Last year

Perth at Adelaide, Oct 21

After an insipid performance on Thursday can the 36ers bounce back.

Topic #51504 | Report this topic

No. They will need to wait for the Hawks again.

Reply #928767 | Report this post

Last year

Adelaide by 20

Jokes. Perf by 20

Reply #928808 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last year

There is no way for Adelaide to bounce back while stuck in nothing land. It doesn't matter how hard you try if you keep doing the wrong thing.

Reply #928812 | Report this post

Last year

Interesting game, lots of early pressure for both sides. Who is going to chuck the most shots up out off Usher and DJV, who gets hot could determine this. Both sides have had good parts of games but cats have a better list. Sarr to star, cats by 10.

Reply #928813 | Report this post

Last year

Two teams with poor coaching, poor offense and poor defense. Tough call.

I think the one which is the least poor today will win. If I can stay awake long enough to find out.

Reply #928814 | Report this post

Last year

Hard to feel much excitement about this game. Cotton is still capable of being all world but to give the locals a reason to keep coming I got Adelaide by a ref, sorry I mean 2 in a close one.

Reply #928831 | Report this post

Last year

Good opportunity for Adelaide. Cats lacking in lustre atm.

Reply #928835 | Report this post

Last year

Cats by 10

Reply #928836 | Report this post

Last year

Doolittle named in the team, but Wagstaff getting the start in game # 450 for him.

Reply #928837 | Report this post

Last year

Usher not really a defender.

Reply #928838 | Report this post

Last year

I'm starting to prepare the popcorn for when Adelaide claim the upset.

Reply #928839 | Report this post

Last year

Absolutely disgusting start from Perth. Hard to watch

Reply #928840 | Report this post

Last year

It should be an interesting watch but for all the wrong reasons. Get ready for some jungle ball

Reply #928841 | Report this post

Last year

Perth are cooked

Reply #928843 | Report this post

Last year

MM treating to throw a 3 must frighten the life out of the opposition:)

Reply #928845 | Report this post

Last year

Interesting battle between the two worst coaches in the league.

Reply #928847 | Report this post

Last year

Why isn't Flowers playing?

Reply #928848 | Report this post

Last year

Perth looking like they'll get over the line just with superior individual ability but overall they haven't made a load of progress as a team

Reply #928849 | Report this post

Last year

Olgun reminds me of Paul Bearer.

Reply #928850 | Report this post

Last year

Didn't ya love Humphries giving MM a spray just before the half for taking a crap shot.

Reply #928851 | Report this post

Last year

Perth looking to me like they're every bit as capable as Adelaide of losing.

Reply #928852 | Report this post

Last year

The Wildcats offensive schemes are god awful, even Adelaide defence breaks it down.

No wonder Rillie celebrated when an out of time out play came off, its probably once or twice a game.

Wildcats are only ahead because of Webster iso scoring, if that dries up they are in trouble again.

But never underestimate CJ's ability to place Humphries on the bench for extended periods.

Reply #928853 | Report this post

Last year

Wildcats with all the momentum and sixers couldn't buy a bucket. JR calls a timeout and halts their own ascendancy. Sixers then get it back to only a one point deficit after that. Nice one!

Reply #928854 | Report this post

Last year

How perth can have two soft as shit found called on them yet pinder bumped at full speed, no call.... perth is crap but far out they do not get any calls

Reply #928855 | Report this post

Last year

Get him off.


Reply #928856 | Report this post

Last year

Usher is so unbelievably bad on defense.

Reply #928857 | Report this post

Diop Kick  
Last year

Pinder makes a lot of contact when he defends the perimeter. Looks like he's daring them to call a foul

Reply #928858 | Report this post

Last year

As a neutral it's an interesting game but seriously this is the best basketball we have here?

Reply #928859 | Report this post

Last year

Standard is disgraceful

Reply #928860 | Report this post

Last year

Coaching from both sides is terrible! At least the Adelaide coach has joined the cheer leader group and is trying to get the crowd involved.

Reply #928861 | Report this post

Last year

Cotton is so off this season. He's getting some good looks but cant buy a bucket

Reply #928862 | Report this post

Last year

Danny Mills better be on the phone to Trev right now!

Reply #928863 | Report this post

Another Anon  
Last year

Danny Mills should be search for a new job.

Reply #928864 | Report this post

Last year

The Webster brothers, Pinder and Usher have the combined IQ of an under 14s player.

Reply #928865 | Report this post

Last year

Perth are a disgrace

Reply #928866 | Report this post

Last year

You're right Bol, Cotton has thrown up some downright bricks tonight.

Reply #928867 | Report this post

Last year

Something is seriously wrong here. These blokes simply don't care.

Reply #928868 | Report this post

Last year

Another bonehead play Pinder

Reply #928869 | Report this post

Last year

This 5 out crap is terrible. Results in bad shots 9 times out of 10. Say what you want about Trev, but his teams team offence plays. The pieces are there, we need someone to use them properly!

Reply #928870 | Report this post

Last year

Humphries showing Pinder what real five men play like.

Reply #928871 | Report this post

Last year

Doolittle defends like a witches hat

Reply #928872 | Report this post

Last year

Doolittle strikes again

Reply #928873 | Report this post

Last year

Dejan 6/19 and counting,

Reply #928874 | Report this post

Last year

DJ bombs and home cooking..hahaha ... what a joke

Reply #928875 | Report this post

Last year

Doolittle u spud

Reply #928876 | Report this post

Last year


Reply #928877 | Report this post

Last year


Reply #928878 | Report this post

Last year

Adelaide win. Perth disappointing. Rillie can be as positive as he likes but how he keeps his job is hard to see.
As someone said earlier the players don't seem to care. They play with little effort in defense & offensive options are poor.
Hit the road Rillie. Easier to dump him than replace the team

Reply #928879 | Report this post

Bill on the ball  
Last year

jR has to go .

I think Pinder's mask is blocking his vision

Reply #928880 | Report this post

DJ 6/20 30%

Cotton 2/15 13%

Reply #928881 | Report this post

Last year

With the fame on the line at 3/4 time Cats score 13 in the last 1/4. Big problems in Perth

Reply #928882 | Report this post

Perth and Illawarra are very similar this season.
Defense is the worst.
The offense has no synergy at all.

Reply #928883 | Report this post

Last year

A lot of Perth people jumping on Rillie.

Not enough being said of GM Mills whose been recruiting the team.

Reply #928884 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last year

Well done Adelaide and happy for CJ. Some evidence of doing something different to get a different result. Good response.

Reply #928885 | Report this post

Last year

Man Humphries was good!

Reply #928886 | Report this post

Last year

You can't call a "nudge" on a rebound case a player kicks his legs at this stage if the game

Reply #928887 | Report this post

Last year

Pinder has zero touch around the rim and he plays defense like hes avoiding getting into foul trouble. He was a better defender when at Adelaide and crashed the boards regularly. Maybe face injury did have an affect on him. Humphries driving to the basket at will tonight

Reply #928888 | Report this post

Last year

Cats beaten by the better team tonight and by better I mean the shittest team in the league until today. Should start showing cats games on Failarmy

Reply #928889 | Report this post

Last year

Pinder has been a bust a Perth, looked way better in the Cairns system

Reply #928890 | Report this post

Last year

DJ did all he could to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Reply #928891 | Report this post

Last year

People will hate me saying this but if perth were dinkum this year someone would have tapped Jessie on the shoulder , legend of the club and a great player but was finished 2 years ago and i don't buy this whole experience crap.
When you watch these wildcats teams you wonder how the fans used to give terrico white and JP tokoto a hard time .

Reply #928892 | Report this post

Last year

Cory Webster was ballin in the first half. Rillie keeps him benched until late in the third quarter and then he's ice cold after that. Hyrum Harris no minutes even though they're getting smashed on the boards? Nice one JR!

Reply #928893 | Report this post

Last year

I thought the score flattered Phoenix a little last game, sixers were not that bad, CJ shortening the rotation certainly helps, Humphries, DJV, Wiley very good, with help from Kell and Galloway. Sunday and Cadee doing what they do well helps.

Perth full of supposed stars, Usher and Pinder seem totally out of sink, Cotton a year older and not used properly, where to now, season not over but things got change quickly, starting with defence.

Reply #928894 | Report this post

Last year

Pinder had Waardenburg and Hogg covering for him last season and a coach that new how to strategically cover it. Forde had a choice out Pinder or Kuol with his budget spending and took Kuol.

Reply #928895 | Report this post

Last year

Rillie has to go. Usher can go with him....

Reply #928896 | Report this post

Last year

Shocking standard. Both coaches need to go

Reply #928898 | Report this post

Last year

Wildcats playing really low IQ basketball at the moment. Cotton playing 39 minutes and taking lots of really off balance shots.

It's like they're trying to play NBA style basketball. That never works in the NBL. They look so much better when they pass the ball around and get it inside.

I want to like Usher but he's looking like a really low IQ player too. Takes lots of silly shots early in the offence and can't stay in front of his man on defence.

Reply #928900 | Report this post

Last year

Haven't seen the game yet but by god this thread is a gross disappointment in trying to gauge what happened in the game. It’s 90% trolling potshots in here!

All the piss taking aside, what happened here? Did Adelaide play decently, did Perth lose it for themselves? Did Adelaide finally play a good 30mins through Humphries and it changed how they looked completely?

Reply #928902 | Report this post

Last year

Neither team played particularly well, but individually the 36ers had Humphries and the Cats couldn't contain him, and that was enough.

Reply #928904 | Report this post

Last year

"All the piss taking aside, what happened here? Did Adelaide play decently, did Perth lose it for themselves? Did Adelaide finally play a good 30mins through Humphries and it changed how they looked completely?"

Adelaide offensively actually played pretty well for stretches, helped by lots of Perth lapses. CJ should have had McCarron on for DJ late in the 4th when they were trying to hold the lead, but it didn't kill them in the end. Shorter rotation overall helped.

Perth... Uninspiring offense but enough talent to stay in the game. Longer rotation would have helped... I don't understand why Corey (despite his work on D) barely played the 2nd half when he was the only Cat who had it going. Tai too looked better than he usually does, alas the same dumb fouls. Cotton is in a funk - missed maybe 3 or 4 shots around the bucket that are usually 90% looks for him.

Reply #928905 | Report this post

Last year

Cotton is really struggling for form, and Rillie's answer seems to be to try to run him into the ground.

Reply #928906 | Report this post

Last year

Awesome loss. #Gleeson2024

Reply #928907 | Report this post

Last year

"Did Adelaide play decently, did Perth lose it for themselves? Did Adelaide finally play a good 30mins through Humphries and it changed how they looked completely?"

Humphries played great, but his performance was a reflection of both his movement without the ball and Adelaide's ability to find him (and other rollers/interior targets) which is something they haven't done well most of the season.

Seven of his 12 buckets were assisted, and to have Kell (3), Cadee (3), Vasiljevic (6), Wiley (4) and McCarron (3) all dishing 3 or more dimes showed the offence was in a better space (albeit against a poor defensive team) and was a big reason Adelaide won points in the paint 54-32.

There is definite room for improvement, Vasiljevic obviously hasn't got his legs under him and has gone cold in the second half of both games, and also needs to recognise traps and get rid of the ball quicker, because with his lack of length he struggles to pass out of the double.

Defensively the 36ers did a very good job of making life tough for Cotton and making others beat them. Pinder had a big impact offensively (17pts at 60%, 5 assists, 5 o-boards) and Webster was really good in the first half (14pts in 15 mins) but appeared to sit a lot in the second half.

But Perth's offence died in the last quarter, very stagnant as Adelaide lifted their intensity, shooting 24% and never giving a yelp. They certainly need to do a better job of exploiting the attention Cotton gets.

Last season they had three good passing frontcourters in Manek, Travers and Thomas who allowed them to move the ball very well against aggressive on-ball defence, something they're currently lacking.

Reply #928911 | Report this post

Last year

Humphries played the game of his life, Cotton has been missing around 20 points a game now for a while now and thats why we are losing so easily. If Cotton fixes his problem making shots we are back in it with a good list imo.

Reply #928912 | Report this post

Last year

Credit where credit due to CJ. Reacted to the recent loss and slimmed down his rotations. When Sixers started well he left the starters on as long as he could. McCarron, Dech and Kell all on together should be a no no. Sixers have some issues with 2nd qtrs, they seem to go into random ball and struggle offensively, with another 2nd qtr below 20 while giving up 20+ pts, probably a rotation/lineup issue.
Ballsy move by CJ at the end, subbed Galloway in for Wiley and he delivered, finishing a good pnr and then hitting 3ptr to open the lead up. Good move by CJ that paid off. I liked the way he backed Galloway in, earlier in the game after his horrible first couple minutes.
Good needed win for the Sixers. Bad loss for Perth. Not used to seeing Cotton shoot so badly against Sixers, he usually comes up clutch and takes the game away.

Reply #928914 | Report this post

Last year

Rillie will be the reason that Sarr doesn't get the #1 draft pick.

Reply #928915 | Report this post

Last year

I feel a few next stars are struggling due the coaching, Sarr and the Illawarra kid come to mind straight away.

Reply #928916 | Report this post

Last year

Rillie should have be benching both Usher and Cotton if they cannot find their scoring and not adding anything to defence. Both played terrible looking at the stats

Cats need to look at coaching change , if not that then the two other imports need to be on the microscope. Releasing Usher and bringing a 3 and D could be one option. Doolittle needs to be geting 10ppts and 7rpg , just passing around is not enough. Having some higher IQ players in the team is needed

Other question is whether to bring an elite point guard like the Derek Walton Jr type replacing one of other imports. Tai is not their floor general with his low IQ fouling, he just cant play 35 minutes a game.

Cotton in a contract year may need to start thinking about life with a lot less money in the pocket each month. Next years renewal not guaranteed at Perth or anything close to the money. If he didnt have "11 - Cotton" on his jersey you would be thinking its time to release him.

Cats have massive concerns/issues/problems. Figuring out what to do is the main issue, do not think Rillie/MIlls have it in them to figure it out.

Reply #928917 | Report this post

Basket 91  
Last year

Perth should've kept Norton and Blanchfield instead of paying them out and getting the Websters. Would’ve freed up more $$ for imports too


Reply #928920 | Report this post

Last year

Yeah I agree with that Sixtiesrockstar, CJ did tighten his rotations and players seemed to understand their roles better. There was much better movement and purpose on offence. And Galloway seemed to gain some confidence when CJ let him play through early mistakes, which ended with him making some big baskets to help us win the game.

Also agree that McCarron and Dech should never be on the floor together. They bog the offence down because they can't beat their man and teams sag off their shot. They both are contributing defensively, but with Cadee, Kell and DJ all much better ball-handlers and shooters, their role on offence should be to move the ball on, cut and only shoot when wide open.

Overall a good win over a poor Wildcats side. My only criticism is that CJ should have found minutes for Flowers. The kid has barely played since he won the Illawarra game for us and that's not right. CJ should be able to find him 10 mins a game.

Reply #928922 | Report this post

Last year

How bad are Perth? Adelaide 36er bad.

Reply #928923 | Report this post

Last year

Rillie bad.

Reply #928925 | Report this post

Last year

"Rillie will be the reason that Sarr doesn't get the #1 draft pick."

If that's the case, Rillie must be the reason he rocketed up to the top end of draft talk after he started playing for Perth!

Rillie's track record suggests he is a good offensive coach and good at finding solutions to utilise his players' strengths - their first eight games last season produced 87, 77, 105, 81, 72, 90, 77, 77 and after that they were probably the best offensive team in the comp, rarely scoring below 90 - the worry for Cats fans is what happens at the other end.

Reply #928927 | Report this post

Last year

Adelaide have shown good patches most of the season, just haven't been consistent, plus CJ not so good subbing. DJV also has added a nice piece even though he’s chucking up some poor shots, he’s surprised me how good an addition he’s been.

Reply #928928 | Report this post

Last year

It's an opportunity for DJ to play a leading role, rather than being a 3rd or 4th option like he has been. There'll be some lumps, but it could be a year of real growth for him.

Reply #928930 | Report this post

Last year

Adelaide so many times DJ launching from the logo with the shot clock about to expire, Adelaide weren't great but Perth for worse...

Both teams Built poorly!

Reply #928931 | Report this post

Last year

With McCarron, Dech and Kell on floor together, that group as a whole is just too slow, need a Flowers who can stay in front of his man and get up the floor ahead of the ball in transition. McCarron was struggling to contain his player on D last night, foot speed and change of direction just off a little.

Reply #928932 | Report this post

Last year

On TV I kept noticing how often Craig Simpson stands up as if he's coaching the team, someone really needs to tell him what an assistant coach does...SIT DOWN.

Reply #928935 | Report this post

Last year

An assistant coach assists the coach.

Reply #928936 | Report this post

Last year

It's embarrassing on his part that it looks as if he attempts to pretend at stages that he is the head coach, and every opportunity he sees to stand up, he does. #SitDownSimpson

Reply #928952 | Report this post

Last year

I do not understand the obsession for the Webster brothers. They get hot once every 6 games and I feel they are the ones impacting on Cotton's game.

Would get rid of Usher or Dolittle and replace one of them with Tyler Cooks. Would then allow pinder to go to the PF and help improve the rebounding.

Rillie has no idea.

Reply #928954 | Report this post

Last year

The body language of both CJ and JR was the kind I usually associate with NBA and NCAA where the coaches have full confidence in their well-drilled players to do the right thing, so that the coaches would only distract by yelling or directing or whatever.

Quite the opposite of what I'd expect when their teams are so dysfunctional.

Reply #928959 | Report this post

Last year

I agree with Tyler Cooks being more of what they need. Although Doolittle was pretty good defensively he's not the inside presence and rebounder they are lacking

Reply #928984 | Report this post

Last year

Tyler Cooks can't defend a statue, yes he can score plenty though.

Reply #928985 | Report this post

Pablo Escobar  
Last year

Watch the mad scramble for Duop Reath now.

Reply #928990 | Report this post

Last year

Reath similar to Cook on D, you can hide these sort players in a good system but they can still be a liability.

Reply #928992 | Report this post

Last year

There's no point buying Rillie more tools when he doesn't know how to use them.

Reply #929003 | Report this post

Last year

White is exactly what Perth need, cut probably Usher as his coin would be reasonably high and probably hasn't made the guaranteed cut date yet.

Reply #929006 | Report this post

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