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Perth @ Brisbane, Nov 18

Can Perth win on the road and keep the momentum going?

Topic #51597 | Report this topic

Last year


Reply #930616 | Report this post

Last year


Reply #930617 | Report this post

Last year

I'd say yes, certainly with Harrison being absent most likely.

Reply #930625 | Report this post

Last year


Reply #930705 | Report this post

Last year

Is Harrison in or out ? I still think cats will be far to good. Which Brisbane turns up, a few sides very hot and cold.

Reply #930719 | Report this post

Last year

C-Web to miss the game with an ankle injury.
Credit where it's due to Rillie for being fully prepared for this scenario.

Reply #930721 | Report this post

Last year

If only Rillie's ability coach basketball was as elite as his abilities to foresee injuries .

Reply #930723 | Report this post

Last year

"Ankle injury"

Reply #930744 | Report this post

Last year

Good start by Harrison

Reply #930746 | Report this post

Diop Kick  
Last year

Baynes clearly still moving when cotton drove into him

Reply #930749 | Report this post

Last year

Refs are atrocious out of the block.
Teams shooting crap doesnt help either, but wow.

Reply #930750 | Report this post

Last year

Great pass by Doolittle. Low scoring but tough quarter.

Reply #930751 | Report this post

Last year

Isn't Usher supposed to be a great defender.

Reply #930752 | Report this post

Another Anon  
Last year

Contender for worse game of the year, by a long way.

Reply #930753 | Report this post

Last year

This half is demonstrating why Cats fans weren't fooled by a few wins over bad teams

Reply #930754 | Report this post

Last year

Cotton should be a boomer. Absolute bull shit. He's should be one off the first picked.

Reply #930758 | Report this post

Last year

horrible just horrible

Reply #930759 | Report this post

Last year

Just started watching the game. Seems there is a problem with the scoreboard overlay. It's says the score is 37-35 and that it’s also the third quarter. I had to be the second quarter with a score like that ... right?

Reply #930760 | Report this post

Last year

Harris is probably one of cats lowest paid, but after Cotton he nearly the most important

Reply #930761 | Report this post

Last year

How do you call a foul on the player that gets headlocked and his face ripped off??? These ref's are pathetic. Almost as bad as the game lol

Reply #930763 | Report this post

Last year

Pinder never even new where the ball was, Baynes grabbed it and because Pinder was facing him he got tangled up, lucky review to cats imo.

Reply #930764 | Report this post

Last year

Great R there by Harrison to cause the turnover followed by the Sobey dunk.

Reply #930765 | Report this post

Another Anon  
Last year

Usher need to be cut ASAP. just a black hole of bad street ball.

Reply #930766 | Report this post

Last year

Pinder must be so frustrated, gets called for some of the softest crap. 4 fouls on perth inside 2.20....

Reply #930767 | Report this post

Last year

Can't remember the last time I've seen Norton make a layup.

Reply #930769 | Report this post

Last year

How the can you not see that is a foul??? Atrocious call.

Reply #930770 | Report this post

Last year

Pinder hasn't been able to defend any of bullets bigs. Brisbane chucking it away again

Reply #930771 | Report this post

Last year

Anyone would think Bannan sunk a 3 to win the game. What a smoker

Reply #930772 | Report this post

Last year

Tight game with under a minute left. Sobey time coming up.

Reply #930773 | Report this post

Last year

Norton u spud

Reply #930774 | Report this post

Last year

Hero ball from the logo

Reply #930775 | Report this post

Last year

Doolittle put in a very dangerous position, commentary can't even notice his face looks to have hit the floor...

Reply #930776 | Report this post

Last year

Speaking of spuds, that Bullets possession to tie was an absolute cracker of one.

People talking well of the new coach, but gotta say the Bullets have been trash at the end of close games.

Reply #930777 | Report this post

Last year

Bannan with the hot hand - where was the play for him to take a good shot with seconds to go? SMH

Reply #930778 | Report this post

Last year

Couple of very ordinary sides tonite

Reply #930779 | Report this post

Last year

Oh Brisbane have chucked it away. Cats keep winning.

Reply #930780 | Report this post

Another Anon  
Last year

Well it was Doolittle that got the board in the 4tb instead of BC so you gotta take that.

Bullets iso ball at the end again. Unbelievable.

Reply #930781 | Report this post

Last year

How do the Cats win with trash like Usher playing?

Reply #930782 | Report this post

Last year

Massive nosed call on usher, that was a foul...

Reply #930783 | Report this post

Last year

Harris plus 19, now absorb that stat on a 3 point win. Doolittle, Cotton very good. Brisbane should be further up the ladder they just don't know how to win.

Reply #930784 | Report this post

Last year

Dear experts,

After wanting to sack everyone despite only a few games been played should Perth still sack everyone?

Reply #930786 | Report this post

Last year

Pinder looks deflated and totally knows he fs up leaving cairns

He doesn't have a role , doesn't feel involved and it's totally out of sorts

But hey wtf would I know

Only the commenting team and DJ vesaljvic is calling out rillie and the cats for bis lack of involvement in anything

Reply #930788 | Report this post

Last year

Hutchy be rocking back in his leather couch thinking he top sh1t.

Reply #930789 | Report this post

Last year

What's the reason for Pinder playing very poor defence, I’d that the coach as well.

Reply #930790 | Report this post

Last year

For all the comments about Pinder.. this is who he is. Cairns ran way more than most teams would through him so his numbers were inflated above where they would be elsewhere and now we are seeing that. He is very good at what he does well, but hes limited. He doesn't have a shot outside the keyway and he doesn't have postmoves. So he has to get it at the elbow and make quick one dribble moves. Forde had him basically doing that 15 times a game.

Reply #930791 | Report this post

Last year

U obviously didn't watch taipans games last year

The statement is comical

Pinders bread and Pinder was being placed on the block and going to work

Not sitting at the top of the key and driving to the whole

U mfz really are casuals , the majority of his points and plays run were literally in the loq post lol

Reply #930792 | Report this post

Last year

That's been the biggest issue the majority of his shots were from the block or with his back to the basket

Or PNR action from taipans players

If anyone thinks the cats are playing a good brand of bball isn't watching bball

Reply #930793 | Report this post

Last year

Pinder, good player, not great, media loves him though as he got spectacular dunks. Teams that win championships don't always play attractive basketball but they play great D, you can say that about most sports.

Reply #930798 | Report this post

Last year

Attractive bball dunkman

Or just no real system outside of get the ball to one player at all costs , without any real rhyme or reason ..or true system on the offensive end

The schedule has been weak and we have got lucky

Only thing which has saved this team for a greater blow torch applied to them..that will change v v soon

Reply #930802 | Report this post

Last year

Teams that win championships don't always play attractive basketball but they play great D

and have a coach who can utilise the players to the best of their ability and skill set.

Reply #930812 | Report this post

Last year

^^^^^ yep.

Reply #930814 | Report this post

Last year

Pinder's productivity isn't on Forde as he did just as well in Spain last season. In fact his 2022-23 European and NBL stats were almost identical.

Reply #930815 | Report this post

Last year

Pinder had a few massive minus games in Spain, he scored highly against Real in a loss when Real rested most their starters for a big euro league game and was around minus 17 on memory.

Reply #930816 | Report this post

Last year

Real's bench aren't exactly scrubs.

Reply #930830 | Report this post

Last year

You are right but stats can be misleading at times.

Reply #930832 | Report this post

Last year

Cherry picking stats also can be misleading.

Reply #930842 | Report this post

Masters League  
Last year

Another thing with Pinder and Spain, probably unnoticed by most, was the way Perth announced their signing of Pinder on 1 April, when Pinder actually played a game for Fuenlabrada that very night, and played even more games for Fuenlabrada that month. Then he sat out the last 6 games of the season injured. Fuenlabrada fans social media comments said not happy seeing Perth's premature announcement, disrespectful to Fuenlabrada while Pinder is on their team still with 10 games to end of regular season. I say unprofessional by Perth Wildcats and disrespectful by Pinder.

Reply #930865 | Report this post

Last year

BWS1blood- You are right he did get the ball in the mid post more in Cairs similar to the elbow he would always turn and face and make a quick move. Using his speed rather than an actual post move.

Reply #930871 | Report this post

Last year

"Pinder, good player, not great, media loves him though as he got spectacular dunks. "

Dunks don't hurt, but he was one of the most dominant locals in the league. Whether he is great or not is subjective, but in Cairns' system he was featured and performed. Perth's system is very perimeter/Cotton focused which makes sense for the most part, but if they couldn't find a way to get Pinder involved back when Cotton couldn't hit the side of a barn to start the season, I don't see it happening now that he looks like Cotton again. It definitely limits their ceiling despite the win streak but they will always be a shot if Cotton is scoring in the mid-to-high 20s.

Reply #930872 | Report this post

Last year

Making better use of Pinder is an obvious area of (potential) improvement.
Yes he has limitations but we clearly should be getting more out of him. To date we have seen glimpses only.
JR has had bigger fish to fry in terms of fixing things until now, but this one needs to be more of a priority now.

Reply #930873 | Report this post

Last year


Tomayto - tomaaat toe ..

I think we R both right but it was a combo of both he def had his back to the basket along with catching it in the middle as U mentioned or coming off PNR action

Someone has yet to show me how at the very least why Bryce isn't catching Pinder as he rolls on any screen he sets and I mean ANY

He literally never passes to him in that action , but will do it for saar or Thomas last year
As others have said rillie doesn't seem to do well to set up guys to play to there strengths

It's amazing to see the way Travers is thriving under a competent coach

Reply #930883 | Report this post

Last year sure highlights another other big reasons bowen went to UNITED rather then the cats

I'm know conversations were had between Travers and bowen about his potential for development under rillie

Reply #930884 | Report this post

Last year

Another thing with Pinder and Spain, probably unnoticed by most, was the way Perth announced their signing of Pinder on 1 April, when Pinder actually played a game for Fuenlabrada that very night, and played even more games for Fuenlabrada that month. Then he sat out the last 6 games of the season injured. Fuenlabrada fans social media comments said not happy seeing Perth's premature announcement, disrespectful to Fuenlabrada while Pinder is on their team still with 10 games to end of regular season. I say unprofessional by Perth Wildcats and disrespectful by Pinder.

Totally, they're such a trash organisation now.

Reply #930885 | Report this post

Last year

"As others have said rillie doesn't seem to do well to set up guys to play to there strengths"

Number one offensive team in the league last year. Number one for assists.

Pinder has shot 3/13 the past two games. Before that he was averaging 15.5ppg at 51% on 10.7 shot attempts (last year he averaged 16.9 at 50% on 12.4, which was almost identical per minute to his first 10 games this year).

The challenge for Perth is how to get more from him while still being successful. Last season, Cairns were 10-9 with Pinder playing and 10-4 without him.

At the moment, the Wildcats are having success utilising other aspects of the offence, can they find a way to mix more Pinder in while maintaining what's working well ATM?

Reply #930887 | Report this post

Last year

Interesting stat that, 10-4 with out him and 10-9 with him. If that is correct my summing up was reasonable, good player, not great defensively, great spectacular dunker and media love.

Riley has won five straight, season end will be his test, no one is beating united though.

Reply #930892 | Report this post

Last year

I hate smart dumb MFa who watch box scores and analytics and not the ACTUAL game

If we are talking about that let's talk about how many shot attempts was Taking and shots he wasn't making

And what was the record during that period ?????????????

How and where Pinder is getting those shots on the flow of the offense and where he is getting the ball is the issue

I can take as many shots as I did last year but if they aren't in my spots or every 1 or 2 every quarter and I can't get a rythm what's the point

Now imagine if Pinder was being utliIed like he was in parts during the start of the season to add to Bryce's better looks

Now we are taking a team firing on all cylinders

Not just on 1

No one who is watching the cats at the moment believes Pinder is being used correctly

If Deejay , hevwrin etc are saying it and your saying otherwise your either blind or a cotton meat rider

Reply #930896 | Report this post

Last year

How many shots cotton was taking X makin and our record during that period

What was the analytics telling us then

Reply #930897 | Report this post

Last year

Take a chill pill, opinions are allowed to be different, by the way basketball is a very stats oriented game. I've watched every game this season and last by the way of all teams, I love it. I’ll take my opinion and others over yours. If you think Pinder is going to be the main man at Perth ahead of Cotton, I’d say you are on your own there. Lol

Reply #930899 | Report this post

Last year

Pinder zero offensive boards in the last 2 games according to box score, need to see some more rim rockin put back action. Like Bryce had a bit of a down patch Pinder will find his spot then things become really dangerous I look forward to it.

Reply #930902 | Report this post

Last year

Maybe because rillie has Pinder floating around the three point line most of the time and. Ot down on the block in the mod to low post area

Reply #930903 | Report this post

Last year

Yeh deffo out of position too often, rebounding from the 3 point line never works but seems to be the go to strategy at times

Reply #930904 | Report this post

Last year

@drexler all faxx

Reply #930906 | Report this post

Last year

but because they're winning now people ignore it. Such "it's all good" short sightedness.

Reply #930931 | Report this post

Last year

Don't be less than glowing about anything, Perthworld, or Lowery will accuse you of having an "attitude problem" and "yap-yap-yapping".
Identifying areas for improvement = being "too spoiled"

Reply #930950 | Report this post

Last year

I watch on mute so imagined his commentary was bad but evidently it's worse than that.

Reply #931012 | Report this post

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