Last year

Sixers defend Franklin signing

Adelaide has been quick to dismiss concerns over its new import, Jamaal Franklin, following reports the 32-year-old American had issues with his previous teams in China and the Philippines.

News Corp says there are reports "Franklin clashed with PBA referees and officials and took umbrage at requests from coaches to be more inclusive on offence".

Adelaide CEO, Nick Barbato, expects Franklin to be a strong contributor on and off the court.

“I think there's two sides to every story,” he told News Corp. “To have a long career in China you have to be of a certain character and have a certain discipline about you.

“You’re looking at one isolated incident, but if you look at the body of work for his career, it’s been fine.


Topic #51272 | Report this topic

Last year

More inclusive on offence? lol This will end well.

Reply #921097 | Report this post

Last year

I'm sure you’re a master coach Dew95, they should hire you as their head scout too. You’ll mail every import slot.

Reply #921100 | Report this post

Last year

Unfortunately for Sixers fans Paul the octopus could probably put together a better squad. Having said that, Franklin is tough to survive in China that long. The only reservations I would have is how quickly can he adjust to playing in a much better league.

Reply #921109 | Report this post

Last year

"Unfortunately for Sixers fans Paul the octopus could probably put together a better squad. Having said that, Franklin is tough to survive in China that long. The only reservations I would have is how quickly can he adjust to playing in a much better league"

I find these comments odd considering you haven't reviewed the team player by player.

Marshall - Breakout year coming, will be NBL star, was on Boomers squad for qualifiers.
Dech - Although overpaid, a depth piece and defender, won't be used in high minutes role.
McCarron - Overpaid, but is a good NBL player with scorers around him. I think he will have a much better year.
Galloway - This guy has a high ceiling and he's going to develop well. Shoots the 3, athletic, shot blocker.
Kell - Interesting one, he underachieved through injury, but many think he could be a high-level import.
Franklin - high volume scorer (needed)
Humphries - Healthy and lean at the moment, in for a good year with no injuries.
Wiley - Ball of energy, high level import, and the heart and soul of a team. He will bring what Franks never could, heart and work ethic. He will lift the team culture, and back the coach in.
Cadee - He was a sneaky good signing, can be injected in minutes to heat up and steady the ship.
Starling - another heart and soul guy! The Sixers will have a tough hard working soldier that will do what it takes. He is another chemistry guy that will set the tone in the locker room.
Smith-Milner (spot minutes only, will be steady. Can hit the three too.)

I feel they needed another big, however, I do like the pieces they have, and they will compete, back the coach, and there will be none of the bitching from players like last season.

Paul the Octopus is a spud

Reply #921110 | Report this post

Last year

Well that's a cute glass half full take

Reply #921111 | Report this post

Last year

Point out your view then, and show me where you think i'm falling short? Or are you just one to sling mud without providing thoughts and why?

Reply #921112 | Report this post

Last year

If they find a way to shoot the three-ball at a good clip this team could be decent, but that seems like the weakness at the moment.

Reply #921114 | Report this post

Last year

Character issues raised in this article aside, I think this dude is going to struggle in the NBL.

Reply #921115 | Report this post

Last year

I know I'm not wrong about the upside of some of the roster, and the stability in other areas. They probably needed another local true big instead of Smith-Milner, but I'm happy to reserve my judgment on that. There will be many negative Nacey's on here, I've seen that for as long as I've read this forum, but few seem to be rational.

Looking forward to this season, will be action-packed. I think this team's identity will be its gritty toughness. led by Wiley and Starling in terms of chemistry.

Reply #921116 | Report this post

Last year

Bored, you may be correct, but what are you basing it on? a feeling? be specific as to why.

Reply #921117 | Report this post

Last year

Thanks for stopping by, Grant.

Reply #921119 | Report this post

Last year

This likely won't end well. Adelaide have had a bad track record for many years. They can’t pick imports right at all.

Reply #921120 | Report this post

Last year

Wish I could be half as optimistic about the Bullets squad then Hooper is about Adelaide.

Reply #921121 | Report this post

Ballin Fan  
Last year

If/when Wiley gets into foul trouble
If/when Humphries is sitting or just injured
I will be keen to see who is going to rebound
I love Galloways upside
But to me the current squad is too guard heavy.

Reply #921124 | Report this post

Last year

Great post Hooper! Unfortunately most wont say why they think you are falling short instead it will be some general comment.

Will this team do better than last year? No one knows until we see how all the pieces fit together and what sort of quality the imports are. However this is a better team last year with more balance.

As you said another big would have been great. If they couldn't get Mathiang or Pineau then they really should have got Olbrich. They really stuffed up there. Also picking White as a development player who can't even make the Sturt NBL1 team doesn't give me a lot of faith in an improved CJ, after 2 poor coaching years. Anyway lets see what happens

Reply #921125 | Report this post

Last year

They were to guard heavy last season, good talls are hard to find and cost a few bucks. Johnson will end up in Japan imo.

Reply #921126 | Report this post

Last year

I don't know Franklin's game or character from a bar of soap.

But it doesn't look good that the team feels it has to defend a signing before he is even suited up.

There were signs of Randall's character really early last year, the team chose to wait and see (pray for improvement).

I hope the team will act more swiftly if there is even a real hint at the same type of non-inclusiveness on offence.

Reply #921127 | Report this post

Last year

For what its worth, Sixersfan, I heard from a family connection of Olbrich that Illawarra just offered him a great deal that the Sixers couldn't match, particularly in terms of playing time. Hopefully if he looks the goods in Illawarra, we can bring him home in a couple of seasons.

Reply #921128 | Report this post

Last year

But it doesn't look good that the team feels it has to defend a signing before he is even suited up.

The late Friday afternoon signing announcement was a bit of a giveaway.

Reply #921130 | Report this post

Last year

Reporter asks question, CEO answers question. Not too much more to it. The real issue will be if they need to defend him once he's suited up.

Reply #921131 | Report this post

Last year

Beantown cheers for that. I imagine the Sixers at that point weren't in a position to offer him what they could possibly now

Reply #921132 | Report this post

Last year

Interestingly enough, Sydney picked up Sam Timmons late for what i's assume is insurance for Bolden, being that he has been out of the game a while and will likely take time to get into it. Hunter has had a few injuries in the last few years also. Adelaide could have gone that direction also instead of Smith-milner.

I'm happy to be proven wrong, but this is a "tougher" team and I also don't think DJ would fit the style needed as he's declined defensively a lot, so I am not as disappointed as some about him not re-signing.

Reply #921134 | Report this post

Last year

I'm still looking forward to the season and hopeful it doesn't go south.

If the whole team put in 100% effort and play for the team that will be an upgrade from last year. Franks refused to even throw a shot up on the buzzer because it might impact his shooting % so was never going to be a team player.

Is Smith-Milner confirmed or still just rumoured? Given no official goodbye and thanks message for DJ (which despite his detractors he has certainly earned and deserves) I assume it's not official

Reply #921137 | Report this post

Last year

Smith-Milner signing hasn't been announced yet.

Reply #921138 | Report this post

Last year

Olbrich is on a 3 season deal so don't think he will be coming home. If he is going anywhere it will be the NBA.

Reply #921140 | Report this post

Last year

I'm not certain it’s going to matter, it looks like only three teams in it, Sydney, NZ and Melbourne, the rest can argue about the places.

Reply #921142 | Report this post

Last year

had issues with his previous teams in China and the Philippines. News Corp says there are reports "Franklin clashed with PBA referees and officials and took umbrage at requests...
Hooper, I think the above is the sort of thing people are basing their assessments on in this player's case specifically.

Reply #921143 | Report this post

Last year

To be fair, the Philippines is a challenging place to be within a basketball setting. The Boomers know all about it.

Reply #921150 | Report this post

Last year

Fairsy, if Olbrich is on track to make the NBA within three years, then good luck to him. I think he's more likely to become a solid to good NBL player though and if he does, then the Sixers should have a look at signing him then.

Reply #921167 | Report this post

Last year

Olbrich will struggle for consistency this year due to their roster depth, but he is very talented, and has a high ceiling.

Reply #921171 | Report this post

Last year

Hooper - just from watching some of his games and highlights. The NBL is a tough defensive league and to be an elite scoring guard you have to be exceptionally good at creating your own shot or getting to the basket, or both in Adams and Cottons case.

I don't see elite shot creation or attacking the basket in his game. Not bad at those things obviously just not top level which I think they will need from their 'best scorer'.

Happy to be wrong of course!

Reply #921206 | Report this post

Last year

Bored so you watched "Jamaal Franklin - 2022 China Highlights" and say he isn't good at creating his own shot or getting to the basket? You mention Adams in China they wouldn't even give him minutes and ended up with poor averages as a result.

Reply #921213 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last year

It's hard what to make of the Franklin signing; clearly talented, but not sure if it's a case of CJ truly believing he's signed a needed a high level player above other choices, or if the signing is more a hit and hope within budget constraints. No one seems to have any idea if he's a highly paid import, or a talented player who came cheaper due to recent problems in other leagues. Definitely looks crafty, but also looks kind of slow, and that might be a concern against the NBL style?

Don't know about Kell, but had higher hopes when we lost Cleveland.

It will be interesting to see how different Wiley is compared to last time.

Maybe Adelaide can surprise this season with lower expectations, and a big season from Humphries.

Reply #921218 | Report this post

Last year

It seems like there is strong linkage between Franklin & Kell, and both have links to Craig Simpson. Both can play, but remains to be seen how the whole puzzle fits together and if they'll report in good enough shape to have a big impact.

Reply #921219 | Report this post

Last year

You mention Adams in China they wouldn't even give him minutes
Do you mean Adams or Franklin? One site shows Franklin as 8 MPG with Shanghai in 2022/23?

Reply #921225 | Report this post

Last year

Isaac you are right Franklin only played 9 games with average stats in his last season in China but prior to that had some really strong years (5 seasons averaged over 30, then the more recent 2 24ppg and 15ppg). I imagine the reason his minutes got limited was due to the following notable players Melo Trimble, Eric Bledsoe and Michael Beasley.

On the other hand I was showing that someone as strong as Adams struggled in China. Players of note in that team was Duop Reath who had similar stats to when he played NBL.

Reply #921228 | Report this post

Last year

"I have a tight connection with Jamaal," Kell told 36ers Media. “With all those factors I thought it might be a great situation for me.

“Not the past couple of summers, bur during the off-season ever since I graduated from there (San Diego), in the summer we'd work out together for a few weeks, play one-on-one.

“We both talked to each other before we signed, trying to see how it will work. We figured out this is going to be a great fit.

“Hopefully it all works out.”


Hopefully Kell will be able to help keep Franklin on the straight and narrow.

Reply #921229 | Report this post

Last year

SixerFan, no, if you read my comment I said games too. I get you want to blindly defend your team but there is reason for doubt. Hope he does well.

Reply #921230 | Report this post

Last year

Agreed that nothing is a guarantee, but I don't think the Sixers bashing is all warranted as they are not as doom and gloom as many think. A lot to play out here, and i think many will love the tough brand of basketball they play. There is still a hangover from the JVG era with a couple of contracts, however, that aside, and with a young upcoming star in Marshall, I think they will be improved.

It is a tough league and many teams have loaded up, so toughness and a brand will be a good thing. Can't wait for tip off, looking forward to it.

Reply #921232 | Report this post

Last year

Bored let me get this correctly

Franklin has many seasons where he dominates in China
Adams struggled in China

Adams exceptionally good at creating his own shot
Franklin no elite shot creation or attacking the basket in his game (even that he did a lot better than Adams in China).

However apparently I am blindly defending Franklin

Reply #921234 | Report this post

Last year

Franklin could be rubbish here but the evidence compared to someone like Adams says otherwise

Reply #921235 | Report this post

Last year

Judging anything on the 10 games Adams played as a mid-season pick-up in the CBA would be unwise. That's a very small sample size and lacks the context as to why he was playing limited minutes.

Reply #921238 | Report this post

Last year

I wasn't comparing Adams in China to him, didn't even know he played there when I made that point mate. I was using him as an example of the level of creation you need to be successful against NBL defenses. I didnt see Adams play in China so cant comment on that but quick google suggests it wasnt a great situation or fit so sort of makes the comparison you are drawing irrelevant.

The point i'm making is that his creation doesn't LOOK to be on the same level as the other best players on other teams in the NBL, which in my opinion is what the siexers desperately need (evidenced by the Randall signing last year).

Reply #921239 | Report this post

Pablo Escobar  
Last year

Will anybody at the 36ers take responsibility if it doesn't work out?

Reply #921240 | Report this post

Last year

They'll just cut him early like Randall before his contract becomes guaranteed for the rest of the season, before the 25% mark i.e. 7 games in.

Reply #921241 | Report this post

Last year

Here's a question

How good do we think we need Franklin to be to make the finals based on what we have seen from the other rostered players in the NBL so far and the apparent competition?

Do we think that’s within his ability?

That’s what is most important really isn’t it

Reply #921248 | Report this post

Last year

This guy sounds like Randall 2.0

Reply #921255 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last year

KET, I don't think anyone knows safely enough to say. No on really knows what to expect, or if this is their high level off-season signing, or if it's just the best of a limited situation.

Reply #921259 | Report this post

Last year

If they have to cut him early, how will Kell feel about it?

Reply #921268 | Report this post

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