Earlier this year

Breakers @ Wildcats - Sun 4th Feb

Anyone watching? Jackson-Cartwright destroying the Wildcats single-handedly, but the Wildcats have got the deficit back to 7 at half time. Lamb went off with an ankle injury. Cotton getting completely manhandled and is 0/6 from the field.

Topic #51781 | Report this topic

Earlier this year

Clear message from the league to Perth and BC. They obviously don't like their stupid interpretations made public. The fact that BC was allowed to be taken out in that sort of fashion and the only non common foul appeared to be a technical on him is an absolute joke. Meanwhile PJC is getting rewarded for every flop flail and dive. Yes he is also amazing but ref's sending a clear message, as usual making the game about them.

Reply #935599 | Report this post

Earlier this year

It's been a very good game, PJC is an absolute gun, if nz hadn’t been so bad he’d be right in the mvp calculations. Breakers playing hard, cats not handling it to well. Score flatters cats.

Reply #935600 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Cats lucky to be only down by 7 at the half. Breakers thoroughly outplayed them in all areas but missed some open looks. Cats could have used a Norto to lock down on PJC but Henshall did a pretty good job on him towards the end of the half. Maybe Tai going out with 3 fouls was a blessing

Reply #935601 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Oh please, anon go away

Reply #935602 | Report this post

Earlier this year

That was Tai Webster's 4th foul... what did he do wrong? Absolutely disgrace. Defending with 4 fouls absoulety impacts the game.

Reply #935603 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Dunkman, there is a very clear difference in contact been allowed when attacking the rim, BC clearly anticipating the next hit coming, ref's have allowed the tactic. Nz have been incredibly physical, perth can't breathe on them before a call.

Reply #935605 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Considering the run oerth had before that bullshit block call I'd saybi was right, ref's stopped blowing perth run

Reply #935606 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Also how was wagstaffs a block yet pkc got a charge on doolittle??

Reply #935607 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Hey Dunkman,
I thought everyone was entitled to an opinion.

Reply #935609 | Report this post

Earlier this year

As I said, anon go away. It's been a great game, ref well. Rubstavicious is gun, plays great D, passes very well and scores.

Reply #935610 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Great dig by NZ with Lamb out.

Reply #935611 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Out of curiosity does Doolittle look to pass out of the post when PJC is on him if he didn't get called for a comical offensive foul earlier? Just wondering. Usually he feasts on those mismatches

Reply #935612 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Cotton has been hot garbage.

Reply #935614 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Refs have not been good for either team Dunkman, inconsistent and calling too much.

Reply #935615 | Report this post

Earlier this year

I guess it's okay to not call a charge because it is wagstaff? I mean again if we are going to give the one to PJC earlier, why won't we reward having position amd taking it in the chest???

Reply #935616 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Bryce playing like it's round 3 again.
Somehow it's still not quite over yet.

Reply #935617 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Yeah Cotton looks rattled.

Reply #935618 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Dunkman you were okay with them elbows raised? I'm glad you think this was officiated well. I think it has been one of the more inconsistent games in some time. Glad you have enjoyed it. Seeing the best player in our league taken out of the game physically is not basketball for mine.

Reply #935619 | Report this post

Earlier this year

It is only his opinion ( and he has plenty)

Reply #935621 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Shows the importance of Hyrum Harris and Tai Webster

Reply #935622 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Bloody well played, NZ.

Anon, your incessant sooking is embarrassing.

Reply #935623 | Report this post

Earlier this year

If the ref's could be half as consistent as I am we would have a much better product, just a thought....

Reply #935624 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Quality game by two quality sides, this breakers team can really cause trouble if they qualify. I like Pinder and Doolittle game, and thought PJC, Cheatham, Rubstavicious, and Mathiang great for nz.

Reply #935625 | Report this post

Earlier this year

@ havachat, it's an open forum, you can have as many opinions as me or anyone else, my passion is basketball and I love the way the nbl has gone under the LK regime. If you don’t like what opinions don’t read them or respond.

Reply #935626 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Great win NZ

Would be top 4, if not for all the injuries to Cheatham, Delaney and Rubsta

Reply #935627 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Very good game by the Breakers well deserved win. Atrocious game by the wildcats. Any team that plays half decent defense the cats have no other ways to generate some scoring apart from iso ball. It was finals like intensity i wonder if JR has anything up his sleeve or if he still believes they don't need to work on their weaknesses. Usher is too inconsistent he needs to be more of an outside threat for when Cotton is contained because they seemed to lack shooters out there. Doolittle hasn't been the same since his concussion and isn't shooting the three ball well either

Reply #935628 | Report this post

Earlier this year

It was finals like intensity i wonder if JR has anything up his sleeve or if he still believes they don't need to work on their weaknesses.

I doubt it - he's grinded through the regular season after a horrid start, there's not much left in the tank - playoffs are a totally different ballgame.

Reply #935629 | Report this post

Earlier this year

JR master coaching on full display in the last 2 home games, only 10 days apart.

Reply #935630 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Not a great stage of the season for our form to start regressing.

Wonder what the scouts make of Sarr. Pops up with some good things some nights, but overall his instinct for the game seems pretty lacking.

Reply #935631 | Report this post

Earlier this year

In the beginning Sarr seemed full of confidence. Now I'm not so sure.

He should have been getting more minutes as a potential #1 draft pick; perhaps this is a factor.

Reply #935632 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Well, I thought that was a fantastic game. Yes the calls prob went breakers way a few times but didn't change the result.

Perth fans - don't be so overactive... you're clearly still one of the top two teams and got great depth. I thought doolittle played really well. Hard to see the finals being anyone but perth v MU

But without triggering the reaction from last week I'll repeat my claim that cotton is off the pace for mvp. Love him as a player but this is not his best season. Shooting 39% and 33% well below mvp standard.

Which brings me to your comment dunkman... PJC has got to be an MVP contender. If you consider his overall stats, defensive awareness and the way he and lamb carried the breakers through injuries the only player who's played better throughout the whole season is creek

Reply #935633 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Everyone should ignore Anon and Jacket. Don't feed the trolls.

The Hawks setup the template to slow down Cotton. And the Breakers repeated it. Both United and Perth look beatable.

The key problem for Perth though was Hyrum Harris’ foul trouble. He’s their key glue guy.

While a lot of the talk is about PJC, the Breakers look best when Cheatham and Rubstavicius are on the floor. A better game from Le’afa late, but I think Rubstavicius deserves minutes. He is very, very good at both ends.

There was been some talk about Maors rotations. I liked we saw more from Pineau tonight and he made some key plays. But sitting PJC, Cheatham and Rubstavicius too long killed their momentum in the 3rd quarter.

Breakers will be sweating on Lamb. Big game for the Breakers and Hawks coming up on Friday.

Reply #935634 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Three poor games in a row now so not so much of an overreaction. Ladder position doesn't guarantee anything its more how they are playing and whether it can stand up in the finals is the question fans are asking

Reply #935636 | Report this post

Earlier this year

So good to see mantas play well again. He's got to be climbing the draft boards as people see his game IQ, shooting accuracy and now defence which mody now trusts ahead of Abercrombie. A shame the breakers will prob miss the post season cos it would be nice for him to show the form in finals which I think he's capable of moreso than dieng and rupert

Reply #935637 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Yeah I get that bol and don't mean to sound condescending. I just think it's a very good roster playing a good structure but got carried away with playing to cotton rather than through cotton. Easy fix. I wish we had a problem that small!

Reply #935638 | Report this post

Earlier this year

It's an achilles according to Olgun, which is exactly what it looked like, so unfortunately put a fork in him, Lamb is done.

Reply #935641 | Report this post

Earlier this year

In that case I think you can put a fork in the breakers!

Reply #935643 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Damn the breakers have had so much bad luck with injuries this season!

It looked like an achilles judging by his reaction when it happened. Its the worst possible outcome

Reply #935646 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Well if true re Lamb, yes it will be harder but I still think they could scrape into sixth place. Totally agree re Moar subbing today, was far better. Rubstavicious was excellent, he's the best NS this season though I still believe Sarr would be a great pick up.

I certainly wouldn’t be upset if PJC was the mvp, while I believe Cotton is an absolute superstar it’s the middle piece of the season with not his best at start and end. If Cotton won it, it would be a fair result as well.

Reply #935648 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Sack JR.

Reply #935653 | Report this post

The Phantom  
Earlier this year

Pretty simple, stop Cotton or hope he has a bad night and Perth are done. He definitely didn't like the treatment Rubštavičius was giving him, Pity Flowers didn't display that attitude. The rest were an absolute rabble apart from Pinder inside, the next best was Wagstaff although his flops have gotten so theatrical the refs don't even bother now.
Only downside for me was that pathetic display was done on Damo's jersey retirement. Should have done it before the game, would have been pretty flat after.

Reply #935654 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Jersey retirement was excellent. It was very easy to put the game disappointment aside once that got underway. A lot of people stuck around for it.

Reply #935655 | Report this post

Earlier this year

hello Dunkman,
Just got home from having dinner with my passion (the wife & having a life) and saw your latest post to me. Sadly i cannot make a decision about a post until i have read it, also on an open forum i believe you are allowed to post an answer
(of course, you must follow the rules as set by the moderators of the site).
Now, as i believe i have followed those rules, There are a couple of things i will make you aware of.
1. Trying to bully me usually just gets me more focussed.
2. you are self opinioned and that make you an easy target.
3. I follow the forum, but very rarely comment, as i think a lot of you are just keyboard warriors looking to fill your empty lives. I read it mainly for laughs,just to fill in time on slow days (plus i am a Taipans member and have been since day one, But i also enjoy watching the great teams)
but ocassional when you go over the top regarding Coaches, Players and Refs
( who you probably have no real information about), I can't help myself and just have to have a dig.
4. I notice you are happy to give Anon and jacket a serve,( which they are trying to get you to do ( easy Target).
But then saying everyone is allowed to have an opinion ( as long as they agree with you), or they are not
5. I have added you to my weekly work list. With the finals coming up i think we will should be able to have some good fun with our (and others) opinions

Reply #935656 | Report this post

Earlier this year

hello Dunkman,
Just got home from having dinner with my passion (the wife & having a life) and saw your latest post to me. Sadly i cannot make a decision about a post until i have read it, also on an open forum i believe you are allowed to post an answer
(of course, you must follow the rules as set by the moderators of the site).
Now, as i believe i have followed those rules, There are a couple of things i will make you aware of.
1. Trying to bully me usually just gets me more focussed.
2. you are self opinioned and that make you an easy target.
3. I follow the forum, but very rarely comment, as i think a lot of you are just keyboard warriors looking to fill your empty lives. I read it mainly for laughs,just to fill in time on slow days (plus i am a Taipans member and have been since day one, But i also enjoy watching the great teams)
but ocassional when you go over the top regarding Coaches, Players and Refs
( who you probably have no real information about), I can't help myself and just have to have a dig.
4. I notice you are happy to give Anon and jacket a serve,( which they are trying to get you to do ( easy Target).
But then saying everyone is allowed to have an opinion ( as long as they agree with you), or they are not
5. I have added you to my weekly work list. With the finals coming up i think we will should be able to have some good fun with our (and others) opinions

Reply #935657 | Report this post

Earlier this year

You lost all of us when you said you were a taipans member lol

Reply #935658 | Report this post

Earlier this year

in your opinion,
You now speak for all the forum??? LOL
see what i mean, easy target.

Reply #935659 | Report this post

Earlier this year

I don't give anyone a serve, I pass opinions and yes they are mine. Enjoy.

Reply #935660 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Three poor games in a row now so not so much of an overreaction. Ladder position doesn't guarantee anything its more how they are playing and whether it can stand up in the finals is the question fans are asking

It's refreshing when other forumites get it.

Reply #935661 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Am I right in thinking jessop has still been training with the breakers and is ready to step in if they need him. I'm sure I saw him in some breakers training pics??

Reply #935662 | Report this post

Big Fudge  
Earlier this year

Wildcats still unable to play well when Cotton is taken out of games, he had a stinker yesterday... sure some of that was due to poor officiating but its the NBL so this is to be expected on a nightly basis.

Breakers played very well, they managed to get the better end of the inefficiency of the refs. Cats need to pull their finger out if they are going to make the GF. Home court advantage doesn't mean as much for Perth as it used to.

Reply #935670 | Report this post

Earlier this year

^^^ Agreed Big Fudge ^^^

Its always been the case regarding Cotton. Except Trev always had counters for whatever the opposition threw at them to get him free or someone else an open look.

JR simply hasn't learned and even said in the presser after the second loss to the Hawks that its just an aberration and they continue to focus on playing the same way. This is fine if you have the game on your own terms but they need to be able win ugly when its a grind in the half court too.

Reply #935671 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Just read Jessop still injured and hasn't played enough games to qualify for finals anyway. Breakers in the poop now, especially with delany and Abercrombie struggling so much

Reply #935673 | Report this post

Basket 91  
Earlier this year

Breakers need to win 2/4 to make finals.

Brisbane have to win both since their percentage is low.

Run home

Illawarra @ New Zealand, @ Sydney, vs Perth, @ Tasmania - could see Perth and/or Tasmania resting last round if locked into spots

Sydney @ Illawarra, @ SE Melbourne - SE Melbourne beat up at helps them.

Brisbane vs Adelaide, @ New Zealand realistically need both given percentage but capable of it

New Zealand vs Illawarra, @ Melbourne, vs Brisbane, @ Adelaide - Lamb out hurts but should be able to get 2 wins.

Overall think Illawarra, Brisbane and New Zealand playing each other decides it whoever wins those gets in I think.

Reply #935674 | Report this post

Earlier this year

A good chance both the Hawks and the Breakers make it in. There's something about the Bullets that is not convincing.

I don’t expect the Breakers to last long without Lamb unless Delany brings back some vintage form quickly. Abercrombie’s minutes have been swallowed by Rubstavicius, thankfully. Although in those limited minutes, probably the minutes he should have been playing since last season, he’s been effective. Would love to see Mantas back next season.

Reply #935675 | Report this post

Earlier this year

The only chance of getting him back is him getting stashed from the draft but he'll be too high for that I think. Agree would be epic to have him back although I guess then he'd be an import spot rather than next star

Reply #935683 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Nah Justinian Jessup was a stash from Golden State but was still called a next star

Reply #935691 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Anthony Lamb has torn his Achilles and is out for the remainder of the season.

Reply #935722 | Report this post

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