Last year

Humphries signs with the Adelaide 36ers

For one year. Could be a good opportunity to establish himself IF (massive if) he stays healthy

Topic #51064 | Report this topic

Last year

Adelaide very creative with their recruiting lol Rinse repeat.

Reply #916354 | Report this post

Last year

Talented, never quite put a full season together. Still a good local signing. The hype isn't as strong this season as last but side looking very reasonable so far.

Reply #916356 | Report this post

Last year


I like what a healthy Humphries brings and would have loved Humphries last year to save our skin in the interior.

Obvious questions apply.
Paid too much again?
How will he hold up physically health wise?
How will he stack up against this seasons' bigs? The JLAs etc included.

This is a signing which makes you actually want Franks to return if he’s going to be remotely interested behaving in a way conducive to a winning side.

C Humphries/???
F Import/Galloway
F Cleveland/Marshall
G McCarron/Dech
G Import/Cadee

Reply #916357 | Report this post

Last year

A mutual parting of ways between Franks and the 36ers remains the expectation, sources said. The 36ers have the intent of adding both a high-level import point guard and forward, sources said.

^espn article

Reply #916358 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Last year

repeat Franks was NEVER coming back

Reply #916359 | Report this post

Basket 91  
Last year

Don't mind this at the right price is healthy

Reply #916361 | Report this post

Last year

Players Humphries size and talent are never budget signings, they is just not that many bigs.

Reply #916363 | Report this post

Last year

Count me surprised! I thought bridges had been burned with Humphries, but perhaps not. I'm in two minds about this signing really. On the one hand, if he can play like he did three years ago, for a whole season, then this is brilliant, because it allows us to get imports at point guard and forward/ centre. On the other hand, he really has had a patchy career so far, so maybe we're fools for taking him on again!

I agree with you KET, I'd be happy to see Franks back with Humphries at centre, because he would actually be able to play his ideal role, which is a stretch 4 who can put it on the floor and rebound pretty well.

People are too critical of Franks IMO. The guy was forced to be our low post player because father time caught up to DJ and he wasn't able to play that role anymore. It meant Franks didn't get enough looks from three and when he did, his legs were too tired from fighting bigger opponents in the paint and I think that affected his shooting. Now maybe he doesn't want to be here and that's fine. But if he wants to be here, I think he would be a good fit next to Humphries.

Reply #916365 | Report this post

Last year

Well hello there!

I don't mind us bringing Humphries back again when it was threatening to look like DJ was going to be our starting centre, at least this is a better option than that. With the departure of Franks it possibly paves the way for DJ to return at PF, not great but small mercies.

Even though it didn't work out last time at least Humphries proved last season at United he can string virtually a whole season together so if he can repeat that next season it will likely go some way to straigtening us up. Makes a DJ/Franks type at PF more tolerable although I would still prefer to see DJ remain on the bench.

Reply #916366 | Report this post

Last year

People are too critical of Franks IMO

I'm of the opposite opinion Beantown, I actually thought with our schemozzle of a season Franks escaped more criticism than he deserved. From the get go he played with an indifferent attitude like it was killing him to be here after his Russian contract fell through.

Franks was a big disappointment from his previous season at the Bullets his rebounding dropped significantly (8.8 rpg to 6.5 rpg) and his turnovers increased a fair bit (1.7 tpg to 2.8 tpg). That's exactly how he played couldn't be bothered hitting the boards and too careless with the ball and for our supposed highest paid player on the most expensive roster in the league he was a disappointment and I'm glad he won't be coming back.

Reply #916367 | Report this post

Last year

I might've missed this indifferent attitude, because a few people have said that, but he seemed to be trying hard most of the time to me. I met him and watched him interact in Darwin at the preseason tournament and he seemed friendly and was trying to take on a leadership and spokesman role. Overall he seemed invested and professional, despite all the last minute drama with his aborted trip to Turkey.

He definitely did not have as good a season as he did with Brisbane, but like I said above, I think he was forced into a role that did not play to his strengths. It sound like he won't be back anyway, but I would still prefer him to plenty of players, especially most of the trash imports the Sixers have dredged up over the last 5 years!

Oh and this team needs his shooting very badly, given we have a backcourt that basically can't shoot, apart from Cadee, who is streaky!

Reply #916368 | Report this post

Last year

Fair enough, anytime I watched Franks long enough last season he would make my blood boil. Just way too cool for school, my shit doesn't stink attitude for me. Seemed to never get out of second gear and some games I don't think he even got out of first gear.

I think we're looking for an import SG so I wouldn't be too worried about lack of shooting with Cleveland there too but the absence of Drmic will be felt. Cadee might be a chucker but he does go off every now and then and teams will have to respect that when guarding him.

Reply #916369 | Report this post

Last year

Import PG and a Forward is what they are looking for.

Reply #916370 | Report this post

Last year

Most import PG's we get in the NBL are effectively undersized SG's anyway and I highly doubt we intend to start McCarron at SG next season, he can only be played at one spot and that's PG despite how ordinary he is at it.

Reply #916372 | Report this post

Last year

Mccaron played a lot of his career as a two, three, United let him run the point in his second season there.

Reply #916373 | Report this post

Basket 91  
Last year

If Humphries can be as good as last season that's fine provided the imports are good.

When healthy is a top rim protector at this level.

Reply #916374 | Report this post

Add an above average 4/5 and PG to this group and it's a very solid team.

Add me to sing hose who thought Franks played with little effort last year. Couldn't be bothered to rebound on many occasions. Terrible defensively also.

Reply #916375 | Report this post

Sing hose = those.

Reply #916376 | Report this post

Last year

@Beantown Franks cannot rebound well. It's his biggest weakness, getting out rebounded. Never seen a player be in good position for the rebound only to have it snatched away by his opponent as much as Franks.

Reply #916394 | Report this post

Last year

Was obvious from very first games Franks wasn't worth the money. Loose balls requiring him to chase down or dive on, put his body in the way and he wouldn't do it. Wasn't part of his role as an import in his own mind. He would pick and choose what he went for. He didn't care. Cleveland on the other hand, threw his body around diving after loose balls, steals, going for blocks, he was invested in the team and trying to win.

Reply #916395 | Report this post

Last year

It's funny because if he thinks playing for the 36ers is below him and that he belongs in a more glamorous league, the best path involved is ... crazy idea here: getting loads of rebounds and diving on loose balls, playing both ends, etc.

Reply #916399 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last year

And that is also why The 36ers recruiting was far too revered last season. They were talked up as a championship or bust team, but I never saw it.

Reply #916400 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last year

I think Humphries is a good signing, and have to remember what else is available.

What is the go with DJ? I mean, when you consider that you see thank you posts on social media for players who have played at a club for five minutes, wouldn't DJ deserve better if he is not wanted anymore? Maybe time will tell. I think he'd be perfect now anyway with Humphries and a defensively capable import.

Reply #916401 | Report this post

Last year

They really need a backup plan if he gets injured as usual. Botis rumour of Wiley doesn't make sense unless they have a backup big local like Pineau. Really don't want DJ on the bench sulking and then shooting everything in an attempt to say he needs to start. And the other most important need is an elite guard.

Reply #916404 | Report this post

Last year

I doubt Wiley was ever really under consideration likely agent shenanigans to drive up his price elsewhere, we've seen that a fair bit with the Sixers over the past few years.

Reply #916405 | Report this post

Last year

^^^^[ exactly

Reply #916409 | Report this post

Last year

I don't believe Boti has accurate mail these days anyway.

Reply #916410 | Report this post

Last year

Inquiring about Wiley and Jack White makes sense, been reported they're after a high level PG and Forward. Those two both fit in the forward spot.

Reply #916412 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Last year

Before signing Rodman the bulls checked with Jordan and co that they would be ok playing alongside him.

Good lesson for the 36ers to follow , but they didn't.

Reply #916424 | Report this post

Last year

Humphries and Rodman, famously similar, I guess?

Reply #916425 | Report this post

Last year

Yeah what are you getting at?

Reply #916433 | Report this post

Last year

Good lesson for the 36ers to follow , but they didn't.

and the plot thickens.

Reply #916447 | Report this post

Ski 61  
Last year

What is that supposed to mean?

Reply #916452 | Report this post

Last year

Ask Vlahov

Reply #916455 | Report this post

Last year

Jordan and co? Yeah, I'd ask them about any significant signing.

McCarron and co? Not so much!

Reply #916456 | Report this post

Last year

Read Twitter talk that DJ is done.

Reply #916457 | Report this post

Last year

Done as in not returning to the 36ers or a done deal TO return to the 36ers?

Reply #916460 | Report this post

Last year

Not returning is the mail.

Reply #916468 | Report this post

Last year

Ask Vlahov

An oldie but a goodie.

Reply #916474 | Report this post

Last year

So who is available and a decent fit for Adelaide for the backup C role?

Reply #916486 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last year

Humphries could still be anything in this league, and obviously offers more all round game than DJ, so it's hard to say what type of remaining players they should target.

Maybe Galloway could start and bring a another all round import big off the bench?

I know what most will say, but sometimes it's should fit and balance and not necessarily starting your five best players for the sake of it. I just think he seems to offer something.

Reply #916492 | Report this post

Basket 91  
Last year

Pineau or Majok could be decent affordable back up bigs.

Reply #916493 | Report this post

Last year

Hyrum at Perth

I assume 36ers have Starling anyway?

Reply #916511 | Report this post

Last year

I would think so KET.

Starling will probably bring something similar to Harris (at least defensively) and probably for less $

Reply #916516 | Report this post

Last year

I am not Harris' biggest fan but I see he at least gives hustle and effort which most teams like in role players.

Would he be asking too much? I thought he'd be someone the Sixers would have liked to keep. Its not a huge loss but he was OK for the price.

Reply #916524 | Report this post

Last year

If you have import PF, Starling, Galloway at your power forward, I guess that means you've got your 11th man being Galloway.

That probably puts Harris out of consideration anyway

Reply #916526 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Last year

import/ Cadee
Marshall/ Dech/ McCarron
Cleveland/ Starling
Wiley / Galloway
Humphries / TBA

Next Star also TBC

This team will be heavily reliant on the health of Humphries. He played 23 games for MU but logged + 20 minute games in 15 of those.

Reply #916528 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Mccarron aint that deep on the bench...

More like


PG: McCarron - Cadee
SG: Import*- Dech - Marshall
SF: Cleveland* - Starling - NS
PF: Wiley* - Galloway
C: Local C - Humphries

Mccarron may play sg with import pg.

Reply #916532 | Report this post

Last year

I think it's likely McCarron will be the starting PG, can't seem him being moved to SG given he can't/won't shoot plus I don't think you can have a $350k+ player coming off the bench even though he doesn't deserve to start. If we nailed him to the bench that would only reflect poorly on the club for chasing FA's next year.

I though the Wiley thing wasn't happening anymore?

Reply #916534 | Report this post

Last year

The best situation is having an import who is comfortable on and off the ball so he and McCarron can easily interchange between the two guard spots.

Reply #916535 | Report this post

Last year

Yeah Q Anon chopping and changing re Wiley.
Olgun and Hooley saying 36ers will be getting a high level PG. More times than not they're correct.

Reply #916539 | Report this post

Last year

KET, I don't see Galloway being 11th man behind Starling. I think Galloway will get a bigger opportunity this season because of his 3 pt shot.

I can't see McCarron being buried that deep on the bench either. I think Anonymightymouse is right in that we will get more of a combo guard who can play on and off the ball.

So McCarron and Cadee nominally the point guards, but I hope there will be an import combo guard who will probably be the prime playmaker, especially when closing out games.

That leaves Marshall short of minutes though, so assuming they want to build his minutes up, I could see him getting time at the three as well. Hopefully by the end of the season he will have earnt a bigger role and may even start at guard next season if he keeps improving.

I reckon Starling will end up being a break glass in emergency guy. Someone who CJ can hopefully throw in at the 3 or as a small ball 4, raise the energy, cause some mayhem and get us back into a game.

Weedy Slug, I'm curious what local centre you think the Sixers will get who will start over Humphries? Not a lot of realistic options!

Reply #916540 | Report this post

Last year

My guess:

PG: Import - Cadee
SG: McCarron - Dech/Marshall/Starling
SF: Cleveland - Dech/Marshall/Starling
PF: Import - Galloway
C: Humphries - ???

Need an import big and another local big capable of covering 4/5.

If they nail the imports and Humphries stays healthy, should be in top 4 contention. If they don't nail the imports... going to be a long season. Lack of depth inside is an issue even assuming the 4 spot is an import.

Reply #916541 | Report this post

Basket 91  
Last year

Something like

Wiley or import/Galloway/Starling
Humphries/back up big Pineau?

Two things the Sixers need to improve on are shooting and d.

Humphries helps on d. Just need a pg that can shoot or a stretch 4

Reply #916552 | Report this post

Last year

I like this signing. I think anytime you can get a quality Australian in either a C or PG position is a good move. The quality ones seem rarely available, and the really good ones go overseas.
It's early but I like our direction

Reply #916756 | Report this post

Last year

My guess

Import PG/Cadee
Who ever out of McCaron/Dech/Marshall
Humphries/ pineau or Mathiang

Reply #916760 | Report this post

Last year

36ers sign local lad Keanu Rasmussen as a DP.

Currently playing for Sturt and played at California Baptist alongside Tre and Taran Armstrong.

Reply #916802 | Report this post

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