Last year

36ers sign DJ

Adelaide 36ers are thrilled to announce the signing of Dejan Vasiljevic for the remainder of the NBL24 season.

The two-time NBL champion signed an Exhibit 10 contract with NBA franchise Washington Wizards in September but joins the 36ers after being put on waivers.

Topic #51496 | Report this topic

Last year

Lol. Was hoping it was a multi year. He's out of here at the end of the season. Along with CJ and half the team.

Reply #928501 | Report this post

Last year

This is a good move 'if' they now sign an import for the frontcourt.

Reply #928503 | Report this post

Last year

I was under the impression he would fill the import spot, but from what I just read Keanu Rasmusan has gone back down to a DP role, does it leave space for an import still? Tyler Cook has said he is open to stay in the NBL, is he a possibility?

Reply #928504 | Report this post

Last year

Yep weird move, seems like this is just a 1 year thing in his mind. Assume he is filling the import spot, will think different of the move if they can then sign another import but doubt. Oh well season was pretty shot from the start.

Reply #928505 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last year

Rasmusan was only elevated because they were a player short though. I think they'd need to cut someone to bring in another import.

Reply #928506 | Report this post

Last year

As I said in the other thread - they sign a player not filling 2 most critical needs/position and don't get the benefit of having him next year.

Such a classic 36ers move.

C Humphries
F Wiley
F Flowers
G Kell

Make that the starting 5 and you get length and shooting.

Reply #928508 | Report this post

Last year

He's a very good player, can he change sixes chances, time will tell. He was reasonable defender for kings but it’s not his strength.

Reply #928513 | Report this post

Last year

Not sure I would rate DJV as very good, certainly decent though has 2-3 big games a season but bit too much of a passenger for mine. Was able to hide on stacked Kings teams but won't be able to do that on this Sixers team. He will be wanting to showcase himself for his next deal after the season.

Sixers really should've been able to lock him for at least a couple of years, not sure Trey Kell would be thrilled about this just as he was finding some form too. I just wish we had have gone with an import big instead.

Reply #928515 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Last year

I would call this an okay signing on its own but theres too much that needs fixing to get this team anywhere this season. Too much reliance inside on Humphries and no real back up for him. Too many garbage guards behind Kell and DJV. The McCarron signing is like having this scab you have to itch by way of picking up more players around him to make up for his shortfalls and in doing so you just make the problem worse. Thanks JVG.

Reply #928516 | Report this post

Last year

"not sure Trey Kell would be thrilled about this just as he was finding some form too."

Why? I think Kell needs to be promoted to having the ball more, driving more, shooting more. Play him as PG and get him to make the decisions and stay aggressive.

Play DJV and Flowers as wings.

Whilst I know Flowers will have ups and downs, won't shoot like that again and will have inevitable embarrassment that comes with being young, he’s very mature in how he plays (*as a wing*) and hasn’t been sucked in to stupid shit. They might as well use his effort, athleticism and shooting alongside DJV to create space and break open the game.

Imagine energizer bunny Wiley with space and open lanes? Imagine Humphries not being totally ambushed towards the basket?

What they don’t want is MM, Dech slowing it down, negating the shooting wings opportunities and driving into trouble. That would just be more of the same frustration, turnovers and forced shots that gift easy leads and wins to opposition.

Reply #928518 | Report this post

Last year

McCarron has started at PG all 2+ seasons under CJ. Until something changes MM is our starting PG. It doesn't matter how bad he plays or what other options we have he's always the starting PG. We know CJ doesn't rate him highly but it's probably a directive from above, probably something like, "I spent more than a million bucks on this guy we're going to squeeze everything we can get out of him".

We'll see if MM goes to the bench now but I bet he keeps starting at PG.

Reply #928520 | Report this post

Think most teams would be happy enough to sign Dejan, solid player. Not sure it's what the sixers need but a good player is not a bad choice.

Reply #928522 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last year

Just saw on twitter that it sounds like Adelaide are chasing another big man import and will release a local to make it happen. Surely this opens the door for the Cook maybe?

Who is the unlucky player? Has to be one of Starling or Smith-Milner.

Reply #928523 | Report this post

Last year

That would be nice if we do a genuine indication from the owner he's prepared to improve this team and not write off the season, which until today looked as if that was going to be the case.

Starling hasn't impressed me at all but he at least looks like he has some desire to play defence, TSM not so much.

Reply #928524 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last year

The part I missed from the twitter post was that Cook is outside the price range. Might just a need a solid all round big anyway, nothing fancy.

I think Starling has something to offer and probably needs a bit more time and to be used in a certain way.

Adelaide are definitely spending more to improve if prepared to pay for DJ, cut a player, and then sign another import.

Lots of people thought Clark was the missing piece last season, but will all depend on how CJ can coach still.

Reply #928525 | Report this post

Last year

Didn't Starling recorded a DNP last game? Coincidence?

Reply #928528 | Report this post

Last year

It was mentioned the Wizards still have to sign DJ's transfer papers. Do we think DJ will actually suit up on Thursday?

It would be a shame to lose Starling if they bring in a big man. I'd like to see him get more of a chance to adapt to the NBL game. He has shown some flashes, but has been making defensive errors that look to me like habits he has from NBL1 that he will need to break at this level.

Reply #928529 | Report this post

Last year

Crazy how every man and his dog recognised from Day 1 of pre-season the Sixers lacked a big man, yet they only realise this 5 games into the season and start the search for one.

The ineptitude is ridiculous

Reply #928530 | Report this post

Last year

So they get rid of a guard and keep starling and Milner?

Reply #928533 | Report this post

Last year

Sorry *Do

Reply #928534 | Report this post

Last year

Sixers are a bloody mess, good on them. Just annoying they need to cut one of their locals. If the Sixers can charge for top-6 I'll be shocked.

Poor management for the Sixers, doesn’t matter how much money the club has. If they keep making poor decisions then the club will keep being down the bottom. Perth are also looking like going into that direction if they don’t change.

Reply #928536 | Report this post

Last year

DJV enjoyed success in a team stacked with talent. We are in our third season of another player who enjoyed success in a stacked team...……….MM still amazes us with his 2 points and 2 assists in 28 minutes most games!

Reply #928537 | Report this post

Last year

Pongress was quoted in the ESPN article on this story as saying:

"We are disappointed with how this has been handled, and another NBL team's role in this process. We originally amended the contract in good faith and completed our roster with the understanding that DJ would play internationally this season.

"While there is no perfect system, this circumstance highlights the inequity NBL clubs have in terms of protecting their interests as opposed to other leagues in the world."

What's he getting at here? Particularly the bit about another NBL team's role in the process? Is he saying Adelaide shouldn't have recruited him?

Reply #928538 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Last year

Depends on where you sit on morally with this. Sydney now lose DJ for facilitating his dream shot at the NBA, Sydney did the right thing by DJ. If the 36ers hadn't have jumped in DJ would have stayed overseas and then returned to Sydney next year.

I bet DJ ends up there anyway next season.

Reply #928541 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last year

Adelaide were presented with a legitimate avenue to improve their roster with the recruitment of premier local, which also might allow for a third import. A team can't deny themselves that kind of opportunity.

Reply #928543 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Last year

Morals with DJ is what I meant. Of course the 36ers can only sign players that show interest. Even those that have bagged the ownership on social media :P

Reply #928545 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last year

Morality in sport is selective, adhoc and often hypocritical. Sydney will have to get over it.

Reply #928546 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last year

Nah, I don't know, lol.

Reply #928547 | Report this post

Last year

Anyone who believes Sydney or any other club wouldnt have approached a player like DJ in the 36ers position is kidding themselves.

EVERY club would have done it if it suited their purposes.

Sydney likely got a pay-out and had the first opportunity to sign him and chose not to, which was likely the correct decision, but once they have made that decision they had to release him, and that actually is complying with his contract and terms of his original release by the Kings.

DJ left in good faith, intended to play over seas, it didnt work out as he hoped, changed his mind on G league, wanted to come back to the NBL, Adelaide had a spot, money and interest, they get a deal done. There was no conspiracy and imo no one did anything wrong.

Reply #928550 | Report this post

Last year

Imagine if they ended up signing DJJ again aswell lol

Reply #928552 | Report this post

Last year

Dejan chose to come and play for Adelaide. Sydney had the chance to bring him back but chose not too, then spat the dummy big time when everyone else wanted in.

He ain't DJ, that name is already engrained in our club history. Just like you can't come into the club and be nicknamed Pudd.

Reply #928555 | Report this post

Last year

Sydney's response makes sense to me if there was an unwritten rule/gentlemen's agreement between NBL clubs not to do this which Adelaide have now stepped on?

Reply #928556 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last year

I feel more and more that this league is heading towards being a four horse race every year with the exception of a couple who can punch above their weight, so DJ not joining Sydney is only a good thing for the league anyway.

Reply #928557 | Report this post

Last year

Still a bit of a dog act form 36ers

Reply #928559 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last year

Why? Creative I thought. Sydney still had opportunity. Surely DJ playing elsewhere is better for the league than Sydney either making their team stronger or refusing to let a player back into the league entirely.

Reply #928560 | Report this post

Last year

"Still a bit of a dog act form 36ers"

Is it? They are giving a guy a job that missed his NBA opportunity. Is it reasonable to force him to play for peanuts in g league?

It was just a 1 season deal, so if anything the 36ers should realise he will probably leave at the end of the season.

So gain for Adelaide is short term only, how can Sydney complain about this. They had the chance to sign him this year, didn't want to and are probably still prim D to add him next year, providing Smith comments don't annoy him, although they were directed at the club.

What if behind the scenes Sydney said they would release him only if he doesn't sign a multi year deal. That would be a dog act from them. Bottom line is none of us know what conversations happened

Reply #928562 | Report this post

Last year

Humphries/ The real DJ
Kell III/Dech

Competitive line-up, suddenly solid depth at every position.

Reply #928569 | Report this post

Last year

LV, Johnson was miffed about coming off the bench last season and now doesn't want to play for CJ. Forget about the guy.

Reply #928571 | Report this post

Last year

Sydney didn't have any roster spots left, they would have had to cut a player, elected to go with who has been there since preseason. DJV elected to go overseas, was released from his contract that the understanding is he would not play nbl this season. I believe the kings did the correct thing re DJV and let him play elsewhere, obviously a bit pissed off about it, if I’d been running the kings I’d told him find a job overseas as you requested.

Reply #928588 | Report this post

Last year

He went overseas, got cut and downgraded and then decided to come back. It's not like he didn't go and opted to jump the teams. He could have gone elsewhere and got cut what happens with unproductive imports here, so what - you would deny him an opportunity to make a living? Sydney cut players in the past to make room for superstars (check on Cooks) so they could have cut some of the end of the bench players to make room for DJ. Obviously they don't rate him highly enough.

Reply #928591 | Report this post

Last year

"I believe the kings did the correct thing re DJV and let him play elsewhere, obviously a bit pissed off about it, if I'd been running the kings I’d told him find a job overseas as you requested."

Except they couldn't do that. They had two options, sign him or release his NBL rights.

Reply #928597 | Report this post

Basket 91  
Last year

If you were the Kings and had the option would you take Vasiljevic or Valentine?

Something seems off with this. The Kings usually are "player centric" with this stuff.

On the outside looking in don't see how this is any different with Tai Webster and the Breakers.

Reply #928598 | Report this post

NBL Fan  
Last year

Sydney rightfully has a reason to be upset. DJ had another year on his contract that didn't have an NBA out clause with it. Sydney didn’t have to let him go to Washington but choose to let him follow his dreams and granted him those wishes, believing he would be on the Wizards roster most likely two way and not coming back to the NBL for this season to another team to hurt them

1)DJ isn’t wrong for going to Adelaide
2)Adelaide isn’t wrong for jumping on the chance to sign him
3)Sydney isn’t wrong for being upset on how it played out

Just unfortunate situation

Reply #928599 | Report this post

Last year

Interested in how many of the people saying Sydney have been wronged jumped down Adelaide's throat for interfering with Mitch Creek's NBA deal.

Reply #928603 | Report this post

Last year

My feeling is if DJV bails on G League, Kings say ok we will make a spot for you again and DJ says "no I actually already agreed to play for the 36ers", Kings would be absolutely rightfully pissed off and fair game to lash out via PR statement.

If Kings say “we like our team at the moment and don't have a spot for you”, then they should get over themselves that DJV tried NBA and came back, and that the 36ers recruited early.

Fans can jeer a bit for the not completely clean switch but other than that, I wouldn’t have thought it justified the response the Kings have IMO.

Reply #928605 | Report this post

Last year

I'd put money on the fact the Sixers went about it the wrong way, as they always do, hence the Kings press release.

Reply #928607 | Report this post

Last year

(in terms of blindsiding the Kings rather than consulting with them first.)

Reply #928608 | Report this post

Last year

I guess there's a question there on whether contractually the situation meant the 36ers should have gone through Kings first opposed to treating him like a free agent

Reply #928609 | Report this post

Last year

If there was nothing in the contract to describe the process then DJ or the 36ers were not at fault. But I'd doubt that the contracts would go into such details and maybe this should be part of a wider NBL policy similar to their EBA agreement.

I just think that the Kings went wrongly about their disappointment blaming other parties and sending out their spokesperson Olgun to call DJ unethical on tv. They all should take a deep breath and move on.

Reply #928615 | Report this post

Last year

DJ with some comments on the matter:

Reply #928616 | Report this post

Last year

Reply #928629 | Report this post

Last year

If Cooks is cut from Washington too where is he going? Would fill a lot of gaps too.

Reply #928632 | Report this post

Last year

Cooks signed a three year deal

Reply #928634 | Report this post

Last year

Non-guaranteed from next year onwards. So essentially a 1 year deal.

I would say its a decent chance of happening. Especially given he is 28, how much time are Washington going to give him?

Reply #928639 | Report this post

Last year

After what he said about the 36ers organization on twitter a few weeks ago I am surprised they even thought about it. Money talks all languages

Reply #928649 | Report this post

Last year

Tine Tunrer sung a song about DJ.....

"We dont need another......

Reply #928673 | Report this post

Last year

Only a few months ago some players have gone ,so we assume to have a truckload of cash but looks like we are not getting a stud and recently heard Sixers don't have money to buy a quality tall import ,this business man kelly has no knowledge of basketball only wants to save money long term and at this rate we paying members just come out and again will miss the finals again .I’ve heard we are not going to get a 3rd import ,just save the cash in case Isaac or Wiley gets seriously injured .

Reply #929032 | Report this post

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