Years ago

36ers cut Jarrid Frye, sign Rhys Carter

did not see this coming. I guess more minutes for creek now. Not sure what to think of this move.

Topic #33676 | Report this topic

Years ago

Saw Carter tweet something last night about coming news, but wondered if it might've been Melbourne cutting Farrakhan to get him. Didn't even think it might've been Adelaide, nor did I think Joey would cut Frye - seemed to be too keen on him even.

This doesn't convincingly solve the three point shooting problem but doesn't hurt either, Carter plays D and knows the league.

Frye was averaging 8.2 PPG (sixth in the team, below Creek), 9% from 3P and 29% from the line - those second two numbers are very poor. He'd made 2 of his last 15 FTs. Confidence and mind games, you'd have to think?

Reply #456616 | Report this post

Years ago

Is Carter really going to make a positive difference?

Reply #456617 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah, he was a solid enough player, but a slasher who can't make free throws becomes a liability. I imagine Creek and Petrie will get plenty of SF minutes, with Gibson playing there a little too.

Great for Mitch, he is a superstar in the making and the team generally plays with a lot more energy when he is on the court.

Reply #456618 | Report this post

Years ago


Why not bring in another import?

Must have alot of confidence in Creek, and on recent form they should.

Cadees minutes will suffer though.

Reply #456619 | Report this post

Years ago

The best thing about this move is that it should open up plenty of minutes for Creek and force Joey to use him heaps, which i and many other fans have been wanting.

I thought Frye was ok and didnt see it coming either, but id say the poor shooting numbers were a major reason.

Is Carter in town and ready to go this weekend? i hope so.

I like Carter as a player and wish he had stayed since his first stint here, so am happy to have him back, may make us a little guard heavy, but if Creek plays 25-30 mins as i hope he does they only need 10-15 mins out of Petrie or Carter at SF so thats do able.

Thanks for your efforts Frye, all the best for your career.

Welcome back Rhys Carter!!

Reply #456620 | Report this post

Years ago

we get smaller as well.

Reply #456621 | Report this post

Cats 4 life  
Years ago

When is his 1st game? V perth?

Reply #456622 | Report this post

Years ago

I saw another Import training with them the other week, who was that? he was the same size as Frye, maybe they couldn't sign him? looked athletic though.

Reply #456623 | Report this post

Years ago

Sad, but at the end of the day, you just can't afford a player with such poor shooting stats.

There will be too many close games come finals for someone with these sorts of minutes consistently missing so many shots.

So long as its not a fryingpan -> fire situation. Time will tell I guess!

Reply #456624 | Report this post

Years ago

Also... How many point guards is too many? We now have 4.
Perhaps we're stockpiling for a trade with Sydney :P

Reply #456625 | Report this post

Happy Days  
Years ago

Could they have signed another import under the points system. Carter is very streaky but when hes on call the fire brigade because i've seen him drop 40 in SEABL.

Reply #456626 | Report this post

Years ago

Can you bring an import in this late in the season?

I believe the other import that was training with them may have signed with an ABA team.

Don't believe Cadee would be too happy at the moment.

Reply #456627 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Played horribly on sunday,lost confidence. A different player to the one that first came here.
EG 18points against Cairns and weigh got 2points, gotta double double in NZ...
..and I wonder if you know that I never understood
..although you said you'd go, until you did, I never thought you would

Reply #456628 | Report this post

Nathan of Perth  
Years ago

Adelaide a little lucky to have played fewer games up until now, still able to get him enough games for finals.

Assuming Frye doesn't put some fearsome hex on the team as he leaves costing you a finals berth anyway.

Reply #456630 | Report this post

Years ago

Surprised that they brought in Carter

Reply #456633 | Report this post

Years ago

Only 8 games left this season. Is that enough to qualify for finals? I take it he must be suiting up this Friday.

Reply #456634 | Report this post

Years ago

Rhys carter is a bum

Reply #456635 | Report this post

Muzz Buzz  
Years ago

Carter isnt the answer to the 36ers outside shooting but he does allow the backcourt to flat out harass the other team for 40 minutes.

We dont lose anything defensively with this move but we do gain offensively.

Teams wont be able to collapse now and we have a much more reliable conveyance from the free throw line.

Carter will also fix the switching issues that have been getting worse the last few games

Upside is that Creek will be unleashed.

Petrie can play the 3 if needed too so we havent lost a lot size wise.

Reply #456636 | Report this post

Years ago

Hope he performs better than he did at Knox last season. 11.9 ppg 39% fg 26% from 3. Doubt he makes the team better. Streaky shooter/energy guy. lack of confidence in Cadee ( 4 point guards )

Reply #456637 | Report this post

Nathan of Perth  
Years ago

Adelaide and Sydney really should have coordinated better on this Guards thing...

Reply #456638 | Report this post

Years ago

Why not bring in another import?
They wouldn't have had much money or time to work with. Carter was already in Australia on a trip with his wife and baby.

Reply #456639 | Report this post

Years ago

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think you have to play 7 games to qualify for playoffs (sixers have 8 games left). Great for Creek not so sure about Cadee. Petrie will likely see minutes at 3 to help Creek.

Reply #456640 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

Was CJ Massingale not available?

Reply #456641 | Report this post

Years ago

I think Cadee will be ahead of Carter in the rotation.

Reply #456642 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm thinking Carter won't make the 36ers better, although they will be made better by playing Creek extended minutes.

Carter is streaky and if he has a streak at the right time (Dragons playoffs back in the day) and drops a few 3s in a big game it could be a good move.

Will the 36ers put 5 pgs (Gibson, Cadee, Ervin, Carter, Cadee) out on the court at once at any stage?

Reply #456643 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

Yes, they cloned Cadee.

Reply #456644 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Years ago

Why not just downgrade Teys to a development role or whatever it is and bring in someone from around the place who can shoot the 3. If frye was just a cheap bonus in the first place, why not just use him behind creek in a lesser role. He would still be useful.

Carter doesn't make the team stronger and throws the balance out a bit.

Reply #456645 | Report this post

Years ago

should Sydney and Adelaide Trade

Camouche or Madgen


Cadee or Carter

obviously wont happen, but team balance wise it could be a win/win really.

Carter, even though smaller than Frye does bring many of the things he did, he hustles, works hard, plays d, is a decent athlete and is a better shooter than Frye, he may be streaky but still will be way better at shooting than Frye was and they will have to atleast half respect his jumpshot, so on that basis and allowing Creek more minutes this could really help the 36ers imo.

Still was sorry to hear Frye was cut and certainly wasnt expecting it, i thought they would just ride it out with this team and see what happens this season, good to see they are willing to make moves that could improve the team when required.

The biggest thing for me that comes out of this is more minutes for Creek, which alone will be awesome imo, i read somewhere he is the best dream team points per minute player, and last time i checked he was top 5 PER for the NBL, so he is a star in the making, he is also very athletic, energetic and exciting, i cant wait to see him play more from here on.

Reply #456646 | Report this post

Years ago

Bring back the doc that is sitting on the bench!!

Darren Ng would be good as a zone buster.

Reply #456647 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Years ago

But you don't have to cut Frye to give Creek more minutes.

Reply #456648 | Report this post

Years ago

True, but they probably also wanted someone with a better jump shot given a few of their recent games.

I'd say they may have even looked at imports instead of Carter, and if there was more time id guess they would have done that, but given the short space of time with the replacement needing to play this weekend they have gone Carter who is a solid proven NBL player and has quite a few of Fryes strengths and a better jump shot, not the ideal replacement but i assume thats what they were thinking, and thinking its better to go with Carter than rush a import, and also if Creek is going to play more do they need a import?

Could also be a longer term move if Carter sticks around a few more years, which a average import is unlikely to do.

If the points cap didnt exist i wouldnt have been surprised if they kept Frye and let Teys go to get Carter in, but given the points cap they ccouldnt do that.

Overall id say its a ok move, not ideal, but as has been said a swingmin who shoots so low FT% aswell as 3Pt% is hard to build around, especially once the other teams start abusing it, which they have. Overall i generally liked Frye, but can see why this decision was made aswell.

Reply #456649 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Years ago

Oh yeah points cap. I keep forgetting about that. I mean just downgrade Teys.

Reply #456652 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

I was looking forward dot a season without an import cut. I guess Jarrid is now out of the frying pan and into the fire,

Reply #456653 | Report this post

Years ago

I would have started Creek a few games ago and put Frye on the bench than bringing in another Guard.we have too many guards

So it means we start with same personnel and creek is promoted to start.followed by Cadee,luke,carter and BJ.

Big game Friday if we lose both games on weekend then we drop to 3rd.

Reply #456654 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Years ago

Yeah i don't think you had to necessarily needed to cut Frye unless the replacement was a no brainier or would significantly improve the teams 3 point shooting problem.

Reply #456657 | Report this post

Years ago

Tommy D has been training with the club all year, he would've been another good option to replace Frye.

Reply #456658 | Report this post

Years ago

Great move.

No more Frye, much much more of Creek, less of Cadee and a bit of Carter.

Reply #456659 | Report this post

Nathan of Perth  
Years ago

There's a special place in hell for puns like that, Jack.

Reply #456665 | Report this post

Years ago

Carter would be more of a team player
ive seen multiple times frye would take on three players with no chance of scoring
or on a 2 on 1 fast break he would never use the other player even if the defender commits and a simple pass would equal a lay up he would take on the defender and get blocked
i got the feel from frye that he didnt care about winning or helping his team mates score it was all about him

Reply #456668 | Report this post

Years ago

Is Peter Hooley a possibility to fill that off the bench shooter role in the coming seasons? How many years of eligibility does he have left at Albany?

Reply #456671 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't think Frye would've been selfish in the "personal glory" way, just keen to secure his spot knowing that he wasn't doing everything Wright expected of him and that the team would be more dangerous if he was performing. That's likely something felt more by imports than other players on a team, many who might have multi-year deals too.

Reply #456677 | Report this post

Years ago

Who was the other import at Sixers training?

Reply #456678 | Report this post

Years ago

Peter Hooley is South Australian....therefore he will not be considered.

Reply #456680 | Report this post

Years ago

Sad for him showed a lot of potential but his shooting this season really hurt his cutting game. Had moments he showed how good he could be and was a good match up for players like ennis who creek will have to guard alone now. Creeks going to have to play smarter and watch his fouls

Reply #456684 | Report this post

Years ago

Another import training with Sixers,name of this player?

Reply #456687 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

@Nathan, I was given my pitchfork a long time ago

Reply #456688 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

mightta been BJ Anthony training with 36ers

Reply #456692 | Report this post

Years ago

36ers say they cutting a guy who was underperforming due to an ankle injury...and bring in another guard and not a small forward who funnily enough also had a ankle injury before the season started.

This smells awfully funny...and I get the feeling we are going to end up paying for this to the point where we only just make the playoffs.

Frye has a few flaws with his shooting, but he was versatile in everything else. As much as I like Carter, I don't think he is the 'right' replacement to improve the team.

This puts an awful amount of pressure for Mitch Creek to perform, who is also a poor shooter, yet is just as versatile (if arguably more).

Carter also needs to play 7 of the 8 remaining games in order to play finals.

Reply #456696 | Report this post

Wilson Sting  
Years ago

This won't affect Cadee's minutes, didn't he only get 10 on the weekend? I thought you guys had already packed Cadee off to Sydney for next season anyway. Will be great to see Creek playing 30-35 minutes (or is that a little optimistic?).

Reply #456699 | Report this post

Years ago

Also if you bring in another import they might end up worse than Frye. Carter is a known quantity...

Frye also knows a thing or two about the Perth Wildcats, just saying...

Reply #456700 | Report this post

Years ago

Carter knows*

Reply #456701 | Report this post

Big dog  
Years ago

Kyle miller and jake rios both here and better than carter

Reply #456702 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

Mick, there are five new Cats this year, and a new coaching staff. I think his inside knowledge will be a shortcut from the court to the arena change rooms at best.

Reply #456705 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Years ago

Strange Decision. They have to this point lived with the fact that they don't have a strong shooting team. It has been concerning at times, but the team has found ways to work without it.

So unless Ray Allen was the replacement, what difference does it make replacing Frye. A guy who was essentially a bonus signing in the first place.

We already have Gibson and Cadee sharing the Carter type role, and now we are down a SF.

Creek can take those minutes. But Frye didn't have to be cut to do that. We could of promoted Creek and used Frye differently.

This was a mistake i think.

Reply #456708 | Report this post

Years ago

Thought Cadee had another year to go.
Sydney would snap him up altho they don't believe in point guards..haha.

Reply #456710 | Report this post

Years ago

Did Carter get cut from Uppsala team or get out of his contact again?

Reply #456711 | Report this post

Max Power  
Years ago

excellent signing to replace Frye, the log jam at guard does not bother me as he should get all of Cadee's minutes. Cadee is terrible, I hope Joey buries him on the end of the bench for the remainder of the season.

Reply #456713 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Years ago

Cadee looked more than capable when he got the opportunity in ErvIns absence.

Reply #456715 | Report this post

Years ago

The only surprise is that it didnt happen a few weeks ago giving us perhaps time for better options.

Spot on AJ we could really use a pure shooter like Doc coming off the bench in short bursts to open up our offense which has become very predictable.

Isaac is right though, it wont help our outside game, we have to hope our current players can put a bit more practice in there and step up our efficiency somewhat.

Still a positive move I think, fingers crossed.

Reply #456716 | Report this post

Years ago

Shocking decision.

Most would agree that to win a championship you will need to beat Perth in a three game series.

Frye was our best match up against Ennis.

Ennis is too quick for our bigs and too tall/strong for our guards.

If we were going to get rid of Frye then we should have done so two or three weeks ago when there was time to sign an import replacement.

Come finals time surely we will play Ervin and Gibson major minutes. Cadee is more than capable of contributing the 10 to 15 minutes as their back up.

Reply #456718 | Report this post

Years ago

Joey should have traded Frye for a big with some balls, our current bigs are as soft as butter.

Reply #456721 | Report this post

Ganymede 86  
Years ago

Not surprised Frye was cut just who he was cut for. Four point guards interesting. Excited to see Creek with 30mpg possibly!

Reply #456722 | Report this post

Years ago

Agree with Creek getting minutes but if touch wood he sprains his ankle and misses a couple of games in the playoffs then we don't have a SF on the roster at all.

Reply #456724 | Report this post

Years ago

Alexander Starling (spelling not sure) was the guy training with the Sixers. I heard that they were keen on him, but not sure what the situation was.

Reply #456726 | Report this post

Years ago

This could end up being the season ending decision, 8 weeks out from play off's why mess with whats not broken? Now instead of having a very balanced team we have an extra point guard for no apparent reason..

Reply #456727 | Report this post

Years ago

Not sure why the 36ers didn't look into Ron Dorsey from the start, the guy wanted to play in Adelaide last season on he cheap. Apparently he is a great team guy, I rated him highly when he played for Cairns, he can flat out shoot and play defence and showed to be a winner and the perfect SF NBL size.

Reply #456739 | Report this post

Years ago

I won't miss him. He has underperformed even for a cut price import and his free throw shot is an ugly liability. His d was also overrated - he tended to foul more than a good defender does. I had high hopes after his first few games, but he was easily scouted it seems.

Carter played some good games previously and can add something to the team, if on song. If not, no real loss.

Reply #456743 | Report this post

Years ago

Joey ran Teys at SF behind Wortho at the Blaze, so chances are he'll do the same thing here and slot Carter in as the backup SG (who can cover PG if required).

Looks like a good move to me. Creek is a better version of Frye, so the starting unit should be stronger overall. Carter is a shooting upgrade over Teys. And if Teys can step up as any sort of outside threat at the 3 it will provide what was missing from the Frye / Creek combo. If not, at least he can hit free throws!

Looking forward to Friday!

Reply #456745 | Report this post

Years ago

Tom Daly anyone??

Reply #456751 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm absolute gutted for 2 reasons;

Firstly as a Wildcat last season Lightning Carter was my favourite player and I'd hate to see him play for THAT enemy!

Secondly Jarrid Frye was an absolute bum and I'm surprised teaks didn't foul him every time he touched the ball (with enough practice you'd make 29% of your free throws with your eyes closed). I'm really disappointed by this that Joey was so alert to the fact that they have carried this loser and given him unwarranted minutes.

This was the arrogant sod that at the start of the season said that he didn't understand the hype for James Ennis as he would destroy him on the court... What happened man?

Your only highlight was um you missed the first game of the season away to Perth... I was happy not to see you and look you won't be around for me to watch you on Friday either.

Good riddance and I wonder if in 5-10 years time when we look back on the season 2013/14 who we will remember as the bad imports. I think that Frye will win out over Lazarre, Sanders and Ubaka.

Just one last thing and I'm serious, did anyone from 36ers management try and get Darrell Summers?

Reply #456758 | Report this post

Wilson Sting  
Years ago

I agree with almost everything you've written proud but please don't lump Sanders in with Frye, Lazare and Ubaka. Sanders was a class act and solid player and did not deserve to be cut.

Reply #456763 | Report this post

Years ago

why mess with whats not broken?
Did you miss the 22 point loss and the import with the worst scoring average of all NBL imports this season plus 29% FT?

Carter had moved on from Upsalla and was signed by a different team I think.

Reply #456781 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

You wonder how much could have been achieved if he was injury free. I thought he looked silky smooth to the basket, but his outside game was pretty ordinary. 2/22 (9%) meant that teams knew he wasn't a threat out there. Last 3PM was back against Wollongong on the 29th of November 2013. His role wasn't to be a real outside shooter, but even if he bagged 30%.....

FTs were a real issue with a flat shot. 12/41 (29%) Should be money in the bank every time. As a comparison Wilson 86.9%, Pace 86.1%, Beal 85.7%, Sanders 84.2%, Wilkinson 80.4%, Conklin 77.5%, Ennis 77.4%, Ervin 76.3%, McCamey 71.8%, Camouche 66.7%, Johnson 56.1%, Young 53.1%. Even at 70%, could have been 29/41 - nearly an extra ppg.

Good luck to him in the future.

Reply #456794 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Years ago

Proud, that is just a complete rubbish assessment of Frye isn't it?

He Hardly struck me as an 'arrogant sod'. In fact i would say his timidness worked against him in the end.

So one poor performance not too dissimilar to the tigers blowout and people suddenly point to Frye's points production as a serious problem.

There was a role for him on that team.

Reply #456796 | Report this post

Years ago

Daly for Teys !!!!!!

Reply #456798 | Report this post

Years ago

yeah! Might as well have 5 point guards.

Reply #456801 | Report this post

Years ago

Bit surprised the didn't go with Tom Daly personally. Cheap, awesome shooter, obviously knows the club well.

Strange decision IMO.

Reply #456803 | Report this post

Years ago

Defensive issues are huge at the moment, Daly is quick and able to rebound, steal and assist and create own shot. great pairing with creek, plus good court leader and voted players player locally and SEABL .... better spread of skills than Teys, here and local !!!!!!

Reply #456807 | Report this post

Years ago

Jobs for the Boys, Daly is a better player than Carter.
Joey will find out at Practice.

Reply #456810 | Report this post

Years ago

Should have got Erik Burdon when he was available at the start of the year!!

Reply #456812 | Report this post

Years ago

@ Wilson Sting, mate I had almost sent the post and then I thought about Sanders being cut, the point I was making that in 5-10 years our memories of players get blurred and would we remember Lazarre as the useless sod or as the King that played several solid games. Will we remember Ubaka as the shadow of his former self or the Taipan that at some stage was virtually influential in everything good Cairns were doing. Sanders will be remembered as the Damo type point guard that didn't thrill with stats but his last game was impressive.

Frye, um how will we remember him, decent defender and slasher who couldn't hit a jump shot or a free throw and took away minutes from a rising star?

@ Master, this was said during preseason when Adelaide beat Perth, when nobody knew how to stop the many strengths of Ennis, come the season proper and I think he pulled his head in his body language was anything but arrogant, almost timid.

So our perception has greatly differed over the time that Jarrid has been in the league

Reply #456816 | Report this post

Years ago

Re Daly, with Carter obviously being a lower points value than Frye, they would now i assume have the points to promote Daly into the 10 and make Teys the 11th man if they wished.

I personally would love for them to do it as i think Daly is better than Teys, and i dont think he is much smaller either.

Teys could still be paid the same, suit for home games as the 11th man i beleive.

I personally hope they do this, but dont expect them to as there probably isnt heaps to be gained in the short term, as this is the 10th man spot and the 36ers have plenty of guards no matter which of Teys or Daly is in the 10 so they wouldnt likely get minutes anyway.

Reply #456824 | Report this post

Years ago

Frye couldn't hit a free throw. Pretty simple really. As an import and with his skills to get to the rim you would expect him to be on the court in the final period. He is a liability in playoffs. If Frye was just 70% from free throw line you could accept that, but he shot worse than Paul Rogers from the line. The guy from the crowd at half time was better. As season goes on, with every foul shot the pressure gets greater and the misses get worse, mental disintegration.

Reply #456829 | Report this post

Years ago

"Teys could still be paid the same, suit for home games as the 11th man i beleive."
You believe incorrectly. Only 10 fully-contracted players can suit up in any game, home or away. The Crocs had to be informed of this last year when they had a similar plan for introducing Luke Nevill.

Reply #456841 | Report this post

Years ago

Ah ok, fair enough, could still add Daly in as 10th and make Teys 11th, just cant suit them both in the same game.

Reply #456843 | Report this post

Years ago

Well Teys is now the starting 3 for the 6ers, enjoy everyone!

Reply #456848 | Report this post

Years ago

You can suit 10 + 2 development players and 10 players away, several commentators have mentioned this and Perth have done this often enough at home over the past season and a half to believe that is the rules... On another note NZ came to Perth with 9 players suited and an injured Pledger on the bench, they had 3 foul out... If that isn't demonstrating what a development player should be used for then I don't know...

Reply #456875 | Report this post

Years ago

NZ cost saving. Pledger on fixed salary. Would have had to pay DP minimum game salary. Flights booked so take Pledger to fill seat. DP gets paid if in the 10.

Reply #456881 | Report this post

Years ago

Are people forgetting Teys is 6"2.

Laughable to think people suggest running him at the three.

Imagine a second unit of:

Cadee (6"1ish)
Gibson (6"2ish)
Teys (6"2ish)
Anthony (6"5ish-6'6)

Reply #456888 | Report this post

Years ago

Memo Proud,
Please produce any evidence whatsoever to back your allegation "the arrogant sod at the start of the season said that he didn't understand the hype for James Ennis as he would destroy him on the court.." No-one i know has ever heard of any such remark in any media. That's point 1. Point 2, for what it's worth, in the two games Frye played against Perth, the 36ers won. In the one he didn't, they lost.

Reply #456931 | Report this post

Years ago

Not really surprised by the 36ers cutting "Friar Tuck", and not surprised that we've picked up Rhys Carter to fill the roster spot. Carter is a known quantity in the NBL, and was available for the right price.

Yes it leaves the 36ers with only one true SF in Mitch Creek, but others in the team can play the 3 spot if needed. Gibbo, Peach and BJ can play there, and so can Carter.

The positive is that this gives MC the chance to shine.

And people, it could have been worse. We could have replaced "Friar" with some guy named Scott Christopherson......

Reply #456940 | Report this post

Years ago

Brendan Teys is starting, Joey has panicked. Sitting in second, every team has a down point in the season, so he destroys the chemistry built up through out the entire season!

Reply #456954 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Years ago

Jackie, I don't think he actually said that and so what if he did. It was probably from Joey or someone stirring the pot.

Frye was doing his best under pressure to consolidate himself here for as long as he could and it didn't work out that way.

Proud, I hate it when people needlessly feel like they need to go beyond reasonable criticism in situations like this just because they can.

Reply #456956 | Report this post

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