Weedy Slug
Last year

WNBL 23/24

Who stays, who goes, who comes in...
Plus any others opinions on next season.

Topic #50974 | Report this topic

Weedy Slug  
Last year


Adelaide - N.Hurst - keep
5'3 Cubillo - keep or move
5’7 Mansfield - keep or move
5’9 Fejo - move
5’10 Basham - keep or move
5’11 Borlase - keep
5’11 Hines - cut
5’11 Whittle - keep or move
5’11 Simmons - cut
6’0 Brazel - remain dvlp
6’1 Bell(I) - replace
6’2 Simons - cut or move
6’2 Talbot - keep
6’2 Coleman - cut
6’3 Brook - keep
6’3 Batish - cut or move
6’5 Monroe(I) - replace

Reply #913487 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Bendigo - K.Kereama - keep
5'7 Wilson - keep or retire
5’8 Lavey - keep
5’8 Simpson - remain dvlp
5’9 Andersson - cut
5’9 Bandilovska - remain dvlp
5’10 Mclean - keep
5’10 Wehrung - keep
5’10 Porter - cut
5’10 Mahady - cut
5’11 Wilson - keep or move
6’1 Ananiev > ncaa portland
6’1 Maley - keep
6’2 Griffin - keep
6’3 Dunlop - keep or move
6’3 Froling - keep
6’3 Locandro - keep or move
6’3 Condron > ncaa uc san diego
6’4 Mckay - keep or move

Reply #913488 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Canberra - K.Veal - keep
5'6 Solway - remain dvlp
5’8 Calleia - keep or move
5’8 Tonks - cut or move
5’9 Tugliach - remain dvlp
5’10 Melbourne - keep
5’10 Smart - cut or move
5’10 Swain - keep
5’11 Schwagmeyer - keep or replace
6’0 Munger(I) - keep or replace
6’1 Potter - keep
6’2 Burrell(I) - keep or replace
6’3 Pizzey - keep
6’3 Emilee-Harmon - cut
6’5 Bunton - keep

Reply #913489 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Melbourne - C.Lucas - keep
5'5 Mitchell - keep or retire
5’6 Burrows - remain dvlp
5’9 Scanlon - keep
5’9 Hippolite - cut
5’9 Mitchell(I) - keep or replace
5’10 Ortlepp - cut
5’10 Goodchild - keep
5’10 Carmody - cut
5’11 Wallace - keep
5’11 Niven-Brown - cut
5’11 Brewster - cut or move
6’0 Madgen - keep
6’1 Burrows > ncaa syracuse
6’1 Murray - retired
6’2 Brown - move
6’3 Davidson - keep or move
6’4 George - keep
6’5 Nelson-Ododa(I) - replace

Reply #913490 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Southside - C.Chambers - keep
5'5 Conti - keep
5’6 Loughridge - keep
5’6 Rocci - keep
5’10 Rocci - keep or move
5’10 Cole - keep or move
5’10 Hollingsworth - remain dvlp
6’1 Thornton(I) - keep or replace
6’1 Pineau - remain dvlp
6’2 Puoch - keep
6’2 Blicavs - keep
6’3 Bishop - keep or move
6’3 Griffiths > ncaa xavier
6’5 Ernst - keep or move
6’5 Jackson - retire

Reply #913491 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Sydney - S.Gorman - keep
5'5 Rotunno - remain dvlp
5’6 Mangakahia - keep
5’8 Panousis - cut
5’9 Allen - cut
5’11 Bowyer - remain dvlp
6’0 Rowe - cut or move
6’0 Willoughby(I) - keep or replace
6’1 Clarke - keep
6’1 Donnelly - remain dvlp
6’1 Maenpaa - cut
6’2 Froling - keep
6’2 Crawshaw > ncaa long beach state
6’2 Purcell - keep
6’3 Sjerven(I) - replace

Reply #913492 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Townsville - S.Seebohm - keep
5'6 Reid - keep
5’6 Heal - keep
5’7 Hay - cut
5’8 Fabbro - cut
5’8 Gaze - cut
5’9 Yaeger - keep
5’10 Leger-Walker - keep or move
5’11 Nicholson - keep
6’0 Samuelson(I) - keep or replace
6’0 Woods - keep
6’1 ParkerWilliams - cut
6’3 Hawkins(I) - keep or replace
6’3 Ruef - keep
6’4 Aokuso - keep
6’5 Mcspadden - move

Reply #913493 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Perth - R.Petrik - keep
5'6 Foster - remain dvlp
5’8 Gandini - keep or move
5’9 Ryan(I) - keep or replace
5’9 Tharpe - remain dvlp
5’10 Burrows - cut or move
5’10 Whitcomb - keep
5’9 Kelle - cut or move
5’10 Forster - remain dvlp
6’0 Atwell - keep
6’1 Sharp - keep or move
6’1 Vlahov > ncaa saint marys
6’1 Bibby - keep
6’3 Hoycard - keep
6’4 Edwards - cut
6’5 Scherf - keep
6’6 Davis - remain dvlp

Reply #913494 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Pro Locals Overseas that could play...


Reply #913496 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Possible local d1 college returnees
Potential contracts or DPs


Reply #913498 | Report this post

Pasadena 72  
Last year

What's the difference between move or replace in your roster movements?

Reply #913499 | Report this post

Last year

Yeah, "keep or move", "move or replace", "cut or move"...what?

Reply #913500 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Move to another team or replace with a better import/local

Reply #913501 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Cut = cut contract, possibly not worth keeping the player.

Reply #913502 | Report this post

Last year

So "cut or move" means "get rid of her, or get rid of her"?

Reply #913503 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Cut means cya later, no more wnbl.
Move means, move to another club.
Replace means get another import.

Reply #913504 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Maybe I should have used different words, it's seems to be confusing for some, I typed the whole thing in 10 mins.

Reply #913505 | Report this post

Last year

Moving a player to another club isn't a thing a WNBL team has the power to do, is it?

Reply #913506 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

It's my opinion on what should happen not a guarantee of what will happen.
Some players need to be let go(cut), others might need to move to get more opportunity.

When I say keep or move, eg someone like Sharp. Perth probably want to keep her but also moving may get her more minutes after being pushed to the Bench.

Reply #913508 | Report this post

Last year

You'd keep Gandini over Burrows? Really?

Reply #913509 | Report this post

Last year

Thanks, Weedy. Good analysis - a lot of effort for the post!

Reply #913510 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Yes I would cut burrows, quite a few legit backup pg options from college, Gandini would remain 3rd pg.

Perth will likely go after locals Deegan from Davidson and Clark from the COE if she stays home plus go after another big. Since rebounding is an issue, possibly kiwi whittaker or center from another team, Mcspadden might be good backup option.

Reply #913525 | Report this post

Last year

A few teams need a big clean out from top to bottom Boomers Bendigo in particular followed by Adelaide, probably only Townsville and Southside wouldn't need much changing though think Ammie Rocci needs to retire, she’s always got serious back issues and the DPS should be young ones not 25/6 + yr olds hanging around as training fodder and that’s all teams , if you can’t elevate them into the playing roster after a yr or two as DPS then cut them ,
Boomers need a full clean sweep , coaching staff included , yes T Mitchell is great and so too George but their team chemistry just isn’t gelling, that could come from the coaching staff or a combination of both but the amount of fire power they had they have lost their mojo and the rumour mill is it’s not a happy place to be .

Canberra need some heavy lifting , they have a great coach in Veal and some interesting young ones but really Melbourne is their only legit player with Swain close behind

Sydney is an interesting one, think they certainly have the right coach , not really sure what you’d change but they do need some help in the bigs department

Perth , I like most of perths roster but they need better guards than Burrows and Ryan to support WHITCOMB, think Petrik is proving to be a good coach, would like to see Bibby more consistent and maybe someone who can help Sherf a bit more

But the league could do with a few more teams in it, Brisbane and Tassie could be good and I’m sure NSW and Vic could put another team in each, so many good players around that can’t get a run at this level unless they want to take DP or bottom roster spots and they just don’t pay enough to live by

Reply #913539 | Report this post

Last year

Yes I would cut burrows, quite a few legit backup pg options from college, Gandini would remain 3rd pg.
Gandini has achieved essentially nothing and isn't getting any younger, not sure why you'd hold on to her. Burrows still has time to develop, and is already doing more than Gandini is. Weird call.

Reply #913541 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Moving some of the pieces around to make teams stronger and adding 1-2.

Import* - Mansfield - Sawyer*
Borlase - Basham
Talbot - Whittle
Garbin* - Brook
Import* - Mcspadden

Lavey - Mclean - Hurst*
Garrick* - Wehrung
Maley - Wilson
Griffin - Locandro
Import* - Froling

Melbourne - Fejo - Calleia
Swain - Gould*
Allen* - Potter
Import* - Bourne*
Bunton - Pizzey

Wallace - Scanlon - Burrows
Mitchell - Goodchild
Madgen - Reed*
Magbegor* - Brown
George - Davidson

Import* - Cubillo - Gandini
Whitcomb - Deegan*
Atwell - Clark*
Bibby - Sharp
Scherf - Mckay

Rocci - Conti - Loughridge
Import* - Cole
Blicavs - Puoch
Smith* - Ernst
Import* - Bishop

Mangakahia - Nakkasoglu* - Ellis*
Import* - Shelley*
Kunek* - Clarke
Froling - Horvat*
Tolo* - Purcell

Reid - Heal - LegerWalker
Import* - Yaeger
Nicholson - Woods
Import* - Hoycard
Ruef - Aokuso


Reply #913544 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

^ imports could be those that are currently with the team or replaced with another.

Reply #913546 | Report this post

Last year

Caps have locked away Melbourne and Munger. Both spoke highly of Coach Veal. Hopefully caps are building to a better 23/24

Reply #913562 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Hannan first game back, 28 and 9, not bad. WNBL teams would be circling if she wants to keep with basketball full time. Real lack of post depth in the Australian scene atm, many teams would want a good local backup Center.

Reply #913682 | Report this post

Last year

Wasn't Hannan at the COE under Veal? No doubt the convo is already underway

Reply #913684 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Would be a good spot to land behind Bunton. Don't think harmon will remain.

Reply #913685 | Report this post

Last year

Shyla Heal off to Europe next season says Shane Heal.

Canberra has Tupaea under contract.

I seriously doubt every single Australian player in Europe is going to return home to the WNBL.

Reply #914378 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

I know, but it would be good...
Alot of Aussies getting older and europe may no longer be a goal.
Few wnbl clubs may want to spend some $$$ given the bottom 3 clubs were out of the comp early.

Reply #914379 | Report this post

Last year

We tend to get more come home in pre-Olympic seasons too.

Which makes Shyla's decision an interesting one. Hasn't proven a thing yet at senior international level and now deciding to lower her visibility.

Reply #914380 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Horvat-Poland - likes to travel, has improved her game, probably moves club.
Smith-Poland - had insane season in poland, can't see her return.
Magbegor-Hungary - on very good money, doubt she’ll be back after 1 season.

*could see coming home, the rest like to travel and are young or on ok coin

Reply #914381 | Report this post

Last year

Does Nakkasoglu count as a local in Turkey? Could earn some decent $$$ there if she does.

Kunek has an EU passport but her offensive game has deteriorated to the point where her defence is more impressive than her offence now. I saw her do a really good defensive job on Chelsea Gray in Euroleague - maybe she can parley that into another decent European contract lol. 3 and D but with diminishing returns on the 3 part.

Allen's playing status is a bit of a mystery. Probably needs a solid WNBA season to attract attention from good European clubs.

Tolo also has an EU passport and it looks like she's making the most of it. Even in the twilight of her career, her skills have held up pretty well and she can still play decent minutes on a good European club. She might get over it and decide to come back but I think she'll give it a shot for a season or two more.

Reply #914382 | Report this post

Last year

Isabelle Bourne announced she's leaving Nebraska after four years of college. Back home to Canberra, perhaps?

Reply #914972 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

No doubt, thought that would happen.

Reply #914975 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Scherf with a Latvian EU passport is now in Italy.

Reply #915187 | Report this post

Last year

Scherf is struggling a bit in Italy but it's her first international experience, she’s coming in at the end of the season and I am sure it will be a good learning experience. If she has a Latvian passport, I wonder if she will try and get a contract in Europe next season

Reply #915213 | Report this post

Last year

When does free agency start & is there a list somewhere of who is available/unavailable?

Reply #915334 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Next week it starts.

Reply #915335 | Report this post

Last year

WNBL FA list was released May 2 last year, to give a general indication for when they release it.

As a stop gap (which you should really use all the time because the league can't be trusted) you should be checking BasketCase's tracker for those with multiple year deals from last season. https://www.basketcasepodcast.com.au/wnbl-offseason-tracker/

AFAIK, only Canberra have announce re-signings for next season atm.

Reply #915336 | Report this post

Last year

Thanks Weedy & Quokka

Reply #915337 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Could see Canberra looking something like

Melbourne - PG? - SolwayDP
Swain - SG? - TugliachDP
Munger(I) - Potter
(I) - Pizzey - Bourne
Bunton - Hannan

Reply #915338 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

My bad, forgot Tupaea.

Melbourne - PG? - SolwayDP
Swain - Tupaea - TugliachDP
Munger(I) - Potter
(I) - Pizzey - Bourne
Bunton - Hannan

Reply #915339 | Report this post

Last year


WNBL news
Due to ongoing negotiations regarding the WNBL Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) for the upcoming season, Free Agency, which was scheduled to start today, has been delayed.

Once agreement has been reached between all parties, Free Agency will begin.

Reply #915663 | Report this post

Last year

Two-time WNBL Coach of the Year Guy Molloy has been appointed to an interim head coach role for the Sydney Flames.

A veteran of coaching over 250 WNBL games, Molloy will provide strategic advice and planning in the current off-season period.

Reply #916040 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

lol. Feel bad for the flames.

Reply #916047 | Report this post

Last year

That's a news item you slip under the radar, not one to crow about. Are they seriously suggesting there wasn’t anyone better?!

Reply #916048 | Report this post

Last year

It seemed from the outside like the change to Gorman was very positive for the team

The "interim" part is interesting

Reply #916049 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Gorman did nothing wrong after heal got booted, they were doing pretty well Imo, even with no heal. Herbert also good who was booted for heal.

Molloys record is not good, this man had the biggest budgets over a long period and had players like Cambage and still could not win until his final season. NZ have also gotten worse under him.

Reply #916050 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year


Reply #916051 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

He was also quickly booted from the hc role in nznbl.

Reply #916052 | Report this post

Last year

Feel for Gorman, though she did an outstanding job under the circumstances, now they bring in Molloy , good lord he like a fly that just won't quit lol surely Sydney’s management are not this stupid

Reply #916056 | Report this post

Last year

surely Sydney's management are not this stupid

You mean the people who hired Shane Heal to be the head coach of their women's team on a multi-year deal?

Reply #916060 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Gormans nbl1 side also undefeated and in top spot 6-0

Reply #916061 | Report this post

Last year

I assume the legal shenanigans with Shane Heal may prevent the Flames from naming a properly new head coach.

I can understand why the Flames would get Molloy on board. He's coached a WNBL championship team recently and has extensive WNBL head coaching experience. I agree it’s not a particularly inspiring choice though - Gorman had the team playing very nicely at the end of the season despite some obvious talent deficiencies. That is something they could have built on.

One is starting to get the impression Hoops Capital doesn’t like the idea of women head coaches.

Reply #916062 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Women + Gay or trans.

Dalton, did nothing wrong.
Hibbert, did nothing wrong.
Gorman, did nothing wrong.

Bring you back to this...


Reply #916063 | Report this post

Last year

The ultimate retread returns.

I've always said Molloy must be good at job interviews.

Reply #916068 | Report this post

Last year

Tiana Mangakahia is a late season signing in France for Toulouse. She had 11 points and 6 assists in her first game.

Reply #916251 | Report this post

Last year

Jade Melbourne with a triple double in nbl1 south last night.

Reply #916267 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Toulouse trying to avoid relegation with 2 late import signings.

Reply #916268 | Report this post

Last year

War over the future of the WNBL has broken out between Basketball Australia and club owners — and the perennially-underpaid players have been caught in the crossfire.

In what looms as a flashpoint in the WNBL's 43-year history, the majority of the eight club owners, who bled almost $5 million last season, have united in a bid to force BA to relinquish control of the struggling league.


Reply #916547 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

That's bad but good news going forward, BA cannot run a chook raffle.

Reply #916551 | Report this post

Last year

So BA are majority shareholders but only lost $500K while the clubs collectively bled millions.

No wonder they don't want to give it up and it also indicates they haven't sufficiently invested in the product.

Reply #916565 | Report this post

Last year

Bring on LK!!

Reply #916578 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

They don't want to drop it, it makes it look like they are doing something.

Just BA, not the state programs...

Chief Executive Officer Matt Scriven
Executive GM, Basketball Paul Maley
Executive GM, High Performance & National Teams Jan Stirling
Executive GM, Marketing, Communications & Digital Jo Juler
Finance and Corporate Services Director Lorraine McGadey
Executive GM Governance, Risk and Integrity/Company Secretary Simon Bishop
Executive Assistant Brianna Alkemade
Office & Finance Manager Marie Clarke
Accounts Administrator Dee Elliot
Head of Integrity Damien Morris
Integrity Officer Brooke Howarth
Head of People & Culture Megan Curtin
Community Basketball Coordinator Tegan Cunningham
Commercial Partnerships Coordinator Sophie Porter
Business Development Manager Mike Graves
Commercial Partnerships Coordinator Te Reweti
Head of Marketing Kristin Dunbar
Head of Digital Daniel Piekarski
Head of Communication Danielle Balales
Senior Brand Designer Jordan Friedlander
Publicist Emily Simons
Marketing Coordinator Laura Farrugia
Media & Communications Coordinator Brooke Fankhauser
Media & Communications Coordinator Natasha Haddad
Digital Coordinator Kartik Deodhar
Head of WNBL Christy Collier-Hill
Head of Competition & Events Mark Quinn
Competition Manager Sarah Monck
Head of Game Development Michael Haynes
Referee Program Manager Bruce Keirs
Competitions & Events Coordinator Aurelian Bova
Manager, Community Coach & Volunteer Development Neil Gray
Competitions & Events Coordinator Matt Young
Head of Women in Basketball Lauren Jackson AO
Content Producer - Women in Basketball Lachlan Hannah
Director of High Performance Coaching & Talent Identification Peter Lonergan
Director of Senior National Teams – Boomers & Opals Jason Smith
Opals Team Lead & Manager Trish Fallon
Head of National Programs Michele Menso
Head of Security and Compliance Shannon Bodley
Head of Operations – Wheelchair & 3×3 National Teams Priyanka Karunakaran
Head of National Programs – Para Leigh Gooding
National Manager Athlete Wellbeing & Engagement Darren Smith
Program Coordinator – Wheelchair & 3×3 basketball Krittika Divadkar
Head Coach, Women’s Program David Herbert
Assistant Coach, Women’s Program Sarah Graham
Head Coach, Men’s Program Robbie Mckinlay
Assistant Coach, Men’s Program Ash Arnott
COE Athlete Wellbeing & Engagement Manager Nima Sobhani
High Performance Centre of Excellence Manager Phong Nguyen
Athlete Services Coordinator Christine Gates
Project Delivery Coordinator Rey Rui
Director, Head Coach Martin Clarke
Assistant Coach Matt Blue
Assistant Coach Nathan Brereton
Operations Manager Austin Clarke
Strength & Conditioning Coach Shane Connolly
Senior Consultant Academics NBA/CoE Julie Clarke
Add another 50 to the coaching lineup and support staff

Reply #916580 | Report this post

Last year

FMD, Weedy - that's effing ridiculous!!!

Easy to see where all the money goes to. And I would expect that a number of those will be jockeying for power and relevance more than for the good of the sport.

Reply #916581 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Quite alot of people given they don't control the nbl anymore, wnbl has just 2 FT staff and when you add in all that the states do.. alot seem irrelevant.
10+ people involved in essentially marketing and distribution, he’ll no!
1 CEO + 4 GMs + assistants

Reply #916585 | Report this post

Last year

How many of those staff are actually Full time - many of them seem to be part time hours and part time effort/output.

Reply #916586 | Report this post

Last year

I've been saying for years for the NBL to buy the WNBL just like what the British Basketball League did in 2014 with their Men’s and Women’s leagues under one umbrella.

My idea is once they’re one organisation then bring back the NBL Cup and have also the WNBL Cup. Play a sudden death Cup finals at the same host city. Prize money will be awarded to both winners.

Reply #916587 | Report this post

Last year

British Basketball League.

Reply #916603 | Report this post

Last year

How many of those staff are actually Full time - many of them seem to be part time hours and part time effort/output.

You'd hope so.

That list is long as the credits at the end of a film.

Reply #916604 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Calls for wnbl to align all teams with nbl, including future teams.
All 8 owners want BA to relinquish ownership, BA demanding they keep majority share.
Self interest it seems like.

Reply #916640 | Report this post

Last year

BA are blood suckers who wouldn't relent on their fee even when Townsville (NBL) were going under. Absolute dogs.

Reply #916647 | Report this post

Last year

'Here to help': Larry confirms talks over WNBL’s future

Larry Kestelman turned an almost-dead NBL into a thriving competition, now Basketball Australia have turned to him again to help an under-siege WNBL.
The man who revived an almost-dead National Basketball League, Larry Kestelman, has begun talks with Basketball Australia on the under-siege WNBL’s future direction.
Following Wednesday’s revelations an organised group of WNBL club owners had banded together in a bid to force change in the elite women’s league, Kestelman said he had been engaged by chief executive Matt Scriven to work with Basketball Australia on the best way to take the league forward.

Link (Paywalled)

Reply #916650 | Report this post

Last year

Kestelman said it was too early to say if he would be interested in league ownership but was among many who believed the women's game could thrive.

Reply #916654 | Report this post

Last year

Just hand it over to LK (don't make him buy it) & get out of his way. Let him work his magic

Reply #916656 | Report this post

Last year

And cut the wage bill by 2/3 afterwards, mainly at the top

Reply #916659 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Not all that difficult to align
12 combined teams.

No change necessary...
Perth - Perth
Adelaide - Adelaide
Melbourne - Melbourne
Sydney - Sydney
SEM - SEM, (was Southside)

New team wnbl
Brisbane - Brisbane*
NZ - NZ*
Cairns - Cairns*

New team nbl
Canberra* - Canberra
Townsville* - Townsville

Tasmania - Tasmania, (was Bendigo)
Newcastle, (was Illawarra) - Newcastle*

Female player pay the only big problem to solve in the short term, less contracts, more DPs perhaps. 9 + 5?
20 years down the road with hydrogen or electric jets and buses.. that will significantly cut travel costs down. Might be at that point when each club invests in its own transport.

Reply #916660 | Report this post

Last year

Sami is heading elsewhere in 23/24 (hopefully o/s to get some $$)

The Perth Lynx would like to advise that Sami Whitcomb has opted out of signing with the club for the 2023-24 season.
Sami has been an integral part of the Perth Lynx for several years, and her leadership on and off the court contributed to our positive club culture, and recent successes in playing finals.
While the club is disappointed that we won't have Sami on court for the upcoming season, we respect Sami’s decision and wish her, Kate and Nash all the best for the future.
The club will continue to focus on completing its roster with the opening of the free agency period.

Reply #917357 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

35 in July, got to make the money while she can.

Reply #917358 | Report this post

Last year

Does she need money, or does she need to stop playing 12 months a year?

Her stint with Willetton would suggest the former, but the latter isn't out of the question.

Reply #917362 | Report this post

Last year

I have no actual idea what the Willetton thing was about, but history would suggest to me that it was at least partly motivated by wanting to get back into playing mode ahead of the WNBA preseason, rather than just being a money thing.
There are few players around who are more dedicated to preparation.

Reply #917377 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Heal going to europe frees up money at Sydney, Melbourne losing Mitchell frees up a spot at Melbourne.

Reply #917379 | Report this post

Last year

I have no actual idea what the Willetton thing was about, but history would suggest to me that it was at least partly motivated by wanting to get back into playing mode ahead of the WNBA preseason, rather than just being a money thing.
I wouldn't suggest anyone is playing NBL1 for the money, but it does suggest she doesn't feel the need to take considerable time off.

Reply #917383 | Report this post

Cosmo Spacely  
Last year

Sydney Flames


2 Decent Imports

They will be strong

Reply #917491 | Report this post

Last year

Bit surprised by Madgen to the Flames, but could complement Mangakahia nicely in the backcourt.

George and Nicholson also to the Flames - really?

Reply #917508 | Report this post

Last year

Ok never mind, I've seen the George rumours now lol.

Something I've noticed is that Puoch isn't on the FA list meaning she's back to Southside and I find that a bit disappointing.

Reply #917509 | Report this post

Last year

Why disappointing SP? I wonder who Boomers are replacing George, Madgen & Mitchell! Possibly the keep Leilani?

Reply #917529 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Expecting some Aussies come back home and alot of budget imports or just 1 wnba tier import.

Reply #917531 | Report this post

Last year

Kunek could end up at Melbourne. Bibby too?

Reply #917533 | Report this post

Last year

A few hours ago

Why disappointing SP? I wonder who Boomers are replacing George, Madgen & Mitchell! Possibly the keep Leilani?

They aren't "replacing them" the players are leaving, they don’t want to play under Lucas and Harrower, it was not a good atmosphere ( putting that politely) Chris Lucas should never have been given the job

Reply #917534 | Report this post

Last year

Monika Czinano waive by the LA Sparks - IMO WNBL clubs should be making some calls - our league ideal for a new player looking to establish themselves.

Reply #917537 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year


Magbegor, Smith and Heal will be overseas.

Can see the others coming back from europe this year.
Kunek, Allen, Tolo, Garrick, Horvat maybe

Unfortunately not alot of college kids available. 5th years

Can see a few nbl1 budget imports getting picked up, reese, bowman etc

Also a whole bunch of recently waived wnba options
Traylor, czinzano, Henderson, Beal, Mawuli, Kone, Richards, Burrell, Samuelson, slocum, laksa, sheppard, Mikesill, Engstler, mompremier, fields etc etc etc

Reply #917540 | Report this post

Last year

There'll be a golden opportunity over next two or three seasons to find and try and keep the next Griffens, Whitcombs, Ruefs, Standishs etc. Loads of good players being developed in US and they can't all go over to Europe and some will prefer the lifestyle here.

Reply #917544 | Report this post

Last year

Oh forgot the other half of my post: hope that just because she's playing NBL1 in Sydney, doesn't mean Nicholson is certain to play there. She is a good fit in that Townsville side, be very surprised if they don't roll their GF side back (minus their mid-season transfer).

Sydney's starting five with George and Magden already looks quite solid, they won't have too much more room for signings (just imports).

Reply #917545 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Nicholson was reported to be going to Sydney by boti.
Her bf and her home are much closer. Makes sense.

Looking something like




Reply #917546 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Garrick might be a good sg to get, Horvat at pf too

Reply #917547 | Report this post

Last year

Fair enough Shotblocker, it didn't look like they were having a lot of fun. Great players don’t always make good coaches (Harrower) & after last seasons finals efforts not sure why anyone would think Lucas has more to offer. I heard he works for free because he’s rich, any truth to that?

Reply #917548 | Report this post

Last year

Tolo re-signed with Girona. She is not coming back.

Reply #917549 | Report this post

Last year

Bec Allen has re-signed with Valencia.

Reply #917550 | Report this post

Last year

if you are mentioning NBL 1 imports that would be WNBL worthy - can't go past Mikayla Williams - would be good as a power forward - that brings a lot to a team.

Reply #917556 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Dam, with the Olympics in July 24, thought I'd see more Aussies at home.
I guess Tolo and Allen are locks anyway.

Johnson is another budget import you could get, lots around. Not sure the clubs will be spending big when the locals cost even more next season.

Reply #917564 | Report this post

Last year

Just takes 1 season in Europe to disappear off the radar for Darcee Garbin hey

Reply #917566 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Wouldn't suprise me if Garbin is still ahead of smith and Madgen ahead of Melbourne.

Reply #917569 | Report this post

Last year

Smith has (yet) a(nother) great opportunity to grab a spot via the WNBA now.
Hopefully she is ready to take it this time. If she would play to her potential she'd be a lock for a spot.

Here's hoping that Melbourne takes to the WNBA like a duck to water and demands herself an Opals spot. Not sure it would necessarily come at the expense of Madgen, but either way I'm looking forward to her being in our backcourt.

Reply #917578 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

At the expense of who?

Garbin / Smith?

Melbourne for
Jackson or Maley?

Reply #917579 | Report this post

Last year

Missed Boty, in that case Sydney are quite stacked, probably don't even need to bother with imports.

Atwell is Perth's first signing. With Whitcomb confirmed as not coming back, a top point guard (import or Aussie) is needed, however if they also keep Bibby and Scherf they'll have lots of shooting to work with.

Reply #917584 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

I hope Perth go with something like

Import / ? / Gandini or Burrows
Ryan* / ?
Atwell / Clark
Bibby / Sharp / Hoycard
Scherf / Mcspadden

Reply #917585 | Report this post

Last year

No Sharp for the Lynx next season, officially announced today.


Reply #917617 | Report this post

Bohemian Rhap  
Last year

Would expect Lynx to look at Gorman

Reply #917618 | Report this post

Last year

Great to see Sharp go somewhere where she will hopefully get more court time. Would like to see her at Caps or Bendigo

Reply #917619 | Report this post

Last year

My guess is Sharp is heading to Melbourne with their exits

Reply #917621 | Report this post

Last year

Footloose, I'm disappointed with Puoch returning to Southside because of the way they didn't bother to try to integrate her into their offence last season. Hopefully things will be different this season.

Sad to see last year's Perth roster dispersing. They were very entertaining to watch. Sharp will attract lots of interest I'm sure.

Reply #917622 | Report this post

Last year

Were Sami and Sharpy contracted with player options? Or are they just free agents? Weird to be making announcements like this without them having signed elsewhere.

Reply #917624 | Report this post

Last year

At least they didn't do what the Boomers did and announce the team the players were moving to. That was untidy.

Reply #917626 | Report this post

Last year

Fair enough SP, she got to play a lot of minutes in a veteran loaded team though which is great for a rookie, get to soak up all that knowledge & experience. It looked like they ran stuff early days for her but her handles let her down a bit. Hopefully she's working hard on improving that over this off season

Reply #917632 | Report this post

Last year

Sydney Flames have officially announced Lauren Nicholson signing. Two years with an option for a third year. Assuming they lock up George and Froling (is that a certainty?), that's a pretty good starting 5 without imports. If I was the Flames, I would still probably sign an import - maybe a defensive 4/5 who can provide some rim protection.

Jayda Clark to Canberra. I have been a little underwhelmed by her junior performances (mainly consistency) but I think she could develop well as a pro in the right environment.

Reply #917827 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Looking like swain going elsewhere.

Reply #917828 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Rumours online say Southside.


5'6 Rocci - 5’5 Conti? - 5’6 Loughridge

5’10 Swain? - 5’10 Cole - 5’10 Hollingsworth
6’2 Kunek? - 6’2 Puoch

Import - 6’5 Ernst
6’3 Bishop - 6’5 Jackson

Reply #917829 | Report this post

Last year

Would like to see Swain at Townsville.

I'm not a massive fan of Bec Cole so happy for her to lose minutes.

Reply #917831 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Rumours saying Whitcomb will be at Townsville to replace Nicholson.

Something like

5'6 Reid - 5’9 LegerWalker?

5’10 Whitcomb - 5’9 Yaeger? - 5’8 Gaze

6’0 Samuelson(I)? - 6’0 Woods

6’3 Hawkins(I)? - 6’2 Fowler?

6’3 Ruef - 6’3 Aokuso

A few teams have sg spots open though.

Reply #917833 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

5'10 Melbourne - 5’9 Tupaea

6’0 Munger(I) - 6’0 Clark

Import - 6’1 Potter

6’3 Pizzey - 6’2 Bourne?

6’5 Bunton - 6’4 Hannan?

Don’t see tupeaa as pg personally

5’6 Mangakahia - 5’7 Panousis?
5’11 Nicholson - 5’10 Allen?
6’0 Madgen - 6’1 Clarke - 6’0 Rowe

6’2 Froling - 6’2 Moore?

6’4 George? - 6’2 Purcell?

Reply #917834 | Report this post

Last year

Blicavs off to Melbourne is interesting with her vague reasoning lol, but it sounds like she wants to be more of a focus in the team? With everybody abandoning the Boomers, she'll get that opportunity. This move will be good for Puoch as well in Southside as she could slot into that starting wing role or get more minutes, at least.


Reply #917852 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Chambers not a fan of starting youth.

We saw Reid as 3rd pg, Wallace off the bench, countless players who thrive under someone else. Southside and Mr Ryan buy opals, like they always have done.

I'm guessing they will try get Whitcomb, Kunek or Garbin

Reply #917854 | Report this post

Cosmo Spacely  
Last year

Whitcomb, Kunek or Garbin

2 of those 3 players are going to the same place and its not Southside

Reply #917855 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Melbourne under Lucas?

Reply #917856 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Or the fire under Seebohm?

Reply #917857 | Report this post

Last year

Townsville may make sense for any combination of that trio, though I think Courtney Woods should get an opportunity to start at the wing.

However, I think Whitcomb is better on the ball nowadays so pairing her with Reid or Wallace in the backcourt may not be ideal.

Very fun WNBL free agency IMO so far, except maybe if you're a Perth or Melbourne fan.

Reply #917858 | Report this post

Last year

Whitcomb I thought was focusing on Europe. Leaving Perth is a red flag if you add in Sharp leaving for more opportunity and missing out on local youngster in Clark? Getting a bit nervous.

Once upon a time Weedy got a magnetic clipboard for Christmas and the rest is history.

Reply #917859 | Report this post

Last year

Whitcomb I thought was focusing on Europe.
Whitcomb's stated reason for leaving was wanting a better opportunity to compete for an Opals spot. Disappearing to Europe wouldn't achieve that.

Then again, she's been in the Opals program for years while playing for the Lynx at this point, so I'm betting that explanation is actually bullshit.

Reply #917862 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Not looking too good on the old magnetic clipboard.

Import - ?
5'9 Ryan(I)? - ?
6’0 Atwell -
6’1 Bibby? - 6’3 Hoycard

6’5 Scherf - 6’5 Mcspadden?

Bibby not locked in either.
Wa talent, not much there.

Reply #917864 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Some ok players left
Yet to be signed


Some diamonds in the rough imo

Price at full fitness

Reply #917866 | Report this post

Last year

Whitcomb's stated reason for leaving was wanting a better opportunity to compete for an Opals spot.

She's the Opals starting point guard atm. Is she afraid Reid and Melbourne are going to magically leapfrog her if she stayed in Perth? I think her Opals spots is pretty safe atm. There's clearly another reason for her leaving.

Reply #917870 | Report this post

Last year

@koberulz yeah, worrying, clearly something else.

@WeedySlug Petrik made a lot about having a game plan that focuses around Scherf, you'd think she at least would be back. Bibby cross fingers but could go anywhere tbh.

Even Ryan, clearly the funds aren't there for imports and she did improve as season went.

Reply #917871 | Report this post

Last year

Is it a money issue, necessarily? Someone mentioned there being a minimum quota of WA-based players, so they may have opted to go that route with an import spot rather than missing out on Bibby or having Scherf depart.

No idea if that's true or not, though. No good having a pathway to the WNBL through WABL/NBL1 West if the team sucks and nobody cares, though.

Not sure where this trend of signing late-twenties DPs is coming from, either. They got more from Gandini than I anticipated, but after signing her to a full contract she basically vanished, and Kelly - whose name this forum won't let me spell correctly - never really amounted to anything.

Reply #917875 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

With a wa focus, they were probably aiming for most of

Whitcomb(wa) - Burrows/Gandini(wa)
Ryan(I) - Atwell(wa) - Deegan(wa)
Bibby - Clarke(wa) - Clark(wa)
Garbin(wa) - Sharp
Scherf - Mckay(wa) - Davis(wa dp)

Now they are in big doo doo, no one wants to stay apart from atwell.

Reply #917879 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Forster upgraded, oh geez. Could have kept her as a dp.

Reply #917887 | Report this post

Last year

Someone mentioned there being a minimum quota of WA-based players

I still find this a very odd requirement if it exists, especially given the nomadic nature of professional sports. You're setting a ceiling on your own team that's not necessary. Also, it's not like WA has a deep talent pool and players who aren't WNBL quality aren't going to magically become so just because they get exposure to WNBL-level play.

Reply #917891 | Report this post

Last year

It seems BWA see the Lynx as an extension of the WA development pathway and not as a professional team in its own right.

I assume the goal is that young girls grow up as Lynx fans, see a clear pathway to play WNBL, and thus get involved in WABL. Which won't happen if the on-court product isn't good enough, and kids that young don't care where the pro players were born.

Reply #917892 | Report this post

Last year

Sounds like Whitcomb probably chose to play at a club like Townsville that will likely have 2 quality WNBA imports, and another opal/fringe opal or 2, instead of Perth who only had one NBL1 import last season, as Sami priority is probably more towards winning championships than developing young WA players at the Lynx.

She probably didnt want to be seen to bag out the Perth organisation and their new direction, so just made it about making the opals.

If she goes to Townsville she slots nicely into the spot Nicholson left from last years Championship team.

Id say thats pretty attractive to any player.

Reply #917896 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

I don't think Hawkins is coming back and Froling is headed to Melbourne which stops Garbin slotting in there.

5’6 Reid - 5’9 LegerWalker?

5’10 Whitcomb - 5’9 Yaeger? - 5’8 Gaze

6’0 Samuelson(I)? - 6’0 Woods

6’2 Garbin - 6’2 Fowler?

6’3 Ruef - 6’3 Aokuso

Better options than leger Walker imo, cubillo maybe, knows Seebohm.
Yaeger injury prone, never available. Lots of other options. Like to see Wehrung get more time.
Fowler very likely to end up at the fire although maybe not as a contracted player?

Reply #917898 | Report this post

Last year

I haven't heard anything about their being a "WA quota" at Perth. That sounds far-fetched, there has never been one, it's not sustainable. Obviously you like to develop or hire local but it shouldn't never be the complete focus.

*If* that is a line that is going around basketball circles then it doesn't even have to mean its complete true either because it'd be a simple excuse for BWA to trot out for more cost cutting. Which would be disappointing. They managed to get Mabrey and Young 2 seasons ago!

I think we're still very early days, and really on have one active team (Sydney) close to a confirmed roster yet. So see how it all goes.

@Weedy Townsville could think long-term keeping Crystal happy over couple of seasons so they have a better chance of getting Charlisse season after.

Reply #917908 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

True, charlise will be available next season. So too Amoore, Shelley, ellis.

Reply #917910 | Report this post

Last year

I haven't heard anything about their being a "WA quota" at Perth. That sounds far-fetched, there has never been one, it's not sustainable.

Since BWA took over from Bendat there has pretty clearly been some level of mandate to keep the squad more WA-oriented.
There's also the obvious factor of roster budget, which is no longer Bendat-sized so that also lends itself to picking local players instead of the best talent from around the country & world. Recent seasons are not financially sustainable.

In Sami's case I'd say it's as simple as other teams being able to offer 1) more money, 2) more talented teammates = greater championship prospects, and 3) more talented teammates = less physical load for her to carry

Sharp is the more interesting one for me because her role would only have increased in Perth next season, so that is probably again more money, but maybe she also feels her Opals aspirations are better served over east.

Reply #917914 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Or she took so much of the budget last year, they thought they could get a better spread with the limited budget they have,
If you can get a very good local and 1 very good nbl1 import for similar price as 1 Whitcomb, might be worth it.

Reply #917915 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Perth Lynx up for sale.


For the wnbl in the short term
1/4 of the staff at BA should be made redundant, that should save some money across the board.
Drop contracted players to 9, reduce salary cap, bring in min 3 DPs per team.
Triple headers in Victoria with 3 teams based there.
Double headers Canberra/Sydney(bus), accomodation at ais.
Get kestleman heavily involved before handing it over to him within 2 years.

Reply #917936 | Report this post

Last year

Drop contracted players to 9, reduce salary cap, bring in min 3 DPs per team
Selling the league to the AFLW would accomplish the sane thing much easier.

Reply #917937 | Report this post

Last year

Great insight Kobe.

Reply #917938 | Report this post

Last year

Well, clearly BWA are broke or not willing to foot the bill any longer. Didn't think it was that bad but I guess it is.


It reads like they'd rather stop funding the team at all then try and keep an icon like Sami. Can't be focusing on WA talent much if Clark was easily recruited to stay over East.

Two good seasons and now looking at being '23 Canberra-lite. Funding women's sport shouldn't be so challenging you'd think.

Reply #917983 | Report this post

Last year

Sami also turns 35 in a month and a half, and might have wanted a multi year deal. Are you giving the biggest % of your budget to a 35/36/37 year old?

Reply #918010 | Report this post

Last year

What about some under the radar young players possibly moving teams this year?

For me I have Burrows, been in the league a while now and still only 21, a lot of potential, crafty young guard but not a household name, possibly looking for more of a role over east.

Reply #918013 | Report this post

Last year

Alex Sharp to Caps

Reply #918132 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

If they lose Swain, hard to see them being competitive.



Backup PG
Import PF

With another pg needed and possibly another import, I'm guessing 2 of the above locals won’t make it.

Reply #918133 | Report this post

Last year

Canberra really needs a good import post player. Somebody who can be Melbourne's pick and roll partner and play some post defence. I liked Bunton’s game a few years back, but she’s past her prime now with regular injury problems and Canberra needs more post depth regardless.

They have a curious mix of perimeter players and I wonder they will all mesh. They could really use another good off ball shooter (obviously Swain was this but get the impression she’s leaving?). I don’t think they have put together a finals roster, but it should be more competitive than last year’s mess *if* everybody stays healthy and they get that good import post player.

Reply #918143 | Report this post

Last year

@Bored Sami will be next player for the Lynx who's jersey should be retired, it doesn't matter how old she is (and was still best last season) if she wants to play, she should.

This assumes there is a team however. Anything we do hear this week seems to be just more bad news beyond next season. Perth closer to not having a team at all, and WNBL teams unhappy with BA. Bleak.

Reply #918157 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

BA supposed to promote basketball and give it stability. They do neither.

Reply #918159 | Report this post

Last year

Lightning need to get Mikayla Williams training with them - would be a very handy power forward

Reply #918212 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Goodchild to Perth, good pickup.

Reply #918221 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Whittle to europe

Reply #918269 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Bishop to europe.

Reply #918270 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Hmmm, Maley declines chicago offer.

Reply #918275 | Report this post

Last year

Lynx have announced Scherf is off to Europe.

Reply #918277 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

BA must be shittin themselves.

Reply #918278 | Report this post

Last year

It's not surprising that players want to pursue more lucrative contracts. I think it’s a good sign of the talent depth in Australian basketball that players like Marena Whittle are signing up in good European leagues

Reply #918281 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

I think that the instability in the league, it's management and the financial issues are the main reason we are seeing mass exodus.

That’s 9 players signed in europe so far with several more likely.
Add also Mangakahia retirement + 3 who were verbal about leaving for europe post 22/23 season.

Quite alot in a 88 player league, especially when college kids have not returned at a number needed to fill gaps. Bourne, Moore, Fowler, not many others.

Reply #918282 | Report this post

Last year

WNBL24 Key Dates

Reply #918300 | Report this post

Last year

we have a good league - all the best to the players that get a better offer - just depends what they want at the time. Some players are happy to be here because we offer a similar lifestyle to US and speak English. Not always about the $. Some are enjoying the travel opportunities whilst they can.

Reply #918303 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Gorman to Perth.

Import - 5'10 Burrows?
5’10 Goodchild - 5’11 Gorman - 5’10 Forster

6’1 Bibby - 6’0 Atwell
6’2 Garbin? - 6’3 Hoycard

Import - ?

2 good imports and maybe Garbin coukd save them from a bottom 4.
Likely go with Ryan though.

Reply #918333 | Report this post

Last year

Players leaving because they can make three times what they earn here, time BA handed the WNBL over and let these women athletes get a decent wage

Reply #918359 | Report this post

Last year

Alice Kunek is a big signing in Townsville. One big name returns!

Reply #918362 | Report this post

Last year

i would love the WNBL players to earn a decent living, especially given the competition from AFLW, netball and cricket but not sure how BA "handing over" the competition to another commercial entity makes that happen.
Player income is closely related to revenue generation and the WNBL just doesn't generate the dollars. Netball which gets big crowds and TV coverage doesn't pay their players that well and cricket/AFLW heavily subsidise the female comp from the huge revenues generated by the men. (basketball doesn't have this luxury)
A commercial entity like LK will be more interested in generating income for themselves (like NBL1) via sponsors and "data" - I don't think much (any!) of the LK-NBL1 revenue goes to the clubs to pay their players.
LK has done a great job with the NBL and the NBL1 offering is certainly more visually professional.
Not sure the NBL1 clubs are financially better off - they most probably have more sponsor income but there has been an explosion in player payments as clubs try to compete - my understanding is that this has caused financial issues for a lot of NBL1 clubs.
Maybe the BA/Private Equity model will be beneficial for the WNBL

Reply #918392 | Report this post

Last year

it is what it is - so many can cry social justice or inequality but where is all this $ coming from ? - it's a slow gain and has to be built up over time. I feel I should have my own home after working full time 25 years - whilst the family down the road have one - not their problem. Same with wages / salary. Good on the players if they can do well - some have - and hopefully the ones that have worked hard. No way around it, you just have to do the hard yards.

Reply #918397 | Report this post

Last year

Cayla George signing with the Sydney Flames now official on WNBL site. Will be curious to see how the Flames fill out the rest of their starting lineup.

Reply #918407 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Import I reckon. Mangakahia now retired.

Import / Panousis?
Nicholson / Bowyer?
Madgen / Clarke / Rowe
Froling / Moore?
George / Purcell?

Reply #918410 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Basham would be a good get and likely the highest rated backup sg unsigned atm.
Needs more time than what she's getting in Adelaide.

Reply #918411 | Report this post

Last year

Froling signed with Melbourne. They will need a 4/5 import too IMO.

Reply #918412 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

They can afford it now. Likely a 5. molloy likes George at pf.

Reply #918413 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Southside look pretty terrible atm too.

Hope for swain, versatile Horvat, good 4/5 imports.
Hollingsworth maybe unlucky, probably should get elevated or go elsewhere.

Rocci / Rocci / Loughridge
Swain? / Cole
Puoch / Horvat?
Import / Ernst?
Import / Jackson?

Reply #918416 | Report this post

Last year

I'm big on Basham. Just a baller and knows how to put the ball in the basket.

Reply #918432 | Report this post

Last year

Basham is a good NBL1 Player but is incapable of making that jump to being a good WNBL Player, needs lots of shots at the lower level which isn't going to be there at the WNBL level.

Reply #918436 | Report this post

Last year

WNBL has put out a survey seeking feedback on the introduction of rolling subs, player timeouts, a sixth personal foul, "money ball" spots on the floor where a made field goal is worth four points, and having threes be worth four in the final two minutes of quarters.

What a joke.

Reply #918440 | Report this post

Last year

Are you being serious about that survey? Or are you being satirical

Reply #918443 | Report this post

Last year

I hope a wnbl club has spoken with monika czinano - been cut in wnba - wnbl would be ideal

Reply #918444 | Report this post

Last year

Are you being serious about that survey? Or are you being satirical
Dead serious: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/wnblfans2223

Reply #918446 | Report this post

Last year

You get the opportunity to tell them the 4 point shot ideas are rubbish, which I did.

It'd be fun to see Czinano in the WNBL but not with the Flames pls because I want them to have a better defensive post at the 5 (Cayla George doesn’t really provide rim protection even though she is 6’4")

Reply #918447 | Report this post

Last year

As did I, but the fact that they're even contemplating it is gross incompetence. So many other things they could be doing, like tweeting more than once a season and not offloading their media presence to a bigot.

Reply #918449 | Report this post

Last year

22-23 WNBL Season - Fan Feedback

93% of survey complete.

Question Title
* 39. Would you like to see any of the following introduced into the WNBL?

6th foul
Player time-out (30-seconds on court)
Rolling subs
No possession arrow - jump balls back
Super shot (3's worth 4 in last 2-mins of each qtr)
Money ball (spot on court worth 4)

Oh my.

Reply #918450 | Report this post

Last year

The punctuation is only slightly less offensive than the suggested rule changes.

Reply #918451 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Pretty funny and disturbing at the same time.

Reply #918460 | Report this post

Last year

Oh dear :(

Reply #918461 | Report this post

Last year

Super shot (3's worth 4 in last 2-mins of each qtr)

That's a no, unless you can get sponsored by Zooper dooper and call it a "Zooper dooper super dooper shot"

Reply #918462 | Report this post

Last year

I'm good with any shot from the backcourt being worth 4 points

Reply #918476 | Report this post

Last year

i'd like to know the finer details i.e. with it be say - 1 foot on a dot on the court for the shot ?

Reply #918477 | Report this post

Last year

These surveys are concerning, agreed.

Not sure there is much across all teams for imports, be interesting to see who uses all two spots. Right now you can write Melbourne, Sydney and Townsville into the final four. Not good for the league so far out.

Reply #918495 | Report this post

Last year

Shaneice Swain signs with Sydney for two years with a third year option. I was not expecting that, but a nice replacement for Mangakahia. Who plays point guard is going to be an interesting question - I think Madgen and Swain will share duties with Madgen being the primary ballhandler. Hoops Capital must be really shelling out the money.

Reply #918708 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Madgen at pg, not good.

Reply #918710 | Report this post

Last year

Steph Talbot re-signed in Adelaide for 4 YEARS!

Reply #918713 | Report this post

Last year

They really are trying to collect all the talent. Going to be quite the disparity next season, shaping up to be most lopsided comp in a while if Southside keep getting worse too.

Might be a good thing for a team like Bendigo who are running it back, and only just missed out on finals. These "star" teams will have to gel first.

Talbot signing for 4 years is at least some good news for Adelaide.

Reply #918725 | Report this post

Last year

Williams should get a training camp invite for Lightning - be a great power forward

Reply #918726 | Report this post

Last year

Lynx just casually including Bibby in the list of former Lynx players selected in the Opals team. They hadn't previously announced her departure had they?

Reply #918869 | Report this post

Last year

I had assumed it, but you're right - I don't recall seeing it specifically mentioned, unlike Sharp, Scherf & Schami

Reply #918878 | Report this post

Last year

Very weird. Wildcats kept treating Norton and Wagstaff as current players even when Wagstaff was a free agent and Norton was being told to look elsewhere. No reason to just drop the news in that manner. If there's a chance she's coming back, give her the same treatment as Atwell. If there isn't, give her the same treatment as Sharp/Scherf/Whitcomb.

Reply #918883 | Report this post

Last year

Underwhelming is putting Perth's off-season mildly so can't say I'm surprised they've forgotten it amongst all the goodbyes. I'll still sign up as a member but next season is going to feel weird.

Reply #918896 | Report this post

Last year

I was thinking about getting membership, but I doubt I'll even end up watching on TV much now.

Reply #918905 | Report this post

Last year

May as well get it now, could be no chance post '24 since BWA are dropping the team.

Reply #918906 | Report this post

Last year

Maley to be announced soon as a new signing for Lynx!

Reply #918932 | Report this post

Last year

Caps signed Alex Fowler

Adelaide hinting at signing Isabelle Bourne

Reply #918970 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Caps ain't looking too good.

Reply #918972 | Report this post

Cosmo Spacely  
Last year

Fowler to Canberra makes me think that Bibby is headed to TSV.

Reply #918975 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Or Southside.

Reply #918980 | Report this post

Last year

Maley to Perth would be interesting considering 1) she's under contract to Bendigo, I believe and 2) Perth’s reported budgetary problems.

Reply #918983 | Report this post

Last year

Caps will still be young, that's for sure. Hopefully a good quality experienced import will be found!

Reply #918994 | Report this post

Last year

Maley to be announced soon as a new signing for Lynx!

Perth may regret that signing if that's true which will be disappointing as lynx looked like a good contender, though the loss of sherf puts a hole in their roster

Reply #918996 | Report this post

Last year

Maley parts ways with Bendigo.


Perth may regret that signing if that's true which will be disappointing as lynx looked like a good contender

A contender? Out of their starters from last season, they've only re-signed Atwell so far with three others definitely leaving. No matter what you think of Maley, she would add value to a talent starved roster.

Reply #919000 | Report this post

Last year

lynx looked like a good contender

They scraped into fourth last year, so even running back the same roster wouldn't make them a strong contender, and their off-season so far has been horrendous:

Out: Sharp, Whitcomb, Scherf, Bibby
In: Forster (DP upgrade), Gorman (rookie)
Returning: Atwell, Clinch Hoycard

Not what I would call an upgrade. Even if Edwards and Ryan were to come back (assuming Forster and Gorman are replacing Burrows and Gandini), that's not a roster that's going to put pressure on the top four, never mind contend.

Reply #919002 | Report this post

Last year

Yeah, I wonder if Shotblocker maybe hadn't kept up with the team financial news and all the player departures over the offseason.
A reasonable goal for the Lynx would be to try to avoid the wooden spoon.
Happy to upgrade that if we happen to get a Young/Mabrey-caliber import combo but given the money woes that seems beyond unlikely.

Reply #919006 | Report this post

Last year

Maybe viewing Perth as a *finals* contender like last season *before* the player exodus?

Absolutely strange af off-season from Perth though. If they can afford Maley, they can afford to keep some of their previous stars.

Still, good get. Iirc she was going to play NBL1 over here in one of the covid ruined seasons. Should pair well with Atwell at least, though team is going to look very different to how Petrik usually sets then.

Need to find a decent WNBL level point and then I think they should be competitive.

On subject of the college players returning, I know Bourne was coming back but quite surprised Fowler didn't go back for her senior year? Would've smashed it. Good get for Canberra.

Reply #919010 | Report this post

Last year

Maybe viewing Perth as a *finals* contender like last season *before* the player exodus?
That wouldn't make any sense to bring up now, as a reason not to sign Maley.

She was rumored to be signing with Cockburn a couple of years back, but ended up in the WNBA instead. Nothing to do with COVID.

Reply #919012 | Report this post

Last year

Absolutely strange af off-season from Perth though. If they can afford Maley, they can afford to keep some of their previous stars.
Given Maley being released and the implication signing her is a bad thing, she may have come cheap.

Reply #919013 | Report this post

Last year

Maley and Kereama seemed to have issues with each other last season. James Wade seems to love Maley though so maybe it was just a personality clash.

Reply #919014 | Report this post

Last year

Yeah, I wonder if Shotblocker maybe hadn't kept up with the team financial news and all the player departures over the offseason.

You're right , my bad, I had only heard that Sherf was going to Europe, so will agree they will struggle, so maybe Maley may help.
Though it wasn’t just Kereama she didn’t get on with , if rumours are to be believed , a lot of unease between some players too.

Reply #919021 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Where's garbin going?, if she goes back to Perth and they get import 1 and 2, itll end up being a competitive squad.

Something like

Import / assume Burrows? Cubillo maybe
Goodchild / Gorman / Forster
Maley / Atwell
Garbin / Hoycard
Import / options available like mcspadden, Morrell, Hannan, brown etc

Reply #919023 | Report this post

Cosmo Spacely  
Last year

mcspadden = Sydney

Reply #919029 | Report this post

Last year

Cubillo did her ACL didn't she

Reply #919031 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Was it acl or mcl?

Reply #919035 | Report this post

Last year

WNBL reported ACL.


Reply #919037 | Report this post

Last year

Adelaide announce an Aussie signing yesterday. They should look at Mikayla Williams (the one playing in Adelaide already) as a power forward - skilled, strong and fast.

Reply #919043 | Report this post

Wang whipper  
Last year

Three posts by + saying Adelaide should sign Mikayla Williams - are you her agent?

Reply #919048 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Ciabattoni to Lynx.

Reply #919098 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Mansfield / ?
Borlase / ? / ?
Talbot / Brazel
Import* / Bourne
Import* / ?

Lavey / ? / ?
Import* / Wehrung
Import* / Wilson
Griffin / Locandro
Froling / ?

Melbourne / ?
Munger* / Tupaea / Clark
Sharp / Potter
Import* / Fowler
Bunton / Pizzey

Wallace / Conti / ?
Import* / ?
Blicavs / Simmons
Froling / ?
Import* / Davidson

Import* / ?
Goodchild / Gorman / Forster
Atwell / Ciabattoni
Maley / Hoycard
Import* / ?

Rocci / ? / Loughridge
Cole / ?
? / Puoch
Import* / ?
Import* / ?

Madgen / Panousis
Swain / ?
Nicholson / Clarke / Rowe
George / ?
Import* / Mcspadden

Reid / ?
? / ? / Gaze
Kunek / Woods
Import* / ?
Ruef / Aokuso


Reply #919099 | Report this post

James Harvey fan  
Last year

Whitcomb to Townsville

Reply #919141 | Report this post

James Harvey fan  
Last year

Griffin resigns with Bendigo

Reply #919159 | Report this post

Last year

McSpadden back to Sydney

Reply #919209 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Mole to Adelaide

Mansfield / *Fejo?
Borlase / *Basham?
Talbot / Brazel
Bourne / Mole / *Brook?
*Import? / Batish


Maybe Mansfield to become backup for import 1?

Reply #919321 | Report this post

Last year

Monica Okoye -> Canberra

Reply #919407 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Canberra now

5'10 Melbourne - ?
6’0 Munger(I) - 5’9 Tupaea - 6’0 Clark

6’1 Sharp - 6’1 Potter

6’0 Okoye(I) - 6’2 Fowler

6’5 Bunton - 6’3 Pizzey

This seems a downgrade on last season with No Swain or Burrell.

Reply #919408 | Report this post

Last year

Swain is a significant loss, but I don't think Canberra is going to miss Burrell’s bad shot selection very much. They have improved their depth at least and I think they will be more competitive this upcoming season compared to last season.

Reply #919420 | Report this post

Last year

Perth have signed 6'5" Canadian post Emily Potter as an import, apparently. Somebody on another message board spotted it on Twitter when the Canadian team were making squad announcements on AmeriCup.

Reply #919421 | Report this post

Last year

What's this "another message board" people keep referencing?

Reply #919422 | Report this post

Last year

wonder if any wnbl clubs have spoken with monika czinano ?

Reply #919423 | Report this post

Last year

What's this "another message board" people keep referencing?

The message board is Women's Basketball Daily. I don't think anybody has referred to it before here.

Reply #919424 | Report this post

Last year

Happy to be wrong but that Okoye signing seems questionable if it's in an import spot as listed above. She averages 10, 1.8 and 4.8 in NBL1 South on 27% shooting and isn't athletic in terms of both speed and conditioning.

Okoye's "back-up" Fowler is averaging 17.6, 2.8 and 11.6 on 51% Shooting in NBL1 North

Appreciate that money is a factor and that stats aren't everything but to me thats a damning comparison

Reply #919425 | Report this post

Last year

Who is Okoye playing for in NBL1 South? I haven't noticed her

Reply #919426 | Report this post

Last year

Okoye is playing for Geelong in NBL1. I agree she's a cheap import signing.

Reply #919427 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Looks like a lot of budget signings this season.

Reply #919428 | Report this post

James Harvey fan  
Last year

Okoye looked pretty good against Australia in the Asia Cup.

Reply #919445 | Report this post

Last year

Anyone else find it odd that Southside haven't announced any new signings and have made no social media posts since May 23?

Could we be looking at a 7 team competition this season?

Reply #919468 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Ryan probably sick of forkin out, I would be too.

Also a joke that BA still want to hold majority share in the league.
If they gave a toss, they would hand it over to kestleman asap.

Reply #919470 | Report this post

Last year

Okoye takes her game to another level when playing for national team (Japan). I recall she played pretty well against the USA (and other tough teams) at the World Cup coming off the bench. In the right system, I think she'll be fun to watch. Doesn't really look like a super athlete, but she finds ways to get it done.

Reply #919494 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Mansfield / Tonks
Borlase / Basham? / Fejo?
Talbot / Brazel
Bourne / Mole
Import* / Batish

Lavey / Wilson?
Wehrung / ? / ?
Wilson / ?
Griffin / Locandro
Froling / Mckay?

Melbourne / Calleia?
Munger* / Tupaea / Clark
Sharp / Potter
Okoye* / Fowler
Bunton / Pizzey

Wallace / Conti / Scanlon?
Import* / ?
Blicavs / Simmons
Froling / Horvat?
Import* / Davidson

Import* / Burrows?
Goodchild / Gorman / Forster
Atwell / Ciabattoni
Maley / Hoycard
Potter* / Morrell?

Rocci? / Rocci? / Loughridge
Cole / Hollingsworth?
Bibby? / Puoch
Garbin? / Ernst?
Import* / Jackson?

Madgen / Panousis
Swain / Bowyer?
Nicholson / Clarke / Rowe
George / Purcell?
Import* / Mcspadden

Reid / Leger-Walker?
Whitcomb / Yaeger? / ?
Kunek / Woods
Import* / ?
Ruef / Aokuso


Reply #919501 | Report this post

Last year

Bibby is heading to Poland

Reply #919502 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year


Reply #919503 | Report this post

Last year

Think Scanlon is injured again.

Would put money on Horvat ending up with Southside...

Reply #919511 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Shiels to fire. Not sure how it works when she doesn't turn 18 until next January.

Reply #919528 | Report this post

Last year

Is Juffermans going to college or WNBL? No news on either front.

Looks like early frontrunners for the 2024 Grand Final series are Townsville and Sydney.

Reply #919530 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

With Juffermans, Not much room at Sydney for another post. Plenty of teams though need a backup c.

Reply #919534 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Good thing is the Coe is starting to move on players

Only ones technically left are



Expect 4-6 signings soon

Gray ...
Clark wnbl
Shiels wnbl
Hanson ncaa
Petrie ncaa
Gordon …
Juffermans …

Reply #919536 | Report this post

Last year

3 teams are locks for finals in Townsville, Sydney and Melbourne. Southside is the unknown but even without Maley Bendigo could slide in if Griffin stays fit. Same for Adelaide. Who knows with Perth and Canberra.

Reply #919553 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Top 4




Reply #919558 | Report this post

Last year

Hard to see southside as a maybe with so few players... Unless they're spending big on imports...

Reply #919566 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Eg - in a perfect world, more than capable of putting a good team together.

Rocci / Loughridge
Import / Cole / Hollingsworth
Puoch / Horvat
Garbin / Ernst
Import / Jackson

Reply #919568 | Report this post

Last year

Now Rocci has left Southside for Melbourne (Aimee).

As mysterious as to what's going on there as Perth's whole deal.

Reply #919579 | Report this post

Last year

The Flyers made a "we're still alive" update on the WNBL site today lol.

The Flames are easily the most active team in providing offseason updates. They do weekly NBL1 highlights for their players.

Reply #919626 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Good on Sydney, some promotion from other teams would be good, lazy buggers.

Reply #919627 | Report this post

Last year

Earlier this week

Now Rocci has left Southside for Melbourne (Aimee).

As mysterious as to what's going on there as Perth's whole deal.

Not sure about Perth but chats have it Southside is thevLJ show and they are over it .

Why Annie Rocci is playing is more of a mystery she's yet to see a season out without jury and it’s the same back injury, may be time to retire

WNBL isn’t the league it used to be, NBL1 provides more of a challenge

Reply #919651 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Rocci is at the boomers because Conti is an unreliable backup pg with aflw season at the same time. Going to be times where Conti is a no show and so Rocci will be the backup to Wallace.

Reply #919654 | Report this post

Last year

Mentioned in social media comments that Garbin is going back to Europe. The place to be in an Olympic season it seems now.

Reply #919658 | Report this post

Last year

Sami with another good game vs New York :)

Reply #919678 | Report this post

Last year

Fixtures released today

Perth get 11 @ home, good. Still playing away at finish of season. Townville in Rd4 at home...not sure I'd be able to handle seeing Sami in a different jersey.

Reply #919881 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Teams not spending a whole lot this season it seems.
Fire sign Canadian Brown from nbl1.

Talent wise, not a good season Imo.

Reply #919929 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Willoughby to the lightning. Moving from the flames.

Reply #919964 | Report this post

Last year

Perth have signed 6'5" Canadian post Emily Potter as an import, apparently.
Seems like it:

Reply #919965 | Report this post

Last year

there are some fine NBL 1 imports around

Reply #919967 | Report this post

Last year

Jordan Canada to Boomers! That guard brigade in Melbourne is looking strong with proven backups off the bench.

Jordan Canada
Kristy Wallace
Aimie Rocci
Monique Conti

Throw in Sara Blicavs, Keely Froling, Penina Davidson...shaping up nicely.

Meanwhile, yet to hear of any signings from Flyers...

Reply #919974 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Mcdowell-white to the fire as backup pg.

Southside will be fine, most of the signings have been made just not announced.

Reply #919995 | Report this post

Last year

Jordin Canada is a very impressive signing, given the quality of the other import signings so far. Am wondering who the Flames will sign as their import (presuming they're signing one)

Reply #919996 | Report this post

James Harvey fan  
Last year

Tianna Hawkins re-signs at Townsville. Fire looking very good.

Reply #920131 | Report this post

Last year

Canada is an amazing get really, quite impressive by Boomers who already looked solid.

Hawkins coming back just solidifies Townsville again. They're the top 2 imports so far.

Townsville look to be the first team to have finished their roster. Best starting 5 comparisons (so far):

Reid/Whitcomb/Kunek/Hawkins/Ruef(or Brown)

Reply #920135 | Report this post

James Harvey fan  
Last year

Mehryn Kraker to Bendigo

Reply #920139 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Sydney starting rowe?, I doubt it.

Reply #920141 | Report this post

Last year

I'll be surprised if Sydney doesn't sign an import big to fill out their starting 5. And if they're going to promote somebody off the bench to start, McSpadden or Clarke would be a better option than Rowe.

Reply #920143 | Report this post

Last year

You'd start Panousis or McSpadden of those currently signed over Rowe? Doubt. She's the only one left of last year's starters for then, but yes if/when Sydney get an import (most likely a tall) then she is most likely to start from the bench this season. Will just further increase Sydney's depth, especially if there's money for 2 imports.

There's going to be some very different line ups this season, Adelaide don't have a big yet other than Batish so assume they too will be signing another import. Bendigo seem to be cramming their side with forwards and their only point guard is Lavey, who's meant to be injured and not playing aflw. Perth too really need a PG. With Townsville's roster complete they look at lot taller than last season, Canberra also seems finalised but very much still a development squad.

Of course we're still waiting for Southside to do something. Surely Rocci/Cole/Ernst are re-signed?

Reply #920146 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Madgen / Panousis
Swain / Bowyer?
Nicholson / Clarke / Rowe
George / Purcell?
Import* / Mcspadden

Reply #920148 | Report this post

Last year

Hawkins back for the Fire. they are LOADED

Reply #920149 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Reid / Mcdowell-White
Whitcomb / ?
Kunek / Woods / Shiels
Hawkins* / Brown*
Ruef / Aokuso

Reply #920150 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Basham back at Adelaide.
Burrows leaves Perth for europe.

Lightning look almost complete

Mansfield / Tonks
Borlase / Basham
Talbot / Brazel
Willoughby* / Bourne / Mole
Import* / Batish

Reply #920384 | Report this post

Last year

Finally some Southside news from their mates in HS media yesterday.

Rocci and Cole confirmed as expected, news there's two US imports to be announced. Along with Puoch that should be a starting side to make finals. I'd still rate them as 4th in the finals tier though, just for sheer "wtf is going" with their off-season.

The PR statement said they'll make "waves" in FA...it's all but over! Plenty of talent still left that deserve to be on rosters but I think the highest profile FA at the moment is Leilani Mitchell. Trying to think of who else whos close the starter standard quality. Megan McKay, Emilee Whittle-Harmon, Brit Smart? Ernst I'm guessing here will be back just not announced yet and LJ is injury recovery dependent, probably signs during season.

Reply #920476 | Report this post

Last year

US imports covers a wide range of talent lol. If it's two imports with WNBA experience, excellent. However if it's two NBL1 level imports...

Reply #920484 | Report this post

Last year

That Adelaide Lightning squad looks like a wooden spoon contender to me. Can't see Talbot playing at all following her ACL surgery late last season. Canberra the other cellar dweller imo

Reply #920490 | Report this post

Last year

@SP it doesn't sound like they'd build it up if it was just 2 nbl1 imports, but not surprising if that is how it works out.

@BLues67 Adelaide I can't work out what they're doing with their bigs. Right now they have 10 on their list but out of Mole/Tonks/Batish only the latter has WNBL experience and they're not super tall. Likes of Sydney or Townsville will tower over them. Can teams have 11 in current cba? If so then likely another import announcement due soon.

Melbourne are teasing their last 2 signings, one will be another import. If we assume Southsides two imports as signed then they are the only club with 4 spots to fill to get to 10, Bendigo have 3, maybe 4 spots depending on what Lavey is doing (didn't realise she's not on the squad or FA lists on wnbl website).

Reply #920502 | Report this post

Last year

Flyers VERY late to the party.
Almost like they did not exist at all in the offseason. Hard to build a fanbase when they have no offseason presence.

Reply #920508 | Report this post

Wang whipper  
Last year

Boomers are teasing a new signing who is an WNBA champion & all-star and has a twin sister. Nneka Ogwumike??

Reply #920604 | Report this post

Last year

Boomers are teasing a new signing who is an WNBA champion & all-star and has a twin sister. Nneka Ogwumike??

Nneka Ogwumike does not have a twin sister. I can't think of a current player who meets that criteria.

Reply #920606 | Report this post

Dog 55  
Last year

Jantel Lavender.
All star in 2015, champ in 2016 and has a twin sister who did not play ball professionally.

Reply #920610 | Report this post

Last year

Jantel Lavender.
All star in 2015, champ in 2016 and has a twin sister who did not play ball professionally.

Well identified! She's in the twilight of her career, but I think she can still be a solid WNBL contributor who can stretch the floor with her shooting.

Reply #920611 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Looks like a terrible year with the budget cuts...
Looks like teams can only afford 1 legit import plus a budget import and then pick up some nbl1 locals to fill 11/12 spot. Most of the top tier locals have gone to europe and other young wnbl locals have stated they wish to go overseas beyond this season.
Only positive is we should see some college kids available in 24/25, unless they also go straight to europe.

Reply #920612 | Report this post

Last year

Adelaide Lightning have signed Brianna Turner, whose skill set and experience they really needed. They have a pretty solid starting 5, though a lot does depend on Talbot recovering from her ACL injury well

Reply #920661 | Report this post

Last year

Solid starting 5, Turner back is a great get. Depth will test them though, lots of development. I think Talbot would be back late Nov at earliest.

Still waiting on Lavender to be announced by Boomers, I think that means they have one more signing to come.

Reply #920669 | Report this post

James Harvey fan  
Last year

Maddi Rocci re-signs at Southside.

Casey Samuels > Bendigo

Reply #920732 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Samuels getting another gig, surely time to move on. How many chances does she get...

Reply #920733 | Report this post

Last year

It's who you no sometimes. Samuels, lol.

Reply #920737 | Report this post

Last year

I'm just curious about who Bendigo is planning to play at point.

Reply #920745 | Report this post

Last year

Wilson probably

Reply #920746 | Report this post

Last year

Bendigo have a second import slot, don't they? They could use that on a point guard.

Still keenly awaiting on whether the Sydney Flames are going to sign an import. Brianna Turner would have been a really good choice for them. They should look to sign somebody similar (maybe with better offence though)

Reply #920757 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

I think they can afford someone top tier at centre.
Unfortunately another season with great disparity.

Reply #920758 | Report this post

Last year

Southside Flyers have signed Mercedes Russell. Good signing, especially when we don't know much about LJ’s status for the upcoming season

Reply #921706 | Report this post

Wang whipper  
Last year

Southside are teasing their next signing as one of the 2020 champions. Leilani Mitchell maybe?

Seems like everyone else is either signed somewhere, retire or is Liz Cambage LOL.

Reply #921886 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Mansfield / Tonks
Borlase / Basham
Talbot / Brazel
Willoughby* / Bourne / Mole
Turner* / Batish

Lavey / Wilson?
Wilson / Wehrung / Mclean?
Kraker* / Samuels
Griffin / Locandro
Froling / Mckay?

Melbourne / Tupaea
Munger* / Clark / Tugliach
Sharp / Potter
Okoye* / Fowler
Bunton / Pizzey

Wallace / Rocci / Conti / BurrowsDP
Canada* / ? / CarmodyDP
Blicavs / Reed
Froling / Simmons
Lavender* / Davidson

Import* / ?
Goodchild / Gorman / Forster
Atwell / Ciabattoni
Maley / Hoycard
Potter* / ?

Madgen / Panousis
Swain / ?
Nicholson / Clarke / Rowe
George / Purcell?
Import* / Mcspadden

Rocci / Loughridge
Cole / ? / Hollingsworth?
Puoch / ?
Import* / Ernst
Russell* / Jackson?

Reid / Mcdowell-White
Whitcomb / Yaeger? / Shiels
Kunek / Woods
Hawkins* / Brown*
Ruef / Aokuso

Reply #921893 | Report this post

Last year

Leilani Mitchell back to Southside.

Reply #921978 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Horvat to europe.
That's 13-15 potential wnbl players going elsewhere and another few retired.

Reply #921980 | Report this post

Last year

We'll have to have a Europe thread at this rate.

Not sure who starts in Talbot's place for Adelaide, Willoughby is pretty versatile so any of Basham/Brazel/Bourne. They should've committed to the bit and tried to sign Blicavs, Bibby Burrows, Bunton etc :D

Boomers I don't think will sign another guard, ARocci and Reed will cover the 2 easily.

Perth and Bendigo really need to make a decision on their PG spots soon. Cibba has done it before for Lynx and they could run stuff through Gorman, but really hope there's someone coming. Spirit haven't confirmed Lavey, she's listed as a FA on WNBL site, and as injured for Richmond. Other FAs when?

Still waiting on import(s) for Sydney and Southside's final one. Hopefully teams are finalised in coming fortnight.

Early Rankings (tiered):

I'd have Southside/Bendigo closer depending on final lists but does look like a rather imbalanced season.

Reply #922015 | Report this post

Last year

Low expectations of Adelaide in both the men and women this season. Has Adelaide ever come bottom in both in the same season?

Reply #922023 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

They can do better than tonks, mole and Batish imo.
I guess they probably would have had Cubillo, Brook instead if available.

Certainly quite a few teams could have recruited better...
Rewarding players for loyalty but getting little return. Some contracted players avg just 5 pts or rbds a game in nbl1

Reply #922024 | Report this post

Last year

Kelly Wilson is officially in for another season - her 21st in the WNBL.
Good on her.

Reply #922296 | Report this post

Cosmo Spacely  
Last year

Is L Jackson playing ? , heard nothing , seen nothing .....

Reply #922303 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Maybe Southside behind Russell.
Only other spot open is flames starting c.

Reply #922306 | Report this post

Last year

A LJ/George frontcourt would be pretty bad defensively for the Flames. Hopefully they're sensible here and use an import slot on a defensively minded centre.

Reply #922310 | Report this post

Last year

LJ on track for a return to Southside at some stage is the word.

Reply #922369 | Report this post

Last year

I would imagine LJ would be announced as their 11th player if she does play. Expect them to have another backup 4/5 to sign initially.

How good is Wilson, likely to play big minutes too. Amazing career.

Reply #922478 | Report this post

Wang whipper  
Last year

Ruth Davis joins Bendigo.

Reply #922890 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Some of these clubs are so lazy, just keep recycling...

Reply #922891 | Report this post

Last year

Nothing wrong with Davis the last couple of times she was here. Fills a need, not a "star" but can't expect all imports to be. Bendigo will be much better with her and KG23 as their talls.

Reply #922898 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

It's a budget signing, like the first import. Mckay is still not signed on.

Reply #922899 | Report this post

Last year

McKay will not play in the WNBL this season, Bendigo won't offer her a contract & she isn’t prepared to sign elsewhere especially when she is very established living/working in Bendigo.

Reply #922910 | Report this post

Last year

Struggling to understand why Spirit wouldn't have offered Meg McKay a contract. I thought she was solid for them last year (and looks fitter now than she did then), dominated NBL1 South (against the likes of Ernst and the Frolings), and has great chemistry with K Wilson who looks like being their starting PG. On the surface it seems like a no-brainer to sign her?

Reply #922918 | Report this post

Last year

In a league that is hemorrhaging money, budget signings are responsible signings.

Reply #922919 | Report this post

Last year

Bit odd, McKay played an outstanding NBL1 South season, wants a break or 'not required' or something else?

Reply #922921 | Report this post

Wang whipper  
Last year

Bendigo must have rocks in their head!

Reply #922930 | Report this post

Last year

McKay is the best big not yet signed.

Reply #922931 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

ALightning - 3 DP left
Mansfield / Tonks
Borlase / Basham
Talbot / Brazel
Willoughby* / Bourne / Mole
Turner* / Batish

BSpirit - 1 local signing, 3 DP left
Lavey / Wilson
Wilson / Wehrung / Mclean?
Kraker* / Samuels
Griffin / Locandro
Froling / Davis*

CCapitals - 1 DP left
Melbourne / Tupaea / ReillyDP
Munger* / Clark / SolwayDP
Sharp / Potter / Tugliach
Okoye* / Fowler
Bunton / Pizzey

MBoomers - 1 local signing, 1 DP left
Wallace / Rocci / Conti / BurrowsDP
Canada* / ? / CarmodyDP
Blicavs / Reed
Froling / Simmons
Lavender* / Davidson

PLynx - 1 import, 2 local signing, 3 DP left
Import* / ?
Goodchild / Gorman / Forster
Atwell / Ciabattoni
Maley / Hoycard
Potter* / ?

SFlames - 0-2 import, 1-3 local signing, 3 DP left
Madgen / Panousis
Swain / ?
Nicholson / Clarke / Rowe
George / Purcell?
Import* / Mcspadden

SFlyers - 1 import, 3 local signing, 3 DP left
Rocci / Mitchell / Loughridge
Cole / Hollingsworth?
Puoch / ?
Import* / Ernst
Russell* / Jackson?

TFire - 1 local signing, 3 DP left
Reid / Mcdowell-White
Whitcomb / Yaeger? / Shiels
Kunek / Woods
Hawkins* / Brown*
Ruef / Aokuso

Reply #922933 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year



Reply #922934 | Report this post

Last year

Weedy, I'm a novice re wnbl, who are the club coaches, cheers. ::)))

Reply #922939 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Adelaide - N.Hurst
Bendigo - K.Kereama
Canberra - K.Veal
Melbourne - C.Lucas
Perth - R.Petrik
Southside - C.Chambers
Sydney - G.Molloy
Townsville - S.Seebohm

Reply #922940 | Report this post

Last year

Just a question - what do the players do if not playing NBL 1 or oveseas ? do they just rest

Reply #922941 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

They work.

Reply #922943 | Report this post

Last year

thanks weedy - i worded that poorly - what do they do basketball wise ? - just have personal trainers ?

Reply #922946 | Report this post

James Harvey fan  
Last year

Aari McDonald to Perth.

Reply #923050 | Report this post

Last year

Big signing for Perth and a very good replacement for Whitcomb. Definitely not a cheap import signing!

Reply #923068 | Report this post

Last year

Really nice signing for Perth! Jumps them into the same tier as Bendigo and Southside now. So after earlier stated troubles (we still don't know if there'll be a team after this season) it looks like they've got a solid squad, if weak in depth, which will help the comp be more competitive.

If McKay isn't joining Bendigo kinda surprised Perth doesn't try and let her have a season here, from the state and even with Petrik's rotations, at least should get 10-15 per game easily which is better than not playing at all.

Reply #923617 | Report this post

Last year

she isn't prepared to sign elsewhere especially when she is very established living/working in Bendigo.

Reply #923618 | Report this post

Last year

Hollingsworth is with Bendigo in South Korea. None of Bendigo's predicted backcourt travelled so I wonder whether she is on loan or has jumped ship on the Flyers.

Reply #923773 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Was surprised they got soundly beaten in the first game.

Reply #923774 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Beaten badly again by a Japanese team. 92-63

Reply #924154 | Report this post

James Harvey fan  
Last year

Esra McGoldrick to Bendigo.

Reply #924299 | Report this post

James Harvey fan  
Last year

Jasmine Dickey to Southside.

Reply #925233 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Mansfield / Tonks
Borlase / Basham
Talbot / Brazel
Willoughby* / Bourne / Mole
Turner* / Batish

Lavey / Wilson
Wilson / Wehrung
Kraker* / Samuels
Griffin / Mcgoldrick / Locandro
Froling / Davis*

Melbourne / Tupaea / ReillyDP
Munger* / Clark / SolwayDP
Sharp / Potter / Tugliach
Okoye* / Fowler
Bunton / Pizzey

Wallace / Rocci / Conti / BurrowsDP
Canada* / ? / CarmodyDP
Blicavs / Reed
Froling / Simmons
Lavender* / Davidson

Mcdonald* / ?
Goodchild / Gorman / Forster
Atwell / Ciabattoni
Maley / Hoycard
Potter* / ?

Rocci / Mitchell / Loughridge
Cole / ?
Dickey* / Puoch
? / Ernst
Russell* / Jackson?

Madgen / Panousis
Swain / ?
Nicholson / Clarke / Rowe
George / Purcell?
Import* / Mcspadden

Reid / Mcdowell-White
Whitcomb / Shiels / BowyerDP
Kunek / Woods
Hawkins* / Brown*
Ruef / Aokuso / TofaeonoDP

Reply #925234 | Report this post

Last year

Curious signing by Southside IMO. Are they hoping that LJ comes back at full strength or are they going to play Puoch at the 4? Dickey is pretty much exclusively a 2 guard - she doesn't have positional versatility. She has WNBA experience and a hard hustling volume shooting guard could be valuable in a few games, but I think they needed another forward more.

Reply #925242 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Possible but unlikely...
Dickey was a guard/forward in colllege.

Rocci / Mitchell / Loughridge
Cole / Dickey*
Puoch / ?
? / Ernst
Russell* / Jackson?

Reply #925244 | Report this post

Last year

Is Lavey actually playing for Bendigo? She's not listed on the WNBL website, as a signed player or as a free agent.

Reply #925247 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

She won't play Afl(injured), no confirmation she will play full season wnbl but maybe some.

Reply #925248 | Report this post

James Harvey fan  
Last year

Lou Brown to Southside

Reply #925293 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Sydney, Townsville, Melbourne

Fighting for 4th?
Canberra, Perth, Adelaide, Southside, Bendigo

Reply #925296 | Report this post

Last year

It does look like Southside expect Puoch and Ernst to start most minutes at the 4. I'd be very surprised if all three of Rocci/Cole/Dickey play together often but it will happen, especially if Puoch is moved up and does well guarding tall. Does look like they're expecting Jackson back so maybe happy with Ernst covering either big role first off the bench for now. Not sure on what the local depth is like at NBL level.

I still think Southside are still locked for 4th-best roster. Not near last seasons, but at least Bendigo and Perth if firing should be close.

Reply #925308 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Puoch ain't a 4 imo.

Dickey* or Puoch
Dickey* or local SG
Puoch or local SF

As harsh at it sounds, I’d like to see Southside go bottom 2 and Chambers moved on.
No youth player develops well under her.
After this season, it is likely the end of jackson and mitchell.
24/25 is a rebuild, plenty of college kids will be available and I’m sure a few europe 23/24 players will come home.

24/25 - lots of gaps to fill...

Reply #925325 | Report this post

James Harvey fan  
Last year

Ashlee Hannan to Perth

Reply #925527 | Report this post

James Harvey fan  
Last year

Paige Bradley to Sydney

Reply #925646 | Report this post

James Harvey fan  
Last year

Note not the college Paige Bradley, the Flames signing is the 29 year old that played for Hobart Chargers.

Reply #925647 | Report this post

Last year

I guess their money for imports went to all the Opals they signed. Either that or they tried to recruit a star and missed out on signings to Europe. Could still push for a import big. Nicholson spending most of her time at the 3 will be interesting, I think some of her best for Townsville was as off-ball guard. One thing is for sure, they're not a team short on scoring.

NBL1 import pipeline to WNBL is also a trend to note. Might encourage better quality players in the future to sign somewhere knowing they have a good chance of filling a pro spot too.

Most teams have started Pre-Season training this week. Meanwhile, at Southside: "Hang on, hasn't Free Agency just started?"

Reply #925650 | Report this post

Last year

I get the impression Hannan is the last of the main roster signings for Perth. Petrik doesn't play the bench anyway, but will be interesting how much game time everyone gets. Also cool that she's the first Mother-Daughter signing for the team/franchise.

Predicting Macdonald/Atwell/Maley/Potter will play bulk minutes. MCH getting most the big minutes off bench, and Goodchild/Gorman/Ciabattoni filling the guard roles.

In terms of FA, there doesn't seem much available from last season still around that haven't made themselves unavailable (at least from public news). Yaeger probably biggest name (assuming LJ only comes back at Southside so not really a FA).

Some names:
Sam Simons
Sherrie Calleia
Lou Brown
Jessie Edwards
Kalani Purcell
Maddy Allen
Krystal Leger-Walker
Morgan Yaeger

Reply #925652 | Report this post

Last year

I get the impression Hannan is the last of the main roster signings for Perth.
It was announced as such.

Reply #925653 | Report this post

Last year

Lou Brown has signed with Flyers, it was announced last week.

Reply #925654 | Report this post

Last year

Teige Morrell signed on as a DP for lynx, interesting as I would think she is higher calibre than some of the contracted players

Reply #925657 | Report this post

Last year

Is Morrell a big or a guard Travel9r?

Reply #925659 | Report this post

Last year

Kell(e)y last year, Gandini the year before that...I don't think they understand the concept of development players.

Then again if you're not planning on existing next season, why not just use it as an extra roster spot?

Reply #925660 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Morrell is an undersized big.

Reply #925661 | Report this post

Last year

thanks Weedy, speaking of undersized bigs, how do you think Fowler will go?

Reply #925662 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

She'll do Ok Imo, but won’t be as easy as was in portland.
Had a pretty good nbl1 season too.

Reply #925664 | Report this post

Last year

Thanks Bluey, re Brown, should have scrolled up, usual source hadn't updated.

Think Fowler will do well out of the returning college players. There should be plenty of chances in that Canberra side.

Perth's future is up in the air, but if they can sign imports of MacDonald's calibre, there's money somewhere. It doesn't look as doom and gloom as it did when the announcement broke and all the players were signing elsewhere.

Reply #925665 | Report this post

Pat Bev  
Last year

How is Teige a DP, wasn't she like MVP or runner-up MVP? Sounds like a steal on the salary front- She is undersized but smart- She might get some minutes

Reply #925666 | Report this post

Last year

A 27yo American can be signed as a DP?

Reply #925674 | Report this post

Last year

Bradley fills the Flames' need for having somebody who can handle the ball under pressure as I don’t think Madgen, Swain or Panousis are great at this at the WNBL level. Could be a nice complementary piece for them. They really need a good defensive 4/5 though to round out the team.

Reply #925679 | Report this post

James Harvey fan  
Last year

Klara Wischer to Southside

Reply #925687 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Cant see room for Jackson now

Reply #925688 | Report this post

Last year

A 27yo American can be signed as a DP?
Gandini was 27 when she signed as a DP two years ago. Kell(e)y was 27 when she signed as a DP last year. So that much certainly isn't new. Does Morrell have permanent residency? That would make her a local for WNBL purposes AFAIK.

Reply #925689 | Report this post

Last year

I forgot that Morell played in South Australia prior to Covid. Given that she's been in the country for almost 5 years, it's not as farfetched for her to be a permanent resident as I initially thought.

Reply #925696 | Report this post

Last year

Flames have signed DiDi Richards to complete their roster for the upcoming season. They did need some additional defence, but not necessarily at the wing. Looks like they'll be playing small ball for large parts of the season. Still a contender though.

Reply #925712 | Report this post

Wang whipper  
Last year

Flames roster looks unbalanced to me. I would have liked to see McKay go there.

Reply #925713 | Report this post

Last year


A 27yo American can be signed as a DP?
Gandini was 27 when she signed as a DP two years ago. Kell(e)y was 27 when she signed as a DP last year. So that much certainly isn't new. Does Morrell have permanent residency? That would make her a local for WNBL purposes AFAIK.

If a player has not "developed" before that age they never will, ridiculous how they fill these “development “ spots with players of that age

Reply #925716 | Report this post

Last year

Gandini improved dramatically over the course of her first season, ended up forcing her way into the ten by the time of the grand final, and got a full contract the next season. On the other hand, she probably got more minutes in her DP year than in her contracted year, and she's already out of the league again.

Kell(e)y only played a couple of minutes over the course of the entire season, wasn't offered a full contract.

Did they actually announce Morrell? I haven't seen anything.

Reply #925720 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Good sign molloy went with another wing/forward over a big. George is better at c imo.
He usually plays two bigs together, maybe he has finally changed his stripes.

Reply #925723 | Report this post

Last year

I swear Perth had a season of nearly all Americans on their DP roster.

Gandini I think is another who is taking a break from WNBL, but maybe that could've changed with more promise of playing time, there were no shortage of spots at Perth earlier in FA.

Reply #925857 | Report this post

Last year

If you're taking a break from the league after your rookie season at age 29 having played 1mpg the year prior, it's unlikely to be by choice.

Reply #925859 | Report this post

Last year

Isla Juffermans off to Louisville instead of WNBL.

Reply #927057 | Report this post

Last year

Good school. Hopefully she enjoys herself and becomes a more complete player.

Reply #927066 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Jackson back again, how many bigs they need at the flyers?

Reply #927211 | Report this post

Last year

Depends whether you mean how many bigs on the roster, or how many bigs who are likely to still be healthy at season's end

Reply #927213 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year




Reply #927215 | Report this post

Last year

Cole is missing from that list of Southside players. They have 11 contracted players now so I assume Brown or Wischer is an injury replacement for LJ?

Reply #927226 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

You would want to hope one of them is an injury replacement but I think dickey will be playing more 3.

Reply #927228 | Report this post

Last year

with vanlith transferring - Louisville would be happy get a great recruit in juffermans - hopefully they will be top 6 again - LSU, Iowa, South Carolina will all be strong.

Reply #927306 | Report this post

Last year

any idea where monika czinzano is playing after getting waived by the sparks ? she'd be great in the wnbl

Reply #927308 | Report this post

Last year

Playing this coming season for TFSE-MTK Budapest

Reply #927313 | Report this post

Last year

Unfortunate Swain news

Although signed as a development player, Ahlise Hurst will start her time with the harbour city team as an injury replacement player following the news Shaneice Swain, fresh off making her Australian Opals debut in China, will be sidelined for an extended period due to a stress fracture in her foot.

Reply #927954 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

6-8 weeks out.

Reply #927958 | Report this post

Last year

Naz Hillmon has replaced Jantel Lavender as the Melbourne Boomers' frontcourt import. Her game is similar to Keely Froling’s - it will be interesting to see how they play together.

Reply #928372 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Goriss back at capitals as assistant, bit weird.

Reply #928600 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

WNBL app out now...

Reply #929083 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Hawkins injured and out for season.

Rosters looking like...

Mansfield / Tonks / ThompsonDP
Borlase / Basham / StasinowskyDP
Talbot / Brazel / SimonsDP
Willoughby* / Bourne / Mole
Turner* / Batish / ColemanDP

Wilson / Lavey? / SimpsonDP
Wilson / Wehrung
Kraker* / Samuels / DaleDP
Griffin / Mcgoldrick / Locandro
Davis* / Froling / GordonDP / TamiloDP

Melbourne / Tupaea / BourneDP
Munger* / Clark / ReillyDP / SolwayDP
Sharp / Potter / Tugliach
Okoye* / Fowler
Bunton / Pizzey

Wallace(CalleiaIR) / Conti / BurrowsDP / RotunnoDP
Canada* / Rocci / CarmodyDP
Blicavs / Reed
Hillman* / Simmons
Froling / Davidson

Mcdonald* / Forster / FosterDP
Goodchild / Gorman
Atwell / Ciabattoni / KlasztornyDP
Maley / Hoycard / JacobsDP
Potter* / Hannan / MorrellDP

Rocci / Mitchell / Loughridge / FisherDP
Cole / LopesDP / BoothDP
Dickey* / Puoch / YoungDP
Ernst / Wischer / Brown
Russell* / Jackson / NankervisDP

Madgen / Panousis / MartinDP
Swain / Bradley* / HurstDP / PitmanDP
Nicholson / Clarke / CurtinDP
Richards* / Rowe / WilliamsDP
George / Mcspadden / JuffermansDP

Reid / Mcdowell-White
Whitcomb / Shiels / BowyerDP
Kunek / Woods
Import* / Brown*
Ruef / Aokuso / TofaeonoDP

DP = not necessarily paid


MIA from last year

Reply #929523 | Report this post

Last year

I'm yet to see Tupaea with the caps yet, such a shame if it is still injuries holding them back.

Reply #929527 | Report this post

Last year

are all the imports here ? Adelaide don't look very tall.

Reply #929533 | Report this post

Last year

didn't Cubillo do her knee? Do you think they'll replace Hawkins Weedy? Or maybe just slide Woods or Kunek to the 4?

Reply #929543 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

No doubt they sign someone else...

Yes Cubillo is out injured for the season.

Reply #929544 | Report this post

Cosmo Spacely  
Last year

"didn't Cubillo do her knee? Do you think they'll replace Hawkins Weedy? Or maybe just slide Woods or Kunek to the 4?"

Aokuso's big chance to start and play significant minutes until a replacement is found .


Its a really good five but the loss of Hawkins is a blow. Not sure what is left out there seeing the Europe is in full swing.

Reply #929564 | Report this post

Last year

Thoughts on the flames roster?

Reply #929566 | Report this post

Last year

Thoughts on the flames roster?

Lots of shooting and passing. I think weaknesses will be interior and pick and roll defence and rebounding. Should be top 4 and championship contenders and fun to watch.

Reply #929584 | Report this post

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