Years ago

wright the right man

After watching Blaze take care ok Breakers tonight i was impressed with Joey Wright. I think he's got some great depth & rotations going on. I thought his imports might have been a bit similar but what they have is a team that can play full court D for 40 mins. Reminds me of a certain Bullets outfit a few years ago. Don't be suprised to see this team win a few games & end up in that top 4. He is a great motivator & coach. Chris Goulding looks fantastic! Did Perth let him go? NZ desperately need Penney back. Even the one dimensional James Harvey is becoming fun to watch. Watch Joey slowly fill that gold Coast stadium & turn that franchise around. Can he do a Goorgian & take the wooden spooner to champions?

Topic #21513 | Report this topic

Years ago

Sure, Wright is a great coach, but tonights win might have something to do with how they shot the 3ball?

Reply #255852 | Report this post

Years ago

Sure & Gibson banked a couple which i've never seen done deliberately since rupert Sapwell ( even thats debatable ). But i think the Wrights & the Gordies of the league have that upper hand over the likes of Lemanis & Fearne. Watch Westover play some decent cards - get Anstey back & time a run for it.

Wright i rate as much as Goorgian as he specialises in D & defensive rotations. Gordie has picked up a lot of that after spending the Olympics with Goorg. These older & wiser heads will shine brighter in Feb - let me tell you!!

Reply #255854 | Report this post

Years ago

Always thought with the lineup they have they should be playing some Phoenix/D'Antoni-type basketball and it started to look a little more like that tonight. I don't think Wright gave Err-Max the best chance of getting himself into the game by taking him off so early and I'm still not sure why Pero's starting over Petrie but you can't argue with the result. Doubt they'll ever shoot that well again though. Saturday should be interesting.

Reply #255860 | Report this post

Years ago

'Even the one dimensional James Harvey is becoming fun to watch'

one dimensional, what a very silly thing to say about Harvey!

Reply #255862 | Report this post

Years ago

orbit, calm down please. The rest of you is in that "Shaq makes everyone worse" thread.

Reply #255864 | Report this post

Years ago

Nothing complicated about Blaze offence.
They seem to attack opponents weaknesses and trusts his players to get this done.
Very impressed with how they attacked Oscar as the weak defender went at him and shot 3 after 3 in his face during that first half. Of course they won't do same very night, but does show they have more talent than first thought.
Petrie looks the goods. Particularly impressed by way he attacked the rim. Presume this was reason for Rickert being benched.
Goulding looks ready to step up and they seem together bunch.
Fact that Joey sat Pero, Mika and Harvey for large parts of game shows Wright has confidence in 10 players and they responded.
Their only problem will be stopping opponents because they won't always get that hot.

Reply #255866 | Report this post

Years ago

Nice summary Bill. But like every team so far this season they look like millionaires one day and paupers the next. Intriguing season.

Reply #255867 | Report this post

Mr bEn  
Years ago

Wright specialising in 'd' and defensive rotations? Hah, was that a joke post? Get serious man, UGH.

Reply #255875 | Report this post

Years ago

Quite right Paul.
Blaze have had tough schedule though (5 road games including Perth) and Maxey has only been in for 7 games, and Petrie has been injured and missed 3, so little upheaval in their team.
They have beaten Hawks, Breakers and took Perth to 5 on road so they're competitive.
They seem deeper than most teams as well, which bodes well for rest of season.

Reply #255880 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm a big fan of Joey Wright. I'm glad he's back in our league showing us his skills of coaching.

Reply #255900 | Report this post

Years ago

Adelaide oculd have used him.

Reply #255996 | Report this post

Years ago

You betcha EC. You know someone else who Adel could use - BG. The fact he is not SA means shit.

Grab a proven winner - Ninnis is terrible!!

Reply #256111 | Report this post

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