Last year

Wildcats vs 36ers, Jan 14th

Roof open at RAC Arena for this one, and it's officially a sellout.
5:00pm WA
8:30pm SA

From the Cats' twitter just now:

Bryce Cotton (leg) will be a game-time decision for tonight's clash

Topic #50785 | Report this topic

Last year

Double points match

If cottons out Perth has no chance...

Reply #909210 | Report this post

Last year

I'm previous seasons that would have been true, but I feel the Webster additions now give the Cats enough scoring punch without Cotton.

Reply #909213 | Report this post

Last year

Knowing this heartless Sixers team if Cotton is out Perth would probably still win comfortably.

Reply #909214 | Report this post

Last year

5:00pm WA
8:30pm SA

7:30pm SA.

Reply #909222 | Report this post

Last year

Knowing this heartless Sixers team if Cotton is out Perth would probably still win comfortably.

Normally yes but have you not seen us play this season?

Reply #909223 | Report this post

Last year

Double points match

If cottons out Perth has no chance...

Agreed, although I thought you were posting to inquire on the availability of one Greg Hire for sideline reporting duties this evening.

Reply #909224 | Report this post

Last year

Yes, the extra Webster certainly helps if Cotton is out, makes it a lot closer though. Franks v Manek, now this is interesting, which one makes their shots, which one plays D, could decide the game. I believe both coaches have done reasonable jobs, just think Rillie is a bit more ruthless which will make Perth slight favourites.

Reply #909227 | Report this post

Uncle Dre  
Last year

6ers are a joke. Has any other teams missed playoffs for longer?

Reply #909229 | Report this post

Last year

The only thing worse than the Sixers tonight was Jenni Screen.

Reply #909230 | Report this post

Last year

Apologies for my dumb time fkup in the first post.
Silver lining if it cost some 6ers fans an hour of that smackdown.


Fun for the red army though. The place looked magnificent packed out like that.

Reply #909231 | Report this post

Another Anon  
Last year

Lucky the website was down. This thread would've gone nuts.

Reply #909232 | Report this post

Last year

Maybe that's why it was down,
I’m not certain CJ got the answers,
Sixers won’t play finals.
To many individuals
Who is better at the point Mccaron or Cadee.
Franks overrated

Rillie showing a ruthless streak
Websters and Cotton excellent
Manek turning up big at both ends
Thomas doing excellent

Reply #909233 | Report this post

Last year

Why do the Sixers insist on making Brady Manek look All Star?

This was a critical game to win and they pull another no show. WTF.

I'd happily contribute to a crowd fund to send him back to Brisbane.

Reply #909234 | Report this post

Last year

Sixers are a one on one team. That's on the coach. Selfish players may enjoy that when they win.

Reply #909238 | Report this post

Last year

Normally yes but have you not seen us [Perth] play this season?

Evidently I haven't seen Adelaide play this season. LOL Sixers.

Reply #909239 | Report this post

Last year

Greg Hire not available tonight ?

Reply #909242 | Report this post

Last year

Cal Bruton left mid way thru the 4th for a free cheeseburger

Reply #909247 | Report this post

Sorry Cal left. He missed some excellent Cleveland stat padding against the Perth bench.

Reply #909250 | Report this post

Last year

36ers are now a game and % out of 6th with 5 games to go, interestingly they play United twice - double points games, they also have Sydney and Cairns...

Reply #909251 | Report this post

Sorry Cal left. He missed some excellent Cleveland stat padding against the Perth bench.

Reply #909252 | Report this post

Last year

I was thinking the same, if the site was up we'd be complaining about the despicable performance of the 36ers.

Poor, disgraceful and nothing short of uncompetitive for a season-defining match.

I suppose the team ought to prepare ahead to disappoint us next season. This one is done and dusted.

Reply #909253 | Report this post

Last year

Two teams trending in the opposite directions. Perth after Sydney looks to be the team to beat . Tai Webster has been a great addition for them since his arrival. Good defender and a really solid passer and shooter. Gives them a legit playmaker and allows cotton to be a scorer without having to worry about being a playmaker.

Offensively Perth are downright scary. Only team with more scoring power is Sydney who literally look unstoppable.

Adelaide sadly looks done. They play zero defence, have no rotation set and guys are all over the place without set defined roles.

Reply #909258 | Report this post

Last year

Maybe that's why it was down
Site was down because the server ran out of disk space and the database corrupted as a result.

Reply #909259 | Report this post

Last year

22/23 Sixers play with no heart. Its like they dont want to win it for the club or CJ. I get culture is hard to build, but imo it would not be as bad as it is if CJ was doing his job.

Everybody has seen the sixers one pass, wait for clock then drive or shoot offence, we've been playing it all year. Is that seariously what CJ is asking for? If so he needs a talking to, if not, he needs a talking to for not dragging the players when the fail to follow plays again and again. Ild rather see harris, Dech Galloway out they instead of what is currently getting dished up by Franks and McCarron.

Whats with Franks waning to play the 2. I love a big that can stretch the floor, but a big that only wants to sit on the arc and shoot s!hts me. Perhaps its a side effect of the passes not going in, but again, the big not playing inside should be something CJ is addressing. It shows on our rebouding count, stops our transition offence and hinders others from playing their role. And all the commintators tell us is the sixers would be lost without him because he's the only one with points.

And McCarron, dude, do something. Doesnt even bring the ball up that often. Anybody got a count of how many times Franks has bought the ball up this year? How can the point let that happen (avg turnover count anyone). Its like McCarron doesnt want anhything to do with the ball. Even when he passes he looks away to make sure it doesnt come back. Bench him and let Ian Clark run the team.

I think rookie coaches need a experianced mentor on staff. i think CJ could be good but he lacks somebody to tell him some hard truths.

Marty Clarke's teams played with more heart than this. We had the roser this season, just not the game plan or culture. 22/23 sixers dont deserve playoffs.

Reply #909260 | Report this post

Last year

I think we focus too much on the offence when it's the defence that’s fatal for the 36ers.

I’m not saying the offence is good, I’m just saying you can’t be a genuine competitor for the championship if you’re the close to the worst in offence or defence, and their issue is they’re close to the worst on defence.

So that’s the fatal issue requiring correction and focus, not the offence.

Reply #909261 | Report this post

Last year

Sometimes the really good players don't always make great coaches. CJ was a marvellous player, he understood where the ball had to be, when to shoot, pass, dribble, on offence and the same on defence. It came naturally, he expects players to do the same, problem is lot players are not that smart or are selfish. You have to teach them repeatedly, keep at it, be ruthless or you get what Sixers dish up. Sixers have to many players that think they’re stars, you need workers. Drimic has really tried to do this and I’ve never really been a fan, but he’s had a go. Harris as well but just not big enough in the four spot.

Reply #909262 | Report this post

Last year

I've followed the 6ers since 85 and I’ve lost all interest. This team doesn’t seem to have structure and has no interest in defence. I can’t see CJ surviving this debacle. They’re disinterested and selfish. A whole cultural change is needed. Can’t see it happening unless they get a ball breaker in as coach.
I support the 36ers and Essendon, I can’t work out which club is more embarrassing and poorly ran!

Reply #909263 | Report this post

Last year

I was at the game and that was a horrible experience for a 36'ers fan and especially one that has been supporting the Sixers for a long time. For a critical game, that was a disgraceful performance, there's no two ways about it. And I'm not sure how CJ keeps his job. Either CJ has no idea how to draw up offensive plays, and instill any motivation upon the team or the players aren't listening to him. In either case, the coach has to go.

But I will say the refs didn't help our cause. Let's rewind to the first quarter which I saw live and then on replay so I could re-live the nighmare and analyse what went wrong.

Those first 2 calls on Sotto were complete nonsense. Sotto should have pulled out of both contests as he was completely beaten but it was hard to see where any contact was made. That changed the complexion of the game as Sotto had to come out. DJ comes in and is a disgrace. At least Sotto can intimidate, block and change shots at the ring.

Dech then gets called for a mystery foul on Cotton. Didn't look like any contact made watching live and on the replay. Cotton gets gifted 3 free throws and Wildcats extend their first qtr lead.

End of the first qtr. Mccarron actually drives into the lane and is aggressive for once. Gets hit. No call yet when we breathe on them we get called for the foul. If that is Joey Wright he gets called for a tech. And as a fan I absolutely want him too. Send a message to the refs and the players that this is unacceptable. Show some passion. Show some fight. The game is already slipping away unless you do something drastic. CJ, if you can’t draw up a basic offensive set at least show some passion and pretend you care.

Instead the game gets blown out further and is over by half time.

Reply #909267 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Last year

CJ is just too cool man. Why think critically when you can look cool.

Reply #909268 | Report this post

Last year

Why did CJ put IC and AC late in the game and instruct them to attack the Perth bench players?

The game was well over, and there was no way of even recovering the horrible points percentages.

Reply #909269 | Report this post

Last year

I feel for you Shano76

If i supported your two teams it would be enough to turn me off sport completely and read a book instead.

Reply #909270 | Report this post

Last year

Why did CJ put IC and AC late in the game and instruct them to attack the Perth bench players?

Season all but over no doubt CJ is trying to save his bacon now.

Down 30 at 3QT last night coming off the back of the big Tassie loss means the coach has to go. Like someone else said they've either stopped listening to him or never were from the start.

The last year of his contract for a first time HC is usually a team option so probably not much chance he's going to be back.

Reply #909306 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last year

Really poor performance by Adelaide. Maybe there could be some leniency if record was sound given Perth torched them from deep, but this team shouldn't be walked over like that.

The last two games have been critical to the season and both have been double digit losses?

Completely feeble defensively and absolutely clueless on offense. Not a good reflection on the coach.

Have Adelaide actually beaten anyone by over 5 points this season? Every win has been a an absolute struggle and many losses have been ugly.

Recent run came at home and with massive advantage of playing Brisbane, Illawarra and SEM severely undermanned and fatigued, and yet were lucky to win all three.

The best wins for me have come against Phoenix, Sydney and Perth, and in all Adelaide played with flow and freedom.

They need to scrap whatever system they are trying achieve and just go out there and play with intensity for the rest of the season.

Sorry CJ, but you have failed miserablely this season and don't seem to have a clue. Absolute shambles.

Reply #909307 | Report this post

Last year

Defence is the problem as Sixers can score enough points. They can't contain teams from getting layups, which then translates into 3's. No interior big with physicality. None of Frank’s,DJ and Soto are strong physical inside players. Sotto doesn’t push up/down floor, gets pushed around very easily. DJ defence has been written about many times. Frank’s watches, gets outrebounded, doesn’t cover teammates.
Sixers don’t seem to have any plan to expose full court defence either. Teams run it against them a lot.

Reply #909347 | Report this post

Last year

Yeah it's a scenario where everywhere you look seems to be bad.

A new coach that can’t get his troops to even pretend to want to look competitive - they’ve been whipped and absolutely spanked more times than I ever recollect Adelaide experiencing. Atleast it felt like it.

We have a fatal flaw in the interior D that makes it look like an U12 player could score with ease.

We have an expensive PG that’s really not good at being a PG. Where he has a track record of success includes a semblance of scoring but now he just refuses to shoot like he’s been to the School of Simmons.

We have a conflict of three bigs that are 110% offensive minded but they’ll never be open for shots because the defence is always set from a score against our non-existent defence, and we don’t really have a proper PG anyway. Until Clark came that uses But then he doesn’t even get enough minutes to make it a worthwhile endeavour. So of-course, the bigs throw up shots that look forced.

That leaves the others like Cleveland and Drmic trying to carry the scoring, but often that involves fade aways and running shots which are the lowest of low percentage shots.

Dech has been unable to fire. If he went to another club he’d absolutely torch it because that’s what players that leave Adelaide do.

You’d think with the last three/four years of really not being great that Adelaide would try building up even just one year of success before talking themselves up as champs, but alas they were stupid enough to talk Championship or Bust and walked themselves into a bust bigger than Pamela Anderson’s chest.

Such is the tale of woe for Adelaide.

Reply #909351 | Report this post

Last year

Until Clark came, that is.*

Reply #909352 | Report this post

Last year

Lack of 3pt shooters also means the opposition gives Clarke no space. The Breakers put a lot of effort into sticking to him like glue as they didn't have to worry about McCarron or Dech.

Reply #909357 | Report this post

Last year

Sixers also played dumb against Perth early. Were still in the game in 1st qtr, hadn't’ hit a 3pt shot but were scoring every when they attacked the rim. But they started settling for shooting 3’s, going 0 from 10 attempts and Perth punishing them on every 3pt miss. They went against what was working and were launching bad 3pt shots with zero rebounders to slow Perth down.

Reply #909358 | Report this post

Last year

Firstly, absolutely loved the open roof, the experience was great and the gentle breeze in your face 30 points up against the arch rivals and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world. I wish there was more games like this.

I thought Sotto was really good early and made the game look fairly easy (pass it to the 7'3 guy close to the basket) and it certainly made me question why we have Majok doing nothing and how he'd go in our system.

Adelaide really are lacking an Anthony Petrie type of tough nosed big man that will bump and screen and box out and do the little things that don't show up on a stat sheet and be uncompromising about it. Galloway looks good but he is no Petrie... maybe get him in for a training session or two to work with the bigs.

I think it was Rat that was bemused about CJ not losing his shit over a call and I have said on here earlier in the season that is exactly what I wanted out of Rillie as I felt he was too level headed and not wanting to upset anyone when we as fans wanted to see emotion get the better of them and show the team that he had their back (Mody Maor is the perfect example of this, everything I see from him is genuinely team first, we are all responsible for the greater good) but CJ doesn't have that in him yet. Questions were asked if anyone was giving him the hard truth being a young coach and you'd imagine his Dad would help there greatly but does he have a Mike Kelly like Rillie does ?

Fun game but I definitely feared for Perth's bench and their careers as they didn't cover themselves in glory like Sydney and even Cairns bench has changed a fair few games this season. Majok, Blanchfield and Norton looked so rusty out there. I think Harris looks right at home on an NBL court. I like big Ollie but still need to see more from him

Reply #909359 | Report this post

Last year

"Adelaide really are lacking an Anthony Petrie type of tough nosed big man that will bump and screen and box out and do the little things that don't show up on a stat sheet and be uncompromising about it."

Spot on! Same with Brisbane.

Reply #909362 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last year

They are missing that type, but it's so much worse than that, that one missing link won't make any difference ultimately.

Adelaide just have to chuck out what they're trying to do and play Clark, Franks & Cleveland big minutes.

Reply #909365 | Report this post

Last year

Firstly, absolutely loved the open roof, the experience was great and the gentle breeze in your face 30 points up against the arch rivals and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world.

It was good but come on. Tropical island #1.

Reply #909366 | Report this post

Last year

Franks plays enough minutes. I am not the biggest fan of +- stats at best of times but when I recently saw both Franks and DJ as major - stats that was a big red flag. They are on court playing and giving up layups. A physical big would make a big difference. I haven't seen the Sixers set a decent screen all season, another reason why the guards can get no space.

Reply #909415 | Report this post

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