Years ago

Adam Tatalovich to face charges

Sounds like Joey has had an almighty sook at the tribunal & dobbed in the Perth assistant. Unless his comments were racist (surely not), Joey needs to get a massive tissue, admit he carried on like a teenager & cop it on the chin. I've lost respect for this great coach...

Topic #33758 | Report this topic

Years ago

The CEO should be up as well for bringing the game into disrepute. Wildcats fans say he was getting on the front foot and it was for PR but it inflamed the situation and was bias and should not of been posted by a CEO. If a CEO of an AFL club posted a negative pic of an opposing player that had been reported thete would be a massive out cry.

Reply #458426 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

Dean Parker, Ervin and Wright should all be charged with bringing the game in to disrepute too.

Reply #458433 | Report this post

Years ago

^egg on face come Friday

Reply #458435 | Report this post

Years ago

Tit for Tat.

Reply #458442 | Report this post

Barry Thompson  
Years ago

Clearly Joey was provoked and it seems pretty clear who did that.
Joey's reaction is inexcusable how ever the charges come from the provocation clearly. The guy cuts up video tape what was he even on the floor for.

Reply #458444 | Report this post

Years ago

The game in disrepute? The game was on the front cover of the Sunday Mail and the news for the first time in what 15 years?

Disrepute my ass...

Reply #458445 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

So Tat's provocation forced Joey to push a development player twice? Ok...

Reply #458446 | Report this post

Nathan of Perth  
Years ago

Going to laugh if this gets tossed out on its ear as well...

Reply #458447 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

He'll get a fine at most. Joey will be found not guilty as well.

Reply #458448 | Report this post

Years ago

People will care about this shit? It's soooo last week, none of your opinions means a thing, your realize that right!? Just be thankful it made national headlines and move on!

Reply #458449 | Report this post

Years ago

I'd be curious to hear Joey's side of what drove him into berserker mode.

All I could hear him yell was "Don't you ever touch me".

Still, he shoved a few people. Who cares.

Reply #458451 | Report this post

Nathan of Perth  
Years ago

Wonder if that sort of thing happens at training? Someone bumps into the coach and he chases them from one end of the court to the other.

Good for sprint work, I'd assume.

Reply #458452 | Report this post

Years ago

Greg Hire should be charged with disrespecting Adelaide.

Gary Ervin's performance from that game should also be charged with disrespecting Adelaide.

Reply #458454 | Report this post

Barry Thompson  
Years ago

JOey's been charged. Tat should never have been there is the first place.

Reply #458457 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

Joey was charged for striking, not for bringing the game in to disrepute or abusive language, which he should be (if comparing his behaviour to what Tat allegedly did).

Reply #458459 | Report this post

Years ago

Hey Barry,

1) Why exactly should Tat have not been on his own court?
2) He is not the video coach (that was last season; Adam Forde is the video coach now) he is now 2nd assistant coach aka the development coach. How is it surprising then that he is standing with Damian Scott, Louis Timms and Michael Vigor?

Reply #458462 | Report this post

Wildcat Fan  
Years ago

Can the NBL hurry up and conclude its investigation already? Its nearly been a week now and its still going on. I can understand if the league want to milk this for as long as possible given the headlines its created, but if this investigation drags into a second week, it will start to lose some credibility and its not fair on either team, who Im sure will want to receive their fines and move on.

Its been great for not only publicity, but to show that the league has some genuine passion, however it also exposes the NBL for being an organisation that can't wrap things up in a timely manner.

By comparison, this happens in the AFL every weekend, and is finalised by Tuesday during the tribunal.

Reply #458466 | Report this post

Years ago

Wildcats fans are lashing out again...

Reply #458467 | Report this post

Years ago

Clearly Perth have so much money they need to employ a sepo rather than an Aussie.

Reply #458469 | Report this post

Nathan of Perth  
Years ago

I know the Anons around here can come up with some dumb stuff but that just takes the cake.

Reply #458471 | Report this post

Years ago

Fuck it charge everyone and then we can move on

Reply #458473 | Report this post

Dunkin' Dan  
Years ago

"Clearly Perth have so much money they need to employ a sepo rather than an Aussie."

Yeah it's sad isn't it.
Get Ennis & Beal on the next flight home I say!

Reply #458474 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

"Wildcats fans are lashing out again..."

Are we? At what?

Reply #458476 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

"Clearly Perth have so much money they need to employ a sepo rather than an Aussie."

Where is Joey from?

Reply #458477 | Report this post

Years ago

"Where is Joey from?"

They're talking about Perth, not Adelaide. Comprehension fail much?

Perth have too much cash so they're throwing it away on seppos.
Adelaide don't have too much cash, so it's a totally different situation for them. Duhh.

Reply #458478 | Report this post

Years ago

So now Adelaide fans have resorted to racist jibes...classy

Reply #458479 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago


Reply #458480 | Report this post

Years ago

Brooks nationality anyone?

Reply #458481 | Report this post

Years ago

Australian isn't he?

Reply #458482 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

Thankfully no one has employed a South Australian because from what I've seen and read in the past few days, they all seem to be a few cans short.

Reply #458483 | Report this post

Nathan of Perth  
Years ago


You're being facetious, right? Right?

Reply #458484 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm surprised people aren't sulking, sooking or whinging about Hire taking 3 pointer

Reply #458488 | Report this post

Years ago

Situation, why do you have to lower yourself to such ridiculous comments. You really know nothing about anyone on this site. Basketball fans come from many walks of life. Surgeons, Lawyers, Garbage Collectors, Fire Fighters and Domestic Gods and ,Godesses, Men Women, Children and Granparents. They call it how they see it from their perspective.. Keep it to the basketball and your view of the court. Every team has a potential Boomer and we will all be behind them, will you.... with your fellow Australians.... Your generalizations reflect back on you, and the others who can't leave it alone and join in getting off topic...

Reply #458494 | Report this post

Dunkin' Dan  
Years ago

"I'm surprised people aren't sulking, sooking or whinging about Hire taking 3 pointer"

Give it time, Steven.
First, after Adelaide's dobbing in of Tatalovich, Tatalovic has to counter-dob on Gary Ervin, then at his tribunal hearing he will counter-counter dob on Hire, and then FINALLY justice can be served by Greg Hire, the despicable instigator of this whole mess, finally copping his due punishment!

Reply #458497 | Report this post

Years ago

It's a shame the process of the investigation didn't cite Tat in the first place.

Reply #458500 | Report this post

Nathan of Perth  
Years ago

Greg Hire will pay for wasting his vertical on those stubby little non-dunking t-rex arms!

Reply #458502 | Report this post

Years ago

i loved the whole basketbrawl...absolutely loved it !!

Reply #458504 | Report this post

Years ago

I haven't seen this much passion in the NBL for years and years. It's awesome :-)


Reply #458508 | Report this post

Years ago

The fight needed more Shane Heal in it.

Reply #458509 | Report this post

Years ago

Dunkin' Dan I think you missed a directive here. Coaches can only dob on coaches, GMs on GMs and players on players.

Therefore by not reporting Marvin they avoided Parker being dobbed in.

By dismissing Ennis' charge they avoided him dobbing in Ervin who would then dob in Hire.


Reply #458516 | Report this post

Years ago

Will be funny when the Perth fans realise it wasnt an Adelaide person who dobbed anyone in

Reply #458523 | Report this post

Wilson Sting  
Years ago

Why would Hire shooting the 3 even be an issue? It's not like he carried on after he made it. It was a legitimate open shot that he took. Most games that have blown out this season have teams taking those shots all the time.

Reply #458525 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

Who was it then?

Reply #458526 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

"Tatalovich was charged on Wednesday with bringing the game into disrepute and for misconduct after the 36ers lodged a formal complaint with supportive evidence."

So Boti got it wrong, #523, or are you just making stuff up?

Reply #458527 | Report this post

Years ago


The NBL released the following on Wednesday afternoon:

The NBL has issued two new charges stemming from the post-match altercation between the Perth Wildcats and Adelaide 36ers game on Friday night.

Perth Wildcats Assistant Coach Adam Tatalovich has been charged with:

- Bringing the Game Into Disrepute
- Misconduct

These charges relate to alleged physical contact and abusive language directed at Adelaide Coach Joey Wright.

They follow an official complaint lodged with the NBL by the Adelaide 36ers. Additional evidence has emerged to support the charges.

Both charges will be heard later this week. A date and time is yet to be set.
The striking charge against Joey Wright will be heard on Friday afternoon.

Sounds pretty clear cut that it came from Adelaide

Reply #458528 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

Anonymous posters might as well be Sixers GM's because neither of them have any credibility.

Reply #458529 | Report this post

Wilson Sting  
Years ago

Joey should be charged with bringing the game into disrepute. Most likely he's going to get off the striking charge so will therefore have no punishment. Is it really acceptable that no-one (Tat excluded here because as an assistant coach he doesn't really count) is punished after that whole incident and that the league deems that as acceptable behaviour?

Reply #458530 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago


Reply #458531 | Report this post

Dunkin' Dan  
Years ago

Not just Boti, but Last night's TV news as well:

Channel 10: "After more complaints by the 36ers, Cats assistant Adam Tatalovich has been charged.."

Channel 7: "After a complaint from Adelaide, Cats assistant coach Adam Tatalovich has been charged..."

Can hardly blame "Perth fans" for thinking that's how it came about, when that is exactly the way all the news outlets are reporting it.

Reply #458532 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago


Reply #458533 | Report this post

Nathan of Perth  
Years ago

Reality 1 - Anon -3

Reply #458536 | Report this post

Years ago

So it should be. The Perth fans were the ones bleating thy had no involvement in the mallee initially.

Reply #458537 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

No, that is completely untrue.

Reply #458538 | Report this post

Years ago

Similarly, any sane, rational and non-tribal NBL fan who watches the video of the aftermath of the Wildcats-36ers handshakes can see the initial to-do is being settled and Joey is among the peacemakers when suddenly he flips.

And thus he is charged with striking Tatalovich who, the triballists now wish to claim, was protecting the Wildcat development players from Joey's machinations.


No wonder juries need 12 people.


Reply #458539 | Report this post

Years ago

Hmm Tatalovich is a tool and Wright is a hot-head.

Bad combination in a situation like this one was.

Still - as people have pointed out - NBL is in the news a lot for once, and imagine the next game against the Wildcats and Sixers on 14th March - woah mumma :-)


Reply #458543 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

Is that the same Boti who refuses to acknowledge that a "disrepute" charge should also apply to Wright, or that Ervin should also be charged for instigation/provocation, as he is so keen to drop Tat in the shit for?

Reply #458544 | Report this post

Nathan of Perth  
Years ago

Well I would certainly deny that the Wildcats had any involvement in "mallee", or anywhere else in north-western Victoria for that matter.

We may have had something to do with a melee a couple thousand km's away, however.

Reply #458546 | Report this post

Dunkin' Dan  
Years ago

"Wildcats fans are rushing to exonerate an obviously much-loved assistant who most couldn't name before Friday’s shemozzle."

Maybe not you, Boti, but plenty in Perth were well aware of Adam and his NBA background.
Don't forget we still care about our basketball in Perth.
I don't see Wildcats fans rushing to exonerate him either. FWIW I definitely think he is guilty of removing an opposing coach's hands from one of his players and should be punished accordingly.

Reply #458547 | Report this post

Years ago

Is this Situation bloke for real

lay off the gear man

Reply #458549 | Report this post

Years ago

Nope, most Perth fans including the prominent ones in this thread have said from the start that Ervin instigated the intial conflict, Ennis accelerated it into a physical melee, Joey restarted it twice.

To break it down for the simple anons:

- Ervin said something to Hire
- Ennis overreacted after Gleeson had already moved Hire away from Ervin
- All coaches + Damian Martin managed to seperate the players
- Joey touches a Wildcats development player (who is just standing there) and says "Stay Back"
- Tatalovich overreacts by pushing Joey's hand away and tells him to "f*** off"
- Joey overreacts and push/punches Tatalovich and then pushes Wildcats development players when they move in front of Tatalovich
- Joey is forcibly restrained by BJ Anthony who accidently knocks his glasses off
- Tatalovich continues chatting
- Joey can be heard on the broadcast yelling "that's f****** wrong" over and over again (Despite what Ben Fitz will have you believe according to a recent tweet). He then proceeds to go after Tatalovich again but is blocked by the mass of players.

Reply #458550 | Report this post

Dunkin' Dan  
Years ago

"- Joey can be heard on the broadcast yelling "that's f****** wrong"

You sure?
All I can make out is him shouting "Don't you EVER push me!" over and over
(or words similar to that. Might have been don't you ever touch me)

Reply #458553 | Report this post

Years ago

1:04-1:11 on this video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3VjtaQ339k

I was wrong that he repeated the phrase above:
- something about being a f****** man
- "that's b******" X 3
- "That's f****** wrong"

Reply #458556 | Report this post

Dunkin' Dan  
Years ago

That doesn't sound like Joey's voice to me. Sounds like someone else.

Reply #458558 | Report this post

Muzz Buzz  
Years ago

You have mistaken Gary for Joey.

Reply #458559 | Report this post

Years ago

I watched it live and heard Joey swearing a bunch and charging into players and being held back by his own. He lost all control.

Regardless of verbals that he may have received, that is never acceptable. Schoolyard stuff.

But I'm just an anon, so ignore me.

Reply #458561 | Report this post

Dunkin' Dan  
Years ago

Yeah I'm guessing Gary as well. Top of screen doing his best Patty Mills impression with a towel, near another cameraman and therefore another mic.

Reply #458562 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh that's embarassing; sorry guys :(

Reply #458566 | Report this post

Nathan of Perth  
Years ago

You have let us all down, Silencer. Like the Russian hockey team to Vladimir Putin, you have let us all down ):

Reply #458575 | Report this post

Years ago

hehehe I just worked out who you are elsewhere online Nathan of Perth :)

Reply #458584 | Report this post

Years ago

Charles Carmouche is leaving Sydney for personal reasons. Pretty obvious that Adam Tatalovich used some strong language at him and he's had to leave the country.

When will this guy finally get whats coming to him?

Reply #458626 | Report this post

Years ago

Reply #458629 | Report this post

Years ago

Anonymous, grow a set of balls and put your name up. Otherwise FUCK OFF

Reply #458630 | Report this post

Dunkin' Dan  
Years ago

Yeah I agree. You're making people teste

Reply #458633 | Report this post

Years ago

This is really poor form by the NBL dragging this issue on for so long. Even the AFL can resolve an all in involving 44 players plus trainers and runners etc on the Tuesday following the weekends game.

This particular melee was nothing more than a bit of push and shove. No jumper punches and no players on the ground wrestling and no torn jerseys etc etc. bloody grow up NBL!!!!

Reply #458652 | Report this post

Years ago

Really poor by the NBL yet again, just shows how unprofessional the NBL really. How can you conduct an investigation, then charge 2 guys, then a few days later, drop a charge, then 2 days later charge another bloke. Why hasnt this been finalise.

Reply #458654 | Report this post

Years ago

Really poor by the NBL yet again, just shows how unprofessional the NBL really. How can you conduct an investigation, then charge 2 guys, then a few days later, drop a charge, then 2 days later charge another bloke. Why hasnt this been finalise.

Reply #458655 | Report this post

Years ago

Pressed enter too early. What the NBL should have done is. Review tape over weekend, issue charges by 12 noon, have teams 24 hours to response. Hear charges Wednesday morning, then issue fines or penalities. What are they going to do, wait until the finals and then say Joey suspended for 1 week. A joke.

Reply #458657 | Report this post

Bol Bol  
Years ago

^^ It would have been finalised if it weren't for adelaide pressuring the NBL into laying more charges against tatalovic. Its a joke that the NBL have shown no balls whatsoever and have laid new charges five days after the incident. Maybe Joey went beserk on the NBL too and they shat themselves!

Reply #458681 | Report this post

Years ago

Why does it matter that the 36ers lodged the formal complaint? They should have, the Cats assistant should definitely be subject to the tribunal, just as Joey Wright is.

Neither club has a moral high ground in this fight, both acted pretty badly and both escalated the fight.

Some of the red & black tinted comments, including "Dean Parker, Ervin and Wright should all be charged with bringing the game in to disrepute too." are ridiculous. Dean Parker? Really? Come on, son.

"Thankfully no one has employed a South Australian because from what I've seen and read in the past few days, they all seem to be a few cans short."

Honestly, don't ruin any credibility you might have saying stuff like that. Really not the most intelligent statement you've come up with.

Pathetic spiteful comments and people believing their club has some imaginary moral high ground is hilarious. Perth's CEO shouldn't have posted ala Dan Gilbertesque, Adelaide's Head Coach shouldn't have gone psycho, Perth's Assistant Coach shouldn't have gone psycho himself, Ervin, Creek and Ennis shouldn't have lost their tempers.... Both clubs acted equally as atrociously.

Reply #458683 | Report this post

Years ago

Why did the Wildcats need to recruit an assistant assistant coach (main assistant is Andy Stewart) all the way from the States? I don't get it.

Reply #458690 | Report this post

Years ago

Why do these sorts of incidents get blown out of proportion on here with these long drawn out boring arguments yet when you go and click on a game thread there is barely any talk. Get over it and focus on the next round. You guys would rather argue about semantics than the actual basketball games going on.

Reply #458691 | Report this post

Years ago

-- Why did the Wildcats need to recruit an assistant assistant coach (main assistant is Andy Stewart) all the way from the States? I don't get it.

Umm maybe they thought he was the best qualified for the role they had in mind?
Sorry just a crazy theory I am throwing out but maybe just maybe not all the best coaches are aussies and maybe they thought someone with experience in multiple NBA teams might be able to contribute.
Also what a stupid time to ask that question.

Reply #458694 | Report this post

Years ago

Anonymous, seriously, who cares what nationality the Assistant coach is

Reply #458715 | Report this post

Years ago

Its interesting too that it would appear that no referee reported anyone after the "incident." Would that be a true statement?
If so wither incompentency or they deemed nothing in it. I would have thought the former.

Reply #458721 | Report this post

Years ago

KET.......THANK YOU for speaking sense. Its about time someone did on this issue.

The way most Wildcats fans have come across about this issue has been a little hard to take. Its almost like they've tried to paint a picture which shows the alter boy `Cats all kneeling in prayer in the centre of the court after the game thanking God (Marvin?) for their existence and their overwhelming basketball ability which would leave the likes of even the Miami Heat chasing their own tails. Meanwhile those dastardly devils from Adelaide led by their coach Joey Wright and GM Dean Parker have gone psycho, killing everyone in sight not wearing a 36ers shirt.

Ok, ok, that is a very big exaggeration of the truth. But my point is that the Wildcats are just as guilty for what we saw after the game last Friday night as the 36ers were.

Reply #458727 | Report this post

Years ago

Good post KET.

Actually according to Boti the hearing for Joey was delayed until Friday (today) at Adelaide's request so that Lemanis would be back to be on the panel.

I am not sure why or how that works considering Lemanis is employed by Basketball Australia and not the NBL now.

Reply #458737 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

HoldenV8, you thank KET for making sense, then blame Wildcats fans for their stupidity (have you not seen the number of people questioning Tat's nationality, o anonymous posters making stuff up?) while saying the Cats are just as guilty. They're not. I know what role the Cats played on Friday and have happily admitted who was wrong but the point is, and this has been made REPEATEDLY, is that only one person has been charged with bringing the game into disrepute, and that wasn't the dick who kicked the whole thing off or ran around the court loudly swearing, nor was it the guy who carried on like a complete moron after being touched and sworn at.

I am yet to hear one person give an explanation as to why only one person faces that charge.

KET. my comments about Dean Parker have been facetious responses to people's suggestions that Nick Marvin should be charged as well. Parker was just as active on Twitter on Friday night and the next day and he had his own stupid comments to make, so its not as if took the high road.

Reply #458746 | Report this post

Years ago

^ you sir, are a f@*ken idiot

Reply #458748 | Report this post

Nathan of Perth  
Years ago

^ Didn't read, just an anon.

Reply #458752 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

It was late in the evening when there vame a knock upon the door."Who is it?" Bruce asked. "It's me Bruce." said Joey."and I'd like a word with you."................." Where's the betterhalf Bruce?" Joey asked as he entered the room. "Aw, she's out the back flaming it up with Jarrid. Now, what's on your mind today?" "Well," Joey began." I wondered what to say on Friday and I understand that you're the key." "That's right! I am!! Now, you've been around the league forever and you've boxed all that time, while the racist has been here only one season and if you had punched him he would have gone down." Joey: "fine. That will be all." Just then Bruce's wife, Angela entered the room. " Get out! you Frye hater. Come here no more." Joey left willingly....................

Reply #458777 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago


Reply #458786 | Report this post

Years ago

Just a minor point.....Tatalovich wouldn't be facing any charges if the NBL didn't agree with the 36ers complaints on some level. Its just pathetic that it took complaints from the 36ers for that to happen. If he was going to be charged he should have been charged when Ennis and Wright were.

My own personal feelings on this whole BS is that the NBL should have handed out a few warnings and possibly a few fines to both teams, then just got on with the season. And it should have been over with by Wednesday. The fact that its a week later and this is still going on is unprofessional from the NBL to say the least.

Reply #458794 | Report this post

Nathan of Perth  
Years ago

"Tatalovich wouldn't be facing any charges if the NBL didn't agree with the 36ers complaints on some level."

Why would you presume this to be the case?

Agree that in hindsight, a series of modest fines and a general warning to don't be that dumb again to both teams, handed out in the space of the weekend, would have been the way to go about it. After all, despite talk of striking this or provocation done, the whole thing was surely a massive case of no harm done, no need to stress.

Reply #458799 | Report this post

Muzz Buzz  
Years ago

A. Because if the NBL didnt agree they wouldnt have gone forward with the charges

36ers had evidence provided to them that wasnt previously available and so they presented this to the NBL.

On the back of this the NBL issued the charges.

Reply #458800 | Report this post

Nathan of Perth  
Years ago

Not really, if a club goes to the trouble of lodging an official complaint it would have to be utterly spurious prima facie to not take the matter to a tribunal, and making that call would be politically awkward for them. They would progress through with the charge whether they agree or not, nothing can be derived from the fact charges have been pressed in this instance.

Reply #458803 | Report this post

Years ago

pathetic this is still going on. should've been sorted by 9:15am Monday.

Reply #458804 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

I want to know what this extra evidence is. Is it more evidence of the things that Joey stated to have happened (pushed in the chest, sworn at) or do they mean that the story of what happened has changed?

Reply #458806 | Report this post

Nathan of Perth  
Years ago

Camel, are you high?

Reply #458808 | Report this post

Years ago

Marvin should be up. Posting that picture was a disgrace as it inflamed the situation. Perth fans need to man up about it.

Reply #458844 | Report this post

Nathan of Perth  
Years ago

Out of all the molehills being converted into mountains, Marvin tweeting that picture is by far the biggest differential between actual incident and the absurdity of response. There is absolutely nothing there, folks.

Reply #458847 | Report this post

Muzz Buzz  
Years ago

Except for a picture that in its singularity is out of context

Reply #458849 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

"Marvin should be up. Posting that picture was a disgrace as it inflamed the situation. Perth fans need to man up about it."

Inflamed? How?

Considering Adelaide (fans or team) are not manning up and taking responsibility for what Wright or Ervin did, not sure why you expect such standards from Perth.

Reply #458854 | Report this post

Nathan of Perth  
Years ago

In my experience, there are very few times when the phrase "out of context" is not employed in a weaselly fashion.

It was firmly rooted in the context of a confrontation between Wright and Tatalovich. There's a lot you could say about the little sliver of time presented in the photo, but I don't see how you can claim it was out of context when everyone had access to the footage to compare it against.

Reply #458856 | Report this post

Years ago

The issue I saw with the picture was not the fact that it was posted but that Marvin indicated that it proved the "his" assistant coach didn't start anything.

It didn't prove that; it did prove that Joey wasn't the saint that some SA commentators on twitter were suggesting.

Reply #458859 | Report this post

Years ago

He is the CEO, that is whats wrong. The role of a CEO is not to post a picture of a reported incident on Twitter. #Unprofessional #full stop #move on #amit you are wrong on this one

Reply #458860 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

I've already said that he shouldn't have posted the pic, but I can see why he did it.

Go and check Chris Goulding's twitter from the incident, where he posted "just a coincidence huh?" ie blaming Perth for the entire incident. Have a look who retweeted it. The role of a CEO is not to apportion blame for an incident which he knew nothing about, particularly as he was dead wrong. So thats why Nick posted the pic - because your dickhead CEO blamed the Cats first.

Reply #458864 | Report this post

Years ago

The Situation again. Joey is manning up and will take whats coming..... Read from other sources and you will find he has already said he is disappointed in how he reacted but that doesn't mean he has to shoulder the reaponsibility of the entire incident. Ervin will be equally as disappointed this mall transpired and is right to not
comment.. Joey is quiet because he is back on the job getting his team ready for the coming rounds. Time to let it go. If it happens again then that is an issue. How the NBL and Refs manage it and agro brewing in future games is an issue to be addressed after todays findings are laid. Everyone will learn from this experience and hopefully NBL and clubs will create new policies and agreements to prevent and manage these kind of undesirable events in this great sport we all love. Transfer that anger into support for your team and pray to the basketball gods we have a great end to the season for the good of the sport.

Reply #458865 | Report this post

Years ago

Actually Goulding was blaming Ennis for instigating.

Reply #458866 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

Whatever the case, Parker retweeted it. I'd say he provoked Marvin in to responding.

Reply #458868 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes, just nitpicking before a 36er fan does :)

Reply #458869 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh and Joey retweeted inflammatory comments as well so I really don't think anyone should be getting on a high horse over Marvin's tweet.

Reply #458870 | Report this post

Years ago

Marvin is always professional provided he gets his way.

Reply #458874 | Report this post

Years ago

"Its interesting too that it would appear that no referee reported anyone after the "incident." Would that be a true statement?
If so wither incompentency or they deemed nothing in it. I would have thought the former."
Pretty sure they were down the tunnel already at the time, and having not seen anything couldn't possibly have made any reports.

Reply #458875 | Report this post

Nathan of Perth  
Years ago

"He is the CEO, that is whats wrong. The role of a CEO is not to post a picture of a reported incident on Twitter."

So the non-posting of pictures is now the purpose of a CEO, well that just widened the available pool of applicants if we ever need to replace Marvin.

Not running the organisation and managing its public image and fortunes or anything like that. I mean, that would be unprofessional, right?


I mean he's just like a cop, he has to be impartial about the situ-WAIT JUST A MINUTE YOU TRICKY ANON. That isn't what his role is at all!

Reply #458876 | Report this post

Years ago

Still no news on Joey?

Reply #458882 | Report this post

Years ago

Referees are supposed to stay on the court until everyone has left the arena. Generally they run away as soon as the game is concluded to avoid a confrontation after the game has concluded, usually based on their poor efforts. This is another example of where they keep on failing that Cooper fails to address.

Reply #458883 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

The refs at Perth usually leave straight away to a standing ovation from the crowd...

Reply #458886 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

"The NBL has deferred Joey Wright's hearing to a later date. Due to unanticipated work commitments & overseas absence of panel members"

Reply #458887 | Report this post

Kenny Mayne  
Years ago

I've suspected for years that Camel is a stoner.

Reply #458891 | Report this post

Years ago

Yay, that means we can continue to analyse for days to come! /sarcasm

Seriously though now the cases will be heard over a week after the intial incident and both clubs will have played another game or games.

Now THAT is unprofessional!

Reply #458892 | Report this post

Years ago

Can't believe the NBL hasn't settled the matter yet. Amateurs.

Reply #458894 | Report this post

Nathan of Perth  
Years ago

Ludicrous situation.

Reply #458903 | Report this post

Wildcat Fan  
Years ago

Yep. Its a joke alright.

Thought the "fight" was great for the league when it happened. The buzz around the league in mainstream news was as high as its ever been.

But now I'm really over it - and Im sure every one else is too. Its now making the league look amateur that they haven't sorted it out by now.

Reply #458906 | Report this post

Years ago


there is a lot of sand in lots of vagina's on here at the moment...

Wake me when a real issue develops.

Reply #458921 | Report this post

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