Earlier this year

U16 Nationals

VIC teams published for 16 Nationals. Are they still favourites? IMO not the girls. That'll be one of the QLD teams unless Ryan takes hold like she can.

Topic #51878 | Report this topic

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this year

Great selections for vic metro women lol, what a joke.

Reply #938380 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Vic Metro Boys look very strong. 3 returning from last year's team. Great size, ability to finish, and both interior and perimeter defense. Probably not as good an outside shooting team as last year, but with so many scoring options on the floor I don't think it will matter too much.

Reply #938387 | Report this post

Earlier this year

IMO definitely not the best teams selected for either the girls or boys.

QLD will dominate the girls

QLD and NSW will dominate the boys

Reply #938388 | Report this post

Crabby Crabot  
Earlier this year

Im back for another critical look at Vic metro women's team. Woeful. Disgusting selection process.
M Ryan has made Australian team she won’t be playing
V Lubjcic tore ACL at combine won’t return for 12 months
E Brown didn’t attend full tryouts as injured during tryouts
E Anderson didn’t attend full tryouts as injured during tryouts

Future state players, don’t waste your efforts on high development training, academies, schools basketball - here are a few tips:

1. Get off the bench and get involved in an on court brawl and bring the game into disrepute because you will be protected by the powers that be.

2. Don’t tryout! Why waste your time actually taking the court to try out when you can be injured and sail through to combine and state team list.

3. Have relatives that help you through.

4. Have training sessions with the head of the women’s metro state program

5. Be coached either historically or currently in VJBL by the current state coach

6. Have parents that follow Tim Notke’s school of thought because when he said "Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard" he was definitely referring to parents working hard on their ass-kissing abilities.

It’s lucky the other states are so terrible, even with this lucky dip of a team, vic metro women may still get a medal but please don’t call it rose gold.

Reply #938390 | Report this post

Earlier this year

@ CC, it always been that way. It's rubbish.

Reply #938393 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Certainly a few surprises in the Vic Metro girls team thats for sure!!

Any thoughts on the Vic country teams?

Reply #938396 | Report this post

Crabby Crabot  
Earlier this year

2 other former coaches and I personally watched a number of the A/A reserve grade games of the Eltham Dandenong Tournament and prior to that some practise and grading games. We believe, they have chosen incorrectly based on what we observed, injuries and tribunal aside.

Our rough team outline:
Jones as the only bottom age

Reply #938398 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this year

Who from the emergencies got promotion?

Reply #938402 | Report this post

Earlier this year

@ CC your team looks much stronger on paper.

Reply #938404 | Report this post

Earlier this year

The Country boys look to have gone for talent over size. They look to top out at 6'2. There will be at least 2 6'9 kids at the nationals, which may prove challenging. Also seemed a little inconsistent in effort and intensity at the combine, but that could very well be injuries the boys were playing through. Certainly a talented bunch who should be able to put plenty of points on the board at the nationals. May struggle with the other team doing the same however.

Reply #938407 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Unfortunately parachuting in a HP Manager who has no knowledge of the local scene has allowed the lunatics to take over the asylum. Having said that, its not entirely her fault, its endemic in the HP that selections at all levels neglects performance in games of basketball. You can see it from FDP, to SDP and NPP selections through to State teams.

On a side note re the girl involved in the brawl. I expect there is a fair bit to that story that hasn't been let out, it will and should be left to the Tribunal to decide the outcome.

Reply #938408 | Report this post

Crabby Crabot  
Earlier this year

@weedy - Unsure who will end up in actual team, but would have to assume Anderson will get call up if injury subsides in time, maybe TD Puoch, Barbakas.
They originally were going to take 4 emergencies, then they increased to 7 then at naming the team went to 8.

Reply #938409 | Report this post

Earlier this year

@CC What Aus team has M Ryan made? Im aware shes in the U17WC squad, but that team hasn't been announce to the best of my knowledge, or has she been told she cant play the U16 Nationals because she is preparing for the WC?

Reply #938410 | Report this post

Crabby Crabot  
Earlier this year

@Frogface correct told she can't play but believe she will be named in the team - stay tuned.

Reply #938411 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this year

An 09 making the u17WC team, hopefully not.... 07/08 is extremely stacked.

Reply #938412 | Report this post

Crabby Crabot  
Earlier this year

She is quite versatile but I agree with you Weedyslug.
That U16 will struggle without her if that's the way it goes.

Reply #938413 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Wonderful effort if a double bottom age makes the WC side! as @weedy said the 07/08 age group is strong... watch this space I guess!

Reply #938414 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this year

Thought similar... prior to injuries.

Fakalata PG
Jones PG
Browne PG
Ljubicic SG
Scarafilo SG
Tavete G/F
Puoch(Tie) SF
Anderson CF
Ryan CF
Barbakas PF/C
Trout PF/C
Richardson C

Reply #938415 | Report this post

Earlier this year

I'm told Ryan was a standout at the camp in January despite being an injury replacement. I tend to believe CC that BVic have been given the heads up of her impending selection.

Is anyone actually surprised that the same coach botched selections for the third year in a row, or that another HP manager with inadequate coaching experience allowed it to happen?

Even without Ryan they will still medal and mask the incompetence. Queensland were poor last year and SA's talent is spread between Metro and Country.

Reply #938419 | Report this post

Crabby Crabot  
Earlier this year

Jayhoops the head coach cried her way back in and all but begged for the role back as she promised HP manager a gold.

Unfortunately you mirror my thoughts the other states just aren't up to it and VM will medal.

Reply #938420 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this year

Those playing in her position are Taylor and Russell, both at the COE.
I can't see BA making room for an 09.
Leap frogging others like Mead, Bijkerk, Gardiner, Petrie, Notoa etc seems unlikely.
Should be a lock for oceanias at the end of the year.

Reply #938424 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Selection processes in Vic are broken. In part, it doesn't matter because you could probably fill a couple of teams of highly competitive teams and the results come through. What matters is that it impacts on kids. Some kids will realise it’s all hubris and so move on. But it does impact on kids.

Reply #938427 | Report this post

Earlier this year

This is what happens when a high performance head coach who has never coached before is hired and jokes about it on social media.
The only reason two of the state head coaches have returned for another year is because no one else applied for the role, which is saying a lot.

Reply #938428 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this year

If you wanted to push more kids towards footy...

Reply #938429 | Report this post

Earlier this year

It would be a disgrace if they pick Ryan for the Gems. I'm a big fan and think she probably has the most potential out of the whole 09 crop, but she's not currently even the best player in that age group and she's certainly not at the level of the better 07 wings in any of the major States. Her time will come, robbing a more deserved kid of that achievement would be really disappointing.

Agree with most of Weedy's picks, Scarafilo, Barbakas and Anderson should have been shoe ins. It shouldn't matter that Anderson couldn't try out, her performances last year were sufficient. I can think of a couple of others I would consider very unlucky but those 3 stand out as obvious picks.

Reply #938430 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this year

The gems 06/07 U18 asia
The sapphires 07/08 U17 wc
First phase sapphires 09/10 U15 oceania < the only team she should make this year.

Reply #938433 | Report this post

Earlier this year

XXXX.. agree her upside looks great, but she would need to have improve 1000% from Nationals in WA last year to be in the 17WC now. And maybe she has which is great.. shes a lock for U15 AUS IMO
There was 3 better bottom age players ahead of her in WA ( 2 from QLD,1 x SAC), let alone go up 2 age groups for the WC in 9 months!! I appreciate different types of players.

Reply #938434 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this year



Reply #938435 | Report this post

Earlier this year

IMO ...Yes from what i saw, but know players develop at different stages. Your thoughts?

Reply #938436 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this year

U15 I had...

2 PG tbd, (wait for U16s, about 6-7 in contention)
Ljubicic, (wont happen this year)
2 of Bonham, Daly, Scarafilo, Puoch, few others

Reply #938437 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Hard to argue with that list IMO, it'll be interesting how the bottom ages go this year in Bendigo, mainly Bonham, Daly, Jones who seem to be best of the bottom age talent? Have I missed any?

Reply #938439 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this year

10 is not as deep as 09. 11 is deep.

Toeleiu was very good but now looks to be playing for nz.

Some names...


Reply #938441 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Hocking, Olechnowicz and Smith are definitely the standouts, with Ryan. All three were better players than her last year, though the difference wasn't huge and her skill set seems more translatable to a higher level. I've seen her play this year and the impression I get is that she's kept improving, her shot in particular looks better and she looks stronger, but I doubt she could compete effectively with any of the better 07 wings.

Reply #938443 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Who is the Gems coach?

It is correct if an 09 is picked for the Gems, then they miss the Australian u16 National Championships?

Reply #938445 | Report this post

Earlier this year

I struggle to believe they have already picked the side..

Reply #938446 | Report this post

Earlier this year

You're misunderstanding CC's assertion. I also don't believe they've picked the side, but they would obviously have an idea going into the camp of who their 12 are and Ryan is one of those. If true, this would make her unavailable for U16 nationals.

Obviously many on here disagree with the merits of such a decision, but that doesn't mean it won't happen.

The Sapphires coach is Tom Garlepp, and Crocs coach is Nathan Cooper-Brown.

Reply #938453 | Report this post

Ally Oop  
Earlier this year

VIC Metro U16 girls looking even weaker now that the main PG has been banned for 20 weeks after the tribunal... If she, Ryan, Anderson and others are out, an SA team might pip VIC Metro for a bronze medal IMO. Both SAM and SAC have a strong starting 5 and both have talent that is amongst the best 09/10s in Australia. QLD most likely for gold and silver, but watch this space for bronze now the VIC team is depleted.

Reply #938675 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Throw in Ljubicic with a knee reconstruction it really puts Vic Metro chances of medalling back to the pack.
QLD look the early runner for gold/silver now and they will have the best few players in the tournament and decent depth players.
I'm still not convinced SAM/SAC have enough talent to medal @Allyoop, both may have a few decent players, but I believe they will drop off from their 4-10th player.
Assuming metro will have Hardin who played very well last year and will be there best player? Annielise Elliott come of an injury last year and didn’t get much court time, I’m sure she’ll be better this year.

who else will stand up ? Maybe Isabelle Daly but shes a bottom age and untried at this level?

SAM don’t have the depth of previous years but happy to be proven wrong

SAC - had 6 bottom ages last year with only Stockley and Hocking that looked decent but will need much more support to medal IMO

It’ll be a great tournament again and I look forward to seeing all the athletes do there thing.

Reply #938685 | Report this post

Team nWo  
Earlier this year

Why was she banned for 20 weeks?

Reply #938686 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Local game of basketball and there was a brawl mainly with the parents but the kids were involved.

It was recorded and doing the rounds!

Reply #938687 | Report this post

Team nWo  
Earlier this year

Jesus.....just saw it. That's crazy. Was it a club game (domestic) or a rep game? Insane either way.

Reply #938688 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Quick to write off Vic Metro girls??
Will maybe be missing 2 or 3 of the named team, but still stacked. A lot of talk on here about coach and system. She is a good caoch.
Maybe less talk if the girls still go on and win gold.

Reply #938689 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Winning gold with a "stacked" group (in your words) would make people forget about two years of poor selections and underperforming?

Reply #938691 | Report this post

Earlier this year


You are right about underperforming the past few years, can't hide from that.
2021 & 2022 definitely disappointing result, 2023 we performed much better but clearly the second best team. SA too good.

2024 obviously won't be at full strength but the depth of the squad is good and the aim is still gold. But cannot afford any more injuries! But there are certainly 3-4 other teams who are very strong and impressive as well.

Reply #938693 | Report this post

Earlier this year

I agree that injuries and potential national team selection will play a big part in how well the metro girls will go in the tournament, though i'm really surprised that theres no mention of the country girls. The country team has some strong talent in there and isnt out of the mix with upsetting the standard expectation of Vic metro being the number one team. Watch this space......

Reply #938694 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Based on talent they were on par but Vic managed to lose by 16 and 15 in their two games vs SA.

SA were organised and played to the strength of their best player, and Vic did nothing to disrupt that in the grand final. The only bright spot was Rivet with four threes, who wasn't even picked in the initial 10!

I agree Vic's depth is fantastic this year, so there's no excuse for the coach if they aren't in the grand final and taking it to Queensland.

Reply #938695 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Vic Metro has a lot of depth in that age group, but the squad they have chosen is not representative of this. It would be good for Vic basketball if this team doesn't medal as it might force some change.

Reply #938698 | Report this post

Earlier this year


I agree with you about a comment on the Metro squad. I think overall there is great depth but a couple of the names I was not expecting to be there, or a couple not included. So yes, representation is interesting.

I wont voice my thoughts on the couple of names included in the squad as this would be quite unfair and not necessary. So I dont want to go there.
But interested to know people's thoughts on a few of the girls who were possibly unlucky not to make the squad? Both 2009 and 2010.

Reply #938700 | Report this post

Earlier this year

good question Billo. Who was unlucky to miss in both the girls and the boys? There's always a few that go on to make the selectors look silly. Josh Giddey & Steph Reid both spring to mind.

Reply #938702 | Report this post

Earlier this year

The worst omissions are all emergencies, Anderson, the taller Puoch twin, Scarafilo and Barbakas. Scarafilo is averaging over 30ppg.

Reply #938708 | Report this post

Earlier this year

XXXX...BINGO...well said, i can handle Anderson as she has a reported stress fractures in her back with a 12-16 week recovery window.

Naming Ljubicic is farcical as she's had a total knee reconstruction and is 12 months off playing!

Reply #938710 | Report this post

Earlier this year

That is correct news about Anderson. Very sad for her. Good girl, good player

Reply #938711 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Vic Country Girls Coach is outstanding communicator and leader IMO who will (like her predecessor) will have team exceed expectations with TEAM success.

Reply #938714 | Report this post

Earlier this year

I don't agree that expectations were exceeded over the last two years, but I think this is more of an issue with the Country HP system. Carly and Mat are undoubtedly fantastic people.

Reply #938722 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Agreed @Hmmm, the country girls will thrive under her coaching style.
It appears this forum is largely focused on Metro, so i'll try my hand at some insight into the country girls squad.

Eliza Ashby is fantastic mid. Very hard to guard and great iq.
Georgia Baensch is a jet PG, regular dead heat with metro PG Fakalata
Neave Terpstra is a 3 point SG
Amily Smith another strong guard
Elise Napier is their big, strong player with a bright future

This is likely their strongest 5 atm, though the rest of the squad are strong players and will only get stronger as a team over the next few months. It'll be interesting to see how they fair against the metro girls in their scrimmages leading up to the nationals.
Don't write them off just yet

Reply #938723 | Report this post

Ally Oop  
Earlier this year

Assuming all the above information is true, and Ljubicic, Fakalata and Ryan are unable to play at 16 Nationals, and Anderson is injured, which emergencies do you think will replace the three and who will VIC Metro have as a starting 4/5 then? (As a guess).

SAM and SAC teams not named yet, but guesses for their team's starting 4/5 would be:

Stella Reed
Ava Woosnam
Mia Richards

5th? Either another strong guard or 6"5 Alex Deng

Any guesses for the starting 4/5 for the QLD teams?

Reply #938726 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this year

Probably the same as last u16s.

Catip or Luki?
Mapp? Or they might go smaller

Foai or Moke
Ilic or Gurney
Johnson or Ilic

Reply #938727 | Report this post

Ally Oop  
Earlier this year

@weedy what about the starting 5 for vic metro?

Reply #938730 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this year

That would depend on who comes in.

Reply #938731 | Report this post

Earlier this year

@weedy, any idea NSW and WA lists looking like in this age group ?

Reply #938733 | Report this post

Ally Oop  
Earlier this year

@weedy who do you think should come in from the VM emergencies?

Reply #938734 | Report this post

Earlier this year

@weedy, any idea NSW and WA lists looking like in this age group ?

Reply #938735 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this year





Reply #938736 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Sorry not sure what I did there !

Reply #938737 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this year


Reply #938738 | Report this post

Ally Oop  
Earlier this year

Weedy - agreed

Reply #938751 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this year

Selector gonna look real silly when the tournament comes around.

Reply #938752 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Another BV mess.

Reply #938753 | Report this post

Mr. Cesp  
Earlier this year


Agree with XXXX, Anderson, Puoch, Scarafilo and Barbakas were unlucky. However, I would have also liked to have seen Leuluai included at least as an emergency, as a bottom ager. Saw Jones v Leuluai in a high school game last year and it was great viewing.

Reply #938760 | Report this post

Ally Oop  
Earlier this year

So, in theory, if Barabakus, Puoch and Scarafilo replace Fakalata, Ryan and Lublijic, who is deserving of the starting 5? Jones as main PG?

Reply #938772 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this year

If she makes the u17 WC as a double bottom ager... think that would be a very poor decision by the selectors.
Easily one of the best 09s but I've seen her go up against 06/07s and she struggled.

Fakalata, ljubicic, ryan, anderson. funnily enough I’d go with those who were not selected in the s5.

PG Jones
SG Scarafilo
SF Puoch
PF/C Barbakas
PF/C Richardson

Reply #938778 | Report this post

Earlier this year

I think it'd be

PG - Brown
SG - Scarafilo
SF - Tavete
PF/C - Richardson
PF/C - Trout

Reply #938787 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Let me see if I got this right, all the bad mouthing of the coach and HP manager and the 6 month process of seeing the kids competing against other states at ECC, SCC and each other at the combine will have been because the girls that supposedly missed out due to a gross error in judgement are in fact Emergencies???
I thought all this conjecture was about players who didn't even make the squad at all. So did they get the 15 top kids right or not? Who missed out all together that isn't there?

And an argument for another day is there is no such thing as high performance at 12,13 & 14 years old, they are no where near close to being even 50% of finished product.

Reply #938854 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Just looked at the vision of the brawl, looked like most of the kids were just trying to stop the parents. Horrendous behaviour and very sad for the kids quite frankly. Hopefully the adults were given very substantial bans - anyone know the number of years they got (and I hope it was years)?

Reply #938856 | Report this post

Team nWo  
Earlier this year

Except for the one stomping on someones head

Reply #938860 | Report this post

Earlier this year

My view only, but I think some of the parents should have been punished harder than others. All behaviour was bad, but some was down right ridiculous. Word is that some parents may have been handed 1 year ban, but not 100% sure on that. Maybe others can confirm? I think that 1 or 2 of them are very lucky if that is all they did actually receive.
Not sure exactly how many of the girls were suspended in the end, but 1 should definitely have a higher figure than the others. Little bit harsh if some of the players on the fringe of the scrum receive similar penalties.
Having said all that, I wasn't there myself so don't have all of the facts.

Back to the squad. Definitley been a few slight distractions the past few weeks but whatever the final team is it will still be quite strong. As previously discussed in this thread we know that there will probably be 2 or 3 changes. mid July will be the proof time I guess if the coaches and selectors got it right or wrong. Sounds like a couple of people here may have written them off already.

Reply #938862 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this year

They are probably favourites still with sa.

Reply #938865 | Report this post

Earlier this year

I think sometimes when a kid is talented, but doesn't make a team, people automatically blame the selectors and nepotism instead of thinking maybe that kid can't run a play or maybe their basketball IQ is not where it needs to be. There are plenty of talented young juniors out there who just don't know the game and couldn't replicate what's drawn on the coaching board on the floor.

There are people on here all the time talking about this kid is good and that kid is good, but they never mentioned their IQ never mention whether they're a student of the game. It's all just they are 6'9 or 7 foot , they are good shooters etc. as if that's all it takes to be good at basketball. And unfortunately, the only way to know whether a kid has a high basketball IQ or not is to coach them. And to be honest, it does not take a highball IQ to be good on a Friday night

Reply #938881 | Report this post

Earlier this year

And then it looks like when some have a higher Basketball IQ and desire than the coach that does not go down well at all! Especially in the states where the coaches are perhaps not as well trained as the powerhouse states.

Reply #938883 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Juice everything you've said is correct, but also missing the point. This is the third year of controversial selections after two years of underwhelming results.

The issue doesn't exist in the boys program. Even if they get selections "wrong" with the benefit of hindsight, they've managed to win as they should be.

This suggests a fundamental problem in the girls program with the coaches, selectors, the process, or all of the above. I can't speak to potential nepotism or anything like that.

Weedy you don't have Queensland South or North as your favorite?

Reply #938885 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this year

QLD teams not the favourite going in imo but certainly can win it.
Each has a standout player, the rest can be up and down.
If you can slow down Olechnowicz and Smith, likely you will get the win.
Both vic and sa have more options.

2 of the emergency vic metro players are superior and have been superior throughout juniors imo. Vic has a problem where they identify players that might be better in the future... that may prove true but they are not the best available right now.

Reply #938889 | Report this post

Ally Oop  
Earlier this year

Agree that IQ is critical and only the coach really knows if a kid has a great feel for the game, good instincts, reacts well to pressure etc. Also, some kids may have peaked by 14, some may still have heaps of upside and peak in their 20's. No way to know.

Weedy, do you have QLD teams in your big contenders list? And one SA team in particular or both?

To be fair it’s probably a 5 horse race for the top 3 spots between SAM SAC VM and the 2 QLD teams. There is also the element of luck of the draw that needs to be considered in tournaments. A bad game at the wrong point can cost you a lot and some teams might get away with a bad game if it’s against a weaker team and learn from it. Some teams will get the advantage of an easier pool.

Reply #938890 | Report this post

Earlier this year

I watched the SAM girls play VM in Perth last year. SAM looked far stronger and were never not in control of the game. It didn't seem like 2-3 different selections for VM would have made much difference.

On the topic of picking players to win now, versus those that will be better later, I think some balance is required. I would say that producing future Opals and Boomers is more important than winning nationals. I’d imagine that BA and the state HP coaches influence some picks to get players ready to compete for national team selection, even if they are picked over players that can better help their states win nationals now.

Reply #938892 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this year

Potentials with length or size, they do get preference(usually because we produce so few) but it hasn't really worked out on the women’s side. Those given a free pass at 16s or 18s and some who have even gone onto t Coe scholarships without proving themselves have not produced for aus jnr teams and I can’t think of any who have made the opals.

Reply #938893 | Report this post

Earlier this year

I wouldn't be getting too excited about SAC being top 5 from what I saw last year. I appreciate they got heaps of illness and injuries but they didn’t have the depth. Considering they had 6 bottom ages that tells me they were keeping one eye on this year with there selections anyway. They had one absolute gun , one very good player and the rest were average at best. So unless they find 2-3 better players this year I can’t see them at the pointy end of the tournament.

SAM - not convinced either, as I mentioned earlier, they are relying on Eliiott and Hardin. Good players but like SAC the drop off after that. Daly will help but untried at this level and it’s never easy for bottom ages.

As much as Vic Metro appears in turmoil, they will be way too strong for both SA teams IMO!


Reply #938907 | Report this post

Earlier this year

I have to agree about SAM and SAC the depth is just not there and cant see them medalling

Hocking, Hardin, Elliot and Daly the standouts but there are queries at the highest level on each of them. Hocking is a great player and really aggressive and physical but really concerned with her shot as shes not tall enough to only rely on her inside work. Hardin surprised me at the AJCs last year and was a great contributor but she cant be more than 5'5" so will that catch up with her? Elliot was pretty quiet at AJCs last year and I really thought shed have gotten more time and had more of an impact, hopefully it was just because she was coming back from an injury. Her and Daly I think have the best combo of length, athleticism and skill

Reply #938913 | Report this post

Earlier this year

@sabre tooth, agree with all your points from what ive seen and its hard when you only see minimal games to judge these talented athletes.

Hocking,from what im told is a really hard worker and working O/T with HP to improve her shot. I hope this comes better for her so she improves her overall game, as i agree she's too small to play inside. Last listed 175cm, so hardly a dwarf !
Its a SAC thing by the sounds as Sienna Lehmann, Krystal Thompson shot was never elite.
Daly shot ( last time i saw ) was elite and i really hope this continues over her journey. Has she changed district teams? did i see shes at Eastern Mavericks now?

Elliott just needs a decent run with injuries and im sure shell be able to perform at great level at Nationals. Hardin is small, but she cleaned up nearly every PG in Nationals in WA

Reply #938928 | Report this post

Earlier this year

I hope working with HP helps but I would think a trainer would be the better option there. I doubt very much is she's 175 or if she is that's with shoes. Agree re Lehmann and Thompson elite slashers, passers and defenders but average at best shooters

Daly is at Mavericks and in the same team as Hocking

Hope Elliot has a good tournament and Hardin keeps proving me wrong

Reply #938932 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Thank you @ Sabre Tooth. I hope all kids reach their dreams and goals.
Time will tell I guess.

Reply #938934 | Report this post

Earlier this year

time will tell, and whether they've made the state team or not in U16's will likely have very little baring on their future career.

Am I right that there's a boy in the U17 Aus team who did not make the VM U16 team last year and is now at the COE? that's quite a turnaround in 6 months!

Great to know that you can still be 'found' without being part of the traditional pathway.

Reply #938936 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this year




Reply #939324 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this year

My bad, the rest on the list.



Reply #939330 | Report this post

Earlier this year

That's not their final team @weedy! It’s a squad

Reply #939334 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this year


Nsw also with a reduced list.

Reply #939338 | Report this post

Earlier this year

SA Metro just released their final teams on social media.

The girls team looks far and away the weakest team they have ever sent away to a nationals. Predicting 5th to 8th, no size and will have to play their starters big minutes in the pool games.

Reply #939795 | Report this post

Earlier this year

I agree. Same goes for the boys too:

Did Basketball SA deliberately try to sneak in this announcement? There's nothing on their social media about it.

Reply #939798 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this year


Joshua Dartnall
Jack Isaac
Arlee Jamieson
Josh Louis
Tex Launer
Awak Machar Jr
Cohen Mortimer
Giancarlo Nalupta
Zemes Pilot
Samuel Uzcategui Monetenegro

Levi Hibberd
Lucas Breeding
Henry Riddle
Jonathon McConnell
Daniel Deng
Raheim Brown


Alek Deng
Annaliese Elliott
Ava Thomson
Caitlin Hardin
Isabelle Daly
Isobelle Purdie
Lara Gribben
Maia Freemantle
Poppy Dix
Shamah Gabriel Yak
Zoe Jaekel

Annelise Lovell
Atrina Zand
Eloise Pederson
Lucy Pederson
Sydney Reemst

Reply #939799 | Report this post

Earlier this year

@Blues67.. who have they missed in regards to size or simply no size depth in this age group?

Reply #939810 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this year

They do have size, it is u16s... so still growing.

Reply #939811 | Report this post

Earlier this year


Deng is 6'4/5
Gribben and Dix maybe 6'2?

So a little bit of size

Reply #939812 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this year

Deng probably will be the second tallest in the comp.

Reply #939813 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Sorry, meant that their players with size, from my information are very raw.

Very guard heavy and don't understand why as Elliot and Hardin will be playing 30+ minutes a game.

Reply #939814 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this year

All bigger than 6'4.
I’d guess...

#1 Clague
#2 Deng
#3 Johnson

Reply #939815 | Report this post

Earlier this year

You don't understand why they didn't pick more talls that are even more raw than the aforementioned names?

SA's two best rep teams which make up the majority of the metro and country state teams are all guards or small wings. The talent just isn't deep this year for SA.

Reply #939816 | Report this post

Earlier this year

If you think this years team is weak I think you'll be blown away by next years team. It will be weaker but sac will be weaker than them.

Reply #939817 | Report this post

Earlier this year

As mentioned size of the bigs not the problem just that Deng is very very raw and Dix is a bottom ager, Gribben will be fine. Perhaps a few more long wing type players might have helped but not sure whether there's any depth at that position either? By my count 7 guards and only Elliot and Daly have any size and length

Reply #939819 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this year

Watching both boys and girls u16 state champs, lots of good talent in both.
Logan win the boys comfortably.
Girls currently in progress.

Reply #940346 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Any intel on VicM women's updated team list?

Reply #940596 | Report this post

Crabby Crabot  
Earlier this year

M Ryan named, as I suggested might happen, in sapphires squad.
Good luck VM, definitely going to need it now.

Reply #940748 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this year

WA teams announced

Reply #940750 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this year

TAS selection camp list

Reply #940758 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this year

QLD u16 teams.

South B

South G

North B

North G

Reply #940904 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this year

NSW U16 teams

Reply #940929 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this year

SA country u16 teams



Reply #940961 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last month

Vic emergencies called up recently.

Reply #942316 | Report this post

Last month

Who r they weedy ? They had an impressive list on the bench !

Reply #942321 | Report this post

Last month

The 2024 fixture has been released, i'm really looking forward to this tournament. The Vic Metro girls are looking very good still, despite the loss of Ryan. The emergency girls, i believe have added significant strength to their side over the original team list.

Should be a fascinated competition.

Reply #942976 | Report this post

Last month

the herald-sun had Fakalata listed to play, has the ban been lifted/run it's course? Big in for the Vics if she's playing!

Reply #942977 | Report this post

Last month

@bluey, no, as far as the listed team and jersey presentation goes, Fakalata isn't part of this year's squad.

Reply #942978 | Report this post

Last month

that's a shame, thanks Bear

Reply #942979 | Report this post

Last month

Fakalata is a talent, but after what happened she should not get any special treatment to be able to play.

Reply #942980 | Report this post

Last month

Don't worry too much about what the herald-sun says, not really worth the paper it is written on.
Apparently they think Ryan playing in both Mexico and Bendigo at the same time, Fakalata playing despite being banned, and Ljubicic playing after a miracle 3 month ACL recovery! some of their very best work right there.
Kudos to them for getting the Bendigo bit correct and not saying Werribee or Wangaratta I guess.

Reply #942982 | Report this post

Last month

LOL Billo

Reply #942988 | Report this post

Last month

billo - dont let the truth get in the way of a good story!

Reply #942991 | Report this post

Last month

If only it were a good story. There's so much wrong in the article.

Reply #942992 | Report this post

Earlier this month

Less than a week out from the start of the tournament.

Any results from the Metro/Country singlet presentation practice matches? Any suprises or last minute changes for any squads?

Should be a great competition

Reply #943244 | Report this post

Earlier this month

Billo nailed it!

Reply #943251 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two weeks ago

These emergencies making the selectors look silly.

Reply #943771 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

At least one of the girls probably should be in Mexico right now.
Tomorrow an early Grand Final preview for the girls?

Reply #943775 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two weeks ago

Maybe, wouldn't guarantee vic m a final spot without Ryan.
Atleast Barbakas, Scarafilo and Anderson have already shown they can contribute.

Reply #943776 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

I wouldn't say that they set the world on fire. Played average just like everybody else for Vic metro today. Both QLD teams so far look the goods!

Reply #943781 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two weeks ago

No real surprises. Will be interested to see how neate goes against other teams.
All the big names standing out as expected.

Reply #943782 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

Some good individual players but only 3/4 good teams. Some girls are looking good by playing on quality teams while others need to do more with weaker teams and don't look as good. Stats don’t always tell the story.

Reply #943783 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

Olechnowicz picking up where she left off last year. Only one game in but she looks a class above, keen to see her in action against tougher opponents.

Other than qld s I haven't been loving the shooting in the few games I’ve seen ... hopefully early nerves and it picks up.

Reply #943784 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two weeks ago

Would have been a good addition to the WC squad without hall.

Reply #943785 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

SA Metro with 47 steals - must be a record ?

Reply #943787 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two weeks ago

I know quite a few were thinking sa m had no chance of making finals, today's game showed they are still a medal contender.
Collectively Best D played so far.

Reply #943790 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

A mixed start to the girl's AJC, looks like some states up and about early and some states just in cruise mode to start with. May need a few days to get a true feel of how things are looking.

Vic M a solid team effort - rotated around. get everyone on the board early. Very solid performance.

Vic C is where I thought they would be (1-1). Playing well but came up against a very good Qld N today

Qld N very impressive. Good balanced team.

Qld S were scary, but ACT not a good measuring stick? But def made a big opening statement.

SA M looks like they played the bench most of the opening game. WA C struggling.

NSW M were a bit of a surprise to me. Put SA C away comfortably with the margin more than I thought. Looked very good.

Very good win by Tasmania. As above, WA C struggling.

NSW C lost the close one yesterday, but I still think they are a very good outfit and will improve as week goes on.

Some big point scoring early, but as always need to look at the bigger picture to see where that sits.
Olechnowicz on fire with 38 points, but 0 assists. Neate 28 points, 1 assist. Tako 21 points, 1 assist.

Look forward to seeing how each team progresses.

Reply #943793 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

agree pretty much with above. only team thats a surprise was nswm. much better than i expected on todays performance against sa country. tbh i thought sa country would win and if they lost it it would be close.

Reply #943797 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

I've been really looking forward to this game, Qld sth vs Vic M and early call, but my monies on an all Qld GF. I've seen a lot of Vic metro games and they're currently looking a long way off the pace of Qld S. It's not just the Olivia show, this sides very well drilled and all have high basketball IQ

Reply #943833 | Report this post

William 23  
Two weeks ago

So disappointing you have to pay $20 to Hearld Sun to watch the live stream

Reply #943834 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two weeks ago

And $10 for a few pages in the program.

Reply #943839 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

I like the fact BA did something to try and make the games accessible via livestreaming, but not via Newscorp thanks.

Why not own the livestreaming and do it themselves? Oh, wait...

Reply #943841 | Report this post

William 23  
Two weeks ago

Glad I can get the score from facebook as still cant get an update from the website

Reply #943845 | Report this post

Two weeks ago


Reply #943849 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

U16 girls competition looks very weak this year. Some real top end talent but falls away quick.

Queensland North look the hot favorite in my opinion with Queensland South the likely challenger.

Bronze medal looks to be up for grabs. I have been impressed with early tournament form of SA Metro, would say they aren't overly loaded with talent compared to previous years but are making up for it with defensive hustle and a smart coach. Hilbig and staff doing a good job of monitoring the minutes of their 2-3 top players and getting court time for the entire roster.

Vic Metro look a likely challenger for the bronze but not confident they will stand up when we get to finals.

Reply #943856 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

Agree about Queensland N, look to be going along nicely at times in second gear. Queensland S solid win against Vic M in a strongly contested game. Despite today's loss, I still think Vic M are a real challenger if they can click. With a few reserves coming in, might take a few games to really gel? Time will tell. Loads of individual talent still, but maybe need to distribute the ball better. IMO, today they were beaten by a better TEAM. Quite a few contested iso drives and running floaters to the basket really cost them in the second half.

And maybe not totally rule out NSW M as an outside smokey for a bronze medal. Full credit to WA M for their great nail biting win today, but there is enough talent in NSW M to be a handful on their day. But it would have to be a good day.

Reply #943864 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

I wish I shared your optimism re NSWM girls Billo. They have some good talent but are nervous/naive as a team. who could have imagined that Tim Hill/BNSW decision to only take top agers for the past 2 years would have consequences? Assuming they can get over the line with ACT (easier said than done), they will probably finish the group 4th - hard to see a path to semis from there.

I thought NSWC would have been be a better chance, but they have disappointed so far.

Reply #943888 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two weeks ago

Clague probably the only one getting an oceania u15 spot.
Cant see anyone else from nsw getting in.

Reply #943889 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two weeks ago

Act get it done, great win for them.

Reply #943892 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

It is good to see ACT get a "big" win and a reason to celebrate at nationals.
NSWM heading for bottom 8? Post-mortem should be straightforward.

Clague has been a handful and still only bottom age I think? Lots more to come from her.

Reply #943893 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two weeks ago

Yes bottom age, like Reisinger.
The bigs Johnson, Ilic, Richardson, Coble, Deng I believe are all 09.

Reply #943894 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

Weedy, is your prediction based of her stats against ACT or over the past 12 months? aCt don't have anybody over 5’11"

You seem to have a recency bias by celebrating someone after a good game and dismissing someone after a bad game?

I do think Clauge will be in the squad btw.

Reply #943896 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two weeks ago

Im gonna predict a player will make the n.t after 1 game?
If you look back to last year I listed several centres have a shot, including Clague.

Reply #943897 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two weeks ago

If I'm taking 2 centres right now, it’s Johnson and Clague. Deng is too raw, Reisinger undersized, Richardson + Ilic are more tweeners, Coble has been better than expected so far.

Reply #943898 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

The first 4 girls would get an invite in my eyes and most likely the 2 you mentioned would be selected. I like SAM bottom ager. Can't recall her name but looked more like a 4 than 5.

Still early in the week. Let’s see by end of round games when everybody has played everybody in their pool.

Reply #943899 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

Please ignore my previous foolish comments about NSW M and how they could be a smokey! Jeepers, give them a wrap and then they go and dish up that. :)

Well done ACT girls!
(mental note: don't talk about NSW M again. ha ha)

Reply #943900 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

Billo, you wouldn't believe how many times this weeks I’ve told someone I’ve liked this kid and that kid and the next possession they make a bonehead play.

Reply #943901 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

Steed, you make some good points about NSW M. They did actually take a bottom ager (in Trout) to Perth last year but she has now come down to Melbourne. But as with the NSW M U18 team as well, they do love to load up on top agers. Good to see Clague doing well so far this comp.

Agree Pinch. We have to remember it is a long week and they are all either 14 or 15. Some start well and fizzle out, some start slow and really pick up as the comp goes on.

Reply #943902 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

NSWC starting to play better. As far as NSW girls I reckon Bonham also gets a look for u15 Oceania.

Reply #943908 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two weeks ago

Locks atm imo

CG Hocking
SG Olechnowicz
SG Smith
CF Ryan*
C Johnson
C Clague

If healthy, probably
SG Ljubicic - next year

Probably need
2 PG
2 SF
1 PF
1 PF/C
Lots of options, best to wait till the tournament is complete.

Reply #943912 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two weeks ago

Dam looks like a bad injury for trout, was playing really well.

Reply #943915 | Report this post

Two weeks ago


Locks atm imo - agree

CG Hocking
SG Olechnowicz

It will be interesting to see in 2-3 years how both of these girls develop a perimeter game (if they do at all?). Both are head down and get to the rim players. To get to the next level, they need to be a threat at least.

Particularly interested in how Hocking fits in with other talented players at national level as a lot has fallen on her to get it done on the offensive end at club and state level. At least Olechnowicz has some talented teammates.

Reply #943916 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

NSW M basically lost to ACT Bench? Both teams couldn't hit a 3. 1/35

What’s going on?

Reply #943920 | Report this post

Crabby Crabot  
Two weeks ago

Would agree with your selections for future Aus teams. Fakalata for PG would be my addition.

QLD STH is the benchmark game so far, so not looking at the easier won games.

When looking at solely at vic metro the control and leadership of the floor is lacking - that would be bound to happen when one of the best 2009 PGs Vic Metro has to offer is sitting at home on suspension. As a bit of a devils advocate and totally left of field one to put out there, Kata - didn't get selected yet produces VJBL numbers each week could probably have been in a better position minutes and game
Impact wise than Hanan-Datson who didn’t get on court yesterday and doesn’t seem to run the PG role with confidence when compared to Brown. All still would be behind Fakalata.

Anderson with no minutes against QLD Sth is interesting considering she uses her size well and would have had a good battle against the QLD Sth big. Good outside shooter as well and when on court has a confident presence.

Trout frustratingly does not pass the ball out enough. Yes, she can get to the ring, however would argue that she turns the ball over too much when the pass out earlier would’ve been available.

Very impressed with Jones. Bottom ager showing some of those top ages composure and grit. She will definitely lead next years charge, hopefully a good team can be built around her.

Haywood brought in as a shooter with very impressive VJBL stats, however is yet to make an impact.

Seiz getting the minutes without a markedly terrific output. Noted that the head coach coaches her at VJBL level.

Scarafilo plays in a similar "get to the ring" way as Olechnowicz, and played a good game.

Tavete is a quiet achiever along with Richardson.

After today’s SA country game, would say that the girls need to practise those 3s. Way too many put up with no conversion - stats say 1/22. That’s obscene.

Disappointingly, aside from Jones who will shine even brighter next year, No noteworthy standouts that are like the Hocking’s and Olechnowicz’s.
Ryan, Ljubicic and Fakalata as the “names” have that little bit of spark that’s missing. It’s boring and defensively unorganised at times.

Will stick by my theory that other states are weak meaning that this oddly selected team will still medal.

Reply #943923 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two weeks ago

Crabby, I think it's wide open beyond the 6 I mentioned, yet tbd.
Would like to see those vic emergencies get more minutes though. Both Trout and Richardson look good for power forward spots.

Fakalata probably a favourite for a pg role.
Elliot, Robinson, Neate, Baensch, Reed, Jones, Sherrington, Thorburn, Catip, Puruto, Browne, Jensen etc etc, who’s the third option? TBD.

Reply #943924 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

best to watch the big games from Friday. most group games are not worth a dime for nt selection.

there will be a few not on any lsit so far that get camp selection and then who knows what happens in front of selectors.

Qld gold and silver and sac bronze!

Reply #943928 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

So many vics pushing their own agenda on here it's not funny. Crabby you might want to take a look at jones scoring % and position before you glorify her any more. Are you her pops?
Yes she’s a good player, has composure and grit but lacks the ability to play dynamically, which becomes predictable (hence u14 Kilsyth’s loss and you might want to rewatch her against QLD Sth).
Tassie’s pg is excellent but no mention. Would be good to see more guards with the ability to see the pass on quick scoring opportunities and get the ball forward quickly in transition. Too many hold onto it for a long time and lacking that ability or going for the glory of a score instead of doing the team thing. Excessive driving doesn’t translate well to the highest levels.

Reply #943936 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

Any word on who the coach is for the Oceania yet? Whisper is it's the Vic Metro girls coach ?? Do we know where it’s played ?

Reply #943937 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

I've heard Oceania will be in Melbourne this year.

Vic Metro, SA Metro and WA Metro all performing well in the boys.

Reply #943940 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

Watched WA Metro and thought they were very good. When was the last time they won an AJC?

Reply #943941 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two weeks ago

2003 at U16 level.

Reply #943942 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

WA boys have been building and you could see them forming - Southern Cross a few years ago they were v good, tall, strong and coached by Paul Rogers - so everything lining up nicely for that age group from WA

Reply #943943 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

Mortifying that adults are talking about 13 14 15 year old kids in negative ways

These players are just beginning and have a long way to go and a lot to learn

Perhaps focus on positives and not tearing kids down

Every single person has a different opinion on every single player and every single team but to write such negativity is disappointing

Reply #943944 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

Vic Metro boys have had an easy draw. Won't even play South Aust Metro and they are in the same pool.
A lot of scoring based on press, steals, offensive boards. As usual, went with an athletic team over shooting.
The lack of quality shooters will be exposed against strong opponents. QLD South looks greatly overrated, especially their social media stars.
Box score exposes true fg% and turnovers that don’t show up in social media clips. And speaking of box scores,
why BA insist on using GameDay is ridiculous. GameDay is just terrible.

Reply #943945 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

GameDay is horrendous when there are far better options out there now.

Reply #943946 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

Vic Metro boys play SA Metro in their final pool game tomorrow.

Reply #943948 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

Does anyone know the crossover, pool 1 to pool 2 fixture arrangement? (Weedy Slug, I'm looking at you...)
I'm guessing its 1 v 4, 2 v 3 etc etc. Though i'm intrigued as to how they handle the miss match in teams, 6 / 8 from each pool.

Also, anyone care to look into their crystal ball for how the crossovers will look, match ups wise with one round to go?

Reply #943984 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two weeks ago



Reply #943986 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

@weedy slug, thank you, you never fail to deliver.

Reply #943988 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

Vic Metro Boys have been playing their bench extensively, and go 12 deep unlike most teams who have still chosen to take 10, so they are in good shape for the finals. Some of the other teams have been cooking their starters by playing them huge minutes in the pool games.

VM also shot 11-27 (%40) on threes against some QLD North zone today, so it's not like they didn't bring excellent 3 point shooters.

Reply #943989 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

lots to play for tomorrow in both girls groups. my take:

Group A: QLDN and SAM play each other to decide 1 and 2. TAS play both NSWC and VICC to determine 3 and 4. VICC have the edge with an extra win in hand.

Group B: QLDS and VICM finish 1 and 2. WAM currently on 2 wins. NSWM, SAC, and ACT all on 1 win. Upsets needed in all 3 remaining group games for WAM to miss out, so they're probably safe. NSW can finish 4th on just 1 win if SAC and ACT also lose due to superior points difference.

Reply #943996 | Report this post

Two weeks ago


The irony is not lost on me that on one hand you're accussing the selectors of having these selection bias', but on the other you're offering up a "totally left field" alternative, who happens to play for the Association you have been heavily involved in....

@Steed, yes a big day. WAM has been very good since game 2 and will be hoping to secure third with a win over the ACT; will be a great result for them. Great to see the top 4 for the girls side might not be decided until the very final pool games.

Reply #944002 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

I wouldn't consider Kata to be a left field option, she absolutely should be in this team based on performance and she would also complement this team well given her ball security and shooting ability.

Reply #944009 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

100% mind blowing stuff from the Tasmanian girls coach this morning against Vic C. Play your main player Neate 37 minutes in the lesser of today's 2 games and totally physically cook her. This game was not that important compared to their last game tonight against NSW C. That is the Key game that determines if they make the quarters in 4th place. She played all 20 minutes of the second half, even when the victory was well out of reach. (Dad is assistant coach I believe, hopefully that had nothing to do with it. I doubt it, head coaches normally make their own decisions). I would not be putting that down to a brain fade, it is obviously what they wanted to do. Maybe making quarters is not that high on the list? I would love to hear the reasoning.

The time on court, especially in the final quarter when you are down 20+ just does not make any sense at all. put up a huge 34 shots for the game, maybe a numbers thing?

Good luck against NSW C tonight. Better get a good massage and sports drinks. :)

Reply #944014 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

I fully endorse your post, Browny9191. It's a pity that adults on this forum need to be reminded, with some being serial offenders. Limit negative comments to team play and performance. Posting negative comments about a minor and naming them in a public forum can cause real psychological damage. Who wants that?

Besides, the tone of this thread is so negative and censorious. Expressing any joy or enthusiasm invites critics to put it down. I read somewhere that posters who adopt an overly critical tone do so because they think it makes them appear knowledgeable and wise.

Reply #944017 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

NSWM girls are the proverbial phoenix rising from the ashes of their defeat to ACT.
Pushed QLDS all the way yesterday and playing with belief and determnation against ViCM today. Great attitude regardless of result!

Reply #944021 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

Browny9191 & REd84 hit the nail on the head.

The way some of the kids are spoken about on this forum is woeful sometimes. Not just in this thread but has happened plenty of times in others as well.

13-15 year old kids being talked about like adults.

Shouldnt come as a surprise really, given the way parents speak about kids at rep level in general. So toxic.

Reply #944030 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

Signing off. Too much pontificating. Original point made is valid and well made. The bandwagon crowd is tiring.

Reply #944031 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

Nicely said Hedge, Browny and Red

Reply #944032 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two weeks ago

Tassie push out nsw country.

Reply #944035 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

Billo's post didnt age very well. Apparently she wasnt cooked. Congrats Tassie.

Reply #944036 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two weeks ago

Neate has been very consistent throughout the tournament...
Good to see she knocked down 6 of 12 from Long range.

Nsw c, Wa c, Nt, Sa c, Act out.

Qld n vs Nsw m
Qld s vs Tas
Vic m vs Vic c
Sa m vs Wa m

Reply #944038 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

@Hooping. I will definitely put my hand up there. But still a unique and interesting way of going about it though. Well done and congratulations to Tas girls, undersized but showed some real grit. Full credit to them.

Reply #944043 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

Punchy little guard with a lot of spirit to complement her skillset.

Reply #944044 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

Really like the WAM guard too. Robinson?

Reply #944045 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two weeks ago

Apart from Hocking and Neate, interested to know what people think of the other pgs/cgs in the tournament?

Elliot - SA M
Robinson - WA M
Baensch - VIC C
Sherrington- QLD S
Thorburn/Catip - QLD N
Browne/Jones - VIC M

If you had to take 1 to u15 oceanias, who would take based on group stage performances?
All very good at different things.
Would be a tough decision for the selector.

Reply #944046 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two weeks ago

Some under the radar players quietly going about it.

Moke qld s
Daly sa m
Kolb, Mapp and Lahrs qld n
Barbakas vic m
Pickering nsw c
Tako nsw m

Reply #944047 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

You're missing a combo guard who is top 5 in Pts, steals and rebounds and is playing well on a bad team. I’d have her above all of those listed. Also missing the 2 of the. Better shooters who could also be CG’s. That I would have ahead of those listed.

Reply #944048 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

can you have a team of 5 guards? :-)

so many variables. might be a better convo after finals. all the stronger players will get the big minutes and chance to shine agaisnt one another even if there are 1 or 2 who might have fallen into the bottom placings after todays results.

Reply #944050 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two weeks ago

I don't see Bonham as a cg but you can.

Reply #944054 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

agree with weedy. she does her work down the floor and that is where she shines. that is her best chance of sneaking a place in th eteam if they are looking to develop a bottom ager.

Reply #944055 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

I don't but obviously NSWC coaches appear to as they have her as a CG.

I think it’s QLDN guard and QLDS guard plus the u17 team player as the only locks. Everybody else will
Have to earn there spot at a selection camp.

Reply #944056 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

a few of the kids qualify for other countries. any of those potentials likely to represent another country if they dont get selected? if that happesn can they ever switch allegiance back?

Reply #944057 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two weeks ago

Yes, no doubt we see a few on nz and samoa teams.
Tavete has already played for Samoa, just like Toeleiu now based in nz
Toeleiu now playing for the nz u15 team after switching.
Several others with duel citizenship with other nations.

Reply #944058 | Report this post

Crabby Crabot  
Two weeks ago

Formerly associated with Melbourne Tigers, never been part of Casey. Just recognising talented kids and disappointed at the state of coaching and selections as it never used to be this political.
You used to be invited to play VJBL and the best of best where chosen, not play glorified domestic in VJBL level 23. Now parents make connections like their kid is going to play WNBA/NBA. It's not hard to look up stats on a Friday night and identify talent then see it on display in games and question the choices made. Anyone could do it. I just have time and experience to question the standards being set.

Reply #944062 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

Interesting that the two undefeated boys teams (Vic Metro and WA Metro) have both brought 12 players and have both taken a very balanced approach in playing all of their teams good minutes as well as sharing the scoring load pretty evenly. Looks like a recipe for success nationals now with the extended rosters we have available now.

Reply #944082 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

i feel 12 players is definitely suitable for this tournament.

Reply #944084 | Report this post

Team nWo  
Two weeks ago

Will be interesting to see if Tasmania has played their final yesterday in the girls.

Reply #944087 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two weeks ago


QLD N > NSW M 79-57
QLD S > TAS 91-52

Up next

SA M vs WA M

Reply #944095 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two weeks ago

VIC M > VIC C 73-68
SA M > WA M 86-76

Reply #944100 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

so who is progressing into top 4 ? top 8 ?

Reply #944101 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two weeks ago

Semi Finals I think - Girls


Reply #944102 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

there are no tables or titles to games on draw - I'm just trying to work it out myself.

i.e. usually 1 Pool A vrs 3 Pool B title on results

Reply #944103 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

BA's nationals website without ladders etc is a mess.

Reply #944106 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

There is a website version with the ladders, but it is hard to get to as there isnt a clear link for a ladder. The results are also slow to be inputted to create that latest ladder, so they ladder wasnt that useful as it was always a day behind.

The stats are also available but in true BA form the link hasnt been updated there so it defaults to last years stats.
Maybe by next week they will have it all sorted out.

Is there an online tournament program anywhere?

Reply #944110 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two weeks ago

The program is not online but it costs $10.

Gameday Ladder

Gameday Stats

Reply #944111 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

dont worry all the parents will be doing the calculations because there all nuts. LOL

Reply #944112 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

@Blues67. Hopefully you feel a little bit stilly after the number of nasty and critical comments you made about the SAM team, specific members in it, and it being the weakest SA had ever sent in some time. Top 4 is a great achievement and this team has gotten further than the stacked SAM U18 girls did earlier this year. Eat your words. It's also noteworthy how often you jump on here and make unkind and attacking comments about 13-15 year old girls, especially those from SA. What a ridiculous thing to say that Hocking has no talented team mates. Do you think Hocking won a state championship and bronze medal at Classic last month with no other talent in her team? She did not. Other members on here who comment regularly mostly offer logical critique without a nasty edge to it, but if one were to make a list of all your comments against young girls, I hope you would feel a sense of shame. Admin - I would ask that you take a look at this person’s collective comments. They seem to violate your 'no sniping’ and ‘no bashing u18 player’ rules. No doubt blues67 will emerge from his Sturt sabres cave under a new identity though.

Reply #944129 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

Sorry Loophole but I still stand by my comment that it is one of the weakest SA M teams in recent history. That didn't mean SA M wouldn’t go well, they have 3 very talented guards but the talent falls off quickly after those players. They have been very well coached and are playing to their strengths, playing at a high tempo, disruptive on D and getting a lot of their points in transition. Good on them, hope they can at least make it difficult today for QLD S.

I also stand by my comments on the SA Country guard being their only elite player. They are a bottom 2 team without her and would only take care of NT.

Trying to add weight to your argument that they medaled in Classic and won their state champ is ridiculous. To my knowledge, one of the elite SA M guards plays in this same club team, she’s a metro player not a country player!! Take her out and this club team doesn’t achieve so highly.

Yes, the U18 team was stacked but as I and many others have commented on this forum previously, they were poorly coached. It makes a huge difference in these tournaments. Replace the U18 coach with the U16 coach and you get a completely different result. This U18 team was young too, they had 5 bottom age players. Expect big things from them at next AJC, adding the 2 very good bottom agers, now that’s a strong team.

Reply #944132 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

Anyone know why the girls live stats are not up?

Reply #944137 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

Technical issue, BA has said they are working on it

Reply #944138 | Report this post

Two weeks ago

That technical issue was apparent last night with the 6pm game/s

Reply #944139 | Report this post

Last week

boys have the livestats set up, nothing for the girls

Reply #944162 | Report this post

Last week

Any predictions for today? Vic Metro in the boys and QLD South in the girls seem like the obvious picks.

Reply #944163 | Report this post

Last week

It will play out like the results during week.

Reply #944165 | Report this post

Last week

I think the results will be the same, but the margins will be closer due to the pressure of the GF and the adjustments the teams will make.

Reply #944166 | Report this post

Last week

unless they had a close game earlier in the week - at U16 level to orchestrate a 15-30 point turn around with this age group takes a while to plan and apply. Yes upsets are always possible.

Reply #944167 | Report this post

Last week

looks like the girls tournament stats are completely toast now. poor effort

Reply #944168 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last week

Very poor from BA again, absolute clown show going on. These people could not run a chook raffle.

Well done to qld s, Olechnowicz mvp.

Reply #944181 | Report this post

Last week

Outside of BA's control

Reply #944182 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last week


Reply #944184 | Report this post

Last week

Maybe give them a call if you are such an expert on Fiba organiser

Reply #944185 | Report this post

Last week

As if BA work weekends.

Reply #944189 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last week

One could question if they work at all.

Reply #944191 | Report this post

Last week


Reply #944206 | Report this post

Last week

the boys finals day games all got added last minute to the livestats and online results.

really poor effort for the girls comp, hopefully they update it all today, if they do actually work

Reply #944210 | Report this post

Last week

The usual BA professionalism.... they run minimal events each year, surely they can invest the time to get them right. Maybe they spent all their time on the Olympic pre games?
The website page for the event was hard to use, I couldn't find the ladders during the event anywhere (maybe that my IT skills?) makes trying to piece together the finals hard.

Reply #944211 | Report this post

Last week

the same organisers who announce the venue about 3 months before the event? Hopefully next year's venue is already announced.

Reply #944219 | Report this post

Last week

after livestats (easy to find on menu) navigating results / tables / what game was playing for what position was for myself hard to work out.

i.e. "quarter finals" "semi finals" play off 7 v 8 etc

The events menu with the months to choose from was perfectly fine.

Reply #944223 | Report this post

Last week

It's so unfortunate. It was almost impossible to find ladders, schedules and then no live stats for the last couple of days for the women's comp.

Not sure why this is all so hard for BA to deliver. Get it right once, copy and paste for every other event if you get my drift.

Same as for live streaming. Why not invest in owning it and operating themselves rather than farming it off to News Ltd who charges everyone.

NBL1 model is working far better, better quality, and it is FREE!

Reply #944224 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last week

Half way through Monday and still no updates....

Reply #944226 | Report this post

Last week

Its the gift that keeps on giving Weedy!

Reply #944232 | Report this post

Last week

This is what casual sexism looks like in basketball. Boys are all ok, let's move on. Recent experiences are that is normally happens when females are in charge - go figure that.

Reply #944238 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last week

Another day goes by....

Reply #944392 | Report this post

Last week

It's flabbergasting isn’t it! Could’ve flown to the moon and back by now!

Reply #944394 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last week

3 and a half days... still nothing.

Reply #944510 | Report this post

Last week

whats ya boys/girls 15 nt squads weedy

Reply #944514 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last week

U15 prediction (Girls)

PG Neate(09) tas-Robinson(09) wa m-Elliot(09) sa m-Sherrington(09) qld s/-Catip(09) qld n(09)-Baensch(09) vic c, 1-2 of
CG Hocking(09) sa c
SG Olechnowicz(09) qld s
SG Smith(09) qld n
G/F Moke(09) qld s-G/F Daly(10) sa m-SG Bonham(10) nsw c-G/F Tako(09) nsw m, 1-2 of
CF Ryan(09) aus/vic m
PF/C Richardson(09) vic m-CF Barbakas(09) vic m-C/PF Ilic(09) qld s-PF/C Trout(09) vic m-C/PF Mapp(09) qld n, 2 of
C Johnson(09) qld s
C Clague(10) nsw m

* if available going forward or country switch
PG Fakalata(09)
SG Ljubicic(09)
G/F Toeleiu(10)

Boys always more difficult at this age, can list a bunch of names but probably would be well off come tournament time.

Reply #944516 | Report this post

Last week

Inside info?

Reply #944519 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last week

Nope, I would never leak that info. Just my preference, once again others might have a different opinion.
Please share...

I got a list of boys I think coukd make the team, but few I would guarantee.

Reply #944520 | Report this post

Last week

Let us know your boys list Weedy! Always value your opinion.

Reply #944524 | Report this post

Last week

U15 Boys

There are only a couple of standouts at the moment but the guys at this age tend to grow more, get better, as well as change position..
I didn't get to see enough of these champs, but from what I did these guys stood out. Note: I didn't see much of VIC Metro

PG Watene QLD S, Louis SA M, Cecil QLD S
CG Wilson VIC M
SG Pilot Holmes SA M, Olutayo NSW C
G/F Browne NSW M
F Tuupo QLD S, Byne Vic C, Hamilton VIC C
F Jorgenson QLD S
C Mabbott VIC m
C Machar SA m, Dooley (future size) NSW C

* not selected for nationals
Lado Kuron looks to be 213+ cm's tall - NSW C

Reply #944536 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last week

Watene likely plays for nz.

Reply #944537 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last week

and Tuupo.

Reply #944538 | Report this post

Last week

Looks reasonable, though I'd say that Dammers (PG) and Keogh (forward) from Vic Metro make the squad at the expense of a couple of players you have listed.

Reply #944543 | Report this post

Last week

DeepWombat totally agree with you. Dammers and Keogh, along with their Vic Metro team mates Wilson and Mabbott were standouts at Nationals.

Reply #944584 | Report this post

Last week

Not too many surprises from Nationals in hindsight. The main outliers for mine:

NSW Metro Boys - 2nd
SA Metro Boys - 3rd
SA Metro Girls - 3rd

WA Metro Boys - 4th
QLD South Boys - 5th
QLD North Girls - 4th

Reply #944593 | Report this post

Last week

Those Nunawading Vic Metro players stood out! Even Devers off the bench as 6th man delivered on the big stage in the final.

Reply #944601 | Report this post

Last week

I like Weedy call on Byrne & Hamilton. Hamilton can play 1-4, undersized but very strong. Has been playing really well in VJBL. I really like his passing ability.

Reply #944604 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last week

Credit goes to boomboomer.

Reply #944606 | Report this post

Last week

I think QLD Sth in the boys would be disappointed with their result

If you look on social media, they've been hyped up big time, a couple players in particular.
Unfortunately their D looked to be really lacking, looked like they just wanted to outscore everyone

Most of them seem to play together in their qld rep team and would no doubt demolish opposition

Maybe they should have come to classics or Oz day tournament to get some competition

Reply #944607 | Report this post

Last week

When does the U15 Oceania NPP squads get announced?

Reply #944608 | Report this post

Last week

I believe people get invited to try out for Oceania not that they pick the squad directly from nationals/past performance

Reply #944616 | Report this post

Last week

With Jorgensen, Byrne and Hamilton we are spoilt for 4's. 2009 a really strong crop.

The QLD South guards need to improve their FG% and bring down their turnovers. If they are struggling to finish and protect the ball against other Aussie states, how are they going to go against big, fast, athletic guards from the US and Europe?

There may be boys in WA Metro that we are overlooking. They were very well coached and played a strong team game. Attributes the selectors will like no doubt.

Reply #944621 | Report this post

Last week

Weedy lets hear your opinion on the boys?

Did anyone else find it interesting that 1st, 2nd and 3rd for the boys all came from the one pool. Everyone was saying Pool B was tougher than Pool A but the results didn't reflect that.

DeepWombat I also agree with you re WA Metro, they were a very well drilled team, played great structure that worked well.

Re Queensland South, they relied too much on their starting 5 which you can't do for such a long tournament. They were overplayed so I think unfortunately fatigue crept in.

Reply #944632 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last week

I think the team for oceanias will be quite a bit different to the one we see headed to asia next year.
U16 AJC 2025, we get to see alot more 2010s prior to 2025 u16 asia cup.
Not alot of hustle compared to the old days, kids mimic what they see in the nba.

As for the oceania squad.

2 of
PG Dammers - vic m
PG Louis - sa m
PG Cecil - qld s
CG Wilson - vic m
SG Olutayo - nsw c
SG Browne - nsw m
SG Pilot-Holmes - sa m
CF Byrne - vic c
CF Keogh - vic m
CF Jorgenson - qld s
PF/C Hamilton - vic c
C/PF Mabbott - vic m
C Machar - sa m

Reply #944633 | Report this post

Last week

I wouldn't count Watene out of the Australia squad. I know NZ had generationally strong talent in their U17 team this year, and I know nothing about their 2009 boys, but I assume they won’t be as strong. Makes me think players who could play for AU or NZ this year will try to get in the AU squad first.

AU does look fairly strong in the 2009 boys, but all of our hopes have been dashed before, so it’s too early to tell!

Reply #944635 | Report this post

Last week

@weedy you are good!!! Decent selection!

Reply #944638 | Report this post

Earlier this week

Looks like BA's IT technicians got the job done on the girls stats finally. Two weeks late is better than not at all I guess

Reply #945041 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Earlier this week

Just 2 weeks, no biggy...

Reply #945044 | Report this post

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