Damo 75
Earlier this year

Free Agency

There are a few specific topics on players, but what's thoughts on the Free Agency period overall? Any big winners and/or losers?

Topic #51952 | Report this topic

Damo 75  
Earlier this year

NZ been very active and look to have improved with PJC, Bolden, Mennenga, King and McCarron on board.

Cairns not alot confirmed but the Mayen/Galloway swap should be positive for them.

Sydney also with a number of new signings.

Still alot of movement to come.

Reply #940681 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Very early days, I'm not convinced breakers have improved, where’s Delaney at, will need some good imports.

Reply #940682 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Delaney has a Euro out clause in his contract and has told NZ that he will be using it.
Finn had a pretty average season due to injury last season. Jonah Bolden isn't exactly a step backwards imo.

NZ have had the quote "best import trio" 2 seasons in a row so not sure why they wouldn’t have some good imports incoming.
They already have one signed who was All NBL first team so that’s a fairly positive start.

Reply #940695 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Finn not killing it in Spain at present either. Jury out on Bolden, his wage packet would not be small.

Reply #940696 | Report this post

Earlier this year

A lot smaller than what WMW is asking I bet.
Skilled big guys are never cheap but NZ are pretty smart and have a knack for getting good players cheap.
I'm really looking forward to seeing MItch McCarron playing for Mody. I think he’ll put the right pieces around him to succeed.

Reply #940699 | Report this post

Earlier this year

The league has past McCarron's skillset, he is now just stealing retirement money every deal he gets from here on out.

Reply #940701 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Hard to assess who's done best during free agency until imports are signed, which wont be until adter Summer league.
At this stage, IMO, Tassie are looking ahead of the rest of the pack with their re-signings and picking up Gak, who'll thrive in that system.
The remaining 2 import spots will undoubtedly be very good fits.

I don't know why United haven't gone after Jordan Hunter, unless they're looking for an import big at the 5

Reply #940702 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Word is that Hunter going OS or I also hear maybe SEM.

Reply #940704 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Silly move by Sydney to let him go

Reply #940705 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Bolden seems like the perfect stretch C to play next to Cooks - why is Sydney letting him go?

Reply #940707 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Lee and the JJs have officially parted ways, there'll be plenty of interest in him elsewhere within the league.

Reply #940708 | Report this post

Earlier this year

I don't understand why Lee wasn't re-signed at the JJs. Whose choice was/is that?

Reply #940709 | Report this post

Earlier this year

If I'm Perth I would be looking to sign Lee and move Pinder to the four. He will solve a huge need in interior defender and rebounding for them

Reply #940710 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Good player, I'd expect a few clubs knocking on Lees door.

Reply #940711 | Report this post

Earlier this year

The decision to not re-sign Lee probably says more about what they expect they'll get from Magnay next season. If they sign WMW and only go with two imports (pure guess work on my part) then a duplicative talent like Lee might not make sense.

My guess re: Hunter is he signs in Japan.

Similar to Glover, maybe some bad blood after last year with Hunter/Sydney. Haven't heard anything about it, but seems the only reason to me why a return would be ruled out considering he was one of our better players all season.

I was impressed with the adjustment he made during the year re: avoiding fouls on shot contests in particular, which he has struggled with since joining the Kings.

Reply #940712 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Agree Angus, Hunter was consistent all year.
Most likely was out off by the culture that deteriorated through the season.
If he's after more money o.s. cant blame him, but if I'm SEM, United, or Perth, I'd be making a big offer.

Bolden might do well in NZ, especiallyif theyre looking to run etc, but he'll be held accountable defensively by Maor.

Reply #940713 | Report this post

Earlier this year

^^put off

Reply #940714 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Heard from someone that Sixers are going to look at locals ,not even making an attempt to look at those who are free agents ,only two imports as well ,.We have 4 spots to fill two locals and two imports .Predict Rigini will get a local spot ,he's playing well in NBL1

Reply #940715 | Report this post

Earlier this year

AngusH I understand the jack jumpers looking to spend the lee import money on another position. But it's also a bit of a loss for them being able to alternate magnay and lee during games gave them a big advantage at the 5 over most teams and made them very hard to score inside against so they will be loosing a bit there

Reply #940716 | Report this post

Earlier this year

A Magnay/Gak/Krslovic rotation at the 5 is pretty good, but Magnay/Lee/Krslovic was probably a touch better. Then again Roth wasn't afraid to play with that position and go small with Deng in the playoffs so I'm sure he'll use those 3 effectively. In hindsight you could almost say that small ball lineup in the 4th quarter of game 3 won Tassie the championship.

Reply #940717 | Report this post

Earlier this year

I'm wondering if Bolden quitting on the Boomers with Goorj in charge had anything to do with him suddenly leaving the Kings.

Reply #940718 | Report this post

Earlier this year

I think like most of the kings last season bolden wasn't very engaged and that showed. I'm hopeful when dialed in he's much better. Either way he's an upgrade on mathiang!

Reply #940722 | Report this post

Basket 91  
Earlier this year

Jack Jumpers will get an import sf.

Getting Gak opens up their wing rotation more

Reply #940724 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Didn't WMW sign with brisbane?

Reply #940725 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Any big winners and/or losers?

Loser is whoever signs McCarron.

Reply #940726 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Observer -

I think the chat has consistently been they'd target import PG, SF, PF unless they get an equally talented high level (ie WMW type talent). So if we get WMW, then 2 imports, if not, 3 imports.

Should that end up being wrong, that would be a sad mistake.

In terms of FAs v locals - what would they do for the backup C? At some point you need to just make sure you bring NBL level talent in.

Agreed on the other point. Ninnis has been talking a lot about Ragoni for a while now - I think we all expect that one will get done.

Reply #940728 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Adelaide need starters in the PG, SF and PF spots plus a back up centre.
Ideally WMW,Cleveland, Hogg (similar) and maybe a Matiang

Reply #940730 | Report this post

Earlier this year

I'd say that’s more of an "absolute amazing f*** yes" than “ideal” if they pulled that off haha

Reply #940732 | Report this post

Earlier this year

JJs have never had a class (scoring) 3 / 4 .

I am intrigued where they go with the remaining spots they have available. Fair bit of talk about Vic Law heading there, still not sure if Crawford will return. The improvement of Macdonald also opens the roster up a bit he can be relied upon.

The signing of Gak opens up the roster unlike any other time, Australian bigs are hard to come by

Personally would love a player like Gary Clark from the Hawks who I really rate - tough and can score, will be interesting.

Reply #940733 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Rob Loe has signed a 1 year deal with Melbourne United.

Reply #940735 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Considering McVeigh plays the four, I'd say that he’s a high scorer. Law wasn’t that good and wasn’t the greatest team first guy. JJs looking very good already.

Reply #940736 | Report this post

Damo 75  
Earlier this year

It originally seemed Dech was a done deal moving to Cairns, but now word is Adelaide no longer interested in releasing him? Similar story with Ducas to Cairns. Talk of a done deal, but now seems several other options on the table.

Taipans definitely had a win getting Galloway, while I assume Makoi will be looking for the opportunity of game time to try and establish himself. Not much other movement for the snaked so far. As usual they'll be hoping to strike gold with imports.

Reply #940741 | Report this post

Earlier this year

I'm doubtful DJV or Humphries would have re-signed on a NBL1 signees + 2 imports promise, especially since DJV seems to have input on the teams roster, but we'll have to wait and see.

Certainly putting yourself behind the 8 ball in that scenario to have a good team again though, unless you absolutely nail the 2 imports, which Adelaide hasn't done massively in the last few years.

Reply #940742 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Rob Loe is a good pickup. Did well for United replacing JLA early this season.

Spreads the floor well.

United will be looking for a 5 man with their first import spot- a big physical presence who protects the rim, in the mold of Boone, Lee and Hukporti.

Then a swingman who's got the physical attributes and versatility to defend genuine NBL 3 men and play switching defense (instead of Clark who got overmatched there). Especially since we’ve lost a bit of interior D without Hukporti.

IN: Import, Import, ?
OUT: JLA, Hukporti, Clark, Newley


Next Star still a possibility, with one local spot remaining.

Reply #940743 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Although, actually according to Vickerman it's not a fait accompli that Hukporti doesn't return.

Reply #940744 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Is it looking like the Wildcat's will sign Angus Brandt? His name is popping up a bit in NBL media conversations regarding free agency and the wildcats. Danny Mills has said they are close to filling the last local spot. He seems to pop up on rumours for last few years expected to play for wildcats if he was to return to NBL.

Reply #940753 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Brandt is no longer a starter in nbl, he must be 34 years old, he also been on Japanese money the last few seasons.

Reply #940755 | Report this post

Earlier this year

McVeigh won finals MVP. A touch of class and scoring from the 4 spot.

Reply #940759 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Brandt - as much as he is a cats hero and a big rig - is too old and was unathletic the last time he played in Oz so can only be more lumbering at this stage. As mentioned more money overseas and if the cats signed him it would be similar to the time they signed Matt Hodgson, a waste of a roster spot.

Reply #940760 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Dunkman - I was referring to JJ imports, didn't spell that out I realise. And yes the team is looking solid but there is still intrigue on the rest of the spots ie imports.

Reply #940765 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Hunter signed with SEM.
3 Year deal, mutial option.
If they nail their imports, they might be competitive.

Reply #940767 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Hunter will end up in Japan.

Reply #940769 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Just saying his (Brandt's) name has popped up so I wouldn’t rule it out. I didn’t think the cats were looking for a starter considering they have last year’s starting 5 and wrangled the local spot from a dp negotiation. Let’s not forget we have 37 year old wagstaff back onboard.

Reply #940773 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Brandt would just be filling Sarr's backup 5 role

Reply #940777 | Report this post

Earlier this year

He is averaging 10pts/7rebs in the Japanese first division, that is handy production, would be good for the Cats imo

Reply #940778 | Report this post

Basket 91  
Earlier this year

Brandt would be good as a back up centre

Reply #940779 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Wildcats have signed Aussie Elijah Pepper out of college on a 2 year deal. He's a 6'4 guard who played his college ball with UC Davis.

Reply #940782 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Pepper is a great signing for the wildcats, definitely going to give them that scoring punch. Hopefully not at the expense of Henshall playing minutes this season. I retract my Brandt statements, Jack Herrevin is off his head. I gotta stop listening to NBL now.

Reply #940783 | Report this post

Earlier this year

I like it. Youth, dynamism, scoring & hopefully defense!

Reply #940784 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Yeah seems to have a bit of skill and role overlap with Henshall, both being scoring 2 guards.

But overall good signing, henshall can play point

Reply #940785 | Report this post

Earlier this year

With both Pepper & Henshall on board, maybe we get 6 minutes per game from young aussies next season rather than 3.

Reply #940786 | Report this post

Earlier this year

If I was Henshall I'd probably be wanting a release.

Reply #940788 | Report this post

Earlier this year

I'm shocked the cats got pepper. He is a very, very good scorer off the bench.

Reply #940789 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Yes the rotations will be interesting to watch, the youngsters pretty much have to get court time this season. Hopefully won't see Jack Andrews in a polo and dress shoes warming the end seat for another season wtf is with that?

Reply #940790 | Report this post

Earlier this year

How is the cats defensive end looking, Doolittle quality on D, who else ?

Reply #940794 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Jack Andrew won't be back next season

Reply #940797 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Hoping Pepper can be started along side cotton, they need to quickly build soldi talent for the post-cotton era that may not be too far away.

Reply #940798 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Hopefully Cotton's minutes are reduced to about 30 mins a game and Henshall & Pepper get some minutes. Also Webster is foul prone so should see some minutes. I'm hoping for a John Mooney type for the final import spot.

Reply #940800 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Based on his college resume Pepper should be a major part of the rotation, that's a great signing

Bit of overlap with Cotton though, maybe Cotton plays some point when they're on court together

Reply #940802 | Report this post

Earlier this year

So are there any thoughts if the JJ's are targeting Vic Law(would cost big $$$) and then using Sean Mcdonald as their staring PG while getting a cheaper backup veteran PG(ala Adnam or Zunic type) who has been around the league? I wouldn't mind seeing them go and getting Pat Miller and a good(but maybe not quite Vic Law level) SF import and keeping S.Mcdonald as the sixth man/backup PG

Reply #940804 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Andrew - it's been reported that Perth's import will be a SF most likely, move Doolittle to PF.

Next star to fill Sarr's spot

Reply #940805 | Report this post

Diop Kick  
Earlier this year

i thought Perth were linked to that french point guard as next star.

might not be enough available minutes now i guess.

Reply #940806 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Why would any young player want to play for Perth after seeing Henshall last season?

Reply #940807 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Mitchell confident that both Creek and Hunter will be there, interesting. Considering most OS leagues don't start putting their rosters together till mid June to July how long do players with out clauses get to notify their clubs ? Any idea

Reply #940808 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Because they had another young player on their roster - a guy called Alex Sarr lol - who's season with Perth transformed him from a mid to late first round pick to a top 3 pick, and has probably set him up for life on and off the basketball court.

Reply #940809 | Report this post

Earlier this year

If I'm Cleveland, I’m getting out of there asap - board a plane straight to Adelaide and set that up as your home again for the next 2 years....

Reply #940814 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Sarr would have been a top 3 pick if he'd played in any league in the world IMO. Next Stars program has definitely got some kids drafted higher than they otherwise would have, but I'm not sure that's the case with Sarr.

Reply #940816 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Eh maybe, but he was ranked 17th I believe in the season before when he played for Overtime elite

Reply #940817 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Tohi Smith-Milner let go by the 36ers. Not a surprise there.

Reply #940818 | Report this post

Earlier this year

And TSM signs with Brisbane. He's fine for a few minutes a night, wouldn't want to be playing him 10-15+ like CJ was doing though.

Reply #940822 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Are you serious about Brisbane signing TSM? Or you saying that for laughs?

Reply #940823 | Report this post

Earlier this year

He has signed according to nbl site. He be on minimum 75k a season. He's useful when required and a good team man. Good luck to him.

Reply #940824 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Let's not forget we have 37 year old wagstaff back onboard.

Forget? If only.

Reply #940826 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Another wagstaff fan boy hey Perthworld. Use up a limited roster spot for someone that can't play big minutes and best asset is leadership and mentoring. This can all be passed down in a role that doesn’t require playing. Sure he has moments in a game but does that counteract the fact you could have someone else in that spot contributing more than moments each game consistently?

Reply #940828 | Report this post

Earlier this year

The turnaround last season coincided with Wagstaff coming into the rotation.

Reply #940838 | Report this post

Earlier this year

I thought the turnaround came from Hyrum going into the starting 5 and Usher moving to the bench. Along with Bryce going on an extended tear.

Reply #940839 | Report this post

Earlier this year


Flopstaff should have been put out to pasture before now - keeping him sounds like they can't get anyone better. There are lots of other players who can shoot 3s and contribute more to the team, so I don’t understand all the love for him at the expense of youth.

Reply #940846 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Wagstaff is a glue guy and a leader. He is the last link to the Aussie contingent of their golden era. He stays as long as he wants to imo.

Reply #940847 | Report this post

Earlier this year

I suspect Wagstaff is there more so for his leadership than to play major minutes. Could easily move him into an advisory position which would keep him around the club without taking up a roster spot though.

Reply #940856 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Hoopie that pasture comment was the funniest shit I have read all week.

World14 I am 100% with you on that advisory role, if leadership is your no.1 asset then it's time to step off the court into a new role and let the new talent get some minutes.

Reply #940858 | Report this post

Earlier this year

For sure, full respect to the bloke but time to let the young guys play.

Reply #940859 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Another wagstaff fan boy hey Perthworld.

You misinterpreted my reply.
Use up a limited roster spot for someone that can't play big minutes and best asset is leadership and mentoring. This can all be passed down in a role that doesn't require playing. Sure he has moments in a game but does that counteract the fact you could have someone else in that spot contributing more than moments each game consistently?

I'm smashing the like button on this.

Reply #940860 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Perthworld my apologies, I did somehow misinterpret your response but probably in anticipation of the onslaught from the wags fan club that would normally result. Mind boggling when he got announced as signing for this season how many people were saying this is the best news ever. Meanwhile Okwera being young and athletic finishes the season with 5 minutes a game and 1.6pts and 1.5reb. The kid has a lot more to offer than that, should the opportunity present. 1.5 rebounds with his length is just wild and that's no criticism of his own.

Reply #940862 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Yeah disappointed Wagstaff didn't call it a day, the cats need the next Wagstaff to be coming up the ranks, Rillie cannot seem to play youth - he criminally underplayed Sarr the whole season.

Reply #940863 | Report this post

Earlier this year

I think there should be a rule about minimum playing time for DPs. At least 5 minutes of game time on 5 seperate occasions. For every DP story like Sean MacDonald there's dozens of guys barely playing. Even the JJs other DPs Walter Brown and Jacob Richards hardly played. Going back to the Perth case Dontae Russo-Nance and Jack Andrews barely played. Even in garbage time there were games where Wagstaff played instead of them.

Reply #940864 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Naah you earn minutes not gifted.....that is part of developing ie knowing that and understanding the concept of next man up. Richard's has developed as a DP - great stats in NBL1 and Brown has a long term contract the JJs obviously rate him and he will end up with time on the court.

Reply #940865 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Fair enough. JJs certainly rate Brown, got another 2 years to run on his deal including becoming a full rostered player in NBL26. He had slightly less court time this year than last but puts up solid numbers in the NZNBL and has also been with the tallblacks a fair bit recently.

Reply #940866 | Report this post

Earlier this year

I think there should be a rule about minimum playing time for DPs. At least 5 minutes of game time on 5 seperate occasions...

Coaches are trying to win games Word, if they don't win, everyone is calling for their immediate sacking. They have 10 rostered players, a quarter of which barely play and you want the DP's to be guaranteed minutes?!

Reply #940867 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Just an idea, if every team did it then no one's at a major disadvantage to anyone else, if anything it would encourage teams to scout out the best DPs possible.

Reply #940868 | Report this post

Earlier this year

11 rostered players.

Reply #940869 | Report this post

Earlier this year

You talk about having to earn their playing time. Sure, no problem with that.

But there's a big difference between being training fodder against players you know in a managed environment, and playing a game against those you don’t in one that’s chaotic.

That’s why DPs need to get game time

Reply #940872 | Report this post

Earlier this year

DPs wont get game time while finals are decided by %. Teams have to run up scores/big margins on every team they play to ensure they get the best ranking for Finals ties.

I'm hearing teams will play more games in 04/05 and that along with going back to head 2 head would open up the door for more time for the end of the bench. As would 48min games but that isn't happening.

Reply #940874 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Yeah I get it with the dps it can be dicey giving them a run at times in the NBL especially when every coach is trying to win as well as by margin. I guess I am thinking about Henshall and Okwera, from memory both were rostered spots last season not dp's so I would think you should have enough trust in the rostered players albeit on the bench to still come in an make an impact with sufficient minutes. To a degree I get it, a lot of new players on the wildcats this past season and a high expectation to win. Hopefully this upcoming season we can find the last couple players to fill the holes combined with utilising what we already have on the bench.

Reply #940877 | Report this post

Damo 75  
Earlier this year

There seems to be plenty of signings that are quoted around various websites as being official, yet no announcements by the club.

Nothing yet from Sydney about Kuol yet have announced other signings.

Nothing from Cairns about Galloway or Makoi, only announced Waardenburg resigning.

Nothing from NZ about McCarron or Boldon but have announced King and Mennenga.

To name a few...

Are they just drip feeding information, or are they not "done deals"?

Reply #940878 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Reckon it is drip feeding ....JJs have only just announced the re signings of Drmic and others along with the signing of Gak was late.

Very quiet end to the week, reckon Sydney have cleaned up. Have been tracking Tyler Robertson he will be a gun. Along with their other signings they have re stocked.

Any murmurings in Will MacDowell White?

Reply #940879 | Report this post

Easy As  
Earlier this year

The only reason Wagstaff is being brought back is so he can break Ricky Grace's all time games record......

Reply #940881 | Report this post

Earlier this year

The only reason Wagstaff has been resigned is because has shown that he can compete and fills a role.

Reply #940883 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Maybe deals have been done but until contracts are signed they are waiting to announce them.

Reply #940886 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Surprised Perth fans aren't happy to have Wagstaff back. On the court last season he had some moments during the season (some bad too, sure) but even if he doesn't play, you have guys like Pepper/Henshall/Okwera who are all quite young, and having a vet like Wagstaff in uniform on the bench is a positive thing IMO. And I say this as a Kings fan who has happily cheered AGAINST Wagstaff for a long, long time. :)

Reply #940887 | Report this post

Earlier this year

WMW has advised clubs he's going to sign in Europe next season instead of playing in the NBL. Reported by Olgun

Reply #940888 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Import PGs agent's phones now buzzing.

Reply #940889 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Import PGs agent's phones now buzzing.

Reply #940890 | Report this post

Earlier this year

A reason for delay in announcements, is clubs can't announce until contracts are ratified by NBL head office.

This is why quite often the announcements are by Olgun after "leaks" from NBL before clubs can announce.

Reply #940891 | Report this post

Big Ads  
Earlier this year

I assume that is a different "Europe" to the one CJ said he was going to all those years ago.

Reply #940892 | Report this post

Earlier this year

So Creek probably to China, WMW to Europe, Moller probably Europe as well, and Hunter possibly Japan. Kay Brandt, and a few quality former nbl players there as well, Pardon, Brandon Ashleigh in b-2 plus numerous others in b-1, players chase the money. Good thing is kings opened the purse strings to get Cooks back.

Reply #940893 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Delaney contracted on the nbl site to breakers, no mention of Cooks either, some strange team lists on there.

Reply #940894 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Delaney is contracted to the Breakers until he signs a contract in Europe and exercises his Euro Out Clause .

Reply #940896 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Thanks mystro.

Reply #940897 | Report this post

Earlier this year

With WMW not an option, the Bullets need to sack Scott and sign two of the best imports the league has ever seen to go with Prather if they want to challenge for top 4 by the look of it.

Reply #940899 | Report this post

Earlier this year

How strong are the rumours Trev Glesson will be back in the NBL next year too??

Reply #940900 | Report this post

Diop Kick  
Earlier this year

Gleeson is still with Milwaukee at the moment, not sure if he would be making NBL plans at the moment.

Reply #940901 | Report this post

Damo 75  
Earlier this year

Jackson Makoi confirmed for Cairns.

Coming off an injury plagued season for Kings, assume he's looking for an opportunity and decent minutes. Could be a good value signing.

Reply #940908 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Yeah, I think Makoi will do well in Cairns. When healthy he showed some flashes for the Kings - he can get to the rack and played with control/unselfishness when he did hit the court which is rare for young players mainly seeing garbage minutes.

Reply #940909 | Report this post

Earlier this year

So 36ers wise now WMW officially out.
Imports linked on Aussie Hoops are Hogg, McCall and still AC
I wouldn't mind Hogg, AC and an import PG. Asking too much? Not sure on McCall, plenty of pad to go with the good and not a shooter.

Reply #940911 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Makoi is a very good signing for taipans.
Sixers got two marquee players, only leaves two imports. Top quality point should be first option. Defensive wing next. Humphries and DJV are great pick ups but need a rebounding defender to help, probably not Hogg.

Reply #940915 | Report this post

Earlier this year

If that's the best list of local free agents on latest the market place the nbl is in a lot trouble. There were better players not even mentioned, you get the feeling that the nbl media is run a few player agents.

Reply #940917 | Report this post

Earlier this year

If that's the best list of local free agents on latest the market place the nbl is in a lot trouble. There were better players not even mentioned, you get the feeling that the nbl media is run a few player agents.

Reply #940918 | Report this post

Earlier this year

It certainly is, however I didn't mind the episode. I share their thoughts on Brisbane in particular... they might be the one team who I think it makes sense to risk throwing a marquee type deal at Motum.

Reply #940924 | Report this post

Earlier this year

I'd take Baynes ahead of Motum, certainly for the money Motum would want.

Reply #940926 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Motum is no spring chicken I'm convinced if he returned to the NBL he get cooked ala Baynes. Big slow lumbering but can shoot might work in Japan, however its pretty clear players go to Japan to get paid not to get better.

Reply #940927 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Difference is Motum is younger and not coming off a significant injury that saw him miss a huge chunk of time. I don't think he'd be DPotY or anything, but he would be a damn sight more impactful on the offensive end than Baynes ever was on the defensive end in his time in Brisbane IMO. Whether it's worth the money it would cost to bring him over though... it's a gamble, and one Brisbane may not want to take after Baynes. Might be better just to try and spend more on one Tier-A level import and see if you can land a quality local next year.

Reply #940928 | Report this post

Basket 91  
Earlier this year

Olgun is a mouthpiece for one agent who has him in his pocket.

Reply #940930 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Kings will be better just because of coaching, list still got holes, Cooks big addition
Breakers a few good pieces already, need much more, PJC big addition.
United, not much happening but normally get it done
SEM, even Olgun thinks there a chance of losing Creek and Hunter to Asia, said Hunter already had clubs after him and kings wanted him but would not sign out clause. I don't see anything changing much though Glover good addition. Sobey not convinced.
Brisbane, lots of work to do, a few good blue collar guys though, McDaniel, Bannan, got holes though.
Cats looking fine, lots good pieces, still not convinced in the 4-5 spots though, need depth.
JJs probably in best spot so far, got MacDonald at point, need a back up, Doyle is a gun at both ends.
Sixers, better get a bit happening, DJV and Humphries great start, need two good imports, some good blue quality guys with a great point guard required.
Cairns, always slow build up due to lack of a rich backer, Forde will still put competitive team together but they always start a long way back.
Hawks, got a lot good locals, get three quality imports or another marquee and should keep going forward.

Reply #940931 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Adelaide should prioritise a PG. Possibly Walton JR who has a connection with DJV and fit with Humphries. P
Next an elite defender in Cleveland or Justin Simon
Not sure you are getting those 2 plus Hogg so I'd take a chance with a new import PF

Reply #940933 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Strange there's been no confirmation on Hogg yet. There's a lot of teams looking for a strong 3/4 and I suspect he is playing most of them off. I'd rank him as the hottest free agent at this point

Reply #940934 | Report this post

Earlier this year

12 months ago I'd agree, but I'd be wanting to be very confident Hogg is fit and healthy before throwing big money at him after last season.

Reply #940935 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Earlier this year

Would the asking price for Hogg have gone down after an injury plagued season?

Reckon Adelade will go all in on an import guard, then hope to pay a bit under for guys like Hogg and McCall, then bank on them finding old form?

Reply #940936 | Report this post

Earlier this year

The comment on a recent marketplace was that imports prices go up but often if an NBL teams scouting is good they can go find a cheaper replacement that is almost comparable. NZ had 3 good imports 2 years in a row.

So DJ Hogg is in the category of not cheap and there may be younger fitter versions of him at end of summer league.

Reply #940940 | Report this post

Earlier this year

On point ballman, it makes sense aswell. Some imports thrive and some never reach there potential or adjust to the league. I understand why they would be worth more after a successful season, but at the same time every year there is a handful of new imports that are off the chain. Then everyone wants them back the following year and the cycle continues.

From a Wildcats point of view they haven't really nailed the imports except Doolittle for a long time. From what they keep saying they want an import 3 and a next star back up 5 to replace Sarr. That’s crazy, you won’t replace Sarr and too risky to have a next star as the back up big. They should get a solid import big and then just get a wing next star, which seems to be the most impactful position for next star imo. Every time I see a depth chart they shuffle who is in what position but realistically the most important thing they are lacking is size and support for Pinder.

Kings are getting a lot of praise with free agency, will they live up to expectations after a pretty full on rebuild. The pieces are all good individually but will it all come together?

Does anyone actually understand the marquee rules, like sure you can have up to 4 marquee/imports but is there anything to say you can have marquee players and not declare them and bring in the usual 3 imports and pay the luxury tax. Which doesn’t actually seem that bad. Also is there a limit on how much you can pay a player and claim as a marquee or the rule benefits the wealthier teams? Is there a rule that says if a local player earns this much they must be declared a marquee? Seems a little muddy to me to be honest. Jack McVeigh not a marquee but Buil Kuol is.... How

Reply #940943 | Report this post

Earlier this year

My understanding is you can have 3 imports but only 1 marquee, now you can pay players as much as you like but if you are above the cap you pay taxes. If you look at United side last season, it looks like 3 marquee players, Delly, Goulding and JLA with 1 import in Clarke. Clubs don't like paying the tax as it goes to other clubs but you can spend as much as you like but pay the overs tax. Most clubs are now trying to lock up good locals, Humphries and DJV plus 2 imports.

Reply #940945 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Mid-30s-Baller... yes you could bring in 3 marquee level guys and not declare a couple of them and then have 3 imports, except that is basically impossible because the team would either have to:

1) Go potentially millions over the salary cap if paying players according to their ability.

2) Somehow pay marquee level players not much money at all and stay under the cap.

Either way, it just doesn't happen. The marquee rules are designed to help teams so they can pay big for local talent, not to hamper them in signing imports.

Sixers pay a lot of Humphries to extend him, and similar for DJV, they are both almost certainly marquees and will therefore almost certainly have 2 imports next year not 3.

Reply #940949 | Report this post

Earlier this year

I'll trust olgun

He's been saying the 36ers are looking at 3 imports

An import pg (walton types), import sf (Cleveland type), import pf (Hogg type)

It means just the more expensive of Humphries n vasiljevic will be listed as marquee for the cap benefits,

May have to pay a little tax if we go over the cap, which doesn't seem that huge

Reply #940954 | Report this post

Earlier this year

When did olgun saying they were targeting 3 imports?

On the most recent episode of The Marketplace, both he and Pete Hooley agreed they need an import PG, but for their second import Olgun said they need an wing whilst Hooley said they need a 4 man. No mention of 3 imports.

Reply #940957 | Report this post

Earlier this year

I've heard it multiple times either on his podcast or various Marketplace type shows,

Reply #940958 | Report this post

Earlier this year

I remember it being said as well. I doubt very much they'll end up with a Walton/Cleveland/Hogg type of combo however in addition to DJ/Humphries.

I'd imagine a Walton or Cleveland, a injury discounted Hogg, and then a more budget 3rd import.

Reply #940962 | Report this post

Earlier this year

What happened with Gary Clark? Why no mention on free agent listing's?

Reply #940966 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Ye would be tough to afford all 3 of the imports at that price tag,

I think the names were used to demonstrate style of player too, i.e a PG, a defensive wing and a scoring PF/SF

They likely get 2 expensive imports and 1 cheaper import

I personally wouldnt mind looking at say Walton, Cleveland or Simon and Marcus Lee as the imports and then a scoring Aussie PF like DJ Mitchell (Anyone better available?), as I wonder if a Aussie PF like Mitchell is better than any of the remaining Aussie Bigs to back up Humphries so could be better getting a championship winner and mate of Humphries in Marcus Lee in to help our defence, provide back up and insurance to Humphries

Would give us


Reply #940975 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Isn't Mayern more of a three, not convinced on Mitchell either, certainly not defensively, Brisbane certainly didn’t fight to keep him and he was team suspended a season back for team misdemeanour. I can’t see Cleveland leaving his highly paid contract in Israel either. I like the look of the balance of the rest side though.

Reply #940980 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Yea, wasnt sold on Mitchell, just couldnt think of another somewhat sterting level PF/SF Aussie off the top of my head, pity we lost Galloway. Probably do need to get an import in this spot, even if it is a cheaper one, and find a back up local C, any good kids in college who can fill these types of roles?

Yea if we cant get Cleveland I would look to Justin Simon or someone new of that athletic defensive wing type.

Reply #940981 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Justin Simon is playing in Paris, going great guns, they have just won the euro cup, second best comp in Europe after euro league. They are also a chance of winning the French first division, he's a fantastic glue guy, I would have thought the kings might have had a go for him as Goorj had him at hawks and he played at kings for a season but think his value would be very high dollars.

Reply #940984 | Report this post

Earlier this year

You can only have max four combined marquees and imports so while they can still sign three imports one of the two local players would be in the salary cap at their full value and attract luxury tax. That's how I understand it at least!

Here's what espn posted am response to the confusion on this forum:

Reply #940985 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Bringing new imports into the nbl is very risky. There's so many failures and most aren't used to the pressure of carrying a team which is what's expected. So a proven performer like hogg even with injury concerns is likely much lower risk than pulling someone out of summer league who's more than likely been a contributor in the past.

Reply #940986 | Report this post

Damo 75  
Earlier this year

McCarron finally confirmed for NZ. Wouldn't be surprised to see him go much better there than his time in Adelaide.

Reply #941031 | Report this post

Earlier this year

I'll be surprised, long time since he played well.

Reply #941032 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Adelaide never played to McCarrons strengths and put the right pieces around him.
They just paid him and expected him to be the man.
He was never the man at United, just a guy who played his role on that team very well.

Expect Mody to give Mitch a clear defined role and he'll thrive

Reply #941034 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Apparently someone briefly changed Vic Laws Wikipedia page earlier to make it say he was playing for the Jackjumpers. I know there's been rumours but obviously just someone having a laugh.

Reply #941036 | Report this post

Damo 75  
Earlier this year

Similar reports saying he's signed with Cairns. Seems far-fetched.

Reply #941038 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Yeah, until someone like Olgun reports these things they can usually be taken with a grain of salt

Reply #941039 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Earlier this year

36ers are on the market to be sold

Reply #941040 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Mystro, McCarron refused to shoot...it was embarrassing and frustrating at the same time. Enjoy that (unless he changes his attitude)!

Reply #941042 | Report this post

Earlier this year

McCarrons proclivity for a no look pass followed by a defelction out of bounds when a simple chest pass to the open man would suffice got old real quick. Along with not shooting heaps this Likely contributed to his bench time last season

Reply #941043 | Report this post

Earlier this year

QAnon, as in a renewed effort recently?

Obviously that could go either way - could be a good thing, could be a bad thing.

I'm not sure there’s all that many wealthy South Aussies that would be willing to put the money in for Adelaide to spend with the powerhouses?

Reply #941048 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Bit of a random thought but do people think Josh Giddey would ever be interested in becoming a partial owner of the 36ers, or any NBL club for that matter.

Reply #941049 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Earlier this year

@KET its in the market place right now being shopped around.

Reply #941050 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Thanks for the update.

Surely you can't get anyone worse than GK in the LK era.

Reply #941052 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Kings have signed Jason Spurgin, a 7 foot centre from bowling green on a 3 year deal. Apparently 2 other teams offered him a full roster spot but he chose the Kings offer of 2 years as a DP being elevated to the main roster in the 3rd.

Reply #941055 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Is Pelligra still interested in the Sixers? It was rumoured they were a couple of years ago. The construction industry is under a fair bit of pressure at the moment though, so maybe now is not a good time.

Reply #941059 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Been reported online the hawks have secured both Garry clark and Tyler Harvey for next season good to see a small market team hold onto there imports especially clarke

Reply #941091 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Great news for the Hawks, really excited to see what they do with a full season under Tatum

Reply #941094 | Report this post

fan since the old snakepit  
Earlier this year

And a healthy Clark. Guy was playing on one leg for much of the playoffs.

Reply #941097 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Yeah that's huge for Illawarra. Harvey was one of the big improvers under Tatum, good decision to bring him back (and not something I'd imagine myself typing 6 months ago).

Reply #941099 | Report this post

Earlier this year

It's massive re-signings for the Hawks with Clarke and Harvey agreeing to stay. I was always confident that if they choose to play in the NBL it would only be with the Hawks. They both have connected well with the community. Clarke spends one to two nights a week serving dinner for the less fortunate people at the Lighthouse kitchen in Wollongong. Harvey and wife play golf with a major sponsor from the Hawks. I'm guessing Harvey's deal will be multi years(3yrs)as he'll be an import the first year and local the last two years if citizenship is successful. It wouldn't surprise me if Clarke stays long term as he has said about Wollongong that once you come here you don't want to leave.

Reply #941100 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Johnson that's awesome to hear, big respect to Clark, sounds like an absolute class act

Reply #941101 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Great news for the Hawks. Clark was pure fire at times.

Reply #941102 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Yes, what Clarke is certainly doing for the poor of the gong is outstanding, two great signings.

Hunter kicking arse in Latvia, another double, double. Risky business signing players that have Asian outs. Good thing is Creek is not getting much time, taking plenty shots in that time though, reasonable stats though. SEM look very ordinary if they or one suddenly gone.

Some of the sides well behind others in forming, kings, JJs, United and cats looking ok though. The teams with big money.

Reply #941103 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Hopefully another Cats/Cotton-type situation for the Gong/Clarke.

Re: Hunter IMO no way he plays NBL next season. Hate to see him go, but I can see why Sydney didn't want to risk it.

Reply #941104 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Michael Randall also reporting that Justin Simon is a possibility to return next season, multiple teams interested Adelaide and South East Melbourne apparently are the most interested

Reply #941109 | Report this post

Earlier this year

That would be a good get for someone, I believe he was an underrated piece of the Kings NBL23 championship. Definitely improved from his season with the Hawks.

Reply #941110 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Now the Russian league is not as strong as it was due to not playing in Europe but I'd say it’s still a good league and Casper Ware has had another very good season, as has Xavier Ratan-Mays, both imports very good previously in nbl. Justin Simon would be a great, excellent pick up, just don’t see it as he’d be on good money at Paris.

Reply #941111 | Report this post

Damo 75  
Earlier this year

Kyrin Galloway finally confirmed offical for Cairns.

Reply #941119 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Alex Starling has signed another 1 year deal with 36ers

Reply #941120 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Today's article confirms the 36ers are after 3 imports a point guard, a defensive wing (after Cleveland or Simon) and a stretch 4

They are signing rigoni and starling to complete the locals

So looks like we are going with

Import /mayen

If they get the imports right that's better than last season, so let's hope we can continue our winning record under ninnis

I do worries that we are too small with no real back up C though, hopefully they get a good young C as a DP out of college or something similar to what Sydney have done with spurgien

Reply #941121 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Had a family member go to a few NBL1 games so far this year and said Starling has been shooting way more 3's this year, so wonder if the 36ers are hoping Starling can be a stretch 4 for them this year?

Reply #941122 | Report this post

Earlier this year

I see starling as our version of hyrum Harris, if he's improving his 3 point shot that will only be of benefit

Reply #941123 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Starling has had a couple of good shooting games from 3.

Round 6 v Eastern 5/5
Round 4 v Sturt 3/9
Round 2 v West 6/10

Then his four other games have been poor.
Round 6 v Norwood 1/5
Round 5 Woodville 1/4
Round 3 v North 1/6
Round 1 v Southern 1/5

He is still shooting it at 41% but far too inconsistent at this stage. He really needs to be better at the foul line where he is only dropping them at 63%. For a guy that gets to the line as much as he does at the NBL1 level he leaves a lot of points out there.

Reply #941128 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Hey, 2nd year pro, plenty of time to improve.... :D

Reply #941130 | Report this post

Two months ago

per code sports, Angus Brandt is keen to return to the NBL next season, with the Sydney Kings being one that that has expressed interest in him.

Danny Mills is asleep at the wheel, exactly the player Perth need to backup Pinder

Reply #941146 | Report this post

Two months ago

Depends a lot on asking price. I'm sure he will be a servicable backup at 35 once the season begins. He's local(ish - Blue Mountains) so maybe Sydney has an advantage if he's just looking to come back to Australia.

Reply #941147 | Report this post

Two months ago

Penrith boy, where is his partner from.

Reply #941148 | Report this post

Two months ago

Trained with the Kings in recent offseasons.

Reply #941149 | Report this post

Two months ago

Interesting - Bogut retweeted the report of Kings being interested in Brandt and said "Wrong".

But Matt Logue and Michael Randall both held firm in the comments, said that the club has talked to Angus and his agent, and are interested.

Who knows?

Reply #941150 | Report this post

Two months ago

Bogut is a part owner, you think he'd be in the know, either Brandt agent is drumming up business or Bogut is keeping his value down, I don’t see Brandt there, so it must be a certainty, :::))))

Reply #941151 | Report this post

Two months ago

Penrith boy, where is his partner from.

I could be wrong but I don't recall Brandt being one of the players involved in the club's 'find a Perth partner for a Wildcat' program.

Reply #941160 | Report this post

Two months ago

Would Brandt be considered an upgrade on Hunter, like for like swap or a downgrade? He's a big body but not getting younger.

Reply #941161 | Report this post

Two months ago

He would not be an upgrade on Hunter at the current stages of both of their careers. In the unlikely event that Hunter is the NBL next season he'll be one of the top couple of local bigs playing in the league.

Reply #941162 | Report this post

Just a fan  
Two months ago

D walton jr signing with SEM

Reply #941163 | Report this post

Two months ago

Lots of former royalty migrating south.

Reply #941164 | Report this post

Two months ago

Excellent signing for the Phoenix, who are practically becoming the Sydney Phoenix at this rate.

Reply #941165 | Report this post

Two months ago

If you can't beat them pinch them, going to be a very big wage bill at the Phoenix. Sobey, Creek, Walton jnr, it’s starting to look a bit like last season, they will need three balls on the court. They are buying quality, can they put egos aside for the team, will be interesting certainly with Walton jnr commanding most of the ball being the point.

Reply #941166 | Report this post

Two months ago

There'll certainly be demand for better results with talent like that (assuming they avoid another season decimated by injury)

Reply #941167 | Report this post

Two months ago

Walton is the right guy to put next to high usage players IMO. He can defer (to a fault), while also being able to step up and take over when needed

Reply #941168 | Report this post

Two months ago

DP Tom Koppens has resigned with Melbourne United for NBL25. He made 4 appearances for them last season but seems Dean Vickerman might have plans to give him more time next season.

Reply #941172 | Report this post

Two months ago

Bolden to Breakers official now. It's obvious Mody is trying to improve on last season's front court perimeter shooting.

Reply #941173 | Report this post

Two months ago

Word14 Walton is a good player but him and sobey next to each other is a terrible fit two ball dominant players it will not work

Reply #941174 | Report this post

Two months ago

Baller that's a fair point that I hadn't really considered. Will be interesting to see how it goes with those 2

Reply #941175 | Report this post

a5ian nbl fan  
Two months ago

If you look at Walton Jr last 3 seasons excluding China because everyone in China is hero ball.
6.3 Assist with Kings 7 for detroit 8.7 in the g league suns the guy isn't afraid to share the rock I think its a good fit and he can score when Sobey isn't going

Reply #941176 | Report this post

Two months ago

Walton had some big scoring games for Sydney, but he was predominantly a pass-first playmaker. Like I said above, that was sometimes to a fault and he did bleed turnovers trying to thread the needle, but I think that was also in part down to the pace we were trying to play that season.

He will work just fine with Sobey as long as Sobey is more comfortable playing off the ball more at this stage of his career than he was previously.

Reply #941177 | Report this post

Two months ago

I'll be honest I’m looking forward to it, Sobey and Creek will both have a lot less ball handling duties. Also with three imports which one of Sobey or Creek is the marquee.

Hunter ?, local
Creek ?, local
Import, Kenyon
Sobey, Glover
Walton jnr, Ayre, Foxwell.
? Are re Asian outs.

Reply #941179 | Report this post

Two months ago

JJs have extended Sean MacDonalds contact. He initially came out of contract at the end of NBL25, but that's now been extended to the end of NBL26.

Reply #941180 | Report this post

a5ian nbl fan  
Two months ago

If you read the news corp article it sounds like Walton Jr made the approach to SEM not SEM approaching him

Reply #941181 | Report this post

Two months ago

Also with three imports which one of Sobey or Creek is the marquee.

Creek as Sobey isn't on the same level.

Reply #941183 | Report this post

Two months ago

Dunkman that's the thing though both of them need the ball a lot to be effective ,sobey needs to be the primary handler his entire game is built on it I don’t see him being effective of the ball

Reply #941184 | Report this post

Two months ago

Agree Baller, it's going to interesting.

Reply #941185 | Report this post

Two months ago

Jonah Antonio confirmed at Taipans on a one year deal.

Reply #941186 | Report this post

Two months ago

The South East Melbourne Phoenix have signed Aussie guard Luke Fennell on a one-year deal as a Development Player. Fennell recently led the 2023 NBA Academy Games in assists
via (Olgun Uluc)

Reply #941187 | Report this post

Two months ago

Kye Savage has signed a 3 year deal with Brisbane, excellent signing for them

Reply #941188 | Report this post

Two months ago

Dunkman from what I've read, SEM are just targeting an import wing now (hence their interest in Justin Simon), so they'll go with 2 imports unless Hunter opts out, if so they would get an import big.

Reply #941189 | Report this post

Two months ago

Former SEM player Grant Antevich has signed a 1 year deal with New Zealand

Reply #941190 | Report this post

Two months ago


Reply #941191 | Report this post

Two months ago

I find it surprising that Marcus Lee, in spite of his recent season, isn't being hunted like crazy. Sure, his name pops up often enough but imo, he deserves more hype. Can't help thinking of the teams that could use him.

Adelaide. Perfect b/up for Humph (let Starling be a 4/5) Now, if 1 of your 5s goes down, Starling is still avail.
Brisbane. Harrison and Zikarvski are all they need but H has had injury probs and Z is so raw. Excellent in spurts but 20 mins?
Cairns. He and Pinder could swat everything!
M United. Talking apparently.
Perth. Need a back=up for Pinder.
SEMelb. B/up for Hunter.
Sydney. Probably go their own way???
Tassie. Why did they not keep him? Was a great fit with Magnay!

Reply #941192 | Report this post

Two months ago

If Simon signs with SEM they really need to rebrand the team to the South East Melbourne Abdicators

Reply #941193 | Report this post

Two months ago

RobT because he is an import that averages 6 points per game and probably ask for the same money as imports that get 15-20 per game. He often picks up cheap fouls and often in foul trouble. Recently been injury prone. Yes his defence is handy but you have to look at the full picture as well as cost

Reply #941194 | Report this post

Two months ago

Anticevich had a fair season in Germany, quite good from out side, 38% mark, will be useful.

Reply #941195 | Report this post

Two months ago

I know very little about him, but Mody very rarely makes mistakes when recruiting players so I'm sure he'll have a role.

Reply #941196 | Report this post

Two months ago

Germany is a tough league and after settling in he's been very useful, he’ll be a good pick up. While Spain is is also a very tough league Anticevich stats are better than Delanys in Spain at season end and he’s probably half the cost.

Reply #941197 | Report this post

101 annon  
Two months ago

I think SEM will be targeting a import big instead of a import wing
They only have 1 legit 5 man in Hunter, I reckon they will go after a next star that play's in the 5 as well
Hopefully get Moller to play 3/4 but mainly the back up 4
Either Glover or Kenyon will start in the 3 & play the 2 spot at times when Sobey subs out
Which means they need to get another local in the 3/4 spot

Reply #941198 | Report this post

Two months ago

Understood, SixersFan. How about, at the right price? I believe that he likes it here enough to stay around. Not an outstanding player but ticks EVERY other box.

Reply #941199 | Report this post

Two months ago

At 101, I agree with what you said but Mitchell when interviewed said they were looking for a three and D guy, re the talk about Simons. As you showed they will be to heavy in the two three spot. Re Moller, early days but think he'll head OS somewhere, though my grape vine saying he’s been approached by a couple clubs.

Reply #941200 | Report this post

Two months ago

Walton jnr now confirmed at SEM. They are certainly putting a good side together.

Reply #941201 | Report this post

Basket 91  
Two months ago

SEM need an import SF that can shoot and defend and back up local bigs

Reply #941202 | Report this post

Two months ago

Re Moller, early days but think he'll head OS somewhere, though my grape vine saying he's been approached by a couple clubs.

Thanks for the update.

Euros appreciate the D more.

Reply #941203 | Report this post

Two months ago

I think his team play is his best asset as well, but then I'm a fan of Pineau, McDaniel, Wagstaff as well so I like blue collar players. I’d take Travers over McVeigh too ,so I’m clearly in the minority.

Reply #941206 | Report this post

Two months ago

Travers over McVeigh - interesting discussion. Both can make a difference to a team.

I like McVeigh because he seems to be able to produce even when he doesn't have much space to move in, whereas Travers seems to need more room to move and pick up speed to be as effective.

In a fast-running team, I’d definitely go for Travers; for anything else, McVeigh.

Reply #941210 | Report this post

Two months ago

Both very good, I just think Travers got a few more strings, slightly better passer, rebounder and defender, has to back his shot more, where McVeigh has absolute faith. Travers a few years younger on his side.

Reply #941211 | Report this post

Two months ago

Anticevich is a better shooter and has a better handle than Delany. Delany is a better athlete and power game. Anticevich is a better fit and will be cheaper. Breakers have seen what he can do in the NZ NBL.

Reply #941212 | Report this post

Two months ago

Agree EssenX.

Reply #941213 | Report this post

Two months ago

Interesting that even after signing bolden, mody said in an interview that he's s working on signing a "true five" "someone in the mould of pardon"

I thought they were going to use bolden as their starting centre...

Reply #941214 | Report this post

Two months ago

As a Wildcats supporter I am not going to lie, a lot of teams are rebuilding and recruiting nicely this free agency period. Makes me think more and more the wildcats bench isn't up to scratch with where the league is at. Kinda stacked with young/fresh offensive players no one is really known as a defensive player at all. Not sure an import and a next star can change that. Would love to be wrong in this scenario but on paper there are a lot of better looking teams and I am aware that doesn’t always translate. Mills said last year they were fixing rebounding and this roster is near identical and what are they targeting as a deficiency from this past season.... Rebounding and shooting.

Reply #941216 | Report this post

Two months ago

Delaney went away from his power game and tried to turn 'shifty' but in most cases it turned into poor shots off balance. It seems everyone including mody are assuming he won't be on their payroll in 2025 but my understanding is that he hasn't waived his option yet. Anyone know if that's true?

Reply #941217 | Report this post

Two months ago

Mody will play small ball lineups with Mennenga or Bolden at the 5 even though they're both 6.8".
With Pineau barely seeing the court it’s great to hear he’s going after an Import 5.

Reply #941219 | Report this post

Two months ago

Olgun has reported details of Tyler Harvey's new contract with Illawarra. It’s a 3 year deal keeping him with the Hawks through NBL25, NBL26 and NBL27. By the conclusion of NBL27 he’ll have been a Hawk for 7 seasons, and surely (hopefully at least) have Australian citizenship.

Reply #941226 | Report this post

Two months ago

Excellent episode of 'The Marketplace' on the NBL YouTube channel discussing depth charts.

Reply #941446 | Report this post

Two months ago

Just wondering after the marketplace episode if the JJ's have made jack mcveigh a marquee? They said the only spot they have to fill is one import spot but this does not account for marcus lee's departure. I assumed JJ's would be targetting an import PG and SF(whispers about Vic Law). Obviously if mcveigh and magnay are marquees they can only have two imports just dont think its common knowledge if thats the case. Or is it all simply a mistake by Olgun and they do have two spots left, plus next star(hopefully)

Reply #941448 | Report this post

Two months ago

Rucker making a real good point on SEM, three players with Asian outs, Walton jnr, Creek and Hunter, saying you can't build teams like that, no loyalty. Good point.

Clarke not signed at hawks yet, wants to much money.

Reply #941450 | Report this post

Two months ago

rareairunc I don't think anyone has offically confirmed it but I've got the sense for a while the JJs are only looking for one more import, in which case I suspect that yes- McVeigh has become a marquee (well deserved if the case).

Reply #941451 | Report this post

Two months ago

If clubs are announcing players and selling season tickets on those announcements and players start pulling out, you would be a very annoyed punter, wonder if you could get a refund.

Reply #941462 | Report this post

Two months ago

Mooney and Cooks looking fantastic together in Japan, maybe the kings can really open the purse strings and bring Mooney in. Mooney is such a gun, even better than he was at cats.

Reply #941707 | Report this post

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