bigger sides anyway); 4) Try Acouth more and probably do worse; 5) find someone else to recruit somehow - such an Aussie probs doesn’t exist/is gettable

Reply #903712 | Report this post

Two years ago

"It is the Entertainment Centre which has no atmosphere. The home crowd will have no impact whilst they continue to play there. It is what it is."

Have the Sixers changed stadium recently? Or is this the one they've always been in? I remember going to a Grand Final game many years ago and it was very loud in there.

Reply #903713 | Report this post

Two years ago

"They were actually a lot better with Sotto on last night purely from the basis of having a big guy to deter next to the basket and being able to contest the three better for a period."

Agree with this. I think they should use Sotto more with McCarron, Randle, Cleveland & Franks. Those guys have the ability to get over the top of screens and allow Sotto to play drops where he can be effective.

Then put DJ more with the second unit. He and Harris complemented each other well at the end of last season, and DJ becomes an offensive focal point with Dech, Drmic and one of the starting perimeter players around him.

Reply #903714 | Report this post

Two years ago

Yes, they moved

Shame they don't have a stadium being built in the city, apparently if a stadium were to be built, it would result in South Australia suffering through a pandemic.

Reply #903715 | Report this post

Two years ago

Mitch McCarron statline, 3 points, 1 rebound, 2 assists in 29 minutes.
We have a point guard just running around getting some cardio. And he's on $300-400k per season?
And what's truely sad, he's not the main problem.

Reply #903717 | Report this post

Two years ago

Silly way to "analyse" it IMO. Doesn't pay attention to the pertinent factors.

What he scores is irrelevant when you’ve got so many weapons to take shots.

Assists isn’t everything - his job isn’t to overdribble one-pass then shot offence.

Why haven’t you paid value to his defence or causing turnovers or pushing the ball ahead? They’re factors that are value-add to Adelaide when they play most effectively.

36ers need to not be heliocentric - if you focus on heliocentric stats to determine value then you’re doing it wrong.

Reply #903721 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Two years ago

Saw one of the sixers imports at the shops, just then.
'Are you Craig?' I asked, in a little bit of excitement.
'I'm Cleveland.' he said, and stopped to speak about things for a coupla minutes.
'Very impressive crowd.' he said. ' We will train for 2 days, then 2 days off,then 2 days train, 2 days off while the Boomers play.'
' We will get it together.'
Great guy. Enjoyed it.
Nice to meet nice people.

Reply #903727 | Report this post

Two years ago

Thanks for that little story Camel it certainly put a smile on my face :)

I bet Cleveland & Franks get called Randall a bit wherever they go.

Reply #903743 | Report this post

Two years ago

Which shop was it?

Reply #903760 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Two years ago

Arndale Shopping Centre

Reply #903765 | Report this post

Two years ago

Ha, no shit. What the hell is Antonius Cleveland doing walking around there?

fwiw, Arndale was my regular shopping centre for about a decade, I know how bad it is.

Reply #903767 | Report this post

Two years ago

He's obviously living near the Powerhouse, so that's one of his locals.

Reply #903769 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Two years ago

I go there most of the time, can be a bit rough sometimes.
I don't really know for sure, but there's a fairly new Movie Cinema there, now,
just next to the shops and he kinda went in that direction,after our little chat just in jeans and plain tshirt. I though maybe he was going to see about watching a movie. Maybe? maybe not.

Reply #903770 | Report this post

Two years ago

Money Malin' Mitch McCarron didn’t get enough sleep.

Reply #903795 | Report this post

Two years ago

Do the 36ers have a members post-game function where the coach and a player attends? There was something upstairs after each game at titanium.

Reply #903796 | Report this post

Two years ago

Clipsal powerhouse was truly a stadium with atmosphere and passion.

Reply #903807 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Two years ago

Radio 5aa keep saying they gonna make a massive announcement on their sports show, but, haven't done so yet...

Reply #903835 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Two years ago

Won't happen til about 7pm, waiting for 2 parties to agree.

Reply #903837 | Report this post

Two years ago

Thx, plz keep it posted if you're still listening in :)

Reply #903840 | Report this post

Two years ago

Does anyone have access to NBL stats?
I would dare say that the Wildcats defensive efficiency would be the biggest difference from last season.
I bet they were near the top last season to now near last.
Looks like Rillie has also been caught up in the analytics hype
Kober, my gripe was with analytics was 3 point shooting.

Further to this, what exactly is the connection between poor defensive efficiency and shooting threes? This is nonsensical.

If you actually want to look at the offensive side of the ball, Perth are third in the league at 112 ORtg, which is also basically exactly where they were last season (2nd, 114 ORtg). They're third in the league in 3P%, up from seventh last season. Last year, they took the third-most threes in the league, this season they take the third-most threes in the league.

Reply #904012 | Report this post

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