Two years ago

NZ Breakers vs 36ers

Ahead of the big game tomorrow afternoon the 36ers have been dealt a blow as Kai Sotto has been denied entry into NZ from Melbourne and flown back to Adelaide.

The club said it had "exhausted all options to get approval for [Sotto] to travel into New Zealand" but he would be available for their follow-up game against the Perth Wildcats on Thursday.

The Sixers told AAP Sotto was in good spirits despite his visa dilemma but declined to elaborate on the nature of his refusal into New Zealand.


Topic #50617 | Report this topic

Two years ago

This is completely unprofessional. The club shoot's themselves in the foot on the regular. They don’t have a manager of sorts who make sure this sort of issue is dealt with BEFORE the season starts????

Reply #904688 | Report this post

Two years ago

Nothing to do with club Joel mvp , to do with restricted travel from where he played in fiba window and NZ not letting travelers from there to enter there country for X amount of days , bio security issue

Reply #904689 | Report this post

Two years ago

36ers gonna get wrecked in the interior

Reply #904704 | Report this post

Two years ago

Gazee I call BS. No restrictions from Saudi Arabia and if their is an issue with Lebanon then why is Horus on the flight?

Team manager too busy jet setting across the world himself instead of locking Visa's in for the season.

Reply #904709 | Report this post

Two years ago

And Adelaide didn't know this before hand? They had Monday on if he played those games or not?

Reply #904714 | Report this post

Two years ago

NZ don't have any visa issues with those countries. Unless he has COVID?

Reply #904717 | Report this post

Two years ago

Philipinos will still bitch Sotto is not getting game time.

Reply #904718 | Report this post

Two years ago

Wow the 36ers front line is so weak when you remove Sotto. Presumably the Breakers will attack DJ relentlessly.

Reply #904725 | Report this post

Two years ago

Breakers to lock the Sixers down. 92 to 87 breakers

Reply #904730 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Two years ago

I think NZ just got back then. Well, at 2am, travelling back from Tasmania.
Might not be fully fit for this.

Reply #904732 | Report this post

Two years ago

Surely that can't be right, 2am. If so obviously it’s going to help Sixers. Even if true sixers should be still good enough to win this, they play D, something Sixers don’t do that well. NZ by five if arriving at 2am, by twenty if not.

Reply #904735 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Two years ago

They had flight delays, stuck in Melbourne

Reply #904736 | Report this post

Two years ago

ESPN want to show this game?

Reply #904738 | Report this post

Two years ago

10 peach saves the day

Reply #904739 | Report this post

Two years ago

Cracking game, Sixers staying tough, breakers are tough.

Reply #904743 | Report this post

Two years ago

36ers do not have the defense to win a championship

Reply #904744 | Report this post

Two years ago

The Breakers are tired and not as fluid as they usually are, and there was a chance early in the second I thought Adelaide might build a big lead. But this is a tough Breakers unit.

As good as Le'afa is defensively, I think the Breakers gotta give WMW the keys this afternoon. Le’afa’s handle is loose and he isn’t as good a playmaker, and WMW can get Pardon going down low as well.

This one should be a good finish, the Breakers finish strongly but do they have enough gas in the tank?

Reply #904745 | Report this post

Uncle Phil  
Two years ago

Galloway showing he deserves more minutes. Having a cracker!

Reply #904748 | Report this post

Two years ago

Galloway and Franks is Sixers answer, with Mccaron, Dech and Cleveland. Breakers not quite in the grove but hanging tough.
Great game.

Reply #904749 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Two years ago

Pardon is the gatekeeper man, one of my favourite players to watch in the league. True big man play needs to be celebrated because it's one of the most entertaining things about basketball. It's what the sport was when a lot of us fell in love with it.

Meat and potatoes big men still being very valuable is the good thing about Euro/Australia/FIBA play, and what I'd say people sub-consciously appreciated about the Olympics last year.

Reply #904750 | Report this post

Two years ago

Can McCarron not keep turning over the ball with his passing

Reply #904751 | Report this post

Two years ago

Squeaky bum time.

Reply #904752 | Report this post

Uncle Phil  
Two years ago

Refs screwing the Sixers over down the stretch here. The challenge system is a disgrace - no one has any idea what is going on with it. Continued amateur hour as far as NBL refereeing is concerned.

Reply #904753 | Report this post

Two years ago

Barry. Brown. Junior.

Reply #904754 | Report this post

Flinders 88  
Two years ago

Mitch McCarron has to be the most overrated player in the NBL. He does nothing every week and doesn't even want the ball in his hands at the end of the game. He would rather give it to Hyrum Harris late in games. He is only there for the money. I have never seen someone play so many minutes and offer absolutely nothing. He fails to even run a functioning offence considering the jungle ball the 36ers play. They need to part ways with him come season's end and spend the money on him wisely and someone who can control the tempo of the game.

CJ Bruton is also on borrowed time.

Reply #904755 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sixers did well to stay close after NZ clawed back.

NZ imports are solid.

Cannot believe I am saying this but is Moar a good chance at Coy?

Reply #904756 | Report this post

Two years ago

lol nice defense 36ers
Go on, try and win a championship with that horrid defense

Reply #904757 | Report this post

Two years ago

Magnificent game, solid tough team basketball, from both sides, NZ just slightly better.

Maor is fantastic coach
NZ is the real deal
Pardon is fantastic
WMW as NZ real deal, killed Mccaron
Breakers imports and all team balance fantastic

Sixers should play finals if they keep playing like this
CJ doing well
Galloway and Harris were good, can they keep doing it.
Cleveland and Franks did well
Johnson should start on bench
As much as a true point guard would be great they need a Pardon type centre.

Reply #904758 | Report this post

Two years ago

I think there should be a provision to challenge a no-call, if there's no score before the next blown whistle

That Pardon steal with 2 minutes left changed the game. Plenty of contact. Would've been interesting

Reply #904760 | Report this post

Two years ago

If they allowed challenges to no calls, and used the same criteria they do now, it would make the officials look very bad. Not going to happen.

Reply #904761 | Report this post

Two years ago

36ers defence was much better once Johnson was off the floor. He should come off the bench as a scorer.

Breakers defence was much better with Brantley on the floor. Him and Pardon are seriously underrated as imports.

Reply #904764 | Report this post

Two years ago

After a tough 37 hours of travel in three days, 3 cancelled flights, 6 hours of delays and finally landing on the tarmac at 3am this morning - we managed to put it all on the court tonight and come away with a win against the Adelaide 36ers. The odds were definitely stacked against us given the circumstances, but we got it done!

gg Sixers.

Reply #904770 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sotto may have been the difference. Loose goosey Randall certainly would have heloed. Need the 3rd import assap to keep season on track.working in progress. Need to bring this form.onto home court.. confidence should be strong to take perth and start a run.. go sixers..

Reply #904783 | Report this post

Two years ago

To be fair PW, It's not like 36ers were totally ready for battle without an import and Sotto.

Really need to get a defensive import asap. Don’t bother looking for a guard. Yes 36ers have PG issues getting the ball up against extended defence, yes 36ers aren’t the most fluid ball movers.

At the end of the day, they need to hope a defensive big will mean they can use their guards to cover the perimeter better, ensure teams miss more shots and therefore won’t be set in defence.

Transition offence might cover their lack of a proper PG.


Reply #904784 | Report this post

Two years ago

Flinders 88 I totally agree with your opinion on Mccaron. Last game against United he deserved credit for playing the way he should be every game (aggressive) however this game he went back to his normal game of being passive and scared to take on the game. Unforced turnovers, 3 point shots that were absolutely embarrassing, struggling to guard anyone, setting up no offense and scared to be on the court in the last 5 minutes. He is the elephant in the room by making the Sixers playing 4 on 5 in offense. Sixers need an import point guard and have Mccaron on the bench.

Reply #904785 | Report this post

Two years ago

To be fair PW, It's not like 36ers were totally ready for battle without an import and Sotto.

I know, NZB lucked out in terms of who they were facing and I don't think Brown Jr. called bank either. ;)

Reply #904787 | Report this post

Two years ago

Mccaron and Johnson probably should be on the bench, very expensive bench though.

Reply #904790 | Report this post

Two years ago

CJ has said they're looking for an import PG but I still think we should go after a defensive big like Pardon. I know they don't grow on trees but I think that would be preferable.

I only saw the final quarter today but didn't much like what I saw from the Sixers, the offence still looks like a mess usually with Dech either driving into traffic or chucking something up before the shot clock expires.

Reply #904792 | Report this post

Two years ago

I thought the Sixers played pretty well for most of that game. NZ play a very physical game but the Sixers matched them. If they sustain that level of defensive effort they'll win a lot more than they lose. NZ the best team in the league right now and the only reason the Sixers lost was because they haven’t got a good enough playmaker, while NZ have Brown and WMW.

So I’m surprised several of you are saying we should get a big man import after that game. NZ probably have the strongest frontcourt in the league right now and we out-rebounded them and competed all game.

I’m glad to hear CJ is after a point guard, because I reckon if we’d had a guy like Brown we would have won that game easily.

Reply #904802 | Report this post

Two years ago

Import point guard so McCarron runs the second unit. That way he can feed Sotto and keep his fans happy. There are not many team that get to trophy without fringe NBA talented PG's.

Reply #904805 | Report this post

Two years ago

"There are not many team that get to trophy without fringe NBA talented PG's."

Actually, there are plenty. From the past 21 titles, only Cedric Jackson, Casper Ware and Jaylen Adams have started as import PGs. Some of the starters have included Nathan Crosswell, Adam Gibson, Damian Martin, Paul Henare and Mitch McCarron.

You don't need to have a superstar at PG, you need to have a deep, talented team that defends very well and shares the ball in an organised way on O.

Reply #904820 | Report this post

Two years ago

Myth busted that you need an import point guard to compete in the NBL.

Reply #904830 | Report this post

Two years ago

A few thoughts on this game and the Sixers so far. I can't remember being as frustrated with a Sixers team of any description as I am with this team. Maybe because expectations were so high.

Sixers competed pretty well for the most part especially defensively and the Sixers do have some extremely good defenders with Cleveland and Dech. Drmic does commit some silly fouls on occasions but moves his feet well and plays hard on the defensive end.

Mitch Mccarron frustrates me no end. His jumper isn't good enough at this level, especially his three. Why hasn't he improved it? It's way too flat. Some of the time I wonder what he actually brings to the table apart from bringing the ball up the court. He's not aggressive enough and some of his turnovers against NZ were very poor. For what we are reportedly paying Mitch, he should be better.

I don't really understand why Hyrum Harris gets so much court time also, especially in the clutch. Yes he works hard and did some good things against NZ like taking a charge and cutting and finishing nicely on one play but he looks out of his depth a lot of the time. He looks scared to get the ball which led to a crucial turnover in the 4th and his attempt close to the ring that got blocked by Pardon was just embarrassing. He's not particularly athletic or particularly good at shooting so apart from providing some hustle which sometimes is good, sometimes results in silly fouls I'm not sure what his skill set is. Why is he playing so much?

And finally, the refereeing was very frustrating down the stretch. How was there enough evidence to overturn the challenge on Pardon's foul? And the foul that was called on Franks was ridiculous also as both players were grabbing one another. Why wasn't that overturned? Both calls where crucial as the game could have gone either way when they occurred.

Reply #904834 | Report this post

Two years ago

I don't really understand why Hyrum Harris gets so much court time also, especially in the clutch.

That's funny as I only saw the arse end of the third and the final quarters and I thought Harris was probably our best player. Played some good defence including taking a crucial charge late, some nice cuts and passes under the basket, a few boards and all round hustle plays.

Knowing Harris is only on a one year deal and Marshall is likely going to take his spot on the roster next season when I was watching yesterday I was hoping the coaching staff were taking note and find a way of keeping Harris on the team next season. We would've got blown out in that last quarter if not for him he almost single-handedly kept us within striking distance until the last couple of minutes. I would rather Harris on the court than DJ especially on this team.

Reply #904837 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Two years ago

You missed the Galloway spectacular.
Most likely Cleveland beast and Galloway second

Reply #904840 | Report this post

Two years ago

I did yeah I still haven't seen Galloway do anything yet this season lol

Reply #904841 | Report this post

Big Ads  
Two years ago

You needed to look harder Zodiac, especially in the direction of the Adelaide bench.

Reply #904842 | Report this post

Two years ago

Mccaron lack of speed hurts him as a point guard, can't beat players of the dribble, he also struggles passing the ball when marked by any decent defender, WMW made him look very average.
Harris does quite, he’s just got to be reminded to play to his strengths, hustle plays and boards.
Galloway was very good yesterday, if he is producing that in training they got stick with it.

Reply #904847 | Report this post

Two years ago

Harris is next macveigh. We dev and you want him gone to excel for others. Let's invest and keep the farm.. also last week DJ was the difference. He light up against Perth always does. Getting slower but still elite..team got to exploit strengths.. positives outweighs negatives.

Reply #904848 | Report this post

Two years ago

Interesting the comments about pardon being a defensive/traditional big. I wouldn't have disagreed but watch mody's after match interview and the way he bristles a bit at that label... he makes some good points about how pardon is quite multi dimensional

Reply #904856 | Report this post

Two years ago

I didn't mean Pardon is offensively challenged just that he hangs his hat on hitting the boards and playing defence first, a real team oriented guy. The fact he has a nice offensive game is really a bonus.

Reply #904867 | Report this post

Two years ago

Mccaron and Johnson probably should be on the bench, very expensive bench though.
Those two alone would probably make it the most expensive bench in NBL history and rival some recent starting lineups. Adding Dech wouldn't help.

Reply #904917 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Two years ago

Dech - pretty good last season. not as good this season. He is forcing up shots.
(When I first started playing under 12s, the coach told me not to force it.)
CJ a great player. As a coach not sure, yet.

Reply #904959 | Report this post

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